1 fflt SEMIWEtKlY IRIBIM IRA L BARM, PuUllahsr TBRM8, LJ IK ADVANCJO MARTH PLATTI NIHRASKA WOMEN IN DAYS OF PHARAOH Marrlago Contract Shows That Ladles; , of Egypt Were Not Unduly Oppressed. Moot of us mnko tho acquaintance of Egypt In the splendidly dramatic Htory of Joseph and IiIh brethren, and so look on Pharaoh and his pcoplo nu gloomy and malign persecutors, fit only to bo HWnllowed up In the lied Ben waves. Or wo read of tho grnveH nnd sober monuments of tho N'llo val ley, with their perpetual reminders of death and tho kingdom of night; with tin result that wo are hardly prepared to realize tho gay and lightsome sldo of tho nnlcent Egyptian life, or to credit the thought that thoso tomb builders could ever brenk Into u smile. But there was a side of gayoty nnd of charm, nnd Just as wo are find ing that so many of our deeper and inoro philosophical thoughts go back to tho pcoplo of tho Delta, so wo nro beginning to discover tho originals of nil our Jokes In tho burled cities of tho Nile. That ladles wero not unduly op pressed In tho land of tho Pharaohs, wo may gather from Hits marrlago contract, from n fourth-century Demc tlo manuscript, but dating In form to far older tlmcHi "I," sayB tho Lady Iris, "tnko thco as my hushnnd. Thou mokest mo thy wlfo, and glvest me, In token of dower, Jive-tenths of silver. If I discharge theo as my husbnnd, hating theo nnd loving another more than thee, I shall glvo and return to tho two nnd a half tenths of silver, of what thou gavost mo as my dower, and I cede unto theo nil and ovorythlng that I shall acquire with thee, one-third pnrt, as long as thou art married unto me." Not oven Chicago or Itcno can boast of n frankor marriage contract than that; and thero Is something wonder fully nnlve in tho ldoa of tho good lady Isla "discharging" her lord, on tho ground thnt sho hates him and loves another better. Tho Bum sho returns him, nB part of her now canceled wod or, 1b about equal to a silver dollar. So wo havo still something to learn In mnrltal levity and femlnino import ouenesB. Harper's Weekly. i Pays Church to Advertise. "I have drawn people to hear my sermons by advertising. I havo ati 'tracted them with moving pictures, hot suppers, pink tcaa nnd flowers nnd flags. It I have had any degreo of success in Spokane It is because of the liberal uso of printer's ink," sayH Ttev. Dr. Jnmes V. Kramer, pastor of -tho First Baptist church, who camo to Spokane from South Carolina two years ago. "Thoro is something worso thnn son sntlonnllsm. It Is tho Inability of tho church to produco life. Tho church that does not ndvertlso Ib behind tho times nnd is nursing empty pows, and ho who rails against tho minister for advertising is Buffering for a congro cation. "I am not an advocate of ragtlmo methods or vulgar preaching, but I dd plead for tho church which Is a hum ming plant of machinery, with llvo coals In tho firebox, smoke curling from tho stack and every belt, wheel and pulley going. "I believe, too, that tho pcoplo need instruction and that a minister of tho gospel Is, first, lnat nnd nil tho tlmo, a teacher. There must bo life." Diamond Toys. Andrew Carnegie at ono of his fa mous dinners In New York, talked about the prodigal and ostentatious ex penditure of a certain typo ot New York millionaires, rio takes a Valquer," Bald Mr. Car negie, "and cuts It Into three strips bo that It will go on a screen. Paul Hour geL told the world about that, And I heard, the other day, another thing anout htm, "A gentleman was being shown over the 3,000,000 palace ot ono of those millionaires. The gentleman stop ped beforo an enormous mirror and fluid: '"What n largo and perfect glass! Pity it's scratched.' "'It's rather a pity,' said tho mil lionaire, carelessly; and, turning to his major domo, ho said; 'Don't lot tho .children havo any more diamonds to play with, Maurice.' " A. Hongkong Brewery. A number ot attempts havo boon mado In Hongkong to establish a brewery, out tno ursi successful ono is the Oriental brewery, which com tnenced operations early In 1009. Tho buildings are extensive nnd the brew ery installation Is of the tnoHt modern American type, having n capacity ot '100,000 barrolB of boor a year. Amort con capital is understood to be back of the, enterprise, which Is nlready successfully competing with tho Jap anese and Tslngtau beers. Pussy's Rival. Flgg It's singular how those old (writers llvo on nnd on. I can under stand It In Plutarch's enso. Fogg Why Plutarch especially? Ft Kg His lives outnumber those ot a cat. Where It Is Needed. aaia niie u is reported that an Ohio genius has Invented an apparatus for piercing tha ears without pain. Said Ho That's good. I hope con gres wjll enact a law compelling (every wmateur vocalist to use It. For Hot When tho sun strengthens and blazes in tho sky and heat becomes a factor to reckon with In dress, nnd everything else, millinery must bo cool looking or it will fall to bo attractive. All whlto or combinations of white with black, glvo us tho crlspest nnd best effects for tho dog dayB. But white sot off with a bit of scarlot, deft bluo or leaf green is smart and effectlvo also, and may bo chosen in stead of whlto with black. Black for day time woar Is not cool looking oxcopt whon mado of the thin est fabrics, like laco and not The big black hats of hair braid or pyroxyllne nro lacy In toxturo and tho admiration and the darling of the summer girl's heart. This season they bolong to tho i'mystery" class; thoso lints that como down over the head, veiling tho eyes and showing tho profllo from one side only. Tho corday hats of net and lace CHARMING LINGERIE GOWN Exceedingly Pretty Dress Eminently Sultablo for Garden Party or River Wear. A very chnrmlng lingerie gown has a smartly cut skirt tucked flounce. upon which appears a row ot van dyked Insertion, tho Insertion being continued at the top of tho flounce In tho snme form, and appearing at In tervals upon the skirt, tho center 1m- medlntely below tho knee being beau tifully embroidered, Tho bodice has a collar of Valenciennes lace, inser tions ot which appear in dainty design upon the bodice and upon tho long sleeves and waist belt, tho center of the,, bodtco being embroidered to match tho skirt, This la nn exceeding ly pretty and useful model, and Is eminently Buttnblo for garden party or river wear. This model Is the one il lustrated above. Effective Sofa Pillows. An effective and easily made sofa pillow for a sumnior homo is mado in oblong shape, 14 by 20 Inches. Tho pillow is covered with plain heavy weave crash In ecru or grny. Two InchoB from each end are bunds of flowered cretonne three Inches wide crossing: tho pillow. These bands ore edged on both sldos with narrow ecru lace applied flat. Another variation had the body of the pillow of flowered chint or ere .tonne wih bands of Igured ecru Hn en auch'r.8 la used for furniture cov ring. The end a ot thla pillow have a two-Inch wide linen lace In ecru tlnu Weathef. or those made on tho "holmot" shapes havo captivated aa many as tho big drooping picture hats. A lovely hat for tho hot weather Is shown hero mndo of dead whlto chip, overlaid with black chantllly laco. A grouping of four lmmenso roses In tulle and silk is mounted across tho front, they nro nlmost colorless with a blush of palo pink at tho odges of fomo of the petals. Tho effect 1b of millinery as light ns nlr. A pretty Bailor for practical wear Is trimmed with whlto wings and a coro net of plaited ribbon across tho front. Tho Bhnpo is a Milan In tho natural palo yellow of tho finished hat. All tho trimming Is pure white and a crisp satin faced ribbon is chosen for making tho plaiting. A flouting washable lace veil is the thing generally worn with these sailors. ART IN WEARING OF SASH Height and Breadth Can Be Increased or Toned Dowi by Draping of Sash. Thero la a great deal of art In the wearing of a sash. Ono enn Incroaso one's height or one's breadth, adorn a plain gown, tono down an elaborate one, glvo a touch of distinction to ono's wholo appearance, simply by the way in which tho sash Is draped and adjusted. Try wearing tho Bash In shawl stylo over the shoulders, caught by a Btltch In back and tucked under tho girdle, to fall In diagonal lengths to JubI abovo tho -ankles. Or wind It twice around tho waist. Ilka a girdle; cross it In front and fnBten with n knot at tho sldos of tho Bklrt below tho knees. Then thero Is the Scotch tnrtnn ef fect, especially attractive with n plaid scarf, whero thero Is a broad band over the left Bhoulder. n nnrmw draped ono over tho bnck and tho right, and n knot at tho waist on tho loft side, bo that tho Bash falls In a broad width almost to tho bottom of the frock. Tho adjustment of tho sash may well havo reference to tho conceal ment of some defect in tho garmont it covers a tiny tear, perhaps, or an inerndlcablo stain. It should empha size the good points of tho figure and hide tho bad. That la why tho old fashion of the Btlff bow at tho back was bo bad; it mado every woman look stout. Glvo a, lttlo thought to the draping of your sash, and half your battle for beauty of appearance In won. The Dainty Negligee. T" I a it . uixiuiy negligees appeal to most women and when these pretty gap nicnts enn be mndo at home without mucn irouuio tney nro especially In tonating. In ono model seen ncnnl. ly tho hiatorlal was fine white cross bar dimity and might have been cut by a simple long kimono pattern. The iiectt wns nnisneu with a largo Bhawl vunui ui iiuraian mwn nnd vnlen clonnes Insertion, and tho. lnrm ing Bieevea were in the same lingerie effect. Both sleeves and collar wore edged with a laco frill. A caslnir of tho lawn wns sowed on the trnu-n ot short waist length and was threaded with pink ribbons which tied In the iroui bi me enus or tho deep collar. Tulle Roses. A charming trimming on a nlnk .in evening dress seen recently consisted of a clustor of five roses, formed o pink tullo, with green tulle stemi iwistea over thin wire, sewed to thi r aide of tho low neck. The effeci ras exceedingly attractive, and anowea again tne value of the lltth touches to raise a gown from tha com taonplac. CABINET HEItn Is no iweetner of piny llko the connclounncJH ot wnrk wnll ilnne: with nil wh obey licr. duty hns n nnlill oi re Inforcliitr delight. -I- K. Miller. DIET HINTS. A good complexion Is worth striving for. An innctlvo Hvor, tho cause of innny complexion Ills, Is n condition that may be remedied, If not cured, by cl"so nttcntlon to diet nnd exerclso. 1. e making of beds, Ib said by thoao who know, to bo tho best of exerclso for tho liver. Those who alt a great deal nro apt to linvo sluggish liver. A good rule to obaervc Is to stand at least half an hour after eating, walk ing slowly la better; tho food has thus a better clmnco to digest. A cup of hot wnter taken on rising Is recommended by some physicians, nnd a glass of cold water on retiring. As to foods that will remedy this stato of liver, fruits, such aB apples, prunes, figs, dntes nnd strawberries nro essentials of dally living. One physlclnn ndvocates the uso of n few ounces of plain molnsses enndy at the end of a meal. Fruits may bo eaten at any time. All broths except mut ton are good; poultry and beof, vege tables and vegetable eoups are deBlr able on this dietary list. No treatment that Is limited to the diet alono will show any beneficial re sults unloss exercises are taken in connection. Walking briskly should bo regnrded as part of tho treatment At lenst an hour ench day should bo spent In this healthful exerclso. Night and morning, when unrestrained by tight clothing, different exercises Fhould be taken. An excellent one to quicken tho action of the liver Is to stnnd or sit twisting tho body first to ono side and then the other nB far around ns It can go without ono's moving on tho sent; the object is to pull cords and muscles in tho ab dominal region. Mnny exorcises un less carefully followed nro decidedly harmful Instead of helpful. S THE uncouth oyster, thai lies beneath the deep. With In Itn rouirh nn.l linmnlv shell n nrecloua nearl mr.v keen Kb Kemn of precious value and veins ot of richest gold Mny lie beneath the surface of a naked, bloomloHH mould So God oft hides a henrt with th noblest trnltn endowed In one to whom ho hath no outward craco allowed." Jnmes Gardner. FRUIT SIRUPS AND JUICES. A Fruit sirups for sauces, drinks, Ices, kco creams and other desserts Is one of the most desirable of ways to pre serve fruit. Almost any fruit can be used. Caro must be taken not to boll tho Juice too long as It destroys the color. If cnrcfully put up In sterll Ized bottles well scaled, it keeps the year round. Ono recipo will answer for all fruit juices anu mny ue oottied with or without sugar. Currant Juice If ster ilized nnd canned mny be UBed at any tlmo of year for making Jelly, adding sugnr and cooking the required tlmo. The amount of sugar to uso In the fruit sirup depends upon tho fruit used, for grapo Julco n cupful of sugar Is Btifllclont for a quart of the Juice; currants requlro moro, n pint of sugar to n quart of Juice. Tho only differ enco between Juices nnd sirups Is that more sugar Is used in sirups. Iced Tea. However tho doctorn nnd othcrt may regard Iced tea as bad for the health, It Is bound to be on our tables during the hot wenther. Iced tea to be good must be properly made nnd the most npproved method seems tc bo to pour tho freshly brewed tea over ico until cold, then .serve It in glaasci with chipped Ico. A moro economical noil as good n way Ib to make tho ten, stand it nway to cool, then add Ico ot stand It on Ico to chill. Tho Russians llko a bit of grated lomon peel added to tho hot tea, tken servo It with Blicea of lemon. A moro refreshing drink could not bo Imagined. Lemon Julco may bo passed In a pitcher ot quarters of lemon with a dish ol chopped Ico Ib often served with th ten. Mint leaves, lemon verbena, gin ger sirup and sparkling waters are often added. For very state occasions Iced ton poured over lemon, orange or pineapple sherbet Is a delicious dish. Sardine and Toast "Salad. Skin a dozen largo French surdities and shred finely. Toast as many long narrow strips of white bread thor oughly brown, cover with olive oil .id let stand nn hour to season. When ready to servo mix the bread and fish together, sonson with salt, cayenn and a little lemon Juice, rub a small pleco of toast with garlic and remove Just beforo serving. Fig Salad. This dish may moro properly be called a dessert than n salad. Steam a dozen puuea ngs until uort, pour over them a cupful of strained honey Let the dish stand on Ice until serving time. To two cupfuls of whipped cream ada a quarter of a cupful of fruit olrup and aorve. ' S ALMOST 400 YEARS OLD Nils Fiddle an Interesting and Valu able Example of the Medieval Violin Maker's Art. St Louis, Mo. Almost four hun drod years ngo, to bo precise In 1523, Qaspnro Dulffo Prugcar, of Orcsla, n noted maker ot sacred mo saics nnd violins, built n fiddle. Be- cutiBo ho did It ns n sacred labor he Imparted to It a tono and an ornnmontatlon which today makes it probably ono of tho moBt Interesting and valunblo examples of tho medieval violin mnkor'B art in tho country. "The Old Man." Tho instrument is tho property ol Frederick L. Neddermeyor. Tho own er calls it affectionately "the old man," and plnys It when ho hns a concerto or an aria that demands pe culiar largeness of tono. The modern name of the violin hat boon gained from n finely carved head of St. Paul, which omamontB the end of tho "handle," and which prob ably served ns nn Inspiration to th original owner, undoubtedly a monk Around tho sides of tho body of the Instrument In large letters is carved this legend: "Nlcolo do Bobcrti delta Domini nrleso del Bresta." On th back nro two mosaics, ono the head ot a monk, probably tho man who played It when it wns now, tho other a plo turo ot tho monastery and city ol Brescia. Mr. Neddermeyer secured tho In strument some years ago through Mrs Franz Kunzo, wife of Dr. Kunze, 'and whllo ho wns studying in Lelpsio un- dor the famous violin master, Hanz Sltt The violin has a most beautiful tone, and some of Its notes are almost cello like. BUILDING WITH A HISTORY Stands In Rennselaer, New York, and la Supposed to oe the Oldest In the Unites States. Albany, N. Y. In the town of Renn- solaer, N. Y., which lies directly across the Hudson from Albany, there stands an old weather-beaten build ing to which is attached a great denl of historic interest and import It is unoccupied nnd is surrounded by tall weeds that the hand of neglect has fostered and raised In abundance. It Is built of brick, is two stories high and tho mnrks of many years stand prominent upon Its battered front. A large tablet on Its wall stands out boldly to the public gaze and pro claims that the structure Is supposed to bo the oldest building In tho Uni ted States. Tho dato of Its erection according to the tnblet, is 1G42. Th. building wns built as -a manor house and ptaco of defense and was known as Fort Cralo. While marching to at tack Fort TIconderoga, ln1758, Qen- An Hlstorlo Building. ernl Abercromblo made his headquar tcra there. The tablet finally declares that Army Surgeon R. ShuckburK com posed tho popular national eong, "Yan kee Doodle," while upon the grounds near the old building. Qun holes may be seen In the front of the historic old structure, and the old flag pole, standing on Un roof, Is still prominent to view. Doubtless, there are many Modus of bravery and courage which have never Htolon Into the pages of history connected with this manor house of the uuven teenth century, The building Is substantial even yet, It will see many yeura of standing be foro the hand of decay can tumblo It Into ruin. The house Is ono of the re maining relics of tho days whon our nation's spirit was tested nnd tried. Whale Had Big Jawbones. New York. The Jawbone of tho lurgost whnlo'ever caught by Japanese whalers have arrived here, consigned to the Museum of Natural History. The bones weigh fifty-five tons no,. 000 pounds. They are forty feat long and wero transported front tho steam ship pier on a large truck drawn by twelve horses, The whale was caught off WoJI, Japan, and wan more than 200 feci over all. Tbe tall waa thirty feet loag. llllill Constipation Vanishes Forever Pronpt Relief Pcmsuw&t Car CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS new- 13. Purely, veget- bl set surely but genUy ue urer. Stop after dicoet cureindU' eeiuon improve the complexion brighten the eyes. Small Pill, Small Dsit, Small Price) Genuine buuUm Signature . STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice qualltj-j ml nnd roans, white faces or Bogus bought on orders. Tens of Thousands to select from. Satisfaction Guar anteed. CorrCMpoudeuce Invited. Cutno and see for yourself, National Live Stock Com. Cov At either EUnaaaCily.Ma.. St. Joitph.Mo., S.Omaaa.rlab Dettqr a nagless wlfo than a horse less carriage. Lewis' Single Binder gives a man what he wants, a rich, mcllow-'-nitinjc cigar. A woman tells her troubles to a doc tor; a man tells his to p lawyer. m.rieree's PlMMnt Pellet rr put op 40 rears ao. The revulato nnd Invigorate lomch,llTr and bowels. Sugar-coated tin granulet. Tho mlnuto a man begins to try to save money his friends call him a tightwad. A woman mpy or may not try to avoid muddy crossings; it all dopends upon her understandings. Go- Mentions nro always hot stuff; that Ib why they aro used for paving material lu a cortaln locality. Didn't Want His Chewed. Bill Don't you like to Bee a dog chewing a bone? till Yes, if it's not ono of my own. Game. The Creditor Will you pay this bill tow, or neverT The Debtor Mighty nice of you to give mo my choice, oi'i scout. I choose never. ( Oplnk-ns Aired. "Were tho commencement exur clses Interesting?" "Very. The tlmo was tjlvldod bt tween advlco from public men on tho selection of a career and suggestions from graduates on how to run the covernmdnt." A Bernhardt Trick. - Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, who Ib sup posed to be something of an artist as, well as an actreBB, was recently call ed upon In one of her marvelous crea tions to enact the role of a sculptor,, and to model a certain bust In view of the audience. This fairly electrified! the critics, but when going into rhap sodies over tho technical skill in han dling the clay which Mme. Bernhardt' exhibited thoy showed that they knew little of the artistic tricks ot actors and actresses; as a matter of fact, bdo does nothing of the kind. Tho bust 1 . 1 . i i . I . is uiuuoieu uuu uuaea. anu over it ib placed damp clay of tho samo color.. This tho talented actress merely pulls off, exposing tho beautifully modeled) head underneath. In the Desert. Hero is a gllmpso of tho horrors ot a wostern desert, taken f rotn the Gold field (Nov.) Nows: "Another desert victim is reported, nnd Archio Camp bell, maiinger of tho Last Chanco n sing proporty near Death valley, camo to Goldfleld yesterday to en deavor to establish tho Identity of tho unfortunate. "Mr. Campbell encountered tho un known man on tho desert In a fright- nu condition, no was in tne last stages of desert exhaustion, dovold of clothing, sunburned, blistered and crazod, with his tonguo swollen enor mously, a pltlablo object, and unable to speak. "Ho was tondorly conveyod to camp and ovorythlng posslblo done for him, but kind aid camo too lato, for an hour after he had absorbed the first cup or water ho explrod. Convenient For Any Meal Post Toasties i Are aways roady to serve right from the box with the addition of cream or milk. Especially pleasing with berries; or; fresh fruit. Delicious,, wholesome, economical' food, which saves a lot oft cooking in hot weather, "The MwnotUhgers" ruirrtmostRjeAi, oo, u. Bttl0Mk.UUh. .sssssssr 1 JMM f ADTFDsl BBBSjaSBBSISBSBSBSBSBI s JsFltK ajsasasBSBW I -