1 SOMETIMES. DRIVEN ALMOST CRAZY. HER LIFE TO Lydln E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound r xUKUivt Jul- x waa irouuivu ntn puling and Inflammation, and tho doc blMWit Rot well t-nlosg I nut-.. tii -I was troubkd with had an operation. I know I could not stand tho strain of ono, bo I wroto to YiTiyou uomodmo afro about my uoaith and you told mo irvuat to ao. Alter 'rtkinfr Lydla E. Plnkham's vogota. bio Compound and TUnnfl "PnHrt nr T fim to-day a well woman." Mrs. William ojuus, voo w.aiscat., uuicago, in. Lydla E. Pinlcham'a Vogotablo Com pound, mado from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record for the largest number of actual cures Df female diseases of any similar medi cine In tho country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials nro on fllo In the Plnkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who havo been eured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, . uU ceratlon,dIsplacements,flbroid tumors, rregularitieB, periodic pains,backacho, Indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such Bufferingivoman owes it to horself to givo Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advico About your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. PJnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advico is free, luxd always helpful. TUBERCULOSIS IN THE PRISON Per Cent, of 8ufferers Is Enormous and There Seems but One Remedy. Prom several Investigations that have been made by the National As sociation for tho Study and Proven tlon of Tuberculosis, tt Is estimated that on an avorngo about fifteen per cent, of the prison population of thr country Is afflicted with tuberculosis. On this basis, out of the 80,000 prison era housed in tho penal Institution! of the United States at any given time, not less than 12,000 are Infected with this disease If the Philippine Islands and other Insular possessions were taken Into consideration the number wpuld be much larger. Some of tho prisons of Pennsylvania, Kan 8os and Ohio show such shocking con ditions with roferenco to tuberculosis that many wardens admit that these places of detention are death traps. Similar conditions could bo found in almost every state, and in tho major ity of cases the only suro romody Is tho destruction of the old bulldlngi and tho oroctlon of now ones. Quaint Table Manners. Jerome S. McWnde, thoDuluth mil Uonalro, talked at a dinner about tbs delights of a backwoods vacation. "I go to a quaint bnckwoods village every summer," ho said, "and number less are tho quaint peoplo I meet there. "Old Boucher, for Instance, the Jan Itor of the village church, is most amusing with his quaint ways. I had old Boucher to lunch ono day, and the cold lobster was served with a mayonnaise sauce. When my servant offered this sauce to Boucher, the old man stuck his knife in It, took up (. little on tho blade, tasted it, then shook hU head and said: " 'Don't cbooso none.' " A Treasure. "Your new maid looks very dls crcet." "Indeed, she is. She even knocks at all the drawers before opening them." Polo Molo. Summer Comfort There's solid satisfac tion and delightful re freshment in a glass of Iced Postum Served with Sugar and a little Lemon. Postum contains the natural food elements of field grains and is really a food drink that relieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. Pure, Wholesome, Delicious "There's a Reason" POUTUM CEKXAL CO., IM., Ilatlle Creak, Mlcli. Bungling Diplomats Cause Trouble O o WASHINGTON. Ignoranco on tho part of amateur diplomats con cerning tho proper form of diplomatic correspondence nearly precipitated n war scaro in two nations not long Blnce. It was announced that tho em peror of Germany hnd deliberately affronted the United States govern ment by employing affectionate terms n addressing President Mndrlz of Nicaragua, whom our government had refused to recognize. "Great and Good Friend," Is tho way tho kaiser's letter to Madrlz was commenced. This had slnlnter sig nificance to tho nmateurs. Immedi ately the newspapers wcro filled with stories that Germany had espoused tho cause of Mndrlz; that tho Monroe doctrine had been thrown down nnd repudiated by the warllko kaiser;; aUo the emperor had been nctlng queerly of late and undoubtedly was bent on mnklng nil tho trouble he could for tho United States. After a little Inquiry tho war scare faded away. . "In all probability," said a state de partment official, "the emperor nover Bad Land Title A REPORT made to congress by a commission appointed to examine land titles In tho District of Columbia discloses that many lots of land occu pied by modern business houses and residences In tho national capital aro Btlll owned by the government, not withstanding the present tenants be lieve they have a clear title to the property. This question of land titles in the .national capital Is not a new one. Two years ago congress created a commis sion to study It The commission con sisted of the attorney general, tho sec retary of war, Senntor Scott of West Virginia, Representative Bartholdt of Missouri, and ono of tho district com missioners. The report reveals a hor rible land tangle, which the courts will probably never bo nblo to straighten out. The tanglo Is the outcome of tho wild speculation In real estate that took place for a good many years after the capital was laid out. Prlvato lands wero acquired in Now Planning a DI5ER and elk preserves may play an Important part in reducing the high cost of beef. According to gov ernment experts who hnve made an Investigation of the cost nnd methods of raising venison, declare that tho game laws of tho various states aro preventing deer and elk farming and denying the country one of Ub chief sources of cheap and good meat. Deer nnd elk enn be raised readily In neur ly every state In the Union. They aro easily controlled and cheaply fed. The Increase of elk under domestica tion Is fully equal to that of cattle. Tho state and the government, through its Yellowstone park officials, have co-operated with individual ranchmen In cnrlng for the vnst herds of elk In the Jackson's Hole region In Wyoming. It Is estimated that thore are 30,000 elk In the YellowBtone park region, constituting the only grent herd left. For two or three winters these elk havo been fed, and hnve now RESTRICTIVE" cft- Government's Census of Indian Wards IN the present census the govern ment has made a grotft effort to ob tain, through special ngents, full and nuthentlc data concerning the tribal relations of the Indians, as a decade hence when the fourteenth census will be taken, it probably will be found that those Indians who are now de pendent wards of tho nation have be come full-fledged citizens. The Indian population of the United States decreased in the decade from 1890 to 1900, from 273,607 to 260,760. In 1880 the care of the Indians cost the national government $5,206,109; n 1909 the coat had risen to f 15, '34,162, more than three times aa luch. The total attendance of In ulan children In schools conducted by know that tho noto In queslion was sent. It wns a regular routlno mntr In tho German foreign ofivoo and fol lowed tho stereotyped form. Nntlons nro excessively pollto to one another In their Interchange of communications. Every letter that rocb out from th Btnto department to a foreign government has this cere monial finish: "Accept, excellency, tho renewed as Burnuco of my highest consideration." Tho ccrtuonnll letters of all coun tries begin In about tho samo way. For Instnnco, nil of England's com munications begin: , , "George V., by tho Grace of God, of tho United Kingdom of Great Britain nnd Ireland, king, defender of tho faith, emperor of Indln, etc." "Nicholas, by tho Grnco of God, em peror autocrat of all tho Russlas, czar of Casan, czar of Astracnu, etc., lord of Plescott und grand duko of Smo lensky etc." Germany's letters are very much llko thoso of Russia, in that they bo gin by, announcing all the titles of tho ruling potentate. "William II., by God's grace, emperor-of Gormnny and king of- Prussia," utc, Is the wny tho present emperor addresses his cere monial letters. Tho omperor writes with a quill pen, nnd If one mny judgo by his slgnnturo on fllo In tho Btnto department, does not take much time about 1L Tangle Is Revealed Washington, in tho early days, by a very simple process. Tho territory "not exceeding" ten miles square was ceded to tho United ' Stntos govern ment by Maryland und Virginia and placed under the authority of three commissioners, appointed by the presi dent. They or any two of them wero required, under tho direction of tho president, to survey and by proper metes and bounds define and limit a district of territory, and tho torrltory so defined was established as a perma nent scat of the government of tho United States. Power was given tho commissioners to purchase or accept land on tho eastern sldo of the Poto mac, for the use of tho United States, and the commissioners were further required to provide suitable buildings for the accommodation of congress, the president and public officers of tho government of tho United' States. It wns to raise monoy to erect tho pub lic buildings that the government planned to sell Its land to private par ties. No sooner had tho capital city been lntd out than land speculators ap peared on tho scene, and as a result of their operations, It 1b asserted, much land which belonged to tho govern ment Illegally passed to individual ownors. Substitute for Beef come to look upon the feeding na n matter of course, and State Game Warden Nowlin of Wyoming, who has led the feeding experiments, says that the last of tho great elk herds la be coming rapidly domesticated. Several ranchmen In the Rocky mountain coun try havo conducted private elk pre serves for years. Outside of the prl vato elk preserves there aro fow herds loft In the west. Barret Llttlefleld, who lives near Sinter, has several hundred elk on his grent rnnch. Every season he ships many carcasses of elk to tho Denver market, besides supplying zoological gardens throughout the country. He hnn found It profitable to raise elk for tho mnrkot so profitable that he abandoned tho cattle business years ago nnd hasdevoted himself entirely to the raising of venison. There nro two other elk preserves In northwest ern Colorado. J. B. Dawson, a Routt county pioneer, has several hundred head of elk on his rnnch near Hnyden. In nearly every state In tho Union the killing of deer Is forbidden ex cepting In the fall and during a lim ited period. If deer and elk nre to be raised for the market the venison farmer must be allowed to kill for the market, whenever the demand Is there. the government or by missionary en terprise is 25,777. in these schoola no effort Is spared to teach the child some Industry by which he may sup port himself whon he comes of age, and the Indians are gradually learn ing to live by tho sweat of the brow upon the product of their own self respecting handiwork, rather than up on the bounty of the government. The Apache Indians employed on tho Roosevelt reclamation project tin der tho net of June 17, 1902, earned $34,000 in 1909, and rendered eminent ly .satisfactory service In regions where, on account of the heat, a whlto man could not have labored. Sheep herding has given profitable employ ment to many hundreds of Navnjos nnd Pueblos In tho past year, and Pima and Papago Indians, employed as navvies on the Southorn Pacific railway, earned many thousands of dollars. The Sioux farmers have done well, though they are deficient In th quality of persistent patience tha make the most successful soit of as rlcultural laborer. Henderson When a mnn marries ho keeps IiIb wlfo in dresses, hats, shoes In fact, everything sho nocds. What docj) a wlfo keep her husband in? llcnpeck (absently) Hot water. LEG A MASS0F HUMOR "About seven years ago a small abrasion appeared on my right leg just abovo my anklo. It Irritated mo so that I began to scratch it, and it began to spread until my leg from my anklo to tho kneo wns one solid scale llko a scab. The irritation was always worso at night and would not nllow mo to sleep, or my wlfo either, and it wns completely undermining our health. I lost fifty pounds In weight and wns almost out of my mind with pnln and chagrin as no matter whero tho Irritation came, at work, on tho street or in tho presenco of company, I would hnvo to scratch it until I hnd the bloodrunnlng down into my shoo. I simply cannot doscrlbo my Buffer ing during thoso soven years. Tho pain, mortification, loss of sleep, both to myself nnd wifo 1b simply inde scribable on paper nnd ono has to ex perience It to know what It Is. "I tried all kinds of doctors nnd rem edies but I might na Well havo thrown my money down n sower. They would dry up for a llttlo wbllo and fill mo with hopo only to break out ngnln just as bad if not worso. I had given up hopo of ever being cured when I was. Induced by my wlfo to give tho Cutl cura Remedies n trial. After taking tho Cutlcura Remedies for a llttlo whllo I began to see a change, and after taking a dozen bottles of Cutl cura Resolvent In conjunction with the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Oint ment, tho trouble had entlroly disap peared and my leg was as fine ns tho day I wns born. Now aftoralopso of b!x months with no signs of a recur roncb I feel perfectly safo in extend ing to you my heartfelt thankB for tho good the Cutlcura Remedies have dono for mo. I shnll always recommend them to my friends. W. H. Whlto, 312 E. Cabot St., Philadelphia, Pa., Fob. i and Apr. 13, 1909." i Doll House Library. A search for a child's short story, "Tho Griffin nnd tho Minor Canon," In n volume all by Itself revealed to n persistent city shopper the thought and money thnt are expended on the furnishing of dolls' houses. Book stores hnd not tho Btory In a sluglo volume, but In n department store one young woman Interviewed had re cently been transferred from tho toy department and was able to contribute a helpful hint. "1 think," alio said, "you can find It In one of the dolls' houses down stnlrB." Curiosity had by that time become a sauce to literature, so the shopper hurried downstairs to Inspect the doll houseB. Three of the most expensive houses contained libraries consisting of a scoro of dlmlnuttvo books nnd each book contained n child's story completo. Ono of them wns "The Griffin nnd the Minor Canon." Keeping It Dry. An old woman of a wealthy New Jersey family wbb going visiting, The coachman, who had not been In this country long, had just been equipped with a new uniform and n new silk hat. Before they had gone far It be gan to sprinkle, nnd the old woman told the coachman to fasten down the side curtdlns of tho wagonette. He drove up to a hitching post be side the road and, dismounting, hung his new hat on the post, nnd begun to fasten the curtains. The old woman noticed his bnre head and asked htm whero his hat was. "01 took It off me head, mum, so ns Is wouldn't get wet," the coachman replied. Try This, This 8ummer. Tho very next time you're hot, tired or thirsty, step up to n soda fountain und get a glass of Coca-Cola, it will cool you off, relieve your bodily and mental fatlguo and quench your thirst delightfully. At soda fountulna or carbonated In bottles 5c everywhere. Delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Bend to the Coca-Coin Co., Atlanta, a., for their free booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola' TellH what Coca Cola Is and why It Is so delicious, re freshing and thirst-quenching. And lend 2c stamp for the Coca-Cola llano ball Record Book for 1910 contnlns tho famouB poem "Casey At The Bat," records, schedules for both leagues ind other valuable baseball Informa tion compiled by authorities. There can be no greater mistake ban to supposo that the man wltb 11,000,000 is a million timer, happier ban the mnn wltb one dollar. Bakersfleld, Cal., Woman's Awful Suf fering, Mrs. II. W. llengy, 1515 L St., Ba kersfleld, Cal., snys: "Doctors failed to help mo and I waa in despair. Tho kidney secretions scalded terribly and pnssqd too freely. I often staggered as It drunk. I could not llo in bed over halt an hour. My sldo waa numb, sight affected, and n tingling sensa tion covered my body. It actually seemed ns if I would go crazy. 1 was saved from fatal Brlght's dlscaso by Doan's Kidney Pills nnd my health im proved woudorfully," Remember tho nano Doan's. For sale by all dealers. CO cents n box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Another Tradition Exploded, Two Englishmen wcro resting at tho "Red Uorso Inn" nt Stratford-on-Avon. Ono of them discovered a print picturing a low tumbling build ing underneath which was printed: "Tho House In Which Shakespeare Was Born." Turning to his friend In mild BiirprlBo ho pointed to tho print Ills frlond exhibited equal surprlso, and culled n waiter who nssured them of the accuracy of tho Inscription. "'Pon my word," snld tho observ ing Englishman, shaking his hend dubiously, "I thought ho was born in a manger!" Success Magazine t ... And They Wondered. Judgo Nicholas Longworth, who uied to sit on Ohio's supremo bench, looked unnaturally grave, and . n neighbor, In recognition of Ids facial depression, named a pet owl "Judgo Longworth." It wns tho very next day that an excited mnld broke up his wife's garden pnrly. "Oh, mndam," snld sho. "Mndam 1 Judgo Longworth has laid nn egg." Nipped In the Bud. Tho Minister (stopping to ten) No, thank you, I nuiBt decllno on tho cucumbers. Llttlo Tommlo Guess you'ro nfrald of tho tummy nche, but you don't need to bo, cuz when I havo It mamma al ways rubs " (1 I I) Boston Her- nld. Important to Mothers Exnmtno carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature CSaif&&kC In Ubo For Ovor SO YenrB. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought At the Shore. Polly I wonder how Cholly man ngCB to keep that wide-brimmed straw ou In a wind like this. Dolly Vacuum pressure. Judgo. Man will hnvo what ho desires, and will find what Is really best for htm. exactly us ho honestly seeks It. Froudo. A business man's lelsuro Is simply the tlmo ho doesn't know what to do with Mr. AVlnilorr'H (toothing- Syrup. For children teething, ofteiiitho guru a, retluceiln. djiuwUou,1Uj pain. curaa wind colic. gOcabolUa. Many a man who stops to think twlco falls to act once. There nre Imitation, don't be foolrd; Auk for Lewi' Single Binder cigar for Co. Tho Iamb that playa around a mint bed tempts fata. We Give Away Absolutely Free The People's Common Seme Medical I'.nfiliih, or Medicine simplilied, by H. V. f lerco, M. U., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur. illcal Instituto at Buffalo, a book of over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one tending 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this completo Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one and half million coplea were given away ns above. A new, up-to-dato revised edition Is now read for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis roNSARY Mudical Association, II. V. Pierce, M. D., Fresldentr Buffalo, N. Y, U. riimCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for rroman'a peonliar ailments good enough that Its maker re not afraid to print on its outside vtrepper k eyerr Ingredient. No Seorats No Deooptioa. THE ONE REMEDY for women which oontalna no aloobol sad no habit-forming drugs. Mad from native medicinal forest roots of well established curatira value. THI STEADY WHITS UCHT oamrVflal SIMPLE STATEMENT OF FACT Mr. Johnson Unable to See Where In Any Way He Had "Put His Foot In It." ft It is common to deplore tho lnck of humor in n porson. Yet tho very want of it mny save a cortaln amount of omlmrrnBsmont, ns wns tho casa on a cortaln occnslon with Prosldent Johnson. "Ho wns ono day," says a wrltor In Hnrper's Mngazlno, "visit ing my mothor, nnd a friend, Mm. Knox, n widow, ennio In. Sho had known Mr. Johnson somo yoars bo foro, whon ho wbb a member of the legislature, but they hnd not mot slnco then. "After mutual recognition, Mr. Johnson said, 'How is Mr. Knox? I hnvo not scon him lately.' "'Ho has been dead six yoars,' said Mrs. Knox. '"I thought I hadn't seen him on tho stroot,' snld Mr. Johnson, "Whon Mrs. Knox loft, my mother said, laughing, 'That was a funny tnla tako of yourn about Mr. Knox.' '"What mlfltako did I makoT' snld Johnson. 'I said I hadn't scon him on tho street, nnd I hadn't.1" One Side Enough. Senator William Aldon Smith tells of nn Irish Justlco of the 'peaco out in Michigan. In a trial tho ovldenco was all In nnd tho plantlff's attorney had mado a long nnd vory oloquent argument, when tho lawyer acting for tho dofenso nroso. "What aro you doing!" asked tho Justlco, ns tho lawyor began. "Going to present our sldo of the enso." "I don't want to hear both sides ar gued. It has tlndency to confusa Urn coort" Washlngtontan. Tho socrot of life la not to do whnt ono likes, but to try to llko that which ono lias to do; and one docs llko It in tlmo. D. M Cralk. Its great merit alone has enabled the Bitters to con tinue before the public for over 57 years. You really, ought to try a bottle for Poor Appetite, Indiges tion, Headache, Cramps, Diarrhoea and Malaria. You' can ahavo first tlmo you try with a - KNOWN THE WORLD OVER J I KM I V Initon.D.C. lloolufrM. High. n B lal H V aaf relertuooe. Heat iteulta. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 34-1910. of Cost Adviser, in Plain 1008 large oases and the keystone to health IS I IHOSTETTEFTSl 1 STOMACH f The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp, sold at a low nrico. Tlinr ara lamp tint ooit mom, but thm U no bettor lamp mid at nr price. Oonttruoled of kiIIU bran; nlckal plated catllr ipioleant aa ornament to anr room In anr house. There nothing known to tba art of lamp. making that can add to tha Taluo of tha HAYO Lamp aa a lis bt glTlnif lelr. Ktrrj dealer eyerrwhore. If not at jours, write to daaoripUTo circular to the neareit ag.nor of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IworporataJi