AUTOMOBILE RACER TURNS TO AEROPLANES Odd News From Big Cities PI 1 Stories of Strange Happenings in tho Metropolitan Towns m Uncle Sam Asks All to Swat the Fly f.TKV YORK.TIio wholo United 11 States government, with its vast Uea3tiry of wealth, its brainy states h.on and Insurgents, Its army and navy, its ImmoiiBO hordo of high iirows, ngnlnst tho poor little houso J-y! That'B tho Hno-up In a hitter war of extermination scheduled to set tho nation by tho cars and enlist tho cour ncoour support of every man, woman and cDUd in this broad land. Tho final ktioll of tho houso fly tins been sounded and tho hattlo has just bo pun. "Catch 'em and kill 'em; show no quarter" that Is tho war cry of tho army of extermination that Is to put forth every effort to rid tho land of tho Miiflca Domestlca, tho polite namo by which tho houso tly should bo ad dressed by strangers. Until tho scientists got busy with their Investigations tho hoiiBo fly was considered merely as a pestiferous In eoct, designed by tho Crcntor of all things merely to tako its bathdn tho iweot cream and maplo sirup, annoy tho lato morning sleeper, skato about with abandon on tho polished surfaco of shiny baldheads and prnctlso tho Morso telegraph codo on tho cleanest of windows. Long suffering hbusowlvon slnco tlmo began wero tho only realty activa enomlcs of tho scomlagly Insignificant little fly, and they nlont and unaided applied tho improcatlons and ,dlsh cloths vigorously against the nuisance. Out after tho scientists got onto the 'Gators and Insects NEW ORLEANS. Moro than 1,000, 000 acres of marsh land lying with in CO miles of Now Orleans nro to bo drained, roclatmod and transformed from a wtldorncss into gardens, homes, hamlets and towns, Tho work of re claiming somo 60,000 acres within tho corporato limits of Now Orleans is now well under wny, whilo contracts bavo boon let for tho reclamation of fully 100,000 acres additional in ad joining parishes. This Jioans that within two years tho alligator wljl no longer And abori ginal harborage In tho Carnival city, that tho breeding grounds of countless billions of mosquitoes will bo turned Into highly producttvo farms on which mosquitoes cannot breed, that hun No Corsets are Worn at West Point WASHINGTON. "I havo often beard a question as to whothcr Wost l'olnters woro corsets. It Is absurd in a way, bocauso should any offominato youngster resort to such a thing it would bo impossible to keep the affair n secret, and onco known his school llfo would become n burden to him on account of tho ondlosu amount of criti cism ho would rocotvo from his fol lows. Ho would bo mado the laughing-stock of tho school and would soon find hlniBolf tho possessor of any num ber of offominato nicknames that would grate upon hla curs In any but a pleasant manner. "It is true," continued tho old sol dlor, who was np other than, Col. K. B. Collins, a rotlrod army officer, In a Dentists BelieVe They Have a Kick CHICAGO. "iWoll, I don't know what under tho shining forcops I am go ing to do, anyway," and a dentist in tho Maeonto- temple-sighed a porfect mammoth of n sigh. "The, nattor! Hair, Just plain hair. No not plalUi either. Now, for In stance. A lady cnino up to rriy ofllco tho other day and wanted her teoth fixed', and finally I took, hold of tho top of, hor,head"wlth ono handt while I worked ijxitb,! the other.- Thea turued.tway, to, get in instrument; with me. Sua simply froie mo 'up, and she didn't coma back to pay her SB 133 Job tho fight against tho Insect began to assume proportions of magnitude. That little Insect which the average citizen A-ua wont to regard merely aa a domestic pest Is now branded as the most dangerous creature on earth. The houso fly has been publicly indicted na a murderer of tho human race, the greatest dlscaso propagator and the carrier A moro mennclng and malig nant germs than all other creatures put together. This llttlo, but potent, messenger of death wanders from tho sick room, from tho filth of tho garbago pall, from tho heaps of rcfuso of ull kinds Into tho peaceful, happq homes of our land, walks upon tho butter, tho meat, tho fruit, tho sugar, takes a bath in tho milk, leaving overywhoro tho germs of dlscaso that have gathered upon Its furry feet and body. About half tho deaths from typhoid In New York, according to tho health authorities, nro attributed directly to tho distribution of germs by. houso flics. And worso than that, tho figures show that of 7,000 deaths of cooing babies In that city from Infantile dls- eases, moro than 5,000 woro traced to Infection carried by houso flies. According to a noted scientist tho extermination of tho post Is compara tively easy. All that Is necessary, ho says, Is a systematic effort on tho part of tho public. If all tho people will practtso tho utmost cleanliness, It is declared, tho houso fly will bo extinct In this country within a few years, for tho houso fly cannot exist without tilth, "Cleanliness," then, Is tho watchword for tho American public to put an end to nn Insect that is not only a terrlblo nuisance but a terrlblo instrument of death to thousands of our population overy year. Hunt New. Home dreds of milts of paved roadwnys will lead from Now Orloans north, oast and west, and that for tho first tlmo In Its history New Orleans will poscss sub urbs. Tho nearest town or settlement of any conscquonco is now CO miles dls tnnt from Now Orleans. Within fifty miles of every largo city in tho coun try a million or moro pcoplo resldo, nnd many Industries dovolop business and wealth for tho urban population. This Is tho end Now Orleans Is working to and will have reached, Id largo part, nnyway, by tho timo tho Panama cannl Is opened to tho ships of tho world. Monnwhllo modorn soworngo and dralnngo within tho city proper have practically and wholly Solved tho city's sanitary problems, and tho discovery of a slmplo method of filtering tho waters of tho Mississippi river has given tho city n puro wator sorvlco ex- colled by none In tho world. These sys toniB are In oporatlon nnd nro nearly comploto. Thoy havo cost tho city about $25,000,000. discussion of west Pointers, "that many West Pointers acqulro a flguro of perfection of symmetry and a car rlngo tho acmo of manly grace, but thoso nro duo not to any Ingenious np pllancea, but to tho systematic drills and exercises that mako tho cadet, to a certain extent, nn nthlote. At tho outsot those young follows nro put through what nro callod tho 'sotting up' exercises, tholr object being to stralghton tho body and dovolop the chost. Ono might suppose that it would roqulro a great amount of such exor cise to mako any marked showing, but throo long hours of such exercise dally will soon produco bonollclal re sults In tho most stooped forms. "Tho cadet uniform Is also a great help In this direction. Tho dross coat is tight, very tight. Tho shouldors aro heavily padded in order to glvo thorn a squnro offoct. Tho chest Is mado thick, so that there will be no danger of wrinkling. All this fot- tho snko of looks; comfort has no? plnco In tho mako-up of a Wost Pointer; It is dis cipline and looks." di i outior. Say. this now tnnrtoA i. ' i .... ... o imir aiyiu. is-putting mo to tho bad. niiimu ui mo wnoio thing Is that, tho heads, or rather tho hair, won't Ht Into tho headrests i nnvo mod an manner of rfchomnn. nn.i oven had a now hoadrest built along iiiius wini i was suro would fit, but tno neaUB simply won't fit into any u wo uo succood in getting tho mass laid out aud tucked awnv rnirn. fully whoro It won't bother us,-wo Vot ouiifuiuiuis .jiiiu una; 1 -v (Oh, morcy, doctor, you arenrtfss ingtmy halrdul im, And I am. going to it party mis nrternoon, too.' ' i. ' "Out tho most uaual thing 1st 'Oh doctor, thero Is a hairpin sticking In my 'head. Walt a minute. O. dear. iVn coming 'down. Doctor, do stop a mini uto while I fasten up my braid.' ' "I Jo toll you whnt, tho dentists ought to got togothor and boycott tho preiont stylo of hah-dresn, or dlso in slsti that al flxtra:haic"ba:takea'-ofr befbro any dental' work Will bo dhrin. That would settle It, all right," tma tereocraph.eepTtlgbt, tj Underwood JttJndrwood,lt,T. Now York. Lewis Strang, who has won fame as nn automobile racer In America and Europe, has now turned his attention to the aviation game, and there Is no doubt that he will make a new namo for himself as an acroplanlst. Strang has Imported a Dlerlot monoplane and is practising with it assiduously. Ho is noted for his fearlessness and nerve, but ho Is wise enough to leurn tnoroughly tho now vehlclo before attempting to make-any extended flights. COST OF MARRIA GES Some People Try to See How Much Can Be Spent. Amusing Story of Clergyman In Lon don Who Was Out for All tho Cash He Could Get Some of Acces sories He Would Furnish. London. Somo of tho fashlonnblo weddings that havo taken placo lately would seem to indicate that tho pcoplo concerned wero anxious to seo how much monoy could be spent on tho af fair. In England tho ceremony is much moro complicated. Tho most usual form of marrlago Is by "banns." Notice is given to tho clergyman of tho church whero tho young couple desire to got married, tho announcement la given out threo Sundays running be fore tho wedding day, and for this tho bridegroom pays tho clerk B0 cents. If nelthor of the pnrtlea llvo in this par ish, ono or other of them must do so for threo wookB before tho ceremony takes plane, but this condition is often filled by tho bridegroom taking a room and putting a stick or bag In It for tho required timo. Of course, you havo to pay tho cler gyman something for performing the ceremony for you, nnd tho legal feo Is $1.25, with CO cents to tho clerk, and a further CO cents for a copy of tho cor tlflcato of marrlngo, but each clergy man usks what ho chooses, and somo of thorn placo tholr services rather high. Recently a young couplo who llvo In tho suburbs decided to get murrlcd at ono of tho churches In tho Strand, In London, as this was a convenient con- ter for nil tholr friends, and also near Charing Cross station, from which they wero Btnrtl'ng for Paris Immediately after tho ceremony. It was to bo a quiet affair, no bridesmaids, no bou quets, no carriages, no red carpet, etc. So ono flno morning tho brldes's father started off to And tho Incumbent of ono of those London churches, an in dividual -with a double-barreled name and, incidentally, a doublo-barrelod lo quacity as woll. After a groat effort tho father got him to talk about tho wedding, and llnnlly inquired tho feo. "Tho feo would be $25," said his rovoronco. "Ami, ot course, you wouiu llko Borne music? Wo supply that nnd it would bo ?5." Tho fnthor was nhout to say something, whon tho padro broke in again; "And you would llko somo rod carpet put down, I suppose? Wo supply that for $5." "Oh." beenn tho man out of whoso pocket tho monoy was to como for all this, when" "And If It's n wot day, you would ro- cuiro on awning." continued tho clergy- raau. "Wo supply tho awning nnd tno feo would bo $5." "Yes." gasped tho fathor, casting about in his mind for a way of escapo, when tho other wout on: "And, of course, you would htwo soma flowers. My daughtor always dooB tho flowors, and I'm auro she would bo delighted to do them for you," Doforo tho nstonlshod fathor could reply, tho clergyman rang tho boll and requested thoservant, who answered It to nsk "Miss Loulo" to atop In." "Miss Loulo" duly arrived, and oxprosBod horsolf enchanted at the prospect ot doing tho flowers tor the woddlng, "And what do you think it would cost, dear?" askod hor father. "Do you suppose you could do It for $267 As this last straw was laid on tho poor victim's back, ho rousod himself and managed to stammor that bo must consult his daughtor before making the final arrangements, and mado for the door, trusting to escape. But tho clor gyman had rosorved a parting shot. Taking up a small paper-covered book from tho table, he said: "This Is a small book on the history of tho church, I am sure your daugh ter will like to read all about it, as sho Is thinking of being married thero." "Thank you; I'll give It to her," said tho Innocent mnn. "That'll bo 26 cents," said his rev erenco, and tho unfortunato father placed tho monoy on the tablo and fled for his life. Needless to say tho mar riage did not take placo at his church. FISHHOOKS BAD FOR FOWLS Pennsylvania Chicken Fancier lleves Old Saying Is In Need of Revision. Be- Lewlston, Pa. John B. Clemmens, a Pennsylvania railroad signalman nt Newton Hamilton, Is of tho opinion that tho old saying, "Never count your chickens until they nro hatched," could bo well amended to read "Never count your chickens." Clemmens Is a chick en fancier and had a flock of half grown games of which ho was espe cially proud. Tho other day his two sons returned from a fishing trip nnd throw a num ber ot large eel hooks, baited with plocos of veal, on tho bank at tho boat landing. An hour later thorn was a great com motion among tho flock of games nnd an Investigation showed that each had swallowed a chunk of vonl and an eol hook with It. Clemmens killed six ot tho chickens In removing the hooks. DAINTY LITTLE FLY-ABOUTS Three Tiny Monoplanes Ordered for Use of New York Society Women Weighs 180 Pounds. Now York. Threo of tho tiniest, prettiest and speediest Vondomo mono plnnos aro now on tho way across tho ocean and aro expoctcd shortly. These dainty llttlo air craft promlso to bo Just tho thing to satisfy tho growing GROUCH GERM New, Form of Bacillus Particularly Ac tive In Hot Weather Found In Kansas City. Knnsas City, Mo. A now germ, as yot unnamed, has Just been discovered in Kansas City. It Is a hot weather bacillus and affects young and old aliko, being particularly noxious in ndults, it is said, and producing a chronic caso of what ' ordinarily is called the "grouch." Tho discoverers of this germ are Dr. E. L. Mathls, chief probation ofll cor, nnd his assistants, who constant ly aro making a study ot human na ture and, by tho way, this particular bug is ono which attacks human na- turo only. "It Is a hot weather bug," said Doc tor Mathlas, "and can produco tho worst caso of grouch in a short tlmo that you over saw, "Just now wo Juvonllo officers havo llttlo to do so far as tho Juvenile court Is concernod, but we aro kept busy ns bees looking after what we call hot weather business. "Somohow or other, this hot weath er BoemB to 'poovo' everybody. It takes tho form of grouch In ndults and tho form of what tho grown-ups are pleased to call 'devilment' In children. "A man ltos down to tako a nap ot a hot afternoon. Ho is Just tuckered out by tho beat, he says, and a nap will straighten him out. Just as ho gets comfortably settled, boys or girls in the neighborhood begin to romp, and, ot course, tbey call back and forth, and tho would-be napper Is an noyed, "Then tho Jrato adult goes outdoors. Ho 1b hard hit hy the weather bug, Ho loses his temper and gives tho children a calling down. Tho bug. in fad for aviation among American worn en. Ever since Clifford I). Harmon took up in bis Farman biplane Mrs. lan mon. Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt and other women have declared their de-sire- for aeroplanlng. It is announced that three pretty French women aviators aro to follow to this country shortly after tht ar rival of these small airships. They will be costumed ns the women avin tor should bo and will be propared to demonstrate and Instruct American women in tho art of flying. Yves Do Vlllers, tho representative for the Vendomo aeroplane, was at MIneoln, L. I., tho other day, and said that the llttlo monoplanes aro being brought to this country as quickly as possible. At least ono ot the threo machines wll be shipped to the avia tion grounds In Mineola, whero It will make dally flights. It Is the smallest one-person fly-about In the world, and weighs GO pounds less than the famous Santos-Dumont Demoi selle, i Tho Vcndorac monoplano Is the work of Raoul Vendome, a French builder of aeroplanes. It Is equipped with n 12-horsepowor Anzanl motor, and complete, ready for flying, weighs 180 pounds. Girl's Kiss Holds Lfner. Now York. Miss Agles Quirk's de sire to kiss a friend goodby "for luck forced Capt. Warr of tho liner Cam nanla to hold the ship at tho dock over- scheduled sailing timo. Miss Quirk was ono of llvo Brooklyn teach era who won a trip abroad in a popu' larlty contest. Sho forgot tho final kiss till tho shore crew tried to hustle her aboard. But tholr offorts wero of no avail. Not until Miss Quirk had Implanted a protracted and resound Inir smack on the cheok of a man friend. Mouse In Hat In Church. Berlin. Commotion was caused in a church at Dornblrn, Bavaria, by a lady who felt something moving In her hat, and found a mouse hidden bo neath her artificial flowers. IS DISCOVERED Si- turn, nttacksthe Juveniles, and tho answer back rfhd make llfo mlserablo for tho complaining ono. "About that tlmo wo get a call con cernlng a big disturbance. Somo of tho men go out, loam It Is tho samo old story, and ft is up to them to ex plain to tho adult that childron must play and that thoy can't bo expected to conduct their grimo after tho fash ion of a Friends meeting. Thoy alBO lecture the children and take steps to restore the equilibrium of tho nolgh borhood which is ravaged by tho sum mer bug." Tho Juvenilo officers have not gone Into the Investigation of the bug In sclontiflc fashion, and as yot have worked out no euro. TRAP 200 CATS IN A MARKE Vicious Animals Fight Captors, But Are Put Into Baskets for An nihilation. New York. Yowling, oplttlng. scratching and hltlng, 200 cats woro cornered, ono by ono, tho other njght In the old Washington market and dumped Into baskets, to bo disposed of by tho Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Agents of tho society, policemen, watchmen, butchers, fishmongers, green grocers and all tho little world of tho market Joined In a midnight hunt that, for activity and noise, out did anything ever chronicled from Africa. For years the. cats, at first oucour. aged to keop down the rats, had run wild and increased In garrots and sub cellars until thoy becaino an intolera ble nest, TJbb'rnarJtet .la pow a proc ess ot renovation. Mnes the skin eoft aa rclvet. Improrea anj complexion, llest ihampoo made. Cures mom eruption. Munyon'a Hair ItiTlgorntor enres dnmlrufj toim liulr from tnlllutf out. makes hair Rrow If you have DrBjicpsIa. or ony Hrer trouble tue Munyon'a l'awl'aw Pills. They cure B1V 10UM1C81, Constipation aim unve an lmiiunuei from the lilooO. MUNYON'S HOMEOPATHII HOME REMEDY CO., Phlladelohll. Pa. FREE Send postal for for Frco Pnckago of Paxtinc. Better and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOX ALL TOILET USES. Gives one a tweet breath clean, white, germ-free teeth antheplically clean mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking -dispel all disagreeable perspiration and body odors much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. A little Paxtine powder dis solved in a glau of hot wstet makes a delightful antuepb'e so lution, poueuiog extraordinary cleansing, germicidal and heal ing power, and absolutely harm, less. Try a Sample. SOc a large bos at druggtfts or by maiL the paxton toilet Co., Boiton. mass. Murder! One geU it by highway men Tens of thousands by Bad BoweU No dif ference. Constipation and dead live make the whole system aick Every. body knows It CASCARETS regulate care Bowel and Liver troubles by simply doing nature's work until you get well' Millions use CASCARETS, Life Saverl ear CASCARBTS toe a box for a week's treatment, all drupgists. Mggeat seller In the world. Million boxes a montli. DAISY FLY KILLER ."'"u "Jni'll ritti.eltfto, rfjin k ul, mo ran Its t,h tk LaaU All Dai.v Ut-ii of tuul,eiDDl pllrUpTtrtIU bottotlorlcjurt toy thine Ouarstuttdof riiT.ornd.Urt or MntprtpaldforlOo. MillftLD 80 Bin: no ihsUuav. Brookla. ffow Yorft Alton's UlcennobalTecureiiCliruuluUlrrs. lloue llleom.Scrof ulna Dlrirn.VnHcoi TMerrs, In dolent Hirers, MorcnrliiUJlcorH.AVhltoHwull- tllu. Ual I nh. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CUaBMi and beaatintl tho hair, rromotci a luxuriant growth. Nrvr 711 to Beotore Gray Hair to lta Youthful Color. uuiti tcaip aneiKi Aair m 00, and lDOat i)rugg.rtj II Mil I L.U T 1'onuanent, Good references rfr nulrod.. Hamnlea b'rpn. 'llurtfin II oslo ry Houso," UAS W. Forr, ltufTalo, N.V uS.rUs.i Thompson's Eyi Wafer Nebraska Directory Are'tbe Best. Ask your local dealer or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Omaha, Neb. W E L D B N G t(hUocGe Tbreken parts of machinery made good as new. Welds cast iron, cast ateel, aluminum, copper, brass or any other metal. Expert automobile repairing. 8ERT8CHY MOTOR CO., Oounoll Bluffs. AUTOMOBILE TIRES Tire Ilepalra and Tire Supplies of hlahest nualltr. CENTRAL TIRE & RUBBER CO. Olo Hlbner, President Doth Phones. 2177 Farnam Ot., Omaha, fVJ. Spiesbcrgcr & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery fne Oast In the West OMAHA, NEB. mum DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Prices, RUBBER GOODS by mall at cut prices. Bend for free catalogue, MYERS-DILLON DRUQ CO., Omaha, Nab. MILLARD HOTEL Amerloan S2.00 par day and urwsrdsv, uraooan 81.00 par star and upwards nilillA Tak DodK ttraat ear st Unlan Oapot. ROME MILLER