The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1910, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in ndvitnee. ....... .$1.25
Ono Year by Carries in advance.. $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofQco as Second Class Matter.
The Primary Vole.
A canvass of the vote at the primary
election was completed Saturday morn-
ing and the result found to bo as fol-
United States Senator Elmer J.
Burkctt 272, Alfred Soronson 28, C. E.
Adams 47, Thos. M. C. Birmingham 21,
Charles O. Whedon 88.
Governor-Chester II. Aldrich 191,
Addison E. Cadv 220. William Elmer
Low 48.
Lieutenant Governor Wnlter John
son 228. M. II. Hopewell 191.
Secretary of State John J. Ryder
240, Addison Wait 115.
Auditor of Public Accounts-Silas II
Barton 410.
Stato Treasurer-F. J. Sadilek 180,
Walter A. Georgo 231.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
-James W. Crabtreo 277, Frank b.
Perdue 114.
Attorney Genornl C. P. Anderbcry
182. Grant G. Martin 225.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Buildlntrs-John Lyo 193, Edward B.
Cowlcs 214.
Stnto Railway Commissioner Henry
T. Clarke. Jr.. 210. E. Ewel 183, A. J.
Vannllstln 33.
Congressman Sixth District Robert
G. Rocs 4G. Frank E. Becman 120, M.
P. Kinknld 294.
Stuto Scnntor Stewart 161, Hong
land 314.
Stnto Representative, 51th District
Borton K. Bushec392.
Countv Attorney Georgo E. French
County Commissioner E. H. Sprin
United States Senator Richard L.
Motcalfo 128, Gilbert M. Hitchcock 199,
Willis E. Rood 70.
Govornor James C. Dahlman 233,
Ashton C. Shallenberger 27G,
- Lieutenant Govornor William H.
Green 191, Rnlph A. Clark 178.
Secretary of State Dr, A. T. Gate
wood 197, Charles W. Pool 170.
Andltorof Public Accounts O. E.
Bernecker 172, P. J. Hewitt 181.
State Treasurer G. E. Hall 155,
Phelps D. Sturdovant 98, James H.
McGlnlcy 140.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
-Charles Arnot 173, William It. Jnck-1
son 183.
Attorney Genornl C. V. Whitney
231, Menzo W. Terry 122.
Commissioner of Public Lands nnd
Buildings Robert W. Fleming, Jr.
158, William B. Eastmun 153, C. F.
Bcuohnuson 44.
Stnto Railway Commissioner W. F.
Porter 70, Victor E. Wilson 109, Bon II.
Hnydon 94, William C. Brooks 81.
Congressman, Sixth District James
R. Dean 143, Robert G. Ross 37, Hugo
II . Wendt25, Wm. J. Taylor 103, G,
L. Shumwny 77.
State Senator. 30th Senatorial Dis-
trict-Dr. McCabo 01, M. Holmes 18,
Stato Ropresontatlvo 51th District-
Joseph G. Dantor 228, C. J. Collins 97.
County Attorney J. G. Mothersead
County Commissioner G. W. Roberts
, Shallenberger Will Contest.
Monday's Omaha Beo said: On tho
face of tho returns, "Jim" Dahlman
has lassoed tho democratic nomination
for govornor by not moro thun 200,
over Govornor Sliallenborgor, but if so,
the governor is determined not to yield
until every ecnl recourse to cot a
Bquaro deal has been exhausted.
That was tho decision reached as a
result of tho couferenco Governor
Shallenberger held hero in Omaha, Sat-
nnlnv with bin lncnl sunnorters and
lieutenants From , a source , of infer-
mauuii uiub uukiii. umiiuw, ib iBieuiiiuu
that tho counsol has neon retained on
bohalf of Governor Shallenberger nnd
a plan of uction mapped out, which in
eludes ndomundfor a recount wherever
thoro are indications that votes have
been chalked up for "Jim" thut do not
belong to him, nnd n contest in Doug
las county, if necessary, to throw out
tho precincts in which fraudulent or il
legal votes wore polled.
Frank Bcemnn, of Kearney, who con
tested with M. P. Kinkald for tho re
publican nomination for congress in
this district, concedes Mr. Kinkaid'a
nomination and has wired tho latter
congratulations. There were not many
who considered Mr. Beeman a danger
ous competitor of Mr. Kinknld, and his
defeat was expected.
A grapevine telegram from Washing-
ton pluces Omnhn a population at
125,000 in round numbers. This is n
distinct disappointment to Omaha
peoplo, who figured thut they ought
to havo 140,000- -or more if possible.
But Omaha is not the 'only city that
set its figures too high,
Commissioners' Proceedings.
August 17, 1910.
Board met pursuant to recess taken.
The board proceeded to get out the
assessed valueB of the Bchool districts
for the purpose of making annual levy.
Uecess Is taken until tomorrow at 10
a. m.
a .... io mm
Board of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment, present
Springer, Wnlter, Streitz and county
Theodore Lowe is awarded the con-
tract transcribing the indexes outside
North Platte nt 1J cents per lino.
K0ad No. 327 comes before the board
for final action, the board being of the
opinion that the road is not necessary
and the damages would bo so great that
the board therefore denies the petition.
Tho county cleik is hereby directed
to refund to the depositor any funds
left after deducting the cost that has
accrued in tho mntter of road petition
No. 327.
Claim of P. H. Burmood, road work
district No. G7, 100.00.
Bond of L. II. Larson, rond overseer
of Dist. No. 20 approved.
Claim of Joseph Spies road work dis
trict No. 1 allowed 75.00,
Whereupon tho board of equalization
continued getting out vnlucs. The
values of tho personnl property being
completed, tho board of equalization
takes a recess until tomorrow until 9
a. m. P. R. Elliott, Co. Clerk.
Cottonwood Items.
Chas. Discoe has been hauling corn
for several days from Jacob Rosen
Misses Anna and Mnrgucrito Sowie
arrived Sunday from tho eastern part
of the stato and will spend their sum
mor vacation with their father, B. J.
Gus. Discoo and wife havo moved
into the house on the " Griffith place
where James Roso has been batching
Miss Esther Roynolds arrived home
Tuesday evening from Lexington, where
sho had been for ten days visiting
relntives and attending Chautauqua
Mrs. Pete Jorgcnscn and children aro
visiting friends at Minden.
Andrew Sowlo nnd Miss Nelson made
a Bneak to North Platto last Tuesday
to attend tho Carnival, but rice, old
shoes and tin pans have been in demand
over since
Sam Facklor has sold his farm nnd
crops in Box Elder Canyon to Ed Boc
kus and with his family expects to lo
cuto near bpoknno, Wash,, as soon as
Frank Bockus and family have got
enough of Oregon nnd returned to cast
their lot onco more witli tho Ncbrns-
Tho Bluo Star hoys aro trottinc up a
camping party for tins weeK. They will
1!'' uI?,arnmiJrri ?nl iWn,i
there will bo a famino in that land im
mediately afterward.
Wm. Waforhns purciiased tno tormor
Clark farm in Snell Canyon and will
niraln be our neighbor.
Mr. and Mrs. is. M. Arnold nnvo de
cided to remain in Indiana during the
winter, but Miss Vesper, accompanied
by n bull pup, arrived homo Friday
morninir. Wo don't know wlint Vesper
needs of such u companion unless it is
to eat up tno surplus beaux, bo beware
of tho bull dog.
North Platte People Have
That This is True.
A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench.
A little cause may hurt tho kidneys,
Spells of bacKacno otton touow,
Or some irregulnrity of tho urine.
A cortaln remedy for such attacks.
A medicine thnt answers every call,
Is Doan's Kidney rills, a true spe
Many North people rely on It.
Hero is North Platto proof.
John T. Hollenbeck. 520 East 11th St.,
North Platto. Nobr.. Bays: "My kid-
noy troublo dates back to tho Civil
War. When 1 returned home tho pri
vations hnd undermined my systorn nnd
deranged my kidneys. I used a great
many Kidney remeuios, out Homing
compared with DounB Kidney Pills,
which 1 procured from McDonell &
Graves' Drue Storo. I havo appealed
to them on numerous occasions anu tne
results havo always been excellent. Of
course, I nm pretty old now, past seven-
tv-seven. and must expect some
trouble, but I feel that In Doan's Kid
noy Pills, I have Bomothing thatwill al
.-!.: n-
wXTalobV aH dealers. Price 50
CCuta, i-ostor-ftlliuurn jo. isuiinio,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Romombor tho namoDonn a and
take no others.
wo havo is tho Forest Kinrr cienr. It
r'"B8 ,,"oro!It.rn(1? to tniu, 8,ore tlu,m, n
littlo. It will not surprise you either
ic ...... -.. tu. t'i...- ,.r Ti i..
n smoko you cannot fall to enjoy if you
aro a lovor of lino tobneco. It is a
clear that, onco tried, von nnturallv
think of every time you nro inclined for
a goou smoKe,
Copyright,-1910, tiy American Cross
Job WllkliiH wits altogether too ion
der hearted for u sheriff. 11c lived In
a town not far from the Canadian bor
der with his wife and children and
only accepted the position because no
one elso would take It. Besides hav
ing nothing but the house ho lived In,
he needed the pitiful salary attached
to the olllcc.
One night a citizen of tho place was
wnylnkl, sandbagged and robbed. A
man named Fletcher was uuspected and
arrested. Fletcher's wlfo went to Mrs.
Wllkins with a pitiful story of her
husband's innocenco nnd persuaded her
to beg tho sheriff to lot Fletcher off.
When Wllkins enmo homo he found
Mrs. Fletcher nt his house. She told
so straight n story and begged so hard
that Wllkins. ntneo ho hnd no power to
let his prisoner go free, agreed to fur
nish ball for his appearance In court
Wllkins signed a ball bond for 5-1,000.
and Fletcher was released from Jail.
Fletcher disappeared. It was evi
dent thnt It was his purposo to jump
his ball, and to pay the bond would
take all Wllkins had bis home. lie
heard of Fletcher's flight a few days
nfter It occurred, and. sotting n watch
on Mrs. Fletcher, sho and her hus
band wcro traced to a Canadian vil
lage n dozen miles beyond tho border.
SotncthInK must be uono to snvo
what little Wllkins possessed. Bo-
sides, tho sheriff was very wroth nt
having been tricked. Flo thought over
tho different wnyB by which tho crimi
nal might bo brought back and deter
mined thnt ho would try to kidnap
him. This ho preferred to using tho
process of extradition, which ho con
sidered hopeless.
Wllkins Interested n friend of his
nnmed 'Parker, who agreed to help
Unfortuuntcly for their plan tho
village where Fletcher lived was the
heaquartera of a troop of mounted po
lice. To go into a town right under
tho noses of theso men, capturo a man
protected by British law and carry
hltn twelve miles was a risky under
At nightfall tho two men, having
hired tho fastest team they could find.
crossed the St. Lnwrenco river by fer
ry. They agreed to pay tho ferryman
n good sum to bo on tho Canadian
bank at the time of their return and
bo ready to push off nt n moment's
notice. They hired another team at a
village midway between tho river and
their nolut of attnek. This team was
to bo ready and waiting for them In
tho road on their return.
Wllkins nnd Parker drovo Into tho
town where Fletcher lived soon after
bedtime. Fletcher's bouso bad becii
locnted. nnd. pulling up beforo tltu
(Joor' Wllkins alighted and knocked
Presently Flctcjior In ulghtclothes
opened tho door. Wllkins cowed hlui
nt tho point of a pistol, then throw bis
strong arms around him nnd literally
carried hltn. kicking nud struggling, to
tho wnKou. With ropes ready they
bound their prisoner and were driving
off when Fletcher's wlfo appeared ut n
window. RcrenmliiK loud enough to
wake the whole village. As they dash
ed through tho streets sashes were
thrown up nud peoplo put out their
heads to see what was the matter,
lights appeared, thero wero cries of
"Stop 'eml" and presently a church bell
brain to sound nil alarm that roused
tho police force.
By this tlmo they had reached
outskirts of tho village and wero clat
torlng southward along tho turnpike.
Wllkins kept looking backward, but
could see no followers until they had
covered n mile. Then tho sound of
horses' hoofs on tho stones told him
thnt tho mounted police had started on
tholr pursuit. vDown camo tho whip on
tho horses' haunclies, and tliey nenriy
doubled their pace.
For flvo miles It was a steady chase,
Their tciim was a good one, and tho
police were mounted on Indifferent
horses. Nevertheless the hitter hnd
gained n little at every milestone
When they drew near tho village where
they expected to find their relay team
their pace was considerably diminish
ed. Looking ahead, thero Btood tho
team ready beside tho road. Their
pursuers wero uot a quarter of a mile
away, riming up nesnio tno roiny, moy
hustled their prlsouer from one team
to tho other nud wero off beforo their
pursuers camo up,
Tho sergennt of police, seeing that the
kidnapers had secured fresh
sent several of his best mounts to ninUo
a dash for them. Wllklus' horses,
though fresh, had a load to pull, and
this made an oven race. Uullets bo
can to whlstlo past them, but they
calloned on, their pursuers maintain
Int? tliolr distance behind them. Then
n bullet pierced ono of tho horses.
This looked ns though tho gamo was
t . . .1 .. .1
up, but tno nninini socmen gonnea iu
trillion tho fnstor,
Finally from a rlso in tho ground
tho kldunpers could seo tho dim out
lines of the river. It was an Incline
straight down to the ferryboat, which
tliov conlil soo on tho ticar shore. Uio
hnrsos hnri wn nlillcrod to walk UD tllO
Han Tt-hifi. hnii hrnnpht thnlr nursunrs
dangerously near them. Now Wllkins
pusiiou tnoni down ruo incline iu i-u
IU llll IIUIIKI'I 111 IMUll Bllliuwillih
falling, tho sound horso now dragging
the wounded one. Pulllnc up beside
tho ferryboat, they hurried their man
Into It. tho ferryman pushed off, and
the police appeared on tho top of the
vise nn eighth of a mile nwny,
When tho court met to try Fletcher
ho was tin hnnd.
Wills J Rodflelu. MS JH McKlrahan. M D
Drs. Redfield & McKirahan
Phsicians and Surgeons.
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones
Office at P. and S. Hospital.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
p. ) Office 130
Phones Re8idenco n5
! ijt
John S. Twinem, M, D.,
Homeopathic Physician
and Surncon.
Specinl attention to Obstetrics and
Children's Diseases.
Office: McDonald Stato Bank Building,
Corner Gth & Dewey sts.
Phones: Office 183. Residence 283.
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
nnd Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night.
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locur St.
Telephone No. 642.
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full line of furniture, all kinds of
stoves and stovo repairs, wagons, har
ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport
ing goods, clocks, watches, musical
goods, sewing machines cither cash
or payments. Everything you use
bought nnd sold here. Top pr Ice fo
iron metal and rubber.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Phone 268
flour, feed, Grain or Hay
Having recently purchased the
B. A. Wilson feed store at the
comer of Sixth nnd Locust Sts.
I respectfully invite a share of
the patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery. .
Notice for Bids.
Noticu is hereby civen that sealed
bids will bo received ot the office of tho
citv clerk of North Platte. Nebraska,
up to tivo o'clock p. m., August aara
1910. for the construction ot a lateral
sewer in sewer district "F" in said
citv according to plans and specifica
tions now on file in the office of the
Citv Clerk of said city.
Annroximate estimate oi cost oi
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1114.85.
Local lauor to no cmpioyca as iar as
Certificate check on local bank of
nor cent of amount of blu will ue re-
1 - , , , . . '
ouired to inmiro entering into contract.
1 ri : r . i i I. .-!.. ...1.
OUliaiuciurY uuim iu uu imvcii "lien
contract is sitrncu.
Mavor nnd Council reserve tno. nent
v ..... ...
to reject any or un uiua.
ijv ortier oi tno city council.
Chas. F. Temple
City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given thnt sealed
bids will be received nt the office of tho
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
1910, for the construction of n lateral
sewerin Sewer District "P" in said city
according to plans nna specmcations
now on file in tho office of the city
C erK Ot Salt! City.
Approximate estimate of cost of
wer JjiteraU s per report of City En.
' - T . .,.. tn omniove,i fnr
uertiucate cnecK on locui minis oi z
, i- i i i
nor cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to bo given when
contract is sinned.
Mayor and council reserve tho right
to reject any or an nuis.
iy onier oi cuv couiit i.
- Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby .riven thnt sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m., August 23rd,
11)10, for the construction ot a mierai
sower in Sewer District "G4" in snid
city according to plans and specifica
tions now on file in the office of the
City Clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1022.80.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Ucrtnicu checK on local banK ot z per
cent of amount of bid will bo required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be etven when
contract is Bitrned.
Mayor and council reserve the rignt
to reject any or all bids.
isy ordei of tho city council.
Notice for Bids.
Notice Is hereby triven that Bealed
bids will be received at tho office of the
city clerk of North Platte. Nebraska,
un to five o'clock p. nr.. August 23rd,
l'JIO, for the construction or a lateral
aewer in Sewer District "G-3" in said
- - . . - ..- j
citv according to nlans and snecifica
Hons now on tile in tne omce ot tno city
clerk of said citv.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sower lateral as per report of city en
trineer is $1,022. bU
Local labor to be employed as far as
(jertitica cnecK on local name oi z per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is Bicmcd.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
liy order of city council.
Chas. F. Temple. City Clerk
Notice for Bids.
Notice is herebv civen that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
citv clerk of North Platte. Nebraska
up to five o'clock p, m., August 23rd
.11)10. lor tne construction oi a main
sewer on '"A" street in said city ac
cording to plans and specifications now
on mu mini; uincu ui mt: tav uiuiit
said city.
Armroximate estimate of cost
sewer as per report of city engineer is
Local labor to be employed as tar as
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to bo given when
contract is sitrned.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
liy order ot tne city council.
Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk
Tho Somerset Land Syndicate tno un
kuonn owners of tho southeast Quarter soC'
tlon 21. townahlu 10 north, rango 31 wost. 0th
P M., Alfred make, ueoreo uarter, Aiano
Emma Chandler executrix of the cstato of
I). E. Chandler deceased. Mario Emm
Chandler. John William Drysdalo, Charles
Elliott. John Lancaster. John Itoason. Fred
erlck William Bborroy. Edward AV. 81ms,
Qeorcro F. Truman Sr.. II. Tydernan first and
full name unknown, rotor Wallace, Koncrt
T, Wallace. A. Wllllncr first and full name
unknown. Jonn wetuorsnoon. John l.. i.
Oedon. Mrs, Sarah Colman. and William An1
uerson Aimer, uerenuants in cross edition
will takonotlcnthaton tholllth day of Juno
Idol), Dusta E. McConnoll, cross-potlttoner, In
tho caso of Somerset Land Syndicate vs.
S. Davis and D. E. McConnoll against said
defendants, filed hor crosa-notttloii acalnst
an or saia named partioi the onject anu
nrarer of which are to foreclose a certal
tax Hon held by her under tax certificate No
2183. dated Nov. '-'ml. UHXi for tho dolliuiuont
taxes of it.. lBvo. lbw. louu. 1W1 and IWi uuon
the southoast ouarteror sectr nzi. townsmo
10 north, westuth V. M. and for sub
sequent taxes paid by her thereunder with
interest and costs anu attorney's rees, and on
which there is now duo the Dlalntlrf In cross
petition tho sum of sw.ou, for which sum tho
cross notltlonor nrars for a decree that th
abovo named defendants In crocs petition bo
ronulred to Day tho sum found due or that
said premises may Ikj sold to satisfy tho
amount so round duo.
You are reoulred to answer said petition on
or bororo tno zuth day or tiepiombor iuiu.
Dated August iztb, iviu.
GKOlinEE. I'llE.NClI
Attorney for DostaE. McConnoll
York Foundry & Enclno Works Of York
Nebraska. Edward llurko and uoldlo llurk
and all othor porsons Interested, will take
nottco that upon the -Jiuth day or August
1010. at I
t the hour oi i o'clock v
v m , central
standard tlmu. at tbo frelsbt house or ware
house of Union 1'aciuc Kallroad company
in tho city or North riatte, Nebraska, sa
union r&ciuc uauroau uompany win otrer
for sale ono No. o fire proof safe, shipped 'i
said York Foundry & Entrlno Works to Id
ward llurlto and (Joldlo llurko. whon dolnir
tmainoss under tho arm name and stylo
llurko & Company: that said safo will
sold to satisfy the sum of iv.hii freight due
thereon and the sum of 35.00 as storairo
thuroon from the date of the receipt of sold
safe on tho 26th day of February, IWS, up to
anu including tuo autu nay or June, iviu: that
tho total amount or charges against said safe
upon said date amount to the sum of ji.4t
and that tosald amount will lo added stor
age charges at tho rate of live cents per day
for each day up to and Including the 20th day
ot August, 1910. excluding, however, from said
tlmo, all Sundays ana holidays Said safe
will bo sold at tho tlmo and nlaco aforesaid
at public auction to tho highest bidder for
Dated this 21st dav of July. 1010
klly A MUI.DOON. Its Attorney
The Stato of Nebraska, .c
Lincoln county. i
In tho County Court-
In tho matter of the estato of William
A nrpirtf. rliu'imatul . Ta tin. nrftlM
legatees and others -Interested In Mm nfltntn
or wuiiam a. uregg.
xake notice, that II. m u rimes
died la the county court a report of his
doings as Executor ot said estate and
It is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing
uio uay oi a'piemocr, A, u. tuiu. Do
fore tho court at the hour of U o'clock a. m.
at which tlmu anv nerMin lninrnsinl mnv nn.
pear and oxcopt to and contest the samo. And
notice or hub proceeding is ordered civ
by publication for six successive Issues
tho North l'latto Tribune, a soml-weokly
newsnauer DUbllshed tn said rnuntv.
Witness my hand and tho seal of the countv
court at norm riano tins jam (lay or AU
gust, a. ii. ii'iv.
W U. KMlKIt. Countv .Inricn
11 Katherlno F. Clark, Clork County Court
Tho State of Nebraska, t cu
Lincoln County, fbs
In the County Court.
In tbo Matter of tho Estate of Isaac Dillon,
The Stateof Nebraska totha heirs and nnyi
of kin of the said Isaac Dillon. Deceased:
Take notice, that upon tiling of a written
Instrument purporting to tie tho last will and
testament ot Isaac Dillon for probate and al
lowance, It is ordered thatsald matter bo set
for hearing the 31st day of August, A. !..
1910. boforo said county court at the hour or
9 o'clock a, m at which tlmo any person in
forested may appear and contort tho samo;
and notlco or this proceeding is ordered pub
lished six successive issues In tho Nortli
l'latto Tribune, a soml-weokly nowspaper
published In this state.
n testimony wnereor, i nave Hereunto set
my hand and the seal of the county court at
i ,. Katherliro F. Clark, clbTk of tiro Ciinty
court. aV-ct
Lizzie Oantt. Charles A l'errr and tho un
known liolrs of David w. Perry, decoased.
will take notice that on the 20th day ot July,
mo. Henry Waltemath. plaintiff heroin, filou
hU petition In tho District Court ot Lincoln
County, Nebraska, against said defendants.
the object ana prayer or which aro to. quiet
tho title ot tho plalntllT In and to the follow
ing described tract of land, to-wlt! Ueglnulng
on the southwest corner or Loti, in miock
102. of the original nlat of tlin City of North
Platte, Nebraska, running tbenco In a
northerly direction on tho west Hue of said
lot. 40 feet and 4 Inches, thenco easterly
parallel with tho south lino of said lot. sJ
foot mora or less to tho center lino running
north and south, thenco southerly parallel
with tho west lino of said lot 44 feet and 4 In
ches to tho south lino ot said lot, thenco
westerly on tho south lino or said lotto the
placoof beginning, and to exclude each and
all ot the said defendants from any Interest,
right, title or claim In and to said property
and to enjoin sain uerennants rrom asserting
any claim In said premises as against tho
PlalntllT herein and to enjoin said defendants
from Infrfcrrltig with plaintiff's possession
You ane required to answer sam petition
on or before tno mi nay or uctouor. wiv.
Ily Wit cox fc It.w.r.nuN, HIsAttorneys-
State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In tho county court, August u. lviu.
in tho or matter or tno cstato or William
Hrown, deceased.
On rending and filing tho petition of J. E.
Vermillion, nravlng that tho regular admin
istration of said cstato may bn dispensed
with an provided by sections 5202. 520,), ozui
and 3305. Ooblicy's Statute 1009.
uruereu xnat September, an. iwiu, at a
'clock ti. m Is asslirnrd for hearing said
petition when all persons Interested in said
matter may appear at a county court,
to be held In and for said county
and show cause why tho prayor of po
tloner should not bo granted. This order to
1m printed for six successive Issues In tho
North Platte Tribune. legal nowspaper pub
lished In Lincoln County, prior to September
Ml. I'JIU.
w. O. K i.i) Kit. Countv Judge
Ily Katlicrlno K. Clark. Clork County Court.
Serial No. ft37.
Department pf tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nob.
July 8th. 1010.
Nottco Is herebv irlvmi that Ell Kunkol.
of North l'latto, Nebraska, who, on Juno 29th,
iwi, mauo homestead entry .No. Mini,
Serial No. 02037, for north half and southwest
quarter, scctton H, township 11, north. Kango
SI. west of tho sixth 1'rlnctpal Morldlan
has filed notlco of Intention to
tnako final flvo rear uroof to
establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbed,
boforo tho Register and Kecoiver at North
L'latto. Nob., on tho 0th day ot Sept. 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: William
Orllllllis. of Dickens, Neb., 1, II, Durwood, ot
Somerset, Neb , Carl Hroedcr, of North
l'latto, Neb. and John I'ulse, of Somerset.
jll-fl J E. EVA NB. Register.
Borlal No. 019I2-02IM.
United States Land Ofllco,
At North l'latto, Nebraska. July 13, 1910.
Notlco Is hereby given that Goorgo
Il.Schaffer. ot Myrtle, Nebraska, who, on
Nov. 23rd, 1903, made homestead entry No.
19779. Serial No. 01912. for tho southeast quar
ter, and on July Kith. 1901, mado II. K. No.
soiKB, serial no. iki.ii, ror tno southwest ouar
tor. Section 6. Township 10. N.. Ilango 29 W..
of tho 0th Principal Morldlan. has filed
notlco of intention to make final tlvo year
nroof. to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, boforo tho register and receiver
at North l'latto, Nobraska, on tho iztii day
of Bopt 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses; Eugene
Ardory. of Myrtlo. Nob., Emery Loudon and
JasporSlvtt. of North Plat e. Nob., and Wil
liam inckioy. or Myrtlo. Neb.
iib-a .). k. nvans. ltogister.
llv virtue of an order of salo Issued from
tho district court of Lincoln county. Nobras
ka. utxin a docreo of foreclosure rendered In
said court wherein David F. I'arkor is plain-
tirr and Albert A. Adams and tbo South
east quarter Section 35, Twp, 10, Kango :i
aro dornndants, and to mo directed. I
will on the 10th day of September. 1010,
at 1 o'clock p. m. at tho east front
door of tho court bouso In Nortn Platte.
Lincoln county, Nobraska, soil at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest and costs,
tho following doscrlbed property, to-wlt:
Southeast quartor of Section Th'rty-Uve (35),
Township Sixteen (ID). Range Thlrty-ouo (31)
Lincoln county, Nebraska, L i ax sale uertir
Icato.) Dated North l'latto. Nob., August 1st. 1910.
alt) I. L. Mir.TONiiEiidKii, ShorllT.
Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court, July -9th, WW.
In tho matlr of tho estate ot Fred
Kratzunstcln, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of Gustav
Kratzcustolu, praying that tho regular ad
ministration of said estate may be dispensed
with as provided by soctlons 52O2-03 and 8201,
Cobbey's Statuto 1909.
Ordered, That August 22. 1910, at 9 o'clock
a, m., Is assigned for hearing said petition
when all porsons Interested In said matter
may appear at a county court to bo hold tn
ana for said county and show causo why tho
prayer of petitioner should not bo granted .
This order to bo printed for six successive
Issues In tho North l'latto Trlbuno, a legal
nowspaperpubllshcd In Lincoln County, prior
to August 22. 1910.
o2-3 W. O.Ki.nisn. County Judgo
Serial No. 02109.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Oillce at North l'latto. Neb.
Aug. 11. 1010.
Notlco Is horoby given that Mary Facka,
of North l'latto. Nob., who. on July 2. 1901,
mado homcstoad entry No. 2O301, serial No.
02IOU, for all of section 12. township 12, N.
range 32, Wot the 6th Principal Meridian, has
tiled notlco of intention to make tlnul five
year proof, to establish claim to tbo land
aliovo described, before tho Reglstoratid Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nobraska, on the 13th
day of Oct. 1010.
Claimant names as" witnesses: Adam E.
Donaldson. John Fowler and Carl Ilroeder,
of North l'latto, Nob. and Sponcer Kdmlsten
of Hersboy, Neb
al7-(f J . E. Evans. Register.
Serial No 0?241.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land OlUce at North l'latto. Nob.
Aug. 11th. 1010.
Notice Is hereby given that Adam E. Don
aldson, of North Platte, Nebraska, who on
Sept. 10th. 1901. trade Homestead entry
No. 20541. Serial No. 02211. for west half, and
southeast quartor, section 32, township 13,
north, range 3t. wost of tho 6tb Principal
Morldlan, has filed notice of intention to
mako final live year proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described, beforo
the Register and Recolver at North l'latto,
Nebraska, on Un; 13th day of Octob r, 1010
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank .1
Facka, Hugh Songor, Carl lirookerand John
Fowler, all ot North l'latto, Nebraska.
JO-a J. E. Evanh, Register.
Nora Halch. Plaintiff, vs. Carrlo L. Michael
and C 1'. Michael, hor husband. O. W. Vor
ley and Addlo Verloy, his wlfo, Sherman G
Wllbergor and Emma O. Wtlberger his wlfo
Henderson Holllngsworth and
Holllngsworth his wife, first namo unknown.
J. F. Little and Livonia L. Little his wlfo, J,
W. Millor. Defendants.
Carrlo L. Michael. O P. Michael. J. F. Lit
tlo and Livonia L. Little, non-resident do
fondants will take notice that on July 1st
1910 tho plalntllT Nora Halch filed a petition
In tho District Court of Lincoln County.
Nebraska, against tbo above named, defen
dants, tho object and prayor of which was to
foreclose amortgaguou tho is. L- quarter
and tho south holf of tho north half of sec
tion 31, township 11 range 81 In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska, given by Carrie L. Michael and
O, P. Michael her husband to defendant O,
W. Verloy to secure tho payment of a note
for nlno hundred sixty dollars with Interest
thereon, which noto and mortgage was duly
assigned to tho plaintiff herein for a valu
able consideration Default having been
mado In tho payment ot said noto and In
terestthereon, and no action having been had
for tho recovery thereof, tho plaintiff askt,
for judgment against said defendants and
each ot them for tho sum of ono thousand
one hundred thirty-eight anil fCMOO dollars
and Interest from July 1st 1010 together with
all costs and accruing costs In this case, and
for foreclosure ot said mortgage and salo of
said property for the payment ot such claim
aud costs. Noiia, Plaintiff,
Ily ft M WJiniEttUfY, Hut Attorney,