THE SEMl-WEfKLY IR1BUHE IDA t RABP. P..M;.I,.. TERMS, Sl. IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA FROM Oil! 10 DA! GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES . FRESH FROM THE WIRE. A WIDE AREA IS COVERED Embracing Condensation or events In Whloh Reader Generally Art Interetted. Washington. The population of tho island of Torto Hlco Ih 1,118,012, nH Hhown by the complcto returns of tho recent census. This Is n gain of 104,799 or 17.3 per cent us compared with tho census of 1809. San Juan Is shown to be the largest town In tho Island, Its population being 48,710. Modesto Darrlos and Sebastian Rallnas, special ambassadors of tho Mndrlz faction In Nicaragua, paid an omclat call at tho stato department nnd presented their credentials. Three lottera In Spanish addressed io Secretary Knox were also present ed. These were turned over to trans lators. Tho contents aro not known. Moro regiments of Infantry, a gen eral servlco corps and a system of re tirement for nged employes of tho war department aro tho recommenda tions to tho adjutant gencrul by Brig adier General C. L. Hodge, command ing tho department of Dakota. Troops returning from tho tropics should liavo at least four years In this coun try to recuperate, Genoral Hodges rays, and ho bclU'veB thero Is no jirobablllty that will be possible un lesB tho Infantry Is Increased. Foreign. Fighting continues In Formosa, ac cording to advices received from China, and popular subscriptions aro being collected to supply tho Japaneso toopB with comforts. Tho Spanish ambassador to Franco, Ecnor Perez-Caballero, declares that alio report that King Alfonso Is show ing slgnn of montal weakness Is a ma lclous Invention of the clerical press Baroness Vaughn, who was reported to have been tho Morganlc wlfo of tho lato King Leopold of Belgium, has an nounced her approaching marriage with Emmanuel Durlux, n rotlred merchant living at Neullly-Sur Seine. A catch-aB-catch-can wrestling match for 91,000 a sldo was contested t a London music hall between the American wrestler, Dr. B. F. Rol ler and Qama, tho champion of India. Gama won tho first fall In 1:40 and tho second fall In 9:09,. winning tho match. . -i- J zpf'rr HTHr' ,i y General. Democrats of Minnesota nominated John Llnd for governor, but It Is said be will not uccopt. Congressman Carter gave Important testimony beforo tho congressional committee nt McAloster. Automobiles will bo fifty por cont cheapor next spring. Unsold thous ands nro being stored away by manu facturers to provent tho public from realizing tho true conditions of tho market. Thousands of 1910 models will bo dumpod on tho market next year as modolB of 1911, and at ono half tho present prices. Sovernl of tho largest automobile manufacturers aro laying off men in all directions; two or threo factories already closed. Many dealers who started In last spring when tho boom was on, are now out of business. Balllnger reached Portland and re ceived callB from prominent republi cans. Senator Aldrlch repllod to the charges made against him by Senator Hrlstow of KniiBfiR. Major J. 10. Hanson, nged 73, presi dent of tho Central of Georgia rail road, Is critically 111. John Mitchell was suggested to Mr, Jtoosevolt as good matorlnl for tho New York governorship. Tho steamor Princess May was lost In Alaskun waters, but tho passon Cora and crow wore saved. In their state convention Oklahoma flomocrats endorsed tho administra tion of Governor Haskell. Representatives of tho Mndrlz fac tion In Nicaragua called on tho state department at Washington. Vice President Sherman rolteratod Mb provlous dental of any connection with Indian land contracts, President Taft and ex-Presldcnt Jloosovolt sent sympathetic tolo grams to Mayor Gaynor of Now York over his attempted assassination. Sixty farmers from Auburn, Neb have Just become aware that they are victims of a land fraud In which they Vro losers of $110,000 cash, as tho re 4ult of lax methods of tho Utah Stato Land board, Tho population of Kansas City, Mo, is 248,381, an Increaso of 84,629, or 51.7 per cent, as compared with 303,752 In 1900. The president of the United States and the president of Chill met nt Bov erly with an exchango of formalltlos that wero cordially Informal, Tho Pananmn congross at Buonos lAyros approved a resolution recom mending all governments of America to create a Panaman commission and the" application of tho decisions of tho third congress relative to the natural resources, commurco and monetary systems. Inspector Dow denies a report that Dr. Crlppcn had confessed. Tho standpattors wero badly defeat ed by tho Insurgents In Kansas. Postmaster General Hitchcock Is cutting down tho deficit In his depart ment. ' The corn crop of tho counttry 1b not up to tho ten-yenr average. Speaker Cannon Bays ho Is not wor rying over tho result In Kansas. Joseph Wondllng, alleged slayer of Alma Kelner, reached Denver on bis way to Louisville, President Tnft helped dedicate a monumont (o the pilgrims who landed at Provlncotown, Mass. Wholesome legislation for Indians Is expected to follow an expose of tho charges of Senator Gore. Tho papal nuncio at tho Spanish court has been wnrnbd to niako ready to depart on short notice. Claude A. Swanson has been np pointed U. S. Senator from Virginia In place of Daniels, deceased. At tho meeting of railroad men at St. Louis tho decision was reached to demand an eight hour day. Representative Bird McGuIro of Aklahoma sa"s Senator Goro Is not much better than a slanderer. With tho coming election Cuba Ib facing ns serious a crisis ns hna yet confronted tho young republic, Swarms of locusts recently Invaded Athens, rendering tho strcots slip pery with their crushed bodies. Tho total population of tho United States under tho last census will hardly bcknown before October. Serious floods continue throughout Japan. Thousands of houses aro sub merged and many lives wero lost. One of the first duties of tho United States supremo court will bo to pass on tho KnnsaB bank guaranty law. Sweeping authority Is given tho commerce commission by tho Inw which Is to tako offect August 17. Secretaries Wlckcrshnm nnd Nngcl are keeping out of tho Alaska quarrolNvhllo visiting tho territory. Tho establishment of a national home for tho deaf at Colorado Springs was urged nt tho world'B congress of tho deaf held there. Tho prohibitionists opened their campaign nt Liberty, Mo In tho In terest of tho statc-wldo prohibition constitutional amendment. The funeral of Bishop Dunno of Dal las, Tex., who died at Green Bay, V1b., was held at Chicago in tho Church of the Immaculato Conception. An nrmy paymoster's safo contain ing' $G,600 was stolon from tho maneu ver camp at Polo mountain, twenty five miles west of Cheyenne. Fritz Mcrgenthalcr, son of tho In vontor of tho linotype machine, was killed at Capo May, N. J when an express train ran into his automobile. Tho Carriage Manufacturers' naso- elation of tho United States In session at Louisville resolved to advanco tho prlco of vohlclcs for the season of inn " I Lionel Waldron nnd Jules Pages, tho American artists and Alexander Garfield, tho American explorer of Africa wero decorated with tho loclon of honor. The Nebraska Stato board of oquali- zatlon told Omaha bankers they enn- nht ilndurt $ full volitn f rnm I assessed valuo of capital stock on ao count of prospective bad Joans. Acting Secretary Plorro of tho In- terlor department appointed a com- mission to determine tho competency of Indian allottees on tho Santeo In- dlan reservation In Nebraska. The supremo lodgo Knights of Pyth Ins has decided not to tako ovor tho Ijib Vegas, N. M sanitarium for tu borcula'r patients now under tho Juris diction of the Knights of Pythias. John Wilson, Jr., long absent from his homo In Johnson county, Nobr., Aiturncd and established Ills Identity as right to the $30,000 estato loft by his father, who died five years ago. With hor throat cut from ear to nnr. thn linilv nf Mm. .Innnnli Wnlfo. , -. . ..... '-- ageu til, who oi a uenmson, iex., contractor, was found by hor daughter lying, fully dressed on a bod In hor home. Robert Black nnd Miss Margaret Fltzpatrlck, who wero among those Injured when an automobile was wrecked by a Southern railway train at Birmingham, Ala., dlod Monday, bringing tho total dead to four. Becnuso of tho raco riots at Gray, Jones county, Georgia, Govornor Jo- soph 13. Brawn was requested to Im mediately Bpcnd troops to that vicin ity, tho request coming from tho sher iff of tho county. With an armed guard on each side of him, Dr. Crlppon attonded dlvlno services in tho Catholic chapel of the provincial Jail at Quebec. Miss Lenevo declined to Join tho protea- tnnt iirlunnnra nt thla anrvlnn Personal. Nebraska was well represented at tho Knlisht Tomnlnr ,.nn,.iv., in ChlcnKo The iiollco of Clnvlnnd. - . . . - -"i -- convinced that Lawyer Rico was kll- leu ny tiuovoB. joim i). urimn, one of tho best known comedians on tho stage, for years a favorlto in vaudovllle, died In Provldonco. Jacob 11 union accused Congressman Croager of soliciting a bribe from Lawyer McMurray. Congressman Crenger of Oklahoma explained tho charges against him mado by Jako U Hamon. Thirteen wero killed and twelvo Injured in a train collision botweon Han Francisco ami aanta Hosa. Attorney General Wlckersham says there Is no law to warrant the ro- movnl of tho statuo of Robert B. Leo, A man believed to bo W, J. Mugfur ot Ishpomlng, Mich., was found doad In tho hydraulic elevator tank on the roof ot a hotel In Chlcngo. STATE ASSESSMENT THIRTEEN MILLION INCREA8E OVER LAST YEAR. T OF TAXES TO PAY Five-Mill Levy Will Bring Two Million Dollars Into trie State Treasury. The assessed value of all tho prop erty owned In Nebraska Is $411,958, 361. This Is an increase over last year of $12,072,530, the assessed valuo for 1909 being $398,985,819. Tho amount of taxes tho people Nebraska will have to pay into tno general fund or the stato and Into the university fund on the live mill levy is $2,059, 791. The amount paid last year was $2,194,421. At Its final meeting, tho board or dered the various counties to restore" to tho assessment rolls deductions that had been mado by banks for bad paper or bad securities held. This In creased tho assessment of Douglas county some $1,200,000 and affected slightly several other counties. The following tnblo Bhows tho as sessed valuation, which Is ono-flfth of the actual valuo by counties for tho yearB 1909 and 1910: 1909. Adams 6,498,362 Antelope 3,975.415 llnnncr 352,063 Uliilne 397,439 Hoone f. 6,021,073 Hox Htltto 1.743.738 Iloy.l 2.614,305 llrown 1,128,971 llllffiilo 7,107.519 Hurt ri.6')n.331 1910. 6,640,391 4,165,517 378,146 435,474 6,192,301 1,777,376 2,618,297 1,262,324 7,241,112 5,719,319 7.007,005 8,060,610 6,737,579 1,055,645 2.909.461 2.188,179 6.817.620 6,109,431 6,455,025 7,386,813 2.015.01.t 2,010,593 6,419.847 836,669 4,127.800 8,606,211 37.689,387 1,443,628 6,900,406 2.720,661 4,267,703 11,060,146 748,123 644,342 2,173,734 702,885 2.194,317 6,821,081 0.602,225 3,706,722 765,767 1,889,326 3,729,452 437.367 3.798.4C9 6,781,841 4,280,424 4,140.872 2,022,237 882,125 1,366.961 4.960,404 20,393,197 4,931,661 mil $ Ulltlcr 0,857,001 CllHH 5,495,849 974.057 2.67C.7S8 2.125,310 6,675,029 Cedar ... CIlllRt' ... Cherry . . Cheyenne Clny .... (,'olfnx .. 4.901,337 Cumlnir C.338.945 Custur ,. 7,119,629 Dukotii 2,571,035 DfiwcH ,. 1,952,442 Dawson 6,283,445 Doiiel 1.437,504 Dixon 4.012,768 DortKB 8,307,478 Douplas 35,765,733 Pumly 1,426,172 Fillmore 6,790,640 Krunklln 3.513.803 Frontier 2,699,435 FurniiH 4.222.963 (Iiiru 10,091,416 Otmlen Oarrtcia 487,007 Oospcr 2.143.4DU (Iriint ,672,420 Oreelev 2.100,717 Hull ,nsi.ioo iiS""..: y.WV.'. K??o Ilaym 749.105 ".y IC0CK 1,848,470 3,616,2KS 39H.160 3.712.207 6,691,653 I looker Vi'"!'1,, Johnson 4.306.8-2 Kearney 4,043,92a i too Kevn rViiia '829!oig H!mI",n V255'?I5 ttiaister 2o!oo9.'i99 Lincoln 269.262 Madison 0,054,702 230,2.13 4,251,770 Merrick .... Morrill 303.154 4.365.170 867. S74 1.091.557, N""mj,ft"! o'.337!?5 6,421,002 6,449,129 NuckoiiH 6.340.813 in"veo" 8,444,589 4,923,400 1,051,755 4,603,589 4.039,3tfi 7.641,939 S,M(i,7X2 5.040.087 Perkins 1,150,899 4,664.888 4.176.212 jIiJ.'JJ,'' Plntto 7,763,898 Polk 4.852,410 2.305.302 b.uni.utM riod Willow 3,349,179 HIchnnlBon 6,902,399 7.004.221 Hork 837,373 911,68 Bullne 7,200.774 7.367,762 3.803,449 9,628,992 1,871,805 7,005,632 2.484,059 2.761,606 1,165,004 3,824,672 5,724,155 482,599 2,006,84 1 3,061,629 6,228,134 4,177,600 4,427,063 635.300 7,908,812 Horny 3,825,101 9,302.236 1.626,625 6,828.297 2,28G,044 2,069,326 1,051,220 3,701.1136 6.64S.602 457,368 1.670.494 2,947,103 6.0.13,143 4.419,619 1,328.42't 472.468 SiUIIUlOlB ... Kcott'n Murr Kewnnl . ... Kherlunn ... Hhcrmiui ... Stnux Stanton Tlmye.r Thomas H''wn w-Milimton Wayne WpIisIiT wheeler York , 7.693,679 Total $398,983,819 $411,958,351 llicrente, $12,972,535. rho amount to bo paid Into tho gen eral fund this year Is $1,795,130, against $1,G47,833 paid .In last year, Tho State Board of Equalization, fixed the assessed valuation as above As a whole the taxes to bo paid aro less this yoar than last, because tho board reduced tho levy from 0 mills to 5 mills, of this 4 mills Is for the genoral fund, Tho university 1 mill levy 18 fixed by law. While moro money will bo paid Into tho gonoral fund for tho purposo of paying tho expenses of the state government, yet the total amount to be paid for stato and unlvorslty purposes Ib decreased a total of $134,030. I rt l rt.tll II uecr oiyps omi up. In spite of the fact that Lincoln has boon without saloons now for nonr,y yenr ,u,d n ,mU thero nre B'' a low ocer signs nanging "nign I nna "r ovur 1,18 81(10 "oor8 i Places wnere tno wet goous wore formerly i .ii i u,Di,u"auu Nebraska's Poultry Wealth, The noultry In Nebraska Is valued nt 2,309,895. This Is un Increaso from $1,839,485 In 1909, as reported by the county assessors. Increase In Switching Rates. Frank Ransom, attorney for tho Union Stock Yards conuwuy. tiled a brief with tho state railway comtuls- Blon In defense of tho Increaso In switching rntos which the stock yards company wants tho commission to up- prove. Tho Updlko Milling company hod previously raised the objection that tho switching affecting them had boon put Into effoet by tho stock yards company voluntarily and It was there- fore to be presumed that the rate was tatlsfnctory. Ransom urgueH that I u uot a proper presumutlon. CL08E OF SESSION8. Tho Junior Normals Through With Their Work. x.c JU...U. -..u-. locuieu ni. Alliance, viiuu, uiunvu Bow, Geneva, McCook, North Platto, O'Neill and Valentino, closed their eight weeks' sessions July 29. Tho totnl number of students enrolled was 1,414, Including 557 enrolled for In stitute. Tho total nttendanco was twonty moro than tho nttendanco for 1909. Tho first week or first two weeks of the session was designed us institute1 for thd counties in which the Junior normals were located, ex cept In tho case of Lincoln county, wt.lM. tinVnnil tli'n tnaf ivnrtlr nf Mm North Plntto Junior Normal ns In- stltutu week. At tho Alliance Junior Normal, nrnnt ttnnW ntni Sinn rmintipq united with Box Butto county for tho Institute; Blaine and Thomas coun- ties united with Custer county nt the Broken Bow Junior Normal; Hitch- cock countv with Red Willow' county at the McCook Junior Normnl, nnd Porklns and Keith counttlcs with Lin- rnin rnimtv nt Nnrth pinttn. At these, and nt tho Oenovn Junior Nor,- mnl. snoclnl Instruction was clven In domestic science and nKrlculture. tho counties uniting nnd bearing tho greater part of the extra expense. The lecture course nt the Junior normals this year wob mado self- aitatnttilncr 'Tim nt-lnMntil ntifl Innnl county Buperlntendont of each school was responsible for whntover was provided In the way of entertainment I and lectures. Tho plan proved very successful In that while good servlco wus given the students In theso spe cial featureB tho state was not called upon to use any money for such puis poso. Tho work of tho Junior normals nt McCook was seriously interfered with by quarantine regulations for nn epl domic of scarlet fevor. Regular ses sions of tho school were discontinued for about threo weeks, but tho In structors romalned on duty and mot Individually all students who cared to remain and complote any line of work. Much credit Is due tho fac ulty at McCook for the satisfactory way In which tho situation wns hand led during bucIi critical Mnie3. A number of students completed tho Junior normal training course nt Homo of tho schools and appropriate graduating exercises were held. These graduates have all attended tho Jun- lor normal schools not less than four aessIonB, nnd have completed the re quired course of study, for which credit Is given at the state normal schools. Tho appropriation for Junior nor- mal schools for tho blonnlum ending April, 1911, was $20,000. This ap- propriation has been sufficient to meet every need and tho Junior nor mals closo their second session of the blennlum with nil accounts fully paid. Good Place to Sell Goods. Sometime ago a muchlnery firm wrote Secretary of the Stato Fair W. R. Mellor, asking for n lot on which to make an exhibit. Mr. Mellor re- plied thnt all tho machlnory lots had been assigned, but If they wished to that thoy would place him some- whoro on tho grounds. The following reply was received. "Mr. W. R. Mellor. Secretary, Lin- coin. Neb. Dear Sir: Your lotter of Hi i J Mi nt li n ii ri n 1 1 1 vn Innrn with deep regret thnt the spaco on tho ma chinery ground Is all assigned. You stato that you can sandwich us In some place in tho machinery depart ment. Now, If you can do this wo will certainly consider It "worth whllo." Last year wo sold more ma chines on your grounds than nt any other fair, and from the point of act ual buying tho Lincoln stato fair Iuib always been a prize-winner. Gage County Assessor Delinquent. Tho state board of assessment and equalization decided to wait no longer upon County Assessor R. C. Hemphill for nn abstract of tho assessment ot Gago county. Under the provisions of tho Btntuto tho board decided to send a messenger to get the abstract and chargo tho cost to tho county For Hydro-Electric Plant. Burdette Boyes of Seward has ap plied to tho state onglneor for tho wa- ter right requisite for tho erection of a hydro-olectrle plant on tho Bluo riv er, threo mlleB below Mllford. Nftui nanW chartered. Th li-nmiom' Stntn lmnk i.f Sar gent. Custer county, has received chartor from tho stato banking board, Tho new organization starts with nuld un capital stock of $25,000. t... Nebraska has this summor been t,anntlnnnllv frnn frnm tni'iimloOB. n.v.,.v." , .. ---- Tim lr.Pi.1 ntntlnn nf Mm witnt her bit renu has practically no reports so far A Rhnuilnn at thn Fair. rr,r ,. honn nBt onmii?h nf nunr nrnn .lnmnun in Nnhmskn thlH yoar to mako It highly desirable that n showing of crop successes lie o n.,,in tn fnii- it will help every Nobrnskan. It will stlmu late prldo as well as Increaso bual ness to havo a demonstration made of tho producing power of fill of tho leading countleB made at this exposl .i ,u!ii tu. wnrtt. whiin to mnkp n showing of the fruits of tho Held .v..u v,.r nnrnmnnipn i.v tho rtcord Mifn Mnri, 1. TAFT TO ROOSEVELT LLOYD GRISCOM CONFERS WITH COLONEL AT 8AQAMORE. RELATIONS WILL BE DEFINED Western Trip of Ex-President Will Be Entered Upon Tuesday of This Week. Oyster Bay. N. Y. Ex-presldont Roosevelt announced that Lloyd C. Orlscom, chairman of tho New York republican county committee, will co,no to Sagamoro Hill Monday morn lnB for a conference. Mr. Grlscom 8Pent Sunday night with President Tnft a Ueverly, nnd although Colonel Roosevelt would not Bay so, it Is known that Mr. Grlscom will como to sngamoro Hill ns tno nearer ot an Important messngo from President Tnft. Tho conference, therefore, will " ot mora than usuat Importance. The colonel would ndd nothing to tho baro announcement that Mr. Grlscom was to comd oxcopt to say that he had read with raro lntorcst tho dispatches from Beverly, Intimat ing that the president Is expecting Secretary Balllnger to resign, and that Senator Aldrlch and Speaker Cannon In the futuro aro to be in less direct contnet with the administra tion. He refused to give his views on this subject or to say whether tho message which Mr. Grlscom bears constitutes another step In the ad ministration program for readjusting conditions within tho party. It 1b be lieved here, however, that as a result of Mr. Grlscom's visit the exact rela tions between tho president nnd the ox-presldent will bo moro clearly de fined even though no public an nouncement bo mado. Since Colonel Roosevelt returned from Africa ho has resolutely avoided placing himself on record In regard to the Taft administration. Ho has seen tho president only once, and then for a comparatively Bhort time, during his visit to Boston for the Harvard commencement. So far as Is known no messages have passed between them during that time and It is believed President Taft decided to ascertain where hla predecessor stands, particularly In view of tho na tlonal campaign which is soon to get under way Colonel Roosevelt's western trip Is to stnrt on Tuesday of next week During the trip it is expected that he will place himself on record In regard to a number of matters of great Inter est to tho country and tho republican party. Ono of them will be the con servation ot national resources which has been the subject of so much dis cussion during tho months which President Taft has been In tho White House. While it is believed that Colonel Roosevelt will not have one word of criticism of the administration In any of these speeches, thero is good ground for tho assumption that ho will 1 not depart from tho vigorous stand for conservatism which ho as- sumed while he was president, Colonel Roosovelt also announced that ho had decided on a third long trip. Starting some time In March ne win go irom coast, xo const, on a trin wnicn win occupy auoui ono month. UNCLE SAM'S INCOME. A Gain of More Than $50,000 a Week Reported. Washington. A gain of moro than $500,000 a week In the government's ordinary recolpts during the first six weeks of the present fiscal year, as compared with tho corresponding period last year, was announced by the Treasury department. The or dinary disbursements for tho same per0d show $1,000,000 less for tho surrent year. The ordinary transac tlonB ombrnce nil outside the Panama canal, tho public dobt and mlscel laneous transactions. CROP REPORT TO BE OUT SOON Time of Issuance and Scope of State ment Made Public. Washington. Tho tlmo of Issuance Und scope of tho September crop re ports of tho government wero mado ready by tho Dopartmont of Agrl culture. A report showing tho condl tlon or tno crop on August. ZD will uo ... a nm til Isstteil D.v ine crop Tenoning uuuru ui I. . II 1 1 ..A n hoon (eastern tlmo), Friday, Soptom uer Seismic Shocks Recorded. WaBh ncton. The soismograpn ai ijeorcetowu uiuvurBiij' lewium uu earthquake shock which lasted twen ly-llirOO minutes, uuBHlimiK "i . . . , COT - m. 1 no maximum Biiuun. o i. and lastod for a minute and a half Come tO TaKe rippert n Quebec Hergeuni Mlicneil OI BCUl land Yard and the two wardresses from Holloway Jail, arrived here Sun- nay 10 ixmv miu- Hawley Harvey Crlppon and Ethel - Claro Lo Nevo back to London. In the - afternoon tho quartette drove to the provincial ju.,, UMk prisoners. Dow handed Jailor Maurln a loner iur V... , , UUS"1 from London by Mitchell. Beyond saying that It came from tho girl's family In England, the Jailor would reveal uothlng ot Its contents. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News Notes of Interest From Various Sections. Nebraska chautauquas aro now be ing held all along the lino. The Plntto river wagon bridge at Fremont Is ngaln open for travel.' Tho eleventh annual session of the Fullorton chnutauqua assembly will be held August 19 to 28. Many portions of Nebraska have- been short on rnln, but corn never theless wears a promising outlook. Of taxes to be paid to the stato Douglas county Is chnrged with $188,- 440.94 and Lancaster county $101, 9G5.99. John Neary's house, threo miles. west of Lyons, burned to tho ground with all Its contents. Nothing oC valuo wns saved. Nino years ago 100 acres cast of Fairfield Bold at $50 por acre. Last week tho owner refused $120 per aero for tho same land. Rudolph Sns, son of Blair's most prominent business man, a member of Sas Brothers' firm, died recently In Los Angeles, Cal. Tho apple crop In Nemaha county. which at one time was thought would bo very light, Is turning out much better than was expected. The Burchard postofllco was burg larized by prying open a wlndowi About $C0 wns taken from the safe. which was not locked. Georgo Stockhnm of Dorchester was robbed of $44 In cash at the rail road yards In Emerson by two hoboes, whom he hnd Joined In a drinking: bout. A severe electrical storm visited Red Cloud. Lightning struck n trco, umped over to the electric light wire, which It followed to the power house, burning out the generator and leaving tho city In darkness. County Superintendent Vogltance of Colfax county is busy getting out notices and preparing for his summer Institute which begins nt Schuyler on the 22nd and runs for five days. He has secured an able corps of assist ants. Tho annual report of tho Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway company, for the yenr' ending Juno 30, Hied with tho railway commission, shows that the company after paying 400,000 divi dends had a deficit from operation amounting to $179,188.80. Judge Grimes of tho district court of Scott's Bluff county has dissolved tho temporary Injunction secured by the Goring irrigation ditch against tho State Board of Irrigation to pre vent the board from closing the head gates of tho Irr'gatlon ditches of tho upper North Platto river. C. B. Norrls, a member of tho Board of Education and former en gineer of tho Union Pacific shops at Grand Island, was thrown from his buggy and received Injuries consist ing of the fracture of a rib and the dislocation of n shoulderblado as tho result of a collision with another vehicle. Marshal Gates of Superior got word by telephone from Red Cloud to be on tho lookout for a young man, who It was charged had stolen a watch, giv ing the numbers of the case and works. When Burlington No. 10 camo In ho spotted his man and upon searching him found tho watch upon; his person. A party of four business men nnd two retired farmers went on a tour or Inspection through Buffalo county for tho purposo of examining tho corn crop. They found coundltlons sur prisingly good; In fact, they declaro that tho crop will run 75 to 80 per cent of a normal crop, which will bo better than last year. FIro from an unknown causo com pletely destroyed the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler grain elevator nnd coal shed and damaged a livery barn at Pender. Ernest Burturse, engineer of tho ele vator, who was tho first to discover tho (lames, suffered serious burns nbout the left nrm when he burst Into' tho blazing engine room and tried to fight tho fire. City bonds to tho amount of $17, 000 for n new city hnll and fire head quarters and bonds In the sum or $8,000 for tho extension of water mains wero voted at a special elec tion In Broken Bow. August Jaeger, a farmer residing some ten mlies northwest of Calla way, has lost soveral hea'd of his cat tle from something which puzzled the veterinarians. The nnlmals would be come mad when attacked by the malady and had all tho symptoms or hydrophobia, The veterinarians ap peared to bo unnblo to do anything: for them and four head had to bo shot, while two of tho herd died. County Judge Moore has asked the county attorney of Red Willow coun ty to proceed against Sheriff Hlgglnn of that county for allowing a prisoner to bo nt liberty contrary to the order of tho county court. Some weeks ago a woman was nrrested charged with illegal liquor soiling. She pleaded guilty and was bound over to tho dis trict court and In default of ball was placed In tho county jail. Subsequent ly, tho sheriff gave her liberty and she Is still out of Jail without ball con trary to the order of tho court. Alfred Hogon, an Inmate of the Kearney Industrial school and a par ticipant In a stealing scrape recently, departed during tho night for parts, unknown, taking with him one of the horses belonging to tho stato of that school, Harry Joyco has appealed to tho supremo court to reverse tho decision of the district court of Pierce county that he must spend twenty years la tho penitentiary for dynamiting a bank. Joyce was convicted of hav ing blown open tho safo of tho Farm ers Stato bank at Hadar and taking therefrom $1,934,