The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1910, Image 1

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NO 61
Afji a
W. J. Stuart and son Harris feft
Sunday for f few days visit in Denver.
Mrs. J. W. Payne and daughter Grace
went to Omaha yesterday for a brief
Mrs. John Weisgerber, of the Third
ward is seriously ill, suffering from
gall stones.
Miss Marie Patterson, Into with
Dickey Bros., has accepted a position in
the Keliher confectionery store.
A. E. Boyd left Sunday for the west
to look up a location. His family will
remain hero until he gets located.
Mrs. Burr Parr left Saturday for
Omaha, where her husband is now
employed, and where they will make
their future home.
A new Linoleum on your kitchen
would make your wife's work easier.
Let us figure with you.
Wilcox Depahtment Stoke
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Scott and two
children, who have been spending the
summer at the Beelor home, left yes
terday morning for their home at Cuba,
Mrs. M. Elias, accompanied by her
daughter Mary left Saturday night for
Casper, Wyo., to visit her son B. A.
Elias, who is engaged in the automo
bile business at that place. They will
also attend the Frontier celebration at
All but a half dozen counties have
reported the primary vote and these
give Aldrich a lead ef about -1,000 over
Cady for the republican nomination for
governor. The same counties give
Dahlman n lead of 700 over Shallenber
ger for the democratic nomination for
the same oflice.
Missc3 Edna and Alice Sullivan left
Suuday afternoon for a month's visit
with relatives in New York City and
Montpelier. Enroute east they
visit friends in Chicago and on the
turn trip will stop at Washington,
C, and Richmond, Va.
- Miss KathtirlndSeyferth accompanied
her brother Charles to Denver Friday
night and will visit friends and rela
tives in that city for a week or ten
days. Charles, who was one of the
railroad delegation who nttended the
celebration there Saturday, returned
homo yesterday morning.
The Maxwell correspondent of the
Brady Vindicator says: We understand
that our old friend Mnj. L. H. Dow,
Supt. of the National cemetery at Fny
etteville, Ark., would like to return and
take charge of theMcPherson National
cemetery, and has proposed a trade of
positions with Mnj. E. J. Ingle, thu
present superintendent. Maj. Ingle
would like the position now held by
Maj. Dow, with Uncle Sam's consent
the two will no doubt trade.
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant compound
like Bucklan's Arnica Salve will in
stantly relieve a bad burn, scald, wound
or piles, staggers skeptics. But great
cures prove its a wonderful healer of
the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons,
eczema, skin eruptions, as also chapped
hands, sprains and corns. Try it 25c at
Stone Drag Company.
It hi ft I. . 1 i 'iTl X I I 1
V 'I H f -
I. W i.i
" X"4
n 1, WA-' .
1 11
Our shoe prices read and sound about the same as
as the shoe prices that confront you everywhere, but it
is OyR SHOES thaf will impress you.
Come and see the handsome new Fall Models
ell worth coming to see. "
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
A contest has been filed against the
claim of F. L( Lawrence in Mc Pherson
county and the case is now being heard
at tho U. S. land office.
The Telepost is the name of a news
paper that will be established at Max
well with a Mr. Ernes as editor and
publisher. The initial number will ap
pear next Friday.
We havo just received a largo line of
Dishes of all kinds. Come in nnd see
them. Tramp Grocery.
Miss Marcia Hillikcr stopped over in
town Saturday and Sunday to visit
Miss Ruth Streitz while enroute to her
home in Denver from a visit with
Grand Island friends.
Men's and young men's strictly tail
ored Suits. Fall line just in. Watch
our show windows.
Hun Clothing Dept.
A marriage licenso wa9 issued Friday
to John Spitz and Ida Linnemoyor,
both of Curtis. The girl being but
seventeen, tho consent of her parents
was given.
Sheriff Miltonberger went to Lincoln
last night with the colored man Wil
liams, who was sentenced to one yenr
in the penitentiary for stealing brass
from the Union Pacific railroad com
pany. W. H. Ryan returned yeBterday
morning from a ten days fishing trip to
Rock River Wyo., bringing with him a
number of fine rainbow trout, several
of which weighed over three pounds.
Mr. Ryan reports fishing very good.
Figure with us on your hay camp gro
cery bill. Our canned goods are of the
best standard brands. Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
Tho "county commissioners devoted
Saturday to "figuring" tho valuation of
school districts and did not get this and
other preliminary work of making the
levy complete until yesterday. The
levy is being made today, and
claims against tho county will now be
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Huffman and son
Harry left last Saturday night for
Omaha having been called their by the
death of Mr. Huffman's brother Fred,
which occurred Saturday afternoon.
From Omaha Mrs. Huffman will go to
Kansas City to purchase her fall stock
of millinery.
For the next ten days we will sell a
few choice hammocks we have in stock
nt a discount of ten per cent.
RiNCKEit's Book Stoke.
Dr. Carl Stannard, of Casey, Iowa,
arrived the latter part of last week to
spend a week or more at the Watts
home west of town. Mrs. Stnnnard
and son whohave been here for some
time visiting her parents Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fremont Watts will return home with
Struck a Rich Mine.
S. W. Bends, of of Coal City, Ala.
says ho struck a perfect mine of health
in Dr, King's New Life Pills for they
cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble
after 12 years of suffering. They are
the best pills on earth for Constipation,
Marlarla, Headache, Dyspepsia, Debil
ity. 25c at Stone Drug Co.
are in and ready for
your inspection.
Never before lias so large
a selection of tasty shoes
and snappy styles been
shown in one store in the
nor for that matter in all
stores put together.
Miss Julia McGovorn returned to her
home in Dcnvor Sunday after spending
a month with friends in town.
Mrs. Bert Corbett, of Hastings, Is
spending this week in town visiting rel
atives and friends.
Miss Louise Weisgerber, of Missoula,
Mont., arrived Saturday night; having
been called hero by tho serious illness
of her mother.
Mrs. Ed Rcbhausen and daughter
Gertrude went to Omaha Saturday night
where the latter will rcceivo treatment
for her eyes. f
Always somethingdoing in up-to-dato
and yours-to-pleaso in tailored suits for
men and young men at tho Hub Cloth
ing Dept.
Miss Murray and Miss Mollyncau,
two of tho city teachers who havo
been touring Europe, will embnrk for
home next Snturday. After landing In
New York they will devote several
days to sight-seeing in that city and
will also go to Washington for several
Complimentary to, Miss Irene
O'Brit'n, Mrs. L. E. Hastings enter
tained a dozen young ladles Satuitlay
afternoon at an excursion party, an
affair that proved as enjoyable asitwas
novel. Miss Genevieve Ottenstcin cap
tured the first prize and thn second was
awarded to Miss Alma Waltemath. At
the close of the afternoon a two course
lunch was served by the hostess.
Tailormade, one piece dresses, this
fall's styles at Wilcox Department
O. C. Swan, mannger, American
Beet Sugar Co., Grand Island, states
the beets in our district -are testing well
in sugar content and will produce a
good tonnago and that present indi
cation points to an early harvest. Work
at the factory is being rushed
with campaign in view and Sup.
Howland is now filling position for the
operating season. Those wishing appli
cation blanks can rcceivo snmc by
Many Take Examination.
Last Fridcy arid Saturday fifty-four
teachers took the examination for the
several classes of certificates. This is
the largest number that has taken the
examination in two days since Mr.
Ebright's incumbency of the county
superintendent's olllce. It would indi
cate that there is not likely to be a
scarcity of teachers in the future.
List of City Property for Sale.
First ward.
New six room house, bath, electric
lights, basement under whole house.
Corner lot with cement walks around
lot and house. Only 7 blocks out $2500.
00. New 5 room house, with bath room
(not eduipped). Situated on South Wal
nut street. $1,800.00. $300.00 cash will
handle thi3, the balance to be made in
monthly payments.
1 room house, pantry and closets,
Good barn. Nice lawn and shade trees,
Situate So. Walnut street. $1,5000.00.
Second Ward.
Maurice Fowlor placo. This lot alone
will be worth more than we arc asking
for the lot and improvements at tho
present time within the next five years
See us quick for prices and terms.
8 Room house, with bath, electric
lights, cellar, lawn, and trees. Situtnte
in South part of city. $1,850.00. You
will have to step lively if you want a
chance at this.
C Room house with bath. In one of
tho best locations in the city. Nice lawn
anu trees, $i:,auu.uu.
( JCoom House, nice lawn and trees on
West 0th street. Nine blocks out. $2.-
9 Room house on West-lth street. Lawn
and trees. Has all been rebuilt just
lately and is as good a3 new. Ten
blocks out. $3,500.00.
6 Room house on West 6th street.
Corner lot. New house. $2,000.00.
We havo a small tract of land iust
outside city limits with threo room
house on it. Equal to about two city
lots. $800.00 will buy it. Only ten blocks
lrom uourt House.
Third Ward.
G Room house with two nice lots on
East 10th street. Nice lawn and trees.
House newly painted and papered.
Bargain at $2,200.00.
G Room houBe with two lots. Nice
lawn and trees on West 10th street.
G Room house on North Dewey St.,
Good cellar, electric lights $1,800.00.
5 Room house on West 8th St .Nice
lawn and trees $1,600.00.
All the above can be had on terms.
See us:-
Tumi'le Real Estate & Inburance
1 & 2 McDonuld Block.
C. F. Temple, Mgr.
Phone Red .10.
Life on Panama Canal
has had one frightful drawback mala
ria trouble that has brought Buttering
anu ueatn to thousands. Tho germs
cause chills, feverand airue. biliousness.
jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gene
ral debility, nut tilectric Bitters never
fail to destroy them and cure malaria
troubles. "Three bottles comr oto v
cured me of 'a very severe attack of
malaria," writes Wm. A Frotwell, of
Lucama, N. C, "and I've had good
health ever since." Cure Stomach.
Liver and Kidney Troubles, and nrevent
Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed bv Stuno
Drug Co.
Amputate Foot.
The condition of Judgo Elder's right
foot reached such a stogo that an am
. . . ... . t
putauon nt the ankle becamo necess
ary , Tho oporation was performed by
Dr. Quigloy nnd Dr. Dent, nnd the
pntient came through tho ordeal In i
vory sutistnetory manner. His con
dltion is reported to bo as good as could
bo expected. While this operation
places the Judgo In a maimed condition,
and was resorted to as a last move to
ward stopping blood poisoning, it la be
lieved that it will have tho desired
effect. "
Cody Wires Dahlman.
Among tho telegrnms of congratula
tion received by Mayor Dahlman is the
following characteristic message from
Colonel W. F. Coby (Buffalo BUI):
"Hon. JnmcsC. Dahlman: You have
my hearty congratulations. You will
finish in the lead ns a blooded broncho
should. Pull the bridle to the limit and
you will quit a winner nnd move camp
over to Lincoln. Am with you.
W..F. Cody."
School Will Open September 12th.
At a meeting of tho board of educa
tion Friday evening it was decided to
open the city schools on September 12th,
instead of September Gth as was the
intention. Tho change of dnte Is due to
the uncompleted condition of the Second
ward building nnd tho further fact that
two or more of the teachers catinot
reach hero by September Gth.
The board approved the commercial
course and made an assignment of
tenchers for tho coming yenr. This as
signment will be published later.
Fraternal Picnic.
The fourth annual picnic of tho four
frnternnl orders of Hcrshoy will bo
held at theO'Fallons school houso grovo
on Thrusday of next week, September
1st. A program of varied sports .has
been arranged, including a ball game
between Hershcy nnd Sutherland, an
address will be mado by J. G. Beeler
and a basket dinner will be served.
Miisic'will be furnished-by thu North
Platte and Sntherland school bnnds.
The parade to tho pipnie grounds will
lenve Hershcy at 9 a. m.
The public is cordially invited to at
tend this picinic.
The Gollmnr Brothers Show which
exhibits in North Platte next Saturday
features everything connected with it,
from the street parade to the concert.
The press of other cities havo made only
tho most fnvorablo comment for Goll
mnr Brothers parade. Even when tho
show visits territory where it has
never been, its magnificent street pa
geant so agreeubly surprises the public
that they are sure to crowd tho im
mense tents. The parade of tho Gollmnr
Brothers show will start from lot at 10
o'clock sharp, and traverse the princi
pal streets.
Lost Between court house und
Tramp's store on Saturday a lady's
green hand bag, containing some money.
Finder enn keep money if bag is return
ed to Trnmy's store.
D. Frank Miner, of Oblong, 111., nnd
Lulu M. Foulke. of Knnsns City, were
married in this city Thursday by Rev,
W. S. Porter.
Cuts and bruise may be healed in
about one-third tho time required by
tho usual treatment by applying Cham
berlain's liniment. It is an antiseptic
and causes such injuries to heal without
maturation. This liniment also re
lieves soreness of the muscles und
rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers.
Your boy or girl buys at
our grocery department with
every assurance that they will
receive the same fair and cour
teous attention that would be
accorded yourself. No expert
knowledge is required when
dealing with us. Our prices
are always fair. Quality gov
erns the price and the price
quality. The dime or dollars
of a child will go as far and
Dring you as mucn value as
the same amount in the hands
of the wisest food expert,
This absolute certainty of get
ting what you pay for is one
of the foundation stones on
which we have reared a most
popular grocery business.
Wilcox Department Store.
Rev. C. F. Chapman spent yesterday
in Ogalulln.
Georgo Ell went to Denver Fridny
noon for n two week's visit.
John Winn, of Konrnoy, enmo up
Snturday for a visit with frionds.
John J. Halligan Is In Goring attend
ing the sessions of tho district court.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Hof thine, of Chey
enne, visited relatives In town Sunday.
Claude Dclnney enmo up from Goth
enburg Snturday and spent tho day in
Mrs. Harry Murrin left Saturday
night forn visit with her sister in Chey
MissGrnco Barbee, of Syrncuso, Neb.,
is tho guest of her sister Mrs. E. C.
uoo waido leu Saturday night for a
month's visit at points in the Now
England states.
Mrs. b . L. Lawrence nnd two sons
nro down from their homestead in Mc
Phersontcounty. Miss Mary Guilliaumc returned Fri
day evening from a six weeks' visit
with friends in St. Louis.
Judge Grimes left Sunday night vf or
Goring to hold court. Ho expected to
be absent two or throo weeks.
Miss Alice Fritzpataick left Saturday
morning for Columbus whoro sho will
visit friends for several weokB.
Mrs. Van Doran and daughter Miss
Nina returned Friday evening from a
month's visit with rclatircs nt Scotts
Miss Isabel Doran expects to leave
soon for Gretna, Neb., where sho will
teach in tho city schools during tho
coming year.
Mrs. Belle Swarthout returned to
Plattsmouth yesterday after having
visited North Platte friends for several
Mrs. Ed McGowan, of Yos Angeles,
arrived Saturday morning for n visit
with her mother Mrs. Elln Shumnn and
other relntives in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dave Brown nnd Mrs.
Ida Brown left on tho branch train Sat
urday for a visit with relatives at
Oshkosh and Northport.
Miss Ethel Reese, of Omaha, visited
Mrs. Jas. Leonnrd Saturday while en
route to Kcystono where sho will visit
friends for several wcoks.
Miss Blanche Thornburg left last Sat
urday night for JJeavor, Utah, where
she will spend several weeks with her
sister Mrs. Henry Lonorgnn.
Miss Lcoty, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. John Singleton for sev
eral months, will leave Thursday for
her homo in Pittsburg, Pa.
Miss Mablo Hayes, of Cozad, came
up Friday evening and will spend some
time in town as tho guest of Miss Irene
Richard and other friends.
John Holcomb, who is now engaged
in business at Los Angeles, is visiting
his patents in Maxwell and spent Sat
urday with friends in town.
Miss Francis Currnn who hnd been
spending the summor with her sister
Mrs. W. II. Shohonoy, returned to her
home in Ft. Collins Saturday bight.
Wilson Trout camo down from Osh
kosh Friday evening and returned yes
terday morning. Ho is conducting the
Garden county teachers' institute.
Charley Roach returned the latter
part of last week from a month's visit
with relatives at Grand Rapids, Mich.
He also visited other eastern points.
Mrs. Robert OwenB and children and
Mrs. Alfred James and daughter left
Saturday morning for a visit with their
parents and other relatives at Repub
lican City.
Robert Derryberry, formerly book
keeper for the C. F. Iddings compnny,
has returned to town nnd reentered the
employ of that compuny. A short time
ago Mr. Derryberry sold his residence
property here and removed to Grand
Junction, whoro ho had purchased an
interest in a fruit farm. Not finding
the work agreeable, ho worked in Pine
Bluffs for a short time and eventually
drifted back to this city. Mrs. Derry
berry returned a wenk ago.
The Beet Hour of Life
is when you do somo great deed or dis
cover somo wonderful fact. This hour ,
camo to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt N. ;
C. when ho was suffering intensely, as
ho says, "from tho worst cold I ever
had, I then proved to my great satis
faction, what a wonderful Cold nnd
Cough cure Dr. King's Now Discovery
is. For, after taking ono bottlo, I was
entirely cured. You can't Bay anything
too good of n medicine like that.1' Its
the surest und best remedy for diseased
lungs, Hemorrhages, Laurippo, Astht.
ma, Hay Fover any Throat or, Luilg
Trouble, 50o. $1.00. Trinl bottlo free.
Guaranteed by Stbrte DrUg Co.
Eye glasses and spectacles ficttd to
tho eyes nnd guaranteed. Clinton, Jew
eler and Optician.
Having sold my restaurant at Her
shcy to Jas. W. Abbott, who will tako
possession September 1st. All accounts
duo mo must be uo tiled on or boforo
that date. L. P. Kkong.
For Sale.
Rooming house best location in city;
thirteen rooms nnd eighteen beds. Ask
to sco the books ns to its being amonny
maker. Price $1,200. For sale by D.
E. Morrill.
For Sale.
Two 3 year-old Short Horn Bulls and
somo Heifers. Inquire of A. S. Bellow.
Cody's ranch.
Strayed or Stolen
From tho Frank Fncka farm southeast
of town about the middle of May, one
whito faced cow with calf, and
ono two yenr old red steer branded
with fish on left Bide. Anyono know
ing of their whereabouts please notify
mc noovo.
The Sweater is very essen
tial for a vacation in the
mountains or in the country,
in fact, it is quite indispen-
able all the year around. Just
now, when our stock is so
complete, is an especially
good time to buy them, as
we are ready with a splendid
line of the new models which
will be shown extensively for
fall wear. We illustrate one
number in a co-ed style made
from very fine worsted yarns
in a fancy stitch, trimmed
with contrasting colors, A
very stylish garment. Price
Wilcox Department Store.
YOU'LL soon bo at tho canning
and pickling with all its hard
work. It would bo a pity to
havo tho fruits of your efforts
spoil during tho winter. See
that Iars and bottles arc well
is the best thing to seal them
with. Can bo used over and
over and is tnsteless and harm
less. Pure High Grade Spices,
Jar Rubbers,
Sealing Wax, Etc .
Family Druggists.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
A9ifK Co.
feFkfe V"