The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 19, 1910, Image 3

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i "What havo you to say to this charge
k bigamy; why did you havo so many
"Well, Judge, I expected to weed
ut a tow ot thorn later."
"I had oczema on my hands for ten
x foarB. I had threo good doctors but
nono of them did any good. I then
used om box ot Cutlcura Ointment
and three bottles of Cutlcura Resolvent
and was completely cured. My hands
were raw all ovor, Inside and out, and
the octema was spreading all over my
body and limbs. Before I had used ono
bottle, together with the Cutlcura
Ointment, my sores wero nearly
healed over, and by tho Umo I had
Med the third bottlo, I was entirely
well. To any ono who has any skin
" or blood disease I would honestly ad
viso them, to fool with nothing else,
but get Cutlcura and got wo)l. My
hands1 nave nover given mo the least
bit r,( troublo up to now.
rMy daughter's hands this summer
became perfectly raw with eczema.
She could got nothing that would do
them any good until sho tried Cutl
euro. Sho used .Cutlcura Resolvent
(md Cutlcura Ointment and In two
weeks they wero entirely cured. I
have used Cutlcura for other members
of my family and It always proved suc
cessful. Mrs. M. E. Fallu, Spoors
Ferry, Va., Oct 19, 1909."
What's become of the hookworm
fake? Gono out of Stiles? When will
they gt into Stiles again? Eh,' Dr.
f tiles 7""
' Contlpitlon
a tion causes and aggravates many serlool
It U thoroughly cured Iy Dr. I'ierce's
Pellets. Tho tuTcrlts tamlly laxative.
tie Hint
A man's argument is nearly always
aelf convincing.
you can expect to suffer
because the other organs
are also affected and the
whole system of diges-
. .
tion and assimilation is
blocked. You can eat
heartily and without fear
of distress if you will
begin your meals with a
dose of Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters. It regulates
the Appetite, aids diges
tion and prevents Gas on
Stomach, Heartburn,
Belching, Indigestion,
Cramps. Diarrhoea and
Malaria, Fever and Ague.
Try it today.
lon.u.u juouim, 1111
references. Best result
Nebraska Directory
Are the Beat. Ask your local dealer or
WW C La U 1 IWl V3 this proceta all broken
part of machinery made good as new. Weldt
cast Iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brats or
any otnsr metsi. expert automoDiia repairing.
SRTaOHY MOTOH CO., OOUnoll Blufia.
M. Spleaberger & Son Co.
Wholtsale Millinery
las Bait In the West OMAHA, NEB
attention. All auppllea for toe A
Mall orders
nlTen special
Amateur strict-
IT fresh,
Bend for catalogue and flnlablna
COMPANY. Box 107. Omaha. Nob
THE PAXTON Eurooean Pla
JSooms from $1.00 Up single, 75 centa up double,
&T mall ( cot prices. Bend for fre eataloae
Get tho best Your dealer can supply
you with our brand. Your loss of bay
will mora than pay.
N. W. Cor. 11th a Hsrnej Sti. Omaha, Ne."
urrows Method Is Confined to
s .Comparatively Small Area.
It Has Been Shown Water Is Rarely
Distributed Everdy In Furrow
Irrigation and Much Is Lost
by Deep Percolation,
Alfalfa, native meadows, and grata
are most commonly Irrigated by one
of tho methods previously doscrlbed
rather than by tho furrow method,
which is tho usual method ot Irriga
ting orchards, gardens, root crops' and
vegetables. Tho irrigating of alfalfa
from furrows is at prcsont confined
to the Yakima valley, Washington, to
portions of tho Snako river valley in
southern Idaho, and to comparatively
small areas in other states. In tho
localities numod the soil is a flno clay
loam which runs together, puddles
wheu wet, and bakes and cracks when
dry. Flooding the surfaces by arty of
tho customary methods tends to pud
dlo the top layer ot soil, which be
comes tnilto hard when 'tho moisture
Is ovaporated, writes Samuel Fortlcr,
chief of irrigation, United States de
partment of agriculture, In Irrigation
Age. The puddling and baking pro
cesses tnjuro alfalfa, and it was with
tho object of kooping as much as pos
sible of tho surface dry that furrows
wero introduced. When a small stream
is permitted to run in tho bottom of a
furrow for several hours tho soil be.-
neath and for dome dlstanco on each
side becomes wet, while the surfaco
may remain nearly dry.
Tho alfalfa grown in the Yakima
valloy In Washington is practically all
irrigated by means of furrows. Tho
grading is usually done by buck
scrapers, whilo a long rectangular
drag removes most of tho surface In
equalities that remain after the sur
faco has been leveled roughly by tho
Bcraper. The float is made of two 2
by C inch timbers about twenty feet
long, held in position by crosspleces
of the same size, six feet long.
The common practise is to run tho
furrows across tho entire width or
length of a field, and in consequence
their length varies from 20 rods to
less In small fields to 80 rods in largo
fields. Ab a rule, the furrows aro too
long. Fanners object to cutting up a
Hold by head ditches, but In a climato
like that of tho Yakima valley in mid
Bummer, by far the most essential elo
tnent in plant production la water, and
all other considerations should give
place to it. It has been Bhown that
water is rarely distributed evenly In
furrow irrigation and that much ia
lost by doep percolation. To Increase
the length of a furrow beyond CCO
feet, or one-eighth mile, not 'only in
creases tho loss, but renders a unl
form distribution more difficult to so
cure. Except in rare cases, this dls
tnnco should be regarded as to tho
limit for tho length of furrowB, In
light, sandy boIIb, having a porous
gravel stratum beneath, tho length
may well bo reduced to 250 feet.
A good method of dividing an alfal
fa field for furrow Irrigation Is by
placing lumber head flumes either 8
by 8 Inches or C by C inches along tho
upper boundary of each strip. Auger
holcB aro bored through one side of
the flume flush with tho bottom at
points whore water Is to be delivered
to the heads of furrows. A short piece
of lath revolving in a nail controls the
flow from each opening. On steep
grades a cleat on tho bottom of tho
inside of tho flume nailed on crosswise
Just bolow each opening will dam back
the water and Increase the discharge,
When flumes are considered too
costly tho water is distributed among
the furrowB through woodon spouts
sot In tho bank of an ordinary earthen
ditch. These head ditches when in
operation are divided Into a scries of
levol spaces by means of drop boxes
which hold tho surfaco of tho water at
tho desired elevation. Tho spacing of
theBO drop boxes depends on the
grade of tho hoad ditch and their cost
averages about $2.50 each. Spouts aro
made usually by nailing together four
lath. There Is a special lath on tho
market somewhat heavier than tho or
dlnary ono used for plastering build
lngs, being 0.5 Inch thick, two Inches
wide, and threo feet long. Four of
theso when nailed together cost about
3.5 cents and each spout In placo costs
about G.5 cents.
The Ground Mole.
Tho mole Is a stout, thick-set Insect
CatltlR unlmal. llvlnc unilnrirrniinit
where it burrows with wondorful fa
cllity and constructs galleries often of
great extent and complexity. The molo
Is tho most voracious of mammals,
and If deprived of food Is said to sue
curab In from ten to twelve hours
Moles havo been seen by various ob
Hervers, as if maddened by hunger, to
attack animals nearly as large nsi
thomsolves, such as blnlB, lizards,
frogs and even snnkes. If two moles
are .confined together without food tho
weaker is invariably devoured by tho
stronger. Thoy tako readily to the
i Excellent Fall Pasture.
A small umount of rapo can be
sown with oats and aftor tho oats
crop Is removed you have an excellent
fall pasture Sheep llko rapo, but It
Is not a good plan or safe to keep
them on rape alone. They should have
plenty of puro water at all times of
tho year.
Thorough Ventilation Necessary.
Thorough ventilation is necessary
for batching vigorous chicks. Tho em
bryo chick breathes through tho por
ous bug"
culture of sweet potato
One of the Beat Drought Resisting
Plants and Will Produce Crop
With Little Water.
(Hy FABIAN CJArtCIA. New Mexico Col
lege oi Agriciiuuru nnu Mechanic Arm.)
Tho sweet potato Is oneof tho most
drought resisting plants which wo
hnvo In southern Now Moxlco. It will
produoo a crop with less water than
any other vegetable. Tho fact that tho
sweet potato Is qutto drought roslst
nnt docs not mean that the grower
should not uso as much water as Is
"necessary to produco a .good crbp. At
this Btatlon from six to ten irrigations.
havo produced good yields. It has also
been observed that if the sWeot pota
toes aro kept well irrigated arid tho
Btirfacc soli moist a larger crop is pro.
duccd and tho tubers are nearer the
surface of tho ground than when tho
surface soil Is allowed to dry out too
much. If the surfaco soil dries out
too much the roots of the sweot pota
toes tend to follow tho molsturo and
go down deep into tho soil. In such
cases thcro is a development of tho
root seemingly at tho expense of the
crop, and tho tubors are down qulto
deep In the soil besides. It is believed
that if moro frequent but lighter irrl."
gatlons were given Instead of heavy
Irrigations at long intervals better re
sults could bo obtained. Aside from a
larger yield tho sweet potatoes would
form nearer tho surfaco and it would
bo much easier to dig them but. Whon
the swoot potatoes aro near the sur
faco thoy can bo plowed out very
easily without bruising them vory
much. If the tubers go down deep in
tho soil It is qulto difficult and ex
pensive to plow them out without
bruising them.
As a rulo In this Bcctlon swoot pota
toes nro allowed to remain in the. field
until tho vines havo been killed by.
tho first froBts. To a certalnextout
tho idea provails among many farm
ers that sweet potatoes should b6lug
before the frost "runs down tho vino
Into tho tuber." As to whether 'this
1b n fact or not, wo havo no authentic
data. All that can bo said now Is that
practically all tho sweet potatoes
stored away aro dug after tho vines
havo boon killed by the frost.
Great caro must bo taken that tho
tubors are not bruised. Tho less they
are bruised the less loss, thcro will bo
from decaying.
Men fall with sheep principally bo
cause they do not understand thorn.
A weak ram means weak lambs and
that means n lot of troublo and sor
The bacon pigs should havo a run
of grass or some of tho clovers in the
Give the pigs a run where thoy can
get plenty of grass and clover or alfal
fa if possiblo.
One of tho first problems that con
fronts tho beginner Is tho housing and
protection of his Bhcop.
Ab horses aro high priced now, It
pays to save their health and strength
and prolong their lives.
See that pigs aro froo from llco. Dip
them in one of tho coal tar prepara
tions. Sheep dip Is good.
Feed somo grain to pigs In pasture;
It pays. One-half to two pounds per
day, depending on slzo and ago of
Try tho plan of watering tho har
vester teams during the middle of the
forenoon and afternoon. A pailful Is
To fatten hogs successfully they
should be kopt In a omall pen, say 32
feet square with a dry and comfortablo
placo to sleep.
Tho secret of success In keeping
Bheep as In keeping any kind of live
stock is to understand their needs and
cater to them.
Keep up your podlgroo stock breed
Ing and record your pedigree, keep
your best sires and breed for typo,
quality and early maturity.
Horses will havo a moro restful
nooning and go back to work with
greater strength If harness Is removed
when they come In from tho field.
A pure-bred maro may bo bred Just
as early as a grade and It Is not too
enrly to breed a mare at two years of
age, provided sho is properly dovel
A draft maro Is valuable for her slzo
and for the slzo oho can transmit to
her offspring. To produco heavy
horses, liberal feeding must be re
sorted to.
Curing Marine.
Mange In dogs can bo cured nl
though It requires patience. First clli
off all tho hair on tho nffected parts
then apply green soap and allow it to
remain five hours. Whon washed with
warm water tho scabs and scurf will
como off, Tho .parts should then bo
wiped drv and tho following roincdy
applied by rubbing It thoroughly Into
the diseased skin: Kreso, one ounce
nil of'-tar ono ounce, flowers of sul
phur one ounce, lard or vaqollno eight
ounces. Mix all together and rub Into
tho afflicted skin once dally for throe
or four days, then withhold for a week
and apply again.
Ashes for Pigs.
If pigs are confined in pens during
the fattening period It is a good plan
to foed them charcoal or wood ashes
or, in the absence of these, common
hard coal. A shovel full now and
then; onco a weok will do.
Care of Brood Sow.
The brood sow should havo plenty
ot cxorciso ana a variety of food
Plenty of green food if possible This
produces bone and musclo, and milk
which is Just as essential In the brood
Exaggerated Ambition Leads a Clever
and Hardworking Young Aus
trian Officer to Murder.
Vienna. Almost mediaeval in many
of Its aspects Is tho crime for which
Lieutenant Hofrlchtcr of tho Austrian
general staff has been condemned to
death. Exaggerated ambition is tho
cause 'assigned for his downfall, and
it is possiblo that he may still escape
execution on tho plea that his desire
Lieutenant Hofrlchtcr.
for promotion was so strong that It
unbalanced his mind.
Hofrlchtor was marked for advance
ment ns one of the cloverest and moat
hardworking of tho younger oillcers,
but his promotion was delayed on ac
count of his youth. Ho did not know
thlB, and he conceived a violent hatred
for Borne of the officers who received
the advancement to which ho believed
he was entitled. -
Recently two of tho lately promoted
officers of tho goneral staff died sud
donly and a third becamo dangerously
111. It was discovered that all three
had received packets of an alleged
medlclno in tho form of chocolate-cov
ered tablets with letters advising thorn
to tako it. The tublets were analyzed
and found to contain cyanldo of pot as
slum, and the death of tho officers wai
uIko discovered to be duo to this
Tho letters wero llually traced tc
Lieutenant Hofrlchtcr, who for a long
tlmo dented IiIb guilt strenuously. Tito
cvldenco becatno too strong for him
and at last ho confessed and admitted
that ho had tried to romovo tho off
ccrs from his path to promotion. A
trnglc featuro of tho cobo wns the
cvldenco which his young wife wae
compelled to give, and which aided
materially In fixing tho crime on het
If Hofrlchtor la not pardoned on the
ground of insanity ho will bo Btrnngled
In accordance with tho Austrian' law
If ho is not pardoned his execution
will bo tho first that has taken place
in Austria for 30 years.
How Works of Historical and Artistic
Interest Are Preserved From
Time's Ravages.
Now ork. Whilo tho absonco ol
ruins in America has been a source oi
chagrin to writers who envy every
thing European, thoy havo never gone
eo far as to specify any particular
building that would look better ruined
In fact, as far as any-efforls havef boon
made In tho matter, thoy have been
bum rather toward the prevention oi
decay than In tho opposlto direction
Hamilton's Tomb.
Ono case in Europo Itself was noticed
recently in these nairoH. where n Rnu
glng arch of tho Itelms cathedral has
boon supported by a concrete truss. In
Now York city u number of works of
historical Intorcst are belnir nresnrvml
from tho ravages of tlmo by tho samo
process tnat saved the obollsk In Con
tral park a coating of paraffin to stop
the decay of tho Btone. Ono of theso
Is tho tomb of Alexander Hamilton in
Trinity churchyard, another Is an Ital
Ian fountain In Dronx.park given by
William Rockefeller, and another tho
row of Clppollno mnrblu pillars on tho
front ol St. Uartholomew's church.
- JsV - SLIM J ' JL L ' ' J M-at.
Awgcloblc Preparation for As
similating Ihc Food and Regula
ting the S to machs and Bowels ol
Promotes Digcsliort,Chccrful
ncss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Natic otic
fay rou DrSAMvsiirmsx
Ancrfecl Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Tint CENTAlm Compakyv
i k
Guaranteed under tho Foodaj)
Kxact Copy of Wrapper.
Willie (aged five) I guefis thoy
think up in hoaven that I'm dead.
Mamma Why bo?
Wllllo 'Cos I ain't said my prayors.
The Wrong 8ort.
An old Irish peasant was ono Sun
day sitting in front of his cottage
pulling nway furiously at his pipe.
Match arter matcn be ligntea, putt
ing hard at the pipe the while, until
at last the ground all. round his feot
was strewed with Btruck matches.
"Come In to your dinner, Patsy," at
length called out his wife.
"Faith, and Ol will In a minute, Bid
dy," said ho. "Motko Mulrooney has
been a-tolllng mo that if Ol shmoked
a bit av ghlass Ol cud bco tho 'shpots
on the sun. Ol don't know whether
Molko's been a-foollng mo or whethor
Ol'vo got hold av tho wrong kind of
ghlass." Scrops.
"He's bo uncouth."
"What's tho matter?"
"He actually eatB the lcttuco loaf
tho salad rests on."
for ned, Itcfatnar Hyellda, Grata, Stye
Falling Eyelashes and All Eyo That
Need Caro Try Murine Eya Bnlve. Asep
tic Tubcn Trial Blze 25c. Ask Your Drug
gist or Write Murine Eye Ilcmudy Co.,
How would It do to try tho experi
ment of going to the erring .with lovo,
Instead ot law 7 Wouldn't it bo a stop
nearer to paradise?
Mr. Winston's Boottilng Hyrnp.
ForehlMrrn tlhlni, oftrnsthnmiis, mlueealn
tuuinaUon,alla7Spaln,curesnlndcoUo. KtfjubotUe.
Many a girl who refuses to stay
single also refuses to stay married.
Lewis' Single Binder straight Co cigar.
You pay lOo for cigars not so good.
If a fireman antagonizes you tell
him to go to blazes.
A Poor Weak Woman
At she is termed, will endure bravely mnd patiently
agonies which strong man would live nay under.
The fact is women are more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice fr$$ cf chargt
mad in absohte confidtnc and privaoy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V.
Pierce, M. D.. President, Buffalo. N, Y. Dr. Pierce
has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many veart and has had at wider nrnotleal emfrim
In the treatment, of women' discuses than any other physician la this country. ' '
111 medicines aro world-famous for their astonishing effiosoy.
The most erfeat remedy enrer derlscd for vresuc susd dell"
ate vromea la Dr. Pioroe'a Payorite Prescription, .
The many su.d varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are folly set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medloal Adviser (1008 pages), a nowty
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed frt on
reeeipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay oost of malting only. Address as above.
For Infants md Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
CatcBtcaAsrfaisaJ ivrasaW TW s Uohl
hsnh uaascsmrr. Irr
PurrJf Trr1U.. A&
trallr an t knri
eUniimW til, sad .
Cars Ca-
Iff in
Skk'Hssasd ssj hHjiistm, as
Small PHI, Small Doh, Saudi Pries
Genuine euutu Signature
Choice quality) red and rouns,
white (aces or angus bought on
orders. Tens ot Thousauda to
select from. Satisfaction Guar
anteed. Correspondence Invited.
Come and see for yourself.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
At either
Kaasss City, Me., SI. Jesaph. Mo 8, Omais.Hofc.
f 1 of this paper de-
Readers nzt?
II tlted in Its columns should
ll nu upon
II having what they ask (or, refuting all
Liubftjtutet ot imitation.
That Awful
Did you hear It? How embar
rossing;. Thesestomach nolsesuiake
you wish you could sink through
the floor. You imagine everyone
hears them. Keep a box of CAS
C A RETS in your purse or pocket
and take a part of one after eating.
It will relieve the stomach of gas. exs
CASCARKTS 10a a box for a week's
treatment. Alldrucglsts, lllggest seller
la the world million boxes a month.
I rntir Idras.
04-pace book and
aitflce t'ltUH.
-i. nuiuDUBneaiwu.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 33-1910.
A Ah
Keeps the spindle bright and
freo from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
sow as It is In a dairy cow,