The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1910, Image 8

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance. ...... .$I.2fi
One Year by Carrion in advance $1.00
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
offlco as Second Class Matter.
Unconfirmed reports from tho sum
mcr homo of President Taft arc that he
will get rid of some of tho bnrnnclcs
which have been sticking closely to the
administration ship. According to these
reports Secretary Ballingor will hand
in his resignation September 18th, and
Senator Aldrich and Speaker Cannon
aro to bo eliminated from the councils
of tho partjN-
A gain of more than half a million
dollars' a week in the government's or
dinary receipts during the first six
weeks of tho present fiscal year, as
compared with the corresponding period
last year, hos been announced by the
treasury department, Tho ordinary
disbursements for the same period show
ono million dollars less for tho current
year. Tho ordinary transactions em
braco nil outside Panama cannl, public
debt and miscellaneous transactions.
Seizuro of 185,800 ice cream cones was
made in Omaha Saturday morning by
United States Deputy Marshall Haze
under tho direction and at tho request
of Henry B. Evans, fcdernl food nnd
drug inspector. Tho chargo is made
that tho cone3 contain boric acid, an
adulterant and alleged by tho depart
ment of nirrlculturc to bo n harmful
poison in food stuffs. This Is the larg
est single seizuro of cones ever made,
tho total bulk amounting to more than
half a carload. Previous to this time
tho record seizuro was made in New
York'cltv. tho number of cones in that
case being 102,000.
It may bo generally known that the
number of crippled children in tho
United States has been enormously In
creased during tho last year or two by
the epidemic of infontiie spinal paral
ysis. Dr. Orr CBtimatos that tho state
of Nebraskn nlono acquired between
250 and 300 cases requiring treatment
in tho last year from this cause. The
total number in tho state ho believes to
bo somowhero between seven hundred
and fiftv and a thousand. Tho Oitho
pedic hospital is now caring for about
sixty. Tho need for tho development
of this institution is only faintly ap
predated by tho general public.
Four more dead and three Injured
this time in Indiana, tho third fatal col
llslon within a week of automobilo and
locomotives. Deaths in automobilo ac
cidents. far oftener occuring to those
within tho car than to those without
must bo totaling well up toward tho
annual railroad fatality list. Tho rail
roads aro blamed lor killing too many
passengers and employes, the alleged
result of too much profcronco for pro
fits on watered stock to nllowof proper
safo'tv equipment. But how shall wo
account for this steady driving of auto
mobiles into donger? Is our American
speed madness bo great that it will risk
its own llfo us readily as our American
profits madness risks the lives
others? Journal.
During tho past week tho price
steel has been cut, in at least ono
stance. Ono largo western railroad
namo not announced, has bought20,00l)
tons of steel at $20.50, n reduction
$1.50 por ton from tho price sot by tho
steel trust in 1001. So far steel author
ities'say this is tho first cutin price made
by Amorican mills since tho trust price
was fixed. This reduction In tho price
was forced by foreign mills undor-bld
ding Amorican mills and socuring n con
tract for 15,000 tons from Mexican rail
roads. ThiB steel was shipped by water
from Bolgium and delivered on tho Pa
clfic coast of Moxico. Competitor! thut
threatened to deliver Belgian rnilB o:
tho west coast of United StateB at
less not nrlce than tho steel trust rate
Is the Pace Too Swift?
Cardinal Gibbons deploros tho oxtrav
ocanco of the prosentday, which seems
to him not very unliko that of Horn
while tho empiro was toppling to
fall. "After soveral months in Europo,
says Benjnmin Ido Wlieolor, presiden
of tho University of California,
could scarcely fail to bo impressed with
tho difference in manner of living
this country and abroad. Our living
has been forced to an artificial plane
We aro tremendously extravagant. W
have been pushed, under forced draft
upon an artificial staging. Tho whol
structure Is of such abnormal character
that tho country is imperiled."
Whatever may bo accepted explana
tlon, the fact of extravagant expend
itu'reB on the part of Americans cannot
be questioned. Tho extravagance
moreover, is not confined to private ex
pondltures. Tho cost of government-
national, state and local is increasing
at a dangorouB rapid rnto. C"w
Prodigal expenditures will bo follow
ed sooner or later by tho inevitable
accounting. Chicago News.
LodtA child's gold chain with heart
penant. Finder pleaso return to this
A Visit to Brady.
From North Platte to Brndy Island Is
no groat distance in these days of rapid
railroad travel; for ono is no sooner
comfortably seated in a car than the
train moves. The city is soon left be
hind and tho bridge over the Platte
rivor, and the open prairio gained, and
from the car windows, ono watches the
landscape flash by like a panoramic
view. Maxwell was soon renched and
short stop made; then with a snort
nnd a shriek, the giant locomotive was
off again, and tho villaae with Its his
toric associations was left behind.
'ieids of corn and small grain did not
look in such a deplorable condition as
expected, but it was evident they were
Buffering from tho effects of tho recent
dry weather. The straw of the small
grain seemed short, and whore It was
cut, it was raked into heaps, being too
hort to bind in sheaves. However,
with all drawbacks, I was informed
that itwill yield from nine to eleven
bushels per acre in tho vicinity of Brady
When the train drew up at Brady, the
depot was all but deserted, and 1 was
eft to contemplate tho little town nest
ling nt the foot of a range of sand hillB
to tho north.
After breakfasting at the Brady res-
tuurant on Main street, I set out to ex
plore the somewhat straggling, and not
over compnetly built town, and felt Bur
prised at tho absence of shnnty orec
tlons, and the number of substantial,
tasteful residences of well-to-do Brady
Brady has n commodious, well lighted
two storied school building which would
be a credit even to a much larger town;
but It is well out on the prairie, and it
is a question if the town will evor get
beyond it. There are six teachers en
gaged in the soveral grades, and the
result of their work Inst term is highly
gratifying. BcBidc tho school, there
are two churches, one Catholic, and one
Methodist, which arc in different dis
tricts, and ns far apart as tho tenets of
their creeds. Both are neat frame
buildings, and fairly well patronized.
There nre uIbo two banks housed in
humble enough buildings on Main
street; one is called the Bank of Brady,
and the-othcr the Brady Stnte Bank.
On tho window of tho Inttor it is an
nounced in largo letters that it has $10,'
000.00 capital. There is one news
paper, tho Brady Vindicator, whicli
keeps watch and ward over tho inter
ests of tho three-hundred and fifty in
habitants of tho little town. I called
on tho editor, and met with a cordial
reception, and when leaving inflicted
upon him some verses criticising the
dryness of the Brady atmosphere,
which he appreciated.
Brady has a substantially built, well
appointed two story hotel, well worthy
of the patronage it receives. Besides
the hotel there aro two restaurants,
two general stores, two feed and flour
stores, and two butcher shops. It has
also two livery barns, ono blacksmith
and one barber shop, and a lumberyard
conducted by Murphy and Johnson.
They have a spacious yard with oillco
quarters, substantial shed rooms, and
all necessnries for shipping lumber and
building material.
Brady merchants make no displny in
their show windows, although some of
them would do well to do so, as well
displayed goods are sometimes as good
as half sold. O'Rourke & Kratzenstcin
for Instance, who carry a stock of
handsomo furniture, hardware, buggies
and farm implements. To nccommo
date n largo business, they occupy sev
oral commodious and well arranged
stores packed witli every requirement
for tho farm and home. Mr. O'Rourke,
it may be remarked, is a son. of tho
Into Col. O'Rourke, tho first superin
tendent of the National Cemetery near
tho site of old Fort McPherson. His
good wife is a daughter of tho lato John
Neary. They reside in a beautiful home,
and ineir iwo daughters, verging on
womanhood, did nil they could to make
my visit pleasant. Besides O'Rourke
& Kratzenstcin, there is another firm
thatiuns hardware and implements, nnd
also a neck yoko nnd harness factory.
On the wholo, Brady Is a town- almost
wholly depending upon agriculturist!,
and cattle ranches for trade, but it
keeps increasing, and despite tho fact
that most trains rush through it with
out stopping, it has a futuro before it
and they who manage tho affairs of tho
town aspire to great things. Like other
towns, it has a telephone system, and
with cement sidewalks and crossings,
about to bo laid down, nnd a water
works system, it will not bo so sleepy
after nil.
Brady Isiwhatis called u "dry town,
but I was assured that tho restraint
made little or no difference, as tho
peoplo of Brady were always lawabid
ing. Shutting down on tho sale of
liquor In a town is scarcely fair; for the
man with means sends off for a
...11. l - iv r . i
and keeps it in his collar, whllo Hho
poor man who cannot afford to do so
has to do without. I noticed that the
solitary policeman seemed to have a
sinicure, nnd was told that ho seldom
mode an arrest; not oven when tho
town was In tho "wettest" cendition.
I shall long remember my visit to
Brady, and tho kindness of ninny who
resided in worth rinuo in early days,
and wnoso iricnusmp l sun return.
A. R. A.
Buv it now. Now is tho time to buv
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost
' certain to bo needed beforo tho summer
is over. This remedy hus no superior,
For sale by nil dealers.
A Roaring Lion
Copyrlcht, 1310. by Associated Lit
erary Press.
Circus bills were pasted up uu the
barns all along the highways, ami on
a certain date the uuiilr was to unen
at D.vorsyllle for an afternoon and
evening performance. On the evening
of the day that Zcb Scott first saw the
pictures he laid out his program, tie
wus a farmer's hired man. He was lu
love with and engaged to Nancy Smith,
the daughter of another farmer. He
called to tell her the news and Invited
her to go to the circus.
IIo expected Nancy to enthuse, but
sho didn't. On tho contrary, she look
ed very sober. It so happened that
this was the first circus to cotno along
since they had been encased. Zcb
know her for n rather serious minded
girl, but Just how serious ho was about
to find out. When he und stopped for
breath ho was amnzed to hear bcr say:
"1 can't go to tho circus with you,
Zcb. It would be encouraging wick
edness to do It."
They nrgued tho matter for two
hours, and then Zeb went home In the
sulks. Nanny utterly refused to go to
the circus. All other peoplo for five
miles around might go, but It was
home for bcr. The father nnd mother
stood neutral. The mother said:
"Mcbbo somo folks can see a woman
In spangles nnd not want to come home
nnd set a neighbor's barn afire, but
what's tho uso In glttln' In tho way of
In two days Zeb was back to talk
matters over again, but ho hnd no bet
ter luck. IIo oven enmo tho third time.
and ho was armed with a long list of
good" people who were going to at
tend the show, but ho met with the
same objections. Then ho lost bis tem
per and renched for his hat with the
remark that any girl who wns too all
fired good to go to a circus was too
good for film.
The circus wns n great success. In
addition to tho regular performance a
lion escaped from his cage onjl got out
inio mo country, nnu ns no wns not
recaptured tho excitement wns great.
Zcb had a good time, but he wus con
science Btrickcu. IIo had been menu,
and ho realized It and wanted to make
up. ilow was ho to do it? This ques
tion bothered him for the next fort'
night. Lie could not go over and beg
forgiveness nnd trail his pride In the
dust, and ns fnr as he could ascertain
Nnnny Smith wasn't going Into a de
cline on his nccount. IIo was lying on
his back in bed ono night when tho
thought suddenly enmo to him that
Hon! As n matter of fact, the beast
hnd been recaptured, but tho formers
hadn't beard of It and wcro anxious
by day and sitting tight after sun
Before morning enmo Zeb bad bis
plan. Before noon ho had shared it
with a son of his employer. There
was a bit of a lako on Farmer Smith's
land, and at one point bo hnd built a
summer house. It wns Nanny's favor
ito spot to sit nnd watch tho sun go
down and tho gloaming come on. Tho
roaming, roaring lion had kept her
away for a fow evenings, but as ho
hnd not nppcared and devoured her
her courngo grndunlly returned. Zeb
hnd bulldcd ou that summer house.
Ho had his englo eye that way as ho
milked the cows on this particular
evening. He saw the pink dress as It
crossed the meadow. Tho gloaming
came, the robin sang his Inst notes be
fore going to bed, nnd then Zcb nnd
his fellow conspirator moved.
lu pensive sllenco Miss Nnnny Smith
sat In tho summer house fighting mos
qultocs nnd wondering how wicked tho
circus had mndo Zob when thcro enme
a sudden alarm. From a lot of bushes
not fnr away came bloodcurdling
growls nnd a man's shouts, and she
was hardly on her feet before Zeb
dashed ui), club in hand, and called
"Back Into tho house! "lis the Hon!
Back, and I will dlo hero to savo you!"
"Oh, Zeb-Zob"-
"Back, girl bo is coming!"
And the lion came. That Is, ho seem
cu to come. Ills growllngs nnd roar
lugs were something dreadful to hear.
IIo moved this way and that: he ad
vanced and retrentcd: ho rolled over
and over ou the grass. But tho brave
Zcb could not be bluffed. lie stood
In front of tho house and swung his
club nnd cried to thnt Hon to cotno on
if ho dnrcd. Finally, at tho cud of
about ten minutes, ho suddenly rushed
Into the darkness, pouuded with his
club and returned to Nnnny to say:
"IIo hns tied, and you nre saved
Good night, Miss Smith!"
"Oh. Zeb, you can't go!" she appealed
"But 1 must. 1 ask no thanks for
the trltlo 1 have been able to render
"But I can't let you go. You must
conio to tho house. Say, dear, I really
wish I bad go no to tho circus with
"But you wouldn't go. You kept tall;
Jug about spangles nil the time, whll
I never Intended to see spangles. 1
Just went to study the Hon and tho
best plnco to hit him with a club If 1
wns ever nttacked. 1 found tho host
plnco wns the nose, and 1 rushed in ou
lilin nnd whacked him one. Miss
"I'm Nanny, nnd you como right
along! Why, Zobby. If there's a circus
every week aftoi thls"-
And next morning Zebhnuded hlsco
conspirator a dollar bill and said;
"Jim, thnt was tho best growling I
ever heard, and if yon over go and
glvo It away I'll follcr you all over tho
stato to break your neck!"
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surocons,
Office over Stono Drug Co.
(: lhoncs Resldenco 273 p
I Ulllco 273
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby civen that scaled
bids will be received at tho ofiico of the
city clerk of North Platte. Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m., August 23rd
1910, for tho construction of a lateral
sewer in sewer district "F" in snid
ity according to nlnns and specifica
tions now on illu in the ofiice of tho
City Clerk of Bald city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1114.85.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Certificate check on local bank of 2
per cent of amount of bid will be re
quired to insure entering into contract.
batisiactory bond to bo civen when
contract is signed.
Mayor and Council reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids.
By order ol tho city council.
Chas. F. Temple.
City Clerk.
Notice for
Notice is hereby civen that sealed
bids will be received at the ofiico of the
ity clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m., August 23rd,
1010. for the construction of a lateral
sewerin Sewer District "P" in said city
according to plans nnd specifications
now on file in the oilice of the city
clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of City En
gineer is $3UoU.UU.
Local labor to bo employed as far as
L-ertiticate checK on local banx ot z
per cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired to insure entering into contract.
batisiactory bond to be given wnen
contract is signed.
mayor and council reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby civen that sealed
bids will bo received at tho office of the
ity clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m.. August 23rd,
1910, for tho construction of a lateral
sewer in Sewer District "G4" in said
city according to plans nnd , specifica
tions now on hie in the oilice ot the
City Clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1022.80.
Local labor to bo employed as lnr as
Certified check on locnl bank of 2 per
cent ol amount ot bid will bo required
to insure entering into contract.
batisfactory bond to be civen when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids.
By omet ot tho city council.
Chas. F. Tewple, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the oilice of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m., August 23rd,
1910, for the construction of a lateral
sewer in Sewer District "G-3 in said
city according to plans and speclfica
tions now on hie in tho oilice ot the city
clerk ot said city.
Approximate estimate ot cost ot
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1,022.80.
Local labor to bo employed as lar as
Uertilied checK on local uanK ot z per
cent of amount of bid will bo required
t ! fi 1. A
to insure entering into contract.
batisiactory bond to be civen when
contract is signed.
JVlnyor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
liy order ot city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska
up to live o'clock p, m., August 23rd
1910, for the construction ot a main
sewer on A street in said city ac
cording to plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the city clerk of
said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer as per report of city engineer is
Local labor to be employed as far as
Uertthed check on local banK ot z per
cent of amount of bid will bo required
to insure entering into contract.
batisiactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor nnd council reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids.
r .. . . -
By order ot the city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Ily lrtiieot mi order of sale Issued from
tliu district court ot Lincoln county, Nebras
ka. uiMii a decree of foreclosure rendered In
saia court wherein imvui t-. rarltur is plain
1 1 IT and Alhurt A. Adams and the South
oust quarter Section 85. Twj, ID, Range 31
am uotiimianis. aim to inu directed, i
will on tho lUth day of September. 1010.
at 1 o'clock ii. in. at tliu east front
door or tliu court luniso lu rtortti riatto
Lincoln county. .Nebraska, sou at publl
auction to tliu highest bidder for cash
to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs,
tho following dcocrlbea property, to-wlti
U..,il,,.n.. ... ,.f Uanllnn Tli'U. ... III... IQl
Township Sixteen (10), Range Thlrty-ono (31)
i.iucoin county, aourasKa, n ax cam uortir
lento. 1
Hated North Platte. Nub., August 1st, 191a.
aio i. i. Mii.TONiiKiioKH, sheriff,
U u M AMY A H M 1 .M ST It AT I ON
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In the county court. July 3th. 11UU.
In tliu mattr ot tliu estate of Fred
Krntzensteln. docuased .
Un readintr and llllnir the petition of Oustav
Kraueiisiuiu, tivayiiiir that inu regular ad
ministration of said estate may Undispensed
with as provided ny sections i,vj.k.d.i anuawi
(ililx(v'wSllltlllil IMA).
Ordered, That Autrust 22, UU0, at DoVlock
a, m.. is axsitMiea tor nearinir sam petition
when all persons Interested In said matte?
mav appear at. a county court to lio huld In
and for said county anil show causa why tliu
prayerof petitioner should not lie urantod.
Tills order to bo printed for six successive
Issues In tho North I'lntte Tribune, a Icual
newspaper published In Lincoln County, prior
t Atnrusl ii, iviu. . .
a i a w , o. Ki.uek. county JuuVe
Will J Hodfleld. M I) J U McKIrahan, M D
Drs. Redfield & McKlrahan
Phiiciant and Surgcous.
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phonos
Office at P. and S. Hospital.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank, ff
2 pi,n. I Ofico 130
$ P1,onea Resldenco 115
John S. Twinem, M. D.,
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Special attention to Obstetrics and
Uhlidren s Diseases.
Office: McDonald State Hank Building,
Corner 6th & Dewey Sts.
Phones: Ofiice 183. Residence 283.
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locusr t.
Telephone No. 642.
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full line of furniture, all kinds of
stoves nnd stovo repairs, wagons, har
ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and, sport
ing goods, clocks, watches, musical
goods, sowing machines cither cash
or payments. Everything you use
bought and sold here. Top pr ice fo
iron motal and rubber.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Phone 268
Flour, feed, drain or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store at the
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invito a shnre of
the patronngo of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
Serial No. 01l)12-(Ul&l.
United States Land Oillco.
At North Platto. Nebraska. July lit. 1910.
Notico Is hereby given that Georgo
11. Bcnairer. or juyrue, csoorasxa, who, on
ov. zarn. iwm, mauo nomesieau entry wo,
ivitv, serial no, uiwiz, ror tlio southeast auar
ter. and on July 10th, 1WJI. mado II. K. No,
zwik serial no. iKiai, ror tho southwest ruiar
ter. Section 0. Townshlu 10. N.. Haniro u W.
of tho tlth I'rlnclual Meridian, has Hied
notice of Intention to make final live year
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
uescriuea, nororo the register ana receiver
at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 12th day
of Sent 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses; Eugene
Ardury. of Myrtle. Nob.. Emory Loudon and
Jasper Slvlt, of North Plat o. Nob., and Wil
liam incKioy, or aiyrtio, nen.
J 15-H J. K Evans. Ileglster,
In tlio County Court of Lincoln county, No
braska. July lith. 1910.
In the tnattei or the estate of Luther
O FarrltiRton, deceased
Notice Is hereby given, that the credl
tors of said deceased will meet the Executrix
of said nstato, beforo me County Judge of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room lu said county, on tho Hiih day of
August, nnu, utKion thuiutiuiayor fenruury,
19U, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for the pur
pose of uresontlng thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho .Executrix to
settlo said estate, from tho lUth day of
.lulv. 1U1U. This notico to ivo published
eight successive issues In the North Platto
Tribune a legal newspaper published In said
county prior to wio nun uay or August,
JlU-8 W. 0. ELDE'l, County Judge.
Sorlal No. 0AM.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land OIBco at North Platte. Neb.
July 8th. 1910.
Notice Is horoby glvon that Ell Kunkol,
of North Platto. Nebraska, who. on Juno 29th,
1901. mado homestead entry No. U01H1.
Sorlal No. 02037, for north half and southwest
quarter, section f, township 11, north, Uango
si, west of tho sixth Principal Meridian
has Died notico of Intention to
make final tlvo year proof to
establish claim to tho Und above described,
before tho Heglstor and Itecelvor at North
Platto, Nob., on the 0th day of Sept, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses! William
Orltllths, of Dickens. Nob., P. II. llurwood, of
Homentct, Neb , Carl liroedor, of North
Platto, Nub, and John Pulso, of Somerset,
Jll8 J. lil tiVANBi UllrlSU'r.
Notice for Bids.
Notico is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at tho office of tho
county clerk up to 12 o'clock noon of
August 13th, 1910, for transcribing all
city indexes nnd additions, excepting
tho city of North Platto ajid additions.
Bids to bo submitted by tho job sir
by the lino.
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
Lizzie Gnntt. Cliarlos A Perry and tho un
known lii'lrs of David W. l'crry, deceased,
will take notice that on tho 20th day of July.
1910, Henry Waltumath, plalntllT lioroln. (lied
his Dutltlon In tliu District Oourt of Lincoln
County, Nuliraska, against said defendants,
Hid object nnd prayer of which aro to nulot
tlio title of tliu plalntllT in and to tho follow
lnc described tract of land, to-wlt: Iteelnnlne
on the .Southeast corner of Lot 1, In Illock
Ktt.of tlio original plat of tho City or North
l'lattc, Nebraska, running tlicnco In a
northerly direction on tho oast lino of said
lot. 4D feet and 4 Inches, thenco westerly
parallel with tho south lino of said lot, 33
foot morn or lews to tlio center lino running
north and south, tlicnco notithorly parallel
with the oast lino of said lot 40 feet and 4 ln
chos to tho south lino of said lot, thenco
easterly on the south lino of Raid lot to tlio
place of beginning, and to exclude each and
allot the said defendants from any Interest,
right, tltlixir claim In and to said property
and to enjoin said defendants from asserting
any claim In said premises as against tho
PlalntllT herein nnu to enjoin said defendants
from Interforrtng with plaintiff's possession
You are required to answer said petition
on or nororo iiio&iu tio.v or pentemDor, iviu.
Uy 11 cox St H.w.i. kian. IllsAttorneys.
York Foundry A Enulnu Works of York.
Nebraska. Edward Ilurko and Qoldlo Ilurko,
and all other persons Interested, will tako
notico that upon tho 2Uth day of August.
1910. at tho hour of 2 o'clock 11. m.. cnntral
standard time, at tho freight housoor waro-
houso or union raciuc Kaiiroad company
In the city of North Platto, Nebraska, said
Union Pacific Itatlroad Company will offer
rn.n.liinnn V. i ft ft.. t.M.n, un fn ..1.1 .1 ..
said York Foundry & Englno works to Ed
ward nurKo ami uoiuio uurxo, when doing
business under tho firm namo and stylo of
Ilurko Si Company: that said safo will bo
sold to satisfy tho sum of fw.Wl freight duo
thereon and tho sum ot J-Ti.OO as storago
thereon from tho da to of tho recolnt of said
safo on the 20th day of February, 1908, up to
anu including tnu -mn day or June, iviu; that
tho total amount of charges against said safo
upon said date amount to tho sum of $15. 48
and that tosald amount will bo added stor
ago charges at tho rate of (Ivo cents per day
for oach day up to and Including tho 20th day
of August, 1010. excluding, however, from said
time, au Sundays ami nouuays. saia saro
will bo sold at tho tlmo and place aforesaid
at public auction to tho highest bidder for
Dated this zist day of July, 1010.
iiy A sioi.DOON. its Attorney.
Primary Election Notice 1910.
I. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di
rect that a Primary Election bo held at
the regular polling places in each pre
cinct throughout tho county, as by law
provided, on the Third Tuesday in Au
gust, a. u., linu.
At said nrimarv election candidates
for the following oflices shall be nomi
nated, to be voted on at tho regular
November A. D.f 1910 election.
One Governor;
Ono Lieutenant Governor;
One Secretary of State;
One Auditor of Public Accounts;
One Treasurer;
One Superintendent of Public Instruc
Ono Attorney General;
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings;
Uno Kailway commissioner;
Ono Congressman Sixth Congres
sional District;
(Jne state benator tor tho auth sena
torial District;
Ono member of the legislature for
the 54th representative district;
One County Attorney;
One Commissioner, Second District;
Precinct officers to fill vacancy;
An expression of preference for Uni
ted States Senator.
Also for or against a proposed amend
ment to section 1 of Article 7, of the
constitution of the State of Nebraska,
defining the qualification of electors.
Which election will be opened at 12
o'clock M. and remnin open until 9
o'clock in the evening.
Dated North Platto, Neb., June 17th,
A. D., 1910. F. R. Elliott,
County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that T. A.
Roberts, David E. Martin and Wesley
J. Shinklo have associated themselves
together as a body corporate under the
name and style of the "Rosedale Tele
phone Compnny." The principal place
of transacting tho business of said
company shall be at Horshey, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Tho general nature of the business
to be transacted by this corporation
shnll be tho construction, erection,
purchase, sale, operation, maintenance,
control and lease of a telephone lino
or lines, nnd n telephone exchange or
The amount of capital stock au
thorized is $5,000.00, divided into 500
shares of tho par value of $10.00 each,
and shall be fully paid up when issued
and shall be non-assessable.
The highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which tho corporation is
nt any time to subject itself shall not
exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital
The date of the commencement of
said corporation shall bo the first day
of July, 1910, and shall continue for a
period of twenty-five years, unless
sooner dissolved by law.
The atrairs of said corporation are to
be mannged by a board of directors
consisting of not less than three nor
more than five, and n president and a
Signed Juno 10th, 1910.
T. A. Roberts,
David E. Martin,
Wesley J. Shinkle.
Road No. 323.
To all whom it may concern;
Tho special commissioner appointed
for tho purpose of establishment of a
public road commencing at northeast
comer of section 7 township 12, range
31 nnd running thenco east two miles
between sections 3 and 4 said township
and range, thenco east on north lino of
section 3. about 1.07 chains to connect
with rond No. 54; has reported in favor
of tho establishment of said road, all
objections thereto orclnims for damage
must bellied in tho oillco of tho county
clerk on or beforo noon on the 23rd day
of Soptembor, 1910, or such road will
bo established without reference there
to. Dated North Platte, Neb., July 10,
lUW. F. R. Elliott, County Ctok.