The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1910, Image 6

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    ltLUitf LULULftNO
Traveler Speaks of Savages Ho
Met in Western Part of China.
They Are Warlike Race, Living In a
District Which Is Mountainous,
but Very Rich In Mineral
Shanghai, China. Little Is known
ovoii In China about the Loto country
In the woHtorn part of tha empire,
but a Hhurt thnu ago u missionary
emtio rrom this dlBlrlcl and ho was
able to toll us that these savugea aro
friendly to the will to man who deals
with them cautiously and that they
aro submitting to tlio teaching of the
few missionaries that have penetrated
Into the district.
Lololand lias attracted a good deal
of attention In Shanghai, and even In
America recently, on account of tho
truvela In that district of Or. Do.nenll,
who accidentally shot a native of
Tibet and had to be tried In Shanghai
for manslaughter. Following this, an
EngllHhnia.i named llrooko una mur
aired by lolos and the renl fact have
only come to Ugh with tho return of
Mr. 12. S. Little, who has been on an
i 'mi (i tour in western China Mr.
llrooke was utoncd to death after
shooting a Lolo chief In Kolfdefenso.
Mr. Little traveled through tho
country from Ynchow, across the
Tungho river down to NIngyuun and
across the Ynugtszo, at a place COO
miles above the highest point at which
it is navigable, and he found that this
country consisted of lofty mountains
with passes 10,000 to 11,000 foot high,
The mountains tower on all sides and
throughout the district named thoy
aro held by Lolo savages, who are
continually at war with tho Chinese
or each other. When Mr. Little en
tered tho country ho immodlatoly
camo into touch with a Bcoro of raids.
On ono occasion ho pussed through a
valley on either sldo of which wero
opposing forces of Lotos. On another
occasion ho henrd that tho roud in
front of him had been the scouo of
two raids nnd he found that 40 pcoplo
had been carried oft captlvo nnd sold
mi slaves by (ho Loloa.
Mr. Little had innny unpleasant ex
periences, hut ho was ablo to talk In
Chinese with innny of tho Lolos, ns
they understand a llttlo or that lan
guage. Tho men havo copied to some
extent tho Chinese dress, but over
all they wear a woolen cloak. Tho
women wear shirts, but no shoos,
stockings or underclothes. All of
them nro strnngers to soap and water.
Somo of tho women hnvo pretty fea
tures and tho wholo rnco Is dark, but
of flno carriage nnd physique, and Mr.
Llttlo considers thorn nuporlor In
many respects to tho Chinese. Tho
Lolos ore armed with antiquated fire
arms, long spears and nil sorts of mis
cellaneous wropons. Thoy nro clover
at stone throwing and when thoy can
not reach their onomy for a hand-to-hand
encounter thoy hurl pieces of
rock through tho air with remarkable
Tho wholo country has gront possl
blUtics. Mr. Llttlo saw gold, copper,
zinc, lend and silver mines, some of
which were being worked successfully
in tho nntlvo wny, nnd others nro
waiting for tho necossary capital, In
tho courso of his Journoy ho passed
mountains of highly inlnorallzcd rock
that had not boon dovolopod or
touched In any wny. Through nil
those mountains Micro aro ninny
streams of wator which would glvo
power for running fnctorlos and light
ing them.
Romance of
KMan Who Defied Laws of His Country
ana Married Chinese Maiden In
Chicago. Yun Tchl Ho, a prlnco in
Korea by birth, who addressed tho
Men's National Missionary congress,
held 'n (lint city recently, becamo n
center of Interest to tho delegntos
when It beenmo known that he has
3luyed n role In nn internutlonnl ro
ananco for which ho wiib forbidden to
ontor tho domains of tho royal family
of which ho was n member, or his own
, "Whllo tho Chinese omplro shortly
following his return from tho United
Stutes, whore ho graduated from Van.
dorhllt university at Nnshvlllo.Tonn..
nnd Inter from n school In Georgia,
whero ho went to study arithmetic,
Prince Yun Tohl Ho, or ns ho cnlls
himself, T. II. Yun, mot and fell In
lovo with n, girl from n prominent Chi
ineso family.," said the prince's friend.
"Ho kno. the Inw In Karen which for
bids the marriage of n Korean nnd a
Chinese, hut, his lovo for tho woman
was nono the less ardent. Finally, In
dcsperntlon he wrota to n girl no
qualntnnco In Nnshvlllo, with whom he
had becomo acquainted whllo attend
lug Vnnderbilt, nnd nsked hor for ad
i'Marry her nnd let things tnko tholr
course," w,ns the cablet response, nnd
tho prlnco followed his American
frlond's ndvlce,
"Promptly he, nnd his bride, na wbll,
wore forbade entrance to the Korean
realm. Tha prlnco thon beenmo a
school missionary In China und per
formed such notable work that his gov
ernment finally rolonted nnd both ho
and IiIb wife woro roquoBtod to tako
upjthelr nbode In tho prince's homo
land, He became a factor In govern
mental affairs and wus finally placod
on Tan Important commission to ono
London. Onco more It Iiob becomo
In llottcn How a custom thnt fell
ward discontinued It because of his
may bo soon nenrly every pleasant morning cnntorlng through tho park
with ono or two companions, nnd his
the aristocratic residents of tha West
Man Living in Gotham Liquidat
ing Obligations Contracted
by Father.
Advertises for Addresses of Creditors
of Firm Which Failed Twenty
Eight Years Ago Many
People Suffered.
Now York. "I should bo very sorry
If an honest desire to pny n man's
debts In this world Is so raro that It Is
worthy of a nowspnpor story."
This was what Fred Tench of tho
contracting firm of Torry & Touch re
plied whon nsked why ho hnd adver
tised for tho nddresnes of sovcral of
tho creditors of tho llrm of W. K.
Tench & Son, which failed In 1888.
Thnt ho should bo anxious to pny off
obligations for which ho Is not legally
responsible did not occur to Mr.
Tench ns anything out of tho ordinary
or especially meritorious.
For twenty years It has boon tho
dream of Mr. Tench to gather all the
creditors of tho old Tench llrm nnd
pny thorn what his father nnd he
owod when thoy went down to flnnn-
clul ruin. Now his drenin Is being
ronllzcd. Thousands of dollars Is bo
lug Hont to men tho Tenches wero uu
able (o pay at that tlmo.
Tho firm of W. K. Tonch & Son was
In business In Chlppown, Cannda. Tho
falluro of tho firm was a heavy blow
and many peoplo thoro whom tho firm
owed for material or work suffered.
From tho moment of tho fnlluro It
waB tho desire of tho cldor Tench as
well as of tho son to pay nil tho firm's
debts, but tho father never realized
his ambition, lie never recovered
from the shock of tho collnpno of the
firm, nnd when ho died ho handed
over thoso obligations to his sou as a
socrod trust
Tho younger Tonch wont to work
with n will. Tho llrm of Torry &
Korean Prince
of tho neighboring countries. Whllo
n member of their ministerial pnrty,
ho beenmo dlssntlsilcd with the work
ings of the commlttoo nnd ho loft ab
ruptly. 'Thon bocauso of his fnlluro to enrry
out tho mission upon which ho was
sent, ho was ugnln barred from Korea.
Again ho became n school missionary,
and nftor several years tho attltudo of
his government changed, and ho and
IiIh wlfo woro once moro reinstated
In Its good graces."
Not Wholly Worthless as Food, De
clares Lord Carrlngton, In
House of Lords.
London. Lord Cnrrlngton, presi
dent of tho board of agriculture, was
nuked In tho house of lords tho other
day why ho had not prosecuted In n
Devon enso of cattle food found to
contain 40 per cent, of sawdust. I
Lord ForteBcuo thought It opened a I
new prospect for owners of timber.
He replied thnt It consisted of a
mlvtllrft nt mnlnaiina titnl I
.... u . ...... ...i.ivu ...... u w i . i vj iiunui u-
ent material which was undoubtedly
dcrlvod from wood sawdust hut had
undargona somo chemical treatment
which mado It moro or less digestible.
Ills board was still Investigating tha
case. Ho wns Informed that the saw
dust so treated wns not absolutely
worthloss as food.
"Eaay Markt," Write. Ourrjlar.
Patoraon, N. J, Whon William T.
Allon, a Bodn water manufacturer at
Washington nnd Fair Btroots, oponod
his place, ho found that safo burglars
had boon (horo. They loft a noto say.
Ing tho poople of l'ntoruon woro "easy
markB," nnd If It woro not for tho
watchmen they would havo stolen (he
morning rides
fashlonahlo to tako n morning rldo
Into dlsuso nftor the lato King Ed- I
advancing yours. King George V. 1
oxnmplo Is being followed gladly by
Totiph wnn nrirnnlinil If linllf thn
Manhattan hrlrtirn la n worU nn thn
Pfilinnvlvnnln rnllmnil tnrmlnnln nnri
Is a recognized lender among Arms
which tnko cnormouB contracta, for
structural stool work, excavations,
nnd do other work of that sort. No
undertaking seems too big for Torry
& Tench, nnd they try to do things a
llttlo hotter und a llttlo quicker than
As tho firm prospered Mr. Tench
begnn to pny tho debts of his fathor.
Tho claims of nil persons whoso
whorenbouts ho lmew wero Bottled
with Interest. A couple of weoks ago
tho rosldontR of St. Cnthrlne's. On
tario, wore Biirprlsod whon they road
In tholr local papers advertisements
for tho addresses of tho creditors of
W. K. Tench & Son, who hnd failed
In 1S88.
Somo of theso crodltors woro dead,
somo woro nonr tho end of life's Jour-
noy, nnd others hnd moved away years
ago. Among thoBO who answered the
ndvortlBoments was Capt. William
Ross of Port Robinson. Ontnrlo. Ho
Is now ninety years old and has very
Utile money. Ho wrote Immodlatoly
sotting forth thnt his claim nmountod
to $145.4(1, nnd that whon Mr. Tench
found It convenient to pay tho monoy
It would bo grently npproclated.
Ho wns gratified to get a fow days
later not a chock for $145.40, nB ho had
expected, but n check for $298.39, tho
amount of tho claim and tho Interest
Fnnllnh Society Women Inaunurate
Plan to Charge Loss on Races
to Nru Hutu I
London. Tho ruses adopted by
some Hocloty women to Indulgo In hot
ting on tho turf without letting tholr
husbands know anything about it, ns
revealed in tho West London county
court the other day, vory much shock
ed tho Judge, Sir William Solfo, who,
with all his experience, never before
hnd such a enso tried before him
It nuiHt, (oo, hnvo been something
of nn eyooponor lo somo husbands,
who hnvo been nt times puzzlod to un
derstand the Immensity of tholr wives'
millinery bills nnd ought to Induce
them to scrutinlzo moro closely theso
accounts In future
In this case the fact was brought to
light that society women not only
bought lints from a certain West end
mllllnor. but Induced her to back
horses for them, and thnt tho Itom In
the bill, "To ono lint. $10," really
meant "Desmond s Pride, $5 each
"Tho corrcBpondenco appeam to ells-
closo a shocking stnte af affairs," dc
cluretl Sir William. "I wish thnt hus-
bands who Imnglno their wlvos are
purchasing oxponslve hats know that
Instead thoy nro Investing tho money
on horse races."
Telling Criminals by Hair.
Pnrls. I'rolesBor I'ertlllon, the fn-
iuoub criminologist, whoao Inventive-
hour Ib Inexhnustlblo, has thought of a
now tlevtco further to facilitate the
Identlllcatlon of erlmlnnlB.
Ills suggestion 1b that samples of
tho criminals' hair should bo classi
fied, graduated minutely according to
(he BhndoB.
M, Herdllon Is collecting samples of
hair from nil ovor tho world to aid
him In his task. Yesterday a large
consignment arrived' from Tunis. The
eminent professor has not yet hit upon
a method for Identifying tho bald.
Telephone to England.
Now York. Telophono communica
tion between England and America
may soon bo n possibility If a now ex
perimental submarine cablo recently
laid across the English channel by the
Hrltluh postofllco answers expecta
tions. The cablo extends from Dover
to Capo Orlsnez and Is tho first of the
kind to he laid In tidal watora.
i ivi i Mr
Scandal Wrecks Romance of the Zoo
(ho Cen(rnl pnrk zoo wns scandal
ized ono day recently when somo sharp
pyed tattlers noticed tho simultaneous
dlsappcnranco of Clnra, ono of tho
young wild gray goeso recontly given
to tho zoo, nnd Drlghnm Young, the
little Dlnck Spanish gnmo rooster
whoso wild ways have deprived him of
tho countenance of the best classes In
the fowl house.
It camo out that Drlghnm Young and
Clara woro out In the park together.
Chief Keener Snyder, who went on
their trnll nH noon iih ho hnnni nhmit
their dlBannearance cot wind of thnm
near tho nlllirntnr nnnl a MnrU win
fenthor by the poeln iwnn nlsn
Bhowed that 13. Young had been thoro.
Ho had lost tho feather trying to con
verse with a South American condor.
Then ho went on up tho path, walk
ing In a manner that said that bo
thought himself a protty flno follow.
Tho llttlo wild gray gooso seemed to
bo extromoly proud of him.
It was about here that tho llttlo gray
gOOSO fOlt SUCH a tbrlll Of freedom and
' sue quacaea in nor COOrso, Un-
iurca voice, ana aorupuy ion tne
B"u Jor u Ula ,n 1110 mr'
Chicago Woman Maid for Her Hostess
C T. LOUIS. While a Bcoro of lnvlta
U tlons wero on their wny from Mrs.
James. Howe's bo.iutlful Swiss chalet
in Webster Groves, a suburb of St.
Louis, to attend a flvo hundred club
party and luncheon recently, Mrs
Howe s serving maid announced her
resignation, to tako effect Immediate
Tho dlro nows. reached tho hostess
ns sho wns dressing to recclvo her
guests. "What's tho matter?" called
Mrs. C. Gregory Fleckensteln, Mrs
Howo'b guest, from tho room whero
sho was putting on her white lingerie
gown. Mrs. Howo told hor. Mrs.
Fleckensteln, whoso homo is In Chi
cago. was to bo tho guest of honor at
tho club party. Uut this had not boon
announced. Nor was sho acquainted
with thoso whom sho wns to meet
"Lot mo 1)0 sorving maid," sho
said promptly. "I think 1 can do al
most ns well ns a real one. Where Is
mv costume?" Sho hurried down
stnirs ana roturneu in a dainty white
Sf Prprif.nn C Iiranrlcnn 8irrlc Ti-aaein'o
w w v" v vniwuwn a uiuo JllUOUlVt
i AN FRANCISCO. When little Louis
) Osborno, the elght-yenr-old son of
Lloyd Osborne, novelist nnd stepson
of Robert Ixiuls Stevenson, nrmed him
self with his midget shovel nnd wont
out on n sand hill near his homo here
to dig a tow days ago he hnd visions
of finding tronsuro. This Is not nn un-
usunl thing for the lad, for ho has not
heard his father's Illustrious stepfa
ther talked about without getting
some spirit of adventure of the author
0f "Treasuro Island" fixed In his mind.
So whllo Louis du he hummed "Six
toon Men on n Doad Man's Chest, Yo
Ho! Ho! and a Bottle of Rum."
Praises Traits of
1 HICAGO. Tho nuiBO of poesy wns
' Invoked recently by lendoro Her
man on behalf of his dog Rover, who
had gotten Into troublo through care
lessly Inserting his tooth In tho leg of
llttlo Israel Stern, son of Ell Stern,
a neighbor.
Stern, on behalf of llttlo Israel, filed
tilt in (ha municipal court against
Herman, asking $1,000 damages for
the punctures which Rover Inflicted
on his son's leg. Herman, In response
to Stern's complaint, enmo back with
tho following potttlon to tho court:
"Defendant dontes that said dog is
or was of a savage disposition or a
vicious temper, not even In dog days,
but, on tho contrary, defendant avers
that said Hover lias always borno a
good roputatlon among hla neighbors,
pals nnd associates tn tho community
In which bo resides for being a poaco-
: M
11. Young tried to do (hat, too, bul
he fell back to the ground In a most
undignified manner. When tho grn
goose came back after n clrclo of tht
neighborhood, ho expressed to hor, n(
doubt, his grnvo disapproval of undut
bolstorousness In a young woman con
Bldornbly beyond the kindergarten ago
At any rnto a coolness Bprnng tit
horo botween the couple. Thoy wonl
on down tho mall until thoy camo tc
the pool of water equipped with tin
fountain mechanism thnt spouts u
many minute strenms of wntor froir
tho Hurfnce of tho pool. B. Young
stnrtcd to wnlk slowly nround tho low
curbing of tho pool, but Clnra, the
poor, simple thing, Jumped right ir
nnd, swimming out until sho enmo un
dorncnth tho showering strenms, began
quacking ns loudly ns she could, llap
ping her wings In a quick, excited
B. Young does not worship tho con
ventlon. But even ho stood stock stlli
nnd glnred at Clara. Sho caught hit
oye, but did not seem to bo In the
least ashamed. Whereupon ho turned
away, acting ns If ho didn't know tin
young thing cutting up in the pool.
Chief Keopor Snyder camo down tht
mall on tho trail. On tho way back tc
tho fowl house, Clara and B. Young re
fused to notico each other.
"A simple enso of Incompatibility,
snld Snyder, "but, fortunately It wat
dlscovored early. Wo would prefer tc
say nothing moro Just nt present.'
However, B. Young plnns a visit tc
Reno, Nov., where divorces aro so cas
lly obtained.
dress nnd checked serving npron.
"What a charming mnld you hnve,'
was almost tho first remark of tht
first club member who appeared.
"Sho's French," replied Mrs. Howe
"and she can't speak a word of Eng
llsh. For that reason I'm afraid I wll
not bo nblo to keep her. It's a pity, foi
she's so nent."
I ll be glnd to tako her, if yoi
aren't going to keep her," said th
next guest "Only I don't know
whether I want such a pretty maid
around the house. Of courso, I trust
my husband "
When tho party had gathered an
tho "mnld" began serving the luncheor
somo of tho guests tried their Frenct
by essaying remarks to tho maid.
'Oul madam, oul," with a curtsy
was the only reply. Agnln there wai
a "whispered series of compliments or
tho graceful movements of tho trlir
As the card play began tho "maid'
retired, and n few minutes Inter tin
guest of honor, Mrs. Fleckensteln, en
tored the room In her party gown
Thero was a gasp of admiring surprise
as the "maid" of n few moments ho
fore was recognized. The unconvon
tlonnl Introduction was the prcfaco tc
u pleasant acquaintance between Mrs
Fleckensteln and the guests
The lnd stopped digging because hi
shovel hnd encountered nn ohstruc
tlon. Tested carefully tho thing that
resisted proved to bo metal. Ther
Louis dug moro furiously than evor.
In n fow moments ho unearthed t
metal box. And, auro enough, It con
talncd treasure. Opening It hastily
tho boy found 2.C00 shares of valuable
stock, deeds to city property, othei
vnluablo paperB and several empt;
ring boxes.
Of course, tho boy did not renllzt
tho vnluo of tho property, but he knew
the pnpors miiBt bo worth great dea
or they would not havo beon plncec
In such n secure box. So ho hnstll)
carried his find to his mother, wht
turned tho property over to tho police
Tho papers belong to Augustus Im
brie, n wealthy man whoso house li
closed and who Is out of tho city. The
police think robbers ransacked the
Imbrlo residence and, after takln
money and Jowolry from tho box
burled It.
His Dog in Rhyme
ful, quiet and law-abiding canine, a!
ways kind to his friends nnd faith fu'
to lilB master. The defendant fnrthm
avers that tho dog Is a great honu
body nnd Is always at homo at night
The following lines In tho bill ox
press tho attachment the defendant
feels toward his dog Rover:
I like to are u little !or
Art pat lilm on tho heart.
So prettily he wnua hla tall
Whenever he Is fed.
Some little do tea nre very good
And some uro useful, too.
And do you know thot they will mint
What they are bid to do?
"The defendant therefore prays'
continues the bill, "that this honorabl't
court will spare both dog and dofond
ant from any docroe which would li
nny way Interfere with tho long rela
tlonahlp herotofore existing betwoei
tho defendant and his dog Rover."
Murder Without Malice.
The dean of tho Suffolk School o
Law, Boston, Bonds us tho followlni
jem from a freshman examination pa
"Whero raurdor Is committed with
out mallco aforethought It is a ,
Lot manslaughter." Tho Green Dag.
A Protection Against the Heat.
When you begin to think It's a per
sonal matter botween you nnd the surj
to soo which Is tho hotter, buy your
self a glnss or a bottlo of Coca-Cola.
It Is cooling relievos fntlguo and
quenches tho thirst. Wholcsomo as
tho purest wator and lots nicer lo
drink. At soda fountains and car
bonated in bottles 5c evdrywhero,
Send 2c stamp for booklet "Tho Truth
About Coca-Cola" nnd tho Coca-Cola;
Baseball Record Book for 1910. Tha
latter contains tho famous poem
'Cnscy At Tho Bat," records, schedules
for both leagues, nnd other valuablq
baseball information compiled by a
;horltles. Address Tho Coca-Cola Co,
Atlanta, Ga.
Carrying His Audlenco With Him.
Nobody was moro witty or moro bit
ter than Lord Ellenborough. A young
lawyor, trembling with fear, roso to
make his first speech, and began: "My
lord, my unfortunato cllont My
lord, my unfortunato cllont My
lord " "Go on, sir, go on!" snld Lord
Ellenborough, "as far as you havo
proceeded hitherto tho court Is entire
ly with you."
If black could not bo made to look
llko white, toasted cheese would not
havo so much drawing power toward
tho moupo trap.
Nebraska Directory
Are tht Bent. Ask your local dealer or
1AIETB rfeIAIS2 auto genous) d
WW hibillllV4 I
tlili proceit all broken
parli or machinery mtcle good as nan. Weldi
cast Iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or
anr other metal. Bipert automobile repairing-.
8ERT8CHY MOTOn CO., Oounoll Bluff a.
ML Splesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
Tht Beit In tha West
Ola lllbncr. President
Both Phonca. 2127 Furnnm St., Omaha..
1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, HEB.
Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Price.
by mall at cut prices. Herd for free catalogue,
For Sale or
40 acres fine land adjoining Stanton, Neb.,
on which is located a good set of improve
ments and 200.000 capacity brick yard fully
equipped and operating. Bargain. Writs
for details. This ad will appear but once.
W. H.HYLAND, Stanton, NobrnBka
llti tin
Diuflii Sd.
Amarlo.n sa.oo par day and upwarda,
Kurapaan SI.OO par day and upwards
Taka Dodga otraat Oar
at Union Dapot.
Get tho best. Your dealer can supply
you with our brand. Your loss of hay
will more than pay.
N. W. Cor. 11th & Harney Sit. Omaha, Neb.
Send postal for
Free Package
of Paxtlno.
Better and more economical
than Uqnld antiseptics
I Gives ona a sweet breath ) clean, white,
norm-frea tenth antisentirallv -ln
mouth and throat purifies tho breath
alter smoking disp els all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated Djr damr women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes nnd catarrh.
A little Paitine powder dis
solved in a glut 01 hot water
makes a delightful antiseptic so
lution possessing extraordinary
cleansing, germicidal and heal
tog power, and absolutely harm
less. Try Sample. 50c
large box at druggUta or by maiL
THE PAXTON Toilet CO., Boston, Ma.a.
Millions Say So
When millions of people use for
years a medicine it proves its merit.
People who know CASCARETS'
value buy over a million boxes a
month. It's the blecest seller be
cause it is the best bowel and liver
medicine ever made. No matter
what you're usinjr, just try CAS
CARETS once yourll See. wT
CASCARRTS 10c. a bo for a week's
treatment, all dnnrslsts. lilsrgest seller
la taa world. MUUon boxes a month.