The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1910, Image 5

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Wheels Within
... Wheels . .
THAT'S the way n watch is
constructed. A workman
may be a skilled mechanic
but know little about a watch.
Only an expert should be al
lowed to work on a watch
that's why you'll find only ex
perts at work at our benches.
1 All of our watch repairers
could pass the examination
for a watch inspector for a
If you want expert watch
repairing in every sense of the
word, bring your watch to us.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
j Over First National. Phono 148
The Club Nevita will meet with
Mrs. Elmer Burke Wednesday after
noon. Mis3 Yula Bates arrived from Spring
field, Neb., last night and will be the
guest of Miss Fonna Heeler for a week.
Miss Elinor McCarthy, of Ogalalla,
who has been the guest Marie Martini
for two weeks, returned home the lat
ter part of last week.
Dave Hunter, of Redlands, Calif., who
has been in Sutherland for the past two
weeks looking after his fruit farm, spent
yesterday in town.
Additional heat radiators have been
placed in the auditorium of the Keith
theatre, and the system of radiation on
the stage has been changed and in
creased in footage.
G and 12 foot Linoleums, good assort
ment to pick from, at Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
George T. Field returned Saturday
evening from his protracted stay at
Excelsior Springs. He is very much
improved in general health, though
still a little weak from the bath treat
ments. W. V. Hoagland, E. S. Davis, Fred
Rincker and C. S.Clinton made a trip
to Paxton in the former's car yester
day, the trip being made in the interest
of Mr. Hoagland 'a candidacy for state
Asst. Supt. H. J. Roth, of Cheyenne,
is tinnsacting business in town today.
The Indies' aid society of the Christ
ian church will meet with Mrs. L. E.
Roach Thursday afternoon. ,
,County Commissioner Walter came
over from Wallace this morning, mnk-
ing the trip in his automobile
When needing fire, lightning, hail,
tornado or cyclone insurance, let Bratt
& Goodman write it and,be safe.
A large number of shop men will go
to Denver tonight to attend the Rail
road Day celebration which will behold
in that city tomorrow.
Sterling Silver a big lino in staples
and novelties. Silver plated ware that,
is guaranteed to wear, Clinton, Jewc
er and Opticinn.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Scott and Miss
Ulna Armagnst, of Rising City, Neb.,
spent last week in town as guests of
Miss Sara Cressler.
Lester Armagastof RisingCity, Neb.,
left for Northport this mornig after
spending some time at the Cressler
For Rent Seven room house with
bath. Sewer connections and stable.
W. V. Hoagland.
Weather forcaat: Generally fair to
night and tomorrow, cooler tonight.
The maximum temperature yesterday
was 90, a year ago 94; minimum this
morning G2, a year ago 64.
Best lino of ruga in town at Wilcox
Department Store.
Hunters who have been out "inves
tigating" the prairie chicken crop re
port tho birds very scarce on the south
side but rather plentiful north of the
river. It is supposed that last spring's
fire drove the chickens from the south
We have tho new attachments for
the Edison talking machines. Play two
and four minute records. Ten four
minute records free.
Rincker's Book Stoke.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevie received
a telegram announcing tho marriage of
their daughter Mary to Geo. H. Henon,
of Sheridan, Wyo., at Billings, Mont.,
Aug. 10, 1910. After a two weeks' trip
through tho west they will make their
future home at Sheridan'
A fine line of the Celebrated Karnak
Brass ware, Vases, Jardiners, Candle
Sticks, Photo Frames Clocks, etc. Clin
ton, Jeweler and Optician.
A largely attended meeting in the
interest of county option was held nt
the Presbyterian church Sunday even
ing. Tho speakers were Frank Harr
ison, of Lincoln, and K. 0. Holmes, of
Kearney, each treating the subject of
the meeting at a considerable length.
Buy your fall suits early. We can
give you the best service before the
rush starts. Alterations have to be
made and it takes time.
Wilcox Department Stoue.
F. A. Rasmussen closed a deal Sat
urday whereby Hemphill & Son, of
Kearney, becamo owners of tho job
printing oftice which he bas conducted
for a year or more past. Mr. Hemp
hill took possession yesterday morning.
Mr. Rasmussen has made no plans as
to what he will do but it is probable
that he will remain in town.
For Sale.
Nice, cheap, up-to-date homes below
cost. See Bratt & Goodman before you
build or buy. They can save you money.
Our Grand Clean Up Sale
Is attracting' the attention of all economical
buyers with the
Great Bargains We Are Offering.
No man or woman who will be in need of shoes
any way soon can afford to miss this splendid
opportunity to save money.
$1.00 Patent 3-bulton
Oxford for
$1.00 Oxblood Prussia
Calf Oxford
$1.50 Bronze Kid Ox- fry j c
ford I v
$2.r0 Black Kid Ox
ford for
$5.00 Bronze Button
Shoe for
Children's white, tan,
pink or blue 25c Armor t n
Plate Hosiery VC
$4.50 Tan, Button and nn
Black Blucher Oxfords .JM.U
$1.00 Dull Calf Blucher -l ip
Oxford i).'Ju
$3.50 Velour Calf and ri np
Patent Blucher Oxford 3Z.D
And many other bargains as
good if not better
$2.00 and $1.75 Shoes
$2.50 Shoes
$1.80 Outing Shoes
for. . .
$2.00 Shoes
SMALL, The Big Shoe Man.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Hank
This Evening.
"The Gypsy Girl's Love."
"He Stubs His Toe."
Billy and May Jones in
their comedy skit, "Jack's
10 and 15 Cents.
Operation Necessary.
Owing to gangrene having set in on
one of tho toes of the foot which has
given Judgn Elder so much trouble for
several weeks, it became necessary
yesterday to amputate that particular
too as well as two others. Tho oper
ation was performed without placing
the Judge under anesthetics, and he
stood the ordeal bravely and well. Last
night he did not rest very well and is
somewhat nervous today. That tli
Judge may soon recover is the sincere
wish of all, both in town and county.
Order Your Tailor-Made
Suit Now.
Tomorrow, August 17th, a roprescnta-
tive of the Famous Strauss Bros.
Tailors will be nt our store with the
largest and most up to date line of
woolens in the piece ever brought to
town. Come and look them over.
Drebert Clothing Co.
For Sale.
Improved farms and other land
f bought now you will be rich.
Bit att & Goodman.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Aug. 15, 1910.
Board of equalization mot pursuant to
recess taken, present Springer, Streitz
and County Clerk.
The board not being ready to make
the annual levy, it takes a recess until
Wednesday, Aug. 17th, and then meets
as a board of county commissioners
agreeablo to adjournment taken.
Chas. A. Howard is hereby appointed
road overseer in District 14 to fill va
cancy. I'ostolhce address is u. v . u.
No. 2, Wellfleet, Nebr.
Claim of Chas. Johnson road overseer
District No. 28, cash for work $20.00.
Petition presented to tho board to
take the following sections from Itoso-
dale precinct and add to Birdwood pre
cinct to wit: Sections :il, 30, ID, 17, 7
and 6, town 10 range 32. The board be
ing of the opinion that tho above change
would be a benefit to tho settlers as to
voting that the above sections be an
nexed to Berdwood precinct the board
therefore grants the petition as prayed
for and tho above sections shall be ta
ken from Hoad Dist. 23 and added to
Dist. No. 2G. The board of County Com
missioners adjourn until Aug. IS, at 1)
Saturday , Aug. 13, to Saturday, Aug. 20
The Qualities are so High and the Prices so Low
that You Really Cannot Afford to Miss.
One-fourth Off rgfogrt ClotJlitig Cp. One-fourth Off
Saturday, Aug. 13 to Saturday, Aug. 20.
Seals and Sea-Lions.
Ungainly, awkward, seemingly help
less creatures executing with rare dex
terity and skill the most difficult feata
of ball throwing and catching, balan
cing, twirling brands of fire, enacting
ludicrous comedy conceits, and present
ing for tho first time tho groat prize
winning, honor-holding Koal-skin Band
and Orchestra, direct from the North
Polo, under contract with these greater
shows for concerts twice daily during
the tented season- introducing individ
ual soloists and instrumentalists and
playing concerted numbers that would
causo a mumy to groan with laughter.
he greatest exhibition of animal train
ing in the world. This splendid feat
ure is one of tho fenturcs with Gollmar
Brothers greatest of American shows,
which exhibit hero August 27th.
Miss Lila McFarland, of Sutherland,
is visiting friends in town today.
Ja3 Poole, of Grand Island, is apend
ing this week in town transacting busi
Miss Minnie Pierson came down
from Sutherland this morning for a
visit with friends.
The Methodist Sunday school are en
joying a picnic today at tho Doolittle
grove south of town.
Tho members of tho N. A. P. Club
will tender Miss Irene Hnrt a reception
at the residence of J. I. Smith Monday
Gold and Pearl handled umbrellas,
detachable handles. Clinton, Jeweler
and Optician.
Dr. Marie Ames returned Sunday
nighr from a brief trip to Omaha and
Mt. Carroll, III., where she visited her
Mrs. E. A. Cary accompanied by
her brother Mr. Hart and sister Miss
Hart, of Webster Grovo, Mo., went to
Hershey this morning to spend tho day
with frieuds.
Mrs. Herman Thoasen and Miss
Maymo Dillon, of Gretna, Neb., who
havo been guests at tho l J. Doran
residence for Bomotime returned horn
this morning.
One-Fourth Off One-Fourth Off
The Purchasing Power of Your Dollar
Is What You Make It.
If we can show you during this salc how you can
buy four dollars xuorth for three dollars it's your
fault if you don't take advantage of it.
Our entire stock of "Princeton" Clothes is noiu of
fered at unusual price reductions . Here is your
chance to buy clothes of the very finest kind at the
prices of the yery commonest kind of clothes.
Men's $13 Suits now
Men's $18 Suits now
Men's $25 Suits noto
Men's $30 Suits now
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
Notice to Cut Weeds.
Residents of Road District No. Hare
hereby notified to cut the weeds along
tho public roads, said wcecis to ue cut
to tlie center of the road from each side.
If this work is not norformed by land
owners, the same will be performed by
tho overseer and charged to tho reui-
estate and collected as taxes.
J. N. Cnow, Overseer.
Ah Advantage.
"So you prefer scrvautB who speuk
English Imperfectly?"
"yes." replied tho hoiisuwlfe. "If I
dou't understand what they say I am
not obliged to dismiss them so fro
quontlyV' ISxclmugo.
Training For a Crash.
"That mini Is n I ways anxious to got
Into tho Hpot light." said tho observant
Yis." replied Senator Sorghum, "but
nyx he'x going to stand In front of a
locomotive headlight and not rcallzo
his mistake till ho Is run over." Wash-
ngton Star.
Once glvo your mind to suspicion
and there Is sure to bo food enough for
It. In the stillest night tho air Is tilled
with sounds for tho wakeful ear that
Is resolved to listen.
Labouchere's Sarcasm.
Of Gladstone Henry Laboucuero
onco remarked. "I do not object to Mr.
Gladstone occasionally having an ace
up his sleeve, but I do wish he would
not always say that Providence put it
Father Knows.
She-Did you say anything to papa
about your being too young.' He los.
But he said when I onco began to pay
your hills I should age rapicuy enougu.
New York Journal.
Know What His Few Days Meant.
Quaekly-lty tho bye. havo you got
$10 about you that you dou't need for
few days? Sniackly-I have, but
might need It some time. Exchange.
Want of rare does us more diunugo
than want of knowledge. Franklin.
we have is the Forest King cigar
brings more trade to this store than
little. It will not surpriso you either
if you try the Forest King cigar. It i
a smoke you cannot fail to enjoy if you
are a lover of fine tobacco. It is
cigar that, onco tried, you naturally
think of every timo you aro inclined for
a good smoko.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $135,000.
E. F. SEEDERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presiucnt,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
200 head of cattle to posture. Havo
1,000 acres fino fresh range under
fenco. Two good wells with storage
tanks. W. II. TtmriE.
The Common Complaint.
Probably this expression Is used
oftener by people than any other: "Ev
erything Is blamed on me." Atchison
your hands for
You are not "Held Up" when you
buy it as you get your moneys
worth in every dish.
Our up-to-date manner m the
making and our facilities for tak
ing care of it assures you of Ice
Cream that cannot be excelled.
Protect Your Stock
Lee's Flyo-Curo
will keep flies from tormenting
your horses nnd cattle. A cow
will yield doublo tho quantity of
milk. Easily applied by tho uso
of Leo's Spray Pump.
to fight lice and mites in your
poultry houses. Keeping Jlhe
chickens freo from them insures
a good egg yield in tho fall and
winter. Tho only practical ox
terminator is
Exclusive Agents.
.'vtC.iiT jjtZ
A Man That Keeps Good Horses
don't wan't to spoil their appearanco
or risk his own lifo by harnessing them
with an inferior made or shabby har
ness. It navs to buv a cood harness
when you do buy. for it always looks
well as well as wearing well. For
style, durability and make call on
The State of Nebraska. (
i.incoin uouniy. i
In tlio County Court-
In tho mattur of llm mtntn nt Willi.
A Grt'BC. decoasoU To the creditors, heirs.
t'tratpiis nnd others Intim-xipil in iii minin
ot William A. Orece.
lano notion, mat II. SI. Grimes has
II H'Cl 111 tho ('nil II I V court, . rannrl nt lila
iIoIiibs as . Executor or said esfato and
it isoniomi that tliu samo stand for hearlnc
tho 7th day of Hnitomber. if, D. 1010. be
fore tho court at tho hour of) o'clock a. m.,
at which tlmo Any person Interested may ap
pear and except to and contest tho same. And
notice of this proceeding Is ordered t'lvon
by publication for six successive Issues In
the North l'latto Tribune, a HnmUwoitLMv
newspaper publUhed In said county.
Witness my hand and the seal or tho county
court at North l'latto this 15th day of Au
gust, A. li. iiuu.
w. o, ici.dkii. county J ml to,
lly Katherluo F Clark, Olerk County Court.
Stale of Nohraska. Lincoln county, m.
In the county court. Autrust 11. 1010.
In the of matter of tho estatu of Will Urn
llrown, deceased.
On reading and Mine tho petition of J. E.
Vermillion, prnvlni; that tho rcirtil&r mlmln-
Istratlun of said estatu may hu dispensed
with as provided by sections KOii, 5203, 5201
and 3fiUj, CobtMiy'H Htatutu 1WW.
uruoreu, mat September, 7th, 11)10, at "
o'clock p, m, Is assumed for hoarlnir said
petition whon all persons Interested 111 said
matter may appear at a county court,
to bo held In and for said county
and showcausu why tho prayer of po
tloner should not bo eranted. This order to
bp printed for six successive Issues In tho
North l'latto Tribune, legal nowspapor pub
lished In Lincoln County, prior to toptouibor
7th, 11)10.
W. o. Ki.iikii, County Judee.
lly Katherino V, Clark, Clerk County Court.