TW StMlWEfKlY TRIBUHt RU U BARK. Publisher ' f WW, H.M IM ADVANCE Jwfmi PUATTM I NKHrlAtKA COOLING A3 EA8Y AS HEATING. Now, when ono comes to think of It, thero 1b difficulty In understanding why humnnlty hns always ronllzcd thoj need' of mitigating tho severity of cll tnato that takes tho form of cold, bu for tho most part still assumes tho Imj possibility of anything to torn' per heat, from which wo suffer al most as much, says New York Time, At less oxpenso thnn that by which houses aro warmed In winter they can bo coolod In summer, and, whllo tho wlntor heating, thanks to our strange refusal to learn tho art of ventilation, Involves tho creation of conditions In jurious to health, thoso which sum mer cooling would establish would probably bo In ovcry way beneficial tot us. At any rato, tho thing Is per fectly practlcablo. Of courso, It adopted, it would add to tho cost of living, but it would also Incroaso tho general stock of availablo energy, which would mean an Incrcaso of earning powor to a more than com pensating degree Not much of a ro frlgoratlon plant would bo required to bring tho air of a bedroom to a torn poraturo In which sleep would bo re freshing, Instoad of imposslblo or ex hausting, and tho wondor Is that tho rich and tho well-to-do, at least, do not generally, Instead of hardly at oil, utlllzo a benefit which sclonco Is ready to glvo thorn for much less money tbnn they pay for a thousand other smaller luxuries and convonloncos. Tho first passenger airship to bo operated for regular transportation purposes has been put In commission In Germany. It Is a Zeppelin dlrlgl bio and will run over a courso that Will Includo Friedrlchshafon, Stutt gart, Mannheim, Cologno and Dussol dorf. At first Count Zoppolln him ) If, Inventor of tho machlno which boars his name, will bo at tho helm. Tho airship has capacity for twenty fiassengers, for whom accommoda Ions as luxurious as thoso of a Pull man palaco car havo been provided. As tho ontorprlso 1b backed by a ship ping company of undoubted standing thcro scorns to bo nmplo faith In tho success of tho ontorprlso nnd belief that aerial navigation has come to Btay. Finland, in so far as tho autonomy enjoyed heretofore Is concerned, has practically boon wiped oft tho map, tht Douma first nnd tho Council of tho iimpiro Anally having enacted tho law which turnB ovor tho administra tion of Finnish affairs to representa tives of tho czar. Finland was form erly a grand duchy, and, though un der IlusBlan control, had a largo mens uro of self-government. Tho Finns nre a sturdy, solf-rollant and intelli gent people and huvo mado groat progress in education and othorwlso. Dut tho policy of Russia la to central Izo control at St. Petersburg, and tho disposition of Flnlnnd Is tho latest exemplification of tho existing ten dency. VVhon fnrmers turn to "bulling" wheat the speculators In tho grain exchanges hardly know whero they nro at Thoro seoms to bo something like a comblnod effort on tho part of tho big wheat-growers of tho north west to keep up prices, says Mllwnu koo Evening Wisconsin. Delegations by tralnlonds nro going to somo of tho largo trading-centers llko St. Paul and donllng In heavy lots. Somo of thoso farmers nro rated as millionaires, hav ing mado fortunes in grain growing, nnd they also seem to understand tho bull and bear business. At least tho professional speculators In tho "wheat pit" And tho tillers of tho soil foomon worthy of their steel. Before you begin to criticise nvla tion meets for not punning out nB per promises, ploaso kindly remember bow many races for tho America's can havo been boring nnd inconclusive drifting matches. Doth nvlntlon and yachting depend on tho wind, and tho wind is mighty uncertain. A Michigan farmer who separated from his wile nnl then bocamo her hired man h suhg lior for $500 back pay. Perhaps h could got her to set tie oirt of aourt if ho would ngreo to ";o 400. Western bnnltors report that the rmers of Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri Jad Iowa havo spent $15,000,000 for automobiles. Thoro must bo something fjh that story nftor all. Kidnaping Is still provnllent despite Vne discouragements of heavy son toncos. Tho only romedy seems to In creaso tho penalty. The prlco of cigarettes is going up but this of course won't bothor tho man who always got his from the oth r fellow. When airships become so thick that Ahoy shut out sunlight then, tndood, svm aviation do won established. For Hot Days JUST tho nowcstnnd lovollcst things In millinery for tho nil too brief midsummer havo been placed be fore tho fascinated eyes of tho devoteo to outdoors nnd .fashion. Illnck nnd whlto or tho coldest of colors, laco and more lace, these nro tho paramount idenB that tho modistes havo put into triumphs of execution. Nothing wub ovor Imagined for tho dog days, love lier than tbo bat of whlto chip In which tho contour of tho brim is out lined with two rolled folds of black velvet placed on tho under sldo. About tho crown nro set largo roses mado of Ano princess laco and sot in dark green foliage. Thcso flowers of laco aro oxqulslto. So far tho Illy and rose havo beon mado nnd no othor blossoms enn bo moro beautiful than thoy. Wido Vnl edging for tho roses and all-ovor patterns for tho lllllcs nro destinod to bo tho favorito, but It ono possesses a long purso or bnu somo yards of old lnco, ploaso lmag Ino roses mado of a duchess lacol The finest of silk covered wlro has to bo Bowed In to hold tho petals or simu lated potals in placo. For tho roses, a wroath can bo mnnaged without cut ting tho laco but for lilies tho petals LINEN DRESS A Btmplo somt-princcRB dross Is Bhown hero, that Is a stylo specially suited to linen. Tho pnnol front that extends tho wholo length Is attached to tho sldoB by wido wrapped seams. Tho back Is not a panel, but tho bodlco nnd skirt have Blight fulness at waist Tho turn over collar and cuffs are of embroidered lawn. Materials required: 6 yards 40 Inches wido. Bracelets Over Gloves. Few women scorn to tenllzo that bracelets over gloves nro almost or quite as bad as rings over gloves, If ono wears a bracelet with long gloves nt all It should be worn under them: but If possible It ihould not be wore. must bo shaped; unless each Is mad separately by a laccmaker. No one will bo so foolish as to cut up Ant hand mndo laces. Lilies, therefore, are destined to bo mado of tho best ma chine mndo laccB. Hut, as this season will not sco tho last of tho laco flow ers, It Is worth whllo to mako separata petals of rennnlsanco of othor Ano lace, for thoso who know how. Numbers of hats In hair braid or homp or Ano chip aro overlaid -with wide chnntllly laco. Dlack over whlto chip or whlto over black, Is all thoro Is to toll. Plumes, pompons and aigrettes finish thorn; thcso, too, in black or whlto. Tho small drooping brim round hat continues tho favorito for motoring and gonoral wear when tho matter of protoctlon claims tho first attention. Dlnck and whlto, striped ribbon nnd button roses, mado of straw llko that in tho hat, leavo nothing to bo do sired for such a model. In tho picture tho hat Is of sllvor-bluo straw, the flowers of tho same, and a long ad Justlblo yell of whlto chiffon Is an ac cessory to bo put on and off nt pleas uro. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. GLOVES MATCH THE COSTUME,' No More Whlto Ones Are Worn, and Where They Seem Necessary Cream Color Is Used. No moro Whlto clnvr-n! fllnvpii match tho costume, or whero thow ougni to no wnito, nccordlng to all social canons, thoy aro cream. Sued slippers, too. match tho costume, nn tho Btocklngs with them aro flesh colored! Vanity bags of cold claon now Hat purso. Tho meshed tin en nm Tin longer plain, but aro In two metals gain ana gunmotnl, or oxidized silver and copper Interwoven in a quaint pattern. Tortoise-shell Is mnde un Into nvnrv, thing, from nowdor cases to umiirniin handles; nnd thoro Is a great deal of gunmetni and Jot seen, owing to tho klnc'a death nnd tho nubllo mnurnlne mat I'arlB seems to havo assumed with England For tho snmo reason, orchids, rnnl and artificial, nro on vlow everywhere; bIiico thoy were Edward's favorito flower. i Finally, woodon beads. Tim fnri im uecomo a crnzo, ana wooden bonds, In uincit nnd colors, nro ns thick ns lo- custa during tho plnguo In Egypt Silk Fishnet. If In your shonnlnir tours vnn nrn rortumuo onouch to sou n. ninm nt silk llshuot, buy It. Tho coarB mesh offers nm lng, but much docorntlon, when used over n contrasting annuo of buppIo illldU 1(11. In gray or tho favorito twlno color It nllowB almost any combination. For entire turbans, for hugo bows or for trnnspnrent scarfs to bo thrown over gorgeous oveing costumos, flshnot Is a valuable nset In woman's wardrobe tho up-to-dato A Cushion Edge. acaiiops largo shallow scallops dono In conrso buttonhole stitch with linen floss or heavy cottonform tho attractive eago of a cretonne sofa pll low. It is advisable to use the natural linon color of tho background, as It wm he found moro effective than the mora brilliant colors of tho flowers. f MM UT still our placo is kept, anil It will watt. Heady for us to fill It soon or late. No star ,ls ever lost wo once have Keen; We nhvnya may bo, wlint wo might have been. Adelaide Proctor. THE SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER. During tho hot' wonthcr tbo simpler tho food the hotter tho health of tho family. A salad with uandwlchea and fruit with n glass of lco tea or milk makes a sufficient meal after a hearty llnnnor on Sunday. A combination of grated cheese and hopped nuts, with a littlo talad dress ing Is a good Ailing for sandwiches. Peanut butter Is liked by many, and Is an easy Ailing to uso, being ready prepared. A slmplo snlad, If ono Is fond of peanuts, Is prcpnrcd by chopping tho nuts, sprlnklo over crisp lettuce nnd pour over a trench dressing, made by using four tablcspoonfuls of olive oil to two of vlnegnr and a tablespoonful of onion Juice, salt and pepper to taste. An easy way to servo n Bupper on Sunday night Is to serve It buffet stylo. Arrango tho table with tho sil ver, dishes and food on the table and sideboard, whero each may help him self. , An egg sandwich is good n sup per sandwich, nnd easily m.ty. Cook sufficient eggs for tho number of .sand wiches needed. When cold, remove tho shells nnd crush with a fork, sea- toning with melted butter, salt, pep per and onion Juice. Saving Hints. When purchasing mcatB a two days' supply 1b found to bo an economy, ns many tempting dishes may bo mndo with apparently no qxtrn expense. Celery stalks, leaves, parsley and mint should bo cnrofully dried and kept for an emergency. A few contB expended occasionally for parsloy, green peppers, a lemon and an orange, to bo used as a garnish, Is wlBe, for that which appeals to tho eyo also appealB to tho palate. Save all pieces of meat, vegetables and corenls, oven If tho amount Is small. Chop, add ecu and brond crumbs, roll Into balls and fry. Serve with tomato sauco and garnish with parsley. SON, obBcrvo the postage stamp. Its usefulness de pends upon its ability to tick to one thing, until It gets there." HOT WEATHER DRINKS. The best lemonade is mado from a sirup which may bo prepared in quan tlty nnd then It is nlwayB ready for in stant uso. To ono cupful of lemon Juico add a half cupful of sugar and n qunrter of a cupful of water, boll to gether ten minutes nnd put In a hot tlo to bo kept In tho lco box. When egg lemonudo Is wanted, boat tho egg and add to tho sirup, using Btifllclent wnter und sirup for the amount desired. Tea Punch. Pour two quarts of boiling water over two heaping touspoonfuls of ten and steep flvo minutes. Strain ovor two pounds of loaf sugar nnd stand until cool, Hrenk a small rlpo plncnp plo into pieces, cut three peeled or anges Into slices, and aqucezo the Juico from olght lomons. Put all into tho mlxturo and add a few cherries or cholco strawborrlcs. Put on lco until cold. Mint Punch. Placo a few sprigs of mint In fresh ly mndo tea, when uteopod sot away to cool. Serve with lomon and sugar Raspberry Vinegar. Put half as much vlnegnr ns rasp berries to soak In a Jar, let stand two days, strain; add the snmo amount of fresh berries agnln and stand another two days, strain, and add three-quarters as much sugar as tho Arst meas ure of berries; hem slowly and seal whllo hot. Currant Punch. A simple wholesome drink which can bo given to children during tho hot summer months may bo mndo of currant Juico or Jolly ns a flavor ing. Doll n cupful of sugar and a quart of water llvo minutes. Skim nnd add tho Juico of four lemons nnd two oranges. Strain and add a pint of tho best currant Jolly. Continue stirring until tho Jolly Is dissolved, then place on lco. At the moment of serving add chopped Ice and a quart of charged water. Iced Cocoa. Preparo tho cocoa ns UBual, chill and add whipped creum, and ovor tho top of each glass or cup sprlnklo a llttlo dry cocoa. Curry Sauce, Melt a tablespoonful of butter, ndd a tablespoonful each of curry powder and browned flour. Cook together, then ndd n cupful of stock or hot water will do, and cook until smooth. Sanson with salt, popper and onion Juico. Sorvo with boiled mutton or Ash, rJr CABINET H Allli not fitted to llvo In a world whero a and b ill ways ential c. Tho In tcrest of life's equation nrrlvcs with the appearance of x, tho unknown quantity. van Dyke. VARITIES OF JUNKET. Although most people aro fond of Junket, not many know tho variety of ways in which it may bo served. It Is regarded by most as the very plain est typo of cookery, as It Is seldom met except perfectly plnln, Bcrvcd with cream or perhaps tomo fruit. Thero nro many moro claborato dishes which nro not nearly so pleasing na Junket, if It is carefully prepared. Tho Junket tablet must bo added to tho sweetened nnd flavored milk when Just luko warm or It will not thicken properly. Junket has tho merit of being ono of our most wholesome foods, nnd mnny who ennnot eat milk And tt very pleasant, nB It Is In n moro di gestible form than plnln milk. I'or Invalids, it forms an Ideal nourishment, ns tho thickening of tho milk by tho rennet Is exactly tho samo process as that which takes placo In digestion, and It Is consequently more easily assimilated thnn milk which has not been trented with Junket, Junket Is used for mnklng lco crenm, which renders It easier of di gestion. Another uso of Junket Is in making curd, while llttlo cream cheeses and delicious llttlo cakeB may bo mndo nt homo. The milk used for Junket should bo fresh nnd pure boiled milk will not answer and It should bo warmed to blood heat and no higher. Anothor point to remember Is that it should bo left in n warm placo without stir ring until 1b Arm, then put In a cool plnco until wanted to serve. If It Is shaken It will break and sep arate Into whey. Caramel Junket. Put six tableopoonfuls of sugar Into a snucepan, placo over tho heat and molt; when tho sirup Is a rich brown romovo, add a few tablcapoonfuls ol milk nnd let stand until dissolved. Add this flavored milk to a quart ol warm milk and n Junket tablet dis solved In a llttlo water. Pour Into cups or glasses nnd lot stand until Arm In a warm place, then put on lco until serving time. BVEIt mind a change ol scene .illn nnn ri t ltln1lni What If things sem sordid, mean, What's tho uso of blinking? By degrees, by thinking, light. Thinking glad and sweetly. You'll escape tho stress of might Worry gono completely. John Kendrick Bangs. MAKING WORK HARDER. ny putting oursolvos In tho wrong attitude toward our work wo mako It doubly hard. Tho woman who says: "I dcsplBO housework and detest cook ing," only adds to her own and others' discomfort by such thinking. Somo wlso ono snld: "Thero is no stupid work, only stupid workers." Wo can mako our work an nrt or a drudgery, tho smallest thing well dono Is artistic. Much of the joy of living lies In tho heart being In our work, When wo respect our work It Is not drudgery, no matt or how hard. Tho up-to-dato housekeeper Ands ensy ways of doing hor work, Is looking for lnbor-savlng devices. She doos not follow hor grandmother's methods If sho finds thoso that aro better. "Lot patlenco hnvo her perfect work," for wo can seo In our dally tasks tho means of character develop ment. Find tho Important things that must be dono and slight the non-essentials, Often It Is far moro Important that you should havo n restful afternoon with a book or a friend thnn that the house should bo swept from bottom tc top. A few less stitches in the daughter's dress, slmplor dessert oftei. means less lines of care and a plensantoF mother to llvo with. Lot us find out the essentials and flight tho non-cs-sentlnls. Whon ono is irritable nnd cross often nil that Is needed is a day of quiet und rest to bring back tho nor mnl state of good temper . It Is not work which tirau It Is one's attitude towards" It. Tako an Interest In house-work-. Unoriginal Surround yoursolf with" pretty cooking utenslli a thing mny bo useful and also boau ttful to look at. With tho right nttltudo toward oui work, wo will And housework easy, healthful and enjoyable. Celery Sauce. Blend two tnblespoonfulB each ol butter nnd flour, add a cupful each of milk nnd tho liquor In which a cupful of chopped colory has been cooked Cook until smooth, season with salt and popper, add tho cooked celery and servo with boiled fowl. 1 PLAY WITH THE CHILDREN' Fabled Fountain of Youth Could No Be More Potent Than Association With Little Ones. "Play with tho chlldrenl" was th recurrent advice- of a wise aud suo cossful man. "TIiIb will keop your heart young, your vlowpolnt fresh your wit Bparkllng. Tbo child heart is at onco tho purest nnd tho happiest In nil nature; tho child tongue Is i transfiguring power." Something of this Indulbtnblo power attaches to good stories of those naive and Innocent "little ones" scrlpturally declared specially blessed and potent Tho child mind transforms, the chlldf touch lifts to glad laughter Incidents and nccldents not otherwise worth noting. Witness this llttlo tale of the careful mother to whom enmo a tiny son all agog ovor tho acquirement of now and forhlddon knowledge. "Mother!" cried the child, baby eyes shining, baby cheeks glowing, "do you know what Til bo homswojr gled' tnenna?" "No, dear," said tho mother, col emnly, seizing tho opportunity to Im plant a lesson. "I'm sure I do not." "Well, I do," Wtts tho ecstatic nn swer, tho suggested lesson being ut terly Ignored. "It menns Just the snmo as 'I'll bo gol-darnedl'" SCRATCHED SO SHE COULD NOT SLEEP "l wrlto to toll you how thankful S nm for tho wonderful Cutlcura Rem edies. My llttlo niece had eczema for fivo years nnd when hor mother dledt I took caro of tho child. It was all" ovor her face and body, also on hor head. Sho scratched so that she could not Bleep nights. I UBed Cutlcura Soap to wash hbr with and then ap plied Cutlcura Ointment I did not uso qulto half tho Cutlcura Soap and? Ointment, together with Cutlcura Re solvent, whon you could seo a change and they cured hor nicely. Now she Is oleven years old nnd has never leca bothered with eczema since. M friends think It Is Just great the way tho baby waB cured by Cutlcura. 1 send you a picture taken who ho wao about 18 months old. "Sho was taken with tho cczcraa whon two years old. Sho was covered with big sores and her mother had nit tho best doctors and tried all kinds of salves and medicines without effect until wo used Cutlcura Remedies. Mrs. H. Kiernnn, 6G3 Qulnc- St, Brooklyn, N. Y Sept. 27. 1909." He Knew the Kind. Little Edward, aged four, was or only child. Ho was anxious for & baby sister, and was talking of It one day with a frleni of tho family. In tho friend's family was a baby girl of ono year. Tho lady said: Edward, you may havo y baby; she Is pretty and sweet" "Oh," said Edward, "I don't want nn. old baby. I wont a bran new ono wlf nofiln on but acum powder." Red) Hon. Poverty may bo a blessing, but ovcry mnn Is willing to turn his share of tho blessing orur to tho other fel low. Dr. neren's rUet, mail, tnirnr-coated, mrr to. tana as canny. rrKuiam una lnvliurulo ttuaiucli. A nagging wlfo makes her husband! forget his othor troubles. TiwiV Single Binder cisnr Is never doped only tobacco in its natural state. No other man appreciates a helping: hand llko a man in trouble. IT IS REALLY ABSUR to think that you can cure your weak stomach and get back your health again by dieting or ex perimenting with this or that remedy. You need Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters and nothing else. For over 57 years it has been making people well and keeping them so and! it will do as much foryou. Try a bottle today for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Cramps, Di arrhoea and Malaria, Fe ver and Ague. It never fails. STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality; red anil rtmns, white fixers or nui:" bought on order. Trna of TlioiihumlH to uelect (rum. Ha(lficilun (Hiar autet'il. Corrfbiionilciu'e Invited. Cume nnd bee for yourself. National Live Stock Com. Co At either KaaiuCUy.Mo.. St. Jotepb.Mo., S. Omaha, Nell Put a KNOWN THS WORLD OVER in your vacation outfit PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cliiua and txautiflti tht hatr. fromoUl a laiujunt rrowth. Marer 7 all a to Jlcatore Orar II. Ir to lta Youthful Color. Cum tcalp dlwtKt ball nUbia. ( aOc.apdtlDQat Pn:TTitl "alill! Thompson's Eve Wafei