The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 16, 1910, Image 1

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NO oil
Rov. S. F. Carroll and Miss Mary
Carroll returned Saturday evening from
St. Louis.
Mrs. J. W. Payne is entertaining n
number of ladies this afternoon at n
kensington given in fnvorof Mrs. Chos.
Hendy, of Maxwell.
Mrs. F. H. Garlow will entertain nt
BOO Tuesday afternoon in favor of or
guests, Miss Flint of Los Angeles and
Miss Garlow of Columbus.
Bert Morrow, formerly employed in
the Wilcox store but now located in
Ohio, was in town last week enroute to
Myrtle where he will visit relatives.
Davq Day left Sunday night for
Cherokee Park, where he will spend a
week or so fishing for trout. From
there he will go to points in Colorado.
Fred W. Rincker leaves this week for
Chicago to visit his mother, who is
ninety-three years of age. While in
that city Mr. Rincker will also pur
chase goods for the store.
Three of leading contractors and
builders of the city are "turning down"
work because they already have all
they can do untiUanuary 1st. That's
a pretty good showing for building
operations in the city.
Eye glasses and spectacles fitted to
the eyes and guaranteed. Clinton, Jew
eler and Optician.
Miss Helen Davidson entertained a
number of friends at a vory enjoyuble
dinner party Friday in favor of Misses
Sadie Teats and Freeda Hulting, of
Omaha, who are the guests of Miss
Mario Salisbury.
Messrs. Parmalee, Dull" and Hill, well
known Omaha business men, accom
panied by their wives, spent Sunday in
town while enroute to Denver in two
cars. At Bignell the shaft on one of the
cars was broken necessitating a lay
over here while it was being repaired.
Judge Hoagland attended the old
soldiers' reunion nt Central City the
latter part of last week and made two
addresses, one of which 1iq had prom
ised to make, the other in place of Gov
ernor Shallenberger who was too busy
politically to attend the reunion.
Wanted Young woman between the
ago of 19 and 25 for nurse's training
school. Address Superintendent Train
ing School, Physicans & Surgeons
Hospital, North Platte, Nebr.
Miss Marguerite Young, who had
charge of the milliner department of
Mrs Huffman's store last season, will
return about the 23rd to begin trimming
for the fall tradd. Miss Young made
many friends by her pleasant ways
during her stay last spring who will be
glad to hear of her return. At present
she is nt a Chicago wholesale house.
Wanted Apprentice girls at the
Huffman millinery store. Apply early
as work will begin Soon.
About 150 people attended the con
cert given at the Keith Saturday even
ing by the American Band of fifty
people. Without question the program
rendered was one of the finest and most
enjoyable ever heard in North Platte.
Each member was a master of his in
strument, and the blending proved to bo
absolute hnrmony. It is to be regretted
that the attendance was not larger.
Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach
"I suffered intensely after eating and
no medicine or treatment I tried seemed
to do nnv cood. writes H. M. Yountr
peters, Editor of The Son, Lake View,
Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave
me surprising relief and the second
bottle seemed to give me anew stomach
and perfectly good health." For sale by
all dealers,
A Growing Girl
changes more rap
idly in appearance
than anybody else.
One day she is a
child, the next
"quite a young
lady." If there is
a girl nt your house
keep a record of
her development
by a series of
Bring her hero
to-day and so start
the series with
photographs of the
highest artistic
merit. You'il bo
glad you havo
them in years to
come. She'll never
bo aRhamed to
have you show
E. 0. Halverstadt,
4U3 Dewiry Street.
A eon was born Friday to Mr. and
Mrs. James G. Golden, of the Third
Miss Antoinette Landgraf left Sun
day night for a visit with relatives at
at Wllber, Nebr.
Miss Evangeline Herrod returned
Saturday night from a three week's
visit with the Harrington family in Den
ver. Mrs. J. J. Halligan will entertain the
Tuesday bridge club Wednesday after
noon. Miss Warren, of Tampn, Florida,
will bo the favored guest.
Wm. Gaunt, who lives northwest of
town, says corn in his section will bo
three-fourths of a crop. His field corn
ii now too hard for "roasting ears."
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patterson, of
Ogalalla, spent Sunday in town. Mr.
Patterson expects to complete his work
at Ogalalla this week and return to
this city.
Mrs. E. N. Sludor and daughter who
left ten days ago on an extended v6st
ern trip are now in San. Francisco.
They expect to spend six weeks or two
months at Pacific coast points.
Engraved Calling Cards, Monogram
Stationery, Wedding Invitation and
Announcements. Clinton, Jeweler and
Mrs. E. B. GibbS, of St. Louis, is
visitingherdaughtcr, Mrs. W.J. Stuart.
She had been in Omaha for some time
during the sickness of her sister, the
late Mrs. II. C. Langdon, and came
hero with the funeral party.
R. G. Tyrrell, of Mason City, Iowa,
spent Saturday and Sunday in town as
guest of Harry Smith. These two men
attended the same school in Chicago last
year. Mr. Tyrrel is now acting as
traveling salesman for a wholesale
furniture house.
A nice rain fell Friday eveninir. well
saturatine mother earth. The same
evening there was a heavy down pour
as far east as Gothenburg. The recent
rain has made a wonderful lnnrovcmpnt
on pasture, and hay will now be cut on
land that on July 1st looked almost as
desolate as in mid-winter.
Figure with us on vourhav camnero-
cery bill. Our canned goods are of the
best standard brands. Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Longford and
two sons returned Sunday from their
trip to Big Horn country in Wyoming.
They spent about a week at Cody, the
remamdeWof tho time on the national
forest reservation about fifty miles
from that town. Mr. Langford re
ports a very enjoyable trip with plenty
amusement and sport.
II. C. Langdon and daughter desire
through these colcmns to express their
sincere thanks to old friends and neigh
bors and to members of tho B. of L. E.
for the assistance rendered at the fu
neral of the late Mrs. H. C. Langdon.
The kindly ministrations of these
friends and sympsthy expressed in
this hour of sorrow is more appreciated
than can be expressed.
From railroadmen running into Chey
enne, it is learned that the condition
of Brakeman Will Johnson who was
badly injured at Sidney Thursday, is
not as serious as were supposed. , After
his wounds were dressed at the hospi
tal at Cheyenne, he rallied considerably
and the physicians states that he will,
in all probability recover.
Many cases come to us that should
have gone to some optometrist yenrs
ago. lhen considerable trouble could
have been averted, and in many cases
the sight of the eyes could have been
saved. This is true in cases where one
eye is so different from the other that
it is thrown out of use, or where tho
vision is low in both eyes from extreme
troubles of any description. Why did
these patients not come to the opto
metrist before? Because the public
are not educated as to what eye trou
bles are, and are simply ignorant of
their own or their children's conditions
Many cases are kept away by fear of
glasses or some venerable and much re
spected friend or relation has advised
tho patient never to wear glasses until
after they nro blind or sure they will
be. We have all had these cases come
to us and have labored with them,
sometimes successfully and sometimes
not, to get their eyes in shape to do
work properly. I havo had cases where
people would be simply useless, a bur
den to themselves and their relatives,
if it were not for glasses, and still they
spoke of tho glasses as a nuisance.
Clinton, Jeweler and Optician.
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant compound
like Bucklan'B Arnica Salve will in
stantly relieve a bad burn, scald, wound
or piles, stnggers skeptics. But great
cures prove its a wonderful healer of
the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons,
eczema, skin emotions, as also dimmed
, hrendu, sprains and corns. Try it 25c at
1 Slone dwk WmiMriy.
Makes Fast Time.
Tho relay men driving the Reo car
through from New York to San Fran
cisco, made fast time west of this city.
After placing a new axle and n set of
wheels under tho, car here, they left
Saturday at noon, reached Cheyenno nt
ono o'clock thnt night, and nt eight
Saturday morning wero in) Laramie.
J. S. Davis accompanied the car as far
west as Cheyenne.
Boys Having Fine Time.
A card received at this office from
Thoclcckc, Rebhausen and McGovcrn,
date at Encampment, Wyo., Inst Fri
day says: "Wo nro having a fine time.
Had uneventful trip from North Platte
to Emcampment, other than being
caught in a little rain and hail storm
near Larmie. We are killing plenty of
small game and enjoying tho finest of
fishing. Have caught several rainbow
trout weighing two pounds each. Wo
go to Saratoga Mondny thence to tho
mountains after big game."
The Reglious Census.
Tho religious census taken in the city
on Friday, ns shown by the return
enrds of the enumerators, gnvo n total
of 2959 church adherents, Sunday
school attendants and those who ex
pressed a church preference. Three
hundred and twenty-five expressed no
church preference. Classed demonina-
tionally tho census showed 580 Metho
dist, 4G7 Roman Catholics, -150 Luth
erans, 414 Episcopolians, 335 Christians,
305 Prespyterinns and 243 Baptists, 3G
Adventists, 22 Christian Scientists, 17
Congregationalism, 15 Hebrews and
smaller numbers in other demoninn-
tionB. In all there were twenty-three
Of Interest to Men.
Mr. Chas. Bates, representing the
Ridgely-Wulker Co., tailors of Louis
ville, Ky., will be at J. B. McDonald's
store tomorrow, August 17th, nnd will
display nn attractive line of fashion
able woolens embracing every'latest
novelty for fall 1910. Mr. Bates will
take measurements for suits, overcoats
dnd trousers, and will assure excellent
ly fitting garments.
The Ridgloy-Walker company has
had a representative coming here for
tho past eight years, and of the hun
dreds of orders taken all havo proven
This will be your opportunity to
select a suit from fashionable fabrics
and have it made in the latest and
most correct style nnd have a fit that
will be perfect.
Golmar Bros. Circus Enlarged.
It is understood that the Gollmar
Brothers Greatest of America Shows
this year have undergone a general
renovation in each and everyone of the
many department, and from the
monster exhibition tents to tho cook
tent everything is new, clean and up-to-
date, the only thing that hns been
retained being tho trade mark and
name "Gollmar Brothers" which means
everything first-class. Long trains of
cars transport these immense shows
entour this season, and tho best com
bination of circus and menagerie at
traction ate presented, to say nothing
of the numerous auxiliary novelties of
fered in conjunction with this immense
Tho Gollmar Brother Circus will be
seen in this city Saturday, August 27.
Mrs. H. C. Langdon Dies.
A message received by relatives in
town Friday evening announced the
death of Mrs. II. C. Langdon at hoi
home in Omnhn.
For many years Mrs. Langdon made
her home in this city where her hus
band was employed as engineer between
hero and Sidney, and later as Master
Mechanic with his headquarters at this
terminal, and news of hor death was re
ceived with deep regret by a host of
friends. About five years ago tho Lang
don family moved to Paoni, Colo.
where Mr. Langdon was interested in a
fruit farm but later moved to Otnahn
where they havo since mndotheirhome.
Mrs. Langdon'B illness' had extended
over several months and for several
days her death had been houly expect
cd. Besides her husband, two children
survive her, Miss Grace Langdon, of
Omnhu, and Harry Langdon, of Paoni,
Colorado, also a sister Mrs. E. B. Gibbu,
of St. Louis and a brother Geo. C. Don
ehower, of this city.
The remains wero brought to this
city Sunday morning and funeral ser
vices held from the Donehower resi
dence Sundny afternoon. Interment
was mndo in tho North Plntto cemetery
Cuts and bruises may ho healed in
about one-third tho timo required by
tho UBiial treatment by applying Cham
berlain's liniment. It is nn antiseptic
and causes such injuries tohcnl without
maturation. This liniment also re
lieves soreness of the muscles and
rheumatic pains. For sale by ulluculora.
Miss May Mungor, of Horahoy, vis
ited friends in town Saturday.
C. T. Whclan returned Saturday
evening from n business trip to Omaha.
MissMaymo Pizor returned Saturday
from a visit with relatives in Hast
Horton Munger will return Thursday
from his month's vacation Bpent in the
Claude Weingnnd nnd two sonB return
ed Saturday night from n week's visit
in Denver.
Mra. Chas. Hendy, of Mnxwcll, has
been visiting friends in town for
several days.
Will nnd Hiney Landgraf returned
Saturday from their trip to Denver,
Ogden and Salt Lake.
Ray Murray returned to his home in
Lincoln Satusday after visitinghis par
ents for several days.
John Davidson, of Burlington, Iowa,
is visiting at the home of his aunt Mrs.
C. B. Davidson.
Miss Verna Sorenson left yesterday
for a two weeks' visit with the John
Burke family in Denver.
Mrs. Chas. Johnson returned homo
Saturday from a month's viBlt with her
parents at Clnrks, Nebr.
Wilson Tout left yesterday for Osh-
kosli where he will conduct the Garden
county teachers' institute.
Miss Sadie Teats, of Omaha, left yes
terday for Lexington after a weeks
visit with friends in town.
Thco. Lowe, Jr., returned Friday
from a three weeks' trip to Denver,
Ogden and Salt Lake.
Mrs. Guy Reese and two sons re
turned to Plattsmouth Sundny after a
brief visit with friends in town.
Miss Agnes O'Nei! left Saturday for
her homo in Lincoln after visiting rela
tives in town for several weeks.
Miss Catherine Herrod nnd sister
have returned from a two weeks' visit
at the Brogan home near Paxton.
Miss Antoinette Landgraf, of Ogden,
arrived Saturday for a visit with her
purents nnd other relatives in town.
Mrs. W. L. Cary and littlo son, of
Omaha, nro expected this week for a
visit with local relatives and friends.
Miss Bessie Salisbury returned last
week from an extended trip to Chero
kee Park and other pointB in Wyoming.
Mrs. Davis and ncice, who had been
visiting nt the Farrington home, loft
Tuesdny night for their home at Duluth,
Miss Jessie Aupengarten, of Oshkosh,
is spending this week in town as the
guest of her uncle Jns. Doram and
Mrs. L. C. Hansen and children left
for their home in Callaway Saturday
after spending some time at the Pul-
ver home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Wnlker re
turned Inst week from a protracted visit
in Illinois, Iowa und tho eastorn part
of Nebraska.
Miss Jessie Blankenburg resigned her
position as stenographer for Wilcox &
Halligan last week and is Biicceeded by
MiBB Scott, of Hastings, who arrived
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shuman re
turned Sunday from their trip to Port
land, Seattle und Spokane, visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Burko in tho former
city and Mr. Shuman's relatives in the
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appleford, of
Maxwell, leave this week for Long
Beach, Cul., where they may decide to
spend the fall and winter. Tho trip
will bo mndo for the benefit of Mrs
Appleford's health.
Misses Alice and Edna Sullivan will
leave in n few days for a visit with
relatives in New York City and with
friends at Montpelier, Vt. Tho young
ladles will bo absent a month or more
and anticipate a vory pleasant trip.
Mrs. Georire Scharman and dauuh
tor Blanche, who formerly mndo their
homo in thiscity, visited friends in town
Inst week. I hey were enroute to the
homo in Portland. Ore., from nointa i
tho east where they had been visiting
Life on Panama Canal
hnB hud one frightful drawback mala
ria trouble that has brought Buffering
and death to thousands. Tlio germs
cause chills, feverund ague, biliousness
1 M II till ! InoaUltiln .tirmiilmnnr. 1
jitituuau. iiioaiiuuu, wutmiiuao uiiu j;uiiu-
nil debility. But Electric Bitters never
tail to destroy them and cure malaria
troubles. "Three bottlea completely
pined mo of . a very severe attack of
malaria, ' writes Wm. A Frotwell, of
liUcatna, n. u., "and 1'vo had good
health ever since." Cure Stomach.
Liver and Kidnoy Troubles, und prevent
Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by Stone
urug jq.
E. W. Sivits, of Gnndy, transacted
business in town yesterday.
S. C. Trent, of Hershcy, was n busi
ness visitor in town Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. White of Sutherland, spent
yesterday in town ns tho guest of Mrs.
H. W. Bird.
J. R. White and family of Ilcrshey
were inJtownyesterdny,maklng tho trip
in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Krong came down
from Hcrshey Saturday and spent sevj
oral dayB in town.
Ernest Johnson, of Stromsburg, ar
rived in town the latter pnrt of last
week for avisit with his brother Chun.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John States went to
Denver to attend tho wedding of their
son Wnltor which occurs in that city
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tollifscn, of
Sutherland, spent Sunday in town,
coming down to attend the funeral of
tho late Mrs. II. C. Langdon.
Fred Brnu, who had been visiting
friends and transacting business in
town for several days, returned to
Sioux City yesterday.
Miss Mario Von Gootz will roturn to
morrow from South Dakota, where sho
has been spending the past month, in
company with u number of young
Indies, on n summer outing at a resort
nenr Hot Springs.
The Best Hour of Life
is when vou do some great deed or dis
cover some wonderful fact. This hour
came to J.R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt., N.
(J. wlien ho wus sutlormg intensely, ns
ho savs. "from tho worst cold I over
had, 1 then proved to my great satis-
taction, what a wonuonui uoiu unit
Cough cure Dr. King's New Discovery
is. For. after taking ono bottle. I was
entirely cured. You can't aay anything
too good of n medicine like that. Its
tho surest and best remedy for diseased
lungs, Hemorrhages, LuGrippo, Asth
ma. Hay Fever any Thront or Lunir
Trouble, 50c, $1.00. Trial bottlo free.
Guaranteed by btono Drug Co.
roremosi, wannest, uiggost, ana best ofjujj
the Shows on Earth (
mm .a a . m
So Greatly Enlarged and Improved Since Last
Mors Capital Invested than any
Entcrprlso on
r.mcu nv inn uunni n.riiinnc nrnrnmiroc im i nitiftc nu4TARrcv
VI. kit Ul tfUW WbW- ni.VW I
. . . .... . . ... . i
More Caret of Wild and Trained Animals than Any Other Show on Earth. The I
liiggeit Herd of Elephants Ever Collected. All Nature's liirds and Wild Beasts Sub-,
dutd and Made to i'eilorm A Die Collection Containing all the Odd Creature of;
, creation uver too new, scnsaiiunni, mm auipimng iugn-iiass AC,sjjjMiHlH
Presenting Every Mornine at Ten
Ever Seen by Human Eyes, Inaugurate Absolutely theDiggcst ShowonlEajtbA
Two Comnleto Exhibition Daily, at 2 and 8 pm. Doors Open One Hour Earlier.
'Vs Admission. . u Children
Miss Hazel Broach, of Denver, will
arrive tomorrow for n visit with frionds
in town.
Mra. C. A. Redmond nnd son, of
Los Angeles, will nrrivo tomorrow for
a visit with relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Raamusscn nnd
two children le'ft yesterday morning for
n two weeks' visit with relatives at
Bolls, Neb.
Many North Platte Readers Have
Heard It and Profited Thereby.
"Good newB trnvcls fast," and tho
thousands of bad back sufferers in North
Platte aro glad to loarn thatprompt re
lief is, within their reach. Many n lame,
weak and aching back ia bad no more,
Thanks to Donn's Kidnoy Pills. Our
citizens nro telling tho good news of
riiolr vtorlfnpo with tho Old Ounltnr
Remedy. Hero is an example worth
August Ackorman, North Platto,
Nebr., snys:"For at least four or fivo
years I suffered from sharp twinges nnd
dull, heavy pains through tho small of
my bnck, directly above my kidneys.
My kidneys were also disordered, tho
secretions from these organs being far
too frequent in passage, obliging mo
to got up several times during the night.
I was also subject to headaches nnd
dizzy spells and abott a year ago was
much run down in health. When I
heard Donn's Kidney Pills so highly re
commended, 1 procured n box at Mo
Donell & Graves' Drugstore, nnd I no
ticed nn improvement after tho first
few doses. Thus encouraged, I con
tinued using this remedy until I was re
hired to good health."
For sale by all dealers. Prico CO
cents. Fostcr-Mllburn Co. Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho United
Romember the numo Donn's nnd
tnko no others.
Aug. 27th
. . m
other Amusement" 'At
Earth. I
bill WIIKIUIK III CI .IH.W., w I. ""l
j - i i niJft..mwiMiMlfci.i h .11 A
. .i . t i r - . i. .
O'clock the Most Colossal. GorgeousT
Under 12 Years ot Hall-Prlce.f