The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 09, 1910, Image 1

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Wittkk Unburn
NO 57
Tlie Cleanest how on Earth..
AUGUST 1 5th to 20th INCLUSIVE,
Presenting the Mighty Monarch of Famous Midway Shows, giving a Direct Reproduction of the Chicago World's
Fair Midway. The one Great Show for Ladies and Children.
In a Clever Trapese Performance Show from the OH World but Truly The Largest Bovine in AD the World.
Free Twice Daily. s the Wonder of the 20th Century. Comes from Boston. The Large.! you ever aw
BRISTOL'S BIG ANIMAL SHOW Wilson's Reptile Show. Big Merry Go Round
Over One Hundred Animals and Birds. Reptiles from All Around the World. Big Ferris Wheel
THE FLYING JORDANS T.PfI1SS .D1AXIJ? ' Herd of Shetland Ponies
n r Aa?i. I he smallest Horse in the World.
Roman King Artists . -
Free Twice FRFE BAND CONCERTS ON THE MIDWAY An uP-t0"date' something-doing-every-
All $hows are Clean an Afternoon afff "Night. minute show, attractions that are worth
Worthy of Patronage. These Concerts are certain to Prove Enjoyable to aii. your time and money and worth seeing.
3 "
Will Positively Exhibit Here August I 5, I 6, ! 7, ! 8, 1 9 and 20
Show Grounds South End of Dewey Street.
living north of
for a ten day's
other points in
The Indian Card Club will bo enter
tained by Mrs. Jos. Stone Wednesday
The Ladies Guild will hold a Gypsy
Encampment on the rectory lawn Fri
day evening,.August 12th. Everybody
Mrs. Felix Simons has returned from
St. Paul and points in Wisconsin where
she had been visiting relatives for the
past two months.
E. R. Neel spent Sunday at the homo
of J. N. Bonner, returning to Hershey
yesterday morning at which place he is
making repairs on tho olevutor.
For rent at once seven room house,
morfnrn. furnished or unfurnished, 1001
West 5th street or phone 297.
Mark Leonurd, of Keystone, spent
Inst ovenintr in town with his brother
.Ins. N. Leonard and family while en
route to Omaha with a car of cattle.
Chas. Grindel, who played ball on tho
local team several yeais ago, visited
friends in town yesterday. Mr. Grin
del is now located at Davenport, Iowa.
A son was born Saturday to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. McEvoy, former residents
of this city, but now living at Ogalalla
where Mr. McEvoy is working at tho
carpenter trade.
Arthur Boyd, clerk in the Wilcox store,
has been off duty for soveral days as
n uilt of beintr struck in the ribs by a
ball during a game at tfcg Masonic picnic
last Wednesday.
For tho next ten days we will sell
few choice hammocks wo have in stock
at a discount of ten per cent.
Rinckeu's Book Store,
MIsb Marie 'Hongland entertained
about twenty-five of her young friends
at a birthday party Friday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent in playing
eames and a dainty lunch was Berved
n nVlnrk. Tho afternoon proved
n vnrv enibvablo one for the little
Hermann Johnson,
the river, left Sunday
visit at Littleton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Buchanan re
turned Saturday from their wedding
trip to Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake
and other western points. They are
at home to their frieuds nt 523 West
Sixth street.
F. L. Mooney has let the contract to
the Picard Bros, for tho erection of a
residence on the lot he recently pur
chased on west Fourth street. Includ
ing the heating plant the house will
cost upwards of $4,000.
E. T. Casey and-son Ernest will leave
today for Portland to join Mrs. Casey
and daughter Grace who have been
visiting relatives there for a month.
They will visit Los Angeles and other
points in California with tho view of
making their home in that state.
Inclement weather Friday evening
necessitated holding the social of the
Cross Country Club at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms instead of on tho Langford lawn.
The attendance was large, the receipts
amounting to about twenty dollars. Tho
evening was enlivened with piano se
lections by Miss Josie O'Hare. -
For Sale A baby buggy in excollent
condition. Will bell cheap. Inquire at
303 West Fourth street,
The light rains which have fallen the
past week have greatly freshened veg
etation. Pastures have started anew,
tho hay crop has been increased to some
extent and growing corn, especially the
late corn, has been greatly benefited
With continued rains throughout the
growing season tho crop result in Lin
coin county will not be nearly so bad as
expected ten days ago.
Dick Rivets, former general car in
spectoron the Union Pacific system,
was in town yesterday morning enroute
enst to accent a similar nositlon with
the Illinois Central. Since severing his
connect on with tho Un on 1'acIUc six
or ciirht months aco Mr. Rivets has
been spending, his tlmu on his fruit
farm in CallfoYnla.
C. W. Baskin returned Saturday from
a six weeks' visit at Lowisburg and
other points in Pennsylvania. Mr.
Baskin says business conditions in that
section of tho country are good and
seem to be improving all the time. Mrs.
Baskin and children will continue their
visit in that state for some time.
County Commissioner Springer and
County Assessor Bacon were called to
Lincoln Sunday night by tho state board
of equalization to discuss tho matter of
the assessment of bunk stock in Lincoln
county. Tho state board is of tho opin
ion that the assessment of this class of
securities is too low.
W. D. Lee, of Broadwater, Bpent
yesterday in town, coming here to meet
his old friend J. C. Dahlman. Mr. Leo
"punched" cattlo with Colonel Jim In
the early 80's and both men worked to
gether in driving cattlo from Texas to;
Nebraska and Dakota in the days when
cowboys were considered "bad men."
Dr. Allman, representing tho National
Amusement Co., spent tho latter part
of last week in town making prelim
inary arrangements for the carnival
which his company will put on hero for
a week beginning next Monday und
which will bo located at the south end
of Dewey street. This company 1b a
Nebraska organization and has been
playing towns in tho east part of tho
state for eight years.
Tho month.old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Kirk Wilson died early Sunday
morning from an inward hemorrage.
Tho child was apparently in good health
Saturday night but was found dead by
tho parents Sunday morning. A doctor
was summoned but life hud been ex
tinct for several nours. funcrul ser
vices were hold from the family resi
donee yesterday morning and intor-
ment held In tho North Plntto cemotery.
On July fourth twinB wero born to Mr.
and Mrs, Wilson ahd in that time tho
little ones, seemingly very healthy, be
came doubly dear to tho parents, who
have the sympathy of all in thu loss of
their loved one.
Miss Edith Murphy, of Kearney, is
spending this week with friends in town.
Mrs. Warren Kelley returned Satur
day from a visit with her parents in
Miss Eileen Flymn returned yesterday
from a week's visit with friends in Den
ver und Cheyenne.
Miss Maud Owens will leave for Ogden
Wednesday night where Bho will visit
relatives for ten days.
Mrs. F. II. Thompson and son Hihner
went to Denver Friday for a week's
visit with relatives.
Miss Pearl Hughes, daughter of Mr.
und Mrs. Webb Hughes, of the Third
Ward is seriously ill.
Misses Francis und Hazel Nichols and
Anna Steinhausen spent Sunday at the
Burklund homo in Sutherland.
Miss Julia McGovcrn returned to her
homo in Denver today after JLwo weeks'
visit with friends in town.
Mrs. Dave Brown went to Northport
where she will visit for a week or ten
dnys with O. W. Brown and family.
Mr. und Mrs. II. Hundley left Saturday
night for a visit with relatives at Port
land, Vancouver and other coaat points.
Frank Distil and sister Miss Mary
Distil went to Sidney Saturday for a
visit with their sister, Mrs. Vaughn
Mr. Depew, of Washington, Is spend
ing this week In town as the. guest of
his brother-in-law, D. J. Antonides and
Mrs. Westfall returned Friday after
noon to hor homo at Carroll, Iowa, af.
tor a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Wnl tor F. Crook.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winn and daugh
tor Adelaide returned to their home in
Kearney today after a week'svisitwith
friends in town.
Mrs, Ed Sludcr and daughter Cora
left Friday night for a month's visit
with friends und relatives in Denver
and Kansas City.
"Bob" Wnldo, tlmc-kcopor at tho
shops, will leave in nbout ten days for
Miss Doras O'Brien returned Satur
day evening from a two weeks' visit In
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boxal, of Den
ver, nrrived Saturday morning for a
month '8 visit with relatives in town.
Mrs. W. F. Cody nnd grandson Cody
Boalwhohavo been the guest of Col.
Cody for tho past two months, uro ex
pected home Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Newman, of Hanovor,
Kan., is visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Mooney, having arrived tho
the latter part of last week.
Miss Loretta Murphy, who has been
visiting in Chicago, will go to Crcston,
Iowa, this week, where she will be the
guest of friends for five weeks.
W. M. Voss, of Council Bluffs, has
accepted u position as night clerk at tho
Pacific hotel and assumed his now du
ties tho latter part of last week.
E. W. Ziebert, tho Sidney restaura
teur, spent Saturday in town visiting
old-time friends, of whom ho has, many
in this city. "Joe" says ho is doing
nice business in Sidney.
E. T. Tramp and son Herbert return
ed Saturday from a week's visit in Den
ver. Mrs. Tramp and son Arthur who
accompanied them have gono to Great
Falls, Mont., to spend a month with
Miss Nellie Workman who hnd been
attending the summer session of tho
state normal at Kearnoy and after its
close spent a week with her sister Jes
sie in Hastings, was in town Saturday
evening enroute to her homo in Jules-
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atchison left
Friday for a months visit nt Cherokee
Park, Colorado. During their absenco
Mr. Atchison's place as traveling
salesmun for Pax ton & Cnllagher will
be filled by his father, Dan Atchison of
California who is upending Homo time
Dr. Kerr, is spending this week in
at points in Iowa.
Chas. Poole, of Omaha, is visiting old
tlmo friends in town this week.
L. W. Walker has been transacting
business in Omaha for a day or two
Master Sidney McFarland loft yes
terday for a week's visit with friends
at Northport.
W. C. May, of Gothenburg, spent
yesterday in town renewing acquain
tance with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden lenvo tonight
for Lincoln to attend tho wedding of
their son, which occurs tomorrow.
Carl Shaeflcr returned Sunday from a
week's visit in Omahn. While there
ho participated in tho tennis tourna
Mrs. L. L. Brown and two sons ar
rived from Ogden yesterday morning
nnd will -spend somo time in town visit
ing frienda.
Miss Jessie Cushing, of Omaha, left
Sunday evening for Sidnoy after a
week'B visit with relatives and friends
in town.
M. E. Scott, of Cuba, III., arrived
Saturday evening for a visit with his
wife and children, who have been guests
at the Beeler residence for several
Robt. Cary returned from Chicago
Saturday and will leave this week for
Missoula to take up his work of physical
director and coach at the University
of Montana.
Mrs. Geo. B. Dent leaves Thursday
for Michigan whero she will bo a mem
ber of a house party at one of the lako
resorts in that state. Sho will bo ub
sent soveral weeks.
I. K. Neely, of LaSalle, 111., spent
tho latter part of last week transacting
business nnd visiting old time friends.
Mr. Neely was a resident of North
Plutto for a number of years prior to
1881), for n time filling tho position of
timekeeper at tho U. P. shops.