The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1910, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Editor and Pabluher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance. $1.25
Ono Carries in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska, Post
ofllce as Second Class Matter.
The insurgent republicans won almost
a complete victory nt the primaries in
Kansas Tuesday. Six out of eight in
surgent candidates for congress havo
been nominated in Bpito of everything
the congressional organization in Wash
ington and tho regulars in Kansas could
do to save their mon. Tho majorities
run from 1,000 to 3,600.
.The Gorman peoplo are supposed to
be slow going and conservative in all
things, and yet in that country last
year 194 people were killed and 2,945
injured by automobiles. During tho
same year the rnilroacjs killed 105 pas
sengers. Rut perhaps the automobiles
doing tho killing and maiming were
driven by foreign joy riders.
The withdrawal of Patrick as a can
didate for the democratic nomination
for governor undoubtly sounds the death
knell for tho cowboy mayor of Omaha.
Had Patrick, who posed as the county
option candidate, remained in tho field
he would have drawn votes from Shnl
lenberger; now those votes will bo
massed on Shallcnberger as against
Talk aboutprogressivo republicanism;
the Ohio platform has this 'statement:
"We believe that industrial accidents
to workman should bo treated as inevit
able incidents to industrial operations,
and the compensation therof as a' part
of the cost of production. The exper
ience of other countries demonstrates
that this principle can be applied to our
industrial conditions without increasing
the burdens of industry."
Nebraska farmers are rejoicing over
the soaking rain which wet down tho
growing crops in most parts of Ne
braska Tuesday night, some sections
having rain two nights in succession.
The Union Pacific reports a heavy
rain from Columbus to Omaha and on
tho branches south of Valley and north
of Columbus with a good rain from
Columbus to Grand Island. There was
a heavy rain from Grand Island to
Kearney, and good rains north of Kear
ney and Grand Island. Burlington re
ports show it rained hard from Omaha
to Ashland and from Sioux City to
O'Neill. In the southeastern part of
the state it rained from Tecumsch to
Nemaha to Nebraska City. Thero was
a heavy rain in tho vicinity of Broken
Bow, and a light rnln near Brush, Colo,
Prayers that Were Answered.
Wo aro reminded that in tho drouth
of 1901 Governor Savage intervened
with a special call to tho peoplo to pray
for doliverance "from destructive winds
and drouth." This bit of history is of
course useless without a record of tho
result. It is written that on Friday,
July 26th, of that year special eorvicei
were held in many Lincoln churches as
provided in the call of tho governor.
It is also written that on that self-same
day u few drops of rain fell in Lincoln
and goodly showers blessed the people
of Basset, Trenton, Plainviow, St. Ed
ward, Grand Island, Albion and other
places. But that was not all. The next
day Grafton, Friend and Osceola had
rain und Seward county a dolugo, By
Sundny all Nebraska was wot down and
the gift ran down into parched Kansas,
Missouri and Iowa. By 'Monday swelt
ering Chicago and Cincinnati had relief
and tho "destructive winds and drouth"
ware over. Of course tho skeptic will
be saying1 the rain would have como any
way but ho can't provo it. It must bo
admitted, however, that if tho faithful
believo it was tho prayers that broke
the drouth of 1901 they havo been cul
pably remiss In not taking measures
against the present visitation. Possibly
' Governor Shnllonbcrgor has been tool
busy Backing up Mr. Bryan to attend i
to tho matter. Lincoln Journal.
City Council Meeting.
The regular meeting of the city coun
cil was held Tuesday evening with alt
Tho proclamation of tho governor de
clarlng North Platto a city of tho first
class was read and upon motion was
received and ordored to be spread upon
the records,
The city attorney had communion-
tion regarding changes which will be
necessary in order to qualify tho city as
first class. Tho principal ones are:
Each councilman must glvo bond of i
"" v..w
ono thousand dollars ns a guarantee of
tho faithful performance of his duty.
Also that the city must bo redivided in
t6 four wards.
Numerous walks ware ordered placed
in southeast part of city, tho majority
being on tho B. & M. right of way. A
walk was ordored to bo laid on tho
south the Anheuser-Busch block.
All claims of men employed on the
streets, which were on file, wore nl
lowed. All other bills woro held
unt,il tho -next regulur meeting.
7,7 .V-'T 1 n , , ,
MredfiyrAu'gtftH 4th.
ConraitsioHers Proceedings.
August 1, 1910.
Board of county commissioners met
grceablc to adjournmenf, present full
board and county clerk.
Bond of Farmer's State Bank of
Sutherland as a county depository is
hereby approved.
Tho tallowing clnims were allowed:
Aaron Kain, road district 25 allowed
on road district fund $176.00.
Perry Totterton, road dist. 54, al-
owed on road district fund 125.00.
S. TruBtey, rond district 43, allowed
on road district fund 200.00.
Deo Raney, road district 44, allowed
on road district fund 50.00.
J. C. Ready, road district 42, allowed
on road district fund 200.00.
Wm. Peterson, road district 18, al
lowed on road district fund 200.00.
M. A, Cnrricr, road district 20, al-
owed on road district fund 150.00.
W. FIcklngcr, road district 35, al
lowed on road district fund 35.00.
Murphy & Johnson, hay for roads, al
lowed on comm. district No. 2 60.00.
W. T. Elliott, bridge work, allowed
on bridge fund 48.00.
I. L. Miltonberger, salary for July,
allowed on the general fund, cash 100.00.
Fred Wendeborn, for salary as jailer
Dec. 1. 1910 to March 1, 1910, allowed
on general fund, cash, 188.00.
John Remus, bridge work, allowed on
bridge lund z.uU.
John P. Long, 3 scrapers, allowed on
road district fund of district No. 37
Ray C. Lnngford, county treasurer:
You nre hereby' directed to refund to
A. H. Liles, the sum of 2.S8 personal
tax lor year of 1909 in Hcrshoy for
reason that property was not liable for
tho building was not built at that time.
At one o'clock the board met as a
board of equalization. No report from
the state, the board takes a recess un
til August 15th, 1910.
August 2, 1910.
Board of county commissioners met
same as yesterday, present full board
and county clerk.
Claim of August M. Johnson, road
work in district 15, allowed on road dis
trict fund 75.00.
The board spent day at Sutherland
looking after road matters.
Board adjourns until August 15th,
1910. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
Nat Reiss Carnival Co.
management says that North
Platte's Midsummer carnival bids fair
to bo very popular, as the managers
have provided good, clean amusing nnd
instructive shows. In none of the var
ious tented pavilions will there be one
word said or action done that will mar
the pleasure of man, woman or child.
Among tho many attractions that will
bo Bhown are- Tho Glass Blowers, The
Deop Sea Divers, Gay Paree, Wonder
land, The Merry Whirl, Princess Nell,
tho horse with human brain, tho 3 in 1
show and many other amusing, clean
and high class features. The carnival
will start Monday July 15th at 7:30 on
tho show grounds on South Dowey St
Hundreds of electric lights will be used,
which will tend to mako the grounds a
blaze of lights. Good music will bo pro
vldcd, and tho public are invited, even
if they do not attend the shows.
Walker Precinct and Vicinity.
Miss Lizzie Gowecke is employed nt
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. August GrofT,
George Lund is threshing in this vi
Geooge Grifiis' horse was badly cut in
the wire last week.
Carrier Reeves has returned from his
trip to South Dakota and again assumed
his duties as carrier on Rural Route 2,
Willis Preston of Farnam built a gran
ary for Fred Gewecke last week.
i Herbert Nueth and Miss Anna Powell
were united in marriage by Judge
Mould at Lexington July 25th. Wo ex
tend henrty congratulations to this
After being absent for several days,
Floyd Burton returned from Cheyenne,
1 Wyo., Tuesday.
A. Todd was in Moorefield last week.
Roy Greygory, who is threshing in
our vicinity, was called home on account
of sickness last Friday.
We are Informed that Miss Ireno Mc
Geo of Brady will teach the Shaw school
this yenr.
Corn looks line yet, but rain will have
to come soon to bring a crop.
Oats is almost a total failure.
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election for representative of
the G4Ui district subject to tho approval
of tho republicans at the August 10th
I have no extended platform, but
nrrreo if elected to work for tho nnss.
I ago of good progressive legislation and
for the best interests of tho district and
state. As this is census year the next
session Will be tho proper time to re
district tho stnto and I considor it vorv
important that this bo dono and that
tho west cots proper representation.
Respectfully submitted,..
Notice to Overseers.
You ore hereby requested tp use all
the precaution possible to prevent tho
! spread of prairie fires, by plowing lira
guards as soon as possible See Sec. 75
ion Pago 29 of 1903 Uoad Laws. Dated
County Comm
County Commls'siohera.
Doctors Ames & Ames, A
6 Physicians and Suracons.
Office over Stone Drue- Co.
Phones r Residence 273 ti
b..Vm ... ...... ..V. . .
Notice for Dids.
Notice is hereby eiven that sealed
bids will be received at tho office of the
city clerk of North Platte. Ncbraskn, I
up to five o'clock p. m., August 23rd
1910, for the construction of a lateral
sower in sewer district "F" in said
city according to plans nnd specifica
tions now on file in the office of the
City Clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of I
sower lateral ns per report of city en
gineer is $1114.85.
Local labor to be employed as far ns
Certificate check on local bank of 2
per cent of amount of bid will be re
quired to insure entering into contract.
sntisiactory oonu to bo given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and Council reserve tho r cht
to reject any or an bias.
T i . ' '
uy order of tho city council.
' City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notico is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received nt the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
mi bu lire vj wiuiiy if. in., iiuuod vui u.
l'JlU. for tho construction of a interai
sower in Sower District "P" in said city
according to plans nnd specifications
now on file in the office of tho city
clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of I
sower lateral as per report of City En
gineer 13 $aJ&U.UU.
Local labor to be employed as far as
practicable. ,
Certificate check on local bank of 2
per cent of nmount of bid will be re
quired to insure entering into contract.
.satisfactory bona to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
liy order of city council.
CHAS. l temple, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby (riven that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p. m.. August 23rd,
1910, for the construction of a lateral
sewer in Sower District "G4" in said
city according to plans and specifica
tions now on lile in the oilice ot the
City Clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost ot
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1022.80.
Local labor to bo employed as far as
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
.satisfactory bond to bo given when
contract is signed. '
Mayor and council reserve tho right
to reject any or all bids.
liy ordoi of tho city council.
(JHAS. r . TEWPLE, Uity Ulork.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
itr fn r 1 f) rrr r m An mi a t QQr1
1910, for the construction of a lateral
sewer in sewer District "li-a In said
city according to plans and specifica
tions now on filo in the office of tho city
clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate ot cost ot
sower lateral as per report of city en
gineer iB $1,022.80.
Local labor to be employed as far as
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
uy order ot city council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids.
Notico is hereby eiven thnt senled
bids will be received nt the office of the
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to five o'clock p, m., August 23rd,
tuiu, tor the construction ot a main
sewer on 4,A" street in said city oc
cording to plans and specifications now
on file in the office of tho city clerk of
said city.
Approximate estimate ot cost or
sewer as per report of city engineer Is
Local lalior to bo employed as far as
fi..ti(i,i r n
Certified check on local bank of 2 ner
turn, ui uiiiuuiii, ui uiu win uu ruuuiruu
io insure entering into conirnct.
butisractnry bond to bo given when
contruct is siencd.
Mayor and council reserve the r cht
10 reject nny or an uius.
uy order of thocltv, council.
Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk.
llr virtue of an order nf snlo luuund from
tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, utxin a decreu of foroclosiin, rr-nilnnwl In
said court wnorein liavm l-'. Parker Is plain
tiff ami Albert A. Adams and tho South
east Quarter section ss. two io. itaniro si
are aernnaants, and to me directed. I
rlll on tno lutb day of September. 1010,
at 1 o'clock d. m. at th . front
noor or tno court noue in Nortn riatte
Lincoln county, Nebraska, hell at publl.i
auction to tho highest ' bidder for cash,
to satisfy saiu decree, interest and costs,
the following doserlU'd immnrti-. In. wit:
Township Sixteen (10), Itango Tlilrti-ono (31)
lento. 1
i.incoin countr. nourasKa. tax nmo c.irtu-
latou north riatte. nop.. Aumist 1st. luin.
alt) . I, L. Miltoniiiciiokii. BherltT.
nuMjiAiti A i UN 1ST k AT ION
Ptata of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court. Julv 9ih. lull).
In thn mattor nf thn iMiin nt Prxd
Uratlunstelff. 'deceased .
, un reading ana tiling tno petition of nustav
Urattonstuln, praying that the regular ad
ministration of said estate mav tmiilNiuinund
with as provided by sections 5;vj-5.-.Ul and S20I.
Cobboy's 8tatuto 1WW.
urucrou, mat Augusts, liuu, at U o'clock
a. m Is aaslguod tor hearing bald petition
when all persons Interested In said matter
may appear at a county court to bo held In
and torsald county and show causo why tho
prayerui petitioner siioum not do granted.
Tills order to he. nrliiled for kIv nr-iwlun
Issues In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal
ins oni
nowsptperpuiqlNhed lu Lincoln County, prior
iq August tJ, m .i I., j. , , . ,
wi o. klpkh. county Judge
Wills J Rodnold, MI) J II McKlrahan. M I)
Drs. Redfield & McKlrahan
Phiicians and Surgeous.
AH Calls Proihptly Answered. Phones
Office nt P. and S. Hospital.
jil a nj ijiuiui uuu uMiyuwiif
v Offlco over McDonald Bank.
, Offico 130
Phones Re8ldonco 115
" " 7
John S. Twinem,
M. D.,
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Special attention to Obstetrics and
Children's D senses.
Offico: McDonnld State Bank Building,
Corner 6th At Dewey Sts.
Phones: Office 183. Residence 283.
A Modern Institution for
tlic treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in ottendance day or night
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locusi
Telephone No. 642.
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full line of furniture, nil kinds of
stoves and stove repairs, wagons, har
ness, saddles, bicycles, cutis nnd sport
intr coods. clocks, watches. musical
goods, sewing machines either cash
or payments. Everything you use
bought and sold here. ' Top pr ice fo
iron metal nnd rubber.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Phone 268
flour, Feed, Grain or Hay (
Hnving recently purchased the
B. A. Wilson feed store at tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invite a share of
the patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
Borial No. 01912-021M.
United Htatcs Land Olllco,
At North Platte. Nobraska. July li). 1010.
Notico Is hereby irlvon that flenririi
ii, cnaiier. or aiyrtic. Nebraska, wjio, on
ixnv. i.ird. iw.i. maun iiomesteaii nutrv no.
iiTii', renal no, uiui, ror tho soutnoastuuar-
ter. and on July 10th, 1WI. uiado, II. E. No.
tor. Section 0. Township HI. N.. ltangn 20 W..
of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has II led
I uuuL-ti oi inieiuiuu io inaKO i nai nvo year
i.mnr. to ,siaiuii einim i n.. imi nfw.v,,
notico or Intention to make final
described, boforu tho register and receiver
at North riatte, Nebraska, on tho
12th dav
of Sept 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: Knc-onn
Aruery. or myrtle, nod., icmer.v Loudon and
Jasper Slvlt. of North Plat o. Neb., and Wil
liam iiicmoy. or Myrtle. Neb.
Jia J. K- Evans, lleglster.
In tho Countr Court of Lincoln i-imnlr. NV
braska. July 18th, 1010.
In the inattoi or tho estate of Luther
u l- arrington, deceased.
Notico Is hereby krlven. that the eredl
tors of salt! deceased will meet thn Kiintrlx
of said estate, before mo County Judgo of
uiucoin county. Nobraska. at tho countr
court room In said county, on tho lHth day of
August, iviu, anu on tnoiotiinayor t-eoruary,
iuii, at u o ciock a- m. each day. ror tho pur
pose or presenting thelrclalms for examlna
tion, adjustment and allowance, Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year fur the Executrix to
settle said estate, from tho 10th day ot
J illy. luiu. This notice to I mi nub lshed
eight successive Issues In tho North Platto
Tribune, a legal newspaper published lu said
county prior to tho liilh day of August
iv i u.
JIU-R W. O. KI.DKN. County Judge,
Serial No. 02037.
Department of tho Interior.
T S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb
July 8th. 1UM.
Notico Is hereby given that Ell lvunkid.
of North Platto. Nebraska, who, on Juuu -lth,
1YOI, made homestead entry No, liOltll,
Serial No, (Ctcn, for north half mid southwest
ouarlur, section H, township 11, north. Itango
ui. west of the sixth Principal Meridian
has Hied notico of Intention to
mako tlnal tlvo year proof lo
establish claim to tho land aliovo described.
bororo tno uoKlster and Kecoiver at North
Platto, Neb., on tho tith day of Sept. 1010.
Claimant namos as witnesses: William
Orllllths. of Dickens, Neb., J'. II. Ilurwood, of
Homuret, Neb , Carl llroedur, of North
Platto, Nub. and John Pulse, ot Somerset.
Sfll-ll J. K. KVA'NS. Ilhristbr.
Statement of the Condition
or tub
of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 30th
uay or June, iviu.
Certificate NO.S2.
Flriit mortgage loans KB7 100 00
Stock loans 5 400 00
Cash 9 430 58
Delinquent interest, premiums and
unes iui ou
Expenses and taxes paid 1 030 20
Taxes and Insuranco Paid 00 IS
Total M73 748 0
Capital stock paid up $353 rail 43
itcservc i una , n 3-tu uu
Undivided profits 10 lift 65
Other Liabilities 4 (VW 20
Total $37:1 748 20
llalancc on hand July 1. 1910 ft) OM 23
Dues 114 24 00
Interest, premiums, and lines.... .. 28 001 70
i.oans rcnaiu si ma m
Miscellaneous Fees 303 75
Taxes and Insuranco 33 10
Total tlBO 020 72
Loans $112 000 00
Expenses 1 Ka 83
Stock redeemed e2 ais 00
Cash on hand DIM fis
Taxes and Insuranco to 23
Total 2180 020 72
Htatn of Nebraska. Lincoln county, ss.
I, Samuel CJoozco, secretary of tho abovo
named Association, do solemnly swear that
tho foreirolnir statement of tlio condition of
said Association Is truo. and correct to tho
best of my knowicdgo and lienor.
Suhscrllied and sworn to before ma tblslltli
nAMiTKfj unnFK. Focrniarv
day or. inly. iio.
mm.KU huoiianap. Notary I'uuuc.
I.kstkii Walkrii, Directors.
I It A L. ItAltK. )
I.tzzla Onntt. Charles A I'c.rrv and tho un
known heirs of David W. Perry, deceased,
will take notice that on tho 20th day of July.
11)10. Henry Waltumatli. ulalntirr heroin, tiled
his petition In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska, against said defendants,
tho object and prayer of which aro to, quiet
tho title of tho plaintiff In and to tho follow
Ini: described tract of land, to-wlt: IlcRlnnliifr
on tnv Houtnoast corner or iot l. in mock
lOU'.of tho original plat of tho City of North
l'lattc. Nebraska, rnnnlnir tlienco In
northerly direction on tho oast lino of said
lot. 4 feet and 4 Indies, tlienco westerly
parallel with tho south lino of said lot. "M
root moro or less to tho center lino running
north and 'south, thenco southerly parallol
Willi tno east lino or saui lot vi root anu 4 in
ches to the south Hue of said lot, thenco
cistern on tho south lino or said lot to ttin
placo of beginning, and to oxcludooach and
all ot tho said defendants from any Interest,
lt.lit fttlrtrt. iilnlni I., nitil aat.l iiwiiih.I
and tn enjoin said defendants from asserting
any claim In said nremtsns as agrtlnst the
.... . ....W... t llll 11. .1. Mill. H.l UIU .U.'U. bj
Platntllf heroin and to enjoin said uofendants
rrom interrerring with planum s possession
You aro reoulred to answer said ootltlon
onorboforotho&th day of Soptembor. UUO.
liy Wilcox & Hat.luian. Ills Attorneys
York l-'oundrv & Knirlnn Works of York.
Nebraska. Edward liurko and uoldio llurko.
and all other persons Interested, will tako
notico that upon tho zoth day ot August,
11)10. at tho hour of 2 o'clock n. m . central
standard time, at tho frolght houso or waro-
houso or union raclllc itallroaa f'omnany
In tho city ot North Platto. Nobraska. said
union I'aciuc iiaitroau company win oirer
for sale ono No. 0 flro proof safe, shloned y
said York l'oundry & Knglno Works to Ed
ward llurko and uolule llurko. when doing
business under tho firm namu and stylo oj.
llurko & (jomPanv: that said safo will no
sold to satlsrr tho sum of freight duo
thei con and tho sum ot g-o.ou as storago
tiieroon rrom the (late or tho rccoint or said
safo on thoUOth day of Kobruary, 1V0S, up to
and including tho -mh day of Juno, loio; that
the total amount of charges against said safo
upon said d&to amount to tho sum of $15.40
and that to said amount wl l bo added stor
ago charges at tho rate ot llvo cents per day
for each day un to and Including thoZOthday
of August, 1010. excluding, however, from said
time, an ftuiHiays anu Holidays tiaiu saro
will bo sold at tho tlmo and nlaco aforesaid
at puhllc auction to tho highest bidder for
Dated tills 21st dav of .Tnlv. 1010.
Hy A RIui.poon. Its Attorney
Rtato ot Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court. July 14th. UUO.
In tho matter of tho estate of Thomas
J. Davles. deceased.
un reading anu tiling tho petition or
E. II, Evans, praying that tho Instrument
tiled on tl,u Kth day of July, luiu, and pur
porting to bo an authenticated copy of tho
last win anu testamontor thosaia decoasca
mar bo orovod. approved, probated, allowed
and recorded In this court as tho last, will
and t o3t amen tor tho said Thomas J, Davles,
deceased, ana that tho execution or said in
strument may bo committed and tho admin
Istratlon otr.atd estate may be granted to
: la l j. Davlcs. Elliott L. Davles and W. 11
warnoras Kxecutors.
Ordored. That August Dth. A. D. ll'iu. at
o'clock p. ni Is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
held In and for said county, anu show cause
why tho prayor of tho petitioner should not
bo granted. This notico to bo published for
six successive issues in tho North l'latto Tri
bune, a legal nowpapt-r published In said
county prior to August nth, 1U10.
J1H-U W. O. Kr.PKii. County Judge,
Nora Hatch. Plalntllf. vs. Carrlo L. Michael
and O P. Michael, her husband. O. W Vor
ley and Add o verley. his wife, Nherman O,
WHtMsrgor and l-;mm u. wiiherger his wlfo
Henderson llolllngsworth and - -
Uolllngsworth his wife, llrst namo unknown
,i. l'. uutio ana i.tvonia i., L,itt o his wiro. .1
W. Mlllor, Defendants.
Carrlo L. Michael, u I'. M chao . .1. F. Lit
tlo and Livonia L Little, nou-rusldent do
fondants will tako notice that on .lulr 1st
1010 tho plalntltr Nora llalch Hied a petition
in tno District uour', or Lincoln uounty
Nebraska, against the abovo named deren
dants, tho object and prayer of 'which was to
foreclose a mortgage on tho a. t: quarter
anu tho south hair or tno north nair or sec
tion al. township It range ui in Lincoln coun
tr. Nebraska, given by Carrlo L. Allchael and
c, p. Michael her husband to dofndant O,
W. Verley to secure tho payment of a note
for nlno hundred slxtv dollars with Interest
thereon, which noto and mortgage was duly
assigned to tho plalntltr herein for a valu
able consideration Default having been
mauo In the payment or said note and in
terostthoreon, and no action having been had
ror tho recovory tnoroor, tho plaintiff asks
for Judgment against said defendants and
each of them for thn sum of onn MiniiHanfl
one hundred thirty-eight and 85-100 dollars
anu interest rrom juiv 1st iviu together with
all costs and accruing cot ts In this case, and
ror rorcciosuro or saia mortgage ana sale or
said property (or the payment ot such claim
ana costs. noua, riamuir,
uy f. ai, wiMBKni.KY. iter Attornoy.
Plate of Nobraska. Lincoln Countr.
To all lHirsnns Interested In tho estnto nf
John Oulmet, ileceased1.
Whereas. Josephlnu llresnanam has filed In
my olllco. un Instrument purporting to bo
tho last win and testament or John oulmat
lato or said county, deceased, and said .Insit-
phlno llresnaham lias Hied her petition herein
praying to navo tnusamo uumitteu to tiro
naiu anu mr.wiu issuuuco ot letters testa
mentary which will relates to both real anil
personal estate, t twreinr appoint Tuesday
tho Uiu day of AUKUt,-10l0, at U o'clock it
county, as thn tlmo and placb for hearing
tno iorenoon. ui iiie couniy -eatirL in sni.i
sam -win. at wnicu nui ami piaco you and
uu concern"!) maj appear ana contest tho al
liiuli,i. it 1 1 1 ii fanmn-
It Is further or.dured that said petitioner
give notice to all persons Interested In said
estnto of tho nendencv of this tii-ilil,,., ,,,i
tho tlmo and placo sot for tlio heurlngof tho
samo oy causing a i-oiii-oi mis order lobe
puniisiieu in uiu nuriu i iaue M-uil-Weokl
Tribune, a newspaper printed ami im),Hui,.,
In said county, for six successive Issues nro
vlous to
the;aay hot ror hearing.
In witness whereof.
my baud and olllctal
lull- I'M I).
i nave noreiinlo se
bubi mis luin day
J1W W0, JiLDEICUuutV Jullgo,
Lizzie J. Itichev and William Itichov
will tako notico that on tho 17th dny of
November, l'JO'J, Laura is. I'orter,
plaintiir herein, filed her potition in' the
district court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against said defendants im-
peadedwith uonert wnson dr., ana
armors Bank of Chester. Thayer coun
ty. Nebraska, the object and prnyer of
which said petition are, for a decree
adjudging that an atlidavit lor service
by publication made by James M. Ray,
attorney for the plntntifF, on tho 23rd
nv of May, lWJ, in un action then
pending in the District Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, to foreclose a
mortgage on the westhulf of the south
east quarter and the east half of tho
southwest quarter oi section o, town
ship 10, range 82, in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, wherein David Cunningham,
executor of the estate oi James Porter,
deceased, was plaintiff, and Lizzie J.
Hichey and William Kicney, et ai, were
defendants nnd filed In said court and
sworn to on said date by the said Jumes
M. Bay, was duly and leqnlly executed
and sworn to.
ihd for a decree that W. C. Elder.
Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, bo required to affix
his signature to said affidavit as of that
data and to attest the same with the
seal of his said office and for a further
decree finding tho nmount now duo on
a cortnin mortgage heretofore placed
in decree in said action aforesaid in the
District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, in the case of David Cunning
ham, executor of the estate of James
Porter, deceased, vs. Lizzie J. itichey
and others, on the 7th duy of December,
lbu'j, ana that the said detenaants bo
required to redeem said land from said
decree within a short day to be fixed
by the court, and that in the event that
no such redemption is made, that the title
of the plaintilF in nnd to said land be
forever qulotcd ns against any right,
title, lien or interest of said defen
dants in and to Faifl premises, and
that said defendants be enjoined
from claiming nny right, title or in
terest in said premises or interferrinc
with plaintiff 'b possession of the samo
and that tho spid deicndants be wholly,
excluded from any interest in said land
and for general equitable relief.
xou aro required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 15th day of
August, 1910.
Dated this 1st day of July, 1010.
Laura E. Poktek.
By Wilcox & Hallioan, Attorneys for
' Primary Election Notice 1910.
I. P. R. ElliottrCounty Clerk of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di
rect that a i'rimary Election be held at
the rotrular nollinrr places in each pre
cinct throughout the county, as by law
provided, on the Third Tuesday in Au
gust, A. D., 1910.
At said primary election candidates
for the following ofiices shall be nomi
nated, to bo voted on at the regular
November A. D., 1910 election.
One Governor;
Ono Lieutenant Governor;
One Secretary of State;
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts;
One Treasurer;
One Superintendent of Public Instruc
Ono Attornoy General;
One Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings;
Ono Hallway Uommissioner;
One Congressman Sixth Concrcs-
sionul District;
One btate benator tor the aoth faenn-
torial District;
Uno member or the legislature lor
the 54th representative district;
One County Attorney:
One Commissioner, Second District;
Precinct offlcers to fill vacancy,
An expression of preference for Uni
ted States Senator.
Also for or against a proposed amend
ment to section 1 of Article 7, of the
constitution of the State of Nebraska,
defining the qualification of electors.
Which election will be opened at z
o'clock M. and remain open until 9
o'clock in the evening.
Dated North Platto, Neb., Juno 17th,
A. D., 1910. P. R. Elliott,
County Clerk.
Notico is hereby given that T. A.
Roberts, David E. Martin nnd Wesley
J. Shinklo have associated themselves
together as a body corporate under tho
name and style of the "Rosedale Tele
phone Company." The principal place
of transacting the business of said
company shnll be at Hershey, Lincoln
county, Nebraskn.
The general nature of the business
to bo transacted by this corporation
shull be tho construction, erection,
purchase, sale, operation, maintenance,
control and lease of a telephone line
or lines, and a telephone exchange or
The umount of capital stock au
thorized is ?5,000.00, divided into 500
shares of tho par value of $10.00 each,
and shall bo fully paid up when issued
and shall be non-aBsessablo.
The highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which tho corporation is
at any time to subiect itself shnll not
exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital
The date of tho commencement of
said corporation shall bo the first day
of July, 1910, and shnll continue for a
period of twonty-fivo years, unless
sooner dissolved by law.
The affuirs of said corporation aro to
bo managed by a board of directors
consisting of not less than three nor
more than five, and a president and a
Signed June 16th, 1910.
T. A. Roberts,
David E. Martin,
Road No. 323.
To nil whom it may concern;
Tho special commissioner nppointed
for the purpose of establishment of a
public roud commencing at northeust
corner of section 7 township 12, rnngo
31 and running thenco east two miles
botweon sections 0 anil 4 Haid township
and range, thence enst on north line of
section !), nbout 1.07 chains to connect
with road No. 54; has reported in favor
of tho establishment of said road, all
objections thereto or claims for damago
must be filed in the office of tho county
clerk on or before noon on the 23rd day
of September. 1910, orBtich road will
bo established without roferenco there
to. Dnted North Platte, Neb., July 10,
1U1V. V, li, Elliott, Ouunty Clerk,