The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 05, 1910, Image 6

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IRA L. DAM?, Publisher.
mbraoing a Condensation or fcventa
j In Whloh Readers Generally Art
N Interested.
Roar Admiral Thomas II. Looker,
n veteran of the civil war and (or
many yearn paymaster general of the
navy, died at his homo hero at tho
fige of eighty.
An outbreak of typhoid fever on
throe Japanese battleships In
Oriental waters has boon reported to
tho public health and marine hos
pital sorvlce.
A safety dovlco which had been
tested and found true, but failed in
ono particular Instance, was tho
causo of tho gun explosion In Battery
Do Russy at Fort Monroo, July 21,
when eleven artillerymen wore
President Taft has approved the
Appointment by tho Interior depart
ment of J. A. Ockorson of St. Louis,
1o lnvcstlgato conditions in Iinpcrinl
valley, Cal., whero serious damage Is
threatened by tho Colorado rlvor
breaking Its brinks.
To tho falluro of a safety mo
onanism to oporato when a sudden
powerful pull was glvon by an ar
tillerymen In attaching tho Lanyard,
Is now laid tho responsibility for tho
accident which cost the lives of
cloven men at Fort Monroo, Va., dur
ing the battlo practlco. Such Is tho
conclusion of Qenoral Crozlor, chlof
of ordinance,
Just to show tho doubting
Thomasos that they can wlthstnnd
nnjc physical tost for army ofllcors,
General Robert S. Oliver, assistant
necretnry of war, Is to spend most
of Ills months' vacation In tho sad
dle Qenoral Oliver Is slxty-thrco
years of ago. Ills first task will be
n fifty mllo horseback rldo. Mies
Oliver, his daughter, will accompany
k '
" ' Foreign.
Herr Dalwltz, Prussian mlnlstor of
tho Interior, on recommendation of
tho political pollco, has signed orders
for tho expulsion of twenty-ono
Mormon missionaries, most of whom
nro Americans or Englishmen. Thoy
woro conductod to tho frontlor.
Franco appears to bo on tho ovo of
ono of tho most colossal strikes that
tho country has witnessed In recent
" years. Tho onglneers and flromon af
filiated with tho national railroaders
union aro to moot to roach n final de
cision on tho action of tho contrdl
committee of tho union, which has al
ready decided on n general strike.
The workers demand an Incroaso in
Lydlo Lopoukhova, her brother,
Feodor, and Alexander Vollnlne, tho
famous Russian dancors who havo
been ongagod by Charles Frohman
for an American tour, snllod for Now
York on th Oceanic. Tholr first per
formances will bo glvon at tho Em
pire theater In New York. Lydlc
jLopoukhova, although she Is but
eighteen years aid, has established a
reputation throughout Europo and In
St. Petersburg sho Is looked upon as
tho only rival of tho famous Pavlova.
President Taft Is pleased with tho
result of tho Ohio convention.
Senator Urlstow says Kansas Is not
taking Speaker Cannon seriously.
Nebraska republicans In stato con
vention strongly endorsed tho Taft
Domocrats of Minnesota nominated
John Llnd for governor, but It l.sald
ho will not accept.
Tho strike situation nt Columbus,
Ohio, Is' so serloua that troops havo
been called to quell rioting.
Prosldeut Taft Is baok at Bovorly
and will make no more Jaunts until
ho goes to Panama in November.
Tho government intonds to break
up tho practlco of railroads selling
foodstuffs spoiled In transportation.
Pro?. Samuel RosBwIn, dean of
Princeton university from 1803 to
1003, died at his homo In Prlncoton.
In an autoraobllo ncldont at West
hampton, L. I., Desmond Dunne, Jr.,
-on of Desmond Dunne, fornior com
missioner of public work In Brooklyn,
was instantly killed.
Wm. 9, Mooro, slxtytsovon yoars
old, a wealthy plantor and brothor-Jn-law
of the lato Eckstolu Norton, for
mer president of tho Loulsvlllo &
Nashvlllo railway, shot and killed
The Tosurol Maru, plying botweon
Kobo and Dalron, sunk off Chlndo,
Korea. Tho stcamor had 240 pusson
gorq aboard, of whom forty woro
Moro than. $1,500,000 is being saved
anually to tho citrus fruit growers'
association of California ns a result of
experiments being conducted by tho
department of agriculture.
Census roturna Issued show that
Brownsvlllo, tho southernmost city In
Texas, Increased its population 08.3
per cent in tho last ten years. Its
populatlott is now 10,017, as compared
rwlth cnoc in 1000.
Theodore Roosevelt lino no desire
to pose ns a political' dictator.
A now party has boon born In Pcnri'
sylvanla and n stato ticket nominated.
Congressman Campbell of Kansas,
standpatter, calls Insurgents icono
Senator Cummins declares Cannon
nnd Aldrich aro driving the country
townrd socialism.
Ohio republicans selected Mr. Hnr
ding for governor, the Taft following
thus winning out,
The mayor of Columbus, O., made
an appeal to tho governor for troops
to cope with strikers.
Tho Rusk party of mountain climb
ers failed to reach the summit of ML
MfcKlnley, in Alaska.
A Chicago newspaper charges that
a hrlbo fund was raised to return A.
J. Hopkins to tho senate,
Tho explosion nt Fortress Monroe
is believed to havo been duo to n de
fective devlco on tho gun.
The supreme court of Oklahoma
says tho capital must remain for a
time, at least, at Guthrie.
Chairman Yoakum, of tho Frisco
railroad, discussed good roads at tho
Niagara Falls convention.
Twenty-five persons perished In a
flood that followed a cloudburst at
tho town of Decs, Hungary.
Senator Crano will make a trip
through tho west to slzo up tho poli
tical situation for President Taft.
Mrs. Margaret Darcha, a brldo of
less than a year, was found shot to
death in her homo at Chicago
Cardinal Gibbons was 76 years old
Saturday. Ho spent tho day at tho
country homo of a friend near West
minster, Md.
Nonconformists wcro successful In
tho British commons in having ex
punged an obnoxious clause In tho
pending king's accosslon bill.
Tho French government has accept
ed a bronzo copy of Houdcn's statuo
of George Washington, which was
presented by tho stato of Virginia.
At Hamburg Thlrty-flvo thousand
ship yard workers united in a de
mand for an lncreaso of 10 per cent,
in wnges and a flfty-thrco-hour week.
Co-operation between tho federal
nnd stato government in tho good
roads movement was advocated by
speakers at tho Niagara Falls conven
tion. Copious rninB which fell ovor tho
Central nnd Southern sections of
Iown, thoso portions of tho state
which needed it most, Bavcd tho corn
Mnjor Genornl Frodorlck Dont
Grant lins left Chicago to assume
commnnd of tho Department of tho
East, with headqunrtors at Governors
Island, N. Y.
Laura Joanne Llbbey tho author of
"When Ills Lovo Grow Cold," "Lovors
Onco, but Strnngers Now," nnd moro
than fifty other similar novels, will
mnke hor dobut on tho ctage.
William Tubbort, C2 years old, and
William J. Tubort, 48, cousins, died
at Syracuse, N. Y., within a half
hour. The former was ono of tho
best known sporting men In Central
New York.
Elovon men wero killed nt La
Taqua, Quebec. Ono of tho mon was
opening a can of powder with an nx
when an explosion occurred which sot
fire to a train of powder leading to
a tunnol In which flftcon men woro
At Pittsburg, Pa., a federal food In
spoctor armed with legal papors and
a clothespin clnpped ovor his noso
seized 125 'cans of Nebraska eggs,
which woro marked "canned fancy
mixed and frozen," and yot guaran
teed puro and frosh."
A motion asking for a now irial In
tho bleached flour caso In which n
Jury recently returned n verdict favor
able to tho government, wns filed In
tho United States district court nt
Kansas City by attorneys roprosont
Ing tho Loxlngton Mill & Elovntor
company of Loxlngton, Nob.
Republicans nnd populists of No
braska declare for county option.
Colonel Roosovolt will bo a visitor
In KanwiB City from noon until mid.
night on Soptomber 1.
LouIb I), Colo, n prominent con
tractor living near Mount Ploasant,
Mich., wan killed when hla automo
bile overturned.
Thoodoro Roosevelts first speech
of a political nnturo slnco his return
to America, may bo dolivered in St.
Louis, October 11.
Erwln WIldeT lu being Bought by
tho pollco In conectlon with tho dis
appearance of bonds from tho
Russo-Chlnoso bank.
Pror. A. Harry Thurston Peck of
Columbia university is being sued for
breach of promise by Miss Esther
Qlnn of Cambridge, Mass.
Dccauso they wantod to bo "bnd
mon," John Warnor and Ray Motcalf,
each 11 yearn old, of Columbus.
Ohio., committed GOO burglaries.
President Taft has put himself on
record as subscribing absolutely to tho
prlnclplo that a prosldont of tho Unit
od Stntes should not talk politics.
John S. Overton, nn old-tlmo actor
Who playod with Edwin Booth,
Lawrence Barrot nnd other fnmous
stnrs, died In St. Louts at tho ago of
CO yoars. '
Young Roosovolt's honeymoon is
over and ho has begun his duties ns
carpet making oxport.
At Rldgwny, Va., formor Mayor A.
II. Bouamnn, was assassinated by n
dnamlto bomb which was thrown
from tho street under a hammock In
whloh ho was lying.
Lived Through Four Wars.
Brazil, Ind. Mrs. Sophia Johnson,
believed to be tho oldest resident of
tho county, who died at her homo In
this city nt tho ago of 00 yoars, was
n romarkablo woman. Sho remem
bered distinctly four wars,
Courts Will Not Go Co Far as to
Interfere With Political Party
Because the attornoy general had
ruled that tho payment of only ono
filing fee Is necessary for a candidate
for office to have his name placed on
one or more primary ballots, Judgo
Lincoln Frost of tho district court
sustained tho demurrer of the attor
ney general in tho primary ballot Bult
instituted by Victor Rosowator, repub
lican national committeeman. Mr.
Rosewnter sought an Injunction to
prevont Secrotary of Stato Junkln
from certifying to the various county
clerks the names of thoso candidates
who had filed on moro than ono bal
lot and paid only ono filing fee. As
sistant Attornoy Gonoral AyreB and
John J. Sullivan and T. J. Doylo,
democratic attorneys, who nnnmrnri
for Mr. Junkln, filed n demurrer to
tho petition filed by John O. Yolser
for Mr. Rosewnter.
In sustaining' Mm ilnmnrrnr .Tnriira
Frost dl8oussod tho points raised In
tho caso brlolly. holdlne that a court
in oqulty would tnko Jurisdiction in
mattors involving nolltlcal rlehta. but
that the courts would not go so far
as to Interfere with rules of nnlltlrnl
parties Such as wero formerly in
vogue. Rut in cases whore tho mat
ter is controlled by statute, as In this
caso, tho court rules do not apply, ho
said. Tho secretary of stato has cer
tain specific duties to perform and If
ho doos not perform them, then there
should bo Bomo way to mako him.
Continuing. Judsre Frost said ho
would not rest a decision on tho de
murrer, but without nolntr Into tho
caso any farther ho would sustain tho
demurror. Ho did this, ho Bald, be
causo the attornoy general had given
two decisions to tho effect that only
ono foe was required of candidates
who desired to illo on moro than ono
ticket, nnd that tho secretary of state
had boon acting In accordance with
thoso decisions. Therefore, ho would
not overrulo thorn. In reading tho
stntute, howovor. tho Judge said It
could bo Interpreted two ways and
thero was n question whether tho
opinion of the attornoy general waa
correct, but ho preferred not to over
rulo him unless ho was absolutely
suro that ho was wrong.
Tho members of tho su tire me court.
oxcopt Judgo Roso, nro out of tho city,
bo Mr. Yelscr cannot appeal tho caso
in tlmo to havo tho ruling passed on
before tho prlmnry election.
Autos Double In Number.
Tho number of automobiles re
turned by county nssossors to tho
Stato Doard of Equalization will bo
doublo tho number returned In tho
year 1000. In that year thero wero
returned 3,011, while, with six coun
ties not yet reported, thoro has been
returned a tdtal of 0,481. April 1,
when tho assessment Is mado, there
wero registered In tho ofllco of tho
socrtary of stato a total of 9,280
machlnos and tho year before n total
of 4,877. This numbor, howovor, does
not represent tho total number of
machines In tho state.
New Postal Cards.
Blue postnl cards havo gone on sale
nt tho Lincoln postofllco, In place of
tho old white onos. A shipment ot
tho now skytlnted cards, numborlng
200,000, was recolvod from Washing-
ton. They contnln McKlnloy's pic-
ture, like thoso they supersede.
Valuation of Live Stock.
Tho state board of equalization
listened to a dozon or moro county as
sessors In regard to proposed changes
in tho valuation of llvo stock. Tho
changes mado from tho returns of tho
nBsosaors as finally divided aro as fol
lows: Horsos, Dodge. Douglas,
HayoB, Kearney, Morrill, Perkins and
Wayno, 10 per cont. Incronso; Butler,
6 per cont. Incroaso J Boyd and Val
loy, 10 por cent, decrease. Mules,
Fillmore, Kearney and Morrill, 10 per
cent, increnso; DougliiB and Wayno,
20 per cent. Increase; 'Bonner, 25 per
cent. Increase; Hooker, 100 por cent.
Increase; Boyd, Perkins and -Valltiy,
10 per cont. decreuso; Grant, 20 per
cent, decrease Cattle, Porklns, In
creased 10 per cent.; Thomas, 30 per
cont. lncrense; Cass, Nanco, Nuckolls
nnd Valley, 10 por cont. decrease;
Hamilton and Boyd, 6 per cont. de
crease. Hogs, Garllold, 20 per cont.
Incronso; Holt, 30 por cont. increnso;
Valley, 10 por cont docroaao; Kear
ney, Hayes and Gasper, 15 por cont.
decrease; Phelps, 20 per cent In
croaso; Whoelor and Hitchcock, 30
per cont. decreaso; Boyd, 40 por cent,
Assessment of Hogs.
Tho assessment of hogs nnd pigs
enmo up before tho Btato board of as
eossment In sonio places a sow. Is as
Bossed at so much and no account Is
taken of tho llttlo pigs. In other
places a certain valuo Is placed on a
eow and oloven pigs. As n result,
tho average valuo of pigs In tho vari
ous counties shows great variation
and the state board of equalization Is
in dnngor, according to tho assessors
protesting, of making unwarranted
changes' In an (attempt to equallzo
widely disproportionate values.
Governor Takes Action Against
Omaha Officers.
Governor Shallonbcrgcr hns di
rected tho attornoy general to bring
quo warranto proceedings to oust
from ofllco Chief of Pollco Donahuo
of Omaha, Fred Hoyo, William J.
Hunter and William F. Wapplch
members of tho Omaha Firo and Po
llco board, for falling to enforco tho
liquor laws in Omaha. Tho governor
acted upon a complaint filed with him
by Charles J. Karbach, membor of tho
Omaha Firo and Pollco board. In tbo
complain It Is charged that houses of
prostitution to tho number of 205
havo taken out government licenses
to sell intoxicating liquors nnd hnvo
no city llcenso, nnd that thoy sell
beer at all hours of tho day and night
and on Sundays. Karbach alleges
that ho personally visited tho red
light district nnd wns solicited to en
ter the houses by girls, and that ho
Informed Chlof Donahuo of what ho
saw. Tho reply tho chlof mado to
tho complaint, ho says, was this:
"Your a liar and don't know anything
about it."
Karbach calU attontion to tho fact
that Mayor Dahlman, In n speech on
Juno 22, said that tho 8 o'clock law
was being violated all ovor tho Btato.
Ho said that tho mayor, as oxofllclo
member of this board, has knowledge
of tho conditions in Omaha.
Govornor Shnllenbergor'a lotter to
tho attornoy genoral directing tho
Inttor official to begin action against
tho threo mombers of tho flro nnd po
llco board and 3hlef Donahuo fol
lows: "Dear Sir: I am enclosing you
horowlth copy of a complaint -filed In
my ofllco by Charles J. Karbach
'against John J. Donahuo, chlof of po
lice, and Fred Hoyo, William J.
Huntor and William F. Wapplch,
members of tho board of flro nnd po
lice commissioners, city of Omaha.
"This is tho third complaint that
has beon filed against these officers,
tho charges all bolng Blmllar, within
tho last year. Tho ovldenco adduced
upon tho former complaints showed
that thero woro violations of tho
liquor lawB In the city of Omaha, but
upon the express promiso of tho chief
flf police thnt such violation would bo
discontinued if thoy woro given an
opportunity to enforce the laws, I
withhold taking any steps to remove
such officers at that tlmo. During
tho past two months my attontion
hns beon called to ropeatcd nnd con
tinued violations of tho liquor laws
In tho city of Omaha, nnd I nm con
vinced beyond a doubt that thoro Is
no offort being mado on tho pnrt of
thoso whoso duty It Is to sco that tho
laws aro onforcod In that city to In
uny way oradlcato tho ovil or remedy
tho existing conditions. '
"This last complaint having been
filed by ono who Is a member of tho
board of flro and police commission
ers, convinces mo that tho de
fendants named In this complaint aro
not acting in good faith with refer
ence to doing their duty In this mat-
tor. I am not satisfied that these of
llcors aro unable to bring about an
obsorvanco of the liquor laws in the
city of Omnlm, but on tho contrary
am thoroughly convinced thnt they
havo no desire so to do, nnd nro in
fact wilfully neglecting nnd refusing
to enforco tho law.
"You aro therefore directed to Insti
tute nnd prdsecuto quo warranto pro
ceedings In tho supremo court, as by
law provided, against tho defendants
named herein, for tho purpoEe of oust
ing said defendants from tho official
positions so hold by them."
Attornoy Genoral Thompson will
begin his suit nt onco. Although tho
supremo court will not bo In session
again until Soptomber tho taking of
testimony in tho caso will begin at
onco. A majority of tho supromo
court wlU bo called together to ap
point n roferee to tnko testimony.
Isaac Pankhurst Killed.
Isaac Pankhurst, aged 19 years, re
siding at Belmont, this county, was
instantly killed by tho explosion of a
trnctlon engine. Tho traction onglne,
which belonged to Nick Krnmor, wns
working on tho farm of Mayor Lovo,
five miles north of tho city. Tho top
of tho young man's hoad was blown
Stato Not to Pay Building Permit.
Land Commissioner Cowlos hns ad
vised Superintendent Stewart of tho
Btnte school for deaf not to pay the
city of Omaha $28 for n permit to
build a building on stnto land. Ho
believes the stato should not bo re
quired to pny any fee when It desires
to orect buildings on Its own lands.
The Institution Is within tho city lim
its of Omaha.
Withdraws His Name.
Smith Kotchum, democratic cnndl
date for tho stato sonato from tho
Twonty-thlrd district, which compris
es Thayer nnd Jofferson counties,
filed n withdrawal of his name with
tho socrotary of state. Kotchum gave
no reason for tho withdrawal of his
Supplies Are Rejected.
Recently ennned goods delivered to
tho soldiers' homo at Grand Island on
contract wero refused on tho cround
thnt thoy woro not equal In quality
to tho sample bid on. A qunrtor of a
ton of coffco furnished by tho same
contractor to tho mu..o Instltuto hns
now boon rejectod as not bolng equal
to tho kind contracted for by tho
Btato. A samplo from tho homo and
Bomo of tho coffoo delivered wero
sont to Land Commissioner Cowlos,
and after ho compared tho two he
approved commandant's decision.
Dentist Cool and Collected, But Steno
grapher Collapses When Con
fronted by Officer.
Father Point, Que. Dr. Hnwlcy
Harvey Crippon nnd Ethel Clara Lo
Novo, his stenographer who lied from
London after tho dlsappoaranco of
Bollo Elmore, tho doctor's wlfo, wero
arrested horo Sunday aboard tho
Canadian Pacific liner Montroso, at
the command " of Inspector Dew of
Scotland Yard.
The identification of tho long
sought fugitives on board the fog
shrouded steamer by tho English de
tective, who hnd raced across tho At
lantic ahead of tho Montrose, marked
tho culmination of ono ot tho most
sensational flights In roccnt criminal
annals. Accompanied by two Cana
dian officers ho boarded tho vessel at
8:30 o'clock In the morning, nnd fif
teen minutes Inter both man nnd girl
wero locked In their stato rooms,
Crippon, broken In spirit, but montal
ly rollovcd by tho relaxed tension;
tho girl, garbed In boy's clothes, sob
bing hysterically.
Thoy wero no longer tho "Rev.
John Robinson and son," as booked
at Antworp, July 20. After a brief de
lay tho Montroso continued her 1C0
mllo Journey up tho river towards
Quebec, whero Jail awaited the pair.
Crippon Is charged with tho murdor
of an unknown woman, believed to
have been his actress wife. Tho girl
Is hold as an accessory. In charge of
Inspector Dow, they will be taken
back to England for trial on Royal
line steamer Quebec on Thursday
Seldom has thoro been a scene sur
rounding tho pursuit of n criminal so
pregnant with dramatic features as
that enacted off this little settlement
Sunday morning. Inspector Dew had
spent a sleepless night at tho Mar
coni's operator's side, communicating
through the fog with tho liner that
boro tho man and tho woman ho
sought. Tho man had Hod to him In
oLndon by fleeing the city with tho
mystery of Belle Elmore's disappear
ance unsolved, nnd a strong personal
fooling entered Into the case, accentu
ating tho detective's deslro to carry
out tho task assigned to him by
Scotland Yard.
At 4:30 a. in. tho approaching ship's
whistle was heard above tho bellow
ing of the Father Point fog horn.
Shortly after 7:30 o'clock tho Mont
rose pushed hor nose through the fog
and at 8:15 the pilot boat Eureka set
out from shore. She carried a host
of nowspapor mon nnd photographers
and tho more fortunate townspeople"
who wero ablo to crowd aboard.
Four sailors quickly rowed tho ten
der alongside tho Montrose and Dew
and his companions stepped aboard.
Crippon was Btandlng near the rail
talking with Dr. Stuart, the ship's
surgeon, and apparently calm. But
that ho was nervous wns Indlpated by
his glance and his remark to Dr.
Stuart. "Thoro aro three pilots com
ing aboard," he said, nervously. "Is
that not unusual?"
"Crlppen, I wnnt you," said Inspec
tor Dow quietly, ns ho approached.
Tho dentist recoiled Involuntarily as
he recognized tho man who addressed
him, then tho blood left his fnce, his
breath camo short and fast and he
gurgled Incoherently ns he was being
led away to tho captain's cabin,
whence ho was transferred later to
his own stateroom, he said gratefully,
"Thank God, tho suspense Is ovor nnd
I am glad."
Crlppen's arrest accomplished, Dew
hurried to Miss Lonovc's stato room,
whero ho found hor still dressed ns
"John Robinson, Jr.," on tho verge of
nervous breakdown. Hor apponrnnco
whon confronted by tho dotectlvo nnd
told that sho was under arrest was
pltlnblc. All control thnt sho had
fought so hard to retain throughout
the voyngo loft hor. Sho cried out
hysterically and became) so faint that
restoratives wero administered. Shut
In her room and restored to woman's
dress, she was closely guarded as the
Vessel continued Its Journey, for fear
thnt sho would tako hor life or col
lapse utterly.
It was more than four hours after
Bho faced tho detective that tho girl
was able to sit up. Even then her
condition was pitiful, and no ono saw
her expect tho ship surgeon and the
Fire Threatens Records.
Washington. Flro In a shoe Btoro
In tho building occupied by the
United States geological survoy,
threatened to destroy tho records of
tho survey, which could not bo re
placed for less than a million dollars.
Crlppen's Father III.
Los Angoles. Myron A. Crippon,
father of tho accused London wife
slayer, was 111 In bod when reporters
brought him nows of tho arrest of
his Bon and tho lnttor's companion.
The agod innn has been in poor
health and In his weakened condi
tion, tho Intelligence produced a
vlstblo effoct upon him, "Hawloy may
havo been nrrosted, but ho has not
been convicted yot," ho rpmarkod
after recovering composure. "I can
not bellove thnt my son committed
tho awful crim'o laid at his door."
News Notes of Interest From Various.
E. R. F. Starr has sold a quarlor
section of land near Dlllcr to Peter
Kentcn for $20,o6o.
Ed Williams, tho man In whose pos
session wero found sevoral pairs of
klpp shoes which ho was trying to.
dispose of during tho carnival nt
Plattmouth, has, It Is said, confessed
that ho was a car robber.
A Scotts Bluff dispatch says tho
hcadgates of all tho cauajs In the val
ley aro now open again and tho dit
ches are carrying a full head of water.
Farmers from ovor tho valley who aro
nttendlng the Chautauqua say that
crops are looking fine again, and
while no bumper crop is expected, the
field will give hotter than tho average
yield. N
Arthur Nelson of Falrbury, tho Rock
Island fireman, who was prostrated by
heat July 16, near Clatonln, Is able to
bo around ngaln. Mr. Nelson wns
firing a largo 800-ton typo passenger
locomotive on a passenger train wbea
ho was overcome. Engineer John A.
Cuykondall got a negro porter from,
tho trnln to flro tho locomotivo to
Falrbury, thereby overcoming the
delny. A young woman alighted from ono
of tho trains at Wlsner and was try
ing to find some place to stay for the
nlght when she wns reported to tho
city marshal and placed In the clty
Jall. Her cries for water woro heard
for blocks until after midnight Tho
next morning sho was found dead on.
the floor of the cell. The coronor's
verdict was death by an overdose or
The big steam derrick used In the
construction of tho addition to tho
fiovernment building In Beatrice, col
lapsed and came very near killing a.
number of workmen. One thousand
pounds of stono wero being hoisted nt
tho tlmo of tho accident, and tho first
Intimation the workmen had of a.,
break In tho structure was the snap
ping of a cable which supported to
!,stlff legs."
Mrs. David Ireland of Falrbury re
cently received word from her
brother, John H. Mltchnm or Spokane,.
Wash., that his homo and Its house
hold goods were destroyed by flro
July 10. It Is said that tho family-
escaped with tholr night clothing nnd
tholr 4-months-old baby wns rescued
only by tho heroic efforts of Its
mother. , The valuo of tho property-
amounted to about $4,000.
The office of the Tecumseh Milling-.
company was broken Into as was
also tho office at L. S. Crittenden's,
grain elovntor. At the mill ofllco the-.
Intruder or" Intruders got $1.75 la
money from the safe and took a few
llttlo articles sucn as a pocketknlfe,
otc. Tho burglar, or burglars, were
evidently not satisfied with tho haul
for thoy took two bottles of writing"
Ink, ono black and ono red, and
smeared them ovor tho walls and
Peter Adam Young, aged 30. years.
and tho son of John Young, one of
the wealthiest of North Nebraska.
luimuio, uo tlliuoitju 111 IMUUI&UII
county on a warrant Issued by his
father. charging the theft of $5,000 In.
$90 gold pieces, from a metal pot,
which tho elder Young kept In his
home. Tho son recently bought an
automobile, arousing the family's,
suspicions, and whon they missed tho
$5,000 In gold, ho was searched and n.
qunntlty of gold found In his pocket
W. H. Wheeler's tiow touring car.
stolen from his barn In Stella was.
found In n corn field owned by Arthur
McGlnnls, four miles from Stella. Mc
Ginnis was cutting weeds and was at
tracted by a white object, and, as ho
approached, found It to be nn open
newspaper, and then found nn nuto-
moblle, whoso presonco wns shielded
by bolng covered over by freshly cut
corn stalks. Thero was a man with
the machine, but ho made his escape.
afterward stealing n horso nnd buggy
to make n quick and successful got.
Tho Bridgeport Electric Light antf
Power company was organized with
a capital of $50,000, all of which has
been subscribed by homo people. Ati
up-to-date plant will bo Installed at
onco and the city will vote on n pro
position to Issuo bonds for putting In
a water systom.
Jerry McGan, bettor known as
"Wild Horse Jerry" nnd a fourteen
year old girl named Thompson wore
killed by some ono from ambush In
Colorado south of Kimball, this state.
Tho Thompson girl who was riding
with McGan, was killed accidentally.
Walt Rising, who wns suspected of
tho killing, gavo himsslf up to the
authorities nt Greoloy, Colo.
News has reached Alliance of tho
suicide of a well, known rosldent. Ed
Eltor, a young man, who Is a favor
ably known thoro, committed suicide
at Denver by shooting himself Jn the
head with a rlllo. Extonslvo proparn
tlons woro being made for his mttr
rlnge to a popular and wealthy young
woman of Denver. Elter was very
popular In Alllancot and nobody
seems to bo able to conjecture the
cause of his suicide.
Christian Nuss of Clay county,
whllo stacking hay on his farm, re
ceived an Injury which may prove
fatal. Tho stacker turned over' strik
ing Mr. Nuss across tho chost. No
bones wero broken but ho received
Internal Injuries..
Nows has been received by friends
that two Fremont boys woro tho
losers by tho failure of tho First Na
tional bank nt Billings, Mont. Ed
Scolns had $850 deposited In the banlc
and Will Smith, a son of Frank Smith
had $200 deposited In It Tho boys
went to Billings four years ago to
work lu a sugar factory,