l III ;1 I OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S S Graduate Dcnlisl. J Oillce over tho McDonald 2 Slato Dnnk. Frank Jacob went to Lisco this morning to spend n week with friends. Attorneys Ayera and Willis, of Lin coln, transacted business in town yes terday. Miss Ida Shclton, of Paxton, came down this morning for a visit with friends in town. Misses Mabel and Frances Miller have been spending this week with friends in Fnrnam. Frank Fonda came up from Omaha today and will muko a western trip with his mother and sister. Mrs. Jesse Norton, of Douglas, Ariz., nrrived tho early part of the week or month's visit with relatives. Dick Baker left last night for Den ver, where he will combine business with pleasure for several days. Master Leslie Bare will return to morrow from n month's,, visit with Mr. and Mm. F. C. Letts In Ctunmio. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Smith huve moved to Gothenburg whero they have ac cepted places in the stenm laundry. Miss Helen Lundgren, who has fre quently visited visited in North Platte, is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Healy. Tho young sorrof Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lock had a finger amputated a few days ago by having it caught in a lawn mower. Fred Piereon, the Sutherland real es tate man, spent yesterday In town transacting business and visiting friends. Rev. J. L. Fisher, who attempted suicide in Omaha ten days ago, was formerly pastor of tho Congregational church nt Wallace. R. B. Reid, Real Estate, has an of lice with Electric Light Co. In tho Keith theatre building. Talk with him about a lot In Taylor's Addition. W. C. Blackmore, for many years a resident of Sutherland, has quit his fruit farm and opened a drug store in Pasadena, Calif. John F. Rourke and family are en joying a pleasant visit from his sister, and husband Mr. and Mrs. Mullen, of Missouri Valley, Iowa. Tiain Dispatcher Cummings is having estimates made for a twenty-five hun dred dollar cottago which ho expects to erect on his lot In tho Trustee's addi tion. ( Weather forecast: Partly cloudy and probable showors tonight and Suturday. Maximum temperature yesterday 82, a year ago 84; minimum this morning 02; ' a yeor ago 63. On tho theory that overy littlo helns. , tho light shower of rain this morning was appreciated. Vegetation in many sections are beginning to show Bign of renewed life. Dan Atchison, now living in Southqrn California, where ho went on account, of failing health, was in town yester day visiting his son Mark and wife nn.d ! his hosts of friends. Dan is looking first rate and feels tho same. Notice. All parties knowing thomBelvea in debtcd to mo will please call at the Mc Donald State Bank where accounts have been Jcft, and mako settlement. J. R. White. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ACADEMY, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, Conducted by the Sisters of St. Dominic. CHARMING LOCATION. . HEALTHFUL ENVIRONMENT. ACCREDITED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF- NEBRASKA. . , , Courses of Study Thorough and Complete. . Laboratories and Gymnasium Fully Equipped. For further particulars apply to SISTER SUPERIOR. J. E. Burgner is transacting business in Lexington. John Show, of Hershey, transacted business in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Shaffer have re turned from a two weeks visit in Den ver. Miss Leah and Syblo Tatum left this morning for n visit with relatives in Kearney. Mr. and Mra. E. C. Ringer loft yes terday for their new homo in Sidney, Neb. For Sale A baby buggy in excellent condition. Will sell cheap. Inquire at 303 West Fourth street. W. V. Hoagland and brother A. B. spent yesterday in Lexington, making the trip in the latter s car. Mis3 Evelyn Jeffers is expected home Sunday from a three weekB visit with her sisters in Grand Island and Omaha. Miss Anderson, assistant in tho office of Dr. Brock, has returned from a three weeks' vacation Bpent at Osceo la, Neb. Now that work on tho Elks' home has reached the second story, the real beau ty of tho building will soon become ap parent. August Molzcr, violinist of the state university of music, and MIs3 Clark of Lincoln, nro guests at tho home of E. A. Cary. Jesse Williams, of Lincoln, son of Frank L. Williams, at one time asso ciated North Platte papers, is visiting relatives in town. Ola Hansen, living near Dickens, harvested 3,600 bushels of wheat from 300 acres. Less than half a crop but not bod for a dry year. Misses Effie and Frances Christ left this morning for Paxton to spend sovcral. weeks at their brother's homestead near that place. Miss Margaret Barker yesterday moved into tho Healy house on West Fourth street, formerly occupied by E. C. Ringer. R. B. Reid, Real Estate, litis an office with Electric Light Co. in Keith thea tre building. Tnlk with him about a lot in Tnylor'B Addition. E. W. Crano has the contract for building a twenty-two hundred dollar cottage for J. E. Burgner on a lot south of the Ottenstcln grovo. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Buchanan will arrive homo tomorrow afternoon from their wedding trip to northwest Pacific coast cities and intermediate points. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughters Ruth and Edith expect to leave in their car Monday on a trip to Omaha, whero they will visit for a week or more. Leo Hart took his .son Ed to Omaha Wednesday night to have Dr. Jonas examine a leg which tho young man had broken several weeks ago while playing ball at Bignell. ( Mrs. Jnmes II. Fonda, daugh ter Blancho and Bon Frank will leave Sunday for a trip through tho Yellow stone Park. They will also visit Ar thur Fonda at American Falls, Idaho. We have the now attachments for tho Edison talking machines. Play two atid four mintito records. Ten four minuto records freo. Rinckeu's Book Stoue. Wo wiBh to thank tho many friends and neighbors and members of tho W. R. C. for their willing help and tender caro during tho sickness and death of our dear mother, also for th many beautiful flowers nnd expressions of sympamy in many ways. Signed: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Garrison, Mr. and Mra. J. I). Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. House. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, r i i kt i i . w urauuaio iMorinwcatcrn university. L 2 OfUco over McDonald Stato Bank Mrs. Ralph Smith returned yester day from a visit with relatives in Kear ney and Omaha. For rent at onco seven room house, modern, furnished or unfurnished, 1001 West 5th street or phono 297. Mesdames Leader and Schnauber, of Omaha, who spent Tuesday in town as tho guests of Miss Hannah Keliher, left Tuesday evening for Denver. Lorenzo Guff y, a member of the class of '10 came down from his home on the Birdwood yesterday for a brief visit with friends in town. Mrs. J. C. Fedorhoof and grand daughter Miss Irma Huffman returned yesterday afternoon from Omaha, whero they have been spending several weeks with relatives and friends. Wnnted Young woman between the age of 19 and 25 for nurse's training school. Address Superintendent Train ing School, PhyBicans & Surgeons Hospital,North Platte, Nebr. Miss Mabel Day, clerk at the Rinckcr bookstore, will tako a month's vacation beginning Monday and expects to leave next week for a visit In Denver and Salt Lake City. Tho Nevita Club were entertained in a very delightful manner by Mrs. W. P. Synder at the experimental farm Wedneseay nf ternoo.n. Various con tests were UBed in the entertainment of the guests and at the close an enjoy able lunch was served. , Tbe Christian Endeavor Society of the" Presbyterian church have leased the Dickey ice cream parlor for Wed nesday, Aug. 10th, and will hold an ice cream social. The young ladies of this society have charge of tho advance sale of tickets. The bazaar held by the Christian ladies at tho Lloyd opera house proved a success and the ladies in charge feel well repaid for their efforts tonako it bo. Ice cream, sherbert and cake were setved and the sale 'of aprons and fancy work netted the la dies a neat sum for their society. Masons nnd their families to the number of 160 held a picnic at the Dick grove Wednesday, leaving town about 10:30 and returning about 5:30. The day was delightfully spent in games of different kinds, base ball and foot rac ing, a number of the married ladies con testing in the latter. At noon sand wiches, cake, ice cream and lemonade wore served. For the next ten days we will sell a few choice hammocks we have in stock nt a discount of ten per cent. Rincker's Book Store. A jolly and congenial bevy of young ladies left town for Dick's grove this morning where they will go into camp until Wednesday of next week. All kinds of holiday fun has been ar ranged nnd under the caro of Mrs Harry Vincent and Mrs. Stnckhouse the outing promises to be a novel and vory enjoyable one. Sunday will be known ns visiting day and the young ladies have a hearty welcome awaiting their friends who visit their enmp. and assure them a good time. Those com posing tho party are Misses Alta, Hazel nnd Mildred Stryker, Elsie and Amy Langford, Orn Hall, Elizabeth Weinberger, Isabel Doran, Lucy Dunn, Mabel Day and tho Misses Goldsmith Big Odd and End Sale of OXFORDS AND SHOES Commences Saturday, August 6th, Closes Saturday, August 20th, 1910. THIS SALE IS JUST WHAT THE HEAD IMPLIES A general clean up of the odds and ends of our stock. We do not wish to carry any Oxfords over, and we. find we have a considerable number of short lots in as many different styles; we also find that we are overstocked in a few styles. We have decided to adopt radi cal measures to rid our shelves of this surplus. We have gone through our entire It stock and sorted out every short lot and all overstocked styles and wc are going to sell them regardless of what they bring. MEN'S OXFORDS Men's White Canvas Blucher Oxfords, former price $1.60, Sale Price Men's Velour Calf, Tan and Patent Blucher Oxfords, former price $3.50, Sale Price.. Men's Dull Calf Blucher Oxfords, former price $4.00, Sole Price BOYS' OXFOHDS. Bon' Tan Kid and Black Kid Blucher Ox fords formor price $1.75, 2.00 and 2.25, Sale Price $1.65 and $1.95, according to size. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS. Children's White, Tan, Pink and Blue "Ar mor Plate" Stockings, legular price 25c, Sale Price BOYS' SHOES. SSSJX11 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON THE BOYS' SHOES. HOne lot of Boys' Calf Skin Shoes, sizes 1 to i 4 e 5J, former price $2.00 and $1.75,Sale Price $ 1 ,43 (M . SHOE POLISH. 500 boxes of Black Shoe Polish, price 10 cents, Sale Price ANNOUNCEMENT. JIAVING PURCHASED the A. B. Hoagland Confectionery, Ice Cream and Cigar Store, I respectfully solicit the patronage of the pub lics Prompt service and courteous treatment, together with first class goods, will always be our standard. Respectfully, E. T. KEMHER. Mrs. Fred Pierson, of Sutherland. spent yesterday in town. G. M, Bailey is transacring business in Kearney and Lincoln. Mrs. Greenland, of Gandy, visited friends in town Wednesday. Frank Woods, of Wallace, transacted business in town yesterday. Mrs. Frank Price, of Sutherland. spent yesterday with friends in town. Mrs. M. Ditto, of Sutherland, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Harry Scott. E. T. McGcrr. 0 former North Platte grocer, transacted business in town Wednesday. Mrs. Hoy Montgomery and Mrs. John Show, of Hershey , visited friends in town Wednesday. Mra. Thoron Hecht. of Wallace, is spending this week in town with her mother Mrs. P. II. Ruddy. Monarch Malleablo Ranges best on tho market at Horshey's. Miss Myrtle Mischke. of Lone Island. Kan., who has been visitine relative's in town for the past month, returned to her homo Wednesday. A Big Snap. There has been listed with us for quick sale a nice home in 2nd ward within two blocks of court house at $2100.00, worth $2500.00. Bucharmn & PatfeVsbW, SAMPLE PRICE S- There will be plenty others just as good, and even better. WOMEN'S OXFORDS. Women's White Canvas Oxfords, former ner price $2.60 and $1.50. Sale Price. . . V3C Little women's kid and patent leather blu cher Oxfords, school girl heel, sizes 2J to a nr 6i, former price $2.50, Sale Price pl."t) Women's Oxblood Oxfords, former price c $2.00, Sale Price !.... $Jd Little Girl's Patent Blucher Oxfords. Former price $2.00 and 2.25, Sale Price rr ir and $1.95, according to size p 1 .40 Child's Oxblood Kid Blucher Oxfords. Former price $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50, Sale Price on 95c and 1.20 nccording to size oUC CHILDREN'S? STOCKINGS. Children's white, tan, pink and blue "Ar mor Plate" Stockings, regular price 25c, 4 n Sale Price ; f9C BAREEOOT SANDALS White and Tan Former Price $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50, Sale Price off 95c nnd 1.00, according to size OuC We do First-Class Shoe Repairing. 95c $2.95 $3.45 $1.40 19c former 5c SMALL THE BIG SHOE MAN. Mrs. C. F. Tracy has returned from a brief viBit with friends in Omaha Mrs, Jas. Louden attended tho Roberts-Sage wedding at Maxwell yes terday. Mrs. Ora DeFord and babv returned tho early part of he week from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Miss Florence Stamp went to Max well yesterday to attend the wedding 01 aiiss Caroline Koberts. A Maa Tint Kttps Good Horej don't wan't to spoil their appearanco or risk his own life by harnessing them with an inferior made or shahhv hn. ness. It pays to buy a good harness when you do buy, for It always looks well as well as wearing well. For style, durability and make call on A F, FINK. MrD. Ruby Hoyt, saleslady at tho Leader, is off duty on account of sick ness and will undergo an operation at the Physicians & Surgeons' hospital next week. AN ORDINANCE. Providing for tho extension of the main sewer on "A" street, from its present termination at a point where the center line of the alley of blocks 4, 5, 12 and 13 intersect said sewer on A street, extending said main sewer in a westerly direction, a distance of 1030 feot to a point opposite of, and in line with the north and south center line of block 1 of South Park Addition to North Platte and to pay for said extension out of the sewer maintenance funds of said city, said extension to be ot pipe 10 inches in diameter, providing for the estimate of cost thereof and for bids and for making a contract for said ex tension of main sewer. Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of North Platte, Ne braska. Section 1. Thnf nn ovt.n.l.. I I- . -z - " diuiioiuu uu muue to the city's main sower on A street, beginning at a point whero the center ne,?f..the) aleyjt) blocks 4, 5, 12 nnd 13, Miller's Addition to North Platte, Nebraska, extended intersects the west end of the present main sewer in west A street, running thence west on west A street, 1030 feet to a point opposito of and in lino with the north and south center lino of block 1 of South Park Ad dition to North Platto. Sections. That said main sower ex tension bo constructed of 10 inch sower 111 DO. laid nf. nrnnoK rlon.l. 1 grade required by the present sewer ,Zui. Vu u,u Cliy 10 De constructed with the necessary man holes, flush tanks and nnr-oaanv.r olt ' i the line of said proposed main sewer extension. Section 3. That the engineer of said CltV nt nnrn ntnrnA n.i rt clerk thereof, tho estimnto of the total .i.: ,aiu Pnln sower extension nnd i.u.1. cum extension Do paid for out of tne BOWOf mnlnInor.n I 1 - P ! (.-imiiiuiitc iuiiu 01 sum n'.-V" rsaiu estimate is JiwT -1 , J ,aa,nerein provided, that tho clerk of said city proceed at once 10 anVPrHan In mnnnn 1 r . quired by law, for bids for the con struction of 8ald flXtnnnlnn nf on 1.1 sewer, reserving to said city the right .vjtiwt uiiy uuu uu Dias, f?t nM , f approved bid be made tOr Bain Wnrk. in n nAun.i. i . tercd into by the mayor of said city, attested hv thn rinrh- ..AiU S7nRrou 8,01,8 Prot.ectins the interests of said city, upon the contractor fur ?u8hi"LaAonJ Bumclent amount for wio juiiiuui performance of said con- num. Section C. This ordinance shall tako elTcct and li In fern, t- i ir " i. muni uuu uiier July, ibid. H vcu l,,,a 1Jin aay 01 AM4 V,103- C; PATTEnsoN, Mayor. Attfcsts CtfAtf. F. T&ttus, dty CJdfk, 11 n I' ll