Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25! Ono Year by Carries in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofiico as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1910. Tho census returns on two counties In Nebraska have been made public- Madison and Seward. The former shows a cain over 1000, the latter loss. It is generally believed that the southeastern counties in Nebraska will show a net loss compared with ten years aco, while the western counties will show an incrcarc. Tho total In crease in the state will bo small. The sensus of Oklahoma, with three enumerator districts missing, is 1,651, C51, as compared with 790,205, for the two territories now embraced in tho state in 1900. No other state in the Union will show bo great an Increase There are now Beven times as' many people in Oklahoma as there were twenty years ago. In population Ok ahomn will rank twentieth among the states, a truly wonderful showing. In California the republican candi dates for United States senator are A. G. Spalding, tho former base ball pitcher and Governor Gillett, who de creed that the Jeffries-Johnson fight should not take place in California. As a result the sporting fraternity are nr rayed against Gillett, the base ball fans favoring Spalding on account of his old-timo vocation, and prize-fight followers have "it in" for Gillett for not allowing tho fight to occur in that state. Mr. uryan is lighting tor county op tion now on exactly tho same lines as tho anti-saloon league, snya the Lincoln Journal. Tho idea is to support the men at the primaries who agree to vote for a county option bill. After tho pri maries the anti-saloon people will sup port the men who arc for county option, regardless of party. Mr. Bryan enn hardly bo expected to go so far. It will be a cold day when ho can fairly bo called a bolter from the democratic party. Anything but that. On August 10th and 11th tho Civil Service Commission will hold an exam ination to secure cligiblcs for tho posi tions of aid and deck officers in tho Coast and Dcodotic Survey. There has been difficulty in securing persons to take this examination, caused it is thought, by tho fact that the entrance salary is stated to bo $750 per year, which Is misleading as tho Government pays expenso for traveling and for sub sistence. Taken into consideration tho special opportunities for travel and ac quaintance with tho world afforded by theso positions they should in reality bo considered vory attractive. During the paatflvo years over thirty five million dollars havo been stolon by officials and trusted employes from banks and trust companies. Some of theso thofts have been for over a million dollars each. It would seem that the banks losing such large Bums nro loose in their system of management, clso the thieves would have been detected before their pllfcrlngs reached bo largo a sum. So common havo theso thofts become that the national bankors' as sociation which meets in Los Angeles in October will take steps to establish safe gnurds aboutbanks which will pre vent this looting. More democrats wont away from Grand Island on tho swearing trains than usual, but the real cursing over the convention is being done by tho fel lows who stayed at homo. They are open and above board in their declaration that tho platform is nothing to them and that they will vote for county option candidates regardless of party. Thoro is some republican sour ness in wet counties but it is apparent ly mild when compared with tho dem ocratic trouble. Tho republicans have no personal bitterness to complicate matters while the democrats have more family rowson hand than they cansottle in the next six months. -Stato Journal. Slowness on tho part of tho Btati to act will result In tho fnrmors living in the irrigated district west of this city losing thouands of dollars worth of corn, sugar beets, alfalfa, and other crops. Tho North Platte ditch, from which they get their supply of water, has a prior right to tho north river wnterover all other ditches in tho western part of tho state, but through failure of tho state board of irrigation to enforce its orders and in allowing tho ditches fur ther west to absorb tho water in tho rivoj, the North Platto ditch is as dry as a bone and crops are burning up with the hot sun and continued dry weather. t The complaint of tho North Platto ditch was mado weeks ago, and whilo an at. tempt has been made to cut off tho sup ply from tho western ditches and givo the North Platto ditch tho water to which it is entitled, tho effort to remedy tho mattor has been so dilatory and weak as to amount to nothing. Hence the farmers along tho North Platte ditch must suffer whilo tho state board of irrigation allow,s the hypothecation of water by thb western ditches. Favor Re-Districting State. Chairmnn Davis, of tho republican county central committee, who was in structed by tho county convention to learn the standing of the republican candidates for governor on the question of re-districting tho state Into senator- ial and representative districts, ha9 re ceived tho following replies; St. Paul, Ncbr., July 23rd. E. S. Da vis, North Platte, Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of the 21st: I am entirely In sympathy with your effort to secure a re-districting of the htate, and shall bo glad to aid you in any proper way It i3 only common justice that ' this should be done, nnd I sincerely hope It may bo successful. Yours sincerely, E. A. Cady. David City, Neb., July 23rd, 1910, Mr. E. S. Davis, North Platte, Neb., Dear Mr. Davis: Your letter contain ing copy of special resolution at hand. Permit me to say that I havo always stood for tho "Squaro deal" and if the situation sot forth in your resolution is correct, as I have no doubt but that it is, I am with you. Western Nebraska has made great strides In the last few years in prosperity nnd population, and as a matter of right and justice you should havo proper representation. If elected governor you may depend on my help and influence to the extent of my ability. Your Sincorely, C. A. Aldrich. Cottonwood Items. The threshing machine h?s been in our midst during thopastweck, but the jobs are short and tho yield of grain vory light. II. P. Stevens' new residence is about completed and they will occupy the snmc in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Johnson took the train on Saturday morning for Holdrege whore they will visit friends. T Y" I m uumea uauon, wno n low years ago was a resident of Cottonwood precinct, but now of Denver, is visiting hla sis ter, Mrs. II. J. Pell. S. S. Reynolds lost a stack of prairie hay by fire last week. B. G. Sowle and wife journeyed to Kearney Saturday morning. C. O. Hutchinson and family ipent several days tho past week with friends at Paxton. Joe Houscr and family camo up from Lexington Friday night and will stay to look after tho threshing of their wheat. Joe expects to havo about two car loads of this product from their farm up Cottonwood canyon. Arthur Farris and S. S. Reynolds at tended the democratic state convention at Grand Island. Ed Cnrfield is working in tho hay fields for M. Holcomb east of Mnxwell. W. II. Wafer a former resident of our community, but who for a few years has been farming In Illinois, ar rived hero last week and is negotiating to purchase the former Silas Clark farm In Snoll canyon. Mr. Wafer re ports that crop conditions in Illinois and Iowa appear very much the same as here. Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Tucker returned Saturdoy from a briof visit in Ogalalla. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Yates, of Suth" orland, visited friends In town Friday evening. A. J. Winters, of Kearney, transacted business in town the lntter part of last week. John O'Nell, of Lincoln, is tho guest of relatives In town, having arrived tho tho latter part of last week. Miss Margaret Brogan, of Paxton, returned home yesterday after a week's visit at tho Joseph Murphy homo. Theo. Lowe Jr., J. W. Landgraf and Hinoy Landgraf left Sunday for a month's trip which will include Ogden, Salt Lake and other western nolnts. IT'S ALWAYS BAD. The Best of Backs Are Bad When They Ache, and North Platte People Know It. A bad back is always bad. Bnd at night when bedtime comes. JuBt as bad in the morning. Ever try Doan's Kidney Pills for it? Know they euro backache cure every kidney ill? If you don't some North Plutte people do. Read a enso of it; Mis. A. J, Wessborg, North Platte, Nobr., Bays "For some timo I was a sufferer from kidney disease and back ache and the doctos said I had a floating kidney. I was bothorcd by acuto pains through my kldnoy and some days I could not stand. Tho kldnoy socrotions wore too frequent in passago and con tained sediment. I was flnnUy advised to have an operation performed but" I would not consent to that. I then learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box. In a couple of doyB after I' becan their use tho pains becamo loss sovero and tho swelling in my right kidnoy disappeared. Within six weeks I wns completely cured and since then I have had no return of my old trouble. I am glad to givo Donn'a Kldnoy Pills my recommendation." For sale by all doalers. Prico 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo. Now York, sole agents for tho United States. . . , 'Remomber Uiu- narrt-Doan'rf-rard take no others.' STATEMENT FROM CONGRESSMAN KINKAID To My Esteemed Constituents: Upon tho advlco of many voters, I nave uecomo a canaiaaio ior a ro nomination for Confixes by tho nrl mary election to bo hold August 16. During tho presont Congress I have faithfully supported the policies pur sued and legislation recommended by RooBovelt, when President, adopted ana promoted by President Taft, as evidenced by tho oxcollont measures enacted at the recent session. In re vising tho tariff, I strlvod to havo lumbor and barbed wlro placed upon tho frco list, and votod on separata schedules for rovislon downward gen erally, but aftor tho bill had been In tho Scnato and In conforenco, It had to bo voted upon as an entirety, with tho altornatlvo to pass It or de feat It and lcavo In oporatfon tho old law. A majority, Including dem ocrats with republicans, provented a greater reduction of tho rates. I fa vor tho Increaso of tho authority of tho tariff board recontly authorized and that In tho futuro revisions be mado of slnglo schedules, when condl lions warrant It, rathor than that all schedules bo rovlsod at tho samo tlmo, thus preventing "log rolling" by pro tec tod lntorcsts. I favor tho adop tion or tho proposed amendment to tho Constitution of tho United States permitting the taxing of large ln- comos; also, tho election or Senators by dlroct voto. as about threo-mtliB of the an nouncements of my competitor con slsts of an attack upon my record. I shall give It sueh brief notice as tho nature hereof will permit Tho ref erence Incidentally occurring last wu ter in tho Balllnger-Plnchot Investiga tion to my purchase of a quarter-sec tion of coal land In Alaska, carried with it tho Information, derived from official source, that tho transaction M. P. Klnkald, Congressman 6th Dlst. Was legitimate and straightforward; but In disregard of this, to advauco his own candidacy, my competitor questions Its regularity. It was be cause only of tho fact that Mr. Bat linger, as my attorney, had passed on tho tltlo to tho proporty, boforo ho was Secretary of tho Interior, when In tho practice of law at Soattlo, that tho transaction was mentioned at all. No government ofllclal has pretonded that I did what was wrong or Im proper. Qlavls, special agent and nt- tornoy for tho government In coal land matters, in suoBtanco, sworo thoro was nohlng contained In tho transaction on the part of either Balllnger or mysolf that was wrong. Brandols, attorney for Pin- chot, said: "Wo havo looked Into tho case carefully. Thero Is nothing wrong or Improper. Mr. Klnkald has nothing to conceal in thlB matter as far as I know." My purchaso was mado of tho entryman who had an oqultablo tltlo which the law pormlta to be assigned or deeded, for which I paid $2,800.00, and to bo euro a patont, must yet pny tho gov ernment prlco of $10.00 per acre. I hnvo not mado a coal land entry. If tho entry of my grantor was mado In good faith, and tho law In other ro spocts has boon compiled with, a pat ont will be grantod; othorwlso not. Certainly, the government Is securo, bocause Its ofllolals have the exclu sive determination of theso questions. In refutation of the Implied accusa tion by my competitor, that I havo evaded voting, "lnsurged at homo and stood pat In Washington," I cite a portion of a testimonial written by Howard R. Hlnshaw, Socrotary to Congressman Hlnshaw, as follows: iron. M. P. Klnkald: My Doar Sir: Comnlylnir with your ro- quest, I havo made a careful compilation of your votes of tho presont session to June 5th, when the last volume of tho Record was Issuod, for the purpose, of scertulnlnK your relative Btandlntr as to faithful attendance and recorded voto. Vou rank a fraction of a voto higher than the average of tho votes expressed bUio four members found to ho the highest, other than yourself. Tho Itecord docs not In a single Instance Indicate that you havo undertaken to dodge or evade any vote. You voted "presont" onco only upon a roll call for the purpose of ascer taining the presence of a quorum. You have not paired your vote In a single In stance, Unon all motions or resnhitlnnH concerning amendments to tho rules, or with reforence to tho Speakership, you huvo voted consistently during tho entire congress wun mo progressives, or so called "Insurgents." very truly. (Signed) HOWARD It HINSHAW" I quote also: "District of Columbia, 1 . vny or wasnincton. I. Alexander McDowell. Clerk nf th Itouso of Representatives of the Unltnil States, do hereby certify that at tho ro. quest of Congressman Klnkald, I huvo caused to bo ascertained IiIh rel.itlvu standing tm to attendance during this session, und his record n to voting on roll calls, us compared with other mem bers, and nn a result It has been mado to nppoar. nnd does appear, to mo that In attendance nnd tho number of rocordod votes, Mr. Klnkald mnlm with members who rank thf highest, and ranks' as high, If not a fraction higher, than the average of the four or flvo or six oi i no niguesi. In witness whereof. I have horrnntn subscribed my name and lllxcd my of Octal senl, this H5th day of Juno, A. 1). sraATj. (Signed) ALEXANDER MCDOWKLU Thanking you for your support In tho pnst, and bollevlntr tho Concros. slonnl exporlonco I havevonJoyed will cnnhlo mo to work to a creator ad vantage In the futuro In bohnlf of the Interests of tho District, your further support li respectfully sollolted. U. P. ICINJCAID. Wills J Hcdflold. M I) 3 It McKlrahan. M D Drs. Redfield & McKirahan Phsicians and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones 6-12-G-14 OfTico at P. and S. Hospital. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surncon, f Office over McDonald Bank. Phonua I Office 130 thontB Keflidcnco 115 John S. Twinem, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and f!hl!llriin' niannaia OfTico: McDonald State Bank Building, turner oin sc uewey sis. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283 HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night. Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locusi Telephone No. 642. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302 A full line nf furniture nil 1lnrla nf StoVOS nnrl ntnvn ronnlru wnrrnno lin. - - - w.v - w.....w, 11(1,- ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport ing kuuus, ciocks, wntcnes, musical goods, sewing machines either cash or nnvmnntn. Fvnrvtliinn- nn imi bought and sold here. Top pr ice fo iron metai nnu runner. Go to SORENSON'S FOU Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF flour, Feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store at tho corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of the patronage of tho public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Serial No. OlOlMClM. NOTION VOU I'lJIILlCATION IlKI'AltTMKNT OF Till! INTKIUOK. . . Jnlted States hand Otllco. At North l'latto. N'obrnska. duly IB, 1010. Notion Is heroin' iHvmi Mm, n,,,, ...... II. KnlmfTiif nf Mi..ll,. M..1.....1. . ilSy.' T.',nl' J??'1- ",a,1 lomt'stoad otitry No. 10771. Sj-rlal No. onus, for the southoast quar- 20mSorlal No. OilM. for 'tho south w'estmmr- ttr. section ti. Tciwiifililn 111. v. iin,r i w of tho th Principal Meridian, lias llleli notlco of Intention to rualto final tlvo yoar iTuui. in iviiuiminii ciaim to 1 no land aljov Ht'stiriixu, noforo tno reitlstnr and roculv at North Platte, Nohraika, on tho IStli c o vor day 01 M'Pl It'lU. Claimant nomas as wltnessm; Kiit'eno Arilttpv. nf MvH n V11I. V, ........ 1 . 1 1 .laiHr S vl' ot North Plat o. Neb., and Wll- 1 iu 111 iiii-iiiuj'. 01 .uyriio. ixou. j,a ! iv kvans, Ketrlster. PHOI1ATK NOTICK, In inn CSmntv !)uirr tt r in.i.j.. ,.....t.. ........ "' '"IIVWlll liUUIl t ill braslta. July 1Mb. 1110. Ill tllU lliattOI (if tll.1 nutnln nt T ,,M..- O Karrlnetoti. deceased. ' Notlco In hot oby kIvoii, that tliu credl tfirM III Mlilll (llUnnt.ilil Urtlt mnnl ,1... I. ........ -I of Maid estate, before mo Coiintr .IiicIlm of Lincoln iiounty, Nebraska, ot the county court room In told county, on tho liith day of AiiKUHt. luio. and on tholtithdayof February, 11)11. at 1) o'clock a m. each day. for tho inir-po.-,ooriroMiitlmr tbt'lrclulms for examina tion, adjustinont and allowance, Six months nre nluiwiMl for i.r.MlltnpM in .irtw...... 1...1 , , . - . ......... . w , ' . .n 111 nil',, claims anil ono year for tho K.xecutrtx to dottlo nam estate, from tho ltitlt day of July. 1010. This notice to Iki lmbllohod eljrbt oueci'sslvo Iumr-.s In tho North Platto 'Prllmlifi. A iimruun .1. 1.11 u 1 .. . .1.1 ....... . ..w..,.H),, IM.lMlBlll-ll III nUUI county nrlor to tho tilth day of Aticuiit. iwu. Jl'.l-H W. O. KI.DKU. County .Imltro, NOTKW I'OK PUIIUOATION. Serial No. 0S0!I7. .Ourwirtrmmt of tho Interior. U- S. Laud Otllco at North l'latto. Neb. , . . . . Jul" lu'u- Mnlln lw liir,lki. irlH.m I.m l.ll 1.'....i. ... of North Platte, Nebraska, who, on Juno :3th, IWU, mode homestead entry No. 2U1U1, Surlal No. IU0B7, for north half and southwest quarter, section h, townsldii 11. north, liotico ill. west of tho sixth Principal Merlillun ha.s I1"'", notlco of Intention to tnnl.t Hllfll riv.. i,tn n... , establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo the Heulster ami Receiver at North Platto, Neb., on tho nth day of Sent. 1010 Claimant names as witnesses: William Qrltllths. of Dickons, Nob., P 11. llurwood. of Nomonter., avu. uari liroeiler. of North l'ltttti N'rtli. tto, Net. and John Pulse, of Somerset, jli-a J- 15. KVANH, ltrelster. Statement. the Condition uVlr tub tfy MUTUAL BUILDING 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platte, Nebraska, day of June. 1010. Certificate NO.S2. on the 30tb Assiiis. 'ml mnrtimiri Inqn. 40-7 irwi m ASSETS. iViVti. " ,M. ixx cmT. .:r"::::.::;::::::::..,::::;::; g s utiuniuciii interest, nrvmiums and vn.-;Vr;;--"':.V,.5 . mm 'axes and iiiHUrSn-.r . a .,'- ;;." -- Total $J73 j!) I.IA11IMT1ES. Capital (itock paid up $353 Mi eYefund... is ooo Undivided profits io nr, m Other Liabilities IBM a iotai. '21 "s -J IlKOKIPTS AND UXPHNDITUIIES FOU .inr. ikaii JiiNDlMtl JUNK 1910. li vni Ilalancc on hand July 1, 1010 t 9 OOU 2.1 Due .HI 24 00 Interest, premiums, and linen 2H 001 70 Miscellaneous Fees 30:1 7S Tnxcs and Insurance 35 10 !"" repaid ni un iii Total ijjo 72 T -., . Kxpcnv.::::::::::::::-:: ? gs g stock redeemed 02 Bin oil cash on hand h imi r,s a axes and Insurance w,ji Total jisii r.20 72 State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, us. Jt?nW&lSli'lVrV Ka I'RNOITUIlEH. thp foreeoinir statement of tho condition of brasku, n tho case of David Cunning said Association Is truo nnd correct to tho ham, executor of tho estate of James best of mv kiifiwleilo-fi nnil luiiir.f I n. .i i .. . .. , , ,.. . - - -v-..... Suiiscrlbed nnd sworn to boforo mo this I Itli nAMlIRI, H00ZI1K. Xeernlnrv. davof.Iiilr. tiiln iinTi.GH nuniA.VAN. Notary Public VIOTOlt VONUOKTZ, 1 I.KSTKit Walk Kit, I)lrectors. I KA 1., II A MM. ) T. I i vnvia. WnTine . . . , . J ,.n. uu nil 1. zz n imnrr. I mr io a. 1'nvi.. nwi i... ..... Known iifirsot uavid w t'orry, deceased. Jmll t,'ko no.,,,c,: tliat " lliu 2otl' of July. 1 10. Henry Waltemath. plalntllT herein. Illod his petition In tho District Court of Lincoln wu'Hj, ouumsKn, against, sain ueronuantfl. tllft llllfort. mill urn tt ivl.l.!. n .... . ....1... tin, m ,,f Vi,.. .o.' , : V '.w.n.,,, .11 mm IU tllU 1UIIU1V lnir described tract of land, 10-wlt: Ilecliinlnc inline souiucasi corner or iot 1. in ill, ft., of tho orlKlnal plat of tho City of North northerly 'direction on t i east lluo of said Int.. itl finr nnd a .1.. X . " narnllnl win. tlm untitu f ..i,i 1. .. .; i . ...... v..u ""Mm iiiiu u nam iui w ir Sl rVL.1 ' . ' . """"" vuuiiu owuiih;i 1 uuiailtll with tno east lino of said lot 40 feet and 4 in- cues 10 mo soutn nno or Bald lot. thonco uanii-nj un mo suuui uno or said lot 10 the placo of beirlnnlnir. nnd to nxelmln enrb nmi all lit tho nnlfl Hulnnrlnnlu n .. .. riKiit, tltlo or claim In and to said proporty . . HuiviKiuiiM ft.uill UIIJ IIILUTUSL. " ;iijinii sain iioiumianis iroin nssortinc ftllV ClRlm 111 EnM li.nmlBnu u 1... plaintiff herein and to enjoin salddofondants iiutii niLtTinrrinir u-irti i fimtiir'a of. ,iin . . --- fiHiiuiu .1 yvililU.l.tlVli VOU artl rfWMllrorl in nnuwnr onlil HAllili.ri uii ur iwiuru mo am ciay or Joptomuor. lwiu . IlKJfUY WATiTKMATH iy milwa a iiAiJ.HMN. li isAttornnvN NOTIOK. ilrLr Intiliiff.i. ie..-l... n ...i. Nohrnska, Kdward Ilurko and lioldlo Ilurke. ailfl all nt hnr luircnna lnlitnulml ...111 . n I . .. iiuiico iiiai, upon ino mux day of August. ........ Mi.vil..l.ll .Till lUltr ii'iu, at mo tiouror 2 o'clock p. m-, central standard time, at tho froluht house or wnro hquso of Union I'aclllc Railroad comnanv " iiioeiiyoi iMoriu l'latto. Nebraska, sa il l-nlon L'aclllc Itallroad Company will offer said York Koundrp & Knirlnn WnrkM in ViU nr Nil im film ran .1 ,1 fA 11lr un Wn . . I , I . . . . . 1 1 . warn iiuruo and uoldlu Ilurko, when dolnc business under the firm nanio and stylo of Ilurko .V Company! that said safe will bo sold tosatlsfrtho sum of frolcht duo thoroon and the sum of SO.tlO as storage iiiunmu irom ino uato or tno rocoipt of said sarn nn tlin t!ilili ilninr i.'i. nQ ... and Includlnrr thoiiOtli day of .lun'o, lidO: that v.ivj luiw uiuuuiii, ui uuarKes neainst said saro upon said duto amount to tho sum nf sis 411 and that to said amount will bo added s tor- ni.rH r inririm ni run ra... tr aa..... .. . . ..... . ! miuuiiii, .viiiuaj of AuBiist. 1010. excluding, however, from said Ilir nnrll flnviln tn nm lniliwllm l.n lk.l. Tn i " n nonuays- naiu sate will nil kii 11 nr rin.ti.nn n ml ..inn.. .r.....i,i at nublli: aiir.llnn tn tln liicimut i.ii,i.,- ..... v ..,u . .inn uiii. iiiuvu uiurusuiu eusiii - - ..w "l.'H V I' I U . 1 1. 1 IU1 D.H I'll tlilu Slut llntr nt T..1.. tntrt UNION I'ACIKIO 11AILUOAD COMl'ANV. "J'A iiiiTiiiiooN. its Attorney OltDKItOF I1KAR1NO ON I'KOIIATR ill,' niaiooi iNonrasKa. iitncoln County, ss In tho county court, .lulp 14th. 11)10. - - - v.iu ..ivuiu ui iiiuiiiun J. Davtes, deceased. Ill the if tln iiuiBin rnl. ........ on roadliiB and illlnir tho petition of 11. e.vans. prayinir tliat tho instrument llled.on tl.o 11th day of July. UU0. and nur- orunir to bo an authenticated copy of the astwlll and testamontof tho said deceamul. may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed anil recorded In this .court ns tho last, will mill t.i.t nmnnl nf lliirnnlil Tl.n.nn, I n...i.... : . ....... . , myoiiiM iiiuiuunui 1'avit, deceased, and that tho execution of said In- r. i a ii. navies, Kiuott L, Davles and W. II Wamor as Kxecutors. mi nun uniutu iiih tnj uraiiiuu in Ordereil .'I'lint. Aiiirnut Otli A 11 mm . ) u uitniK. v. in., is assicncu ior nearnnr said petition, when all persons Interested In said mattor may appear at a county court to bo hold In nnrl fnt cnlrl nmitltl niifl.linui.iitn why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not or 01 1110 xiuiuionur 8U011KI not six successlvo Issues In tho North l'latto TrU bune. a leual newpaper published In said county prior to AitBusuflth. luio. I'H-'I W O Kr.nKii. Countv .TiuIith. un Kruiuuu iiiwiiu iiuiiurn Nora llalch. Plallll lfT. Vs. CnrrlnT. MI,.l,o..l T Pn A T vnniop mill n 1. llnllnMl ll.lf llllklinml fx II loy and Addlo Verloy. his wtfo, Shorman O,. iimijTKur unu r.miim w. iy uncrBor Ills WlfO luiiuersuii iioiiiiiKsworiu and Ilfilllni?Hvnrtll IiIh wlf.i. Ilrt. nnmn iinbiiniB.. , . . . . . . .... HHiviiiiniiuiiiii .1. F. Little nnd Livonia L. Little hu vir. .1. i. niiiier, jitiiemiaiiis, CarrloL. Michael. O V. Michael,.!. V. Llt- iio unu Liivonia i. i,hiio, non-res dent 11110 tho tilnlntllV N'lir.i Itnli'li llliwl n ' ri'llflntllii will InL'ii rintliiii tlm. . ... 1..1.. .... hi iiiu iiisirieL uunrr. ni i.iiieniti iTniinin .leiirusKa, BKainst mo aiKivo named dofoti' Kf.,1 l. i . . i r iiinw iiununni ixir (luuara wmi intwrest tnnrium. which twiti nml nifirhrniru riniw I asslBned to tl , air.ti r I rntn fnr" ;"" alllo connlduratlon. Default havliiB been mado in tho paymontof said noto and In- leriHt.tliiri.ntl. nnrl nn .n nn lifiv.L.i. ..... for tho recovory thereof, tho plaintiff asks for Judgment aBatnst said defendants and ..uii w. .iiv.ii .in iiiu nuui UI unu ilHllltanU onohundred thlrtye Bht and M-ioo dollars and Interest from .Iu v 1st luiu i,u'tl,..r win, eueu 01 iiiein ior tno sum ot one thousand -MHnnvMiiK iivillliuil aav .,- lUUCllllU- Willi all costs and accrultiB costs In this rase, and mr lureciusuro oi sam mortBaco ami sale of saici proiierty ror tne payment of Kiiehelnlm and costs. Noma IIat.cii. I'lalnllir. nj- r, ni, h imiikiiiii:y, ner Attorney, OltDEUOK HKAHINd ON I'KTITION FOU rULHAM'.'. .! WJIili. rtatoof Nebraska, l.lncnlii Cmintv. rVt nil tli!l.niltt l.i tin. ... ...... nt .uiiui u u i in in, iiccoasod. " ' - ..i.... .....a ...i ..... .1. .1,11 namiu 1 1 wnereas. JOsen Hue 1 resnaliam has 1 eil In my otllco. an lustrumout purixirtliiB to bo uio last win ano testament or joiiu uulmot, Ifllll llf Until linnnlK ilmiu.ciiil nnil c.l.l Iaii.. wv. . j , in uuniii, miiii mini illicit)- Phluo llresiiahitn has Hied her petition herein I'lujiiii; 11, uuvu iiiuKamu ntimiiieii 10 pro liato and for the Issuance of letters testa- ni,iiliii.i. iulll.ll. ...Ill .mI.I... . l,l. .. .1 ... I w,,VH 1,(1, VM r.l. .111111-11 IU UUI n inai llllli liernnillll fwf :it.i T llnirufnii tntuilnl Tm..iln.. thoVth day of Auuiut. 1UI0. at 1) o'clock In' inu lorcuoon. ui too county court In said noun. ui. wiu couniy court in said I as the time and place for hoarlmr I. ut. which tlmo and tilaeo vim nmi .'"limy, as win time ana niaco rot said will, at, which tlmo and tdaco 11 "ll. 1.M l.llll.ll LIIIIU Ullll ,'11.1 13 j) nil miiiiirtinil mnv milium nnil i'iuiIuli Mi!..a,'.V! iowiiiboi ine samo- It u further ordered that said petitioner Blvo notice to all ttersons ntercsteii In kIi) estatoof tho iendcncy of this potltloini ' tilt) tlinnnilll lllni-i. tillt. fur tlm l,nnHn,r .,f ii' f?.,."i' .byiSail.i,i"",V.a V ,I,y0!.tlll;,ori1',,,u published In tho North l'latto t-einl-WVoklj Tribune, a newspaper printed and published III said countv. for sly vlous to tlieMav sot for hearing. six successlvo Issues pro- fnr lifiArlnif. In witness whereof. I have hprnnntii it iny hand ami olllclal seal thU 10th dav nf .luly. MO. J1W 0. L'LDKIti County JuUe, NOTICE. Lizzie J,Richey and William Richoy will take notice that on tho 17th day of November, 1909, Laura E. Porter, p aintlir herein, Hied her petition In the district court of Lincoln County. Ne braska, against said defendants im pended with Robert Wilson Jr., and Lnrmnrn Hnnk nf rimator. ri,,.n.,.. ji iiMuiiwRu, inu ouiect nnu prayer 01 I titUI.Vi ...... r " l Mnhmm n U- -1.1 . ' A ?"'u i'"o" ure, ior n uecrco fdJuu?,"B at nn nmdavit for service I "J muuu uy oumcs At. uav. aworneyior ine pin nun, on tho 23rd aay oi way, iBsa. in an action then pending in the District Court of Lin- pnln Cntintv. Mnhrnnlrn fn fnpnlnn.. mortgnge on the west half of the south east quarter and the east half of the ship 10, range 32, Boumwesi quarter 01 section 5, town shin If), rnntro '.19 In T.lnnnln (-",,.. r. I r .--..ftv unibwin VJUUULV. Nebraska, wherein David Cunningham, executor of the estate of James Porter, Rlehov nnrl VVilllntn r?lr.i 1 r i . . ......... ..iwin-T. vi Aif tvt'lU defendants nnd filed in said court and sworn to on said date by the said Jumes M. Ray, was duly and legally executed nnd sworn to. Anil for II ilnrrnn tbnf W C iri,!... (; erk of thn nintrlnr fmn-f r ii.. . . . - wvu. J A AJII11.U1U I niui fir TrU,ic1 n l.A u .1 1 . rti U"V .ivuHiBuu. uu It'llUircU to ninx wa signature to said mndavitas of that "at0 an(1 to attest the same with tho seal of his said ofiico and for a further decree finding tho amount now due on ? certain mortgago heretofore placed in decree In said action aforesaid in the District Court of Lincoln Countv. No- liuitui. iieceuHeii. vs. firhntr i-.i ... .rf . r"' 1 ril?no",0,re,1 on ino 'lM (,ay ot December, 1899, and that tho Bald defendants be rcquiretl to redeem said land from said decree within n short day to be fixed bv the court, nnrl Hint in tlm ntrnnf l,nt noBuch redemption Is mndo, that the title of the plaintiff in and to said land be lorover quieted as against any right, title, lien or intnroat nf uml .1,in dants in and to said premises, and that said defendants bo enjoined from claiming any right, title or in terest in said premises or interfering with plaintilfs possession of the same and that the Bpid defendants bo wholly excluded from any interest in said lantl Irom ,any P g I antl for Confirm nnnitnhln rnlinf I Vrtn n ! l pe- of or before the lBth dav I vu uiu iLUUUUU tU UUoWLT UUIU I A i. iriA ""K"i. -lyiu. Dated this 1st day of July, 1910. T.AftirA "KT Pntiirii By Wilcox & Hallican, Attorneys for Flaintilf. Primary Election Notice 1910. I. F. II. F.llinr PnnnHr Plnl- nf T t- coin County, Nebraska, do hereby di rect that a Primary Election be held at the rotrnlnr nollinc nlnnno in unnV. cinct throughout the county, as by law l""""! " ""J a. unii luusuuy in Jw gust, A. D., 1910. At said primary election candidates for tho followinir nfHenn shnll 1m nn.v.i. nated, to bo voted on at tho regular November A. D., 1910 nlection. STATE OPFICEltS. One Governor; One LieutenantGovernor; Ono Spprnffiru nf Stnfn. One Auditor of Public Accounts; uno ireasurer; . . One Superintendent of Pnhlir Iriatiiu.. tion; , One Attorney General; Ono Commisafonor nf PnKlio I n.,, la -- ...... w..v VM. i UUIIUi and Buildings; uno lcniiway-commissioner; One Concrnaamnn Sivtn rnnnroo. sional District; One State Senator for the 30th Sena torial District; One member of tho legislature for the 54th representative district: One County Attorney; uno commissioner, Second District; Prccinet nffinirs tn fill An oxnrpRsinn nf nrofomnno fn' ITnt ted States Senator. Also for or against a proposed amend ment to Sfictlnn 1 nf Art!fln7 nf tin constitution of tho State of Nebraska. defining the qualification of electors. Which election will be opened at 12 o'clock M. and remain onen until 9 u iui;i in. unu rujni o'clock in tho nvonincr clock in the evening. Dated North Plnttn. Noh .Tnnn 17tli A. D., 1910. F. R. Elliott. ' County Clerk. Nnliro Notice is hornhv j-mviu u. mariin unu weaiey tocother as a bodv pornnrntn iimU tha Ji , 00ly corporate under the narno and style of tho "Rosedale Tele- nhono Cnmnnnv." Tho nrinnlnnl .,inn . r ' .. f(.v.u Of trnnsnctinir thn hnalnnau nf until company shall be at Hershey, ' Lincoln county, Nebraska. i ne general nuture of the business to 1)Q trnnsnetnd hv tbla Kn-nnimtinn , V, . . , wM.uiunU shall bo the construction, erect on. DUrclinSG. Sale, onorntinn. tnnlntnnnnnn control and lenso of a telephone lino or lines, and a telephone exchange or exchanges. Tho nmntint nf pnnlfnl nfnnl- on thorized is S5.000.00, divided into COO - - ... w. .... .j iuii c.u ut uiiui iu suuiuct useir snail not nvmwul iU e u r .1 , "fLfcu "- uiBimiu up capital Tho (Into of thn rnmmnnpimnnf Of said comorntlon slmll hn thn n of July, 1910, and shall continue for a iii.iij-iiTi; sooner d ssolved by law. mi ' Vi t ' jjunou 01 iweniy-nve years, unless The nirnirs of snirl bo managed by a board of directors consisting of not less than three not more than five, nnd n nrosirln tit nnrl n secretary-treusuitir. signed June 16th, 1910. T. A. KOHEKTS, David E. Mautin, WKSLKY .1. SlIlNKLU. Rnnrl Nn .91 To nil whom It may concorn; Tho MtlOpinl rinrntnlQcInnnt riiiiin!,il...l - - , -f""",mivi nil'UIII 11.11 lor tho rilirnnsn nf nutiilillnlunnnt nf .. 1 1 1 ...w....,s,,,fc, w. 4 DUbllO rnrin pninmnnpinnr nt ninllmni.. " ....i.v.wi.. MM IIU1 IllUUHb corner of section 7 township 12, range ' i 1 nml 1 1 i ...... x i , " ' uiii meiitu uubi, two miles between sections 3 and 4 said townshin ... - it . , ' I,ni1 .rjnge, thence east on north lino of ui-tuuii i), iiDuia j.ui ennuis to connect with road No. 51: hnsreporteil In favor Inf ..i.iii ' , lvu.'. eection ;i, nbout 1.07 chains to connect i . ,,D,,,I,U,,L , ."I ro,lu' n" OlllCCtlOnS tllUrotO OrClilllllR fni llntrlflfr.i mu8t be filed in the oil co of the countv clerk on or before noon on tiw Vinl V ts i A,n n " , 1P JJr.(1 ,,ny :' I''i'i , mm, orsticn roatl Will Im Qtnlillalinil iiilllimit ..r.. .1 I . . . . ' will bo established without roforenco there to. ,n?,atciNrt 1lntte' Nob- July 10, 1010. F. R. Elliott. Countv ' - -