The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1910, Image 2

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IRA U BARE, Publlnher.
' Did you hear a nolso llko a fly?
I There's no ago limit on circus boys.
1 The best way not to get typhoid 1b
to prevent It,
Have you Joined tho fly crusado7 it
doesn't cost anything.
We arc now supposed to each have
I34.GD. Why fool with the odd figure?
The only safe bet on the weather
Beems to be that tho worst Is yet to
Tho Httlo brown hen outranks tho
eagle bird In every essential and de
sirable respect.
Wellesley girls havo been advised
(o havo reasonable Intervals between
pickles and fudge.
Aa between Inconveniencing the
scorching automoblllsts and tho pub
lie let us not hesitate,
That fellow who turned burglar bo
causo a girl Jilted him doubtless wns
looking for an excuse.
Who can blame tho June brides for
being Indignant when flippant scribes
refer to thcra as a "crop."
Aeroplane races across tho conti
nent will rival In spec.tacularity the
2:40 trot at tho county fulr.
We denounco race sulcldo and still
permit the homicidal Joy rider to roam
at largo seeking fresh victims.
Any nutoraoblllatu who havo de
clared war on the human raco will
have to bo treated accordingly.
About tho easiest tnlng for a mnr
rlcd woman to do Is to ninko her hus
band believe that ho knows best
Paying fines to tho government as
r penalty for smuggling Beemn a poor
vay to wind up a pleasure trip abroad.
Can tho steeple Jack who stolo 054
' pounds of, copper from a church
etceplo bo convicted of highway rob
bery? Smuggling 1b ono of thoso amuse
ments which ought to bo left to
the ridiculously rich who do not mind
Do we sufficiently appreciate thoso
aviators wto are falling from perilous
heights that tho rest of us may learn
to fly?
Thus far, wo believe, tho life Insu
rance companies aro inclined to re
gard aviation as one of tho more or
less hazardous occupations.
In learning bow to tnanugo a flying
machine the principal drawback is
that you can't rest tbo machluo on
anything solid while you aro doing it.
In addition to the hot water geysers
In Yellowstono park an Ice cold goy
ecr has been discovered. Tho Yel
lowstone has nearly all tho modern
If a man Is willing to mortgage his
house and lot to buy an automobllo
he shouldn't kick it he has to mort
gage his furnlturo in order to pay his
repair bills.
Ono consoling thought during the
hot weather is that wo are all froo and
tintrammeled American citizens and
we will have a bunch of tnou coming
around tolling ub about it until somo
time In November.
Tho expert swimmers aro boglnnlng
to got themselves drowned. Ono good
thing about tho young man who can't
swim Is that lie nover bIiowb oft by
getting so far from the shoro that
thore is no chanco for him to return.
A collogo student Is leading a health
ful and athletic llfo on one dollar a
week, and tho society women of Long
Island who aro fasting tor the sako of
health and .bonuty are gaining rosy
cheeks and general benefit.
Tho Now York public schools aro to
experiment with folk-dancing In tho
streets by tho children to tho muslo
of n hurdy-gurdy. Tho monkoy
ought certainly to be omitted ns mas
ter of ceremonies at the inauguration,
of this addition to tho fud curriculum.
It la just 01 years since tho first
steamship crossed tho Atlantic ocean.
It departed from Savannah, which
winks and nods now whllo New York;
takes tho money and tho glory. Tho
air of Savannah la heavy with lan.
guoroB perfumo. .The air of Now York;
is often heavy with perfumo, too
which Is not languorous, Sat of a oor(
to keep people awake.
New York suspended business while
k boy sailed a llrlglble balloon
over City Hall park. Elsowhora
throughout tho Knmtry tho dirigible,
is omy u.Aouniry rnir siuesnow nown.
lax i
Somo real good uso for tho flashing,
electric sign bus been discovered n
last in Now York. A squad of police
men rescued ten persons from death
in a burning tenement by UBlnir the
bulb sockets as u ladder, Otherwlsd
these contrivances aro chiefly bono
cial to lbo oculists one ootldaua.
The best Stomach
and Liver Pills known
and a positive and
speedy euro for Con
stipation, Indigestion,
Jaundice, Biliousness.
Sour Stomach, Head
ache, and all aliments
arising from a disor
dered atomack or slug
gish liver. They con
tain In concentrated
form all the virtues and values of Mun
yon's Paw-Pat Tonic and are mads
from tho Juice of tho Pvw-Paw fruit
I unhesitatingly recommend these pills
as being tho best laxative and cathartto
ever compounded. Send us a postal or
letter requesting a free package of
Munyon's Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa
tive Pills, and we will mall sarno fres
of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO
and Jefferson Sta., Philadelphia, Pa.
JfttiftUtn, rit.M
Ittti All Btaita.
plil mp Ttr, wilt
rt MHWf (ftjir u
tftltf- 0irftit4f
r Hit pf p4l4 for 10.
HO tKlfci..
' BfMBljrfc, Tort
U afflicted with , TIiamh..!. Cu. WV.I.
oioiru,uHi iiwiiiiaii ujs nam
Papa Why can't wo seo tho moon
la tho daytlmo?
Jlmmlo 'Causo they don't light It
op until after dark.
Alms and the Man.
"Sure Father Flaherty waj a good
man," Mr. Murphy said of the deceased
parish prleot "Ho hated sin but he
loved th' sinner, an' he was all com
passion an' patience an' wisdom.
Thero nover was another lolko'Imf'r
holdln' up hopo to th' poor batthered
man that had nnny desire f'r good.
" 'Faith,' sold ho to Con Meehan, th'
tolmo th' bh'y was down an' out
'faith, this soldo ar paradise 'Ust all
beginning again, over an' over, an' tin
tolmcs overl'
"An that keen," continued Mr,
Murphy, " 'twas nlver worth whoilo to
keop back part av th' prico av th'
land! Wld a twinkle In his eye he'd
see clean through anny Ananias that
Iver walked.
"An' gin'rous!" Mr. Murphy's voice
dropped to a lower key and his eyes
were wet as he added, "His hand was
always in his pockut, an' whin thoy
preparod him f'r burial they found his
right arm longer than his loft wld
trotchln' U out to th' poor." Youth's
How 8ho Conciliated Them.
Fllmer How did It happen that
these five men who wero bo angry
with the woman In the nickelodeon
for not taking off her hut became so
friendly with her afterward?
ScroonorB It was raining like fury
when tho show was over and sho In
vited them tp take shelter with her
undor her hat
Regarding tho Morning Cup.
"Oh how hard it was to part with
coffoo, but tho. continued trouble with
constipation and belching was such
that I finally brought myself to loave
It off,
"Thon tho question was, what should
wo uso for tho morning drink? Tea
waa worso for us than coffoo; choco
lato and cocoa wero soon tired of;
milk was not liked very well, and hot
water wo could not onduro.
"About two years ago wo struck
upon Postum and havo nover boon
without It sinco.
"Wo havo sovon children. Our baby
now olghtoop. months old would not
tako milk, so wo tried Poatum and
found buo llkod It and It agroed with
Her perfoctly. Sho la today, and has
boon, ono of tho hoalthiost babies In
tho Stato.
"I uso about two-thlrdB Postum and
ono-thlrd milk and a taaspoon of sugar,
and put It Into hor bottle. If you could
havo Boon hor oyoo sparkle and hoar
hor Bay "good" today when 1 gavo It
to hor, you would bollovo mo that
sho likes It
"If I was matron of an infanta'
homo, ovory child would bo raised oo
Postum. Many of my friends say,
'You aro looking bo well I' I reply, 'I
am well: I drink Postum. I havo no
mora trouble with constipation, an
know that I owo my good health
Cod and Postum.'
"I am writing this letter bocauee )
want to toll you how much good
Postum haB dono us, but If you knew
how I shrink from publicity, you
would not publish this lottor, at Icrel
not over my name."
Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road U
Wollvlllo,"ln pkgs. "There's a Reason '
Drrr read (lis abort letter? A mm I
one appear from time to time. They
re genuine, urae, a sail u buaaaji
uteres I.
aw Hi
aaBme mmman
Sill CHARLES HARDINOE, who has Just been mado viceroy of India, ts fifty-two, entered the diplomatic
scrvlco 30 years ago, and has had a most distinguished career. Amongst other positions he has held
aro thoso of charge d'affaires at Washington, at Sofia, at Bucharest, and In Paris. In 1908 ho went
to St Petersburg ns secretary to the embassy. Five years later he came home, to return to St. Petersburg
In the following year an nmbassador. Hon Lady Hardtnge, whoso marrlnge took place In 1890, was Hon.
Winifred Sturt, dnughter of the first Lord Arlington. Her only daughter, Diamond, wbb born In 1900. Sir
Charles may bo said to havo a hereditary Interest In the vice-royalty of India, as his grandfather, tho first
Viscount Hardlnge of Lahore, was governor general of that country from 1844 to 1848. Tho news of his
appointment has been warmly welcomed In India.
Emigrants Favor This Country in
Preference to Siberia.
Problem Engages Attention of Able
Muscovite Writers and Econo
mists, Who Advise Authori
se to Check Outflow.
8t. Petersburg. On tho question of
emigration and Immigration a consid
erable chungo hns come over tho
world during tho last forty years, new
countries being moro careful about the
sort of immigrants they receive and
old countries being moro concerned
nbout the sort of emigrants they part
with. Forty years jigo tho British
government looked on emigration
much ns tho doctors of thoso days
looked on blood-letting. Now It looks
on omlgratlon, oven from Ireland, as
tho doctors of these days look on
blood-lotting, Russia Is now beginning
to do the snmo, Judging from a series
of articles entitled "Tho Future of
Russian Emigration to America,"
which has boon nppenrlng in the
Novoo Vremya of St. Petersburg, from
tho pen of Julius Nelldoff. Mr. Nell
doff, who has personally Investigated
this problem for many years In Amer
ica, thinks that tho Russian govern
ment Bhould do all In Its power to get
Its stream of Immigration directed
toward Siberia Instead of toward
Now York, and that If a section of
the Russian Immigrants InslBt on go
ing to America in any case the Rus
sian authorities should do all In their
power to make that section consist of
men who will come back and in due
time enrich their fatherland with the
experience, the money, the knowledge
of agriculture and of Industry which
they have picked up abroad.
Ho fears, however, that the stream
of emigration which Is flowing Amor
Icaward cannot bo stopped and he cal
culates that It will soon consist of
half a million porsons yearly from
Russlu nlono'. An ho also calculates
that tho British, German, Italian and
Austrian emigration to America will
shortly full to Insignificant figures, It
Is probable that this great wave of
Slavonic Immigration will bo the last
great billow of tho kind that will
strike tho United Statse. It would be
interesting, therefore, to speculate on
the effect which this addition of Slav
blood will havo on the ultimate Amer
ican type. It will probably make that
typo moro dreamy, philosophical and
artistic, and consequently Improve It,
Tidal Effects
Delicate 8elsmographlc Instrument
Shows That Buildings Salute
Twice Each Day.
London. An a result of a sorles of
oxperlmcnts recently carried out by
Professor Mllno, tho pioneer of mod
ern seismology, It Is now known that
twlco each day at high tide tho build
ings along opposite sides of tidal ba
sins solute each other.
Tho experiments wore carrlod out
at Bldston obsorvntory, near Liverpool,
ono and a half miles from tho sea,
with a modified form of seismograph
designed to record tidal effects and
tho moro minute movements which
other seismographs would not or not
often record. The Instrument re
corded photographically, a tilt on tho
pillar supporting it causing n definite
deflection on tho Mm.
From tho very first the Instrument
gavo very clear and dollnlto recordB
of tho strange effect of the tldos.
Twlco a day tho recording ncedlo
swung In one direction, showing that
tho Bteopness of tho hillside on which
It rested was Increasing.
At high tldo tho bo dof the Irish sen
became- dopressod rrom an Increased
load, and the effect of this wns to pull
tho shores togothor. The amount of
this change was not very great, al
though muoh greater than might have
boon expected. At Bldston tho nmount
of dotlcctlon wub about equal to one
Inch In sixteen miles.
but Mr. Nelldoff does not denl with
this aspect of tho question.
He sticks to hard facts and these
show him that whllo the emigration
from Russia formerly consisted chief
ly of Jews, Finns, Germans and LettB,
pure Russians now tako tho first place,
Poles and LettB occupying the second.
In 1907 our Russian writer found on
Ellis Island Russians from the gov
ernments of Smolensk, Moglleff, Cher
nlgoff and Vollnsky. Now he finds
them from the central governments
and even from beyond the Volg. Tho
emigration Is kept up by the emigra
tion companies, who aro ob active in
Moscow as they are In Tokyo and who
havo behind them American manufac
turers, hungry for .cheap labor.
Casts Real Pearls to Swine.
St Louis. A second valuable pearl
found around Hardin, Calhoun county,
III., was discovered by James Ontls
In his hog pen. 'it Is what Is called a
high-button pearl and weighed 54
Mr. Ontls sold It for $900 In Hardin
to 8. L. Fltts, a pearl buyer, who two
weeka ago purchased for $1,000 a
pearl from two shelters which was
found near Hardin.
Ontls, who Is engaged In shelling on
the Illinois river, near Hardin, feeds
tho clams to his hogs. Tho pearl had
evidently been thrown with the clams
Into the hog trough.
Cut Pacific
They Will All Disappear In Thirty
Five Years If Present Rate la
Seattle, Wash. From tho reports of
all the counties in the timbered sec
tion of Washington It la shown that
there tire 21:1,000,000,000 feet of stand
ing timber In the state. Tho reports
wero made by cruisers for taxation
purposes and are believed to be ac
curate. This Immense forest is being made
into lumber at the rate or 0,000.000,
000 feet a year. At tho present mar
ket prico tho lumber mado last year
was worth $15 a thousand, making
the cut for 1909 valued at about $90,
000,000. It is estimated that fully two
thirds, or $06,000,000 represents the
nmount of money paid to labor.
According to the latest statistics,
Washington leads In the production of
on the Land
In thus securing a measurement of
tho deflection caused by tho tldo Pro
fessor Milne has succeeded -where
others have failed. Many years ago
he showed that our ordinary, appar
ently stable English valleys opened
when the sun fell upon thorn and con
tracted during tho night. He nlsn
showed that apparently tho whole of
tho Iolo of Wight tilts up at high wa
ter owing to the greater weight of the
water In tho English channel us com
pared with that In the Solent. '
His latest work Is the complement
of earlier research and tends to show
that tho earth is a great deal more
olastlc and responsive to pulls and
strains than Is commonly appreciated.
Dives to Escape Bees.
York, Pa. Walter Dashler, a
WrlghtBvlllo youth, leaped Into the
Susquehanna river tho other day to
t-scapo tho Btlngs of a swarm or bees
which ho had attempted to hlvo. Ho
could not swim, and was taken from
the water buroly In time to escape
Dashlor undertook to hive tho bees,
which had settled upon a treo. In
stead or entering the hive, tho bees
buzzed about his head and body until
tortured "beyond enduranco by thoir
stings ho made a rush for the river
and dived In.
There he was rid of the boes, but he
was beyoud his depth.
Measures Intended to Burden Bach
elors Are Offered In French
Paris. Prof. Lannelongue, senntor
and member of tho Institute of
France, has Introduced in the senate
legislative measures designed to In
crease tho birth rate of France, fol
lowing tho result of tho census re
cently completed under tho direction
of M. Bertlllon, tho statistician. The
senator proposes:
1. Additional military service for
celibates more than twenty-nlno years
old. "If they will not servo their
country by rearing children they must
servo It In other ways," Bays Professor
2. Obligatory marriage for all gov
ernment employes, high and low, moro
than twenty-five years old, because
"functionaries should set an example
to other citizens." The senator urges
that all government salaries be made
adequate for the support of a family.
3. Give the father the right to be
queath his property without restric
tions, repealing the present law re
quiring an equal division among tho
children. "This removes tho father's
fear that the fortune will be dissipated
among many children and also accus
toms the children to relying upon
thoir own powers Instead of waiting
for their patrimony."
Professor Lannelonguo's project Is
supported by many members of the
five learned academics constituting
the Institute of Franco.
Coast Forests
lumber, and during 1909 shipped 45,
000 cars of shingles and 85.000 cars of
lumber. Tho lumber and shingles to
taled 1,800,000,000 feet Over 1.200.
000,000 feet of lumber was sent to for
eign parts and to coast towns, and
this, added to the homo consumption,
or 1,600,000,000, makes the annual pro
duction of lumber by tho sawmills of
the state total over 6,000,000,000 feet.
One-half the area of the state or 35,
000 square miles Is timbered, Tho
timber of the state would make a
plank road throe Inches thick and 500
feet wldo around tho earth. It would
load 10,000,000 cars of 200,000 feet
each 45 reet long, equal to 85.227
miles or trains. These cars would
reach nearly three and one-hair times
around the world.
A six or eight-room house ror five
people each requires about 40,000 feet
or lumber. Tho timber or this state
would build 5.000.000 such hoiiRPs.
which would bo sufficient to house
one-third or tho population or tho
United States.
The density or the forests or Wash.
lngton Is unequaled In any other sec
tion of the world. In Clallam nmi
Cheltalls counties, according to offi
cial estimates, tho entire timbered
area runs 20,000,000 to tho square
mile. The stand on smaller areas Is
phenomenal. In Clnllam rnnntv nn
acre was recently found to have 300,
000 reet or standing timber.
A Pacific county mill cut 500,000
reel or logs rrom n little less than
two acres. Tho logs nverngo rrom
12,000 to 15,000 reet each, and would
present a serious problem to tho mill
equipment of the timbered Bectlon or
the upper Mississippi region.
Locusts Grease Ralls.
Scranton, Pa. Millions or seven
year locusts havo Invaded the vlllago
or Peckvlllo, near here, and the valley
Is being rapidly dovasted or vegeta
tion by tho pests.
From early morning until sundown
tho nolso mndo by tho whirring or
tho locusts Is aU perueatlng. nnd can
bo hoard a nille, sounding like the far
away blowing ot a factory whistle.
Thoy havo covered one or the little
coal branches or the Ontario & West
ern railroad, swarming uround tho
rails, which gather and retain heat
during tho day, until It Is Impossible
to operato tho road, and tons and tons
or coal are standing on the sidings be
cause the locomotlvos can make no
headway against tho sllvpery bugs.
8hn Lives In Blngvllle.
A south Missouri paper Is carrylns
this ad.: "Attractive woman, not a day
jver thirty, would be pleased to corro
ipond with ellglblo man. Not abso.
lutely necessary that he should b
young. Would prefer one with prop
erty, but ono with a good paying posl
lion would bo satisfactory. Tho young;
lady Is of medium height, has brown
hair and gray eyes, not fat, although,
most decidedly, she Is not skinny.
Her friends say sho 1b a flno looKlnfr
woman. Object matrimony. Rcnsos.
(or this advertisement, Uu younfr-
woman lives in a llttlo dinky town,
where tho best catches aro the boy
behind the counters In tho dry goods,
tnd clothing stores, and every ono of
them Is spoken for by tho time he
Is out of his short pants. Address
Hazel Eyes, Box 23. Blngvllle, Mo."
Kansas City Star.
Keon observers predict a big boom
In property In Wantland, Colorado, the
new town which Is being built In the
center of tho Little Snake River Val
ley In Routt County, Colorado. A big;
Irrigation system Is being built to Irri
gate 60,000 acres of very flno land sur
rounding Wantland. Tho land Is be
ing sold by the Stato of Colorado for
50 cents per aero, under the Carey
Act, and water rights cost $35.00 aa
acre, In ten year payments. Sugar fac
tories, flour mills, canneries, etc., are
among the possible- Industries to bo lo
cated nt Wautland. Full Information,
can bo obtained from tho Routt County
Colonization Company, 1734 Welton
St, Denver, Colo.
Stella Aro you afraid of cows?
Bella Not with my hatpins. New
York Sun.
Lewi' Single Binder rtralght 5c cigar
U made to latUfy the smoker.
And many a coming man neglects to
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can ejuMdy fee OTeicome by
Purely vegetable
act wrelr
codr on tho
lira. Cure
Krtt, sad Indigestion. They Jo their duty
lmn POL Small Date, Small Price.
Genuine nutUu Signature
Gillette Blades Aro Flno
Nebraska Directory
Are the Beau Ask your local dealer or
WVE.IULSIl'NVS this vroce all broken
parti ot maohinerr made good aa new. Weld
can iron, c.t Heel, aluminum, copper, brats or
an t other hetal. Expert automobile repairing.
BKRT6C4V MOTOR CO., Council Bluffa,
Olo Ulbner, President
Bott Phones. :iz7 Farnara St., Omaha.
Mi Splesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
IN Bed In the Weit OMAHA, NEB
Mtaft's dental rooms
151? Douglas St., OMAHA, NEB.
Reliable Dentlitrat Moderate Prlcoa.
il mall at cut prion. Held for free cjtaloguv
The Old Line Banker's Life
Lincoln, NebrusUn, wauta a man' whole
me In jour neighborhood. Good pay, rlte ua.
Amarloan.-aa.00 pr da, and upward!,
uropaan at.oo per da, and upwards
tlUlMA Take Doda Street OSf
at Unlen Depot.
Get the best. Your dealer 'can supply
you with our brand. Your lots of bay
will mora than pay.
N. W. Cor. 11th ft Harm; Sta. Omaha, Nth.
43mmmM I Ml 10