The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1910, Image 4

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    DR. F. W. MILLER,
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
Graduate Northwestern University.
Chautauqua Week
l Ofllce over McDonald State Bank
m J r. wallace
Silver plate that
V resists wear
V jra lliat doe not give H
Tj s.titfnctory sendee B
Clinton, Jeweler and Oplician
Graduate Dentist.
Office over the McDonald
Stato Bank.
Senator Cummings Will be Here.
Contrary to adverse reports, Senator
Cumminca. of Iowa, will deliver his
lecture at the Chautauqua grounds to
morrow afternoon. In reply to a tclo
trram, Secretary Tout received word
that tho Senator had left yesterday for
Grand Island where ho will speak today
and that ho would ho in North Platte
Senator Cummings lecture is the
big card on tho Chautauqua program
as well as tho highest priced number,
and tho price of admission to those not
holding season tickets will bo fifty cents.
It is expected that there will bo a big
attendance of out-of-town people.
For Quick Sale.
Furniture, bedding, etih, in the best
located rooming honso in tho city,
doing good business. Price only $1,000.
Hiiatt & Goodman, sole agents.
For Rent Furnished Rooms,
puire at 70S cast Gth street.
Bert Barber of Lewcllen spent
past two days in town attending
Rev. Johnson, of Hershey, Is spend
ing this week in town attending the
Chautauqua. '
Mrs. Harry Vincent, who been visit
ing friends in Grand Island returned
Sunday night.
Mr J . F. Clabaugh is enjoying a
visit from her mother, Mrs. Perdue,
of Des Moines, Iowa.
Fred Fillion returned yesterday from
a ten days pleasure trip to Denver and
other Colorado points.
If wanting a good building lot, Bratt
& Goodman can Bell you ono on easy
pnyments. Buy one todoy.
Miss May Munger, who has been
elected principal of tho Hershey schools
is in town this week attending tho in
Btitute and visiting friends.
If needing money to buliu, buy or
improve your homo or farm call on
Bratt & Goodman.
Dr. McCabo returned Sunday from
Indianapolis accompanied by his son
Clarence, who had been In that city for
ocveral weeks receiving trentment for
his voice.
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Schiller rotumed
Friday night from a visit with relu
tiveh nt points in Iown and South
Dakota, n trip that proved n very
pleasant one.
Tho demand for chairs Sunday even
ing at the Chautauqua grounds exceedei
the supply. However, a large number
in addition to those on hund were sc
cured yesterday and a shortage in tho
future is not likely to occur.
Special Oxford Sale.
Small, The Big Shoe Man
An effort is being made on the part
of the Chautauqua management to in
duce the various merchants to clos
their places of business tomorrow
afternoon to give clerks an opportunlt;
to hoar Uie lecture by Senator Cum
Attention Ladiea All wash suits and
street drefeteo at one-third less than
regular price. The Hub Clothing Dept
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald enter
talned twenty people in favor of Miss
Eva Park in a novel way and which
-was enjoyed by all by taking them on
a picnic to Dick s grove, lho young
ladies spent the afternoon there and at
supper time the young mea of the
party joined them in time to partake of
an excellent picnic lunch. During the
evening a huge bonfire was built around
-which all gathered to sing and tell
stories. At a late hour the guests de
parted. The bright moonlight adding
much to the homeward anvo.
Miss Carrio Brfrbco will arrive to
morrow for an extended visit with her
sister Mrs. E. C. Richards.
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Gotty, of Uni
versity Place, former North Platte
residents, aro visiting relatives and
friends in town.
Mrs. A. II. Church announces the
marriago of her daughter Joy Bcllo to
Burr Parr, Tuesday evening, July 26th,
at her home on west Fourth street
Alfred Malm, of Hyannis, who had
been transacting business in Suther
land for several days, visited friends in
town Sunday evening whilo enroute
San ford Hartman and his nephew,
Mr. Peabody, of Glcnns Falls, N. Y.,
returned Sunday from a trip to En
campmcnt, Wyo., whero tlioy had good
success trout fishing. From there they
went to Ogdenand Salt Lake and home
via Grand Junction and Denver,
Hay in Lincoln County this year is
about a two-tmru crop, nnd this per
centage seems to hold good the c ounty
over. Quito u littlo now hay is being
marketed horo at seven "dollars per ton,
but tho bulk will bo held for higher
Fred Kubik has thrown up his lease
the Lloyd opera house and has gone
to his homo at Schuyler. Tho propo
sition was not a paying one for Kubik
in fact ho went in "tho hole," and has
gone to Schuyler to oarn money to. pay
up indebtedness in this city, the opera
houso owners being $150 "shy."
bost At sutnorianu on July 4th, a
Buffalo horn shell head capo. Suitable
reward for return of same, cither to
Tribune office or Sutherland P. 0.
II. M. Wells.
Tho number of enrs handled through
the yards last month was four thousand
greater than during June, 1909, a show
Ing that is certainly a good one. And
more . than this, business is increasing
every day, instead of decreasing, as is
customary nt this season of tho year,
Three switch engines are in uso during
tho day and the same number at night.
Did you get one of our hand bags
last week at half price? If you did not
wo aro Borry, but this week wo aro of
fering you an equally good proposition
on Fountnin-Pens. Seo them in our
show windows.
Dixon, Tin: Jkwelkii.
Mrs. Andrew Liddell and Mrs. Chas.
Weir entertained sixteen ladies Satur
day evening in favor of Mrs. Wi'l
Jeffcrs and Miss Clabaugh. The ovcr-
ing was spent in social conversation mvi
ntthe close a two eourso luncheon was
. l rtst .
served, tne wuie decorations were
in purplo and white, a largo plateau of
sweet peas forming tho centor piece,
while clustors of tho lovely blossoms
filled tho rooms with n delicious
Special Oxford Sale.
Small, The Big Shoe Man.
Out nt tho Scout's Rest Ranch 425
acres or oats is being harvested,
which Mr. Garlow says, owing to tho
dry weather, will yield about half n
crop twonty or twenty-Ilvo bushols to
ihis I ana was put in oats in
Strayed er Stolen.
From posture near Albert Coolidge
place one red, hornu bull branded
on left side. Send information
John Biiatt,
North Platte, Neb.
For Sale.
Several sections of unimproved farm
land at $7 per acre and upwards. Easy
payments. Biiatt & Goodman.
The county commissioners adjourned
Saturday until August 1st.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. 'German, of
Sutherland aro spending today in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Ross returned
to Omaha yesterday nf temoon after n
briof visit in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs Henry Appleford, of
Maxwoll, came up last evening for a
visit with friends in town.
Roy Ames left this morning for
Omaha whero ho will spend a few days
and then journey to Mt. Carroll, Ills.
Mrs. 1'. A.Simpson hns sold the
furniture in her Dewey Street lodging
house to Mrs. Louis PeterBon, who
will take possession in a few days.
Railroad men report a fire at Sterling
Sunday night vhich destroyed tho yards
of tho Sterling Lumber Company. The
loss wns estimated nt about $50,000.
Farmers in from tho country yester
day Bald corn is beginning to show the
neeuof rain rather badly. Early corn
is now tnsscling, which is n critical
Robert Hosier, who had been visiting
hispnrcnts in town for somo time re
turned to Aurora Sunday to resume
his work ns machinist apprentice in the
Rock Islnnd shops nt thnt place.
Mrs. Belle Swnrthout and daughter
Helen, of Plattsmouth, aro visiting
relatives and friends in town. Miss
Helen will be bridesmaid at the wed
ding of her friend, Miss Joy Belle
R.B Rcid, who had charge of the Tay
lor addition up to tho time legal com
plications began, has returned to town
nnd announces that he resumes the sale
ot lots. ftir. item avers that a mat-
tors have been satisfactory settled.
If your idle money is not earning you
n good ruto of interest in' first-class
mortgage loans, seo Bratt & Goodman.
The cowboy band in full regalia be
gan its engagements with the Chautau
qua management Inst evening. Several
selections aro played on the streets.
then they march playing to tho grounds
where another selection is rendered
Twokids named Waltz nnd Westover
were arrested Sunday afternoon on the
charge of stealing tho slot machine in
front of tho Enterprise bakery. They
confessed their guilt, nnd the matter
squared by their parents making good
the loss sulFcred.
order to get it In shape for seeding to
annua. Air. uarlow s U renin is to
have at least 1,000 acres of alfalfa on
the ranch and the dream will come
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to extend our thanks to
tho many friends nnd neighbors who so
kindly tendered their great assistance
anu consoling sympathy in the hour3
of the death and burial of our be
loved son Lawrence, and for tho many
oeauuiui norai tributes.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grady and
1 HI otmI
Hall, fire, lightning, cyclone and
windstorm in best companies ut lowest
rMMuu, ,,, Bratt & Goodman.
Eaca let is proved with cement
sidewalks, sewer, graded streets and
cky water. Price $250 to $400. 5
per cent dtscevBt for cask er one
teatk e( pwekase price dowa asd ene-
teBtk every tkree meatks.
Fr stole by War. E. Skwsai.
Wash Suits,
White Dresses
and Parasols
LOT l All Wash Suits that
have retailed from $5.00 to tf k k Q
$7.50, your choice )4-4-0'
LOT 2 All Wash Suits that
retailed from $ 1 o to $ 1 2. 50 (FJ k Q
your choice PiT"0
LOT 3 All White Dresses
that have sold up to $6.50 QQ
your choice for
LOT 4 All White Dresses
that have sold to $10 and tf QQ
$12, your choice OvKO
LOT 5 All Fancy Parasols
, that have sold up to $1.25 flQr
your choice Oo
LOT 6 All Fancy Parasols
that sold at $1.75, your (1 jf
LOT 7 All Fancy Parasols
that have sold at $2.00, tf kQ
your choice 40
LOT 8 All Fancy Parasols
that have sold at S3. 00, (T jft
your choice . . . Lu
This is an unusual opportunity to buy goods you need to wear for the
next two months.
Sale begins Saturday, July 16th, and closes Saturday, July 23d.
Wilcox Department Store.
For Sale.
Ten foot Mogul Woodraanse wind
mill with tower complete.
juuu pounds old barbed wire.
Duroc-Jersey boar pigs nt $15.00.
Duroc-Jersey sow nics at 810.00.
Tho sale of ius continue onlv durintr
T. t. " . . n . . I
juiy. Experimental suusiation,
W. 1'. SNYDER, Supt.
A Growing Girl
changes more rap-
idly in appearance
than anybody else.
une day sue is a
ciuid, the next
"quite a young
lady." If there is
a girl at your house
keep a record of
her development
by n series of
Bring her here
to-day and so start
the series with
photographs of the
highest artistic
merit. You'il be
glad you have
them in years to
come. She'll never
be ashamed to
have you show
E. 0. Halverstadt,
I05 Dewey Street.
Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife?
Then save her strength, her health and possibly her life, by
getting her a SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER-Quick for 3 1-10
cents a day for Ten Months.
stration will be
at our
miss it.
let the
So E-Z
Ginn, White & Schatz.
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy may
uuubu tuvo, uiuisc-a, uurasions, sprains
Or WOUnds thnt. (ipmnrwl RnAlnD
Arnica Salvo - earth's greatest healer.
wuick renei anu prompt cure result.
Bor burns, boils, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns-, its supreme. Surest pile
cure. 25c. at Stone Drug Co.
Lake Ice.
I am prepared to furniohed pure lake
ice at 40 cents por hundred pounds.
Orders may be left at Schillers' drug
store. - Levi Edis.
Notice to Overseers.
You are hereby requested to use all
the precaution possible to prevent the
spread of prairie fires, by plowing firo
guards as soon as possible. See Sec. 75
on Page 29 of 1909 Road Laws. Dated
North Platte. Neb. G-28-10.
County Commissioners.
Prof. Hohenshell, of Lincoln, is spend
ing th's week in town. He is ad
dressing the teachers institute this
A Man That Keeps Good Horses
don t wan t to spoil tneir appearance
or risk his own life by harnessing them
with an inferior made or shabby har
ness. It pays to buy a good harness
when you do buy, for it always looks
well as well as wearing well, .For
style, durability and make call on
Hot Weather
Secured by the use of good
Talcum Powder. It absorbs
the perspiration and makes
the skin smooth and coo).
We have all the leading
varieties, also a splendid
line of chamois skins. "
Family Druggists,
A Pretty Center Table
adds much to the appearance
of your parlor. Some of the
late styles are exceptionally
good. Our tables will surely
please you. Tables from
$1.25 to $10.00.
Howe & Maloney.
lu the County Court of Lincoln county. No
braska. July ISth. 1910.
In tho matter of tho estate of Luther
u i iuiuiiiuu, ui'uuaseu.
mm nffl.lil ilnno.ol ...Ml . .... t . . . - i
or said estate, beforo me County Judeu of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county
court room in said county, on tho lHth day of
H.V.BUSJt,nH,,?,?nt3 on thoiuthdayof February.
ySil'J', 0 0 c'of1 a'.m. eacli day. for tho pur
H?.n0 yrosontliiB' thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six mouths
are allowed for creditors to present tholr
s a.".d ono yeaT tor th0 Executrix to
m- .Tllls notlco to Ito published
Vri 'LSUcc''i8s',',e lsM,C)i ln tllu Noli Platte
.,V.1!!1'' ai U'ffaI miwspai)er published In said
lUlo! 0 llith l,ay of AuBust-
J'- W. C ELDKIt. County Judge.
i.1,.1!0.0 NeVraska- Lincoln County, ss.
In the county court. July Hth. 110.
J. navl'es.'deceiised! U,B CSta,e f ThomaS
Pi? vlt aml ""'"' lho l'Otltlon of
nL,Si,i.lar,nsr tl,at 11,0 iustrumout
Uled ou the 11th day of July. 1810. and pur-
ffi't mnttti f " aut''ntlcatcd conr of ' the
m.v hi,,55,itV8tBmonto.f the said deceased.
?mf rwte l .V'Proved. probated, allowed
lm fm'.ln i'1.1? C0W as tho last will
dSr.m.nt,fnHtf .U?W Thomas J. Davie.
8tn?mnlm,,atU,00.xecl,Of said ln-
l i !i,vi.lln a.t0 mar granted to
WarnVraEcS' U nTlM Bni1 W-
SetlUonwhA'n l?,1asslnl tor hearing said
matter ,.nnr ..porions Interested n said
held in at?,iyf,p2SaT al tt cou,,ty court to bo
whv thn ,r.t0r. sa,l(?. county, and show cause
bo Tgranted Thu1.1? POtftlonor should not
iv f,.iV'' ? :".,lc9 .".V Published for
i , i i ln 1,10 "P'tu I'latto Trl-
county prior to Aiumi mi. mm
J'M'" W C Ki.nKn'. County Judge,
Tt,nLNIobra'ilca' Lincoln County.
JrtV&WSES"1 in ,,lu utu ot
my otticoS,a.VSf.PHli!,0 Uro.snaba" has filed In
the last Sill S!??iru,nunt. 'unrtlnr to be
!?... iSKV and testament of John Ouluut,
tiw cPur,ty. deceased, and "aid JoVo-
THlc.L WTlllJ 22 tSrboVhUra nS
S??b0.i.a,sut2' I thfr PPolnt Tuesday
thS tarm0tm' iVU'' at 0 o'OlbcU fn
countJ i' .tt.liU,w coilnt.y court In said
ghVSot,r1'tnrBnrdoml thfl saU1 Petitioner
wiaioor tlio peiHler cy of l i s patltlnn nnil
tho tlmo and place sot for th" Larlug of tho
PublU'ed iMV 4, A
my lai 1 nnnte's 1 ?vo,ioniiinto sot
JtUx' iM. Ud 0,,lclal 8Pal tll,s Mti iy of
AW ' W.aELUEK,Couity Judiro,