1 Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Ono Year by Moll In advance $1.25 One Year by Carries In advance. ...... $1.60 Entered at North riotto, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY JULY 12, 1910. According to the last year book of tho Department of Agriculture, thero are 21,720,000 milch cows in the United States, and these arc worth $702,945, 00. Tho magnltudo of tho industry can perhaps be best understood when it Is considered that theso cows produce yearly about $1,000,000,000 worth of dairy products. There is no other branch of diversified agriculture so im portant to tho progress of a community. Tho fertility of the soil can beat be maintained by tho liberal use of barn yard manuro and tho dairy herd not only makes this possible, but dairying is also moro remunerative than other branches of farming when properly carried on. The following from an oxchango applies to North Platte: Every grow ing, ambitious town is composed of three elements. Those who work pa triotically, vigorously and Intelligently for its advancement; thoso who are in a state of apathy or indifference, and those who tako a curious delight in in discouraging tho effort of others by ridciule, and by a persistent denial that any progress can or has been ac complished, and by boasts of every other town besides their own. Tho last .class are called croakers, but they are really something worso, for their opposition does not arise Bimply from depondoncy but from that unen vlnblo spirit that will noither act itself or suffer others to act. Political parties are aligning them selves for tho contest of this year. Thoro is much maneuvering for posi tion preliminary to the forming of tho lines. Tho general question at Ibsuc will bo tho approval or disapproval of the course and policies of the Republi can party as embodied in legislation of Congress and the action of President Taft. Tho now tariff law, passed at the special session last year, will bo the principal mattor of contention, the Republicans defending it as meoting tho two necessities of tho country at this time, revenuo and protection to our industries, and tho Democrat! nssailing it as being to tho interest of combinations and trusts and tho cauBu of high prices. This Ib tho ground upon which tho battlo for tho next Congress will be fought if the Demo crats are permitted to select it, and tho Republicans need have no reason to ovado it, as thoy can win upon it again as they havo in the past. . An Object Lesson. Tho lynching of tho Anti-Saloon league dotcctlvo at No-vark.O., while. of courso disgraceful and lnmentublu as a violation of law, is yet a solemn object lesson, or ought to bo, to thesi ovor-zcnloua uplifters who employ (lis reputablo characters as agents in thci crusades. Horo is a man willing to tnko human lifo and who admits ho has nevor engaged in a laudable means of oarnlng a living, urging other young men to avoid tho error that cost him his life. It is a mistake for an organization which vests itself with social 'reform to proceed on tho theory that tho end always justifies the means nnd that it Is all right to hire ox-convicts, pro feBsionnl strike breakers or other dis ropu tables to do the spy work on which tho leaguo dopends for lnforma tion, And if this experience in Ohio docs not Bervo to impress this fact on tho minds of good men and women en gaged in this and similar work, then It will fail to accomplish its best re sult. Tho Anti-Saloon leaguo and allied organizations, thoir cauBO .and their crusaders have suffered in pub'le esteem because thoy employ men whoso personal rocords would not bear scrutiny. It Is simply impossible to got people to bolievo strongly In any causo that must depend upon sucl questionable mothods for success. Here in Omaha and in other towns nnd cities of Nebraska this has been demonstrated where men have been employed by thoso organizations with penitentiary records and courts asked to send men to prison on tho word of hireling jailbirds. Temperance causes nre not promoted by intemporato peoplo or Intemperato mothods. In this stnto at present the Anti-Saloon lenguo Is embroiled in a bitter Internal factional fight; several members have publicly resigned to avoid being ousted and recriminations of the ins and tho outs aro putt'ng tinfh under susnlcion and their as soclatlon -with crooked detectives does not strengthen them in public esteem, Omaha Beo. Close in Property for Sale, We have listed forsulo an eight room house on W, 4th St., only three housos west of tho court house. This prcuerty is in good repair, and ono of the best lo cations in the city. If interested, see us quick. , Temple Real Estate & Ins. Aqenqv, l Ci Z MCUOIIUIU DJOCK Walker Precinct and Vicinity. Now officers were elected in the Shaw Sunday school last Sunday. Mr. Waunako who has made an ex tended visit with his daughter, Mrs. II. A. Gewecke, received a message Monday morning stating that his wlfo was not expected to live. Ho loft tho tho following afternoon for his homo at I Ohiowa, accompanied by Mrs. Gewecke. The school spirit seems to bo rolling on in the rural districts as well as those of tho city for at tho general meeting of school Dist. G7 a nine month term was voted for in the Shaw and nghatn schools. A great number of our young pcoplo. celebrated at Moorcfleld and Curtis. About twenty of Clyde Peterson's young friends tendered him a surprise nn.tf. funiiiiif n..,.ntn llot l.nin Vita fifteenth birthday. Tho evening was spent in playing many enjoyable games. At midnight ico cream and cake were served. A Wallace real estate agent was In our community last week. Henry Raasck went to Dickens Mon day morning on a business trip. Farmers are busy in their fields, and every day a few moro cultivators go into commission. After visiting for several days with Robert Lydlc and .family, Mr. and Mrs. William of Clarinda, Iowa, de parted for their homo at that placo, Saturday afternoon. Harvest will soon comence and it promiso to be a heavy one. Rev, Payne who has been expected to preach in this vicinity in the near future, lost ono of his horses while en routo from Pueblo, Colo.. This will probably delay him for some time. Harvey McNlckle had the misfortune to have a horse struck by lightlning, last Saturday. Clarcnco Devine made n trip to Curtis Thursday. Floyd Burton was, an Elwood visitor Friday. W. C. Crampton is looking after his land interests at Holoyko, Colo. CASE AFTER CASE. lenty More Like This in North Platte. scores of North Platte pcoplo can tell you about Doan's Kidnoy Pills. Many a happy citizen makes a public statement of his experience. Hero is case of it. What better proof of such merit .can bo had than such en dorsement? Mrs. Jf C. Bowen, W. Sixth St., North Platte Nebr., says: "For tho past six years I suffered terribly from backache, rheumatism and disordered kidneys. A constant dull ache across my back and loins caused mo untold misery and any sudden movement or misstep brought on sharp, shooting pains that radiated throughout my body. I was also annoyed by headaches and dizzy spells. A row months ago a friend told mo of tho benefit she had obtained from tho use of Doan's Kidney Pills nnd I procured a supply at McDonoll & Graves' Store. In a short time after I began their usolfelt better and tho backache and other symptoms of kidnoy troublo soon dis appeared." i-or sale ay an ueuiers. rnco ou conts. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for the United States, Romombor tho name Doan's and take no others. Republican County Convention Call. Pursuant to a call issued by tho State Republican Committee, tho Re publicans or Lincoln County nre hereby called" to meet at the County Court .teWmn! S'n'fiiaW' lor tho nurooso ot soiectinrr ten uc o- , . --- . - - i". I gates to the Republican Stato conven- t on, to bo held at Lincoln, Neb., on the 20th of July, 1910, and for tho Election of County Central Committee. and for such other business as may bo proper to come before said convention The basis of Bold call is one dclocato for each fifteen voteB or major fraction thereot, east at tne ivua election, pro vlded that no proclnct shall havo less than ono representative, for O. C. Bell, lor ores ucnuni elector, said n portionment entitles the several mo cincts to tho following representation in Bald convention. No. Platte 1 5 Miller i No. Platte 2.... 16 No. Platte 3 8 Antelopo ,.2 NichofsV.'.'.'.'.'.vi Nowell....'.""l Miruwoou i Brady 2 Osgood 1 Peckham 2 Payne 2 Buchanan 2 Cottonwood It Cox 2 1'Iant.., 1 Rosedule 1 Deer Creek 1 Dickens 2 Fox Creek 2 Gnrfiold 1 Gaslin 2 Hnll 2 Harrison..,, 1 Hinman 3 Hooker.,, 1 Kern 1 Jeffrey 1 Lemon 1 Maxwell ,4 Mcdiclno ,,4 Sutherland G boilers 1 Somorsot ,,,3 Sunshine 1 Vorman Walker JJ Wallace 4 Well 1 will o WlHQW I ijotnl jq It is recommended that each Pro cincl Primary be held on Friday, July ibtn, ana that the delegates present at the Convention cast the full vote of their respective precinct. Dated at North Plutto Neb., June 28th, 1910. E. S. Davis, Chairman. E. II. Evans, Secretary. Hershey Land. I offer tho 200 ncro tract of land that adjoins the town of Ilorshoy on the south In CO acre tracts, at from $45.00 por acre up. Easy terms, write. D. O. PATTEI180N, Omnha Nebr. ' Plaid and Tartan. Will the sou Hi ron ever lenrn that "plaid" Is not a synonym for "tartan?" Not long ago an Englishman entne Into a hosier's cstuhllsliini'iit In Ulnasrow nnd asked it mail beltiiiil the counter to show li I in Home "plnld ties." The attendant, perhaps wondering what this now nnd weird 'article oC wear ing nppnrcl could be, was completely bndlcd until explanation elicited the fact that a necktie with a taitan de sign wits required. Dickens, too, Is a sinner In this Vipeot, for ho makes Vol) sawyer say wuu regard to wncui cr his political proclivities are "bun" or "blue" "I'm n kind of plaid at present, a compound of all sorts of colors." Moreover, an English dic tionary gives an adjectival inuanlng of "plnld" as "colored In squares." I've never heard such use In Scotland, lias any one elsoV Scottish I'leld. Hall Calne's Moonshine. Authors and artists who have be come well known by means of making the moon dnnco In tho wrong bouses of heaven are numerous, brit we never cxpet'ted Hull Calue to Join the group. Vet In "The Henpcgoat." chapter 23, "bu Israel's return from prison after cvenfall, we find that "with a wave of his hand be was gone Into the dark ness. It was a wouderful night The moon, which was In Its first quarter. wns still low In tho east." It was Indeed a wonderful night. On no other night since tho creation has tho moon In Its first quarter ever been seen low In the enst. London Star. One Gleam of Joy. Johnny had two presents at tho same time ono a dlnry. which Is kept very carefully, and the other a pen shooting popgun, which he fires Indiscriminate ly on all occasions. Ono day bis moth er found tho following terse record In his diary: "Mondy cold nnd sloppy Toosdy cold nnd sloppy. Wcnsdy cold and sloppy shot granma." loutlrs Companion. In Lenal Terms. She (afteirn tiff)-You will admit you were wrong no (n young Inwyeri No, but I'll admit that an unintentional error might hnvo unknowingly crept Into my assertion. Not tho Only One. "Sir. 1 heard you using the word Jnckass.' Did you apply It to mo?" "No. sir. Do you think you're the only JnckacH.ln the world?" Cleveland Loader. V Hesolve to wait in weakness and to walk In power. Charlotte Stetson Hard to Deal. Wlgg How do you get along with old Crusty? Don't yen find him hard to deal with? Wauir-As bard as wornout pack of cards. Philadelphia Record. Prejudice squints when It looks nnd lies when It talks. Abruutos. Those Pies Of Boyhood. How delicious were tho pics of boy hood. No pies ever taste so good. what's changed? the pies? No its you You've lost tho strong, healthy stomach, tho vigorous liver, the active kidneys, tho regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor nnd ypu blame the food. What s needed? A complete ton Ing up by Electric Bitters of all organs ot digestion--stomach, Liver, Kidneys", Bowels Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and appreciation ot toon nnu lairiy saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. duc at stone Drug uompany. Several special trains bearing Elks to tho national convention at Detroit passed through Friday night and Saturday. One onnuujr muimiiK mm u km ! .,i.. c. l iopo in tho baggago car and as tho train came to astou it was blown vicorouslv, As it resembled the fire whistle, many thought It wns fire a alarm Lost A yellow Shepherd dog in Nortli Platte last February. Llbornl reward will be offered for its recovory J. W. Steele. A. J. AMES. MAKIE AMES. i i i; o ciors Ames a rtmcs, $ Physicians and Surgeons, nm e. r,-.. r.. Y, Phonpg )Ofllco273 J ones Residence 273 !! HUMPHREYS' Humphreys' VotorltmrySneclilcs 'opthecuroofdtson8esf Horses, "vvi ""ui uuiiry. A.A.ForFBVKlt8,MllkFever,I.unFever. 1 U.n. ForSl'IlAINS, Lanienen, niimmatUm. 'C' tfrOKBThronl, Epizootic, DUtcniper, DD ForVOnIH,Iloti.Hrub. E.E. Tor COl'filI8, Cold., Iiifiiiciua. r. r. i' or uui.iu, iiriiynciie, Ularrlica, Cl.O.l'rrYruUMISCAIUlUOE. 11. II. For KIDNEY anil Madder iltiorlcrt. 1. 1. F'ir BKIN DISEASES. Mauie, Eruption. J.H.i or DAD COMUTION. Induction. Price, CO Cents per bottle. Vot, Curo Oil, for Stablo or Field Use, $1. I At druaalst8, or sent prepaid on rocelpt of price. AHOOPngo Book on tho treat ment mul euro ol' Doinostlo Animals and Stable Chart to hang up, mailed True. jumrimnvs' iiomeo. medicwb cSo- comet mM mill Ana (Aftdtf, KUwAlVk. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. Ph. I Office 130 J Phonc8 Residence 115 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locus t. Telephone No. G42. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302 A full lino of furniture, all kinds of stoves and stovo repairs, wagons, har ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport ing goods, ciocks, watcnes, musical goods, sewing machines cither cash or payments. Everything you use bought and sold here. Top pr ice fo iron matnl and rubber. THE SMOKE FROM OUR CIGARS will never offend the lady of the house. The fragrance is so agreeable that you can smoKo in any room without rebuke it even women like the odor of our cigars so well how much more will you enjoy their fragrance nnd exquisite flavor. Try a few tonight. Both your who nnu yourseii win agree that they are tne nest cigars you ever smoked. J R SCHDULZRIED. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should be hitched n stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can spo a variety of vehicles whose stylo is undeniable. They ranee from tho nhae ton to tho family coach and are the equal of any in appearance and build They nre less thin equal In price to most carnages of their character. A. M. Lock. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial N. 02iiM Department of tho Interior. t! S. Land Olllce at North I'latte. Nob ,iu no mn. 1V1U Notice Is lioroby nivon that HukIi Pornrer, i)i ixirui riauu, nun., who on .iuiy ntli 1WI, made Homestead Entrj No. 2034m, Serla No. luliiu. for Int. 4. and umitlionut. nimrtnp 8ouuivtst manor, feci ion nu. Kiwnsiiiti is. n UatiKo .11, W. of the tilxtti urlnbltial meridian nas iiieu notice ot intention to mauo inai live year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, liefore tin; lteeistor anu Kcceivor at norm riatto, Nebraska, on tne lutn uay or Atiuusi. unit, Claimant names as wltnessen) Robert Kun Uel, Hurt Donaldson. Cnrl llroeder and V11 Ham II. Turolo. all of North I'latte. Nub. JSI-ll 1. R Wvanh. UnvUtnr OnDRROP IIFARINIION PETITION FOR OUai.MtVllY AIIAIltVIaTKATlON Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tlio county court. May titli. 1U1U. In the maltr of the estate of James wooiwortn, tieceasun On reading and llllnif tlio netltlon ot llarloy II. IxicUwood. nravlnir that the rcirtilar ad ministration of said estate may undispensed wun as DroTiiien ny sections dvk-s.vj anao'ju Cobber's Htatulo MAI. Ordered. Tliat.tuly SHIi. 1010. at 0 o'clock a, in., is aHslened for hcarlne said petition wlu'ii all persons Interested In said matter tnav appear at. a county court to be held In ana for said county uiitl show cause why the prayerof petitioner should not lie granted. This order to be printed for Mx successive Issues 111 the North I'lattu Tribune, a local nuwspaiicrpubliftliud In Lincoln County, prior to July sri.ii, nmi. v. u. Ki.iiKit. county .ifldeo. lly k.vriiKitiKK 1''. Ci.aiiu, Clerk ot the Conn ly t'oim. J s-u ORDKR OF IIEARINQ ON PRORATE or WILL Btate of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In tho county court. Jiuiu kl. lOlil. lit tho of matter of the estate ot Luther U. i' arrinmon, ueceased. On nmdlnir and llllnir the notltlon of Haiti I'arrliiaton. nrnylnu that the instrument tiled on tuu ami oay ot June. nnu. anu nurnortin to be the last will and testamontof the said deceased, maybe proved, approvod, probated allowed and recorded as tho last will and testament or tho said Luther o. I' arrluirlon tlecuascl. ana that the execution of said In hlriiinoiit may I mi committed mid the admin 1st rat km of said estate may bo cranted to liattio i arrincton, as executrix. .Ordered. ThatJutv tilth. 1UIU. at Uo'cloclc A M., IsasslKiied for hearlnir suld lielltlon when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court. to no neid in ana ror saia county ami bliow cause why the nrayor ot in!- tloner should not bu trraiitcd. Tills notice to bo published in tho Nortli i'latte Trinuuu, leual nuwspaiier published In said count fur six successive Issue prior to July lit! W. O. Ki.tiKii. County Judtro. Ily Kathufluo V. Clark, Olbrk Comity Court Wills J Redfleld, M D J It MoKIrataan, M D Drs. Redfield & McKiralian Phsiciant and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones 6412-044 Office at P. and S. Hospital. John S. Twinem, M, D., Homcopalhic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald State Bank Building, corner eth & Dewey sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. Phone 268 FOIt ALL KINDS OF lour, feed, drain or tiny Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store at tho corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully Invito a ohnro of the patronnge of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. NOTICE. Lizzie J. Richer and William Richey will take notice that on the 17th" day of November, 1903, Laura JU. rorter, plaintiir herein, filed her petition in the district court ot Lincoln i-ounty, ise- braska. atxainst said defendants im Deadedwith Robert Wilson Jr.. and Farmers Bank of Chester. Thayer coun ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which buiu ueuiiuii nre, lur u uecree adiudpinfr that an affidavit for service bv publication made by James M. Ray. attorney for the plaintiff, on tho 23rd day of May, 1899, in an action then pending in the District Court of Lin coin (Jountv. JNcorasKa. to iorcciosc i mortgage on the west half of the south east quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 5, town ship 10, range 82, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, wherein David (junningnam, extcutor of the estate of James Porter, deceased, was nlaintiff. and Lizzie J. Uichey and William Kicney. et al, were defendants and filed in said court and sworn to on said date by the said James M. Ray, was duly and legally executed and sworn to. And for a decree that W. C. Elder, Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln Countv. Nebraska, be required to affix his signature to said affidavit as of that date and to attest the same with the seal of his said office and for a further decree finding the amount now due on a certain mortcace heretofore placed in decree in said action aforesaid in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. in tho case of David Cunning ham, executor of tho estate of James Porter, deceased, vs. Lizzie J. Richey and others, on the 7th day of December, 1899, and that the said defendants be required to redeem said land from said decree within a short day to bo fixed by the court, and that in tho ovent that no such redemption is made, that the title of the plaintm in and to said land be forever quieted as against any ngnt, title, lien or Interest of said defen dants in and to said premises, and that said defendants be enjoined from claiming any right, title or in terest in snitT premises or interferring with plaintiff's possession of the same and that tho arid defendants be wholly excluded from any interest in said land and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 15th duy of August, 1910. Dated this 1st day of July, 1910. Laura E. Porter. By Wilcox & Halligan, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Primary Election Notice 1910. I. F. R. Elliott. Countv Clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di rect that n Primary Election be held at the regular polling places in each pre cinct throughout the county, as by law provided, on tho Third Tuesday in Au gust, A. D., 1910. At said primary election candidates for tho following offices shall be nomi nated, to be voted on at the regular November A. D., 1910 election. STATE OFFICERS. One Governor; Ono Lieutenant Governor; Ono Secretary of State; One Auditor of Public Accounts; One Treasurer; One Superintendent of Public Instruc tion; Ono Attorney General; Uno Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings; Ono Rnllway Commissioner; Ono Congressman Sixth Congres sional District; One State Senator for the 30th Sena torial District; Ono member of the legislature for the 64th representative district; COUNTY OFFICERS. Ono County Attorney; Ono Commissioner, Second District; Precinct officers to fill vacancy; . An expression of preference for Uni ted Stntea Senator. Also for or against a proposed amend rnurt to section 1 of Article 7, of the constitution of tho State of Nebraska, defining the qualification of electors. Which election will be opened at 12 o'clock M. and remain open until 9 o'clotrc in tho evening. Dated North Platte, Neb Juno 17th, A. D l'JIU. F. R. Elliott, Coimtfy Clerk, NOTICE FOR l'URLTOATION Horlal No. 024U7. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Oflico at North I'latto. Nob. May 13th, 1V10. Nollcolsliorebr Riven that Arthur Todon toft, of North I'latte, Nob., who. on March nth. WOO. mado II- E. No- 21001. Serial No. 02167. for all ot section 4. Township 10 N-. Ramro B0 West of tho 0th Principal Meridian has tiled notice of Intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Register and Ro colver at North I'latto, Nob., on tho 10th day of .Inly.lUlO. Claimant names as witnesses: Tlarry Cal louder, I). N. Callonderand Henry Rlckloy, of Tryon, Nob-, and E. Mayflold. of Nesbit. Nob. Evans. Register. NOTIOE. " " Carrlo Ilrlttlneliain. defendant, will tako notice tbat on tho 13th day of May, 11)10, tho MCKarian uarrairo company, piaintur noro In. filed Its petition In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, aitalnstsald Carrlo Ilrlttlneham and Charles lirlttlnitham. tho object otid prayor.of which aro to collect from said dcfeii'iants tne sum oiskw.h and Interest thereon at eight per cent from May 13. liUU, uiiori a certain promissory noto for J35R.O0 executed Soptcmlier 1, I09, by said tlofcndants to tho plaintiff. Tho amount duo upon said noto at tins timo law.ttt. von aro runner notified that an order or attachment wan Issued In tho suit of tho plalntllT In said action, and said order ct attachment was on May 1H, 1010, lovlcd upon certain real estato ot tho dofendant, Carrlo Hrlttlnitham. to-wlti An undivided ono-tlilrd Interest In and to tho northwest nuftrtcr of section 4, and thenortheast auartor of section S. and all of section 0, In township v, ranco27, anu uiu cast nan or ino nortnwest Quarter, and tho oast half of section i'i. In township 10, range zi, in Lincoln county. Nebraska, and Plaintiff nrays that said nronertv bo sold to satisfy amount duo on said noto. You aro required to answer said petition on or before tho lltb day ot July, 1910. MCr-AuLAr UAItntAOK UOMTANT, Ry Hoagland & Hoagland Its Attorneys. nuiiub tun i uiujiuaiiui. Serial No. 02374. Department ot tho Interior, U. S. Land Oflico at Nortli I'latte, Neb. May 20, 1010. Notlco is hereby slvcn that Mnrr A. Hawkins, formerly Mnrv A. Jimen of Maxwell, Nob., who, on Nov. 14. HCI, mado homestead ontry No. 0021, serial No. (U274 for nwM section SO. township 14, N. rango z. v ot tno utn principal meridian, has Hied notlco of intention to make final flvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo desjrlbcd. Ixjforo tho Register and Ro colvor at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 22d day ot July, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: .lolin u. Nystrom, Mary N. Sukraw, of Maxwell, Nob., Henry K Rtdlngor, John Martin of North I'latte, Nob. tnzt-o j. n. kvans. Kcvistcr. 8crlalNo 0443. NOTIOE KOR PUBLICATION, Department of tho Inturlor U. S. Land Oflico at North I'latto. Neb. Juno fltb. 11)10. Notlco is hereby given tbat Daniel II. Mc- Ncol. of North Platte. Nobraska, who on February 23. 1C05. irado Homestead Entry No. UOVJ0. Serial No. 0214:1. for west half, nortli half northeast auartor, south halt southeast quarter ot section n, township in nortli, ranpo 81, west ot tho 0th Principal Meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention to make final llvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land atiovo described. Dor ore tne icegistor ana Recolvcr at North Platte, Nobraska, on the S7tu aay or.iuir. nnu. Claimant names as witnesses: David W. Macomber, James llechan, Jr.. Charles E, Evans, William Groves, all ot North I'latto. Nobraska. JTO J. E. Evans. Keglster. Serial No. 01923-02183 NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot tho Interior. U. S. Land OfUce at Nortli Platte. Nob . Juno 0th, 1010. Notlco Is hereby given that Joseph H .Shaw. of North I'latto, Nobraska, who on March 1, 1004, mado II. E. No. 10823, Serial No 01023, for east half southwest quarter, northwest Quarter southeast quarter and lots, and on July 10, 1001, mado 11. E. No. 20300. Serial No. iuioz, ror sou tn nan southeast quarter, norm east quartor southeast quartor and lot 4, all In section 18. township 12, N raneo SO. West ot tho 0th Principal Meridian. has Hied notlco ot intention to mako llnal flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before tho Reglstor and Re ceiver, at North I'latto, Nobraska, on tho, 87th day July. 1010. Claimant names as wltncssost Jacob L. Harden, George II. Single. William W. Hunter, Arthur Connors, allot North I'latto, Nob. 7-ft J. E. Kvawh. Roglntnr ORDER OP HEARING ON PETITION EOtt SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION. Stato ot Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In tho matter of tho estato ot Carrie L. Soarle, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition ot Elizabeth llratt, praying that tlio regular administration of said estato may bo dis pensed with as provided by sections 6202, kxa. &20I, S205 and A2Uo, of Cobboy's annotated Statutes ot tho Stato of Nobraska, for tho year 1009. Ordered. That July 5th. A. D. 1010. at 10 o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all porsons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county, and bIiow cause why tho prayer of the potltloner should not be granted: and that notlco of tho pendency ot said petition and tho hearing thereof bu given to all persons interested In said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North I'latto Tribune, a Semi Weekly nows paper printed In said county, for six succes sive Issues prior to said day ot hearing. Dated Juno 10th, 1010. 114-3 W O. Kt.DKit. County .Tudgo. PROBATE NOTIOE TO CREDITORS In tho County Court ot Lincoln county, Ne braska. In tho matter of the ostato of George Stovens, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given, that tho credi tors ot said decoasod will moot tlio Administrator with the will annexed of said estato, before mo County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nobraska, at tho county court room In said county, on the 18th day of July, 1010, and on tho 18th day ot January, 1011, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur pose of presenting theirclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho adminis trator with the will annexed to sottle said estato, from tho 21st day ot Juno. 1010. This notlco to Im published In the North Platto Tribune, for four weeks successively prior to tho 18th day of July, 1010. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this 21st day of Juno. A. I). 1010. J2I-4 W. O. ELDER. County Judgo. By Katherlno F. Clark. Clerk of the County Court. Notice. Notice is hereby given that T. A. Roberts, David E. Martin and Wesley J. Shinklo have associated themselves together as a body corporate under the name and style of tho "Rosednlo Tele phone Company." The principal place of transacting tho business of said company shall bo at Hershey, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall bo the construction, eroction, purchase, sale, operation, maintenance, control and louse of a telephone lino or lines, nnd a telephone exchunge or exchanges. The amount of capital stock au thorized is $5,000.00, divided into 500 Bhares of the par value of $10.00 each, and shall be fully paid up when issued and shall be non-assessable. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which tho corporation Is at any timo to subioct itself shn'.l not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. The date of tho corrjmenqem.ent of said corporation shall be the first day' of July, 1910, nnd shall continue for u poriotf of twenty-five years, unless soorier dissolved by law. Tho affairs of suid corporation aro to bo mannged by n board of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than five, and a president and a secretary-treasurer. Signed Juno 16th, 1910. T. A. Roherts, David E. Martin, Wesley J. Biiinkle.