The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 12, 1910, Image 5

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    i DR. W. F. CROOK,
J Graduato Northwestern University.
' Offlco over McDonnld Stnto Bank
This week sees the biggest Leather Goods Sale
this city has ever known. We are offering all our
Leather Goods at just ONE-HALF the regular price
to make room for our immense fall stock.
See What these Prices Mean to You.
A $15.00 All Leather Walrus Hand Bag, at
A 12.00 Alt Walrus Hand Bag at
A 10.00 Walrus Hand Bag at -An
8.00 All Seal Hand Bag at - -A
$6 All Seal Hand Bag at -
A $2 All Seal Hand Bag at - -
A few Hand Bags all leather inside and out at 75c.
Card Cases, Collar Boxes, Pocket Books Bill Books, Re
ceipt Books all included in our Half -Price Sale.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Bank
Deputy ShorifT Frank Knapp, of
Maxwell, is in town on business today.
For Sale A three hole Quick meal
gasoline range. Inquire of 108 West
2nd St.
Mrs. James Hart and son and Miss
Irene O'Brien leave tonight for a visit
in Omaha.
Mrs. Ed Dickey and son are spending
this week at the Covell farm north of
the river.
The Lutheran aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Frank
Martin, in the Third ward.
During the remainder of the summer
Sunday evening services at the Episco
pal church will be omitted.
Mrs. Ira L. Bare entertained the
members of the Birthday Club and sev
eral invited guests yesterday afternoon
Ed. Barraclough was called to Grand
Junction, Colo., 'Saturday by the illness
of his brother, who has a siege of
typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Goodwill and
children arrived last evening, having
"been called hero by the illness and
death of Mrs. Goodwill's father.
The team of trap shooters who went
to Ogalalla last Thursday defeated the
team of that town by a scoro of 526 to
498. There were six men to a team and
one hundred targets to the man. Henry
Rebhausen made the high score, break
ing ninety-five out of the 100.
H. E. Vincent went to Grand Island
this morning to resume work with the
Grand Island Mercantile Co. Since
that firm suffered the loss of the
greater part of their stock, Mr. Vincent
has been taking a vacation.
E. J. VanDerhoof, who spent a week
in Colorado examining the property of
the Northern Colorado Mining & Mill
ing Co., writes that ho is well pleased
with the showing made. Ho feels
confident that the stockholders in
North Platte will mnko a gdod thing
but bf their investment.
Special Bargain in Half Section
of Land.
We have listed for quick sale a
half section of sand hill land with
about 40 acres of farm land on it,
only eight miles from town, at $800.
This is certainly a bargain and will
do quick. See us.
Temple Real Estate &. Ins. Agency.
The Methodist aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. York
J. E. Rodman, the Union Pacific land
scape gardener, has been looking after
business in town for several days.
John Mellen, traveling agent for the
Northwestern road, is in town today
hustling business and visiting friends.
Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Hershoy will
entertain the Presbyterian aid society
Thursday afternoon in the basement of
the church.
Huntington & Baker have begun the
carpenter work on the J. W. Payne
residence. They expect to turn the
house over to the owner about Decem
ber 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Field are ex
pected home within the next week from
Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. Field is
reported to have been much benefitted
by his stay.
A. G. Geyer, of Sutherland, trans
acted business in town last evening.
He says, as an index of prosperity,
five residences are in course of con
struction at Sutherland.
Business in police circles picked up
suddenly last night about eight o'clock,
three arrests being mado inside of ten
minutes. Two of the parties refused to
leave a saloon when the closing hour
arrived and became involved in a scrap.
If needing money to help build, buy
or pay off your old loan, see Bratt &
Chas. Bogue, secretary of the west
ern association of protective boards of
the O. R. C. and B. of R. T will
leave in a few days for St. Louis to
arrange for a meeting of the associa
tion which will be held in that city
July 30th. At this meeting the protect
ive boards of fifty-four railroad lines
west of Chicago will bo represented,
and a demand for a general increase of
wages of train employes will bo made.
W. II. Thompson, the "Little Giant"
of the Hall county democracy, was in
Omaha today, mixing with friends and
attending to some legal business. He
had little hesitation in saying he did
not believe a county option plank will
be forced into tho state platform by
Mr. Bryan. "So many counties aro in
structing against tho issue that it does
not seem jtodaiblo it can carry," said
Mr. Thbrarsoh Like othor democratic
leaders of tho various districts, tho
Grand Island man had no incisivo com
ment to make for publication on Mr.
Bryan's newest paramount. Omaha
I DR. H. C. BROCK, jj
jj DENTIST. jj
jj Ovor First National. Phono 148 jjj
mntMWii(UUK fixate uruuu
For Sale.
Now is tho time to buy a good, cheap
lot, on easy payments. Let us show
you what we have
. , BltATT & GtfotfuAiA
Mrs. A. S. Coates and children left
Saturday for a visit with relatives at
J. C. Den has gone to Arapahoe,
where Mrs. Den has been visiting rela
tives for several weeks .
Miss Annie VonGootz arrived from
Omaha Sunday and will fjpend her
vacation in town.
Co. Supt. Ebright resumed the duties
of his offico yesterday after, an illness
of n week or ten days.
Mrs. Frank Hoy, of Garfield, spent
tho latter part of tho week with her
daughter, Mrs. Victor VonGootz, Jr.
Vaughn Hinman Aatt yesterday for
Sidney to take possession of the Zeibert
confectionery store which ho recently
Supt. Cunningham, of the water
works company, has opened an office in
the room occupied by the electric com
pany in the Keith theatre building.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Klein left yesterday
morning for Sheridan, Wyo., where
they will visit their daughter Mrs. W.
E.. Snclling for several weeks.
Secretary McAbeo, of the local Y.
M. C. A., left this morning for Lake
Geneva, Wis., to attend tho association
conference. Ho will be absent about
two weeks.
A. P. Andersen, Frank Carver and
Thos. Patterson, living south of Max
well, were in town yesterday and
called at this office. They say small
grain in their section will be a very
short crop, but that corn is in fine condition.
Nearly every man or woman can
look back and say, if I had taken tho
opportunity offered I would have been
much bettor off today. That is what
you will Bay if you fail to considor
seriously the great bargains offered in
ourladics leather hand bags, card cases,
pocket books, collar boxes and music
rolls. Just ono half the regular price
this week only.
Dekon, Tho Jeweler.
Sheriff Eller of Merrick county anil
Sheriff punkle, of Hall county came
here Friday after a colored man who
was wanted for stealing an automobile
at Marquette, Neb.This conn took tho
car, repainted it and then started west.
When near Shelton tho car w'ent wrong
and ho abandoned it. he then boarded
a train and getting ofr ut
wanted to got n car to go to
Curtis. About this time r.
urn wn rnp.fivifl nt Nfnvumll t n
Wat two cWn tM hj vus Man in ttnv.
The Hikers Return.
Secrotnry McAbeo and his bov hik
era returned Saturday evening from
their cross-country trio to Hastine.
At Elm Creek tho horse pulling their
equippago wagon, played out, and tho
uoys were compelled to return from
Elm Creek on the train. That they wero
compelled to do this was regretted by
them, as they wero anxious to march in
to town with the same steady strido
mat marked their depnrturo three
weeks ago, Tho hikers spent tho Fourth
nt Hastings, nnd tho following day
covered thirty miles 'which was tho
greatest distance covered in any one
day, nnd was certainly a good record.
Tho boys throughly enjoyed their tramp
and took all inconveniences nhilosonh-
ically. During tho trip they walked
two hundred nnd fifty miles.
So People May Know
What a real luxury is an after din-
ner, just try n Platte Volley orAmora
Cigar. Give it a fair and impartial
teat. Don't think because it is mado
in North Plntte that it is not cood. Wo
will gnurantee our goods to bo tho high
est grade of Domestic and Havana
tobacco on tho mnrket. Our outnut
this month is 10.000 clears more than
last month, tho largest month yet.
Why? Because wo deliver the iroods.
Quality tells.
District Sabbath School Association.
Tho Sabbath school association of tho
North Platte district mot nt tho Pres
byterian church last Sunday afternoon.
The attendance was not n3 largo as was
expected but tho session was full of in-
Each department of tho organized
Sabbath school work was considered by
its superintendent and n genernl discus
sion followed. Considerable interest
and enthusiasm was developed and tho
convention mnrks a long step toward
tho complete grading of the district
On inotion each school in tho North
Plntte district was requested to appoint
two delegates to tho county convention
to bo held nt Sutherland, Nobr., on
Saturday and Sunday, July 80th and'
31st. Each school is also requested to
send as many of its members as possi
ble to the convention.
On motion the matter of raising the
quota for tho state Avork of tho district
was referred to each with tho informa
tion that said quota was 5 cents per
member. It is requested that said quota
be given to tho district troasuror be
fore tho county convention.
On roport of tho nominating commit
tee, tho following officers wero elected
for the coming year: Pres. R. B. Favo-
right; Vice-Pres., M. C.Johnson; Sec'y
& Treas., Frank Elliott; Supt. Elemen
tary Dept., Mrs. C. B. Harmon: Supt.
imermeainie uopt., ftiiss Arna
Kramph; Supt. Adult Dept. W. S. Por
ter: Homo Deot.. Mrs. B. L. Robinson :
Temperance Dept., J. II. VanCleave;
castors uept., ueo. r. Williams;
Visitation Dept., Mrs. J. H. Morrow.
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains
or wounds that demand Bucklen's
Arnica Salve - earth's grentent healor.
Quick relief and prompt euro result.
I or burns, bplls, sores of nil kinds,
eczema, dimmed hands mid tins, sore
oyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile
euro. Hoc. at btono urug uo.
The (lower of true success may bo
gathered only tiy discerning persons
who want it morn than they wnnt a ay
other thing unci who seek It through
all the days of all tho years. It has
no Imitation. Is of but one variety and
may not fie pressed nnjj. dried between
tho loaves of imy book, even the Bi
ble. Ms mime In diameter. It Is not
o niro (lower, ucccHslblu to only tuo
few, but It is nimlest, of quiet mien
(ind huo nnd In often hidden by tlio
foliage and Korjjeous blosxoniH of moro
Epcctuclar pluntH, m that tho inertly
casual eyoH of thoso who hurry alone;
tho llfo path seem to miss It altogeth
er. It grows Indoors and out, In all
neasons and voutliuis, and may be
plucked by the blade hands of the
miner as wall as by the hands of
thoso whopo time Is glvou to loss rug
iced and daintier mhUs. Tho man who
gathors character gathers success, no
matter how he mny be rated by tho
coinniorclnl agendo.. Richard Wight
man In Metropolitan Magazine.
Locked In With a Maniac.
Tho writer was onco closeted with a
patient whom he had no suspicion of
being mad until the latter got out of
ped, turned the key of tho door and
preferred n mild roquoHt lo tho writer
to luivo his throat nit, handing him ut
tho same time mi open pockut knife,
which ho produced li'om iiuilerneatli
his pillow. I dbjix lcd to tho knifo as
being too small for the purpose and
begged to bo nllowed to go for my
of amputating knives, with which, I
explained, the operation could bo per
formed with greater iiciUiiphh nnd dis
patch, lie unlocked the door at ou"e,
binding mo over to secrecy and urging
mo to lose uo time In returning. I
drove homo, reported tho case to tho
authorltlos and eamo back with as
sistance. Ho was secured with great
difficulty and sent to tho nHylUDi.
Londutt Tlt-Hlls.
To keep valuable papers, jewelry and silvcrwaro
that you use but occasionally in a
Let us show you our vault and tho various sizes
of private boxes which rent for TWO DOLLARS
PER YEAR and up, according to size.
American Investment & Trust Co.,
Bratt & Goodman's Office.
Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife?
Then save her strength, her health and possibly her life, y
getting her a SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER Quick for 3 1-10
cents a day for Ten Months.
stration will be
at our
miss it.
let the
Ginn, White & Schatz.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $135,000).
, E. F. SEEBCRGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Prcsiuenf,
F. L. MOONEY, Cashier.
The Only "Double Track Automatic Safety Signal
Line Between North Platte-and Chicago.
Improved Train Service
to Chicago
The electric -lighted Denver Special
leaves every evening, arrives at Chicago
next day at 1:30 p.m.; a solid through
train with convenient schedules and
all travel conveniences.
Direct connection at Chicago with
eighteen-hour trains to the east.
Seven trains daily between
North Platte and Chicago. Be sure
your tickets read via the
Chicago, Union Pacific
& North Western Line
Full information on application to
Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R.