The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 12, 1910, Image 4

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    m 3 R. wallace
M Silver plate that
vj resists wear
i iLu ,a'',aC'orr en,'ce V
Clinton, Jeweler and Optician
m m
Graduate Dcnllsl.
2 Olllca ovor tlio McDonald J
Rtato Dank.
Band practlco will bo hold nt the court
,lioiran this evening.
Misses May and Ethol McWilliama
nro visiting friends in Donvor this
Mrs. G. A. Weir will leavo soon for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lotts in
Leo Hart, Sr., of Omaha, has been
visiting his son James and family for
several daya past.
Mrs. G, W, McDowall loft this morn
ing for n visit at Detroit, Mich . expect
ing to bh absent several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Brown left yes
terday for Northport, where Mr. Brown
is employed as terminal foreman.
Harry Porter wont to Ogalalla and
other points west tills morning to
luiatlo business for his bottling works.
Mrs. M. J. Forbes and daughter, who
have been visiting friends in Iowa for
nmonth, will return homo tonight.
Mr. nnd Mrs. CIibb. Fredorlcy, who
were married last week, nro expected
homo today from thoir trip to Holton,
If needing ttre.Hghting, cyclone, tor
nado and hail Insurance, get the best
nnd chenpest, go to Bratt & Goodman.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Peters loft this
morning lor bparta, wis., In response
to n message Btating that Mrs. Peters
fathor had died yesterday.
Fred Piorson tho Sutherland real
estato doaler, is in town today. Ho
Bays business in his line is very quiet
nt present, but he looks for good busi
ness this fall.
S. G. Nelson, known in North Platto,
was acquitted last week on the charge
of embezzling $5,000 of tho fund, of
York alfalfa moal milling company.
S. K. Dcrryborry wont to Denver
this momlng'to attend a convention of
hardware dealers and at the same
time tako a short respite from busi
ness. Commissioner Salisbury is having a
groat amount; of work performed on
tho streets this summer, including tho
grading of n number of, streots that
have not heretofore been touched with
the plow and grader. All will concede
that street improvement is money
well expended.
n - ot.ii. .i ....
the matter of exhibition of tho Johnson-'
Jeffries tight pictures with Attorney
General Thompson and the latter has
advised the executive that there is no
state law under which the pictures can
bo prohibited but that each community
has ways and mentis of preventing tho
exhibition if it choses to do so,
E. Jacobs has filed a complaint;
against Ernest Sibblta and Guy Pitt 1
charging them with burglary. Tho
charge is that on or about the Uh of
June tho two men entered a building
in tho west part of this county, near
Dexter, and took and carried away
sixty-eight spools of barb wire belong
Inc to tho estate of Peter Uunn. de
ceased. Tho wiro is valued nt two
hundred dollars. The defendants an -
penrwdin court yesterday, entered a, Our up-to-dnte manner in the
plea of not guilty and were placed
under $300 bonds each for their - appear- muking and our facilities for tak
nnco at a hearing on August 24th, i
Friend Farmed
Is your cron insured against hail?
it, insure it with JJrntt & Goodman.
Beat eontyantefc KtiU lirwVst rutW.
I hereby nnnounco mysolf nB a candi
date forro-cluctlon forroprcBcntntivoof
1 tho B4th district subject to the approval
of tho republicans nt the August lGth
I have no extended platform, but
ngrco If elected to work for tho pass
ngo of good progressive legislation nnd
forthe best Interests of the district nnd
Btntc. As this is census year tho next
Bcsslon will bo tho proper tlmo to re
district the state and I consider it very
Important thnt this ho dono and that
the weBt gets propor representation.
Ilospcctfully submitted,
B. K. BusilEB.
For Sale.
Furniture, etc., in sixteen .rooms
in well located rooming houge, doing
good business. A rare chance for
tho right pnrty. See Bratt 8c Good
man. J. C, Hnrtmnn, tho cigar manu
facturer, left for the east this morn
ing to hustle business.
Rev. Geo. F. Williams, who was
called to Lincoln ten days ago by
tho illness and subsequent death of
his father, will return home tonight.
Mrs. W. II. Huddnrtt and children,
who have been visiting relatives at
Eureka, Calif., for soveral months,
will arrive home tomorrow morn
ing. There will bo initiatory services
by the 0. E. S. Thursday evening.
All members and visiting members
nro invited to be present. Refresh
ments will bo served.
Now is your chance to buy a fine
leather shopping bngnt just half
price. This offer good this week
only, Dixon, The Jeweler.
Judge Elder has so for recovered
from his recent illness as to be
nblo to bo at his office regularly.
much to his satisfaction as well as
to his friends.
The sale of tickets for the Chau
tauqua has been such as to prove
encouraging to tho management.
It is confidently expected that the
attendance this year will be much
argcr than last
Geo. H. Shaffer, of tho north part
of tho county, came to town today
for tho purposo of- making final proof
on his homestead but owing to the
illness of one of his witnesses the
hearing was postponed.
The. Lincoln County Teachers'
Association will convene next Mon
day nnd continuo in session for
five days. Examinations will be
held July 27th, and 28th, and the
Junior Normal will close on tho
evening of tho latter date.
A Pasadena paper gives a des
cription of tho wedding of Chns. E,
Barber, formerly of this city, and
Miss Helen Best, which occurred in
Pnsadenn, Juno 28th. Tho ceremony
took place in tho Episcopal church
in the presence of about one hurt
drcd guests, and n reception at the
house followed. Tho church was
profusely decorntel in pink and
white. Tho bride has had charge of
the third grndo of tho Polytechnic
school nt Passadenn for two years,
Mr. and Mrs. Barber are now on
honeymoon trip.
For Quick Sale.
0 room new house with bath' pan
A 11 .
try. ceunr, cement waiK m the new
addition, worth $ii5U0:0l), cut to
Bratt &. Goodman
your hands for
You are not "Held Up" when j'ou
buy. it .as you get your moneys
W0Yth in every dish
ing care of it assures
you of Ice
If Cream that cannot be excelled.
Dentist. -
Over Dixon's. Phono 358.
Itaac Dillon Dies.
Isaac Dillon, a pioneer resident
of North Platte and one of our fore
most citizens, died nt his homo in
tho Third ward yesterday morning
after a somewhat lingering illness
due to un incurable malady. The
imerol will be held from the family
residence tomorrow afternoon at
A sketch of the deceased will be
ublished in Friday's1 issue.
Double Real Estate Deal.
This last week, G. J. Perkins of
515 E. 9th St., sold liio house nnd
ot in tho 3d Ward to the Temple
Real Estate &. Ins. Agency, nnd
through them bought the E. T, Casey
property on W. 4th St.
For Sale.
2 lots nnd good G room house. A
pretty place on West 3rd St. $2025.
7 room nice homo with bath on West
4th St. This Is cheap nt prico asked.
Other nice property $700.00 nnd up
wards. See us before you buy.
Bhatt & Goodman.
Attorney Goodnll, of Ogalalla, was
in town yesterday on legal business.
A work train in charge of Con
ductor Yost is distributing ties for
the double track west of town.
Wnnted A competent girl for
general housework. Wages $25 per
month. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Mc
Donald, 407 West Fiftli street.
Verne Langford who has been
timekeeper for a construction gang
west of Sherman hill, bus been trans
ferred to similar work in this city,
If your money is earning nothing,
)etter see Bratt &. Goodman. They
inve some safe first-class mort
gage loans paying good interest.
You cannot afford to let the op
portunity pass of buying at one half
price a few leather shopping bags
ositivcly this week only.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
The county commissioners are in
session this week and are making
cemi-annual settlement with county
treasurer Langford and other county
The annual clean-up of weeds in
the business section of town began
yesterday. If this work is continued
on tlie residence streets n much
improved appearance will result.
Some hay to cut on shares.
John Biiatt,
Word received in town yesterday
announced the death nt Laramie of
tho wife of August Hazencnmp. a
former North Platte young man.
Death wits due to internal abscesses,
Just think of the values we are
offering this week in our leather
goods department, onehnlf the
regular price. Can you oifer to let
the chance go by.
Dixon, The Jeweler,
W. S. Dolson, while cutting weeds
in front of his premises this morn
ing found a pocketbook containing
a fifty dollar check drawn on the
Liberty Bank of New York payable
to Miller and signed by tho Strauss
Endsley Co.
F. LMooney has purchased of E. R
Goodman the lot on the corner of
Third and Ash street and exnects
to erect n residence thereon some
time in the future. This is ono o
tho few very fine vacant resident
lots within a rensonnble distance of
the city. The price paid was about
A fifty mile cur ride in the valley
and south of the river Sunday after
noon snowed tins writer as gotx:
fields of corn as ho has ever seen
1.1 . 11 t
ami tne acreage m an sections is
something enormous. Wheat is
being harvested and seems to be
very fair crop, but oats and barley
is a failure.
J. B. McDonald, Frank McGovern
Dave Day and Clyde Fristo drove
to n point west of Ogalalla in the
former's car Sunday afternoon am!
visited in camp Mr. nnd Mrs. W-C
Patterson. Enroute home J. B.
touched only high ploccs and
bounced his companions nround
considerably; Fristo touching the into en.erf. brain-fag Into mental pow
nntUiui twiiv nnH cnctnln!... i....SoA er! curing Constipation, Headache, Ch ills
f' 1 i? S2jL I! s"sthnJ?,brWlses Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25c at EJtwiB Drug
on thu ftruhttul nntl ptoboscls. Cd. ' '
Louis Peterson went to Omaha
Sunday night to be examined pre
paratory to being placed on the pen
sion list of Union Pacific employee.
Found The toil lamp of on au
tomobile, Owner can have same
by calling at this office and paying
or this notice.
Tho contract for the heating
plant and the plumbing in the Elk's
building was awarded Saturday
evening to Ginn, White and Schntz
or $2,550.
"Another scrap in the dinning car
this morning" remarked Perry Sitton
yesterday. "What was tho trouble?"
inquired an innocent bystander.
.'he coffee got hot and soaked the
doughnut," replied Perry.
Monday was a big day in our
eother goods sole, many purses
were sold. Don't put it off until our
supply is gone. Half price on leather
goods this week only.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
W. L. Park, now general manager
of the Illinois Central, has made an
other draw on the Union Pacific.
his time it is S. S. Morris, formerly
chief dispatcher at Laramie", who
ins been made division superinten
dent of the I. C. at Memphis, Tenn.
Secretary Tout, of the Chautau
qua, which opens Sunday, is hav
ing a busy time this week getting
things in shape for the opening. He
announces, however,- that he thinks
everything will be in ship shape by
Saturday night
Buchanan &. Patterson are mak
ing arrangements to sow one thou
hnd acres of fall wheat on land they
own southwest of town. There will be
one field of 250 acres imagine how
such n truct will look when tho
grain is ripening next summer-
A Defeated Conscience.
Tho secretary of the Kansas State
Historical Bodcty tells a story about
au early day Kansas justice of the
peace who will be nameless here:
"This J. P.." said the secretary,
"would uturry a couple one day ne
Justice of the peaco and divorce them
the uext as notary public."
One time, as the story ran. a man
surrendered himself to this J. P.
"An pliwnt's tho matter?" asked tho
"1. killed a man out here on tho pral
rio iu a light," wus the reply. "1 want
to give myself up."
'You did kill htm, sor?" asked the
J. P.
"Yes, sir," was the reply.
"Who saw you?" asked tho J. P.
"Nobody "
"An nobody saw you kill 'ini?"
"No, sir. Just we two wero there."
"Au' you're shuro nobody saw yon?"
reiterated the J. P.
"Of course I'm sure." was the reply.
"Thin yoare discharged." said tho
J. P.. tirliiliiK his tlst down on tho
table. "You're discharged. You can't
'criminate yourself. Fifty dollars,
plcasol" Kansas City Journal.
Trouble For Hubby.
At a recent tea party whero tho faro
provided could uot by any means bo
termed palatnblu a Kue.sslug game was
Instituted, and tho lady who won it
was naked to May what she would have
us a prize. She Breatly Mattered her
young hostess by requesting u slice of
tho cake with which soma of them
had desperately struggled at tea time.
"Why did you asl; for that stuff?" a
disappointed and still hungry youth
ashed her "You know very well It
Isn't tit to eat.'"
"1 have a dotlnlte purinwe In view,"
answered the .voting lady, carefully
placing the piece of cake where there
would be no iKisstblllty of her forget.
ting It. "1 mean to make my husband
eat It If uwesary. to force it dowu his
throat crumb by m uuit) and thus con.
vlucu htm that huiuew tiere lu the wide,
wjde world there Is an even worse
cook than he imagines bis inexpert
eueed young wife to be." Pearson's
Work 24 Hours a Day.
The busiest little things ever made are
Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. Every pill
is a sugar-coated globule of health, that
changes weakness into strength, langudr
They lace in front as a result the abdomen is
relieved of all pressure. Support is given to the
organs und deep breathing is encouraged. They
emphasize the long graceful line of the back, which
artists ogre is the most beautiful line in art
They gently but surely compel a correct standing
position and a graceful carriage. We invite you to
investigate these wonderful corsets.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
July 9, 1910.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment pres
ent Springer, Walter and Streitz
and county clerk.
I. E. Trout is hereby appointed
constable in the First ward of North
Platte and bond approved.
Bill of Fred Simants allowed on
Road Dist No. 30 for $30.00.
Whereupon the board adjourns
until July 11, 1910.
Board of equalization met pur
suant to "recess taken, present
Springer, Walter, Streitz, Bacon and
county clerk.
Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Plumer's sub
division to Maxwell, raised from
$1,480 to $2,500.
S. W. Clark's stock of hardware
reduced from $2570 to $2220.
Drebert Clothing Co. lowered from
$9,150 to $8,150.
Dave Thomson, postoffice fixtures,
reduced from $1000 to $200.
Western Union Telegraph Co. as
sessment raised from $28,322 to
$42,403.76, or to the value of $54.00
per wire mile.
Whereupon the board of equali
zation takes a recess until August
Joseph Klein, solicitor for the
Equitable Assurance Co., has been
in town for a day or two. Mr. Klein
says there are but two real good
towns in Nebraska, and North Platte
is one of the two.
In noting the recent wedding of
"Billy" Cortwright, we-said he was
running a train in Colorado. This
was a mistake. For five years past
he has been superintendent of a
railroad in the southern part of Old
Mexico, and the wedding ceremony
took place in his private car. The
bride is an Irish lassie who was
born near Billy's home in Ireland
Napoleon's Grit
was of unconquerable, never-say-die
kind, the kind that you need most when
you have a bad cold, cough or lung dis
ease, suppose troches, cough syrups,
cod liver oil or doctors have all failed,
don't lose heart or hone. Take Dr.
King'8 New Discovery. Satisfaction is
gunranieeu wnen usca tor throat or
lung trouble. It has caved thousands
of sufferers. It masters stubborn colds,
ousunate cougns, nemorrnages. la
grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever, and
whooping cough and is the must safe
and certain remedy for all bronchial
affections. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free
at btone Drug Co.
A Growing Girl
changes more rap
idly in appearance
than nnybody else.
Ono day she is a
child, tho next
"quite a young
lady." If there is
keep a record of
her development
by a series of
Bring her hero
to-day and so start
tho series with
photographs of tho
highest artistic
merit, You'il be
glad you have
them in years to
come. She'll never
be ashamed to
have you show
E. 0. Halventadt,
405 Dewey Street,
Serial No. (8057
neparhsBntof tab Interior.
C P. Lantt Offlca at North Platte, Neb.
Notice ts hereto given that 5Elf Kunkel.
ot North Platte. Nebraska, who. on Juneth
m. roadebomestead eritrr No. J1B1
ferial No. 0J0S7, fomorth half and bouthwest
uuarter. section S, township ll.nortli, lttnito
Jl. west of the sixth Principal MerlduS
has filed notice of intention to
make final fire rear proof to
establish claim to the land above described
ft'??0 U,eJ,etal.,5r d Kolver at Nmh
l'Uttfl. Neb., on the 0th day of Sept. into.
Claimant names as witnesses! William
Orlfflths, of Dickens. NeClMl. liurwolsd I f
Pomeret, Neb , Carl Hroeder. of North
Vlatte. Neb. Jrd John (SSSfSf somemr!
jffr-i i. E.'EVAKlJ. Agister.
Hot Weather
Secured by the use of good
Talcum Powder. It absorbs
the perspiration and makes
the skin smooth and cool.
We have all the leading
varieties, also a splendid
line of chamois skins.
Family Druggists,
$1.25 to $10.00
a pair. See our window.
Wilcox Department Store
A Pretty Center Table
adds much to the appearance
of your parlor. Some of the
late styles are exceptionally
good. Our tables will surely
please you. Tables from
Si. 25 to $10.00.
Howe & Maloney.
in harness from our fine stock will be
comfortable and easy while ho wears
it, A good fit is guaranteed, ns we
carry all sizes of the best hand make
oak leather harness in stock nt all
times for light and heavy uso Wo
have many new nnd handsome styles
to show you just now.