The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1910, Image 3

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    The story opens with the Introduction
of John Stephens, adventurer, a Maasa
rhunctts man rnnroonfd by authoring nt
Vnlpnrolpo, Chile. Being Interested In
inlnlnc operations In Bolivia, ho was do
nounced by Chile as an Insurrectionist
nnd as a consequence was hiding. At his
hotel his attention was attracted by an
Kngllshmnn and a young woman,
Stephens rescued the young woman from
a drunken officer. lie was thanked by
her. Admiral of the Peruvlnn navy con
fronted Stephens, told him that war had
oeen declnred between Chllo nnd Peru
ind offered him the ofllco of captain. He
desired that that night tho Esmeralda, a
Chilean vessel, should be captured.
Stephens accepted the commission.
Stephens met a motley crow, to which he
was nsslgned. Ho gavo them final In
structions. They boarded the vessel. They
auccessfully captured tho vessel supposed
to be tho Esmeralda, through strategy
Capt. Stephens gave directions for the de
parture of the craft. He entered the cab
in nnd discovered tho English woman
and her mold. Stephens quickly learned
tho wrong" vessel had been captured.
It wan-t-ord Darlington's private yacht,
tho lord's wife and maid being aboard.
'He explained tho situation to her lndy
ship. Then First Mate Tuttre laid baro
tho plot, saying flint tho Sea Queen had
been taken In order to go to tho Antarc
tic circle. Tuttle explained thnt on a
former voyngo he had learned that the
Donna Isabel was lost In 1763, He had
found It frozen In a trugo caso of Ice
on an Island and contained much gold.
Stephens consented to bo the captain
of the expedition. He told Lady
Darlington. Bho was greatly alarmed,
but expressed confidence In him. Tho
Sea Queen encountered a vessel In the
fog. Stcphons attempted to communicate.
This caused a fiorce struggle nnd he was
overcome. Tuttle finally squaring tho sit
uation. Then tho Sea Queen headed south
again. Under Tuttlo's guidance the ves
set made progress toward Its goal.
De Nova, the mute, told Stephens that ho
bellevod Tuttle, now acting as skipper.
Insane because of his queer actions.
Stephens was awakened by crashing of
class. Ho saw Tuttlo In tho grip of a
spasm of religious mania nnd overcame
him. The sailor upon regaining his senses
was taken III. Tuttle committed suicide
by shooting. Upon vote of the fcrew
Stephens assumed the leadership and the
men decided to conttnuo the treasure
hunt, the Islands being supposed to bo
only 200 miles distant. Tuttlo was burled
the sea Lady Darlington pronouncing
the service. Stephens awaking from
sleep saw the ghost, supposed to have
formed the basis for Tuttle's religious
mania. Upon advice of Lady Darlington,
Stephens started to probe the ghost.
Ho enme upon Llout. Sanchez, the drunk
en officer fie had humbled In Chile, He
found thnt at Sanchez' Inspiration, En
gineer McKnlght played "ghost" to scare
the men Into riving. "P tho .quest, Steph
ens announced that the Sea Quoen was at
the spot where Tuttlo's quest was sup
posed to be. The crow was anxious to go
on In further search. Do Nova and Steph
ens conquered them In a fist light. Lady
Darlington thanked him. Tho Sea Queen
started northward. She was wrecked In a
fog. Stephens. De Nova. Lady Darlington
nnd her maid being among those to set
out In a life boat. Ten were rescued.
Stephens saw only one chance In a tnou
sand for life. Lady Durllngton confessod
her love to Stephens and he did likewise.
Lady Darlington told her life story: how
she hnd been bartered for a tltlo, nor
yearning for absent love. She revealed
herself us the school chum of Stephens
sister. She expressed a wish to die In the
sea rather thnn face her former friends
and go back to tho old life. A ship was
sighted. Tho craft, proved to be a derelict.
They bonrded he?. Sho was frozen tight
with hundreds of years of Ice. Tho ves
sel was the Donna Isabel, lost In 1753, 126
years previous. The frozen bodies of the
former crew were removed. They read
tho log of the Isabel, which told how
tho Spaniards had died from cold, ono by
one. Lndy Darlington sang to provont the
men from becoming moody. Tho crow
commenced tho hunt for trensure. They
found the Iron chest, said to contain u
fiart of 3,000,000 pesos, firmly Imbedded In
ce. Lady Darlington expressed tho belief
that It would nover benefit tho mon, for
she said the Donna Isabel would nover
Teach port. The men got a lust for gold.
Stephens quelled It by whipping one. Tho
Donna Isabel showed Indications of sink
ing. They prepared to depart with what
treuaure had been found.
The negro Colo acted as though ho
had lost his mind, entirely, nnd after
studying him awhile I concluded to
lot him do as ho pleased. Ho ate
breakfast with tho rest of us, but with
out speaking, nnd aftorward, whon wo
loft the tnble, picked up tho cleaver
nnd made directly for tho lnzarette. I
called to him, but ho merely rolled his
eyes up nt mo from tho blackness be
low and disappeared, tho Icy water
slushing underfoot. Wo soon heard
him vigorously slashing nwny at tho
Ice, muttering constantly to himself.
I went pnrt way down the ladder, with
a candle in my hand, whence I could
nee him tolling away at tho end of tho
holo tho mon had excavated In tho
Ice, though ho paid no nttontlon to my
call. Tho water was fully six Inches
deep over tho lazaretto deck, splash
ing back nnd forth ns tho vessel
rolled, nnd I could see drops of sea
water squeezing In through the sides
of her and dripping steadily down.
There wits nothing to do but leave the
fellow alone, so after tolling Dado to
look down the ladder once In a while
and keop an eyo on him I Joined the
others on deck.
"Gono clear nutty," commented Mc
Knlght, tapping hlB head. "Tho very
sight o' thorn yellow boys was too
much for him."
"I only hopo It wasn't my blow," I
said Boborly.
"Blow holl! Why, that crack never
hurt his skull, Mr. Stephens. Tho
fellow was plumb crazy as soon aa tho
box was open. He nover thought there
was so much money In tho world.
Why, you ought to 'a' heard him tell
of tho Junk ho was goln' to buy when
bo got his sharo back to tho States.
Oh, ho'll come out of his dream all
right If wo only lot him alono for a
dav or bo,"
8o we left him down there alone,
pegging nwny In tho dark. Ho came
up, however, at tho call for dinner,
sting away heartily without uttering
With All My Strength I Flung Myself
a word and going back to his solitary
labor, paying not tho slightest heed
to any of us. Whon night camo I com
pelled him to rcmovo his Icy trousers
and boots and lio down In ono of tho
bunks. When I looked In a few min
utes later ho was sound asleep.
That the wreck was Blowly settling
down under us was beyond doubt, and
lnden with lco ns sho was tho sodden
hull would probably drop at last llko a
stone. Tho thickening sky to tho south
ward mado mo exceedingly anxious;
and Just beforo dark wo talked tho
conditions over togothor, each man
having his say. Tho decision was to
romaln on board, all allko bellovlng
tho Donna Isnbol would keep afloat
several days yot, unless tho weathor
became serious. Everything was mado
ready, howover, for a hasty escape,
and a deck-watch sot.
Doris passed tho greater part of my
watch on deck with mo, and ns Kelly
was on tho poop wo woro tho nearest
to being alono together wo had ovor
been. It was an exceedingly dark
night, but still an awful sonso of lone
liness brooding over tho black waters,
tho canvas forward flapping mourn
fully, tho huge rudder continually
croaking to tho slap of tho waves, und
a faint gurgle of water sounding from
below. Tho droarlnesB of It nffoctod
us both, In splto of an effort atdieor
fulncss; besides, wo had llttlo to talk
about excopt our perilous situation;
Yet thoro was an acuto pleasure In
thus being togothor, nnd ho sho lln
gored on besldo mo, her eyes wander
ing from my fnco out Into the gloom,
much of tho tlmo silent, yot content.
Flnnlly, after urging her to go In out
of the chill, I took a turn forward,
even clambering up tho lco hummock
to the foro peak, and testing the rise
of water with a measuring rod. As I
returned aft, where Kelly was slap
ping hlmsolf to keep warm, a light
flaky snow began falling and soon
powdered tho decks.
I did not undress, but flung myself
on tho couch In tho main cabin aftor
replenishing tho flro, and lay thoro
Rome time, staring up at the smoky
deck-beams, listening to tho slush of
water In tho lazarotte, half-frightened
by the soddenness of tho hulk's roll
ing. Yet my conviction that sho would
keop afloat for hours yet llnally lulled
mo to sleep.
Do Nova woko mo with n fierce grip
on the shouldor, and I started up, no
ting tho grny dnwn on tho front win
dows, and reading tho truth iv bis
faco beforo he uttorcd a word
"Is sho going?"
"Oul, Oul; by gar, sbo sink quick!"
"Call nil hands; got tho boat clear
and ready to swing. I'll bring tho
The men woro tumbling out as I
poundod on tho aftor stato-room door.
A glance through tho stern-ports
brought my heart Into my throat, tho
crests of tho pursuing waves wore so
close. Knowing that both women
wpuld bo fully dressed, I flung open
tho door and bogan hastily gathering
up tholr belongings, Within a brief
minute wo were outsldo on the deck.
A single glanco told us thera was uo
Forth Straight Out Into the Sea.
tlmo to wasto. Tho sea ran somewhat
heavier, yot with n regular bwoII, tho
Donna Isabel reollng and staggorlng
llko a drunken mnn. Tho vessel had
sunk bo deeply that her main-chains
dlppod,. whllo her list pormltted tho wa
ter froo entranco through tho gap in
tho port bulwarks, and flooded tho
deck. Thoro was a desporatlon to her
mad wallowing which mado mo think
each plungo would provo her last I
pwung Doris Into tho stern of tho long
boat, bidding her hold tight.
"Now Jump, men lively, or sho'U
go down under usl Do Nova, John
son, titmblo In and handlo tho ropes;
Sanchez, fend off, nnd hnvo an oar
ready. Now, then, tall on tho rest of
you, and lot hor go easy, there, easy!
Slldo down tho lino everybody, and
cast off oars, men, oars, or sho'll
swamp us."
The dip of tho chains missed uh by
tho. barest Inch; then wo swung clear,
tossed high on tho creamy crest of n
huge roller, which enabled us to look
straight down on the sloping deck.
"Is ovory ono hero?" I asked.
"All but Jem Colo, sir."
"Cole, whero Is ho?"
It was Johnson who answored.
"Well, all I know nbout It Is, I
hauled htm out o' tho bunk, and shook
hlra wide awake. Then I left him to
go out and rout out Kelly. That's tho
last I saw of him, sir, but It's a sure
thing ho ain't hero."
Do Novn had hold of tho tiller, and
I sprang forward, pushing pust Sau
chez, who was In 'the bow.
"Lay her noso closo In whero I can
Jump for tho chains," I ordered sharp
ly. "Wo can't loavo Colo behind to
It wns a bit of nvtlckllsh Job tho way
tho sea was running, and that lumping
wreck sagging under, hut tho mate
knew his trade, and, as tho boat roBo
high on tho swell, I leaped nnd hung
on, my feet dangling In tho froth. As
tho sodden hull swung reollng over I
clambored up, and droppod to tho
dock. Tho missing negro was nowhere
In sight. I lennod over, staring down
at tho bobbing boat being hurled back
by tho robound of tho surge, yet see
ing only tho whllo face of Doris up
turned appoallngly toward me.
"Pull out, boys; strong, now! Cllvo
hor plonty of room so sho won't suck
you down when she drops. I've got
to try tho cabin,"
I got aft that ,fnr. I oven got fair
ly within tho door, and my oars caught
the dull, muflled sounds of blows be
tween decks. My God! tho follow had
actunlly gotm tmcg Into that ley hold
to dig for gold! As I stood there, trom
bllng, wondering If I could dnro tho
passage, I folt a suddon quiver of tho
dock, heard n Bharp, ripping sound
forward, a yell of mlnglod voices, nnd
turned and ran for tho mil. With all
my strongth I Hung mysolf forth
straight out into tho gray sea. I wont
down, down, down, fooling ns If, tho
very llfo wns bolng auckod out of mo,
ovory muscle paralyzed by tho Icy
coldness of tho wnter. As I came up,
gasping, Btruggllng, ucarco able to
movo u cramped limb, tho suction
caught mo, dragging me back and
dowu again. I battled against it llko
n madman, every Instant nn agony;
nnd then, nil nt onco, I found tho crest
and breathed In tho welcomo air, my
stiffened limbs moving mechanically,
my brain throbbing with pain. I could
soo nothing until a huge rollor flung
mo upward, buffotlng my fuco with Icy
spray, and thoro, below In tho hollow,
tossed tho long-boat, ovory pallid faco
staring up at me, I saw them fran
tically back water, ns tho great surgo
hurled mo down headlong. I wns bo
sldo them; they clutched at mo and
missed. Tho atom, swung suddonly
nbout by the blow of tho sea, loomed
over mo, and then my fingers gripped
a dripping oar-blade. Ood knows how
I ovor clung to It, wrenched by thnt
sen how tho strength remained In
my numbed hands; but some ono
twisted a boathook In tho collar of my
Jacket, and so they hauled mo, drip
ping and half-conscious, ovor tho gun
wale I saw Doris. I looked Into hor
eyes. I felt her baro hands on my
wet chcok. I think It wns tho simple
touch of hor that gavo mo back llfo
and comprehension of my condition. I
endeavored weakly to lift my head,
fighting ngalnst tho nwful numbnoss
that held mo prostrate. Everything
seemed a dream, yet In that dream I
heard Do Nova's voice:
"Tako him for'ard zarq, dam' quick.
Strip zo wet clothes off, or ho frcozo
doad. Uy gar, Jump you, Kelly, on'
got blanket roun him!"
I hardly know whnt they did, for I
scarcoly retained sufficient llfo
allzo that I was still alive; but, when
I was fairly warm beneath a pllo of
blnnkots, I saw Doris sitting whero
sho could look down Into my fnco,
and tho mon busy stopping tho mast
and getting up sail. I pushed my
hand out from under tho covers and
found hers.
"Don't cry, llttlo girl," I whlsporcd
tenderly; "It Is all right now."
Sho bent down, her chonk pressed
against mine, unable to speak.
"uia am tne Donna Isabel go
down?" I asked, after a moment's si
"Yes, nnd nnd It nearly caught us,"
hor voice sobbing, ns tho memory of
It nil enmo bnck. "I I saw you Jump,
nnd then thoro wns nothing nothing
but tho sea. Oh! how did Qod ovor
savo you over bring you back to
I could only press her hand under
tho wnrmth of tho blankets, still fcol
lng It difficult to breathe.
"Did did you Bee Colo?" sho ques
tloned at last, moro calmly.
"No, but I heard him; ho was down
In tho lazaretto, chopping at tho lco,
poor devil.
I folt her shiver; thon sho lifted hor
head, looking forth ovor tho sea.
"lo tno very end tho dead aro
doomed to gunrd that gold," she said
soberly. "I wish wo had nono of It
aboard." I lay watching tho dellcato
profile of hor face, happy, yot with a
llttlo of foreboding.
"Lift mo up a llttlo, dear, until I
can look nbout."
Sho did so with much gontloness,
nnd I leaned against tho gunwale. It
was a rnw, cloudy morning, sea and
sky tho samo dull, dreary expanse of
gray, with nothing anywhoro to ro
lievo tho awful lonollncss of water on
which wo tosBed. Our eyes met and
our handclasp tightened.
i In Which We Fight Death.
I romember distinctly onough tho
first six dnys of thnt boat voyngo; It
seems nB If ovory dotnll wns burned
upon my brain with llro. I soo tho
faces of tho men constantly becoming
moro haggard and hopeless ns thoy
stared, dull-oyod and nlmlosaly, out
ovor tho endless wnsto of wnter to tho
dun sky. Wo woro so tired of It; It
hnd grown so hatoful In Its pitiless
vacancy, Its dull, dreary void. It
scojped to mo that with overy ro
cuning dawn thoso within tho boat
nppoared older, grayer, moro deoply
lined; their exposed flesh caked moro
heavily with tho suit npruy; their
limbs cramped from confinement and
cold; their eyes luslerlesH nnd heavy
with despair. Thoy convorsod with
Homo effort nt cheerfulness nt first
figuring on the speed with which wo
sailed, dividing up the treasuro, count
lug the gold pieces, and speculating
upon their probable value, Hut do
prosslon followed swiftly ns dny
merged Into duy, with only that sntno
desert of tumbling wuters stretching
nbout us, that snnio wild sky over
head. Finally the growling voice
ceased entirely, tho fellows becoming
moody and sullen, scarcely answering
oven when addressed.
A Tcast.
To Eve, who, recognizing tho vnl
uo of a higher education, secured It
for heraelf and her descendants, while
Adam thought only of tickling his
paiate. Life,
bo). Warner Lewis of Missouri Only
Survivor of Butchery by
Osagee In '63.
Montgomery City, Mo. Through a
mcro Incident It develops that Col.
Warner. Lewis, prominent attorney
of this city, father of Hobort Lewis,
Republican candidate for governor In
1S9G, Is tho erstwhllo "unknown" con
federal soldier who escaped tho
bloody conflict with tho Osago Indi
ans In 18C3. In that fight 1G com
rades wcro killed, scalped and tholr
heads cut off.
Thoro wcro only 18 in tho company
nnd It wns thought thnt all woro
killed, but thoro woro two survivors,
Colonel Lewis nnd John Lnffcrty, who
met denth shortly after his csenpe.
Colonel Lewis gives tin following
account of tho bnttlo:
"Yes, It is truo thnt I nm tho only
Burvlvor of that nwful bnttle. I have
Col. Warner Lewla.
Just told a few friends of my remark-
nblo experience and oscapo, but It has
not reached tho public until now,
nearly n half century after.
"Tho story comes to tho surfaco
through a magazlno artlclo nubllshod
In Oklahoma, which It scorns Is gath
ered from some Indians who have
heard of tho mossacro. This maga
zine story, tolling of tho death of
these confodcrntcB, says:
'"Down on tho Bandbar in tho
Osago country In n spaco of some
four rods square, woro found tho al
most nudo bodlos of tho doad con
fodoratos. Tholr heads, bosldes bo
lng scalped, hnd been, according to
tho Osago custom, sovcrcd from tholr
bodies. Afterward their heads woro
all collected, soma being nt a con-
sldornblo dlstanco from tholr remains,
and, bolng placod with their bodlos,
thoy wcro nil buried.'
"Leading from theso dead bodies
woro tho foottracka of two mon wnlk
ing side by Bldo and closo togothor.
as if ono might havo been supporting
tho other. It Is probablo that theso
two men wcro shot whllo In tho wa
ter attempting to cross a stream near
by and ltls also nrobablo that thov
mado good their cscapo."
"You see, this mngnzlno writer
comes pretty noar guosslng corroctly
whon he says that it Is posslblo that
two of this fatal company mado tholr
escape. Myself nnd John Lnfforty
wero tho lucky ones, but Lnfforty
was killed boforo tho war closed."
Head of Illinois Voters' League, Who
Filed Charges Against Lorlmer,
Former Pastor,
Chicago. Clifford W. Dames, presi
dent of tho Illinois Voters' leaguo,
who, noting ns a citizen, laid formal
charges of bribery in tho election oi
William Lorlmer beforo tho United
States senate, is n Chicago capitalist
whoso homo Is In Lake Forest. lie
has taken an active Interest in legis
lative affairs and social questions foi
eovornl yenrs.
Horu in Corry, Pn., In 18G4, ho wni
graduated from Yalo and then tooll
tho degrco of master of arts at the
Clifford W. Barnes.
University of Chicago. Ho has been
a pastor nnd social settlement workor
nnd general secretnry of tho Religious
Association of America. From 1000
to 1905 ho was professor of sociology
In Illinois college.
Why Qhoul'i Indiana Swear?
Some writer sayn Indians don't
HWimr, Why should they? They do
not hnvo to hook their wives up, they
do not havo to endure rotten tele
phone sorvlce, thoy do not havo to
hang on tho car straps, they do not
sit behind vast millinery creations at
the theater and few of thorn have to
work. Houston I'osL
ctable Compound
Chicago, III "I want to toll yott
what Lydla E. rinkham'a Vegetable
Compound did for mo. I was so sick
thnt two of tho best doctors in unicago
Gaid I would dio If I did not havo an
operation. I had
already bad two
operations, And
thoy wanted mo to
go through a third
ono. I suffered da j
and night from in
flammation and a
small tumor, and
nover thought of
seeing a well dav
again. A friend
told mo howLjdia
E.Plnkham's Year-
otablo Compound had helped her, and
I tried it. and aftor the third bottla
was cured." Mrs. Alvena 8rEnNO,
1408 Clyhourno Avo., Chicago, 11L
If you aro ill do not drag along at
homo or in your placo of employment
until an operation is necessary, but
build up tho fomlnlno Bystcm, nnd ro
movo tlio camo of thoso distressing
nchoa and pains by taking Lydla E.
rinkham'a Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and. herbs,
Tor thirty years it has boon the stan
dard remedy for fomalo Ills, and has
sandaof womonwho havo been troubled
with diaplacomonts, inflammation. uL
coratlon, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, baekncho, boaring-down
feeling, flatuloncy, indigestion, dlod-
noss, or nervous proairauon. wuj
don't you try ltr
Work While
You Sleep
Millions of people havo CAS-
CARETS do Health work for
them. If you havo nover tried
this great health maker; Get a 10a
box and you will never nso any
other bowel medicine. hi
CAOCARRTB toe box for a week's
treatment, all druturUU. Blffgeat teller
In Uic wot Id. Million boxcaa, month.
"I have .been engaged eovoral times,"
boasted tho first summer girl, "to me
whoso names I did not know."
"That's nothing," retorted tho bio.
ond summer girl. "I ongagod myself
lastBeason to a stranger who wig
wnggoa ins proposni iroin a passim
Keen observers predict a big boom
In proporty In Wnntland, Colorado, th
now town which 1b bolng built In thi
center of tho Llttlo Snako River Val
ley In Routt County, Colorado. A bli
Irrigation system Is being built to lrrl
gato C0.000 acres of vory lino land sup
rounding Wantland. Tho land Is b
lag sold by tho Stnto of Colorado foi
CO cents per aero, undor tho Cnroj
Act, and water rights cost $35.00 an
aero, In ton year payments. Sugar fao
torlcs, flour mills, canneries, etc, an
among the posslblo Industries to bp lo
cated at Wantland. Full information
can bo obtained from tho Routt County
Colonization Company, 1734 Woltoi
St., Denver, Colo.
Hard Task, Indeed!
Llttlo Helen was at tho seaside wltb
hor aunt, nnd In tho houso where tho;
woro staying wob a tolephono. One daj
she heard hor mother talking from the
city, nnd sho was oo terrified that sha
burst into tears.
"Oh, auntie, auntlo!" Bho sobbed.
"How shall wo ovor got mamma out ol
that llttlo holo?"
ned, Wik, Wcarr, Wat err Ees.
Relieved Ily Murine Eye liemcdy. T17
Murlno For Your Eye Troubles. You Will
I.lko Murine. It Hoothea. C0o at Your
Drucslita. Write For Eye Books. Frae.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chloogo.
The Gentle Oame.
Knlckor Did ho Bet foot whero man
never trod beforo?
llocker Yes, ho kicked anothot
player on tho skull.
Lewis' Single Hinder, ntratght So
many smokers prefer them to lOo cigars.
Men who remain neutral In times
of public danger aro enemies to their
country. Addison.
Dr. Plercm't Pleasant Pallets teralata and tnrlr.
ontte ttnmacb, liter and bownli. Uugar-waUd,
Uoj granulti, aaif to taka at canil.
Some animals multiply rapidly and
Borne snakes are adders.