The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 05, 1910, Image 7

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Libby's Vienna Sausage
m J. JLP JLf JLf
i Gayuoye Men are no good, ehl
"Wasn't It man that made us sraokolesa
-powder, horseless carrlagoa and wire
Hess telegraphy, eh 7
Mra. Qayboye Yes, and I'd think
moro of man it ho'd mnlco yousmoka
less tobacco, drink less wlno and spend
'spend less moncyl
In tho treatment of affections of tho
-skin and scalp which torturo, distlg
uro, Itch, burn, soalo and destroy tho
lialr, as well as for preserving, puri
fying and beautifying tho complexion,
hands and hair, Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment nro woll-nlgh In
falllblo. Millions of womon through
out tho world roly on theso pure, sweet
and gentle emollients for nil pur
poses of tho toilet, bath and nursery,
and for tho sanative antlsoptlc cleans
ing of ulcerated, inflamed mucous sur
faces. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.,
Boston, Mass., solo proprietors of tho
Cutlcura Remedies, will mall- frco, on
request, their latest 32-pago Cutlcura
Book on the skin and hair.
Conditional Piety.
' Two Scotch fishermen, James and
inndy, belated and befogged on a
rough water, wcro in soma trepidation
lest they should never get ashoro
again. At last Jamlo Bald:
"Sandy, I'm stocrlng, and I think
jrou'd better put up n bit of prayer."
"I don't know how," said Sandy.
"If ye don't I'll chuck yo overboard,"
laid Jamlo.
Sandy began: "Oh, Lord, 1 nevor
asked anything of ye for fifteen years,
and If yo'll only get us safe back, I'll
nover troublo ye again, and "
"Whist, Sandy," Bald Jamlo. "Tho
boat's touched shore; don't bo be
holden to anybody." Short Stories.
Wrong Diagnosis.
A drummer was taken 111 suddenly.
He went to see a physician of consid
erable standing, and tho following
conversation ensued: "I feol very
lck,H declared the drummer. "What's
the troublo?" asked tho physician.
"Sovoro pain In my sldo." "Humph,"
aid the doctor slowly, "I think you
have appendicitis." "You havo mado
a mistake, doctor," replied the sales
man. . "I'm not a millionaire just a
plain drummer."- "Well, I guess you
last havo tho cramps, then," replied
the indignant personage "Flvo dol
lars, pleoso."
Eva Then you nro not fond of
pressed flowers?
' Jack No, they always remind mo
of a kiss through a telephono.
Eva QraclousI In what way?
Jack They havo lost tholr sweet
ness. Had a Reason.
"Why don't you call your newspaper
tho Appondlx?" asked tho enemy of
tho political boss.
"Any special reason for wanting ma
to do so?"
"Well, It's a usoless organ."
Darber-ouB Humor.
Barber How would you like your
hair cut, sir?
Stude Fine. Do you think 1 came
In here to discuss the tariff?
Adversity Is n searching tost of
friendship, dividing tho sheep from
tho goats with unerring accuracy; and
this Is a good service. Watson.
Unsung Bongs cheer no hearts. A.
Finally Found a Food That Cured Her.
"When I first read of tho remark-
ablo effec'fl of Grape-Nuts food, I do
termlned to securo some," says a wom
an In Salisbury, Mo. "At that time
thero "(as none kopt In this town, but
my husband ordorod some from a Chi
cago traveler.
"I bad boon greatly afflicted with
tuiHon-, attacks - of cramps, nausoa,
an vomiting. Tried all sorts of
remedies and physicians, but obtained
ovly temporary relief. As soon as I
began to uso tho now food tho cramps
disappeared and havo nevor returned.
My old attacks of sick stomach
svera a little slower to yield, but by
continuing tho food, that trouble has
fllsappeared entirely. I am today per
(octly well, can eat anything nnd
everything I wish, without paying the
penalty that I used to. We would not
keep houso without Grape-Nuts.
"My husband' was so delighted with
t-fl benefits I recolvcd that he has
bren recommending Grupo-Nuts to his
customers and has built up a very
large trade on tho food. Ho soils them
by tho caso to many of tho lending
physicians of tho county, who recom
mend Grape-Nuts very generally
Thero Is some satisfaction In using
a really scientifically prepared food."
Read tho little book, "The Road to
Wellvllle.'Mn pkgs. "There's aRcanon."
Bver rend tbe above letter? A nevt
one appear from time to time. Tue7
are centime, irna, mua full of liuniaa
The story opens with tlip Introduction
of John Stephens, adventurer, n Mnnsa
chunetts limn mnrooned by authorities nt
Valparaiso. Chile. DelriK Interested In
mining- operations In Bolivia, liu wns de
nounced by Chllo uw nn Insurrectionist
and as a consequence wns hiding. At his
hotel his intention wns nttrurtcd by nn
KiiKllshman and a young wumnn.
Steiihcns .rescued the young womnn from
n drunken oincor. He was thnnked by
her. Admiral of tho Peruvian nnvy con
fronted Stephens, told him that wnr had
been declared between Chllo nnd Peru
nnd offered him tho olllce of cnptnln. Ho
desired that that night the Estnernldn, a
Chilean vessel, should bo captured.
Rtephena ncceptod tho commission.
Stephens mot a motloy crow, to which ho
was assigned. Ho gave them final In
structions. They boarded tho vessel. They
successfully captured tho vessel supposed
to be the Esmeruldn, through strntegyt
Cnpt. Stephens gave directions for the do-
farture of the craft. He entered the cab
n nnd discovered tho English woman
and her maid. Stephens quickly learned
tho wrong vessel had been captured.
It wns Lord Darlington's prlvato yacht,
tho lord's wife nnd maid being aboard.
Ho explained the situation to her lady
ship. Then First Mato Tuttlo laid bare
tho plot. Baying that the Sea Queen had
been taken in order to go to the Antarc
tic circle. Tuttlo explained that on A
former voyneo he had learned that tho
Donna Isabel was lost In 1763. He had
found It frown In a huge case of Ice
on an Island and contained much gold.
Stephens consented to bo the captain
of tho expedition. Ho told Lady
Darlington. She was greatly alarmed,
but expressed confidence In him. The
Sea Queen encountered a vessel In tho
fog. Stephens Attempted to communicate.
This caused a fierce struggle and ho wns
overcome. Tuttlo finally squaring tho sit
uation. Then the Sea Queen headed south
again. Under Tuttle's guidance the ves
sel made progress toward Its goal.
Do Nova, tho mate, told Stephens that ho
believed Tuttle, now noting as skipper,
Insane because of his queer notions.
Stephens wns awnkencd by crashing of
glass. He saw Tuttlo in the grip of a
spasm of religious mania and overcame
him. The sailor upon regaining his senses
was tnken 111. Tuttle committed sulclda
by shooting. Upon voto of the crew
Stephens nssumed tho leadership and the
men decided to contlnuo 'tho treasure
hunt, the Inlands being supposed to be
only 200 miles distant. Tuttle wns burled
In tho sea, Indy Darlington pronouncing
the service. Stephens awaking from
sleep saw tho ghost, supposed to havo
formed the basis for Tuttle's religious
mania. Upon advice of I.ndy Darlington,
Stephens started to probe tho Klibst.
He came upon IJeut. Sanchez, the drunk
en officer he had humbled In Chile. Ho
found thnt at Sanchez' Inspiration, En
gineer McKnlght played "ghost" to scare
the men Into giving up tho quest. Steph
ens announced that the Sea Queen was at
the spot where Tuttle's quest was sup
posed to bo. The crew wns anxious to go
on In further search. De Nova and Steph
ens conquered them In a Hut fight. I-ady
Darlington thanked him. The Sea Queen
started northwnrd. She was wrecked In n
fog. Stephens. De Nova, Lady Darlington
nnd her maid being among those to set
out In a life boat. Ten were rescued.
Stephens saw only one chance In a thou
sand for life. 1-ady Darlington confessed
her love to Stephens nnd he did likewise.
I.ndy Darlington told her life story; how
she had been bartered for a title, her
yeurnlng for absent love. She revealed
herself as tho school chum of Stephens'
sister. She expressed a wish to d'l In tho
sea rather than frico her former friends
nnd go back to the old life. A ship was
sighted. The craft proved to be a derelict.
They boarded her. 8ho was frozen .tight
with hundteds of years of Ice. Tho ves
sel was the Donna Isabel, lost In 1753. 128
years previous. The frozen bodies of tho
former crew were removed. They rend
the log of the Isabel, which told how
the Spaniards had died from cold, ono by
one. Lady Darlington sang to prevent the
men from becoming moody. The crow
commenced the hunt for treasure. They
found the Iron chest, said to contain a
part of 3,000,000 pesos, (Irmly Imbedded In
Ice. Lady Darlington expressed tho belief
thnt It would never benefit thu men, for
she snld the Donna Isabel would nover
reach port. The men got a lust for gold.
"No, sir, but they'll bo thero."
"Oh, yos, no doubt thuy'll bo thero,
but tho only way wo could over got
thom out would bo to run this hooker
ashoro In somo mild climate and let
tho tco melt. It's plain enough to soe
what has happened. The Donna Isa
bel sailed In ballast, these chests be
ing about tho only cargo sho carried.
They shifted In tho heavy seas, and
tho Lord only knows where they are
now. Anyway, thoy are safe beyond
the reach of your lco cleavor."
They stared Into each others' faces,
tho dlsagreeablo truth slowly pone
tratlng their minds. Kelly spoke, his
volco trembling:
"Then why tho hell, sir, couldn't wo
do Just what you said?"
"What! ru her ashore? simply bo
cause, my Ind, that shore happons to
be a thousand miles away, and I doubt
If this wreck keeps afloat three dnys
Tholr oxcltcd faces told of Incredu
lity, of a suspicion that I was playing
with them, nnd I went on swiftly:
"You fellowB hnvo been so crszy tho
last two days you haven't thought of
anything hut gold. I tell you It Is
not tho treasure, hut our lives wo'vo
got to savo. Tho lco Is pooling off thu
sides, and tho ship is taking water like
a sieve. Wo aro going to ho driven
hack to the long-bout, and how much
of this heavy stuff enn wo transport In
her? I know It's mighty tough, lads,
but we might as welt faco things as
thoy are,"
I expected opposition, but not such
a wild storm of curses and execrations
as greeted theso words. All Bcnso of
sea discipline vanished, oven De Nova
Joining In tho outcry, I ronialnud,
planted across tho box, waiting for
the bedlam to ceaso, uncertain how I
had best attompt to restoro them to
their souses. Colo decided tho matter
by rushing forward like an onraged
bull, throwing mo aside with a heuvo
Df his shoulder, the next Instant bury
!np his hands In tho coins. That tho
fellow was out of his head was evi
dent okqueIi mad as a March huro -
"Unless It's a Fight You Want,
but I could not hesltnto becauso of
that Thoso othersere on tho ergo;
all thoy noeded for open revolt was
leadership, example, and I caught- up
a chair and laid the blubbering negro
on tho deck, pleccs-of-elght flying in"
every direction nB ho fell.
"Unless It's a fight you want, stnnd
back, tho wholo of you!" I threatened,
tho broken chair still In my hands.
"Wo mny bo ablo to tako this chest,
or a part of It, with us, but thero Ib
going to bo no moro digging done
down below. Do Nova who aro you
with In thlB row tho men or mo?"
"By gar, It makes mo mad to glvo
up all zat monies."
"Well, get mad! you'll hnvo to glvo
It up Just tho Bamo. Don't bo a fool,
man. You enn seo this for yourself;
you're a sullor; It would require a year
to tunnel through that Ice with tho
tools wo'vo got, and look nt tho hull
under us. Why, you enn seo tho list
of the dock oven hero In tho cabin,
nnd tho feel of her whon sho drops In
to a hollow Is enough to mako a sea
man sick. Which Is worth most, mate,
thoso yellow boys or tho little girl
Ho looked nt Coleste, white-faced,
tho tearB staining her cheeks, her eyes
glowing like two coals, and all the
florco passion of resistance) seemed
to desort his countenance. His glance
dropped to the deck, returning to my
"By gar, If you put It zat way, mon
sieur, zon I chooso tho lady, sure. Hut
zo sing I want Is both of 'om."
"No doubt; but you havo sense
enough to reallzo that you can't hnvo
both. So I count you with mo. Now,
how about you, JohnBon?"
Tho big, hairy seaman, sober-faced
and gravo-oyed, glanced about on his
mates and straightened up.
"I'm hero to obey ordors, sir," ho
snld slowly. "I've ullors been poor, an
I reckon tho Lord don't moan me to
over git rich."
I held out my hand, deeply touched
by tho sterling honesty of the roply.
"You've got something worth moro
than money, Hill, and that's manhood.
You stand tho acid. Shnko hands,
Ho reHfondod awkwardly enough,
having rccolved moro cuffs than pralso
during his rough sea life, yet tho ex
pression In tho mild blue eyos gave
mo confidence that I had touched the
right chord. I surveyed tho others
McKnlght leaning on tho cleaver, red
faced and scowling, Sanchez, Kelly
nnd Dado back of him, tho negro still
groaning on tho deck,
"Dado, como hero," Tho follow Bliuf
fled over toward me, ob splnoless as a
Jelly-fish. "Now, Kelly, you nnd San
chez lay Colo out In a bunk nnd dress
his head. All ho needs Is n bandage
and plenty of cold water. When you
got done with that Job como on dock
and I'll find you nnothor, McKnlght,
drop thnt cleaver and como along
with us."
They did not like It; but with Do
Novn, Johnson and Dado standing be
hind niu, they realized tho uselessuoss
i of revolt. Their hesitation and growl
Stand Back, tho Whole of Youl"
ing curseB Irritated mo nono the loss.
. "Jump, ypu follows, unless you want.
tho samo medicine Colo Just took."
Tho two men lifted tho negro In
their nrms und bore hint back to ono
of tho stato-rooms aft. Kelly came
out ngaln and rcturned( with a panni
kin of wntcr. I bent down nnd closed
tho lid of the chest. Tho flvo of ub
tramped out on deck.
It was, indeed, n rare day for that
season of tho yenr and In thnt ocean,
tho sky overhead pale blue nnd cloud
less, tho wldo sen stirred merely by
tho gentlest swell, tho slight breeze
stendy, and baroly firm enough to hold
tho rotten ennvns stiff. There was
oven sufficient heat In tho Bun's rnys
to moisten tho lco along tho decks
whoro the chill of tho wind did not
strike, nnd tho swoop of tho horizon
oxtended further than wo had seen for
Wfj'ks. Tho beauty of the day would
havo put now henrt and llfo Into all of
us but for tho miserable wreck under
foot. Tho very glare of tho sunlight
scorned to roveal with now vividness
how closo the ond wan. Light as tho
sea ran, tho Ico-lndon bow of tho Don
na Isabel ploughed deoply under,
every crest bursting In wlilto foam
through tho break In tho port bul
warks, tho list In tho dock so steep we
mado our way forward with difficulty
along tho slippery Biirfnco. Our rate
of progress had hocomo so slow ns to
leave only tho barest ripple In tho wnko,
Clnmborlng over Into tho forochalns
I pointed out to tho men how tho sea
wns encronchlnp on tho bulging side.
They Btared nt tho cvldonco gravely,
each comprehending clearly tho dread
meaning, yet no one spoko for n min
ute. "I reckon you wns right, sir," ml
mlttod JohnHon, llnnlly. "Tho old hook
or Is goln' down."
Do Novn peered along tho slippery
dock, gleaming In tho sun, moodily,
hut snld nothing until ho looked up
nnd caught my eyes.
"W'at you do, monsieur?"
"I menn to hold on as long as It is,
safe," I replied, "becaimo thecabln
gives shelter to tho women. Wo all
know what tho open boat means, and
we'll put that oft until tho Inst posslblo
mornont. Wo nro not mnklng much
progress, it's truo; but still, ovory
mile helpB, and, If this weather will
only hold, tho wreck may keep afloat
for sovorul dayB yot, but we'll get
ovorythlng fixed for u quick depart
Kelly and Sanchoz appeared In tho
cabin door, and I called to them lo
Join us.
"Now, lads, lot's make uso of what
daylight wo'vo got loft. This weather
is likely to chango any minute, Throe
of you lowor thnt Jib, nnd got out tho
cairvas belonging to tho long-boat
Ploco tho Jib up with nny old1 Btuff
you can find that will stand a light
wind. De Nova, you tako charge of
that Job. Dado, you'd bettor run back
to tho tiller, nnd hold hor stondy us
tho Jib co in os down. Johnson nnd I
will seo that tho long-boat Is sound,
stocked, nnd ready for launching."
Wo mado a thorough Job of It, over
hauling tho boat from stem to stern,
nnd ending by rigging up block and
tacklo for hoisting hor, whon loadod,
ovor tho bulwarks. Wo lashed tho
Donna Isabel's holm ngaln, and dis
patched Dado Into tho cabin aftor nup-
plies. Tho greater portion of tho
stores brought from tho Sea Queen,
moro especially tho canned goods, re
mained lntnct, and wo packed theso
nway snugly in tho storn lockers, add
ing whatbver wo could find that re
mained catablo among tho frozon
storOB in tho lazaretto. Altogothor wo
thus amassed a sufficient supply, Wo
rolled tip nil tho extra hlankotn, shov
ing them under tho sentB, and saw
that serviceable spars and oars wore
snfoly stowed and lashed. It was
growing dusk boforo thoso matters
hnd all boon attended to, and I flnnlly
steppod out of tho boat, Tho mon woro
masBod In a body on tho deck, and tho
moment I saw thom I nndarstood thoy
had been discussing tho situation. Do
Novn spoko:
"Monsieur," ho questioned, "how
much In American monoy would bo
In zo chest?"
"I don't know, of course, hut Just for
a guess, porhaps $100,000 maybo
"An zaro bo only zo ten of us. To
divide It up make, maybo, ten t'ousand
dollnr for each. Wns It not so?"
"Why, yes, or oven moro than that,
for I will chcorfully walvo my sharo,
and can pledge thnt Lady Darlington
will do tho samo. But what of It?"
"Zat fino lot monies for sailor-man,"
ho Bald, eagerly. "An' w'y not havo
It? Anyhow, w'y not try to savo It?
Zo long-bont Is built to hoi' 25 peoples,
an' we only ton. Zen w'y not tako zo
gol'? It pnt not'lng, It drink not'ing,
an' if It weight too much, zen wo t'row
It overboard. But w'y not try carry it,
zo hundred t'ousand dollar?"
Thero was no good reason why wo
bhouldn't; besides, tho very possibil
ity of prosorvlng oven that sharo of
tho troaBuro would prove an Inspir
ation to tho mon. I looknd about Into
their anxious faces, fooling mysolf
somo monsuro of tholr oxcltomont
"That will bo all right, lads," I Bald
gladly. "You'vo earned It fair enough,
and wo'H start with It anyhow. Tako
tho stuff out of tho chest and tla it up
In )blnnkota. Then we can stow it awny
ovonly so as to keep tho boat bal
anced. But," I added, as tho memory
of what Doris had Raid carao to mo,
"I think It only fair to toll you that
Ira suro thero Is hnd luck in ovory
peso of it."
Tho men gnvo my croaking prophocy
no second thought, but wont trotting
nft, chattering togcthor llko n parcel
of hoys.
In Which the Donna Isabel Goes Down
Tho following night and day passed
quietly enough, tho wonthpr holding
clear, hut with a mist slowly gather
ing In tho south that seemed to threat
en chango. I observed JuBt boforo sun-
sot that this fog had so thickened nnd
sproad as to obscure nearly n third of
the sky, nnd yot there wns no voorlng
of tho wind or nottceablo Incroase In
tho roll of tho sea. Tho hulk was
sinking, yet so slowly that wo woro
only cortaln of tho fact through con
stant measurements nnd tho sight of
water seeping In through tho numor
oub crnckB revealed by tho disap
pearing lco. It wns a situation to got
upon tho nerves, yot I do not remom
her that It occasioned nny great
chango in tho routlno of our llfo on
No, Dogl
Roarod In tho strict school of "Yes,
sir!" and "No, ma'am!" addrensod
without thought of servility to all el
ders und betters, I find this n season
of rare courtesy nnd scant civility.
Well do I remember that awosomo
scone at my father's table when a
stout and rebellious little sister,
seothlng with disappointment ovor
somo denied dainty, answered "No!"
to n woll meant proffer of a less de
sirable dish.
"No, dog? or No, cat?" my father
Inquired with ominous calm, "No,
dog!" tho sturdy lass rocklossly re
plied. I qttako oven now at tho thought of
tho breathless pauso which followed,
and draw a veil ovor tho painful after
math. Apploton's.
Well Answered.
During, tho encampment of Bovernl
regiments of British soldiers In a cer
tain district tho wood and turf used
for cooking purposes wore carted by
tho neighboring farmers. Ono day a
donkey-cart full of turf was brought In,
tho driver bolug a country lad. As a
regimental band was playing, ho stood
In front of the donkey and hold tho
animal tightly by tho head. Somo of
tho "smart ones" gathered round, high
y plcnaed, and tho wit of tho party
asked why ho "hold Ills brothor so
tightly." Tho reply was crushing
"I'm afraid ho might enlist."
Is distinctly different from any
other sausage you ever tasted.
Just try one can and it Is sure
to become a frequent necessity.
Libby's View Saawfce just
suits for breakfast, is fine for
luncheon and satlsfles'at din
ner or supper. Like all of
Libby's Food Products, it is
carefully cooked and prepared,
ready to serve, In Llbby ureal
White Kitcken the cleanest,
most scientific kitchen in the
Other popular, ready-to-1
serve Llbby Pure Foods aro:
Cooked Corned Beef v
Peerlui Dried Beef Veal Loaf
Evaporated Milk
Baked Beans Chow CW
Mixed Pickles
Insist on Libby's atjyow
Lilby, McNeill 8c IMy
What J.I. Hill, tha Great Rat) road Magnate;
ays About ita wneat-ProtJucina; Powers
Th rrtM need of tala cooatry
luaiwipuwil li
Utci) In aether nntre-
in yr two wll I ! pro.
tiding of tioaift for.lU
twowUI I
nd jprodDolitf
nmclent for
Uira. Tat
of onr promlnano
country an con. Oca
a)a la to bo tha grMt
TMi r t railroad aaa
o( laa iltoatlnn pr ox
tenUre rallwnr liulW
Inrto thowhrnt flelda
of Weatarn Canada
Upwards el 128 MIIIIm
uatiala of Whaat
Iwero hnnreatcd in 1000. Ararat
of tha thraa province of Altxrta,
BaiKtchawin and Manitoba 111 ua
i npwarda of 83 buuiela per acre.
nnd adjolnlnir pro-inptlonot
100 acre (nt 3 per ncro), are to
be bad In tue cholerat dUtrlota.
Bclioou (vonrcnlctit, cllmatn
tfiellftnt. anil tint ver-r IimL
excellent, aoll tlio Terr brat.
railway cloio nt Iiaml, mi lid-
inr lumocr ciimp. run eaiy to
clumber clienrt. furl eaj
ret and rriuonnblo In price,
nrnter caillr nrociircdi mixed
farmlnr n utvow. Writ a to
brut pine for attlrmnt, aettlera
low railway rute. rincrlptlr illn.
I ruled "W, DMtyrt"Mn free
ou application, Ami oinor inxorra
lion, lohup l ot 1
Ottawa, uan., o
or to the
uorammaat Asest.
Boom Bil Hdx. Osaka, Ktk.
(Dm addr nart rot& H
Not a Musician.
"Whnt la a man called who plays oa
a nnxopuono?"
"You mean what dooa ha call him
self or what do his hoaroro call
Wanted to Know the Worst.
"Woll, doctor, boy or girl?"
"My dear air, you are tho father of
'"Suro you haven't missed nny la
your hurried count?"
OomUpatlon cn and aarlonaly anraraUa
many dlwwiie. It la thoroughly cured by Dr.
1'Utoa'a relict. Tiny tugar-coated granule.
Soarch others for their virtues, and
thyself for thy vlcca. Fuller.
"irSuiSl Thempsen'tEytWatir
GbaaM tod, ttiflt th aair.
Protaolw a huuritnt growth,
tf.rar 7-aila to He.torc Gray
Uair toll Toutarul Color.
Cuit mlp dlHMt lib fuluife
oa.mdU)0 ( DnjQJ
30 ft Bowels
Blccest orean of tho body tha
bowels and tho moat important
It 'a got to bo looked after noglect
means suffering and years ol
misery. CAS CARETS help
nature keep overy part of yout
bowels clean and stronc then
they act right means health to
your wholo body. m
CAHCARItTS loc a box for a week' treat,
meat. All druecUta. Ulgccst acller in
tho wot M Million boxc a month.