THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L, bArE, Publisher. TERMS, $1.25 IN ADVANCE. NOTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA iruniTimin 8 it GOI nuHllUliD NEWS AND NOTE3 AND THERE. HERE PERSONAL iO POLITICAL Other Matten of Interest Con- jj denied From the More J Important Telegrami. 6 Washington. Tho public building bill, carrying $19,288,500 In authorizations lor In creasing cost of public buildings, etc., besides $3,095,000 for continuing con tracts, was passed by tho houso. President Taft will not appoint tho flvo Judges of tho court of commorco authorized by tho now railroad law until December noxt. Tho law docs not bocomo effective until August 18. Tho comptroller of tho currency has authorized tho following national banks to begin business: First Nation nl, Laurel, Nob., capital $40,000; P. A. McCormack, president; J. II. Coburn, vlco president; W. T. Graham, cashlor; C. D.Young assistant cashier. Richard Parr, tho customB deputy nt New York, who materially assisted tho government In recovering ovor $2,000,000 in tho sugar underwolgh Ing frauds, Is to bo rowarded to tho extent of $100,000. Tho following Nebraska postmast ers havo been appointed: Anoka, Boyd county, Mortln K. Klrport, vlco II. W. Parekon, resigned; St Michael, Buffalo county, Edith A. Nickel, vlco D. M. Hcndrlckson, ro-movctfT- Table, Custer county, Oscar A. Ollne, vlco P. M. Sperry, resigned. Family and nusincBS reasons woro given at tho state dopartment as the causo of tho rotlromont from tho diplomatic sorvlco of James Flynn Stutesman, American minister to Bolivia. Tho report that Mr. Stutes man was stopping out in order to make a placo ln tho servico for Fred TV. Carpenter, former secretary to president, Is denied. General. The senato passed the postal sav ings bill by a vote of 44 to 24. Sweltering weather ln tho cast caused many fatalities. Young Roosevelt, Just mnrrlcd, goes to work In San Francisco July 1st. Two South Dakota ran;hmen fought with revolvers. Ono of thom was killed. Tho senalo passed n bill providing for campaign publicity after elections. Roosovelt has now becomo editor, doing work in this lino for tho Out look. Wheat went up several cents In Chi cago on roports of dryness ln tho northwost. Cooling nights and some rain in tho wheat belt caused sudden reaction ln the price of that ccroal. Mr, Roosovelt mado it plain to In torvlowors that ho was homo for rest and quiet, and not to talk. Tho statu department has sent a Bharp noto In reply to tho representa tions of President Madrlz. Secretary of State Knox was com mencement orator nt tho University of Pennsylvania exorcises, In a speech ln tho houso Repre sentative Itansdcll advised Immigra tion to tho southorn states. Ex-Presldont Roosovelt will rest for two months nt Oystor Bay, mean time not saying a word about politic. Tho greatest demonstration that Now York over witnessed was that pulled off on tho arrival of Roose velt. Joseph Wondllng, nlloged slayer or Alma Klllnor, tho Louisville girl, has been located on a ranch near Houston, Texas. Wilbur and Orvlllo Wright, tho Day ton, 0 aviators, woro each given n degree of doctor of laws at Oberlln collogo. ' It has practically been arranged that tho coronation of King Georgo will tnko placo about tho middle of May, 1911. President Taft Is anxious about tho publicity bill nnd 1b urging that con gress socuro its enactment beforo ad journment. Fight Promoter Rlckard has a faint hopo that Governor Gllletto of Cali fornia may rolcnt and lot the fight go on in San Francisco. Every tnembor of congress counts on bolng ablo to spend July 4th at homo and not go back to Washington again until Dccomber. Winston Spencer Churchill, secre tary of homo nffairs, gave a dinner In London in honor of William Jennings Bryan at tho houso of commons. Frank Grlllo, a "whlto slaver", con victing of holding young girls captlvo, was sentenced ln Brooklyn to ten years' imprisonment In Slug Sing. Beginning July 1, conformably with law, thcro will bo organized n divi sion of corporations in tho ofllco ol TKe Old JimeCelebratiori THE old-time celebration is the kind I Wee the best: The girls, they looked their sweetest, all ln fluffy muslin dressed j And the marshal of the day, Mounted on a prancing bay, Rode about a-shoutlng orders, and a-clearlng of the way. Into town the folks came pouring, While the anvil shots were roaring, With the bird of freedom soaring Alt the day. CONGRESS IS DQNElTHE KING'S SALARY i ITO LABORS FINISHED LATE ON GGGTfje V. Gets $2,350,000 ffJiy SATURDAY NIGHT. Annual Expenses. 1AFT IN A SMILING MOOD Oh, the old-time celebration always meant n big parade t? Thirteen floats of lovely maidens, all in starry Hags arrayed, And the Goddess, Llb-er-tee, Waved the emblem of the free, . Bitting on her throne of beauty, unconcerned as she could be. And the "horribles" came after, Clad in rags and causing laughter, And nobody acted dafter t ' Then than me. The old-time celebration meant a picnic in the grove Oh, the patriotic fremiea that the ''noted speakers" wove I Why, if England with her men Had swooped down upon us then, ' We who "licked her twice already" would have "licked" her once again I For we tweaked the lion's tall . Till we seemed to hear his wall Echo over hill and dale, Field and glen. On the old-time celebration there would always fall a shower, Splashing on the red umbrellas, dripping from the leafy bower -. And the women, helter skelter, Seized their skirts and ran for shelter, While the air waa cooled and freshened, which before had made us swelter, Then the bunting's dripping ted. In the lemonade was shed, And on many a lady's head, I There to welter. Investigation to Be Made of Goro Charges By House and Senate Committees. In Addition His Queen, tho Prince and Princesses of Royal Family Are Liberally Supplied With Pin Money. London. Tho king of England and tho president of tho United States ar allko ln ono rcspoct thoy nro bothj dependent on tholr respective peoplos for tholr salary and allowances, tha purso strings bolng held by parlla4 niont ln ono case and by congress ln tho other. Tho methods of doing! Washlngton.-Presldent Taft walk ed out of tho capltol at 11 o'clock Saturday night smiling. Tho second session of tho Sixty- first congress had Just adjourned, and things differ ln tho two countries, but t -II L I . 1 i no naa signed praciicauy nit mai lers of legislation that had been placed before him. He received con gratulations from his cabinet and from members of both branches of they amount to tho samo ln tho end. and tho peoplo foot tho bills. Buti kings cost much mora than presU dents. Somo peoplo thought it ai big ralso" when tho president's sal- congress upon successful paBsago of ary was Increased from $60,000 to- most of his pet measures. Mr. Taft shook hands all around and continued to smile. Tho last measure signed was a Joint resolution to authorize tho sec- $75,000 a year, with $25,000 a year for traveling oxpensos, but tho Brit ish king and royal family cost a gdo'dJ many times ns much. At tho beginning of every rolgn nny So the old time celebration, vhlch we celebrate In story, Ended when the day was ended, ended in a blaze of glory) With the pin-wheels flashing, whizzing; , . And tho rockets crashing, sluing, , f With the anvils booming, roaring ; And the fireballs looming, soaring, There were bombs that broke in. air, Throwing starlight everywhere ; Roman candles, Are balloons, Firmaments of stars and moons ; Then the set piece "Washington' Told us that the day was done Died at last each glinting spark And home we traveled through the dark. Declaring Her Independence retnry of war to loan tents to the annual sum is sottlod on tho king by Appalachian exposition to bo held in parliament and in addition allow- Knoxvllle, Tenn., In September, ances nro mado for each member ofj which Mr. Taft oxpocts to attend. hiB family nnd for all tho expenses! Each house of congress marked its pertaining to tho royal household and; closing hour by voting for an invest!- to maintaining tho honor and dignity gatlon of the McMurray Indian con- of tho crown. Under tho British sys- trncts. Instead of tho usual scene of teln theso expenditures constitutor comparatively undignified relaxation "tho civil list" and tho nccount is, from the business of legislation, both kept separate from tho ordinary ox houses devoted exceedingly serious pcnBes of tho govornment. Formerly! attention to tho charges of attompted cortaln sources of rovenuo, callodt bribery and othor forms of improper "hereditary rovonues" wero Bettlodj Influence made ln tho senate on Frl- on mo crown, out or wnicn not oniyj day by Senator Gore of Oklahoma tho royal expenditures proper, but! and. subsequently in tho houso of me expenses oi mo civil service, ovh representatives by Representative eryming except mo army ana navy, woro 10 oe paid, unaer mis system the king could uoo tho rovenues ar ho liked and If he saved anything It went to swell his private purse whilo If ho ran ln debt or created n llnl"M 111X1 lull Tho nubile buildinKS bill passed does not carry any money approprla- the commission of international rev Uon. enuo. Former Governor John H. McGraw Joseph Pulitzer proprietor of tho n BOjdior and hor grandfather beforo of Washington, died at his homo In wow xorK worm and at. l-ouis I'ost him and when aho was so littlo ns to ROM tho tlmo she was flvo years old Gloria West had been lmbuod with patriotic fooling and a reverence for tho constitution of hor country. Her father had beon Murphy of Missouri. Two separate investigations are provided for, ono ln each house. for a moment Thero wero so many Each body passed a resolution creat wnvs to tnko thnL Incr n anient committee of Ave mom- vpb " ohn nM with pinnm ot ,Ar nnrniift tho innnlrv to tho hot, deficit parliament paid it. Tho accu daring in her oyes, as she looked torn during recess of congross nnd to mulated debt nt the end of a rolgn Bquarely nt him, "draw up a constltu- report whether any of its members wuuuuwm j many mhiiuiibi tion and we'll havo It put beforo tnq are or have been Interested ln any Ui whole house." r nnntrnrt Tho present system of making In tho morrv tof nf tho mnrnlnft TTnMl n Into hour In tho dflV tt What might bO Called Bpeclfld appro-; When Gloria had laughingly presented! looked rather as if the matter would P"auons ior mo crown unies irom. to hor professed admirers a document en hv default. But as soon as tho wherein alio had sot forth her acts on two houses reconvened at9 o'clock Seattle. The Iiouio passed the bill providing for tho continuation of reclamation projects Tho Americans Interested ln tho Dispatch, Is said to bo on his way uo unnblo to got up into a chair with out bolng'llfted, sho had to sit Bolcmn ly by the sldo of her sisters and brothers and listen to tales of hero Ism told by hor father. On every Fourth of July, as regn back to New York ln a serious condl Hon. Princess Fedora of Schloswlg-Hol- stein, the youngest sister of Empress onE nnd blttor flsht waged by rival Auguste Victoria, died suddenly oi Interests and German newspapers hot disease Tho princess was born iariy aa that dato rollod around, Gloria against tho Doutscho Vacuum oil JUI J 18' and all tho members of her family had company, ono of tho branches of tho iU resignation oi iionry ju. neriz, Poon forced to Bit patiently and re Standard Oil company, havo Just collector oi internal ruvonuo in tno Hpectfully In a circle about tho old ucored a big victory, tha public prose- Chicago district, was requested by the dining room while their father read, utor, after a thorough Investigation, woaHury uopnrimeni ai mo instance impressively bo Bho had bellevod having decided that no noceaslty ox- ' I'rosiuont latt. every word of tho declaration of in uncio joe cannon did not go to dependence. now lorn 10 grcoi Lionel noose- No flrncrnnknrn no tornmin n Ists for action by his oiflco against tho concern. Tho houso adopted a rule wh'ch will prevent Emothorlng ot legislation In committee. Tex Rlckard doflnltoly announced the Jeffries-Johnson fight will bo held nt Reno, Nevada. Tho wholesale prices far reflnod oil volt. When asked whether ho would hratlnn of nnv Knrt tv niA in , attend tho L.g reception Cannon w.t rnmiw .,nn -f- ..i.i got away at this West family until aftor this patriotic duty had been dono. And then tho old flag was drawn high on its polo and tho various members of the family woro allowed to celebrate ln their own ways. Gloria wob nineteen now. and sand: "I can't time." President Taft soys: "I am elated at tho legislation which has beon en acted by this congress. It has ful havo beon reduced from ono and one- filled tho pledges of tho party. It la a groat satisfaction to mo that we though her father had long since Nroni .t-ii fin nnmnnnv mnu ni. thn I iiuvii him:iiiiiiihhiiiii hii m nn ' i uwuu.m w. u.un...b wu - r .......... paBsea on io mo resting placo of provnlllng price throughout tho coun- Tho liouso has adopted tho senato bravo soldiers, tho old custom nf try now Boven nnd .ono-half ceutB a statohood bill, rather than lot It rondln the declaration on tho mnm. Ballon. Tho Standard controls moro go back to conference, whore It was ing of overy Fourth of July Btill pro- iiiuu Buyumy jjui toui ui mu laiiuuu I lunixu mu buuuiu cuiuureiico wquiu vailed In tuo family ouipui oi mo country. kui u. it prcvius nat congress and And thoro woro m.n, rniHf utuuvuvn vji umu ' uuumimwiu vuu imuni. uiuoi. nullum yuu uuuaii- Tor tno nlnco nt fjlnrln'o oltn T1, Harmon for governor nnd endorsed Unions of the now states. younJ men m tho preWy eatcrn Jilm for tho presidency. with tho thormometer registering town would cladlv lmvn inin ,h Tho foaturo of tho Edlnburg mis- in tho 90s thousands of Benlor Week clreln evon thnntyh If mnnnf nwi..4n . a . , - I I " CJ UVMt MWOU1ULU Bionary conieronco was n louer irora guests on Thursday watched tho Cor- submission to tho win of th h,..i I-. 1.11- 1.1-1 II I .. ... ... . a uniuunu uiouuy uuuiiuuiiuiuk uo 71011 seniors marcn 10 mo armory to ful Gloria. wur. rccoivo mo r uin omas from President i ,.,m, , i , rrl, -4 n A .. I o-l. " uu BUOmil ... -vui WUU....OU w. ui- jucou uuuiu ounuruiun. ucgreuB wero to tho wishes of a moro masculine Dor- unirnnnr i innn ifiininnrn t e nun. i rinxni nn i ii t ,inn t n i .... son,' sno said to hor sister one eve ning when tho latter young woman wnB preparing to go to make a dls tasteful duty call for hor husband. "Anrt Whnf urAtilil ,1eit . mrntnd na mnklnir ti annnrh dnclnrlntr i ' ..".. . " . v. 7"u,u. Juu uu n8K0a - " uouui uu uuuuu, ui uiu ou-uuiiuu tu i me Bister muuigontly that gambling was protected ln Chi- tronchment program. It probably will VA RBBOrt my ,ndo ' uo out tnrouKti uurinR mo closlnir iNourasKa nau a rnir representation days of tho session mis year in tno conunencomont oxer polntmont of John Rustgard to suc ceed John J. Boyse as United States Rttornoy In Alaska. John Fltzpatrlck, president of tho Chicago federation of labor, was conforrod on 70G graduates. Tho nouso committee on public buildings nnd grounds decided on an omnibus bill carrying approximately $20,000,000. Tho bill is smaller than clses of (ho Wisconsin university. Tho following woro given degrees; Grndu nte school, Master of arts, Robert Ellis, B. 8., University of South Duko ta; Weeping Watery Neb., 'Wllford my Indopcndenco and " "And havo war instead of penco In your family," interrupted tho wisor eiBtcr. "Not nt nil," protested Gloria laugh nouns. "And bo shall abide by It." "Ho?" asked her sister In surprise "Thon havo you decided which ono it shull bo7" uiorm wbb noncommittal. "At least, if I navo, he doesn't know It.' Bho aald. "If is poor policy to rii. ciubu mu uiuuuuvurB ot war, you Know." "You'ro bound to shnvo war at all ovonta," wbb hor Blater'a parting comment Following a fancy, Gloria had asked eIx of her most constant admirers to tho rending of tho Declaration nt tho indopendonce, each had folt an un derlying strain ot seriousness and I ' - at night, after a recess slnco after noon, the matter came up with a rush and crowded galleries listened with intense interest to the proceedings which ended In tho voto to probo the .charges. During the proceedings ln the sen ate in tho "marble i-oom" adjoining tho senato were ex-Senators Long oi Kansas and Thurston of Nebraska who have been mentioned ln connec tion with the Indian contract matter. President, Taft arrived at the cap ital about 10 o'clock with various members of tho cabinet. They went to tho president's room, where the chief exocutlvo Btood by to act upon moro Important bills coming to him from the two houses. The closing procedure was of tho usual order. Tho gavels of tho two presiding of ficers fell at approximately the agreed hour, and the long session of the sixty-first congress camo to an end. .'V'?::3!KHbssst TjM-':'-'riPTf fwBffp BbSSBsbbbbb BILLION DOLLARS APPROPRIATED King George V. the reign of Goorgo III., when the na tional debt was so enormously in creased by the American war that tho peoplo demanded reform, espe cially in tho abuses of tbo civil list, nnd ln tho practiso of conferring lifo Amount Includes Continuing Appro priatl6ns of Over Hundred Mllllono Washington. More than a billion dollars vas appropriated at tho pres ent session of congress, if continuing nonalonH on roval favorites. In 1782 appropriations are incorporuieu in mu parliament passed a civil list act abol totals ot me genorai appropriation jshiDg many useless ofTlces. reducing measures. Insofar aB these flgureP tho pension list and providing for could bo obtained, from mensuros ciOBor supervision ot tho roval ox- which underwent cnangos in mo last pencllturo. hours Of thO 8e88lon. the total Of tllO A I),. hoHnnlntr of Onnon Vlntn- each wanted to talk with hor. Joking- appropriation exclusive of continuing rla.B reign the annual grants for tho iy iuv uuu bibii.u m mureuy mun.uB appropriations was $894,080,943. Tne crown wero fixed and sums voted as thomBelvoB slavoa to her whims honco- .mount of tho continuinc approprla- fN. Priw mimo jsnnnna- Hnin. forth, then, nnd forever all but John tlonB of the iast flBcai year WaB about rieB of 'household, $G50,300; expenses Gloria Turned and 8aw Him. Hammon Evon In vlow of its bolng tho veriest jest, ho refused, laughingly though it was, to add hla name to tho list under Gloria's perpendicular scrawl. Gloria had been accordingly piqued, and though Bho smiled and dancod and mndo morry, still sho won dored why ho had rofused so trifling a fancy on her part At last thoy wero nil gone and $160,000,000. Last Sunday In Washington. Washington. Freed from legis lative matters, President Taft spent his last Sunday for tho summer in tho national capital in n quiet way. Part ot the day ho passed on the back portico ot tho White house. Ho attended church ln the morning and Personal. ti. Tnrrri..,.Tr.i.ann ii,.t.f .-in i,v. lnB "wo're going to havo a constltu lilnn,, In TJonr. M..un,ln l,u" uu lUUlUjr, BHO aUQCU With Roosovelt soys ho will keen Bllcnt " " r . . 'u..l',r.tB81V0 Pro- Klng. u. A., univorslty of Nebraalin, on political matters for bouio tlmo. Lincoln, Nob. Prosldont Taft says platform plodg- Twenty federal soldiers aro report- ob lmvo been kept and that cotiKrese ed to havo been klllod and many more has mado a good record. than thut injured when four cars of u President Taft was gratified ovor Jruln, in which Mexican troops woro tho dofont ot tho nniondmont to ex Velng transported on tho Manzantllo otupt labor unions. dne , of tho national railways in the Labor organizations loBt tholr fight Jtato of Col I ma broko loose from tho to gain exemption from prosecution locomotive nnd dashed down a steep under tho anti-trust and interstate grade. coitiinorco Iuwh. With Wapollo county alono to hear Theodore Roosovelt, Jr., JUBt mar from, returns submitted to tho oxo- rled, will mako his homo ln San Fran cutlve council, which Is making tho cIsco. omclal canvass of tha lawn voto. W 111. Andrnwa dnntnn flint thn shows that Governor Carroll has 88,- president hua taken a hand In pushing 0,d hm8tead on tho morning of her e votes to warren uarst. insurKent. him forward ror omce. uu.u 85,804, a unofficial majority for Gov- Senators will onjoy the services of "x eha11 declora my own indepond- ernor Carro 11 ot 2.774. massour in tho bnthrooms In thn onc on U,B tty. so said to John Yalo college men wero much dlsan- marhlo offlco bulldlnsr. iiammon, "and overy ono of you bovs pointed because President Taft could The Aloxandor-Roosovelt woddlnK BnoU B,Rn Won 1 u bo tun7for not attend commencemont ninrrlBna tnnu ninrn t Now York. mo Bn Oddea roguishly. Tho uody or Alice Brown, aged The senate confirmed Charles F. "?"u 4 urow uv consmution eighteen yoars, waa found with her Hnuko ot Tacoma. Wash., to bo second l? ,nBUro a Poct union, Gloria?" throat cut In a clump of bushes near assistant commander of Indian uffalrs, Cumberland, , mb. uuck Noian is un- an offlco created by tho present con- der arrest. iv 1 gress. liiMntinil iir I Vi Cnnrntniiv X7nin nnd a L ; "rJ V.MCOUU,u fow other friends nt the Whlto house. on tho old brick walk. Presently she heard one pair of steps coming back. Someono bad forgotten something. "Glorln." said tho deep volco ot John Hammon, "Just ono momont be foro you go, Dakota Timber Fire. SturglB, S. D. Forest Ranger Smith has been called to tho scone of a timber tire In the national re serve Troops from Fort Meade may Gloria turned and saw him in tho bo ca,Ied out llght tho ,lame8. moonlight. "Yes," aho acquiesced in the young man asked, half in jest, half in earnest. Even Qlorla's quick wits failed her such a atrango littlo volco that Bho hardly recognlzod It. "I that is I havo drawn up tho constitution," ho Bald, his hand on his pocket. "But you didn't sign tho declarn tion," Gloria reminded him, n little pout on her Hps "I'll sign anything If you say thla Is all right road It," he broko off suddenly, thrusting a folded nnner into her hand. "Look at it and toll Estrada Captures Two Towns. Washington. Nows of tho capture of household. $802,500; royal bounty, $GO,000; contingent, $40,000; totnl, $1,925,000. In addition tho quoen might grant life pensions not to ex ceed $0,000 a year ln any case, to persons whom sho might consider worthy, provided that all pensions granted should bo reported to par liament by tho twenty-ninth of July each yoar. On tho accession of King Edward VII. (1001) it became necessary to readjust tho civil list and a commit too was appointed to investigate and report on tho subject. The commit- too reported a bill which was paBsod Increasing the annual appropriation for the civil list from $1,925,000 to $2,350,000, distributed as follows: Tholr majesties' privy purso, $550,- 000; Bccond-clasB salaries of royal household, $629,000; third class ox- by tho Estrada forces or two towns PenBf8 of "J"11 household, $905,000; within n day's march of Managua, the seat ot tho Madrlz government, reached Genorai Castrlllo, roprosontn- tlvo In Washington ot tho Estrada govornment in Nicaragua Sunday. Gay 8eason at Beverly. Bevorly, Mass. Tho Bummer capital is going to bo nn exceedingly gay repair nnd decoration of royal pal aces, $100,000; royal bounty and alms, $00,000;' contingent, $40,000. In nddl tion parliament grantod an annual al lowance of $100,000 to tho prlnco ot Wales, $50,000 to his wlfo and $40,000 each to tho king's threo daughtera nnd other special grants. By tho death of King Edward Queen Alexan dra cornea Into n life pension of $360,, v uu ton . - .r. nil,!, .,,, rv urn cornea into a mo iiuubiuh oi jou.i mo If you think It will Insure us a p ,laco h,B .""T W th n"1 lnV 000 a year and all of tho surviving perfect union, dear." already settled down in mo presi Perfect union, dear." M""'"u.jr """,uu children of Queen Victoria continuo Ano in mo mooniignt Gloria unfold- u " " 4, . 7 ,V T' ( n to draw life pensions. nani- r. nnj npctnntlv awaits tho com nte of Pros ' '.7 . vu fi i4 j ng iiiju WliulU I Ita foldB a rlnst. She did not ni, dont Tnft. It is anticipated that Miss "Dear, glvo mo your hand and lot IIolon Taft will prosldo In placo of her mo draw up our constitution," ho "oinnr v somo m uiu iuuuiiuuh io uu said. "Will you?" given hero. MrB. Taft's health' is evon Bho did; and 1t fitted bo well was vot far from robust and Miss Taft so fitting, as Gloria put It some lonn may offlclato as mistress of tho Bov- minutes afterward that she decided 'i"ly Whlto House for a tlmo. There to accept It vill be much golf and automoblllug. It Is set likely thero will bo any material reduction In the civil list grantod Georgo V. from- that of King; Edward, which totaled $2,350,000 year. Compared with this- tho presi dent's salary of $75,000". a year with $25,000 for trayollng expenses does not seem oxcoaslvoi