The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1910, Image 7

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    Sale Closes Saturday Night.
Don't wait and neglect this opportunity to save yourself money on the many items we have out on our tables.
Especially is this true of Dress Goods. Remember there is not a yard of 50c, $1.00 or $1.50 Wool Dress Goods re
served, they all go at 39c, 79 and $1.19 a yard. Ladies Suits at one-third off is a large saving and styles are right
up to date. We have out a small lot of odd Lace Curtains, nice clean goods but no quantity alike, just the thing for
bedrooms. We have out some House Dresses and Cotton Petticoats that will interest you. Hot weather Underwear
is a thing you all need, we have a small quantity left of both men's and ladies'; but it is going fast. Shoes! Everyone is
interested in Shoes. Saturday was one of our best shoe days. The quality of the offering in this line
will appeal to you. Remember the sale closes Saturday night and that if you want good selections
you must come early.
Wilcox Department Store
Gifts for June Brides!
We have prepared better than ever a selection
of suitable wedding gifts giving great care and
attention to get new and novel articles such as
are not liable to be duplicated. See our
Every article marked in plain figures.
Hawks Cut Glass Hand Painted China.
Sterling Silver Art Brass Goods.
An article selected from our stock will be
treasured by the bride through the many
years of her life.
Call and let us show you some of the new
p DR. H. C. BROCK, j
Over First National. Phono. H8 11
Q. T. Whelan is expected home this
week from his month's visit at Wad
dington, N. Y.
Perry Carson and Tom Sodin leave
the latter part of this week on their
trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Wanted A housekeeper about 40 or
45 years of ago, No objection to one
or two children. John Kostick, Well
fleet. Mrs. J. Brcsnahan has completed an
addition and other improvements to her
property on the corner of Dewey and
Third streets.
If you want expert watch repairing
in every sense of the word, bring your
watch to our repair department.
Dixon, Union Pacific watch inspector.
Traffic on the road has picked up
considerably during the past few days,
due to a heavier run of gravel for the
double track east of here and an in
crease in the California fruit business.
The Hard Knock (Union Made) Over
alls. Garments equal to the best made
for $1.00 per pair at The Hub Clothing
On the grounds that her husband was
physically incompetent at the time of
the marriage, and that they have never
lived together, Hattie Gillespie was
granted a diVorce from her husband
Sylvester Gillespie in the district court
Watch our show windows. Some
thing there all the while. Our windows
always show what's what in the Jewelry
line. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
During the past five days tho tern
norntnrn hna hfen rnnirinor above ninetv
Saturday being the hottest day with
a temperature or ninety-iour. ac
comnanvintr this hiirh tomnoraturo has
been considerable , wind, which has
rapidly cxtr'aWed the mbisUMJ froYntlfd
Checks Ready for Fire Sufferers.
Those farmers who suffered loss by the April prairie fire
and made settlement with the Burlington company can se
cure checks 'by calling at the McDonald State Bank. One
hundred and twenty-five of these, checks, amounting in the
total sum of $26,000 was received by the bank yesterday
morning and are ready for delivery on application by the
proper persons.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First Nation! Hank
The city council will meet in regular
session this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Drew, of Omaha, nre
guests of Mrs. Drew's parents, Mr.
ned Mrs. Victor VonGoetz.
For Sale Cosmns, balsam aiid aster
plants, 15c per dozen. Mrs. Donegan,
phone 381.
Miss Evelyn Daly, attending school
at Hastings, will return homo this week
to spend the summer vacation.
Men's Suits at One-Half Price. Wo
have about 100 suits that are broken
lots. These go at 60c on tho dollar.
The Hub Clo. Dept.
Tho adjourned term of district court
convened yesterday forenoon with
Judge Grimes on the bench. Equity
cases and motions are being heard.
Rompers in all styles, hich or low
neck, long or short sleeves, long or
knee pants at Tho Hub Clo. Dept.
Mrs. Fred Lathrop, arrived from
Chicago yesterday nnd will visit jier
sister, Mrs. W. J. Stuart, for several
weeks. Mr. Lathrop will come a couple
of weeks later.
Advice to brides, and others. Polish
your silver with silver cream. It will
not scratch it, and will put on a lasting
finish. 25c per bottle Dixon, Tho
Jacob SchifF, the New York financial
king, accompanied by a party of friends,
passed west yesterday in a special train
enroute to Vancouver and other north
west points.
Lost'On April 10th a solid gold pin
about one, inch in diameter. Design a
horse-shoe with Masonic emblem in
center. Return to 318 South Sycamore
and receive reward.
J. S. Davis and C. T. Tracy
left last night for Hastings to
drive homo an Overland car
which Mr. Tracy has purchased. Ho
ordered a Mitchell car more than a
month ago, but tho manufacturers are
behind with their orders and ho grew
weary of waiting anil c'o'nttjrmanUe'dthii
Tho Christian aid society will hold a
Bocial meeting at tho homo of Mrs.
Richardson on west Fourth street
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Dorr Tarkington and sister left
tho latter part of last week for Sidney
where they will spend the greater part
of the summer with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson ar
rived from Oakland, Cal., last evening
and will visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lonis Peterson for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yost left last
night for Omaha, where they will visit
friends for several days. Mr. Yost
may go to Kansas City before return
ing. .vlisses May Munger, Nancy Johnson
and Lena Diener were enrolled yester
day as students at the Junior normal.
This brings the attendance up to ninety
five. Mrs. H. C. Brock gave a dinner
party Thursday evening in favor of
Mis3 Kate Gilman, and Mrs. Ira L.
Bare a similar function for Miss Gil
man Friday evening.
A pair of field-glasses will afford you
a world of pleasure on your vacation.
Let us show you the Binocular glass
used in Tho Army and Navy.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
H. W. Harvey, secretary of tho
Benson-Meyers Co., which make a
specialty of farm loans, was in town
yesterday and in company with E. R.
Goodman made a twenty mile auto trip
to tho country south to investigate prop
erty on which loans were asked.
Lost-On June 19th a gold chain and
locket. The locket was about 1J inches
in diameter with lily design set with
two brilliants, an old English "F" en
graved in center, plain uncle and con
tained a girl's picture. Return to 318
South Sycamore and receive reward.
I. N. Hatfield of Lincoln has taken
charge of Bryan's senatorial campaign
which may now bo considered fairly
launched, notwithstanding Mr. Hitch
cock's continued assertions to tho ef
fect that Mr. Bryan has given his word
that he will not bo a candidate. The fact
is that Bryan always played in the role
spectacular. He would not be a candi
date for senator as other men are
candidates. But who doubts that he is
quietly and expectantly waiting for tho
announcement that 25,000 democrats
havo petitioned him to get into the
political breach to save the party.
Keainey Hub.
Insure your grain before
the hail strikes it. Best com
panies and lowest rates. Do
it to day before it is too
Buchanan & Patterson.
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
Argue Water Case.
J. J. Halligan and J. G. Beeler were
in Omaha Saturday representing tho
city in an argument before Judgo Mun
ger of the United States court of the
case brought by tho waterworks com
pany against tho city. There were al
so present at tho argument Mayor Pat
terson, John Bratt and Dr. McCabe.
Two suits had been brought against the
city, one for a specificpcrformanco of
contract, that is tho purchase of the
plant at the appraised value of $85,000,
tho other for an injunction enjoining
the city from building a new plant. By
stipulation, however, these two suits
were joined, and tho main contention in
tho argument Saturday was whether
tho resolution passed by the council au
thorizing tho appraisal of tho plant
formed n contract. The attorney for
tho waterworks company agucp that
this was a contract and that
the city was bound to buy
the plant ut the appraised
value; while the attorneys for the city
contended that it did not form a con
The case was taken under advise
munt by Judge Munger, and it is piob
able that a finding will bo made with
in two or threo weeks.
Messrs. Halligan and Beeler arc said
to have made strong arguments.
Georgo Tekulvo is expected homo
this weok from his trip to'Orogon.
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, wns a so
journer in tho city Sunday and yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGoetz, Jr.,
returned this morning from a visit in
Will Allen has been added to the
force of artists at the Landgraf & Car
son shop.
Henry and KatheVino Brctzor left
this morning for a visit with their
grnndparcnts nt Boclus.
Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Halligan and sons
Rolfo nnd Victor and daughter Lucille
returned last evening from Lincoln.
Automobilo tourists are now passing
through town in large numbers. La3t
evening a party enroute from Denver
to New York arrived and spent tho
C. A. Callendor, of Gnndy, was in
town a few days ago and took back
with him a Rco touring car.
In tlio Countr Court ot Lincoln county, Ne
braska. In tlio matter of the cstato of Gcoruo
Htovons, docoaaed.
Notlco In hereby Riven, that tho credi
tors ot said docoascd will moot tho
Administrator with tho will annoxod
of xald cstato. Iwforo mo Countr Judgo of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tlio county
court room In said county, on tho 18th day of
July, lUlO.undon tho lHth day ot January,
lltll. at 0 o'clock a- ni. each day. for tho pur
poso of nrosontlne thulrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance). Blx months
aro allowed far creditors to present their
claims and ono year for U10 adminis
trator with the will annexed to
settle said oHtato. from tho 21st day, of
Juno. ll'll). This nptlco to ho published In
tho North l'lotto Tribune, for four weolis
successively prior to tho MUi day of July,
Witness my hand and seal of said court,
this 21st day of Juno. A. U. 1U10.
J21-1 W. O. KLURIt, County Judiro.
lly Kathorlno V. Clark. Clerk ot the
County Court,
The Overland
The Choice of Thousands
of People.
Twenty thousand people are buying Overland cam
this year. Many thousands more will be disappointed
would-be purchasers. The enormous Overland factories
are taxed to their utmost to meet the overwhelming
Preparing for Dedication.
Final arrangements are being made
for the dedication of tho Presbyterian
church next Sunday. An unusually
attractive musical program is being
prepared under the leadership of Mrs.
E. A. Cary, Mrs. Chas. Leininger,
Mrs. Edgar Schiller and tho choir.
Interesting speakers will bo present.
The dedication will bo made at tho
10:30 o'clock service. At 2:15 p. m.,
there will bo a fellowship service
participated in by the pastors of tho
city. The evening service at8:00 o'clock
will bo addressed by a layman and will
be especially interesting to laymen. A
complete printed program will bo dis
tributed to tho congregation, and a
more detailed statement will appear
in Friday's paper.
What the People Want.
What is tho 3as0n for the great pop
ularity of Overland cars? Why is it,
the demand for them bus swept tho
country like a flood? The Overland cars
are popular because they fill the peo
ple s wants. Tho nverago person
doesn't want a high-priced car. Ho
can't afford the constant drain on his
pocket book the upkeep entails. At
the samo time he doesn't want a cheap
assembled car which will hardly last
through ono season. He wants a good
car at a moderate price. A factory
made car, which, backed by a sound
organization, will give him a dollar for
dollar in return. He gets such a car in
the Overland.
A Factory Built Car.
Real Estate Sales.
Lot 2 in Block 153 and Lot 1 in Block
"C" of tho N. P. Town Lot Co's Addi
tion has been sold to Waltor J. Thomas.
Consideration $2,500.00. This is tho N.
E. Workman property and was sold
through tho Temple Real Estate & Ins.
Close in Property for Sale.
Wo havo listed forsalo an eight room
house on W. 4th St., only threo houses
west of the court house. This property
is in good repair, and ono of the best lo
cations in tho city, if interested, see
us nuick.
Temi'lu Real. Estate & Ins. AqencV.
The Ovcrlnnd is a factory built car in
tho strictest Bcnso of tlio word. With
tho oxcoption of such pnrts as magnetos
nnd tires the car is built throughout in
Overland factories. No "piece work"
is done in our shops. Nothing hurried
nnd slipshod. Our cars aro built by
automatic machinery exact to a
thousandth part of an inch. Absolute
interchangeability of parts. Standard
jigs and templates and tho best mater
ial obtainable aro used. How can wo
sell these cars so cheap? Because we
are content with a fair profit. When
you buy an Overland you don't help to
support an expensive racing team nnd
a costly overhead organization.
Overland model 38 price $1,000. 25 h. p. Motor,
102-inch wheel base with single rumble seat, $1,050 dou
ble rumble seat, Si, 075 complete Toy Tonneau, Si, 100.
Davis & Chorpening, Agents,
Yp!rcp.y-T' ye TrrT-r
1 & 2 McDonald Block