The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1910, Image 6

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Copyright, 1010, by American Press
I was In Kgypt beforo tho fanatical
outbreak of 1882. When a troubto of
Hint kind is coming thoso who nro not
In iho secret either know nothing
about It or havo only vaguo suspi
cions. I heard somo ugly rumors as to
what was about to happen, but did not
know how much dcpcndcnco could bo
placed upon them. To all outward ap
pearances everything was moving on
as usual.
I was obliged to go to Isinallla on
business. If I had known tho condi
tion of the peoplo of tho country I
should not havo trusted myself out of
Port Said, where Kuropeans were com
paratively safe. To make a Journey
Into tho interior was madness, but I
did not know It. Indeed, I only real
ized that under (he circumstances 1
would riitlK-r not go. A mutter of or
dlnnry gnlv and being murdered were
tho alternatives.
1 went on a night trull). lining somo
what finical about my diet, I took with
in u a hamper lllled with as succulent
eatables as I could get together and on
tho top placed a box of cigars from
which only a fow of the weeds had
bcou taken. I got Into my compart
ment, put my hand baggago on the
ruck and settled myself for n journey
Doing In n smoking compartment, I Mi
a cigar.
Tho compartment wna tilled with ua
tlvcs, I being tho only European In it.
This in itself was not encouraging
Tho train had hardly got under way
when an old Arab sheik sitting oppo
slto me leaned forward and cnlml
took my cigar from between my Hps
and, placing It between his own, hiiioI;
cd it himself.
To havo resented tho insult would
have been equivalent to inviting the
man to stab me. 1 therefore paid no
attention to him and, taking a nows
pnpor from my pocket, begnu to read
that Is, 1 pretended to read, but 1 had
no Idea of what was on tho sheet bo
fore me, my mind being taken up with
thu fact that 1 was In a compartment
with soven Arabs and utterly at their
mercy. My eyes .appeared to bo llxcd
upon the paper, hut I was casting
ulcU glances sldcwlso at the natives
and know by their chatter and occa
sloaal looks at mo that I was the sub
ject of their conversation.
Then a lucky thought occurred to
mo. 1 reached up to the rack, got my
box of cigars from my hamper, took
out ono for myself and handed tho box
to tho sheik who had robbed mo of the
one 1 had been smoking, lie took It,
appropriated a handful of tho contents
and passed It to tho others, who did
tho same, and the box was returned
to me empty.
Notwithstanding my peaco offering
1 expected every moment to feol cold
steel entering my vitals. Most of the
Arabs wore long knives whore they
could be seen, and 1 knew not what
other weapons they hud concealed.
As for me, 1 was unnrmed, and even
If 1 had been armed my opouontf-
wcro seven to one.
1 cannot describe tho agony of thai
night, expecting, as 1 did, death al
any moment. The Arabs In my com
partmeut paid no attention to any
thing that was going on In the rest ol
the train, but I hud a vague feellnt
that something very Important mlghl
be going ou, 1 can't account for this
feeling, for I hoard tio sound to pro
duce it. I only know that I felt that
there was murder In tho air.
Finally their looks and acts were he
suspicious that 1 bethought myself ol
soino other way similar to my offer ol
cigars to plneato them. Then' mi
luncheon occurred to me. Headline.
up again to the rack, 1 brought down
my hamper, opened It and displayed
tho eatables. Uvory man's eyes wore
on them, but not a man moved to
touch any of them, 1 offered the hum
per to the mnn who sat next me, but
ho declined. In turn I handed It to
every man In tho compartment; but.
though they all looked with eager eyes
upon tho viands, not a man would ac
cept a morsel.
At 11 rut 1 was astonished at this.
Then 1 remembered that no Arab will
break bread with an enemy.
Tho moment this occurred to mo I
know I was doomed. I put my luunper
back on tho rack and, wrapping myself
In my overcoat, lay back In my scat
with my eyes closed, to await what
over was In store for me.
I hoard a great deal of wrangling -on
tho part of tho Arabs, but I thought I
would rather rely on my weakness
than ou being prepared for resistance
that would bo useless, So I did not
open my eyes. Presently 1 felt n hand
ou my arm. Thinking my tlmo hud
eomo. I looked, and there was tho
sheik who had taken my cigar from
my mouth holding out n ploco of dry
bread. I took It anil, biting from It
ehowed vigorously.
A Hood of relief and Joy scorned to
have been poured over mo. I know
from that moment I waa safe. Iteuch
lug up for my Immpor. I took It down
and handed it to tho sheik Ho helped
himself, then passed It mound to the
others, each man partaking plentifully
of tho contents,
Now that they had broken bread
with me and t having no more to fear
I again leaned back in my sent and
this tlmo slept, I knew thnt I was as
- safe from my Arab companions as if I
were In my own bed at. homo.
Hut I did not roach Ismalllu thnt
night. In the morning I found that
tho natives had murdered tho engineer,
stoker and every European on tho train,
"A 8hot 'TfiarModotro"ubTB7
An odd Incident hannoncd lu tho
then Danish West Indies In tho last
century that nearly caused serious In
ternational complications. An Ameri
can marksman, paying a visit to Char-
lotto Amnlla, amused tho governor iy
nn exhibition of ills skill with tho
rlflo. Bitting on tho veranda of tho
government house, ho said that no
could cut with n bullet tho signal hal
yards ou the flngstnff of tho fort and
lower tho Danish standard to tho
ground. Ah tho lines wcro almost in
vlsiblo in tho dlstanco tho governor
was willing to bet that ho could not do
it. Tho shot rang out, and tho flag fen.
Presently a horseman dashed up, In
forming tho governor that soino ono
had tired ou tho Hag. Thero was great
cxcltomcnt. Tho governor, nono too
nonnlar. It scorns, with tho mllltnry,
ruined his polltlcnl futuro by admit
ting that tho affair was a Joko In
which ho connived. Iteport being sent
to nononhniron. hlchly colored, of
course, by tho commandant, his excel
lency was summarily removed.
Cultivating Ginger.
Ginger is mado n matter of scientific
culture in Jamaica. It is propagatod
by cutting up small pieces of tho root,
and, if possible, rich, cool soli from
recently cleared woods Is selected for
It. It Is n great lmpovcrlshcr of tho
soil and grows so luxuriantly thnt In
a short tlmo a llttlo plcco of root will
spread so as to produce nearly a pound
of now roots. Tho sets nro planted In
March or April and get to tliofr full
growth nbout .September. Tho roots
nro dug usunlly In .Jamaica In January
or February. They nro washed, ex
posed to tho sun until thoroughly dried
and packed in parcels of nbout n hun
dred pounds each. In order to dry
them more rapidly they nro first scald
ed In n llttlo copper pot in order to de
stroy life, of which tho roots nro very
tcnnclous. Whlto ginger and black
ginger nro, from tho same roots, tho
difference urlslng from methods of
curing. Itools for uugnr preserving are
dug while qulto young, before the
steins nro moro than fivo or six Inches
A Luckless Word,
Superstition dies hard, at least In the
north of Kugland. Ou Tyucsldo It Is
reckoned highly unlucky to hear or
mention tho word "pig," nnd evil con
sequOnccs can only bo nverted by
touching cold Iron. If thnt material Is
not nt hand Its name must bo uttered
aloud as tho next best thing.
It Is no uncommon thing to see n
group of sailors or workmen suddenly
scatter to Iny hold of Iron railings,
lampposts, etc., when by chnnco "pig"
has slipped Into their conversation.
A stranger to tho district was not
long ago puzzled to seo four llttlo shoe
blacks, squinted at a gamo of cards
ou their blacking box, suddenly scram
ble to their feet, run to somo Iron posts
sovernl yards awny, touch them nnd
then return and resumo their game
qulto unconcernedly. When ho obtained
an explanation his amusement equaled
his astonishment. Tho origin of tho
superstition seems to bo unknown.
London Scraps.
Uses Animals Mako of Tholr Tails.
Horses, cows and other creatures
uso their tails as lly tlappcrs. Cats,
squirrels and many more twist them
around their necks for comforters.
Tlin l-il t llnu tiliwtj1 Mm ttun it Mm t.ill
., Md iiiiuvm luu itau U L UU Mill
to n flno nrt, for by Its means It guides
tho blind and steals Jelly, oil ami
cream out of Jars and bottles. Tho
macaco plays as merrily with its tall
as a kitten docs, and tho marmoset
while It sleeps uses Its tall as a sort
of blanket. Tho raccoon catches crabs
with Its tall. Uvory ono knows how
tho monkeys Journey through pathless
forests by swinging from tree to tree,
whllo tho Ashen steer their wiiy through
tho water by their tall (Ins. Tho ant
eater puts up Its big bushy tall for an
umbrella. Tho vanity of tho peacock
Is fed by tho beauty of Its tall. Dumb
A Chemist's Happy Thought.
Tho guests at a hall given at thu
Tuilcrlos, Purls, were onco distressed
by Homothlug In the ulr which Irritated
everybody. Thu most fnmous chemist
of tho day was consulted as to tho
mysterious enuso. Ills son-in-law, Du
mas, had the happy thought that per
haps tho Irritating particles lu the nlr
came from thu wax caudles. Ho found
ou analysis that these caudles had
been bleached by chlorine. Immediate
ly they were lighted a compound was
added to the air that Irritated throats
and noses. This chnnco discovery led
Dumas to study tho wholo effect of
chlorine, with farrenchlng results lu
Exact Information.
A census enumerator was question
ing a woman or lndublublo Celtic ex
traction nnd had co mo to tho dlvlslou
of sexes.
"How many males have you In your
family?" ho asked.
"Three a day, sorr, mi' 1 git 'urn mo
sllf," who replied emphatically.
"You are probably not awnre, sir,"
said tho angry father, "that last year
ray daughter spent 1,500 on her
"Yes. I am." said tho young man
firmly. "I advised her to do It over
a year ago, when wo first liocamo en
A Hard Jolt.
llorem I suffor most awfully from
insomnia, don't you know. Tho Glrl
Dld you over try tnlklng to yoursolf?
fllustruted Bits.
Don't blow yoursolf out becauso you
uro oniy n ciiniuo. lour poor, weni;
candlelight may bo tho light of an
other's llfc.-Zlon'd Hefnld.
' " "A Curious Painting".""
In Japan thero is n very famous
painting which no amount of mouoy
could buy and which Is tho mnstcr
plcco of a famous nrtlst who lived sev
eral centuries ngo. Vlowlng tho paint
ing in the daytime, ono Is disappoint
ed. It shows nothing moro Minn n very
commonplace landscape unrelieved by
mountains or hills. As soon, however,
as night falls ono begins to realize tho
peculiar merit of the picture, for upon
the canvas thero appears a lutnlnnuus
water buffalo (caribou) browsing upon
tho grass nt Its feet. Tho artist who
painted t''s plcturo discovered n cer
tain phosphorescent paint, which ho
obtained from tho bodies of certain
mollusks or fish, and with which lie
painted tho buffalo that, Invlslblo in
daylight, Is luminously brilliant In tho
dark. The secret of making this paint
died with tho nrtlst, Tho plcturo,
which hangs In a Utiddhlst temple, has
proved a fertile sourco of superstition,
tho priests claiming thnt tho buffalo
hides awny In thu shade behind somo
trees In tho plcturo during tho heat of
tho day, coming out at night to graze.
Startled Their Host.
A Now Yorker decided to give n din
ner In recognition of hospitality show
ered upon him by Ills friends recent
ly. Ho nsked two women ho kuew to
go to a Jeweler's nnd pick our some
llttlo souvenirs for the women guests,
says the Now York Sun. Tho host did
nut know It, but u detective accompa
nied the gifts to tho house. Each wo
man found ut her plnco nt the table
a handsome box When these were
opened there were cries of admiration.
Ono womnu drow out n diamond ring,
another nn emerald brooch, another n
diamond crescent, a fourth a necklaco
of pearls, another n diamond tiara,
mid so on, until the output of tho
boxes represented nbout $.X),000. Tho
host hud forced a smile when thu first
box was opened. As cncli trinket re
vealed seemed moro costly than tho
last his Jaw fell. Perspiration began
to trickle down his face, which got so
red that the women beenmo alarmed.
Then they explained that tho Jewels
wero a Joko and wcro borrowed for
tho occasion.
Tho Picture In the Watch.
Tho following nnccdoto Is related of
Jcromo lionnpnrte: Ho had been play
ing cards until ho lost nil his ready
money, then pledged his rings and
Uually laid his watch on the table. It
was n small gold one, the back of
which opened with u spring. A Indy
overlooking tile gamo admired tho
wutch and took It up to cxnmluo It
Ou her attempting to open the back
Jerome Immediately clasped It and
said that must not bo done. His wife,
who stood by, Insisted upon knowing
what was lu it, grow nugry, reproach
ed him with having somo keepsake of
a favorito thero nnd finally, bursting
Into tears, quit the room. Jcromo then
opened tho watch nnd showed to all
present that It contained a beautiful
miniature of his first wife, Betsy Pat
terson, with tho remark, "You sec, I
hope, that J could not with propriety
let her seo It." It was notorious that
ho remained deeply nttnehed to his
first wlfo long nfter their separation.
The Mule's Ears.
Evolutionists explain satisfactorily
that tho reason that tho dog's cars lop
is becauso for centuries tho animal
hns been domesticated by mnn and
has lain within the protecting Influence
of his hut nnd lire. Tho dog's curs nro
said to have originally stood upright,
ns do the volfrf today, but gradually
as tho necessity for keen hearing bo
came less Imperative, the dog's ears
began to lop. Hut how about the
mule? It Is the duty of somebody to
explain why the mule's ours have, not
lopped down There Is no need for
him to havo still' ears. The donkey,
the horse mid their progeny, the mule.
Iinve been under man'.-, pt'otertlng In-
llueiice for (eiiiurlen and uge3. The
ass In the beasi cf harden of the Bible.
Ills oars were' then, and they are
titllf now. It would i-n'.n It was about
time for them In begin to lop n Utile
-Indiana Farmer
A Very Queer Custom.
A curious custom lakes place In vil
lages of the Luxembourg district, Bel
gium, In .May After Sunday service
numbers of lads cluster round tho
church entrance nnd us tho girls come
out solve them one by one. one lad
grasping u girl by the shoulders nnd
tho other by -the heols, the two lifting
her well up. while a third bumpkin
pusses under the human bridge thus
formed. This Is done in the presence
of the parents, who themselves have
passed through tho same ordeal.
His Solo Resting Plnco.
A precise Boston teacher spent a
qunrlor of an hour In Impressing upon
her cluss tho right pronunciation of
tho word vnsu.
Next duy, hoping to reap the fruits
of her labor, she asked, "Now, Johnulo,
toll me what do you seo on the man
telpleco nt hoinoV"
And Johnulo piped forth. "Father's
feet, nin'nin." Harper's Bazar.
urbbs What makes you think they
hud theaters In Pharaoh's time? Dlbbs
Didn't Joseph's brethren remove him
from tho family circle and put him In
tho pit?
Top (who hus dined off hnshed mut
ton)Bl!l, waiter. Wnlter-Whnt did
you have, sir? Top (sarcastically) 1
hnvon't tho faintest Idcu. London Tit
Bits. ...... -Thbught Ho Was Smart.
Wlfo Do you mean to insinuate that
your judgment Is superior to mlno"!
nusbiind-Cprtnlnly not, my dear Our
choico of llfo partners proves It Nn't.
Notice of Birdwood Irrigation
Notice is hereby given, that tho
assessor fn and for tho Birdwood Irri
gation District, in the County of Lin
coln, State of Nebraska, has completed
his assessment book, and delivered the
same to the Secretary, nnd tho Board
of Directors of said district is hereby
called to meet at tho office of tho
Secretary at tho home of W. B. McNcol
on tho 6th day of July, 1910, nt 2 o'clock
p. m. on said dny, to sit ns a Board of
Equalization, and will receivo and hear
objections to the assessments, and will
remain in session ns long as may be
necessary, not to exceed ten (10) anys,
during which time nil objections will
bo heard and determined.
Dntcd this 15th day of Juno, 1910.
-sYhMc -Mt
1 Physician and Surgeon,
2 Office over McDonald Bank, f
t Pfc I Office 130 r
I Phoncs Residence 115
ift-i'jfvijfflt'it JMffi-3( !fr JWfc-Jir!! ifr (rift IJtKrjt
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night.
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North Locmr t.
Telephone No. 642.
. -
- - mj- mrv wr m-mrvt m m m m
Doclors Ames & Ames,
i Physicians and Surgeons,
J ft.
y Office over Stono Drug Co,
'J Phonos I Office 273 g
; i,,oncs Residence 273 t)
- t
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
will nver nfl'eiul tlin 1ml
The fragrance is so agreeable that you
can Rmok" in nnv rnnm wlthnnf -attnln
- -ww... Titvaiwuw AWUJkVi
ri . . iti -
ix even women into mo odor of our
cigars so wen now much more will you
eniov thoir frnirrnncn nml nvnuiuitn
flavor. Try n few tonicht. Both vour
. i . i .it r.
who una yourseu win agree that they
ure me uest cigars you ever smoked.
Bhould bo hitched a stylish looking
carriage. At this repository you can
boo n variety of vehicles whoso stylo is
undeniable. Thoy range from tho phae
ton to tho family coach and nro tho
equal of any in appearance and build.
Tnoy nro less thi.n equul in price to
A. M. Lock.
SerUl No. UiVJi,
Donartment of tlin Interior.
U. H. Laud Olllco at North l'latto. Nob.
Jiino win. iviu
Notlco Isliorutiy idvun that lluuli Soniror,
oriMorin riatte, nou., who on July Utli
1WI. mado Homostoad Entrr No. 2031. Rnrlnl
No. 021'K), for lot 4, ami suutlicast auurtor miarior, "ociioq su. lownslill) 12. is
Hunan Ul. W. of tlio Hlxtn nrlnnlnal mnrldUii
has mod nutlco ot intention to nialio tlnal
llvovoar oroof. to ivstalillsli i-lalm to tlu
laud alwvo described, before tliu ltctdstur
ana icocoivor ai aonu riatio, NuoraaKa
on tho 10th day of AuiMist. 11)10.
Claimant nauu8 an wltiicsst-oi ltobort Kun-
K01, nun Donaldson, uari nroouur ami wii
Ham II. Turilll), all uf North I'loUb. Neb.
J31-U J. K. Kvanh, ttl-ifhttor
Wills J Rcdflold. MI) J It McKlrahan, M I)
Drs. Redfield & McKirahan
Phsicians and Surgeons.
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phonea
Office nt P. and B. Hospital.
John S. Twinem, M, D.,
Ilomeopnlhic Physician
and Surccon.
Special attention to Obstetrics and
Children's Diseases.
Office: McDonald State Bank Building,
uorner otn 6t uewoy sts.
Phones: Office 183. Residence 283.
Phone 268
Flour, feed, Grain or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store nt tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invite a share of
tho patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby civen that the City
Council will receive bids for the con
struction of cement cross-walks nnd
approaches and sidewalks to bo laid by
tho city lor ttio tiscai year 01 lull).
Bids must bo based upon tho speci
fications of tho city engineer, which
are on file In the oillce of tho city clerk.
All bids must be in by 5:00 o'clock
p. m., on the 21st dny of June, 1910.
The Council reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
CHAS. b TEMPLE, City Clerk.
Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer
To all persons interested:-
Notice is hereby given that on Juno
11th, i910, thero wns filed with the city
council of North Platte, Nebraska, a
petition praying that a lateral sewer
district bo formed from the following
described blocks, to-wit: Blocks 1 and
I ol Bank s nddition, and block G of
bouth Park addition, both to tho city
of North Platte, Lincoln County.Nebr.
bam lateral sewer to bo constructed 01
ten-inch sewer pipe with proper flush
tanks, man-holes and appliances, com
mencing at center lino of lots 2 and 3
in block 1 of Bank's Addition to said
city, intersecting with tho main sewer
thnt is to be constructed on West "A"
street, extending thence southemly on
the center lino of said lots and alley,
through tho above described property
to tho north lino of West "D'' street.
That the council has set said matter
for hearintron tho 5th dny of July. 1910.
at 8:00 o'clock p. m. official time, at the
office of tho mayor and city council, in
tho court house 01 satu city.
All parties interested nro hereby
notified to be present at tho nboye
named time and place, and show cause
if any, why said lateral district, should
not bo formed as prayed, and special
assessments thereafter levied as pro
vided by law, upon the real estate con
stttuting said district, tor tho con
struction aud maintenance of tho same.
Dated Juno 13th 1910.
Thos. C. Pattekson. Mayor.
Attest: Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk,
Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer
To all persons interested:
Notice is hereby civen thnt on Juno
11th, 1910. there was filed with tho city
council of North Platte, Nebraska, n
petition praying that a lateral sewor
district bo iormeu irom the toilowing
described blocks, towit: Blocks 1, 4
and 7 of South Pnrk Addition to the
city of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, bald lateral sewer to be
constructed of ten-inch sewer nine with
proper flush tanks, manholes and appli
ances, commencinc at tho center lino
of said block 1, intersecting with the
main sewer that is to bo constructed
on west "A" street, extendinc thence
southemly on tho center line of said
blocK and in the center line or the
alleys in blocks 4 and 7 of said addition
through the above described property
to tho north lino of west "D street.
That the council has sot said matter
for hearing on the 5th day of July,
1910. at 8:00 o'clock p. m.. official time
nt the office of tho mayor and city
council, in the court house 01 said city.
All parties interested aro hereby
notified to be present at tho above
named time ana plnco, and show cause
if any, why said lateral district should
not bo formed as prayed, and special
assessments thero after levied as pro
vided by law, upon the real eatnte
constituting said district, for tho con
struction nnd maintenance of tho same
Dated Juno 13th. 1910.
Thos. C Patterson. Mayor.
Attest: Ciias. F. Temple, City Clerk
Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer
To all porsons interested:
Notice is hereby given that on Mny
21st, 1910, there was filed with tho city
council of North Platte. Nebraska, a
petitionprnying tliut a lateral sewer
uistnct 00 iormea irom tne toilowing
described blocks, to-wit: Blocks 2. 7.
10 and 15 of Miller's Addition to tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, Said lateral sewor to bo
constructed of ten-inch sewer pipo
with proper flush tanks, man-holes and
appliances, commencing at tho center
lino of said Block 2, intersecting with
tne main sewer thut is constructed on
West "A" street, extending thence
southemly on tho center lino of said
lots ana nlley. throuch tho above de
scribed property to tho north lino of
west "U" street. That tne council has
set said matter for hearing on the 5th
Antr iniO nt Q nfr.1n..l .x
official time, at the oilko of the mayor
mm my council, in uiu court nouso 01
satu city.
All parties interested nroherebv noti
fied to bo present nt tho above named
tuno ami p aco. nnd show cause if nnv.
why 3uld lateral district should not bo
formed as prayed, and special assess
menta thereafter levied as provided by
law, upon tho real estato constituting
Baid district, for tho construction and
maintenance of tho same.
Dnted Juno 13th, 1910.
Thos. C. Patterson. Mayor.
Attest: Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Serial No. OJ4D7.
Dopartmcnt ot tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto, Nob.
. , May 13th. 110.
Notlcn Ulinrnlitr nlvnti Hint Arthur Tnrinn-
lioft. of North Platte, Nob., who. on Match
nth, 1(105, mado II. K. No- 21001, Sorlal No.
O2I07. for nil of (taction 4, Township 111 N.
uanro west or mouth principal Aioriuinn.
has (lied notlcn of Intention to raako final llvo
year proof to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforu tho Kcalstcr and Re
ceiver at North l'latto, Nob., 011 tho 10th day
of July.lUlO.
Claimant names as witnesses! Harry Oal-
lender, D. N- Callondcrand Henry Illcklcy,
of Tryon, Nob , and K. Mayflold. of Nesblt.
nou. .1, K. uvans. Resistor.
Carrlo Ilrlttlncham. defendant, will t&Un
notloothaton tho 18th day of .May, 11)10, the
Mcl'nrlan Carr'aro Company, plaintiff lioro
In, Died its putltlon tn tho District Court of
Lincoln county, iNonranua, astainstsaia carrlo
Ilrlttlnnbam and Clint-Inn IlrlLtlnirhnni. tlin
object and prayer of which aro to collect
irom saiu iictuiinanis tho sum ors-mB aud
Interest thorcon nt eight per cent from May
1 'i 1 r 1 1 1 1 ,,.,nn . ....... 1 1 ......
1358.00 executed September 1. loou, by said
defendants to tho plalntlir. Tho amount duo
upon said note at this tlmo
1 ou aro rimnor noticed that an order of
attachment was Issued 'in tho suit ot tho
ptalntlir In said action, and said order cf
attachment was on May 18. 1010, levied upon
certain real estato of tho defendant, Cnrrlo
llrlttlnsliam, to-wlt: An undivided one-third
Interest In and tji tlin iwirl Wi.t rmnrtnr uf
section 4, and tho northoastuuartcr of section
6, and all of section V, In township v. ranno27,
aim mo cast, uan oi 1110 norinwcst quarter,
and tho oast half ot section 32, In township 10,
raneo Zl, lu Lincoln county, Nebraska, and
PlaintllT nrars that said tirnnnrtr lm nM tn
satisfy nmountduoonsatd note.
ou aro required to answor said petition on
or beforo tho Utb day of July, llilo.
Ity Hoagland & Hoagland its Attorneys.
VI' l'WUh,IUi WIIjIj.
State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho county court. May 2lt. 1010.
In tho of matter of tlin nlilnnf 11 Tinl
Hftuulior. decoascd. v
On readlnir and fllinir tho nntttlnn nt idn
8. HauKhor. praying that tho Instrument
mou on ino win any of - May, iuio, and
purporting to be an authenticated copy of
tbo last Will and Tosttnent nt tlin xntri
decensed- as proved, probated, and allowed In
tho probato court of Adams -ounty, I'onnsyl
vanln. may bo proved, approved, probated
allowed and recorded as tho last will and
Testament of tho said II. Louis Haugher,
deceased, In this court as proved by sections
5202 nnd S2U3 Cobliey's Statute inoit.
uruorca, luauuno laui, linu, at no'clock A.
M.. is assigned for hoarlnir nnlil nntltlnn
when all porsons interested In Said
mattor mar appear at a county court,
to bo held in and for said county,
and showcauso why tho prayor of pet
tloner should not bo granted. This order to
bo printed for six successive lstues in tho
North l'latto Soml-Weeklv Trlliunn Jirlnr tn
Juno mil, 11)10.
w. c. Elpbii, County .Tudgo.
HyKatherlno F. Clark. Cleric County Court.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
In tho mattor of tlin estatn nt .Tnivili Itl.-lil.
gor. Docoased.
to the creditors of said estate:
You aro hereby notified that I will sot at
tho roil 11 tv court room In North llntln In
said county, on Monday. Juno LXMi. 1010. and
on Tuesday. December 20th, 11)10, atOo'clock
a. in. of each day to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with n vlow to
their adjustment aud allowance Tho tlmo
limited for tho presentation of claims against
said estato is D months from tho third day of
May A. I). 1010, and tho tlmo limited for pay
mont of debts Is ono year from said 3d day
ot May, 11)10.
This notlco to bo published eight success
ive Issues lu tho North l'latto Tilbuno, a
legal newspaper published in said county,
prior to Juno i-HHu. 1910.
Witness my hand and the seal of satd
county court, this -'1st day ot May, 1010.
W. O. Kr.iiKit, County Judgo.
Dy Katliorlno F. Clark, Clerk County Court.
Berlal No. 02S74.
Department of tho Interior,"
U. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nob.
May 20. 1UI0.
Notlco Is hereby given that Mary
A. Hawkins, formerly Mary A. James
of Maxwell, Neb., who, on Nov, 14. 1001,
mado homestead entry No. 0021, serial No.
KJ274 for nwM section 20, township 14, N.
range 28, Wot tho 6th Principal Meridian, has
Died notice of intention to mako final llvo
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, beforo tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 22d
day of July, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses: John O,
Nystrom, Mary N. Sukraw, of Maxwoll, Nob.,
Henry K. Rldlnger. John Martin ot North
Platte. Nob.
m2l-0 J, E. Evans. Register.
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho county court. May tltli. 1010.
In tho matter uf tho ostato of Mary Anna
llrooks, deceased.
On roadlng and filing tho petition of Henry
G. llrooks. praying that tho regular adminis
tration of said ostato may bo dispensed with
as provided by sections SW-KM and f20l,
Cobboy's Statute 1WU.
Ordered, That Juno. 25th, 1010, at 2 o'clock
p. in,, is assigned for hearing said petition
when all porsons interested in said matter
may appear at a county court to bo hold In
and for said county and show causo why tho
prayerof petitioner should not bo granted,
This order to bo printed for six successive
issues in tho North l'latto Trlbuno. a legal
newspaper published In Lincoln County, prior
to Juno :5th, 1010.
W. C. Ei.uek. County Judge,
ny IvATiiF.ttiNic F. Cr.AiiK. Clerk of the Coun
ty Court. J 7-0
Serial No O'lia. 1
Department of tho lntorlor
U. S. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nub.
, , , . . Juno flth. 1010.
Notlco Is horoby given that Daniel II. Mc
Neol. of North Platte, Nebraska, who on
l-ouruary 2:1. 1003. jrado Homestead Entry
No. Serial No. 0203, for west half, north
half northeast quartor, south half southeast
quartor of section (I, township 15 north, rango
1, west of tho bth Principal Meridian, has
Died notlco of intention to mako final llvo
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, beforo tho Register and
Receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on thu
27ihday of July. iuio.
Claimant names as wltnossos: David W.
Macomber, James llechan, Jr.. Charles E.
Evans, William Groves, all of North Platte,
J70 J. E. Evans. Register.
Sorlal No. 01023-02163
Department ot tho Interior.
U. 8. Laud Olllco at North Platte. Neb ,
........ . Iunn "ll". '010.
Notlco Is horoby given that Joseph S Shaw,
of Norlh Platte, Nebraska, who on March 1.
1004. mado II. E. No. 1PS23. Sorlal No 01023. for
east half southwest quarter, northwest
quartor southeast quarter and lots, and on
July 10. 10UI. made II. E. No. 20300, Sorlal No.
02162, for fcouth half southeast quarter, north
east quarter southeast quarter and lot 4.
all in section 18, township 12, N., range
West of the Bth Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to mako tlnal
five year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before tho Register and Ho-
itf"' N0,,rtt8ka' 1110
Claimant names as wltnossos: Jacob L.
ls.on Ka?pre u- 6i,,b!' winiam w,
Hunter. Arthur Conuors, allot North Platte.
f7-(l J. E. Evans, Reglstor.
Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss.
In the county court.
In the mattor of tho estato of Carrie
L. t-oarle, deceasod.
T.'ii,nn W.1"''. and "Ihie tho petition of
Lllzabeth Uratt. praying that tbo regular
administration of said estato may bo dls-
Eiinsed with as provided by sections 620J
5201. 5205 and 5200, of Cobboy's annotated
Statutes Of tho Stato of Nebraska, for iK
Ordered. That July th,- A. D. lOlO, at 10
o'clock a. in., is assigned for hearing said
potltion, whon all persons interested In sa d
matter may appear at a county court to bo
hold in and for said county, and show causo
why the prayer of the petitioner should not
. KIUUH.-.1, aim mm, nuueu ol llio pendenev
of said petition and tho l.oarlng tForeof iw
given to all persons Interested In said mat
till llV tlllhllHlilnr n unt,,, nt .1.1.. i ' . .V1. .v
paper printed lu said county, for six succes-
bl)0ateKlf,ol5o,., dai' of "-i-s06-
JU-J W. O. ButeM, County Judge.