The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 21, 1910, Image 2

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IHA U BARIB. Publtihtr.
Because of Resemblance to Camel,
Said to Be Connecting Link Be
l twcen Beasts and Birds.
Tho ostrich, becnuso of Its rescm.
olanco to tlio cnmcl, lias been said to
60 the connecting link between bensts
Mid birds, says a writer on tho den
izens of tho bird kingdom. There Is
a horny oxcrcBcenco on tho breast of
both tho dromedary and tho ostrich,
jon which they lean whllo resting;
they havo similarly formed feet; tho
lamo muscular neck; their food Ib
much tho same, and both can go an
incredibly long tlmo without water.
Moreover an ostrich nevor flies,
nor Is It possible for It to lift Itself
from tho ground In tho slightest do
grco by tho uso of Its wings; but llko
tho camol It is very swift-footed. In
Its nattvo country tho shells of tho
eggs afford nlmost tho only house
hold utensils used. An egg will
weigh from three to four pounds and
Is equal to two dozen hen's eggs. It
requires 35 minutes to boll ono, nnd
longer If required hard. A fresh egg
Is worth $25.
Tho kcQper of nn ostrich farm sayB
tho birds nro tho only thing ho over
tried that ho has not succeeded In
taming. Thoy nro known to llvo to
bo sovonty-fivo years old, and Bomo
think thoy will reach a hundred. Thoy
aro about eight feet In height Their
hearing and sight nro very acute, and
theso seem to bo nbout all tho senso
thoy aro blessed with. Their legs nro
Tory powerful, and nro tho only weap
on of defenso; when thoy attack nn
cnomy thoy do so by kicking, but al
ways Btrlko forward and novcr back
ward. Tho cholco "ostrich fenthorfl" aro
found only In tho wings; tho un
dressed feathers vary In prlco, having
boon ns low as $25 per pound and as
high as $200, and thero nro from 70
to 90 fonthers In a pound. A Blnglo
bird rnroly furnishes moro thnn n
dozen flno feathers, and tho birds
themselves, If flno onos, nro valued
at $1,000 per pair.
Naval Gun Power.
There Is a tendency to judgo tho
Tiowcr of n ship by tho amount of
tnetnl which enn bo thrown If all tho
guns woro fired simultaneously and
without regard to whether they could
bo brought to bear upon an onomy or
could bo fired ns fast In war as thoy
can bo fired In theory on paper. This
method of Judging a ship of. war Is
somewhat analogous to tho cannibal's
idea of effective music. To an untu
tored savage tho most effectives plnno
would bo ono In which tho loud pedal
wwi always on, and tho player In ordor
to produco tho greatest volumo of
iDund struck all tho notes at onco. To
tho practised enr tho result would not
bo music. In tho samo way to tho ex
pert gunnery officer tho idea of
mounting ob many guns as possiblo In
a ship it may bo crovdlng them to
gether so closely as to becomo a
danger to tho crow rather than tho
enemy and firing them nil at onco Is
not effective gunnery. Naval shoot
ing is no longer a matter of dis
charging a numbor of sheila haphazard
in tho hopo that n proportion of them
win hit tno enemy, it tins becomo a
very exact science Casslor's Maga
1 The Lost Pluo Hat.
I "Tho old provorb, 'Findln'8 Is kcop
In'a,' usually holds good In tho enso
of a silk, hat said tho man. "Persons
who loso silk hats aro always roluctant
to claim them. I havo found excollont
silk hats, and I know othor pooplo who
havo found hats Just as good, but no
body over tried to got them back
Thoy woro well worth advertising for,
too. Who can explnin this disregard
for stray silk hats? Is it duo to mod
esty? Were thoy lost under conditions
so incriminating that tho tosor would
rather buy another hat than roveal his
whereabouts and tho clrcumstancos
that caused him to loso his hat? That
hypothesis hardly scorns tenable, bo
causo most silk hats aro picked up in
very roputnblo placca. Still tho fact
romalns that any person finding a silk
hat is protty suro to bo allowod to ro
jolco in Its possession unmolested by
tho owner." Now York Sun.
Inference Easily Drawn.
A man who Bolls vacuum cleaners
with a pianola attachment relates tho
following bit of a yarn ovcry tlmo he
gots a chanco:
"I guess that that near-sighted fol
low that calU on sister Is getting
worse," said a smnll boy, ngod twelve,
possibly called Jlmmio.
"That Ib enough from you," said tho
Indignant sister.
"Wbnt makes you think ho Is got.
ting worse?" inquired tho father of
tho son, possibly called Jlmmio.
"Ilccauso I heard sister ask him last
night If ho thought sho wns tho
blarney stono," replied tho boy, pos
ulbly called Jlmmio.
Law Would Havp Barred Author,
ueau mauleys handwriting was
atrocious. Tho lato Lord Lyttloton
handed in an amendment to tho tory
reform bill of Lord Derby. Tho clork
at tho tnblo could not read It, nor
could any ono olso, At laBt, Lord Lit
'tloton a raro scholar and an accom
plished man of letters was asked to
read It hlmsolf. Ho explained that,
though ho could not protctad to road
tho text, Us purposo was to enact that
do man should bo admitted to tho poll
'unless ho could sign his uwu name ia
legible handwriting.
Perhaps tho most powerful mnn in Abyssinia, during tho crisis through which that country is passing, ts
Rns Tos8ama, chief of tho regency. Ho haB identified himself with tho policy of tho sick emperor, nnd It
wns ho who carried out tho recent coup d'etat which deposed Empress Taltu from tho regency. He and his
colleague, Itas Qlorgls. put In her place as third regent lias Mlkael.son-in-law of Menellk and father of LldJ
Jcosbu, heir to tho tbrono. It wns Has Tessama who. In 1898, nt tho Instance of tho French mission under Bon
champs, was sent to tho Whlto Nile to cooperate with Marchand In his advance on Fashoda, which nearly
brought Franco and England to war.
Successful Use of Canines At
tracts Attention of British
Great Britain Once More Following
Up In Rear of Her' Continental
Rivals and Taking Cue From
Trjelr Advancement.
London. Groat Britain Is onco moro
following up In tho rear of her conti
nental rivals ond taking a lent from
tholr books. At last oho Is thinking
nbout It. That Is, in tho adoption of
tho dogglo pollcoman. Tho forco num
bers only ono at present, and ho. tho
dog, is attached to tho Berks constab
ulary. It, ts a good many yonra slnco
Major Richardson of Harrow boenmo
a dog trnlnor, his pack of bloodhounds
being a famed loL It was Major Rich
ardson who trained tho docs which
did bucIi good work by picking up
wounded soldiers on tho battleflolds
of Manchuria and which helped tho
Spaniards at Molllla.
Kvon boforo that both Franco and
ncrmany ronllzod tho possibilities of
trained dogs ns auxiliaries to their
gondarmerlo and police forces. In
RuBBtn, too, tho dog policeman Is
known. A story Just reached horo
from Moscow about n dog known ns
Tref, which Is becoming a porfoct ter
ror to ovil-dnors. A number of bank
notes and other valuables liml boon
stolon from a Moscow gentlomnn
named Pokrofsky, and Trot's sorvlces
woro requisitioned.
Ho was put on tho scent of tho
thtof, and, after taking a circuitous
routo, entorod n night shelter, mnklnj;
straight for an old coat bolongtng to
Dares Death
New York Zoo Employee Enters
Cages of Diamond Rattlers to
Clean, and Has Close Call.
Now York. Houscclennlng day In
tho deiiB of tho poisonous reptiles nt
tho Now York Zoological park, Is
fraught with danger to tho keepers.
A largo numbor of persons watched
tho cleaning of tho rattlesnakes' cagos
recently, Slowly tho cage of tho diamond-backed
rattlers was opened from
tho rear. With a forked stick tho
snakes wero gently urged Into a cor
ner. Ono went ovor willingly, as if
trained. Another started, but half
way across tho floor stopped and flung
himself into a coll nnd raised his
wicked head, and tho humming of his
rnttloB wan distinctly heard by tho
Tho keoper backed away till hu wub
a houso painter, who was known un
der tho namo of Aloxander. Tho sum
of 500 rubles, which hnd boon stolen
from M. Pokrofsky, was found In ono
of tho pockets of tho coat
That London Ib evidently thinking
about following tho example of Dorks
seems likely, as F. S. Bullock, oho of
tho chlot constables of tho Metropoli
tan police, has bocn ovor in Paris
having n look nt tho kcnnols of tho po
llco dogs nt Montrougo. London wants
to know something about tho uso of
thoso dogB beforo getting any of her
In somo of tho favorlto "burglary"
districts, as thoy aro known, such as
Hnmpstond, Ealing, Harrow and there
abouts, householders havo not waited
for tho "swearing In" of any dog con
Pie the Key
Hale Man of Ninety-Seven Names
Best Kind of Food to Eat to
Be Centenarian.
Bellovlllo, 111. Tho most remark
nblo man In Bcllovllle. Benjamin
West, who Is nlnoty-sovon yenrs old,
straight ns a soldier and spry, has
given tho world tho secret of longev
ity. Hero It Is: "P i e."
Any kind of plo will do n3 a steady
diet, from Washington plo to lemon
merlnguo, snys Mr. West. All kinds
nro equally stimulating and helpful.
Mr. West was formerly a merchant
In Bellovlllo, but ho rotlred In 1S81",
nnd has slnco lived In Minneapolis.
Twlco each year ho comes to Belle
vlllo to visit his son, Robert.
"I'm going to hnvo n contennlnl in
thrco years," ho said whllo hero last.
Among Snakes
boyond tho length of tho snnko's body,
when ho gently put his crotch of tho
stick over tho roptllo's head, and, ta
king him in his hands, just back
of tho head, dropped him into a sack,
which ho tied up and put in n box.
Tho othor snakes, having been
urged Into tho corner, a board throe
feet wldo was stood up against tho
wall, shutting out tho light. This
darkening of tho cage genornlly keeps
them quiet till tho cage has been
cleaned, but tills day It didn't.
Whllo tho koeper was scrubbing tho
wall n snnko reared Itself back of tho
board and looked around tho cage. The
keeper pnused, not daring to movo, till
tho head slowly lowered again. Thon
with n whlto faco tho man backed out
of tho cage. A blanket was laid over
the top of tho board until tho clcanlug
was finished.
stables, but havo acquired somo of
their own from Major Richardson,
with very satisfactory results.
"It Is no uso having a dog that
won't bite," says Major Richardson,
"and theso dogs, If they catch hold of
a man, will worry him Just llko a rnb
bIL Tho dog Is hold on a chain nnd
wears a specially contrived muzzle,
which provontB him picking up poison.
Thoy can hear a Bound 400 yards
further than a policeman, nnd If a
man Is hiding In a garden they can
scent him out when a pollcoman
might pass him by. Their senses are
ovon moro acuta nt night than by
World Champion Milk Producer.
ColumblnMo. Chief Josephine, tho
Ilolstoln nt tho state farm, gave 98
pounds of milk tho other day, and haB
been averaging 90 pounds' a day slnco
her tests began. It Is claimed she will
provo tho champion milk producer of
tho world.
to Longevity
'Rules of health? Well, I can't Bay
that I havo uny. I hnvo just lived a
prudent life. I do not know tho tnsto
of whisky or wlno. When I was living
hero I tried to drink beer, but I didn't
llko the taste of It and I guess 1 never
got enough of it In my system to hurt
"I never smoked, but I chew tobnc
co, not to excess, though just 0 cou
plo of small chows a dny. I havo
mado It a rulo to eat not moro than
ono pound of meat n yenr.
"I never miss my thrco big meals n
day. Next to plo I llko vegetables
best as n steady diet. I am not a
vegetarian, but I hnvo proved In my
own enso at least that vegetables nro
the healthiest food. 1 cat milk and eggs
but I llko cabbago, beets, turnips, corn
and potatoes much better."
Mr. West said thnt ho had not been
111 n dny In yenrs. As a young mnn ho
wns sickly nnd It wns predicted that
ho would dlo beforo ho was thirty.
At ninety-seven his whlto hair Is tho
only 'Indication of his extreme ago,
Ho takes long walks, every day and
carries a enne, not for tho support
but tor style. Ho wenrs tho frock
coat and tho broad slouch tint ouco
typical of tho "southern gentleman.'
Ha wns born In Virginia when Uncle
Sam was winning tho 1812 pennant tn
tho championship series with John
Sickness Causes $55,000,000 Loss.
London. About $55,000,000 Ib annu
ally lost by tho wago earning class In
this country owing to temporary lna
bill ty to work through sickness or
lunacy, said Stephen Paget at tho Lon
don School of Economics recently.
' Capable.
"Is your now maid cnpablo?"
"Yes, Indeed, Sho can toll callors
don't want to soe that I'm out und
makothom bellevo It."
Recipe for Making One That
Bo Found Exceptionally
Ono tinned vegetable that yields a
delicious salad for uso. whllo the fresh
green things nro still scarco is lima
Uso for this tho contents of a halt
or a whole can, according to tho num
ber to bo served. Simmer In boiling
wntcr until tender, then drnln and
chill thoroughly. Servo on lettuce
leaves dressed with olthcr mayonnalso
or French dressing, according to tnsto,
or French dressing made with thick
crenm Instead of oil would bo tnsty.
sprinkling of pamley, chives nnd
celery all flnoly minced and combined,
or of any one of tho three used singly,
s considered an Improvement by some
salad oplcurcs.
In tho way of a company dessorl
hen tho enrly strawberries flrBt be
gin to bo nvntlnblc, crush slight!
enough of tho borrtcs to half fill n ring
mold. Flu tho mold up afterward
with lemon jelly. Tho prepared Jollj
will servo for this. Just beforo it ii
to be cnton turn out upon a platter
nnd fill tho hollow center of tho rlnj
with stiffly whipped cream. Pass wllb
It lady fingers or nngel food.
Physician Says Ounce Bottle of Chlor
oform Is Better Than
Better than camphor, according to a
physician, In packing away clothes, is
an ounce bottlo of chloroform, with a
put cork, so that tho fumes may grad
ually evaporate. Put tho bottlo in tho
bottom of tho trunk. Theso fumes will
not only kill moths, but mrfny dlsoaso
germs. Caro must be taken not to In
hale tho fumes when opening tho
All clothing should bo put away ns
clean ns possible If thoro aro pock-
ts, turn insldo out nnd brush thor-
oughly. Take soiled niching from
tho necks of dresses and shields from
under tho arms. A few bits of char
coal wrapped In tlssuo paper and laid
among tho clothing will prevent tho
unpleasant odor that is often noticed
when tho air has been excluded for
somo time.
With roast veal, tomato sauce, cran
berry sauce, horseradish and lemons
are good.
With roast mutton, currant Jolly, ca
per sauce.
wun oroiiea mutton, onion sauce
and caper sauce.
wun oroiiea rowio, Dread sauce,
onion snuco, lemon sauce, cranberry
sauce, jellies, also cream sauce.
With roast Iamb, mint sauco.
With roast turkey, .cranberry saucs
and currant Jelly.
With boiled turkey, oyster Bauco.
With venison or wild ducks, cran
berry sauco, currant Jelly.
With roast goose, applo sauce, cran
berry sauce, grapo or currant Jelly.
With boiled fresh mackerel, stowed
wuu uonea Diucnsn, cream sauco.
lemon sauco.
Carving Meat.
10 BUCCCSSIUHV enrvn mont nnn
rauft know' how to control tho knlfo,
When carving a slice of meat, after
tho first Incision has boen mado tho
nngla at which tho knlfo is hold must
novcr bo altered or a Jagged sllco
will bo tho result.
Tho cut should bo direct, sharp and
Inclslvo. Tho sawliko motion should
not enter Into tho operation.
As a rulo tho knlfo should bo held
firmly but lightly, so that too much
Julco will not bo Bqucezed out from
tho meat. By using tho point of tho
knlfo lightly as a wedgo and tho fork
as a lever, even a big fowl mny bo
easily Jointed, provided tho carvor Is
awaro exactly how tho Joint is situ
atcd and held together.
Raised Buns.
To ono pint of raised broad dough
ndd ono cupful of granulated sugar,
ono-hnlf cupful of soft butter, ono bent
en egg, ono-hnlf cupful of milk nnd
one-half lovel teaspoonful of soda
When well mixed ndd enough sifted
bread flour to mako of tho consistency
of, bread dough and so that it can bo
kneadod well. Cover nnd let rise in n
warm placo until light. Thon work
In threo-qunrters of n cupful of cur
rants nnd a half teaspoonful of lomon
flavoring. Mako small buns, not larger
than an egg, nnd set closely In a but
tered pan. Let rlso light nnd bnko,
Brush tho tops with sugar and water
when taken from tho oven.
Flower Cake Decorations.
If you deslro a beautiful decoration
for a whlto cake, securo fresh violets
from your garden or tho florist, says
the Woman's Homo Companion. Make
a sirup of sugar and water. Dip tho
violets carefully Into this and put nsldo
on n plnttor to harden. If you aro
enreful to let tho sirup hair beforo
dipping tho flowers, thoy will In a fow
moments bo rondy to adorn the enko,
Any smnll flowers may bo treated In
this way. Arrange In a wreath or
Baking-Powder Biscuits.
Mix nnd sift twlco two cupfuln
flour, four toaspoonfulB of baking pow
der nnd ono-hnlf teaspoonful of salt,
Work In two tnblcspoonfuls of butter
with tips of fingers nnd add gradually
three-fourths of a cupful of milk, mix
Ing quickly with n cnsoknlfo. Cut out
and bnko In a quick oven, Woman
Homo Companion.
" 'Taln't no' uso talkln. Cyras, thet
boy of ourn certainly do lovo th' coun
try. Ho writ mo er letter yostorday
nn sez ho was overjoyed 'causo thor
going ter put him In th' right field
next summer."
'For sixteen long years I havo been
suffering with a bad caso of Bkin dls
easo, Whllo n child thoro broko out n
red soro on tho legs just In back of
my knees. It waxed from bad to worse,
and at last I saw I had a bad skin,
disease. I tried many widely known
doctors In different cities but to no
satisfactory rosult Tho plaguo both
ered mo moro In warm weather than
In winter nnd being on my leg joints
it mado It imposslblo for mo to walk,
and I was forced to stay Indoors In tho
warmest weather. My hopes of recov
ery wero by this tlmo spent Sleepless
nights and restless days mado llfo an
unbearable burden. At last I was
advised to try tho Cutlcura remedies
Cutlcurn Soap, Ointment nnd Pills,
and I did not need moro than a trial
to convinco mo that I was on tho road
of success this tlmo. I bought two
seta of tho Cutlcura Remedies nnd
after theso wero gono I was a differ
ent mnn entirely. I am now tho ha;
plcst man that thoro is at least ono
truo caro for skin diseases. Leonard
A. Hawtof, 11 Nostrand Avo., Brook
lyn, N. Y., July 30 nnd Aug. 8, '09."
The Bald-Headed Man. .
"The wife's clothes must match the
husband's hair this year."
"That's all right; my wife's dresses
aro always dccolletto."
Important to Mothers
Examine carulully ovcry bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and, suro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
y.yjf "CO? .
Signature ol(X
In TJso For Ovo'r at) Years.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
A Motor Boat.
Anybody that likes can havo a mo
tor boat of his own. Just mako a thin
pleco of wood, or a calling card Into
tho shapo of a boat and put n notch In
tho stern. Put a pleco of common cam
phor gum Into tho notch so that It
reaches below tho bottom of tho boat
Then put tho boat into a pan of clean
water. It will movo steadily forward
as tho camphor dissolves. Tho water
must bo perfectly clean and thero
must bo no greaso of any kind on tho
.inside of tho pan or on your flngerr
ir tho experiment may bo spoiled.
Harvard College.
This celebrated Instltootlon Is pleas
antly situated In tho barroom of Par
ker's, in School street, and has pooplls
from nil over tho country. I had a let
ter yes'd'y, by the way, from our
mootual son, Artemus, Jr., who Is at
Bowdoin collego, in Maine. Ho writes
mo that ho Ib a Bowdoin Arab. & is It
cum to this? Is this boy as I nurtured
with a parent's caro into his child
hood's hour Is ho goln' to bo a grato
American humorist? Alara, I fear It is
too troo. Why didn't I bind him out
to tho Patent ravelin Vcgetablo Pll
Mnn, as was Btruck with his appear
ance nt our last county fair, & wanted
him to go with him and bo a Pllllst?
Ar, theso boys they llttlo know how
tho old folks worrit about 'em From
Life's Reprint From ArtemusWard.
Up to Pa.
"Pnpa, sistor's a liar!"
"Why, why! Jennie, you mustn't say
such things."
"I can prove it by your own Belf.
Last night I heard her say, 'Charllo,
111 cnll pnpa if you dare to do it
again!' And he did it twlco moro. Did
you hear her call?"
On Properly Selected Food. It Paya
Big Dividends.
If parents will glvo Just a llttlo In
tolllgont thought to tho feeding of
tholr children tho difference In tho
health of tho llttlo folks will pay,
many times ovor, for tho small trouble.
A mother writes snylng; "Our chil
dren nro all so much better and
stronger than they over woro beforo
we mndo a change In the character of
tho food. Wo havo quit using pota
toes threo times a day with coffeo
and so much meat
"Now wo glvo tho llttlo folks somo
fruit, elthor fresh Btewed, or canned,
Bonio Grape-Nuts with cream, occa
sionally Bomo soft boiled eggs, and
somo Postura for breakfast and sup
per. Then for dinner they havo some
moat and vegetables.
"It would bo hard to rcalizo the
chango in tho children, they have
grown bo sturdy and strong, nnd wo
attribute this chango to tho food ele
ments thnt, I understand, exist in
G'npe-Nuts and Postum.
"A short tlmo ago my bnby was
toothing nnd had a great deal of stom
ach and bowol trouble. Nothing
seemed to agree with him until I tried
Gropo-Nuts softened and mixed with
rich milk, and ho Improved rapidly and
got sturdy and well."
Read "Tho Road to Wellvllle," found
in pkga. "There's a reason."
Kvrr remt tlm above Irtterf A new
ono nppenrn from time to time. TUey
nre Kcnulur, true, and (all of bums
I Intercut. , , .