The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 17, 1910, Image 4

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    m y R. wallace
H fj Silver plate that V
I IM that iloe not gtvo H
B JJ sntUfnctory service B
Clinton, Jeweler indOpliclan
r r 1 1 1 nn V V
5 UK. M. C. UHULrt,
j Ovor KIm National. l'liono-148
Mnotor Mnchnnlc Nllnnil, of Chey
enne, spent yesterday In town.
Mr. nml Mrs. L. 12. Roach left for
the cast part of tho stnto this morning.
If you want a GOOD CAR buy
Mitchell or Rambler of LcMastcr.
Messrs. Wetngand, Neely, Wnlrnth
and Scluitz brought in a catcli of ninety
pike Wcdneedny.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe WlllintnB, of Oinn
hn, were in town yestordny to attend
tho Fnrrington funeral.
A light rain fell Inst night in this
city. Tho indications pointed to a
much heavier fall west and southwest
of town.
The danco Riven by tho Social Danc
ing Club (not the Lndy Hustlers) Tues
day evening at Masonic hall was fairly
well attended.
Uobort Hosier, who is a machinists'
apprentice in tho Burlington shops at'
Aurora, III., is homo to spend a two
weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Dell Tool, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Klein,
for two weeks, will leavo Monday for
ncr nomo jn nirvana.
Leonard Cornctt. who come time, ago
was given tho position of manager of
tho stockyards, moved his family from
Sutherland to this city yesterday.
Charley Hill, of Gothenburg, trans
acted business in town yestordny, Ho
is now engaged in real estnto business
nnd uys traffic in land Is brisk.
l- D. Winn, n former North Platte
resident now in scrvico on the Callaway
branch, fell from tho top of a car nnd
sustained a broken shoulder blndo nnd a
budly bruised nnd cut head. He was on
top of n enr assisting coal an engino,
when ho lost his balance.
Commencing next week the streets
running cast and west in the Millernnd
Pcniston 'additions will bo graded. These
streets have never been graded to any
extent, and tho proposed work will no
doubt be appreciated by the residents
of tbnt section of tho city.
" , ,
For Salo ICO acres ncnrNorth Platte,
Nebraska, price $900, terms $200 ensh,
balance 1. 2, 3, 4, nnd 5 years. This
land acquired for debt and must sell.
Address, Hnrgadino McKittrlck D. G.
Co., St. Louis, Mo.
J. W. Seeloyolms sold his farm south
or Maxwell to K. T. Stevens, of this
city, for a consideration of $3,G00, Mr.
Sceleyo takes as part payment a house
and three lots in tho South Park addi
tion to this city, and will probably ro
move thereto.
Geo, V. Harvard, who will bo re
membered liyokt. times, was n visitor in
town yesterday. Ilnzznrd was rosnnn.
Bible for tho llnnnclul troublo of Alex
Strut hers, u former county treasurer
of this county, having hypothecated tho
groccctiB oi a nig mortgage given by
trurhcra on n bunch of cattle.
Mrs. Jc8sup was hostess for tho
swastika ciuu weunofuny and a do
llulitfnlly pleasant nfternoon resulted
Curd gomes were tho entertaining
leaiurcs, ana at me ciosorciresnments
worn served. Mrs. O. H, Cresslor and
Mrs. Guy bwopo wore selected ns nd
ditlonal members of tho club. Mrs
Frank Armstrong will entertain tho
ciuu Juno ann,
DR. W. f. CROOK,
Graduato Northwestern Univcrelt;
Office over McDonnld Stato Una
Henry Lesky left tho early part of
tho week for n visit at Senttoand other
northwest Pacific coast points.
Miss Minerva McWillinms nnd Miss
Vnuncln Hayes have been visiting Miss
Evelyn Duly at Hastings this week.
Harry Smith, who hns been attending
school in Chicago, will arrlvo home
Monday to spend the summer vacation.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. D. Untie left last
night on n pleasure trip to Portland
and other points in the northwest,
expecting to bo absent thirty days.
The foundation is being Inid for a
now church tho Seventh Dny Advcntists
nro building on the corner of Tenth nnd
Willow streets in tho Third Wnrd.
Mrs. Chns Hoffhlne, of Cheyenne, is
viaiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fra
sen Mr. Holiino will bo hero tomorrow,
nnd they will leave for n visit with
friends in Iowa Monday.
Mrs. J. J. Halllgnn returned today
from Lincoln whore she had been visit
ing friends for two weeks nnd nltfo
attending tho commencement exercises
of the state university.
Tom Horan enmo up from Qmnhn
Wcdnesdny night nnd will have charge of
tho Itceco panitntorum while Mr. Recce
is recovering from the accident which
befell him in Grand Island lost Sunday.
Tho new addition to tho Davis &
Chorpennlng garage, which is &0x80
feet, will bo toady for occupancy tho
early part of next month. The roof is
now being put on nnd the cement floor
Mr. Nattigor, of Lyons, Iowa, ono of
tho owners of the former Van 13rocklln
ranch in tho south part of tho county,
was in town yesterday and in company
with T. C. Patterson wont out to tho
ranch in the tatter's car.
W. F. Campbell, who is down from
Gnrllold today, says small grain In that
section is in good shape On Friday
of last week that part of tho county
was visited by n heavy rain: so heavy
thnt it washed out considerable corn.
About thirty members of tho
Luthornil nicl nnrlntv wnrn Mm ininots
yeBterduy afternoon of Mre. P. 0.
iuuiioy, who lives iour mnos northwest
of town. Tho nfternoon was agreeably
spent, tho hostess serving refreshments
thnt were greatly relished.
While nnintlnrr nn tho mnf nf thn
It. P. Bnstn bungalow in tho east part
of town yestordny, John Wilson, a
painter, Bllppcd and fell to tho ground.
Ho landed astrldo n trestle, which may
result in nnnin Intnrnnl Indiro rttlwit.
than this possible trouble, his injuries
wero not serious.
An ntidfenrn Hmnllor tlinn Mm mnvUn
- - " - ....... niv, iiiuiiuj
of tho play warranted attended "Tho
iiujuvemuion oi Aunt wary" list
evening. May Robson, in tho leading
role, crdntnil mnrli mnfrlmnnt lm
humorous Bnyings and actions, and she
was supported by a good company. Tho
play is n clean comedy full of laughablo
situations, yot carrying a well defined
Short Horn Bulls for Sale. ;
Owing to tho bad weather on oursnlo
day we did not dispose of all of our
bulls. Wo cull have six head of service,
able age thnt wo nro giving very low
prices to mnue room lor younger stocic
comlngon. If you nro interested, theso Boon nt onr ranch two miles
west of North Platte. Come early and
got tho good ones.
Fkkmont Watts & Sons.
For Sale-200 bushels oata and 500
bushels corn at my place 20 .miles north
of North Platto.
, " . W. V, HOACILAND,
" North Platte, Neb,
Insure vour crain before
the hail strikes it. Best com
panies and lowest rates. Do
it to day before it is too
Buchanan & Patterson.
MrB. Nonn Rlllor. nffira ilnnnfir
County A8SC8soi Bncon will complete
mo HMHUHHineni scncuuies in a wcck or
ten days. The only precinct so far
footed nnd vnriftpil In Wnlluin mlilnl.
snows an increaso of seventy-eight
iiiuuouiiu uuuura in wo vniuo ot por
Bonal property as compared with tho
li)09 assessment. Whether oMier p're
cints will show a proportionate increaso
tuuuuL in mis nmo uo staled.
It is ImilORsililn in ln Nnrlh Plnftn
. . ,uvw a 1 1. . . VI
men in stato conventions, and in nil
umi JJa.tJ10irinB8 tney nro recognized.
iv. juuiuiicy, wno nns oeen in nt
tendnnco nt thn ntntn
association nt Grand Island this week,
was eiocwu n delegate to the National
runerni uireciors Association winch
meets in Detroit in October. Mr.
Maloney is one of North Platte's "live
ones," nnd this recognition shown
him is well deserved.
Mnvor Pat MpPnrtW
l' rancisco, is quoted in today's paper
as saying: "I am running San Fran-
t, 11 lUK,1'g o omers irom
Gillet Or his nttnrniv rrnnnml V..
can bet your last dollw. that tho big
fight will bo pulled Q&'ih my town just
ns advertised." Tho latest move in the
ngnt suuauon is a motion for a perm
Johnson fight, and today an application
Will 110 fl I Oil for Inmnnrnrv rnctralnln.
- - . .an . .null);
ordor ngainst tho Kaufman-Lanford
Kept the King at Home.
l'flP tht Unfit Vfnnt
of all lnxativeDr. King's Now Life
Pi Is in our homo nnd thoyhavo proved
aniessing to all our family." writes
ruui mninuiKn, or Buffalo, N. Y.
Ensy but sure remedy for all Stomach.
jiver ami kidney troubles, Only 25c, nt
oiono urug uo.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First NntlonM Hank
Harry Porter is enjoyinga visit from
his mother, who is n resident of Hoi-
L. A. to B. It. T. Apron Bazaar at
Lloyd's opera house, Tuesday nfternoon
nnd evening. Dont forgot tho plncc.
Miss Mario VonGoetz, who graduated
from tho state university this week.
has been elected principal of tho schools
nt uvorton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alva Brown nro onlov-
ing a visit from Mr. Brown's motnor.
Mrs. Lizzie w. Brown, of Ajhland,
Mrs. J. T. Murphy nnd dnughtor re
turned Wcdnesdny from Excelsior
Springs where tho daughter had been
receiving treatment for several months.
L. A. to B. B. T. will have n ten cent
lunch, ice crenm nnd enko, home made
candy, sugar pop corn nnd pop corn
balls and apron booths at tho opera
house Juno 21st.
Mrs. J. W. Otten8tcin and children,
who had been guests nt tho Ottenstcin
homo for n few dnvs. resumed their
journoy to Portsmouth, Ohio, yostor-dny.
John Brvnn. field nirent for the Amer
ican Beet Sugnr Co., has completed n
trip over inc uect territory and says
tho majority of tho fields embraced in
the 1,600 ncies are in good condition.
Colonel Codv Is verv enthusiastic
over his farewell tour. At every point
visited by the show the amphitheatre
is pacKea nnd nt mnny places thous
ands hnvo been turned nwav. Itnln or
shine tho people go to seo tho Wild
The Indlnn card club hold a verv
pleasant session Wednesdav nfternoon
ns thegue8ts of Miss Irma Clinton. The
fork wns won by Miss Hannah Kchher
and thd consolntlon prize by Mrs. J. F.
Clnbauch. Tho luncheon served was
very enjoynble.
Blnino Kitzmillcr tells us that ho has
made nrrnniremcnts for two carries of
ball with tho Cheyenne tenm on
tho local Grounds. Tho dates will eltlmr
bn .Tlllv Rth nnd flti nr 11lh nml 19Vi
The Choyenno tenm is a strong one,
having won twolvo Btrnight games up
uo mst outuruny.
Tho Cotorio Club mot Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Will Yost, Tho
afternoon was spent in playing high
five, the prizes being awnrded to Mrs.
Georgo Troxler and Mrs. Earl Davis.
I'-njoyaulo refreshments were Borvcd
nt the close of the afternoon. All renort
a very pleasant time.
Rob Cnrv. who was recently elected
physical dimctor of tho University of
Montnna. arrived vostordnv for a visit
with his parentB and will remain until
ntter tno bitton-liuchnnan wedding, nt
which ho will bo tho "beat man." For
Bomo timo past Rob has been editor of
a dally paper at Missoula, Mont.
Tho G. A. R. fine nolo which hns
been stnnding in front of tho Centrnl
school building hns been removed to tho
Bouth eido of tho postofilce. Mischiev
ous persons insisted on cutting the
ropes which was annoying nnd as the
Post now meets in tho Odd Fcllowp
hall It was thought best to remove tho
polo to Its present site.
Dentist, j
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
Amonp tho mnn in Imvn voufnr.lm-
who the old-time railroad men wero
clad to greet was P. J. Nichols, of
uuuiuui, iur u numour oi years super
intendent of tho Nebraska division,
wnicn position no resigned in 18U8 to
tnko tho position of superintendent of
terminals nt Omaha, and later was su-
nerintrtnflnnt nf thn unmnitnnitf of Tin.
ver. Mr. Nichols was ono of the most
popular officials tho Union Pacific has
flVpr hml. nml ihn AmnlAttAo .i.V.
worked under him havo nlwnys u kind
word tosny of tho treatmonthe accorded
XTl-l. I.
iiiciii. mr. iMuiiiiis cainu nore to nt
tend tho funernl of L. O. Farrington,
who was n valued friend In tho early
duys of railroading on tho Union Pnci-
ftcStind ho WIW nn linnnmrv nnll lirtntviKnf
tho funeral.
Hay Men
Wanting to put up hay on 400 acres,
seo Brntt & Goodman.
Lake Ice.
I am prepared to furnished pure lake
ice at 40 cents per hundred pounds.
Orders may bo loft at Schillers' drug
store, Levi Edis.
A Dreadful Wound
from a knife, a gun, a tin can, rusty
nail, fire arms, or wound of any other
nature, demands prompttrcatment with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent
.blood poison or gangrene. It's tho
quickest, surest healer for all such
wounds as also for Burns, Boils. Sores,
Skin Eruptions, Ecezema,. Chapped
Hands, Corn or Piles. 25c. at Stone
Drug Co.
The Vault without a fault-Conceded Best in the World.
It is waterproof, reinforced with Btoel throughout,
finished with aluminum, and can bo obtained from
your undertaker nt a roasonablo prico. It is a sat
isfaction worth more than tho cost, to know that the
remains of your friends and tho casket containing
them are preserved from tho waters of the earth
as they cannot bo when buried in any other way.
The North Platte Vault Co., G. W. Prosser, Agt
EgtJs .........385 bh
Beef, sirloin,, v 410 warn
Mutton, leg ...... , 44G mm
Milk , , 1030 mm '
Pork, loin 1035 mmm
Cheese..--.. 1185 nam
Butter 13G5 hhh v ',. ,
Wheat Breakfast Fowls ..1489 mm
Rice 2025 mhm
Potntocs 2950 mhhmhbmhr
Beans, dried 3040
(U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 142.)
Energy Muscle and Strength Giving Qualities.
One pound of Flour costing 24 to 3 Cents, will go as far as two pounds of
Meat costing 15 to 20 cents per pound.
The above table should prove to you beyond a doubt that the value of Wheat Bread as a food is
away up; also that its cost; compared with other food, is away down. There is no better flour on the
market than Best XXXX and Gold Crown, manufactured by the North Platte Mill & Grain Co. It is
the flour of the classes nnd within the reach of the pocket book of the masses.
orth Platte Mill & Grain Co.
Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife?
Then save her strength, her health and possibly her life, by
.getting her a SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER Quick for 3 l-l0
cents a day for Ten Months.
stration will be
at our
miss it.
let the
So E-Z
Ginn, White & Schatz.
A Pretty Center Table
adds much to the appearance
of your parlor. Some of the
late styles are exceptionally
good. Our tables will surely
please you. Tables from
$1.25 to $10.00 .
Howe & Maloney.
For Men, Women and Children AlUM Plate H()Siery
The Hosiery possessing wearing qualities, fit and
and appearance far superior to any hosiery ever
berore offered ot anything like this price
If you want to cut your hosiery bill in half, buy
Armor Plate Hosiery for the entire family. . Let us
show you hosiery satisfaction and economy.
SMALL, The Big Shoe Man.
Tho above is tho character quality wo
maintain at .nil times in the manu
facture of our Bakery Goods.
"Real Excoilcnco" Is only secured by
using tho finest ingredients nnd expert
. skill Jn bread making. Wo use such
ingredients nnd n trial of our products
will convince tho most skeptical of our
superior skill in bread making.
As cvidenco buy n loaf of our
Tho flavor is dilTorcnt from what you
jmve been using.
in harness from our fino stock will be
comfortable and easy while ho wears
it. A good fit is guaranteed, ns wo
carry all sizes of tno best hand make
oak leather harness in stock nt all
times for light nnd heavy use. Wo
havo many now nnd handsome styles
to show you just now.
OIL. ::::::
At Cruniita.'S cent, or milled.
IluruiiIirojVMcdialnoCo,, Cor. William ,
I Job
Vital Weakness nnd Prostra
tion from overwork nnd other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over AO years, tho only success
ful remedy. $1 pervlnl, orspec
al package for serious cQsos, $B,
Sold by Druggist, or cnt prepaid on rocflyt ct prtco