l B patfi4 mm xmi- , ,NOBTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA,' JUNil 7, 1910. m so. i i Trustee s and Riverdale Additions. UNION PACiriC FftONt ST. 5 3 o V? 0 o 2 to 0 ri 0 -hi 7 to 8 o t2 I to o 1 6 TH'. ST. -2 -J o u Ml ,0:? LJ (?) 2 0 Ld 25: 7o A2 LJ B o o o o , g Q O O W 3 n n ft 7 , 7 S 9 t'O II tZ o o - 5 o $ s s 2 ? -A. A2 o 5 TH. i U$TE ST., , 's Q a I o 0 IP I T I OKI 6 2' 7t r5 ,0 to 0 2 J? 2; i 2 1 ApyiTjO'fl, i 1- s , 4 TH. ST. to It tz 2 J RD- ; ' "v iu 1 m I r U G 3 t 3 2 I , 7 ? to (t U , t - , I " 1 J ' ' I I t I ' I 6 5 V J 2 7 S 9 IO t2 I 1 I IvM ST, 5 I SI Q I O I o I o H C W G S V 3 2 I 7 3" 9 to It tZ 0 i O a 5 CD 1 2 ND ' 77 O.QhA . t NO'RTH PLATTE T rY PARK. ; ST. t ':w,(i-:- Z cc IT? 7ff . 73 A 3VVJ J V V 75 . 7Jv4 ..jyy.f , Residence Lots For Sal6 These lots upon the adjoining map which have prices printed thereon are for sale; all other lots have been sold, Each'of'the pense or tax to t bts of the Trustee's Addition are provided with the following improvements entirely paid for and without any ex lie purchaser. rrr V 1. Cement Sidewalks and Crossings five feet wide. 2, Sewer. 3. City Water. 4. Graded Streets. This'is 'the liiglietpart 'of town ahd deep basements may be placed under any house erected upon these lots. The sewer is deeper in the ground m these additions than in any other part of the city. Hence it is the most sanitary part of town The' City Park is located as shown upon the map and in a few years will add greatly to the value of this district for residence . , purposesj Mail is delivered in. all parts of the Trustee's Addition. ' . ' Riverdale Additionlias not yet been improved, but the contracts have been let to improve it the same as the Trustee's Addi tion and this work will be completed within a few weeks. . . . . . The Trustee's Addition begins just six blocks east of Dewey street and the residence lots of these additions are the closest to the business part of the city of any vacant residence lots upon the market. A Ave per cent discount is given for cash or the lots will be sold upon the installment plan of one-tenth of the purchase nrice down and one-tenth every three months. . 1 1 FOR-SiLE by WM. E. SHUMAN. - ' V i TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond spent ounuay wun lrienus tn juicauurg. ft. mm u air. anu Mrs. victor Vonuoolz were the jjuostB of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pat torson atOgalalla Sunday. Lo3t A scotch collio bitch; sablo and wnuoincoior. Finder return to J. b aclimalzricd. . Harrison Borkoy, of Davenport, Neb., Is visiting his sister Mrs. M. E. Crosby wmip enrouto to spoKanc, wnsn. Miss Henrietta Rasmussen, of Mln- ucn, Is tlio guest of her sistor Mrs. Harry Porter and will remain Bovernl weeks. vv. u. uamDio. or wavno. who wns woll known In North Platto, djed last wccjc attor n long illness duo to cancor ous growth) lho county commissioner!! will mimt in seas on Tucsdnv of next week, nnd shortly thereafter wil) sit as a board of equalization. Mrs. M. J. ForlinH nnrl littlndnnrrhlnr icuvo tomorrow tor a visit with rola- tlves in Iowa. OXncct nt? to bo absent live or six wooks. Mrs. Anna Redmond, who htu' l,on visiting her daughter Mrs. Lonercan at Davenport, Iowa, ro turned homo the latter part of laBt week. Judcro Elder, who wan cnnfWcl tn thn nouse tor soverai days, made his ap pearance at his ofllco yesterday, using cruicnes to am locomotion. For Sale Ho'uso and lot nt 709 west I'ourt h street. lnnuiro at linnwn rtr shoe shop. C. NEWMAN. colncountv's earlv settlors. loft lust night for California, whore he will visit nis son umil for an indctinlte period. After visitlntr Dr. and Mrs. O. If. CreHslor for ten days, Dr. and Mrs. E. II. Cress or returned to thnlr hmnn in Peabody, Kan.r Friday night. Will divido the 200 acres nrlinlninir Hershey on, tlio Bouth into GO acre tracts and soil nt from $45 to S7G per aero on easy terms. D. C. Patterson. Omaha, Neb'. On his visit to North Platto ntWfc week Judge W. II. Mungor will bo nc- companiuu Dy Mrs. Mungor who will visit her son and friends whilo tho Judge holds' court. Wanted Rooms and board for students who will attend tho Junior Normal. See Supt. Wm. Ebright, or phone 502. Ed Walkor left Saturday in his car for Brush, Col., where io will assist his father in the construction of tho sewer system for which tho latter was recently awarded tho contract. F. W. Hcrmmghausen had n salp of western horses baturday. Thoy wore unbroken and a little thin In flesh but sold woll, as .high as $100 being paid for an animal. . Eighteen head wore sold, Ladies' Gingham Aprons, tho kind that wash, at Wilcox Department Store. The spring term of federal cotjrt will ait in this city next Monday. Judgo W. H. Munger presiding. There aro a number of cases on tho docket, among Which is that of tho water comndnv against tho city, nnd which attorneys on both sides say Is ready for trial. Albert Schatz and morther leave to- night for Salt Lake to visit friends and attend tho tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W 1 Je fors wh ch w ill bo elaborately celebrated. Mrs. Al bert Schatz, who has been in Salt Lake for several weekB will accompany her husband homo. For all classes of dental work Ren Dr. F. W. Miller, over Dixon's store. Mr. andIrs. Fred Elliott havo gono to Terro Haute to attend the com mencement exorcises of tho Rose Polytechnic Institute, from which tholr son Ben graduates. Thov will then co to Madison. Wis.: to visit their Rnn Edward who holds a professorship in tho Wisconsin Btato university. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Vernon loft Saturday for Julesburg where Mr. Ver non has purchased a farm, nnd whoro they will probably make their future home. They have been residents of North Platto for about twenty yenrs and aro among our most highly es teemed citizens. Their departure in therefore regretted by many. For Sale Dirt on Bpaco 22x32 feet and bIx feet deep. Inquire of John Lo Mastorn. . Sheriir Miltonbergor hes received papers to servo in tlio caso of tho German American Mutual Insurance Co., of Hastings, against a number of residents of Lincoln county who hold policies, tho list including three school districts. This company failed und the policy holders in this county will be aBkcd to contribute their share in mak iny good tho existing deficit. Tho amount asked from this county li in tho neighborhood of ten thousand dol lars, In speaking of tho Memorial day exorcises at Wallace, tho Winner said: Tho chief feature of tho program at the church was tho speech by Judgo Elder of North Platte, or pernapa wo should say f Lincoln county for Mr. Elder seems to belong to tho people of Lincoln county impartially and to hint that anyone clso could fill the office of county iudgo would bo a heresy that not oho of thorn would stand for. Ho is certainly a pleasant gentloman to meet and worthy of tho confidence reposed in him. Mrs. Elder accomnnnled tho Judgo on his trip to Wallace and they enjoyed sovernl days in meeting old iru fe'rjds in town and country. Mrs. Isaac Dillon accompanied hor husband to Omaha Saturday morning. Monarch Malleable Ranges best on tho market at Hcrshoy's.tho "Trot" Roberts, of Maxwell, visited friends and transacted business in town yesterday. J. C. Den loft Saturday for a fow days visit in Arapahoe, to which place Mrs. Den had preceded him. Mrs. Harriot Mills, who had been V isltinir her dauchter Mrs. Fred Pnrrftfr. since JhnUaty, left yesterday for her homo in Fcnnville, Mich. Mr. nnd Mrs " Robert Armstrong went to Omaha ywterday where Mr. Armstrong will attend a stato meetlnc? of tho Masonic fraternity. For Solo Six room modern cottars on enst Fourth street. Inquiro of A. L. Perry on premises. Dr. W. F. Crook, has purchased of S. L. Hollenbock lot 1, block 169, on wost Third BtrcSt. f6r a consideration of three thousand dollars. D. C. Patterson, of Omaha; has filed nlat Of a now addition tn Tf nrshnv- It fa in this addition that J. W. Abbott is building his now bungalow. Edirnr Schiller left Saturday nlrrhf. for Norfolk to visit his mother, who has been in poor health. Ho is ex pected homo tonight or tomorrow. Miss Emma Samclson. who had been spending several months with relatives in town, left Saturday for Soattlo, ' where Bho will make hor homo with her brother. Two nice nronortics on Ent Rith street for Bale. One 8 room houso, all modern. A bargain at $3,000.00. 1 Temi'IjB Real Estate & Ins Agency. H, D. Lute wan in town Saturdav engaging Carl SchaolTor to draw plans for a $4,500 residence ho will erect on his ranch In tho Platto valley north of Paxton. W. T. Wilcox and Julius Pizor ro. turned Saturday from their stav nt Excelsior Snrintrs. Both oniovod tholr visit and returned feeling greatly rejuvenated. Dr; D. T. Oultrlov accomnnnled Isnnc Dillon to Omaha Saturdav mornlnc nnd from there went to St. LouIb to attend tho national medical association nnd to read a paper before that body. Linolcumns from 474 conts a vard tin at Wilcox Department Store H. D. Neolv. stato munatrer of thn Equitable Assuranco Sociotv. nnd Joseph Klein, general agent of tho same society, havo been in town for sovernl days soliciting life insurance. Messrs. Don. Schatz and RnhhmiRnn brought in a string of fifty-ono pikoand one big channel catfish last Friday evening. Thoy caught twenty piko in ono hole in Ies3 than thirty minutes. Dr. II. E. McCaw. snont the lnttor part of last wook in tdwn. For n vonr past tho Doctor haB been In Cnnada elling territorial r chta for thohumnnn collar, in tho manufacture of which ho is largely interested. For Sale Rooming houso and restau rant. Good business and fine locntion. For particular address R. Indenondont office, Grand Island, Neb. C. A. Moore, who rocontlv ronlirnnrl tho mnnniremont of tho RfnrWnnla I. no resumed the vocation of shipping in and selling western horses. He has already shinned and Bold several rnrtnnda About Juno 15th he will begin holding suriuii ui miles. Tho towel shower tendered Minn Viola Baker Friday ovenimr bv Miss Inda Clark was attended bv flftnon young ladies who passed a very pleasant evening in participating in amusing contests. Tho guest of honor received a liberal supply of linen. Enjoyable ro- tresnment wore served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Meston entertained . tho Harmony enrd club Friday evening and n very enjoyable session wns spent. High prizes were won by Mrs. E. T. Tramp and Ralph Bixler, and tho em blem of consolation by Mr. and Mrs. bunion, ivt mo cioso oi tlio cames a coir w nice two course luncheor served. Fifty or moro members were present nt tho membership Bocinl held at tho Y. M. C. A. rooms Friday evening and woro entertained by aelectlona by tho German orchestra, vocal solo by Jas. Clinton, a recitation by Miss Irma Hull man and a piano selection by Miss Verna Sorenson. An enjoyable lunch was served by a committee of ladies. For Sale 1G0 acres near North Platto, Nebraska, price $900, terms $200 cash, balance 1, 2, 3, 4, und 5 years. This land acquired for debt and must sell. Address, Hurgadino McKittrick D. G. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Members of tho P. E. O. tendered their husbands and gentlemen friends a reception at tho Schi'ler homo Friday evoning, a function that was conducted with that nicety that marks all affairs given by that order. The colors of tho order yelow and white predominated in the house decorations, tho place cards and tho refreshments served. There was no lack of entertaining features, and tho evening proved a very enjoyable ono to all. If you want a GOOD CAR buy a Mitchell or Rambler of LeMasters. Miss Grace Payne entertained thirty ladios in n vory pleasant manner Sat urday afternoon in favor of Mias Laura Murray who will Bail for Europe in a few days. Steamer letters woro written nnd in a f'BIll of Faro" 'guessing con test, Miss Kato Soyferth was awarded the prize. A delicious two course lunch was Berved, tho guests finding their ploceB by hand painted cards of tho Empress Ireland, tho boat on which Miss Murray sails. Miss Payne wa3 as sisted by tho Misses Pizer, Buelcr, Dill and Dixon.