The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 31, 1910, Image 7

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Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex.
on, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Get it toddy. In usual liquid form 01
tablets called Barsataba. 100 Doses It
Mrs. Wise I told the next-door
aelghbor today that It was a sin to
play the piano on Sunday.
Mr. WIoo Why did you mention
ItriDortant to Mothora
Examlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and boo that it
Bears tho Sip sT .m s?
BIgnaturo CaZVclAiC
In Use For Over 80 Yeara.
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought
Out of the Race.
Because of the general scrapping
match between the various cities as
to who shall have the honor of the
National or International Congress of
Aviators, Washington and Baltimore
bave both withdrawn from tho whole
All Old Folks
Eahletai tonleht will feel better In ths
mrnln. It sweetens the stomach, cor
rects the liver, bowels end kidneys, pre
vanta hllloLinHss and eliminates tho rheu
matism. Better than Pills for Liver Ilia.
became It's different It's thorouRh, easy
sure to act. Get a 250 box. ah urupsists.
a. II. L-vls Aieaicino uo., uu ixiuls.
Not Quite Qualified.
Policeman Do you havo to take
tare of the dog?
Nurse Girl No. The missis says
Cm too young and inexperienced, I
pnly look aftor tho children. Life.
If Vu Are a Trifle Sensitive
about tbe aUe of your shoes, many people
rear smaller ahoea by using Allen's Foot-Ease,
the Antiseptic Powder to shake Into the ahoea,
l cures Tired, Swollen, Aching Feet ana
Tires rest and comfort. Just the thine for
bramVlnir In nw shoes. Sold every where, tie.
ample sent FKKE. Address, Allen B. Olmsted.
u uoy, n. x.
Hara to Choose.
"Edwtr.j,'" said tho teacher, "you
aavo spollod the word rabbit with two
t's. You must leave one of thom out"
"Yes, ma'itm," replied Edward;
"which ono?"
for lied. Iichtnir Brellila, Crate, Stjrei
Falllnjr Eyelashes and All Eyes That
Need Care Try Murine Eye Salve. Asep
tic Tubes Trial Size 25c Ask Your Drug,
rlat or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.,
Pointedly So.
Wore you remembered In
the will?
Bocker Yes, he
leave me out.
didn't forget to
160 Acres Land Free
in Colorado. Good water, rich soil,
flno climate. Write W. F. Jones, 760
Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo., for free
Book and Map of Land.
His Future.
Ella What did your aged suitor Bay
when he proposed to you?
Stella Will you bo my widow?
(raws tho nuln ami Inflammation from loe-Btlni
rod Inet-ct bites, hooth
Ujhlng of mooqulto bites.
Huotties and allays tbe awful
M3, ooc una uva Domes.
There may bo peoplo who think they
always get their money's worth, but
we never mot any of them.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reiralate ana InThj
erate stomach. liver and bowels. Hugar-coataa,
Mar, granules, ea,J WUke. uonoiunpe.
Thero Is no service like his
ervos because ho loves. Sir
Smokers like Lewis' Single Binder
eigar for its rich, mellow quality.
Is what you aro
really worth while?
worrying about
Btrw TrVetdoes It. Writ for Proof. Advloe ttra.
"cUlM tt North 10th OU I'WladelpnU. lA
A 81
WatsoD lt.Oolernan,Waa!
Ington.U.U. Ilookiirw. High
est ntmoooL jlast reeulse
Lawyer's Brief, Masterpiece of Slang
SAN FIIANCIBCO. As a horriblo ox
nmplo of what tho Justices of the
supremo court bollovo a legal docu
ment should not be, tho brief of Attor
ney Ralph W. Schoonover of Santa
Barbara has been held up to tho pub
lic gaze, and Schoonover was cited to
show cause why ho should not bo pun
ished for contempt of court.
Tho following words must nevor bo
used In briefs filed beforo the Supremo
"Poach, raw, rotten, putrid, butt-in."
Nor Hhall a lawyer refer to a deci
sion of a superior court In such sul
phato language as: ,
"It is a hugo judicial Jolto and would
havo been funny had it not been qutto
bo raw, and Intendod and used as a
hypocritical Judicial cloak to cover as
dainnablo a caso of unblushing robbery
nnd opprosslon of tho widow and or
phan us over went unwhipped in this
reign of Mammon."
The troublo started In a suit tried be
foro Superior Judgo Waltof Bordwoll
of Santa Barbara county. A. C. Wil
liams sued A. P. Lano, trusteo of tho
ostato of Addle L. AMeav, bankrupt.
Judgo Bordwoll gavo TWHams Judg
ment for $G51. Attorney Schoonover,
"Jap" Prince Gives
CICAQO. Prlnco Tokugawa Iyesato,
grand cordon of the rising sun,
head of tho houso of peers of Japtin,
and who would have been a shogun
were it not that the business of oho
gunnlng waB abolished a quarter of a
:ontury ago, arrived hero recently, and
oiado his visit notoworthy by the in
troduction of tho "canned" interview.
With Tokugawa aro Viscount 8engo-
tu nnd Bnron Shldura and a retlnuo of
surprising proportions. The prlnco
moved into the most expenslvo suite In
tho Congress hotel, ato dinner, lighted
i cigar, and waited. Tho first time tho
telephono buzzed a delegation of lntor-
viewers was at the other end of tho
"Como up," replied the baron.
Not waiting for any sort of an intro-
Juction, Prlnco Tokugawa walked up
his visitors and handed each a tract,
faultless as to typography, and on tho
finest linen fabric.
But tho prlnco's grin broadened and
It was evident something was expected
:o happon. Clutching the traots and
nervously wondering what sort of re
ligious or political propaganda Tokuga
Oh Joy! Kissing
OSTON. Tho kissing bug and "de-
given official O. K.'s by Harvard uni
versity. And In tho same broath with
the announcement that thero Is no
dangor In tho exchange pf germs by
the osculation route comes the order
that freshmen must bo kept under
closer supervision.
President Lowell, In his report to
the trustees, advocates tho general
playing of footbnll by students when
It is on a plane where all may tako
part and when the players aro not
trained gladiators. Dr. A. M. Worth
lngton of the medical school and an
expert on bacteria, Is tho one who de
fends tho gentle sport of kissing
either as an outdoor or an Indoor pas
time. Speaking merely as a student of the
$250,000 Colony,
CINCINNATI. Approximately $250
000 of the estate of Thomas J.
Emery, who was by far tho largest
realty owner In Cincinnati, has Just
been set aside by his widow, Mrs.
Mary Emery, for tho founding and
perpetuation of a home for blrdB. Mrs.
Emery has Just completed the pur
chase of two acres of land in Evans
wood and has signified her intention
of turning it over to tho care of the
department of biology In the Uni
versity of Cincinnati.
This ground is to be provided with
different kinds of houses for birds. It
will he made secure against the In
vasion of cots and small boys and
for Lone, appealed to tho supremo
court. Thon ho filed his brief.
Tho Justices of tho supremo court
mot to rovlow tho papers In tho caso
of Williams vs. Lane. One of tho just
ices took up tho brlof of Attornoy
Schoonovor and began to read it
"'Then tho stato court butts into
tho game,' " ho read, In an amazed
"Beg pardon, I didn't follow," Inter
rupted ono of tho learnod assoclato
'"Then tho stato court butts in'"
"My gracious!" exclaimed n Justice,
"did Blackstouo ever use Buch lan
guage?" "If my memory scrvcB mo," suggest
ed Ju8tlco Mclvln, "It sounds llko n
nowcr master; Ade, I bollovo, his namo
Tho reading of tho brief was contin
ued. "Do not comport very favorably with
dignity nnd caution nnd evenness of
mind, popularly believed to bo personi
fied in one who weirs tho Judicial or
ralno and Is presumed to know tho law
and to administer it."
Thcro was a goncrat Judicial gasp
en banc.
'The decision Is a poach,' " contin
ued tho reader.
"What!" exclaimed a learned Judge.
"In the vernacular," explained Just
ico Melvln, "tho word 'peach' signifies
anything rare, pretty I gathor that it
is used hero In a- Ironical senso."
Canned Interview
wa sought to foist on them, his visitors
grow serious, grinned again, nnd grow
serious again. Then ono blurted out:
"You aro a Japaneso prlnco, aren't
That was what Tokugawa wanted.
He pointed to tho tract and his grin
was seraphic.
"Number ono!" he qualified.
Tho tract holders consultod para
graph number one. It averred:
"I am Prlnco Tokugawa Iyesato,
present heau of tho Illustrious Tokuga
wa family, grand cordon "
"What about a war between Japan
and this country?"
"Number throo," elucidated tho
That paragraph read:
"From time to time tho newly colnod
phrase, 'the Japanese-American war,'
appears In the foreign newspapers In
Japan. Personally I cannot imagine
such a thing taking place. America
has assisted materially in Japan's prog'
rcss and Is her honorablo benefactor,
with whom tho best terms of honora
blo cordiality and friendship exist."
Tho lntorvlow progressed in tho
samo fashion until ono visitor said:
"Good-by, prince."
"Number sovon," smiled Tokugawa.
Admit "No. 7."
"Good-by. I shall see tho honorablo
stockyards and a department storo to
morrow. I shall embark for Liverpool
May 11, and will return to Japan by
Europe and the .lbcrlan railway."
Is Not Dangerous
books on bacteria Doctor Worthlngton
says thero is no reason whatever why
hoalthy and well lntentloned couples
shouldn't Indulge In kissing to their
heart's content. Incidentally his state
ment shntters the theory advanced
numberless times by profossors of
other universities that kissing Is dan
gerous because it makes a swap of
microbes and illness in one or both
pnrties to the union often follows such
diversions. Said Doctor Worthlngton:
"Kissing harmful? Certainly not.
No, -sir. Thero Is no possible reason
when two solf-respectlng, wholesome
persons meet lip to Hp they can't
break away without upsetting the bac
teria! balance. Perhaps tho only seri
ous danger springing from such a
union would effect the heart only."
Doctor Worthlngton also ably do
fended his frlonds, tho microbes, re
ferring to them In other conditions.
Ho asserted that If the bacteria was
driven from tho land, the world
would become a desert scattered with
tho world's dead. Germs aro humble
in their needs, but stupendous in their
life work
Fine for the Birds
thero will be located thore possibly
100 different kinds of birds and their
sovoral species. In addition to this,
there will bo houses for the birds of
mixed "nationality" and placos where
thoso may bo studied in their dlfforont
classes and under natural conditions.
All tho. work of this gigantic bird
colony Is to bo dono under tho direc
tion of Assistant Professor H. A. Bene
dict of the department of biology of
tho Unlvorslty of Cincinnati.
"Wo aro In a now field as yot," said
Profossor Benedict. "Wo must study
tho best way to teach blrdB to con
gregate and nest In a locality where
they aro safe. Tho action of Mrs.
Emery was the first of its kind to my
knowledge in tho world, and will have
a deolded effect in aiding other com
munitles, It will bo known as "Tbe
Mary Emery bird preserve," and wt
will tako special delight In showing It
to people who care to seo It when It U
finally arranced."
(ttpjrlghl,mo. by Associated Literary I'resa.)
Alverson found tho letter on the
qtrcot It was unopened and addressed
to Mrs. Martin Von Krugor, 104 Won-
dcrmore nvonuo. His curious oyes
found tho number above Uie door of
the house Just opposite It was 104
I havo a lotter for Mrs. Von Kru-
gcr," ho explained to the tidy maid
answering tho boll. "1"
"You aro expected, sir," answered
tho servant, with a nent Ilttlo bow.
"This way, plcaso."
"But" objected Alvoroon.
Too latol Tho maid wns nlroady
on her wny. With a resigned sigh he
Mrs. Von Krugor swept gracefully
across the velvet carpet and oxtondod
a well manicured hand on tho nrtietlo
lovel of tho young man's cllln. Sho
was a tall, portly damo, middle ngod,
nnd with tho confident nlr'of tho suc
cessful soclnl leader.
"I know you Instantly." Sho smiled
Into tho face of tho surprised Alvor-
son. "instnnt y." Bho reiterated, re
leasing his hand. "Bo seated, ploaso.
Dolly will bo In In n moment"
Alvcrson gave over to tho woman
the letter which sho carelessly laid
on n convenient stand unopened.
"You seo," continued Mrs. Von Kru
gor, "you havo been so thoroughly de
scribed to mo thot I have had a mind
picture , of you for months. 'Tall,
hroad-shouldorod, curly hair, blue
eyes, resolute Jnw, high chook bones,
and let mo boo good conversation
alist.' "
Alvorson mentnlly summed up tho
situation. Hero was bo, a soap sales
man out of Chicago, oxchanglng airy
pcrslilngc with n hostess who cortnln-
ly entertained undor tho delusion that
her visitor was norao one expected
And ho was poor enough to sit hero
nnd accopt this samo hospitality. Ho
squirmed, metaphorically, In his chair,
and cursed IiIb own stupidity In not
tins last mental racking was
brought about by a keen glanco at tho
slim girl who had drawn aBldo tho
portieres that curtained tho cntranco
to another room and now stood, a
slight IIubIi upon her fair cheeks, re
vealed In all her dainty loveliness.
"Mr. Alvorson, my daughtor. Dol-
Ho. you havo often hoard me speak of
the AlversoiiB of Chicago. This Ib one
of thom."
Alverson'a benrt leaped Into tits
throat. How did this woman know
him? Ho hnd nover heard of tho Von
Krugors at homo and ho was qulto
certain that had the family been ao
Intimate with them as the words of
his hostess scorned to Imply ho would
at least be familiar with their names,
But the girl! For tho second that
their hands met in brief contact all
thoughts of this unusual situation
vanished from his mind. She was a
dream! A revelation!
"I am pleased to meet you," Ho
heard his volco respond to tho Intro
duction as from a distance. His
senses swam. Magnetism Is closely
akin to hypnotism.
"What do you think of New York,
'Mr. Alvorson?" asked tho girl.
"It was on tho tip of tho youth's
tongue to say that tho novelty of a
trip to tho metropolis hnd worn away
several seasons ago, but he suddenly
recollected that ho was undoubtedly
supposed to bo a stranger In tho city
"From whnt I havo seen of Now
York today I am much Impressed," ho
declared, his mind, ns a consclenco-
easer, reverting to tho sovernl sub
stantial orders he, had filed.
Mrs. Von Kruger, after several con
ventional phrases, suddenly excused
herself and left tho room.
No Booner hnd tho portieres closed
behind her than the girl leanod for
ward in her chair and, with a steady
eye on tho youth, asked:
"And now I am ready for your ex
planation. Who aro you, Blr?"
The man gasped at the suddenness
of the question. Surprises were the
ordor of tho evening.
"Why I" ho stuttered, and then,
with a determined effort to brazen It
through, "What do, you mean? Yon
heard your mother's introduction, did
you not?"
"Mother," explolned tho girl, "Is er
non compos mentis, and the Alvorson
she speaks of has been dead for 10
years. At tho time she was stricken
sho was expecting this person to pay
her n conventional call and sho has
never gotten beyond that day. Now,
if I may repoat, who are you?"
And Alverson explained.
"Had our regular maid been on
duty," continued tho girl, "this would
nover havo happened. But mother's
little falling has nover been explained
to our now acquisition." She turned
almost ttmld oyes toward tho man.
"However, I I don't know but whnt
I am glad It happoncd. This may have
a tendency to do away with her er
"Then my calls should continue,"
suggested the traveling man.
"What do you mean?"
"Why, that I should be allowed to
come hero ofton, If tho subtorfugo Is
to bo kept up. In tho Interests of a
cure, you know."
"Of course," sho agreed, "If It will
relievo mamma of her mild mania.
I I can't object."
A Blunder.
"A Detroit minister says that holl Is
full of peek-a-boo waists."
"A queer statement for a mlntstor to
make when lie Ib trying to get men to
go to heaven." Houston Post.
Fortune Tetlrng
Doe not take Into consideration the eaa
sus'i happiness womanly health.
The woman who oelects her health Is neglecting' the
Ttry foundation of all good fortune. For without health
love lotes Its lustre and gold it but dross.
Womanly health when lost or Impaired may geaerally be
rejelaed by the use of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Pretcriptloa.
This Prescription has, forever rears,
teem curing delicate, weak, pnln-nraekett
women, by the hundreds ot thousands
mad thla too la tho privacy ot their homes
without their havlni to submit to ladelU
cafe aaestlentnds and attentively repai
msat examinations,
8!ok women aro Invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frtt.
All oorreipondence held as sacredly confidential, Address World's THpatTF'
Medical Association, R. V, Pierce, M. D President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Da. PittcVs Great Family Doctor Book. The People's Common Seaee
Medical Adviser, newly revised np-to-dato edition 1000 pages, answers
Plain Englitb hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or Harried,
ought to know about. Sent frtt, in plain wrapper to any address oa receipt off
21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth blading for 31 stamp.
A Storekeeper Says:
"A lady came into my store lately and said :
"'I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove all winter
in my apartment X want one now for my summer home. I think,
these oil stoves are wonderful If only women knew what R
comfort they are, they would all havo
one. I Bpoke .about my stove to a Jot
of my friends, and they were aston
ished. They thought that thero was
smell and smoke from an oil stove, and
that It heated aroom Just like any other
stove. I told them of my experience,
and one after another they got one, and
now, not one of them would fjlvo hers
up for fivo times its cost.' "
The lady who said this had thought
an oil stove was all right for quickly
heating milk for a baby, or boiling a
kettle of water, or to mako coffee
quickly in tho morning, but she never
dreamed of using It for difficult or
heavy cooking Now she knows.
Do you really appreciate what a New
Perfection OH Cook-Stove means to you ? No
more coal to carry, no mora comlnir to the
dinner table so tired out that you cartft eat.
lust llcht n Perfection Stove an J Immediately
the heat from an Intense blue flame ahoota
up to the bottom of pot, kettle or oven. Dut
the room Isn't heated. There Is no amoke, no
smell, no outside heat, no drudgery In tbe
kitchen where one of these stoves Is used.
Oil Cook-stove
It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot. T
nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes tbe stove ornamaataSb
and attractive Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner sieve
can bo had with or without Cabinet.
Every dealer everywhere t If not at yours, writ for Descriptive Ckeslat
to the nearest asency of the
Standard Oil Company
Glorious Colorado
No one can say he has seen the world
until he has seen "Colorado."
Write for tho books that
picture and describe it
Electric block signals dining car nieals
and service "Best in the World"
via the
Union Pacific
"The Safe Road"
Ask about our personally conducted tours to Yellowstone National Fari
For full information, tickets, etc, nddreae ,
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.
Union Pacific R. R. Co.
Omaha, Nebraska ,
Senator DoHlvrf of Iowa, aays : i
I stream
ts from the United BUUs
Honator UpllWer. rooentlrpalil a
Titit vo tYtmrrn uusaoa.
ana. njii "inere u
IniM hnnserln thsbearta
of lint lUli peaklnirwo.
f loi this will acoounWor
ho removal ot so many
farm nr. to Canada.
Vnr people are piraM
to it uqrernmeni ana
tntuon of law. aad Uiry
aro oumlnc to rem
tana ot thousands, and
tbtr aro still coining."
Iownoonlrlbutml lares.
fanners vrlio iiinilo Canndit
Ir home during 1000.
lit crop rottirna alona
ttCTeariufclod tothawaaltli
iooountrr unwarda of
unun iramnKi iwifii lano.
lor. nattla rnlftlritr htm! .IaI rvlii
Meada of 100 uorra ar tn bo
aro au prcnicouia, iTeajai
nan m uie very iion am net a.
per arra wltlilu certain areas,
bchoola aud rharWira In every
Mttiotnent, ellmato twrxeeltal,
ivu men yrvwvnxKiona at ea.uu
sou tho riciieat.wood. wnlw and
building: rnntorlal plentiful.
For particulars a. to location, low
settlers' railway rate and dMerlp.
tiro illnatraUd paranMot,
IJms Wast,' ana otier Informs,
lion, wrm to Hup'l of ImmUra.
tloa, Ottawa, Can., or to Canadian
Oof eraaaat agent.
tost 4 Im Bldf. Oath, Ito.
(Usa address nearest jou.) (I)
sstleit to work with snd
stsrohss clothes ulesab
essential to worn
aaaaaaaaaaMejSJl SCJ ; laTsaaaaaaaaaal
I Homestead 100 acres of land Trlth rleh eati,,
pure water and flna climate, on Moffat Rol
(Dearer, rorthweHtern A Faclfta Uj. in Routt
Uonntr, Colo. We bare no land to'aell U'a ala
nolutelT free f roin tlie Government aud now opeat"
for settlement. Lawnllowa you to return hoawx
for 0,montuir after llllnff. OntaOO buaaela-to ncr
wheat 5, hurley 70. Act now and get a coo'
farm. Write for free book, maps and full Isp
formation that tella how to get thla land frasw
I IV. V. JONKS, General Trafllp Manage
Aoom 700 Majestlo Hide;., Denver, OoloraoV$v
for a Dime
Why spend a dollar when 10o buys a bosr
ofCASCAUBTS at any drug store P Use.
as directed get tho natural, easy result
Saves many dollars uaited on medi ines
that do not cure. Millions regularly usev
CASCARBTS. Buy a box now 10v
week's treatment proof in tho morn-
CAECA lurrfl 10c a box for a week's
treatment, all drueirists. Biggest seller
In tbe world.
ilon boxes a month.
W, N. U., OMAHA, NO. 21-1910,
is the turntnc-Doint to economy
in wear and tear of wagons. Try
a box. Every dealer, everywhere
( Incorporated)