Cttty Wat TWENTY-SIXTH YEAE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 27, 1910. NO 80. Jjorth 1 TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS H Master Httl Chapman, son of Rev. and Mrs". Chapman, is having a selgo of measles. , J. L. Shuck, of the Bouth side, was in town Wednesday making flnnl proof on his 320-acro homestead. Otto Well spent Monday at Lisco and while there purchased 320 acres of land on the table land south of that place. Mrs. D. T. Quiglcy entertained the Junior Mothers' Club Tuesday after noon in a manner that resulted pleasant ly to the guests. E. M. Bird, of Gothenburg, was in town Wednesday receiving eighty-four head of cattle which he had purchased of John Show, of Hoashey. If you want to match a dress with silk gloves bring us a sample; wo will match it. Wilcox Dept. Stoke. "The Girl From tho Golden West" company arrived in town this H morning and will present that play under canvass on south Dewey street this evening. Tiie small cement block building on north Locust occupied and owned by Ed Vermillion has been torn down to make room for the two story building he will erect. For Sale or lease C4G acres of hay land 31 miles southwest of North Platte. Inquire or address Henry Fulk, Sutherland. Lew Farrington, who has been at Sulphur Springs, Mo., for some time is in a serious condition. Mrs. Farrington was wired for Wednesday but could not go on account; of ill-health. Lost A scotch collie bitch; sable and white; in; color. Finder return to J. F. Schmalzried, It was announced that a meeting would be held at the Commercial Club rooms Wednesday evening for making arrangements for a "Fourth of July celebration, but the attendance was so mall that no action in the matter was taken. The funeral of George Christ, who died suddenly Sundoy morning, was held from St. Patrick's church Wed nesday morning. Rev. Henry Christ, of Pennsylvania, a brother of the deceased, arrived Tuesday night and assisted in the service. Many floral tributes were sent by friends as a mark of the esteem in which the de ceased was held. Pupils of the Lincoln school indulged in a picnic Wednesday, grades five and six going to tho Bratt grove and grades soven and eight to tho south hills. The pluck of tho Sophomore class was exhibited yesterday morning when they started out on a picnic expedition in a hay rack in tho midst of a steady down pour of rain. They were, how over, well provided with umbrellas. Members of the Ninth grade of the Central school indulged in u six o'clock breakfast at "the points" yesterday morning, an event that proved a jolly one notwithstanding tho participants wero pretty well drenched by tho rain before reaching home. For several hours Wednesday nothing was doing in the county clerks office. Tho lock on tho vault went wrong and after exhausting their patience the boys sent for LcMas ters, the fixer, who succeeded in getting tho proper combination. The Tramp grocery will bo closed next Monday, Memorial day. A score or more guests passed an en joyable evening Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst at a pre-nutial card party given in honor of her sister, Miss Mabel Donchower. In tho card games six ladies won the same number, and in cutting to deter mine tho tie Miss Mollyneaux won. A two course lunch was served. The hill climbing contest at the Demp cy ranch last Sunday awakened con siderable interest among automobile owners. Practically overy owner .of a car thinks his machine can climb the hill. Geo. Mudd, of Hershey, has bet Dave White, of tho same place, $G0. that the latter's car a thirty horse power Rpgal cannot climb the Dempcy hill. The attempt will be mado Boon. A dispatch from Chicago quotes Bur lington officials as showing solicitude over tho labor problem . They say that 40 per cent of the men gathered up in the cities and sent out to do work desert, either before going to work or soon after, for farm and ranch work. New construction on this road in the northwest has mado a demand for many men and the demand cannot be entirely supplied. " , - Juno the month of roses tho sea son when nature smiles benignly tho time of wedding bolls beautiful pres ents for the bride gifts for the brides maid momentoes for the best man favors for the entire galaxy of atten dants. Exquisite articles in gold and silver, richly mounted gems superb cut glass a store full from which to make selections. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. A. M. Gates, assessor in Buchanan precinct, brought in his completed sched ules Tuesday. Ho mado The Tribune ofllco a call and reported corn planting in his precinct practically complotcd. Corn above tho ground had a healthy look but is not growing very rapidly. Dr. F. W. Millorj Dentist, ofllce over Dixon's jewelry store. Seven propositions for a site for tho Carncfrfo librarv were ormned bv the 4 board of directors at a meeting held Monday evening but neithor the price or tho location of tho Bites were satisac tory. Tho board will hold another meeting on the first of June to further consider the matter. In tho wrestling match at tho opera house Tuesday evening between Geo. Gion, , of Aurora, and Joo McCray, of Longmont, Col., the contest was de clared a draw at tho end of one hour and fifteen minutes of lively work, neither man being able to securo a fall. McCray was twenty pounds heavier than Gion, but what the latter lacked in weight he mado up in strength. A fair sized crowd witnessed tho contest. For Sale House and lot at 709 west Fourth street. Inquire at house or shoe shop. C. Newman. Everett Ware and A. A. Leister, of Hershey, were business visitors in town Tuesday, and made this ofllco n call. These gentlemen have recently formed a partnership and have engaged in tho hardware and implement business at Hershey. They havo received their stock of implements and will at once erect a building for tho hardware stock. Both are good business men and with the largo acquaintance they have in the HcrBhey section will no doubt receive a heavy patronage in the lines they handle. You can make your red stove lids like now if you use Stovink. For salo at Schiller & Co's. Miss Martha Christ of this city and Albert Navoraux of Lexington wero married Tuesday morning at the Catho lic church, Rev. S. F. Carroll officiating. The brido wob attended by her sister Miss Effie Christ and the groom by hiB cousin. Tho brido was gowned in ehit& china silk and the maid in "white mulle, and both wore wreaths of white flowers. By reason of the recent death of the bride's father the wedding was a quiet one. Mrs. Navoraux has mode her home in this city for several years and has been employed as teacher in the rural schools The groom is a prominent young man of Lexington and is held in high regard. Tho couple will make their home at Lexington. WHEAT FLOUR CHEAPEST AND BEST FOOD S. GOVERNMENT TESTS, PROVE IT. ARTICLES. ENERGY 10 CENTS WILL BUY. Eggs ,-.385 mu . Beef, sirloin 410 mum , Mutton, leg 446 mum V . Milk 1030 . Pork, loin.. 1035 VlllOU t w HMBH As- . Butter..... 13G5 Wheat Breakfast Foods 1489 Rice 2025 Potatoes 2950 hhmhhmhbb 'v Beans, dried 3040 MMmH WHEAT FLOUR 6540 hmmmmhmwhww (U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 142.) Energy Muscle and Strength Giving Qualities. One-pound of Flour costing 2J4 to 3 Cents, will go as far as two pounds of Meat costing 15 to 20 cents per pound. The above table should prove to you beyond a doubt that the value of Wheat Bread as a food is away up; plso that its cost, compared with other food, Is away down. There is no better flour on the market than '.Best XXXX and Gold Crown, manufactured by the North PJatto Mill 8c Grain Co. It is the flo'ur of thexlasse3.and within the reach of the pocket book of thq.masses. FPR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS. North Platte Mill Grain Co. 0 mmW CORSETS They lace in front as n result tho abdomen is relcnved of all pressure. Support is given to the ortinns and deep broathing is encouraged. They emphasize the long graceful line of the back, which artists agree is the most beautiful line in art. They gently but surely compel a correct standing position and a graceful carriage. Wo invite you to investigate these wonderful corsets. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. rtY ITT m m m m JU Personal Mention. Geo. E. Prosser transacted business In Grand Island Wednesday. Dr. McKirahan spent tho oarly part of the week in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Field returned Tuesday afternoon from their visit in Denver. Charles McDonald returned Wednes day from a business trip to Kansas City. Mrs. Thos. Hcskett, of Sutherland, is spending tho week's end with Mrs. C. A. Lowell. Mrs. Mark Atchison is visiting friends in Kearney, leaving for that place Wednesday morning) Dr. H. L. McLeay, of Gandy, was in town yesterday enroute homo from a trip to Europe. "Billy" Johnson, the Lincoln Jour nal's sveet singer, spent Wednesday in town visiting friends and selling ofllco stationery. Geo. B. Dent and son Gcorgo re turned Wednesday afternoon from their .trip to the Doctor's old homo in Maryland;. - After visiting Ttliss Mabel i Done- hower for several days, Misrs Elizabeth Tollifsen left Wednesday for her homo in Kearney. Mrs. Anna Barker and daughter Miss Maggie are guests of Mr. and- Mrs. Thos. Healey, having arrived from DenveA yesterday morning. 1 Peter Wind, of Council Bluffs, was in town Wednesday, coming hero to be present at tho opening of tho bids for tho Elks' home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ericsson and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Gnslin, wero in town Wednesday, making tho trip in Mr. Ericsson's automobile. Judge Elder has accepted an invita tion to deliver the Memorial Day address at Wallace, and in company with Mrs. Elder will leave for that place Sunday morning. ' Irving VanDoran, who had been spending several weeks in towns in southeastern Idaho, returned homo Wednesday. Evidently ho concluded that North Platte is superior to any of them. , Supt. McKeown of tho Wyoming di vision and Division Master Mechanic Niland came down from Cheyenno Wednesday morning and left on tho branch train for an inspection of that stretch of steel. James Scheiderwind, a broom manu facturer of Omaha, spent yesterday in town as the guest of Frank Wolngand. He owns land in this section and came out to see about getting somo of it in shape to plant broom corn. For Saje. Baled hay in ton lots at $7 00 per ton. JOHN UltATT. STJEPE PUMPS. Your wardrobe 'is not complete if it does not contain a pair of them. The latest creations in artistic footwear at the YELLOW FRONT SHOE STORE, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. Graduating Exercises Tonight. The graduating exercises of tho class of 1910 will bo held at The Keith this evening, and it is expected, that a largo audienco will bo present. Tho program for. the eyeninEwill.ha, ag.fjpllows:. Pfano Solo Selected Miss Richard Invocation Rev. M.C. Johnson President's Address "Class History" Francis Flynn Chorus-,,Oh, Italia, Italia, Italia, Beloved" from Lucretia ,. Alumni Address The Ideal American Miss Anna Kramp Oration Majorio Cross (Speaker selected by tho high Bchobl faculty) Oration "Importance of Modern In ventions and Descoveries," Pearl Tagader (Speaker selected by class.) Valedictory ' 'An Appreciation" .... Elsie Johnson Solo Mrs. M. L. Dunlap Presentation of Diplomas F. E. Rullard, President lof tho Board of Education. Chorus Bridal Chorus from tho "Rose Maiden." Benediction Rov. W. S. Porter Short Horn Bulls for Sale. Owing to tho badwoathor on our salo day wo did not dispose of all of our bulls. Wo still have six head of service able age that we are giving very low prices to make room for younger stock .coming on. If you are interested, these can be seen at our ranch two miles west of North Platto. Come early and get tho good ones. Fremont Watts & Sons. CARPETS. i The spring is still young yet we have already sold dozens of carpets. We attri bute the most of these sales to the low" prices we are ask ing. The only other reason we can think of is that the stock is very complete now and that there is a greater range of patterns to select from than has usually been shown. But whatever it is we know that people are more than sat isfied with our assortment and prices, You will be too if you will pay this department a visit. .Wilcox Department Store. Senior Class Day. Tho class of '10 held its class day exercises Wednesday evening at the high school auditorium beforo an au dience that filled tho seating capacity .of tho, room. Each number on tho pro- -gram was well received, and tho auditors gavo expression of their ap preciation by liberal applause. The program rendered was as fol lows: Piano Duet Blanche Fonda, Marie Doran MarcuB Whitman's Prido Martha Mylander Industrial Education in Public Schools Pearl Koontz Forestry service Gerald Dover A Master of. Fata Ethel Jacobs Malo Quartet Messrs. Ringer, Crcssler, Mooro, Yost Child Pictures from "Dickons".... Myrtie Kelleher Tho Amorican Indian.. Ernest Wintoror Tho Class Prophecy.. Louise OttenBtein Money Helen Chamberlain Violin Solo ,...Prof. Garlichs Tho Polico of Mottornich , Lorenzo Guff ey Tho Passion Play at Ober Am- magau Alma Waltcmath . Free Libraries, Pearl LawrenceV' Mark Twain Elsie Winterer" Roosevelt's Policies... Millcdge BulfartT Vocal Solo Glen Mann. An Ideal Husband ' Program at Nat'l Cemetery May 30th. 10. a. m. Placing flags on graves by boys. 10:30 Decorating graves with flowers. afternoon. 1:30 p. m. AddresB of Welcome May Ingles, Supt. Cemetery. Reading of orders and calling the roll by tho comrado in charge. Prayer Rov. Campbell. Song Mnxwell Quartette. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Miss Ingles. Declamation "Sheridan's Rido"-W. G. Beatty, of Brady. Song Maxwell Quartotto. Oration-Prof. Ebright. Song Maxwell Quartette. Benediction Rev. Campbell. 1 The public aro cordially invited, to participate. J. E. EvansJ ' Chairman Mem. Com. Sunshine Finishes for all new and old work on floors, woodwork and furniture. For salo at Schiller & Co. is patient, even with u nagging wife, for ho knowB Bho needa help. Sho may bo so nervous and run-down in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melan choly, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, ncauacne, siceples3ness, con stipation or fainting unci dizzy spells, sho needs Electric Bittern tlio jnost wonderful remedy for ailine women. Thousands of sufforera from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache nnd weak kidneys havo used them and becomo healthy and happy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Stone Drug Co. Artificial Ice. Tho Lexington Artificial Ice Co. will begin delivering artificial ico in this city about April 15th. A liberal supply will be kept in storage and nil orders can and will bo promptly filled. M. B. Smith. Property On West Fourth Street For Sale. Wo have listed for quick salo the N. E. Workman property on West 4th Street. ThisJs.njBeven.room housej wttlThairup and down Btairs, open stairs. Nice lawn and trees. Has stable for four head of horses, granary and loft, also good chicken house and yard, This nlaco can bo boughtat a bargain for 30 days. jGall and see Temple Real Estate & fiis. Agency. 1 & 2 McDonald Blutit. Childrens' Wash Dresses The styles for these little tots were never more stunning than those shown this season. Come and look them over be fore you buy.your materials and make up these tedious little garments. You will be surprised at what handsome frocks you can buy here for a lfttle money. No matter how little or how much you want to pay, there will be some thing here to please you. Wilcox Department Store.