The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 13, 1910, Image 1

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tli-TOwMtt rite
NO 82.
Bring Your Old Umbrella to Us to be Changed FREE into a
With Detachable and Interchangeable Handle.
of Toleda, Ohio, makers of the Hull Detach
able and Interchangeable Umbrella, are ad
vertising in the Saturday Evening Post and
Woman's Home Companion, that they will
change any umbrella handle into a Hull De
tachable Umbrella Handle FREE.
Select from the umbrellas in your home
the ono with the favorite handle which re
quires re-covering, bring the old umbrella
with coupon to our store.
We will send the handle to the factory to
be changed frco and show you tho advantage
of the Hull detachable and interchangeable
When your handle comes back equipped
with this device, wo will supply you with an
new Hull (base rod. ribs and cover) of your
own selection at the mere price of recover
ing your old frame. k
When you have exchanged your old um
brella for this new style, tho Hull Umbrella
you will begin to enjoy uses and advantages
which no umbrella has ever given you before.
Suppose the cover of your Hull Um
brella wears out.
You bring it to us and we will snap onto
tho handle an entirely now frame and cover
all at the same or less expense than the
cost of the rnqre re-covering.
When the cover of your old stylo um
brella woro out. you were forced to wait a
day or two while an inefficient workman re
covered the old frame.
' Apd even then you can run the risk of
having the rusted ribs of this old frame break
and ruin this new cover.
Do not delay. Bring your old umbrella
to us and inside of two or three days wo will
hand you a new Hull Umbrella with detach
able and interchangeable handle.
IP you have aa umbrella of the ordinary kind which requires re
covering, bring it to our storo rUh this coupon. This coupon will
entitle you to have your old style umbrella transformed into a new
style HULL UMBRELLA with detachable and interchangeable
handle. 1 his service will be rendered Wi l HUU I
COST TO YOU tho new framo and cover cm-
bodying the detachable and interchangeable feature &
being you at the mere cost of re-cover- ',$
ing. rreservc mis coupon anu onng 11 yyna yuur
old umbrella tho next time you come to our store,
aWiVW iWi
Thos. Neville, of San Antonio. Texas,
is the guest of his daughter Mrs. Leo.
Mrs. Wm. Jeffers returned to Ogden
Tuesday after visiting relatives in town
for two weeks.
Dr. 0. H. Cressler will go to Omaha
next week to attend the state conven
tion of dentists.
Mrs. W. E. Shuman retuned the ear
ly part of tho week from a visit in Om
aha and Plattsmouth.
Aubrey Potter, traveling trade
getter for the St. Paul road, spent
Wednesday in town.
Judge Grimes returned Tuesday
evening from Gandy, where he held a
short term of district court.
The offices of District Forman Beery
have been repainted and otherwise
improved in appearance.
Rev. S. F. Carroll was at Spalding
yesterday attending services connected
with tho Catholic school at that place,
A. E. Grantham a banker of Lexing
ton and president of the local telephone
company, attended the convention yes
Mrs. Moore Mitchell was taken to
the Physicians and Surgeans hospital
the early part of tho week for treat
Mrs. C. O. Wills, of Wollfleet, was
operated upon this week for abdominal
trouble at tho Physicians' and Sur
geons' hospital.
W. J. McClemcnt, now chief of the
secret service Wyoming division, spent
Wednesday in town. He is tho successor
to T. T. Keliher.
Miss Howarth has resigned her poBl
tion as stonocranTier in the office of 0.
E. Elder and will jleo'rt return to hW
botnd in Omahtf.
Ed. Kelihor anQ-C.-J, Pass Jiave r'd
turned from Omaha -where they
tended tho state'' 'meeting of"
Knights of Columbus.
Arcrument in tho injunction case of
tho North Platte Water Co. against tho
city will bo made before Judge Munger
in this city on Juno mm.
Rod Brown, of tho night force at the
Union Pacilic baggage room, nas.o
Visitlnff in DePYerlltbto Iwtyikt E
The H. N. Smith house on east
Sixth street has been removed to the
nsido lot to make room for a new
residence Mr. Smith will erect.
Leo Lucey, a member of the Lucey
Bros, real estate-agency at Sutherland,
transacted business in town a couple of
days tho early part of the week.
Bert Culton, who went to Grand
Island to try out with the state league
ball team of that city, was released
Tuesday and has returned to town.
Sol Hodes will assist at The Leader
during the absence of Mr. Pizer, who
will go to Excelsior Springs to re
cuperate for a couplo of weeks.
E. C. Ringer, principal of tho city
schools for the past two years, has been
tendered and has accepted the superin-
tendency of tho schools at Sidney.
Mrs. Callie Davidson and daughter
Ruth spent several days in Omaha this
week, the former attending the state
chapter of the Order of the Eastern
L. H.'Daingerfield, a former weather
observer of this city, writes to have
his paper changed from Pueblo to
Washington, D. C, from which we. in
fer he 1ms been transferred to tho lat
ter city.
Fred Tobas won first prize in gues-
ing the number of collars displayed in
tho Star clothing house window. The
number was 1,107, and Mr. Tobas made
a guess of 1,101.
J. W. Nugent, who was receiving
treatment at the Physicians and
burgeons nospitai loiiowtng nts ac
cident at tho Union Pacific depot, has
returned to his homo near Maxwell.
Julius Pizer and W. T. Wilcox leave
tomorrow night for Excelsior Springs
where they will spend several weeks
Both have become" somewhat eoervated
and need a reRt from the strenuouB
activity1 of their respective callings.
Ji VA Eidgway1, a.Nortb FkttobusU
ness man a quarter of a .dentury ago,
passed through yesterday enroute to
Washington to attend tho world's Sun
day school convention. He has been
spending tho past year at Seattle.
This writer visits tho Banks addition
section of tho city about once in two
weeks, and each time notices a new
residence. What was an expanse of
raw prpirio a few years ago has now
This is Friday, the 13th. If you have
had bad Juck today, you'll, knd.w the
reason why.
A deed has been filed conveying from
tho Union Reality & Trust Co. to D.
M. Loypoldt and others, section 31-11-
82 for a consideration of $13, COO.
W. V. Hoagland went to Sidney last
night, where he appears as attorney
for Cheyenne County in an action
brought by abridge company to recover
nine thousand dollars,
Tho council Wednesday evening
granted a druggist's permit; to M. I.
McCarty, the north sido druggist and
and hois allowed to sell liquor for
medicinal nnd mechanical purpdses.
Will Waltemath arrived home' last
ovening from Philadelphia. 0n account
of illness, which was of a "'protracted
nature, he was compollcd to relinquish
his studies for the remainder' of the
school year.
Tho infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Schatz died Tuesday afternoon,
after an illness of several days, and the
funcrul was held Wednesday. The sym
pathy of many friends is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Schatz in the death of
their little one.
A Maxwell resident sends the follow
ing: Tho musical recital given at tho
Kuhns homo at Maxwell by Miss
Bonner and her pupils on - May 7th
proved very entertaining. The program
consisted of eighteen number and much
credit is due Miss Bonner as a music
Twenty couples of young people of
the city drove out to the Trovillo farm
west of the city Tuesday evening and
were hospitably and pleasantly enter
tained by Mr." and Mrs. Trovillo.
Dancing was tho chief entertaining
feature, and very enjoyable were the
refreshments Bervcd by tho hostess.
The festivities continued until after
one o'clock. Enroute homo several of
the parties, through lack of knowledge
of the roads met with startling, though
not serious experiences. ,
Sixteen ladies were pleasantly enter
tained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
Luke He.aley, at which Mrs. ( John Mc
Cabe, of Cheyenne, was the guest of
honor. Mrs. McCabe, was a former
resident of North Platto, but loft the
city eighteen years ago and to renew
hr acquaintance was certainly a pleas
ure to those present. The entertuining
feature of tho afternoon was high five,
Mrs. Bare winning the prize and Mrs.
Halligan the consolation. The refresh
ments served were elaborate and much
Levy Tax ib Sewer District.
The city council' held a meeting Wed
nesday evening and levied a tax; against
the property in four sewer districts to
pay for tho construction of the laterals
recently completed Tho tax for each
sixty-six foot frontage in District R.
will bo $30.17, in District Q $30.82, in
District E $31.78 and in District G-I
Ed. Ewell Rnm Special.
A special train in" charge of Ed.
Ewell, of the Grand Island sugar
factory, arrived Wednesday forenoon
with twenty-six families of foreigners
vVh6 will weed, thin and harvest sugar
hoVts during the summer. These
families will be distributed at points
between this city and Kcystono on the
north river branch. 1 There woro about
i60 persons in tho party. The special
left Lincoln Tuesday with 450 on board,
800 9( whom were distributed at dif
ferent points enroute to this city
Wrestling Match Tuesday.
Manager Kubik, of the opera house,
has porfectcd arrangements for a
wrestling match next Tuesday ovening
between Arthur McGril of Denver and
T. J. Gatloy of Stromsburg. McGril
is said to be a fast one, and Gatley is
the wrestler who took two straight
falls put of "Cyclone" Freeman in this
citya couple of weeks ago. This
witling match will be on a bet of
$10 in addition to the purse hung up
by ManagetKubik. It will, therefore,
be a contest worthy tho name.
Enlarges Business..
The Hnrtman cigar factory has been
moved to the McDonald brick building
on Locust Btrcet, whero it is using both
floors, tho lower for stock, tho upper
for manufacturing tho goods. At pres
ent fivo cigar makers aro employed,
and this number will be increased to
seven, Mr. Hnrtman going to Grand
Island tomorrow to secure the services
of two additional men,
Mr. Hartman savs he finds no trouble
in securing a market for his goods, in '
fact orders are coming in faster at
present than they can, bo filled.
Property Ob West Fourth Street
For Sale.
Wo have listed for quick sale the
N. E. Workman property on West 4th
Street. This is a. seven room house,
with hail up and down stairs, open
stairs. Nico lawn and trees. Has stable'
for four head of horses, granary and
loft, also good chicken house nnd yard,
This piaco can be bought at a bargain
for 30 days.
Call and sco Templo Real Estate &
Ins. Agency.
1 & 2 McDonald Block.
Have You Been Enumerated?
Tho throo census enumerators of North Platto completed their work Satur
day and havo Bont In their roturos to tho district supervisor, Josoph Pigmaivat
Broken Bow. If thoro aro any persons in town who havo not been enumerated,
they aro requested to fill out tho blank below and mail it to Joseph Pigman at
Broken Bow. No postage on the blank will bo required. This should bo at
tended to without delay if you deslro to bo counted. '
Somewhat Sensational.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Knight, of Goth
enburg, were visitors iri town yester
day. They were here Bpending their
honeynoon, having been married the
early part of last week. In connection
with this marriage there nro facts that
aro somewhat sensational. Mrs. Knight
was formerly Josephine Vera Morant,
daughter of the late Saml. Morant, by
a former marriage. When Mr. Morant
died he left an estate of $70,000, to one
third of which this daughter fell heir.
Being a minor, John E. Evans, of thin
city was appointed her guardian. Be
fore sho became of age her mother,
now Mrs. Rose, living at Gothenburg,
planned a fictitious marriago in order
that her daughter as a married woman,
might receive the money in the hands
of the guardian, and in July of last
year she, tho daughter, was married to
a man who gave his name- as J. II .
Moore, but whose real name was
Clarence Owings. TWb ceremony was
performed by Judge Elder without
knowledge of the true facts in tho
presence of Mrs. Rose and the guardian
Mr. Evans. Shortly thereafter the
money in the hpnds of the guardian,
amounting to about $25,000, was turned
over to Mrs. Moore. The couple, how
ever, did not livo togother, and neither
regarded the ceremony as binding.
Several months ago Knight began pay
ing attontionto the girl, not knowingof
the marriago, and in duo timo became
deeply enamored. It was then that
he was informed of tho marriago. and
tho conditions under which it was
brought about. Steps were then taken
to have the marriago annulled, and
buch an action was .brought, hoard and
granted in the district conrt at Lexing
ton on Monday of last week, Owlngtf
consulting to tHo anjju'Hridoib ibi
ing by tholf-liictionahHhislttejJr
honeymoon is a pleasant one.
Mr. Knight is a brother of Mrs.
Jessie Bacon, and is nt present man
ager of tho latter's ranch south of
Making Settlement With Fire Sufferers.
Mobes P. O'Brien, of Sterling, and
C. E. Cooper, of Sheridan, Wyo., claim
agents for the Burlington road, arrived
in town Tuesday and aro now making
settlement with those farmers who
lost property in the late prairie fire.
Mt. Cooper is working from this end
of tho burned district, while Mr.
O'Brien will work north from Dickens.
It will require a couple of weeks to
make the settlements. In presenting
their claims, the great majority of
those so far approached have not shown
any inclination to be unreasonable in
their demands.
For Quick Sale.
Tho H. E. Votaw residence in west
end at a bargain. This is a chance to
got as fine a home as there is in the
city at a bargain. D. E. MoitniLL.
Lake Ice.
I am prepared to furnished nure lake
cunta. per, hundred pounds..
ice at 40
Building Operations in East End.
Building operations are active in the
east end additions. In tho Trustee's
addition Wm. Mnloney is having two
houses erected, Mr. Hultmnn has just
completed ono house and is building a
second, Mr. Basta has his bungalow
well under way, and the foundations
for the Picard and Duke residences
have been laid and the carpenter work
begun. Cellar excavations are being
njade for two other houses, tho
owners of which wo havo not learned.
In tho Plattview sub-division in the
same section houses are being erected
by Dick Wood, Mr. Moody and Mr.
Official Business Requires no Sta'mp.
Joseph Pigman, Census Supervisor, ?
Broken Bow, Nebraska.
On April 15th, 1910, I was living at address givcnbolow, but to tho
best pf my knowledge I havo not been enumerated there or anywhere
Name '. .'
City ,
The feet nrc the most abused members oLihe human
ahntomy. Many men often needlessly sacrifice
comfort for styles sake and a multiudo of trouble
follows in the wake of poorly made and ill-fitting
shoes. To avoid these troubles remember
Diener & Fleishman.
The Lexincrton Artificial Ice Co,
begin delivering artificial ice in this
city about April 15th. A liberal supply
will bo kept in storage and all orders
can anu win no promptly lined.
M. B. Smith.
Improved Train Service to Chicago.
Six trains dally in each direction bo-
North Platte, Wxlngton ana
CTajcagd, via th'e Ch'idagb, pn!taf pacific
ana NoUiwostera line including the vu-
porbly electrical-lighted Denver Sbdcial
I I -1 . 1 . i 1 . m . . -
wnicn leaves XNorin x'tatie at o:uu
every ovening, reaching Chicago at
1m0 p.m. tho next day.
A solid through train with convenient
schedules and all travel conveniences.
Full information on application to tho
iicKei Agent union racuic it. u.
Wanted Rooms and board for
I ' '( f ( P"'
- . - -
. . . J . - rr - ? -
r - - - - - f; 1
Mado of largo, strong, lrigh-grado steel wires, heavily galvanized.
Amply providoo for expansion and contraction. Is practically
everlasting. Novor goes wrong, no matter how groat a strain
is put on it. Does not mutilato or injure stock.
Turns Cattle, Horses, Hogs and Pigs
EVERY ROD GUARANTEED by us and guaranteed by the
manufacturers. Call and see it. We can show you how it will
save you money and fence your fields so they will stay fenced.
Artificial. Ice.
Automatic Refrigerators
A Serial Story in Eight Chapters.
Chapter V At Home.
Notice To Trespassers.
All persons uro hereby warned not to
trespass in any way on tho tract of
land known ns the Morant ranch north
west of North Platte. Violators will bo
prosecuted. Mrs. Jc3sic Morant.
For Sale
about 20,000 acres of Grazing Land
in the northwest part of Lincoln
nnd northeast part of Keith counties
at q bargain.
Also several improved and un
improved farms.
Gall on or address,
Sutherland, Neb.
Mary your dinners are getting
better every day, whose new
cook book are you using1?
Don't give me credit John
give it to that new Automatic
Refrigerator we purchased of
To Cigar Smokers
who havo not yot tried tho Forest King
cigar wo boliovo thoy will prove a rev
elation. In all our experience we never
know a hotter fivo cent cigar than the
Forest King. It is tho finest combina
tion of good tobacco nnd akilled cigar
iiuivin .d Hum cici ouuii, iryfonu
rv,JT O, I? 1 .amlyou'll want more.
JjgOTmy.vB Forbes. F. schmadzwei),