The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 10, 1910, Image 6

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Good Christian and Family Man, Out
Had Poor Digestive Organs What
Cured Him You Can Get Free.
It Is ft Renerntljr admitted fact that
smonsr ministers nnd their families Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup I'cpsln Is tho favorite
laxative It Is not often that tho layman
has a ennnco 10
"speak up In meet
ing," and hence
these words from
llr. Joseph Murphy
of Indianapolis, Ind.,
whoso picture wo
present herewith:
"All my llfo I had
needed a laxntlvo to
cure my constipa
tion and stomach
trouble. I couldn't
eat a n y t h I n ffi I
couldn't Ret what I
did cat out of my
system. I tried
everything, becauso
my work, engineer
on a railroad train,
Mr. Joseph Murphy
makes It necessary that I feel strong and
well. Finally It was my good fortune to
meet up with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin, through tho recommendation of a
friend. I took It and was cured. Thnt Is
orno time ago, but I am still cured."
It can be bought of any drugglfit for
M cents or II n bottle. Send your address
end a free test bottlo will bo sent to
your" homo. If thero Is somo mystery
about your enso that you want explained
wrlto tho doctor. For the ndvlen or free
sample address Dr. W. II. Caldwell, 201
Caldwell llldg., Montlcollo. III.
Hlx Why does Ilcnpcck kiss bla
wife so much?
Dlx To provent her talking, I guess.
Fall Upon Distracted Households
When Cutlcura Enters.
Sleep for skin tortured babies and
rest for tired, fretted mothers Is found
la a hot bath with Cutlcura Soap and
a gentlo anointing with Cutlcura Oint
ment This treatment, in tho major
ity of cases, affords immedlato relief
In tho most distressing forms of itch
ing, burning, scaly, and crusted hu
mors, eczemas, rashes, Inflammations,
irritations, and chnflngs, of Infancy
and childhood, permits rest and sleep
to both parent and child, and points,
to a speedy euro, when other romodica
fail. Worn-out and worried parents
will find this puro, Bwcot nnd econom
ical treatment realizes their highest
expectations, and may bo applied to
tho youngest infants as woll as chil
dren of all ages. Tho Cutlcura Rem
edies are sold by druggists every
where Send to Potter Drug & Chom.
Corp., solo proprietors, Doston, Mass.,
for their freo 32-pago Cutlcura Book on
tho caro and treatment of skin nnd
calp of infants, children and adults.
Civilization and Missions.
Thero Is a question that Is larger
than government or trndo, and that is
tho moral well-bolng of tho vnBt mil
lions who liavo cotno under tho protec
tion of modorn governments. Tho rep
rcsontntlvo of tho Christian religion
must hnvo his place side by sldo with
tho man of government and trndo, and
for generations that roprcsontatlvo
niUBt bo supplied In tho person of tho
forcjgn mlBBlonnry from America and
Europo, Civilization can only bo por
munent and coutlnuo a blcsslug to any
pooplo If, In addition to promoting
thoir material well being, It nlo
BtandB for an orderly Individual liber
ty, for tho growth, of Intolllscncu and
for equal JubUco In tho administration
of law. Christianity nlono meets theso
fundamental requirements. The
change of sentiment in favor of the
foreign missionary In a single genera
tion has been remnrknble.
Evidently Not,
They had met at llluepolnt, L. I.,
two years boforo nnd were colobratlng
it by a llttlo dinner at a cafe.
"I shall never forgot how wo bo-
camo acquainted," ho was saying. "So
romantic. In swimming. That was
when I first snw you. You went Into
throo feet of water und got frightened.
I rescued you from a wutcry grave
and wo wero friends at once." Ho
called tho waiter. "Urlng mo tho wlno
list," ho snld, explaining. "Docauso wa
began our acquaintance In u watery
way, It needn t always bo watery.."
Don't Risk Your Llfo
By neglecting Constipation. It leads t
autotoxemlu. There la hmt on rlirht mm.
dy for Constipation, that la NATUIIK'S
nfcMEDY (Nit tubletM. It's different
from all others because It Is thorough, It
corrects the ontlrn illL-ontlv.. nvatotn ami
the kidneys, cures DyirpepBla und Hheu
tnatlsm. Its easy and sure to uet. Taks
one tonlght-you'll feel better In the
mnrnlnir. Oct a lln. All nrmr.i.
The A. II. Lowls Medicine Co., Bt. TJbuls!
Physical Messengers,
, Ha (gushingly) Your oyes tell ma
Sbo (Icily) Your breath tolls ma
more.- Cornell Widow.
The World's Volcanoes.
There aro 270 activo volcanooa in
the world, many of them being com
paratlvely smull.
It's Pettlt's Eve Salve.
last rives Instant relief to eyes, irritated
uus,. Meat, null ur Wlliu. All urug
uva ur uuwaru uros., uuusio, ti, x.
Put the wrong foot out of bed first
when you get up in tho' morning and
you will be crops all day. Always got
up with th right foot foromost.
" 1
Government to Parallel Canal
With Railroad to Control Land.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Confers
With President Taft and Secretary
of 8tate Knox English
Capital Sought Line.
Pnnnmn. Hy n contract signed the
other day Undo 8nm embnrks In tho
business of railroad building In Latin
America. American engineers nro to
undertake nt once the survey of the
'annninnlnn link In the Pan-American
rallrond, 300 miles from the city of
annmn to David, the commercial cen
ter of tho northern end of tho repub
lic, nnd by the time tho nntlonnl as
sembly meets next fnll tho govern
ment will hnvo ready to submit a
proposition for tho construction of tho
no ns nn extension of tho present
annum railroad, which Is tho proper
ty of the United States.
The nrgument with which I'nnnmn
has prevnllrd upon tho United States
to go outside tho limits of the cnnnl
zone nnd build railroads for tho Isth
mian republic Is In brief this:
"lilther tho American government
shnll build this link In tho Intornntlon
1 railroad system In ordor to control
the approaches by land to the Panuma
canal, or English. French or German
capital will do It, nnd America will
have Just so much more to do to for
tify tho wntor way."
Kngllsh capital wns bidding for the
line through W. Hnrcourt Palmer, nn
Australian engineer, who hns estab
lished hero a manufactory for his Bnfc
ty oxploslvo. "Paltnerlto." which tho
cnnnl commission Is adopting as a sub
stitute for dynamite. Palmer hns
been tho Amcrlcnn government's fore
most competitor, nnd Panamanian of
ficials have not hesitated to declare
that Palmer's bid has been used as n
club upon the stato department and
President Tnft.
Conclusion of this railroad deal with
Undo Snm was the prlncipnl object of
tho recent visit to Washington of
Sato Lowls, Panamanian minister of
foreign nffnlrs.
He had readied an understanding
with President Tnft and Secretary
Knox, when tho unexpected death of
President Obnldla recalled him to
Panama. He was assured In Washing-
50 Miles an Hour Thought Pos
sible by English Expert.
Success of Plan Would Bring New
York and Chicago But Six Hours
Apart Motive Power Would
Have to Be Electricity.
London. Should J. Sutherland
Warner, a prominent English railway
expert, soo his Ideas practically real
ized thero will bo no donying that
wo aro living in u fast ago. Ho Is
authority for tho assortion that a
speed of 150 miles nn hour by railway
trains Is technically posslblo today,
nnd will be commercially fenslblo with
in tho next ten years, so long as tho
railway servos great centers of popu
lation yloldlng a largo amount of
"Tho motive power ,of course, would
hnvo to ho electricity," said Mr. War
ner. "Naturally, too, tho high horso
power required for tho attainment of
such Hpoed would necessltato motors
of enormous slzo and wolght. In or
dor to enrry Bitch tremendous wolght
Bafoty It would probbly bo necessary
to ubo throe, If not four, rails.
l ho groat problom, howovor, would
ho how to deal with tho reslstnnco of
tho air. Thoro aro threo methods by
which this could bo met. Ono of theso
would bo to construct tho train cigar-
shaped, with tho sides of tho car
riages oiled or varnished so as to
mako them ns smooth as posslblo.
"Anothor wny would bo to roduco
tho friction on tho track by flttlng
wings, or lifting plnnes, all nround tho
train, tho object being to utlllzo tho
roslstnnco of tho ntmosphoro to lift
tho wolght from tho track nnd there
by roduco tho trnck resistance.
"Tho thh-d method would bo not to
run tho train through tho air at all.
This could bo dono by riming it In
a tubo from which tho air had been
oxhausted In advance of tho speeding
train by poworful pumps.
"Of course, In nddltlon to tho
driving of tho electric motors In tho
ordinary wny, power for propulsion
would bo obtnlned owing to tho proa
sure of tho ntmosphoro nctlng on tho
roar of each cnrrlngo. That also
would Biipply air for tho passongors to
brentho. Nono of tho methods aro
Impossible It 1b all merely a mat
tor of monoy.
"I am dubious nbout all tho claims
advanced for tho monornll system.
Tho horsepower required for high
speed means wolght, nnd tho monornll
cannot stnnd tho weight. Thoroforo,
tho contention that such a system can
attain any speod up to 200 ihiles an
hodt sooms not to hnvo a very solid
foundation. Tho oxponso of runnlni:
sucn a system, too, would bo extreme
ly mu. I bellovo that In ton yours
wo 111 see trains making a hundred
nnd fifty miles an hour on regular
If Mr. Warner's plan nttnlns mate
rialization it would meun Now York
to Chicago in llttlo more than six
CHICAGO Dr. D. K. Pearsons, tho noted philanthropist who hns given
millions to the smnll colleges of tho west and south, hns just
reached his ninetieth birthday, and Is as hearty and energetic ns
many u man 20 years his junior Ills birthday resolution was to shut
up his purso for ono year in order to give five ot tho Institutions ho
has helped a chnnco to make good. For 12 months ho will mako no gifts,
and then, ho says, after paying oft "his debts," he will leave the llttlo
ho hns left to his children. Uy his children tho philanthropist mentis tho
47 colleges In 21 stnteB which ho has helped from poverty to prosperity.
tlon thnt tho American government
would accept Panama's proposals, and
thnt tho agreement could bo completed
In Panama, and this hns just been ac
complished. Details of tho contract have not
been announced; In fact, the secrecy
maintained by tho Obaldln govern
ment with refcronco to tho railroad
plans has been criticized severely, and
opponents of tho government wish to
know upon what terms tho republic Is
to bo bound up with tho United States
In affairs within tho republic as well
as on the canal.
Tho Obaldla administration has
Tho longest multlplo trains In the
world soon will bo put Into service In
tho District rnllway's tubes In Lon
don. Tho company has found thnt
even by opornting 3G trajns an hour It
ennnot fully copo with tho rush of pas
sengers nt certain times of tho dny.
It hns been decided, therefore, to In
creaso tho length of trains, nnd thoso
to bo put in sorvlco will bo COO feot
In length, comprised of 12 coaches
with seating capacity of 1,200 passen
gers. Tho company nlao is consider
ing the question of the abolition of
strnphanglng. But oven If tho straps
aro removed from tho enrs thero will
bo hnndles attnehed to tho seatB for
tho convenience of thoso passengers
who may hnvo to stand up.
Historic Papers Found.
Los Angeles, Cul. A number of in
teresting documents recovered from
nn outlnw's hut near Ferris, among
them a lottcr written by Gen, U. S.
Grant during tho slego of Vlckshurg.
hnvo boon received hero. Tho Grant
letter wns addressed to General Pnrks
and convoyed orders relntlvo to tho
operations In front of tho Confedorato
stronghold. Tho othors wero papers
supposed to havo boon stolen from
Oen. Manuel Garcia of tho Moxlcnn ar
my. That tho papers hnd heon so
croted In tho hut for many years wns
shown by thoir condition. Sergonnt
Sebastian of tho police department
rccolvcd tho letters from n friend, who
found thorn hidden in n crevice of tho
hut. They will 1)o turned over to n
historical association.
Find New Cure for Cancer
Parls Physician's Discovery Interests
Medical Congress Uses Heat
In Treatment.
Pnrls. Interest In tho physlothera-
plo congress hns been centered In nn
address describing a now euro for can
cer by Doctor Doyen. He cnllB tho
treatment oloctrothermlc congulntion.
In oxplnlnlng, Doctor Doyen said:
"Thero Is ono predominant fact In
tho surgical relapso or relnoculntlon
of tho dlsenso nftor an operntlon.
"Tho phagocytes are disseminated
nfter n surgical operation llko seeds
scattered by tho wind nnd becomo tho
nucleus of n fresh cancerous growth.
In my experiments I observed thnt tho
dlBoased cells may bo destroyed by
heat. Healthy colls of tho body can
withstand heat up to 140 degreos,
whorons cancerous cells nro destroyed
by heat at 131 and ovon 122.
"This lowor degreo of vitality, thoro
foro, may play an Important pnrt In
tho treatment of cancor. It oponcd
up a now way of treating It
"Through tho living tissues, oven at
a consldernblo depth, a temperature
abovo 122 would kill tho dlsenBod colls
without Injuring the healthy ones.
"I solved the problem by moans of
electrocoagulation, I obtained a thor
mnl effect by tho help of a particular
dovlco which 1 conceived
fidn ra
crooked tho kneo nt every nod of tho
iBthmlan cnnnl commission; It has
defied tho supremo, court of Panama
and overridden tho laws nnd the con
stitution of tho republic In ordor to
execute tho will of Washington, with
llttlo glossing over of tho fenr in
which all Panama and a largo propor
tion of Panamanians hold tho power
of tho American government.
Thrown now Into tho midst of a
presidential campaign, through the un
expected death of President Obnldla,
Pannma flnds Itself face to face with
tho question of Amorlcnn, not domina
tion, but arbitrary dictation.
Afterward Surgeons Hold Valuable
California Animal Until Their
BUI Is Settled.
San Francisco. "DUly" the Perslnn
cnt which nppenred beforo Pollco
Judgo Conlan recontly on a search
warrant proceeding instituted by Mrs.
H. L. Hastings ngalnst tho Dr. Morso
cat nnd dog hospital, has bocomo still
further involved In a legal contro
versy. Tho defendants had been holding
tho nnlmnl In llou of payment for n
capital operation which had been per
formed by tho physician to savo Bil
ly's life.
It wns stated at tho conclusion ot
court that a suit may bo instituted in
the supreme court ngalnst Mrs. Has
tings to recover a fee for an opera
tion on tho fellno for appendicitis. In
tho meantime, however, Judgo Conlan
nwnrded tho cat to Mrs. Hastings.
Somo wcokB ago Mrs. Hustings took
tho cnt to tho hospital for treatment.
Tho cnt wns pronounced to bo Buf
fering from abdominal troublo, pro'
Bumably appendicitis, nnd an opera
tion wns performed. Later tho worn
nn refused to pny tho feo for tho op
eration nnd then tho troublo began.
Dynamite for Plowing.
Spartanburg, S. C. J. Henry Cald
woll, fnrmcr, broko up nn ncro of land
with 800 charges of dynamite, tho ex
ploslvo being used Instead of a plow.
Ho says that blasting land with uynn
mito Is tho best method for subsoil-
Ing nnd thnt it can bo dono more
chonply thnn by mnnunl labor. Many
persons from tho city nnd tho court'
try wero present to view tho expert
"I was ablo to cuuso boat to sink
through tho tissues to n great dopth.
When I placed tho electrode on tho
tissues thoro wns coagulation of tho
dlsensed colls just as tho whlto ot an
egg thickens by boiling. Tho coagu
lated colls eliminate themselves nftor
a certnlu timo and deflnlto cicatriza
tion occurs.
"Whenever tho whole extent of the
enncer hns been covered by allowing
heat to about 135 dogroes to peno
trato tho tissues under tho tumor a
sort of electlvo process goes on, tho
diseased colls being destroyed whllo
tho healthy ones remain Intact."
Doctor Doyon asserts that all ac
cessible cancers of tho skin, mouth,
tonguo, etc., may bo cured by two or
threo applications of electricity pro
vided tho cancer Is dlngnosod In time.
Mellen Buys Angora Goats.
Stockbrldgo, Mass. Charles S. Mel
lon has bought of Potor J. Tycr,
known as 'The Sago of Frog's Land
ing," a dozen Angora goats, which ho
will ubo as borders for his flock of COO
Southdown Bheop on his Council
Grovo estate. Two goats will care
for 100 sheop nnd nro guaranteed to
senro oft all sheep-chasing dogs, Thero
has been n big demand for Angoras
since Mr. Mellen bought this lot, nnd
tho prico hns gouo up 100 per cent.
This Fact that in addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are con
fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose ex
perience with women's diseases covers twenty-five years.
' The present Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law o Lydia E.
Pinkham, was for years under her direction, and has ever
since her decease continued to advise women.
Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad
to worse, knowing well that they ought to have immediate
assistance, but a natural modesty causes them to shrink
from exposing themselves to the questions and probable
examinations of even their family physician. Such ques
tioning and examination is unnecessary. Without cost
you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual
experience is great
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are in
vited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn
Mass. All letters arc received, opened, read and answered by
women. A woman can freely talk of her private illness,
to a woman; thus has been established this confidence
between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which
has never been broken. Never has she published a testi
monial or used a letter without the written consent of the
writer, and never has the company allowed these confi
dential letters to get out of their possession, as the hun
dreds of thousands of them in their files will attest.
Out of the vast volume of experience which Mrs. Pink
ham has to draw from, it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge needed in your case.
She asks nothing in return except your good will, and her
advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or
poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous
offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Odorous Compound Responsible for
Some Trouble and a Little Al
leged "Wit."
"Technically," said Judge Wells to
William Rung In tho municipal court,
"you had tho right on your side. How
ever, you choso a form of cruel and
unusual punishment that cannot bo
tolerated by this court. I'll have to
fine you one dollar."
It appears from the evidence that
Mr. Rung, who Is a stereotyper, sat
down to luncheon with Edward Snider,
a fellow employee. The piece do resist
ance of Rung's luncheon consisted of
llmburger cheese, nnd Snider, who re
gards himself ns something of a wag,
had mndo certain remarks about tho
cheeso, reflecting particularly on Us
odor. Thereupon Mr. Rung smeared
a piece of tho cheeso over tho humor
ous Snlder's countenance.
"This," snld Rung, as ho stepped up
to pay his lino, "is tho kind of Justice
thnt smells to henven."
"Thnt will bo nbout all from you,"
said the court bailiff; "cheeso it!"
Chicago Record-Herald.
Getting Old.
"Was your wlfo pleased wth that
birthday gift you took homo last
"Deo-llghtod! Sho said thnt I didn't
seem to hnvo a thing to do but to sit
around and remember her birthdays."
Strength of Legs Differ.
In 54 cases out of every hundred
the left leg Is stronger than the right.
Day After Day
SiSshr mIted
Popular plttf. lOc.
Family slzo 15c
'The Memory Lingers"
Postum Cereal Co.,
A Real Prodigy.
"So you think your boy Is t
prodigy? But overy man thinks -hi
own son is the most wonderful being
thnt ever breathed."
"I tell you this youngster Is re
markable, no mstter how you mar
sneer. I've seen hlra do a thing that
1 don't suppose any other boy of hie
ago could possibly do."
"What's his specialty? Mathemat
ics?" "Mathematics? I should say not.
He hasn't any more of a head for fig
ures than I have, and learning the
multiplication table was the hardest
work I ever did In my llfo."
"In what branch of science does hs
seem to bo particularly Interested?"'
"Ho isn't Interested In science
nil; but the other day a friend of mine
who has a big nutomobilo left the Dea
dline standing in front of my hoiisti
for more than half an hour, and, al
though the boy wns playing nmnd
outsldo nil tho tlmo ho did not unce
climb Into tho automobile or evpu toot:
tho horn."
Just the Job.
Old Argus was boasting about bit
hundred eyes.
"A useful rann for an olllce," criedt
tho populace.
"Yes," nddod Argus, "and I can keep
half of them closed when I wnnt to.
Hero the populace clapped their
hands wildly.
"We'll make him custom-house In
spector," they declared.
In tho London streets thero aro
nenrly 10,500 hoy traders under 1
years of ngo, and over 900 girl trndera.
One will find
a constant delight.
The food is .crisp nnd
wholesome and so dainty
and tempting, that it ap
peals to the appetite all the
time morning, noon and
Some folks have pro
nounced Post Toasties the
choicest flavoured bits of
cereal food ever produced.
Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.