VKt StMIWftKlY TRIBUnt IRA I BARB, Publisher. TBRM8, tUU IX ADVAWOa MCRTH FLATTB NBBBABKA 1 '4' FOR A NSW EDUCATION. eminent upholder of dramatic art, apparently In dlipntr or holding imld art high enough by the uia ot existing facilities has oflored to bs one of ten men to make up a fund of I2CO.O00 with which to endow a Chair of Playwrltlng at Harvard university That Ir certainly a great scheme, and no doubt the other nlno contrlbutora will come forward with agility whether or not with grace doesn't really matter. A Chair of IMaywrltlng la what this country long has sought and grieved because tt bad not, or, words to that effect, says New York Timed, To bo suro, alt the great, near great, and tolerably large builders of plays whose names we recall at the moment somohow managed to got along without listening to lectures by any practitioner of tbolr trade or by any professional expounder thereof, endowed or other, but because a thing can be, and han beon done pretty veil In ono way Is no proof that It cannot be better and more easily done In An other, and doubtless Harvard will mnko good use of tho 1250,000 wlion It gets tho mono?. Possibly, en re flection, tho university will dove the fund to the training of "angeU'-of men who for one of Boveral reason are willing to spond money for the bring ing out of plays--and players. Tha thoatrlcal managers, If all talus are truo, would appreciate tho Impiove niont and Increasing of that claws even more than n multiplication of lournod playwrights. Tho King's speech dollvorod hy tils Majesty Edward VII. at tho opening of the British Parliament meant more than ouch utterances have signified In many years. The volco of tho ad dress waa tho king's, but tho hand that wrote tho real moaning Into the words was that of tho Liberal minis try, says Troy Times. Ills majosty personally could take inn part In tho controversy now rnglng In IiIb realm, but when ho said that proposals would bo laid boforo tho legislators "to ae curo tho undivided authority of the house of commons over finance and Its predominance In legislation," and that this waa "tho opinion of my ad visors," It indicated that tho house ot . lords Is to have Its wings clipped If tho government Is to havo Its way. Another great schemo In tho line of conservation Is that which proposes to construct two big dams In, the up per Mississippi, by which monnB It Is dofllgnod not only to Improve tho nnvl gatlon of that part of tho stroam but to crcato nbout 800,000 horsopowor to be utilized In various wnys. The deep ening of tho channel Is Imperatively necessary If that Boctlon of the Missis sippi Is to retain usefulness for steam boats, and tho additional benefits de rived from "harnessing" tho power of 'the river will bo of enormous eco nomic importance. And eminent en gineers who havo been connocted with lothor cnterprlsoB of similar character isay thnrd Is no doubt as to tho feasi bility of tho project Trco peats, llko tho gypsy moth, tho 'browntnll moth, the olm trco beotlo 'and others, are not tho only ones. Australia has a plaguo of rabbits, those animals being so numorous and doatructlvo that thoy do vast damago jto tho farmers crops, So, while Maa snchusottn and other caatorn Rtntos lira paying out sums which have amount ed to millions of dollars since tho fight against tho Inuocls bognn, tho Austra lian stato or Victoria appropriates ,$GOO,000 annually for tho purpcao of .killing off the superfluous "bunnloa." The antipodes havo troubloB of their rn v Further tost of tho Edison otorago .battory stroot car has been bo grntt tying that an administrative official pj one of tho street car railway com fpanles ot New York city declarod tho jcar would supplant tho horBO cara on bis Mine. This retnnrk rovcnls tho tffact that the liorso has not boon en Jtlroly released from the thralldom ot urban car service, ovon In tho east, -which la supposed .to load tho west In everything progressiva. i Tho much talked of Increase In tha cost of living Ib felt In ovory direction, A Now York lady dlvorcod rrom nor husband baa aought the courts to got nor alimony Increased bocauso living .expenses are bo much greator than when tho decree was granted. And It looks tike another dlscouragor or mat rlmony, 1 Ono ot the advantages attaching tp a Job as chauffour Is that you can't be arrosted and dragged boforo a Jus tlco on the charge of cruolty to ant mala. , Exorcise ln Now York la unevenly distributed. Tho wolvca In Contral park do not get enough, and tho bulla In Wall Btreot are gottlng too much, Ve bollove . that $100 and costs Is even more efficacious Uian tho hatpin "or umbrella. SENATE'S WEALTHIEST MAN A A 4m mous llnblllttcs, as its counsel nnlvely exprcBsed It "Just by word of mouth." This syndlcnto was formed In 1900. Tho auggcnhcImB and Mr. Morgan ngrced to go together on some Alaskan speculations. Each Bldo pledged $5,000,000. Tho particular speculation then In view was tho Donanza copper mlno. TIiIb embraced tome highly valuable property about 100 miles from the coast. Tho syndlcnto put up cash and bought what It wanted. Up to dnto tho syndicate has built 102 miles of railroads In AInBkn at a cost of about $10,000,000. About 90 miles remain to bo constructed of tho original project, to cost $5,000,000 more. Spurs nro contemplated to reach now proportion which have slnco been acquired, so that tho total cost of tho road proinlpcR to be nbout $20,000,000. Mr, Steele, counsel for tho syndlcnto, testified that ho thought there was nbout 50,000,000 toiiB of coal In Blglt on tho land of tho claimants, and that thlB would not a profit or about $25,000,000. Following up this lend, Sonntor Boverldgo naked some questions about the values of coal lands in Bight of tho nyndlcnto's rallrond. Mr. Birch talked glibly or gigantic values which mnde tho heads or tho members swim. Ho said lie thought tliero was $900,000,000 worth or coal In that one district nlono. It could bo mined, ho thought, at a net prollt or $200,000,000. Sonntor Boverldgo believes Mr. 'Birch underesti mated the values. Tho Indlnnlnn sny& the property probably Is worth thrco times this amount, or nenrly $2,000,000,000. SCHIFF CALLS ing frlond of mankind, is a party to this coalition. If wo nro not caroful, ir wo do not ahow tho right statesmanship, wo will bo drawn into a controversy with this arrangement In n most disagreeable manner. "I do not ngroo with Judge Sulzberger that numbers necessarily deter mine tho outcomo or a conflict Wo must choooo tho right spirit, adopt the old Hobrow saying, 'night, not might.'" "Tho Pacific Ib now tho commercial center ot tho world," Judgo Sulz berger had Bald, after a lengthy description of what modern race projudlco Is. "On Kb eastern shores dwell tho pcoplo of the oldest civilization. Heretofore wo white mon havo said, 'Wo nro Caucasians and thoy nro yellow men.' And wo hnvo expected them to nccopt this and bow to ua nccordlngly. "TIiIb they nro not going to do. They havo prejudices of their own, those born of their nnclont civilization. A conflict with them Is Inevitable: "An omplro whero 400,000,000 peoplo inanngo to oxls't Is governed by no incnn statesmanship. Cnn thoy tench lis or can wo teach them? This ques tion will precipitate tho trouble; Ib doing It now." MAN WHO DOWNED CANNON sentative who started tie undor ngalnat the wnr. onod circumstances and early In life to wnrtc nnd work hard. Ho cot used to hard knocks from the first, but he kept up tho battlo, beenme n school his way through college. Ho studied Inw while teaching nnd wont to Nebraska In 1885 and Bottled nttnrnnv nmi Hnrvoil two torniB ii s a irroHH In 18S9. Of his battlo for n chnngo ot tno nouse nues air. worris snia "Mv Unlit wns not ngnlnst Cannon: It was against, uminon s coiuroi 01 tho committee on rulea, mid the injustices likely to How therefrom. With tho assistance of othor who holloved with me that tho power or the speaker should bo curbed and restricted, nnd through Democratic ntdwe havo won. i nm mnklna no warfnro on the Republican party. I am n uepuouenn, won Inir ror nnrty success. 1 beUovo what for party success." NEW MASSACHUSETTS SOLON Kugono nany. with Now York In 1902 publican "Canadian hostility He then tho Biibjoct of Canadian reciprocity, lciuiwn all over Now England. In the anrliig of 1904 Mr. Fosb viHiHnn ndont ii resolution favoring candidate for dolegnto at largo to tho Republican national convention, but "machlno" IntluoncoB woro too strong for him and ho was defeated, Again h wna benton tor congroBB. Mr. Fobh turned to Democracy last year and bocamq n candldato ror Hon tntinnt.uovarnor. Ho was beaten by 8,000 votos. His congressional district In which ho auccoodB Hie Into William C. Levering, Includos Brockton, n shoe manufacturing center. It novcr buforo has elected a Domocrat to congress. tovorhiK'B plurality was 11.200, This Mr, Foss converted Into n Demo cratic plurality or 5,040. Senator Simon (luggonhelm, brother of tho mombets of the Morgnn-Quggcnholm syndicate wIhieo operations In Alaska have figured to prominently In the Halllnger-Plfichot-Glnvls In quiry Is rtgnrtlctl an the wealthiest mnn In tho upper branch of tho I'liltcd States congress. The valuo of this syndicate's holdings In Alaska alone litis boon estimated at $2,000,000,000. Thore nro sovon of Hit- Guggenheim brothers nnd three. Daniel, Murray and 8. It., with tho J. Plerpont Morgan company compose the syndicate. Sena tor Guggenheim's personal fortune has been placed nt $200,000,000, but It Is probably more. The Byndlcnte Is a novel ono. It has no char ter, and It litis novcr been Incorporated. It exists under nn understanding something In the nature of n "gentlemen's agreement." It nsBtimoB enor "JAP" ENEMY "Tho most dldlcult problem tho nation hnu to deal with Is tho fur cast problem," said Jacob H. Schlff, the Now York financier, in n recent speech. "1 am sorry to say It, but wo nro In danger of war over this samo question. As a friend of Japan, one who helped to llnanco Its Into war, I regret this Inevitable conclusion. "During the last fow weeks a tost has beon mado In tho direction ot finding out tho attitudo of tho nntlon toward ub. This test, I must say to my personal mortification, developed tho fact that Japan has Joined hands with tho enemy of all mankind. "nuBsln and Japan havo evidently ono pur pose at present, nt least and that Is to keep China as a lesacr state. And porfldious Albion, which has alwnys professed to bo nn enlighten Wnshlngton. Georgo William NorrlB, repre from the Fifth district of Nebrnska. tho battlo that curbed tho power of Speaker Cannon after ono or tho florcost fights over witnessed on tho floor or tho house, la ono or tho country's solf-mndo men. Eloctlon to tho aonnto may bo Mr. Norrls re ward for the winning fight ho put up, talk of his succeeding Elinor J. Burkctt as senator from NobraBkn nlrcndy being heard. Representative NorrlB started out In llfo's bat- n handicap Just as ho entered tho bnttle Cannon rulo with tho odds agauiBt him Ho was born on a rami In Sandusky county, O., in 1801. His rather died when Mr. Norrls was a Binall child and his oldest brothor wns killed in TIiIb lott Mr., Norrls mother In strait tho man who won against Cannon hnd teacher and earned the money to pay wne admitted to tno oar in ios.5. no nt McCoolt. Ho becamo prosecuting district Judge. Ho wns elected to con- wo uopuniicans nave uonc win nmiw Noble Foas of Boston, who has Just been elected to congress on the tariff issue In Democratic landslide In tho Fourteenth Massachu aetU district, l head of tho n. F. Sturtovnnt Com branchoB In Philadelphia, Chicago, and London. Ho was born In 1858. In Wo8t Berkshire, Vt, nnd Is n brother or Congress man Georgo Edmund Foss or Chlcngo. Mr. tfccM kiib n candidate for tho Re nomination for congress from the EloV' onth district or Massachusetts on a platform o reciprocity, free Iron, freo coal and free hides." Uo won, but was defeated nt tho pu'ls, partly through tho growth or Democratic sentiment In tho district nnd pnrtly through tho or somr-opponents within his own party began nn educational campnlgu upon which made his name and the Issue Bought to havo tho Republican stato con reciprocity with Canada and becamo a Farmers should eat more oatmeal. Although tho farmer of today Is able to bur almost anything he wants to wear or cat ho isn't paying enough attention to food valuos when It comes to his own table. Ho feeds hla stock carefully, avoids over-feeding and solccts tho stock food that ho bollovcs will glvo tho best re turns In strength and general ofllclcncy. If ho has been watching tho exten sive researches and experiments on tho question of tho best human food for musclo nnd brain ho will heed tho ndvlco from all sides to "eat moro Quaker Oats." Quaker Oats Is mentioned becnuso it la recognized in this country nnd Europo as the best of all oatmeals. Feeding farm hnnds on Qunk6r Oats moana getting moro work out of them than If you feed them on nnythlng else. 61 National Tuberculosis Sunday. Present Indications point to a gen eral observance t)f National Tuber culosis Sunday in moro than 200,000 churches of tho country on April 24. Reports rrom heads of local anti-tuber- culosls associations, health officers, pastors, mayors, governors, nnd nu merous Interdenominational bodies show much enthusiasm over tho movement. Tho National Association for tho Study nnd Prevention of Tu berculosis has prepared an outline for tuborculosls sermon for use on April 24, which will bo sent free of chnrgo to any clergyman applying at 105 East Twenty-socond street, Now York; Thousands of these outlines aro being sent out weekly to all parts of the country. Prominent churchmen, including bishops nnd heads of all tho leading denominations, have expressed their approval of tho movement. A Terrible Risk. Typhoid hnd broken out In tholr neighborhood nnd tho family resorted to travel as tho best means of precau tion until tho troublo should subside. They arrived at Quebec by Uie morning boat, Intending to take It to Montreal In tho evening, but tho sight Beers got tired and returned early In tho afternoon to find tho top of tho smoko Btnck on a. level with tho deck. tho tido having dropped 18 feet. "Mamma," cried the llttlo girl, "did God drink up all that water?" MYos, my child." "Then hadn't we bettor toll him It wasn't boiled?" Good Work In Denmark. Under legislation enacted in 1905 thoi Danish government pays three- fourths of tho oxponses of all poor persons who doslro to bo treated In tuberculosis sanatoria. When tho hos pitals under construction nro com pleted Denmark will havo ono bed In tuberculosis hospitals or sanatoria ror every 1,200 inhabitants, a fact which will mean that tho length ot treat ment can bo considerably extended. In tho United States tliero Is ono bed tor every 4,500 Inhabitants. A Mean Scheme. "Is your wire homo?" "Yes; I got tired or having her away." "But I thought sho intended staying rour months?" 'Sho did. I got tho office boy to write on n card: 'Bettor come homo. From a well wisher.' And she took tho first train after receiving It." There's No Place Like, Etc. Wife What sort of a play would you llko to soo? Husband Something lively, that koops you awako, and has plenty of music In It. "Urn, You'd bettor stay at homo nnd take caro of tho baby." Life. Like Seeks Like. Dentist My dear sir, you havo a sympathetic toothachp. Patient Then, doctor, I suppose your bill has a sympathetic touch. Another Investigation. Roblo Maiden Is kissing proper? Enclnn Youth Wo might Investi gate. Two heads are better than one. Stanford Chaparral. ROSY COLOR Produced by Postum. "When a porson rises from each meal with a ringing In tho cars and a general senso of nervousness, It Is a common habit to cbargo it to a do- ranged stomach. "I found it waa caused from drink ing coffee, which 1 nevor suspected for a long tlmo, but found, by leaving off coffee that tho dlsngrooablo reelings went away. "I was brought to think or the sub ject by getting some Postum and this brought mo out or troublo. "It is a most appetizing and Invig orating bovorago and has been or such great bcnetlt to mo that. I natu rally speak or It from tlmo to tlmo as opportunity offers. "A lady friend complained to mo that sho hnd tried Postum, but It did not tasto good. In reply to my ques tlon sho said sho guosod sho boiled it nbout ten minutes, I ndvlsed hor to follow directions and know that sho boiled It flfteon or twenty minutes, and sho would havo something worth tnlk lng about. A short tlmo ago I heard ono of hor children say that thoy woro drinking Postum now-n-days, bo 1 Judgo sho succoeded In making It good, which is by no means a difficult task. "Tho son of ono ot my friends was formerly a pnlo lad, but slnco ho has been drinking Postum, has a fine color. Thero Is plenty ot ovldonco that Postum actually does 'mnko rod blood,1 as tho famous trade-mark sayB." Rend "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," found In pkgs. "There's n Reason." Ever, raid the nuove letter A new our npprnrx from time to time. Titer re Krnitlur, true, aud lull ol Sur Intrrt-M. SAYS THE SOCIALISTS GAIN Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler Talka of Movement In Germany, Whence He Hat Just Returned. San Francisco. Dr. Benjamin Tdo Wheeler, who has Just returned from six months' stay at tho University of Berlin us Roosevelt exchango pro fessor, Is himself n graduate of tho University of Hoidclberg. where ho took his degree of doctor of philoso phy in 1885. PrevloiiBly to his call to the prosldoncy of the University of California, a post he has occupied Inco 1889, ho wna professor or com parative Mhllology and Greek nt Cor nell and wns later professor In tho American school nt Athens. He Is n native of Massachusetts "Tho socialists as a political party are gaining strength In Germany. They gained a little after the rail of tho late Von Iluclow ministry, and Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler. they hnvo won considerable strength from tho vory recent suppression of tho populaco In the agitation for the rororm of tho suttr'-go bnsls In Prus sia," said Dr. Wherler. The socialists no much less the oretical than they irted to be, and aro theroforo milder. You could moro appropriately call 'hem tho progres sive or radical pollOcal party of Ger many say tho part? to tho'loft. Slnco they have become more practical they havo drawn over tit them many per sons who, whllo wlfl'ng to tako sides with a radical part?, would not caro to bo classified with tlio outright theo retical socialistic nrrvement. Today tiie socialist party In Germany Is do ing things, and it In temporarily sat isfied with many rofo -ms which would never bo accepted Ir the theoretical socialists of other div?s. 'Why, Germans citanot understand what thoy aro talking about in Eng land." ho 'said. "Ths?o Is no thought of war In tho QeriMan mind. Tho army, It is truo, is a splendid fighting machlno, but It Is p greator training school than it Js a weapon of war. Every Gorman is a Valued mnn. An army may not bo tiv best kind of a training school, but Is better than nothing." When In Berlin President Whcelor several times person. Uy mot Emperor William, who, ho sain, is In tho best of health. THIS THEATER ON WHEELS In Cave of Fire the Auditorium Could Be Rolled nto the Stref Woodstock, 111. n real fire-proof tAeater has been Jnvyited If tho plnns rf Theodore M. LI 1-iborg of Wood' r-toolc aro realized. It Is Lllloberg's pli" to separate tho foyer and nudltorluO from tho stago Diagram of Theater on Wheels. hi case of flro nnd transport them Into tho street. Tho movable part of tho building la to rest on heavy trucks propelled by motors. In case of fire those making up tho violence are warnoa to sit quietly In their seats, the electric motor Is turned on and In from 20 to 30 seconds llio ontlro auditorium can bo rolled to the street and tno nudlenco savod ,'rom danger or a panic. Their Resemblance. 'Theso gamblers who prey upon the anwnry in a groat city aro llko tho itars." "In what respoct, I would Ilka mow?" 1 "Don't they Bin till la'tT" ) to OPEft KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten Years Relieved in Three Months x nanus to j-ku-jvi O. B. PIZEK, Mt. BtorllnglKy.,BayB : " havo Buffered with kidney and bladder troublo for ten years past "Luat March I commenced using Poruna and continued for throo months. I havo not used It slnco, nor havo I folt a pain." Wrong View of Marriage. There would bo Jobs dlvorco," said ex-Gov. Pennypacker, "If thero wero fewer men llko William Wlndlo. "William Wlndlo embarked on nn ex- iursion Hteamcr for Point Breeze, and a fow miles out, as ho paced tho upper dock and drank In tho bracing ozone, ho spied his friend Jackson. " 'Why Jackson, how aro ye?' ho ex claimed. 'Aro yo out lor pleasure, or Is yor wire ulong?' " Deafness Cannot Bo Cured br local applications, as they cannot reach th dla taacd poitloa ot tho ear. There Is only ono war. to euro deafness, and that Is br constitutional remedV. Deafness Is caused br an Inflamed condition ot ttx mucous lining of tha Eustachian Tube. When this tuba Is Inflamed jrou have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deaf ness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion, hearing wlU be destroyed forever; sine casni out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. IV o nlll give One Hundred Dollars for any case ol Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot oe cured by IUll'a Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, tree. . . j. uiit.rifc.r x uu.i loieao, Sold by Druggists, ;sc. Take llall's Family l'llls tor constipation. Absolute Equality. Tho Woman The tax office Is on placo which I simply love to go to. The Man Vory few people do. Why do you llko It? Tho Woman Bccauso It Is absolute ly tho only pioco- where no discrimina tion Is mads against mo becauso 1 am woman. Thoy lot mo tbore pay Just as much as If I woro a man. Everybody In This Town Is sick or will bo soma tlmo with nomo of tho diseases that NATURE'S REM EDY (Nil tablots) will euro or pruvent. If every portion know as much about Na ture's Kcmcdy as I do, moat ot this sick ness would bo prevented. I want you to kne-w about Nature's Bemody. I want to Bend you freo at my expenso a 10 day troattnent that you may know Just how good Naturo's Remedy Is for Constipa tion, ltneumaiism, uyspepsia, uvcr ana Kidney CompltUnt, and why Nature' Remedy Is Better than Pills for Liver Ills. All Druggists. Write mo to-day for freo 10 days' troattnent A. H. Lewis, St. Louis. A Call for Cough Drops. "I tell you I must have somo money!" roared tho king of Mnritanla, who was in sore financial straits. "Somebody will have to cough up." "AlaBl" sighed tho guardian of tho treasury, who was formerly tho court Jester, "all our coffers aro empty." Tlt-Blts. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for Infants and children, and soo that it Ttnnrn fhn yVfsj . Signature of 6r47J&SS In TJso For Ovnr 30 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Vindictive Cuss. "Ugh!" spluttered Mr. Jones. "That nut had a worm In It." "Hore," urged a Irlend, offering him a glass ol wator, "drink this and wash It down." "Wash It down!" growled Jones. "Why should I? Lot him walk!" Everybody's. ( It's difficult to arouso a man's en thuslnsm by Bhowing him a photo graph of himself when a baby. toavir rAiNKir.T.nn should be taktin without delay when wire chest and tickling threat warn you tnat un annoying cold threatens. At all druggists tu Sc.36a and Wo bottles. Think all you speak, but speak not all you think. Dolarem. The Fntisfying quality In Lewis' Sin rIo Binders found in no other 5c cigar. Toil enn't buy a good brand of pop ularity at bargain rates. Hay's Hair-Health Never Falls to Restore flray Ilnlr to lis Natural Color and Heauty. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dandruff, la not a Dye. Kefuie all substitutes. It.oo and Dottles by Mall or at Druggists. Sand loo for large sample Dottle Phllo Hay Spec. Co., Newark. N. j.. U. S. A IDAHO PAYETTE VALLEY Stock ranches. Apple lnnda. Fruit farms .VI fill fulfa, Corn, Whent. Ontu. We irrow 'every- thlUK. Huye fine climate. Tayette Valley Is itie (rreat Northwest. Iirluutlon la klnir. Coma uud ace ua or write for Information and free literature to PAYETTE LAND CO., Payette, Idaho,