The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 19, 1910, Image 1

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! Residence Lots.
There are more new houses being completed
and built in the Trustee's Addition this spring than
in any other 10 blocks of the city.
JTiere is a Reason.
The reason is.that each lot has
,1. -Five foot cement sidewalks,
2. . Graded streets,
3. Sewer,
4. City water, 1 ,
5. Free delivery of mail.
When the Waterworks controversy arose and neither the
Waterworks Company nor the city would provide water mains,
an order was entered in the court having charge of this bank
rupt estate, directing the Trustee at its own expense, to' lay
water mains for all persons needing the same in the Trustee's
or Riverdale Additions. These water mains are now being
laid. The Trustee laid at its own expense five foot cement
The Trustee's Addition is being improved with better im
provements than elsewhere in the city, because the lots are
purchased by those who build their own improvements. It
not a tenement district.
Lot Prices $250 to $400.
t-i a. ! a. i i m . i . t Sf
stt r ive per cent discount lor casn. ume payments, one-ientn 10
fa purchase price down and one-tenth every three months. In
IK ffif
fij . For sale by 75
X? f V AAA JL4 KUUllIUllt 0
Judge Elder on Friday issued a mar
riage license to Robert Wade and Miss
Mandie Booze, both of Tryon.
J. A. McMichael yesterday resumed
work on the thirteen room farm house
at the state experimental station. The
house will bo completed in two or three
President Lovett, of the Union Pa
cific, passed east on a special at noon
Sunday. Engineer Austin pulled the
train to Grand Island, having been
held off his regular run for that pur
pose. Alfalfa, cane and millet, corn and all
kinds of gaiden seeds at Hershey's.
Yesterday twelve teams began haul
ing dirt from the site of the new
Goozeo block on Sixth street. An ex
cavation of two feet is being made.
.Just as soon as this dirt is removed
work on the building will begin.
The choir of the Presbyterian church
gave an enjoyable sacred concert Sun
day evening to a largo audience, this
taking the place of the regular evening
service. The program consisted of
choruses and solos, Mrs. Schiller and
Mrs. Lelninger rendering the latter.
Dr. Dent was called to a farm north
of Maxwell the other day to attend a
'boy who is the victim of a light attack
of small-pox. A Mr. Burns, living on
the island south of Maxwell, is reported
to be suffering from the same disease.
Oranges at so much a dozen seems
liko paying the Bamo price. The ones
we sell are larger for the same money.
Wilcox Department Store.
P. L. Harper came over from Wal
lace yesterday and filed a complaint
against F. E. West charging him with
assault and battery committed last
Saturday; also filing a complaint
against, West to have him placed under
peace bonds.
Dickey Bros, yesterday received an
other consignment of casks for ship
ping ice cream in freezers. This makeH
a total of over one hundred in use by
the firm, and mora are needed to take
care of the trade. This Arm is building
up a very large trade in surrounding
The membership social at the Y. M.
C. A. was attended by a number suffi
ciently large to fill the rooms. Lowell's
band rendered a half dozen selections,
Miss Chamberlain recited, Mrs,- Dunlap
Arthur Boyd and others gave vocal
selections and refreshments were ser
ved. It proveti thq, most enjoyable"
social given at thb room's this year.
Dr. D. E. Morrell was able to bo
driven down town yesterday after
being confined to the house by sickness
for a week or so.
A big bunch of keys dropped or left
in the postofilce, may be had by calling
at this office and paying for this noticd.
Vernon, the hypnotist, closed his en
gagement Saturday evening, playing to
a big house the last night. He went
from here to Lincoln, where he will ap
pear at the Olivor for several nights.
The Knights Templar and their
families will celebrate the feast of the
Ascension May Gth. Service will be
held at 4. p. m. with sermon by Rev.
Williams; installation . of officers at G
o'clock; supper at seven, and social
from eight to ten o'clock.
Isaac Selby has rented the room in
the Lamb block in the Third ward soon
to be vacated by Julius Pizer and will
open up a stock of dry goods, notions
and shoes about the middle of May.
Mr. Selby believes that a good trade
can be built up at that location.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Inquire of Mrs. John
Voseipka, 215 So. A. street.
Miss Mabel Jeffers was a recipient
of a miscellaneous shower Saturday
evening, the hostesses being the Misses
McWilliams. About thirty-fivo young
ladies wore in attendance and the even
ing was very pleasantly spent. Miss
Jeffers wan the recipient of manv
articles. Refreshments were served
at the close of the evening.
P. J. Gilman received a cablegram
Saturday from his son Alfred at Han
kow, China, reading: "Safo. Lostevery
thing." It seems that a corner in rice
was attempted at Hankow, which ex
cited the Chinese to riot, and thoy
proceeded to burn part of the city. In
this fire Rev. Gilman lost his personal
property. He had but recently located
at Hankow.
Just received a full line of picture
and room moulding. Sorenson, 107 E.
Fifth streot.
Unusual interest is being manifested
everywhere in the production of
"St. Elmo," Nell Twomey'dramatlza
tion of Augusta J. Evans' novel of
that namo, which will be seen in this
city at the Keith next Friday evening.
The production is on an elaborate
scale and the producing company is
made up of metropolitan players, in
the selection or whom every care was
exercised. In this section of the country
especially, the play will bo received
with great curiosity, for the book hns
been since its first nppearanco more
than two generations ago, the Ib'aUing
nvurury picture oi souuiuru inc.
John Crockett, of Evanston, Wyo.,
is visiting relatives in town.
Dr. Scott Wisner, late of Ft. Col
lins, Col., a veterinarian and surgeon,
has opened an office over McDonell &
Graves' drug store.
Miss Mary Strahorn and George
Zcntmoyer will bo married on Thurs
day ovpning of next week at the Stra
horn residence.
The store opened by Julius Pizer in
the Lamb block on north LocuBt streot
has not proven a paying proposition,
and the stock will be closed out.
The city council will meot'in session
this evening and it is probably some
steps will be taken toward accepting
the offer of the Carnegie library.
Dick Runner, a cattle fecdor of 'the
Sutherland section, recently turned
down an offer of two thousand dollars
for nineteen head of corn fed steers.
He holds them at $2,150.
Miss Ora Hall, of Grand Island, ar
rived the latter part of laet week and
has accepted a position as stenographer
in tho office of Hoagland & Hoagland.
ChaR. Hcndy, of Denver, contem
plates opening an automobile garage in
Salt Lake and will probably be associ
ated with a woll known North Platte
young men.
Look for tho Lincoln Ice watron. for
ho is the man who has the ice. 4,000
tons of it. selling it at 40 cents-a hun
dred with ten per cent discount for
cash. Phone 448.
Having had May weather in March,
we have for a few days past had March
weather in April. Sihco Saturday there
has been a cold, strong wind, and on
two nights the temperature dropped
below tho freezing point. Whether the
fruit crop has been totally destroyed is
not known, some insisting that it hap,
others that it has not.
Miss Mabel Day entertained sixteen
young ladies Friday at a prettily ap
pointed six o'clock dinner at which
Miss Mabel Jeffers was the favored
guest. The rooms and tables were
tastefully decorated with cut flowers
and ribbons, tho place cards were
hand, decorated and the menu exception
ally enjoyable. Following the dinner
the young ladies enjoyed an hour or
two at games.
Do yuu know that you can take iut
Life Insurance -today, but tomorrow
may be too late, so Jet us write your
policy today in the New York Life.
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
1 & 2 McDonald Block.
On the occasion of his fiftieth birth
anniversary Sups-, W. H. Woodhurst
invited a dozen of his gentlemen friends
to spend the evening with him, and it
goes without saying that they were
royally entertained and that the even
ing proved a most delightful one. Mrs.
Woodhurst assisted by Mrs. Halligan,
served an excellent collation, of which
tho guests gavo evidence of apprecia
tion. Tho table was prettily decorated
with cut flowers and at each plate lay a
carnation. Mr. .Woodhurst was presented
with a handsome cut .glass water ser
vice and Mrs.sWopdhurst with a cut
glass vase.
Suppecaad jBaiaar.
The Lutheran ladies will hold a sup
per and bazaar at .the Luthoran parish
houso Thursday evening beginning at
6:30. Tho following Is the menu.
Roast Beef Brown Gravy
Mashed Potatoes CoklHnm and Tongue
.Cabbage Salad Pickles
Bread and Butter Cako
The price of the supper is twenty-five
' Bays Interest ia Shot; Store.
Harry Fleishman, lato manager of
the North Side Dry Goods Co., yester
day purchased a half interest in tho
Yellow Front shoo store of W. H.
Diener and immediately associated
himself with the 'establishment. Mr.
Fleishman is an experienced Bhoc man,
having conducted shoo stores at Omaha
and Choycnno for a number of years.
In his new venture wo wish jiim
Improved Tram Service to Chicago.
Six trains daily in each direction be
ween North Platte, Lexington and Chi
cago, via the Chicago, Union Pacific
and Northwestern line including the
superbly electrical-lighted Denvor
Special which leaves North Platte at
5:35 every evening, reaching Chicago, at
1:30 p. m. tho next day.
A solid through train with convenient
schedules and all travel conveniences.
Full information on npolication to jthe
Ticket Agent Union Pncific R. R.
Inaa Huffman Wins.
In the western Nebraska declama
tory contest Held at Gothenburg last
Friday evening Miss Irmn Huffman,, of
this city, won first honors and will repre
sent the district in the state contest,
Seven towns were represented' in tho
contest, and wo understand Miss Huff
man's efforts wore bo far superior to
the othert contestants as to make the
decision of the judges an easy matter.
This is certainly creditable to tho young
North Platte Wins Cup.
In the trap shoot at Gothenburg Fri
day between teams representing tho
North Platte and Gothenburg gun
clubs the former team won by a score
of JpH to 748. There were ' ten men to
a team and 100 birds to tho man. 'A.
D. McDonell mode the highest score
for tho North Platte team, Henry Reb
hausen second highest and Ralph Star
koy third. The result of this gives tho
North Patto team tho permanent pos
session of tho trophy cup, having won
it thrice in succession For nearly two
years the possession of the cup has
been in contest between tho two teams.
The shoot on Friday was held during
a high wind which resulted in lower
scores than would otherwise have been
Worse Then Bullets.
Bullets have often caused loss suffer
ing to Boldiera than the eczema L, W.
Harriman, Burlington, Mo., got in the
arms, and suffered with, forty years.
"But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured mo
when all else failed," he writes.
Greatest healer for Sores, Ulcors,,
Boils, Burns, Cuts, Corns, Bruises
and Piles. 25c at Stone Drug Co.
Automatic Refrigerators.
' A Serial Story in Eight Chapters.
Chapter HI FACTS. .
V I l.
: n i
These three can be placed
at the same time, in an
Automatic Refrigerator
Something you can not do with the old style Refriger-
atots. We can prove this to you by people who used them
last season.
t "r t a vi-t v
""!H " "1 1
The Royal Dressed Man t
a ft;
Towers Out of the Mob.
In all the world of tailoring, with a hundred
sources of supply open to us, ; w-r"pkk "
Royal Tailoring- and recommend it
to our customers exclusively-be-cause
we can depend upon it; because
it has the quality, the style, the wear
and ALL WOOL that wc all expect
in clothes,
Because it not only promisesrthese
things; it guarantees them and at
taches the guarantee in writing
every gatment it turns out.
! M
Arthur Boyd visited friends in Cozad
Judgo Grimes is holding court tills
week in Kimball and Banner counties.
Mrs. M. E. Scott, of Cuba, III., Is tho
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
G. Bcclor.
MIbb Elizabeth Bonner was the guest
of friends in Grand Island the latter
part of last week,
Engineer Stimson, in chnrgo of tho
double track work, returned yesterday
from a trip to Omaha.
Arthur Hush' and W. It. Maloney re
turned Sunday from thoir stay at Ex
celsior Springs, Mo.
Miss Fcnna Bceler is spending this
week with her parents, having arrived
from Lincoln Friday evening.
John LeMasters returned Sunday
morning from Omaha, where he trans
acted business for several days.
Arthur Crydorman, of Denver, has
been visiting friends in town for a fow
days while enrouto to Kansas City and
St. Louis.
Mrs. S. W. Wnrnock loft tho latter
part of last week for a visit with her
daughter Mrs. John Drako noni-Kim-ball.
Mrs. W. L. Cary arrived from
Omaha last evening to attend the wed
ging of her sister, and will probably re
main a week or so. '
Horton Munger went to Silver Creek
Saturday night to spend Sunday with a
sistor who will in a few days leave with
her husband on a European trip.
C. C. Ilupfer returned Saturday
night from Illinois and has since been
vifliting friends in town. Ho oxpepta
to leave tonight for his homo in Ogden.
Miss Annie VonGoctz, who is em
ployed as stcngraphcr in the Reming
ton Typewriter ofllco nt Omaha, camo
up to spend Sunday with her parents.
Ralph Ray, who is employed as clerk
in the United States land office at Ros-
well, N. M., has been In town for sev
eral days visiting his father and friends.
O. II. Thoelccke went to Hustings
Friday night and returned Sunday with
a Kisiel car, a machine of tho same
typo of Piatt White's excopt the wheels
are of less diameter.
J. J. Halligan returned Sunday
from a trip to' Omaha and Lincoln.
While in the former city he purchased
a 30-horsc power Rambler car, which
he expects to receive this week.
R. L. Graves arrived from Newark,
N. J., yestorday morning and wil
spend this week visiting friends and
looking aftor his business interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. FiolH are ex
peeted home today from their trip to
Chicago. They have been spending tho
past few dayB In Omaha. Mr. Field
was sick for uoveral days while in
T. C. Patterson returned Sunday
from Omaha, leaving Mrs. Patterson
at Adams to visit her daughter Edith
for a few daVs. Whilo in Omaha Mr.
Patterson purchased a 45-horso power
Rambler automobile which will bo
here In a fow dnys.
Wirelen fee DisftfciMf Trww.
Trajn dispatching" IMmi tele
graphls to AolvjV Uic teleffriphlc prob
lems of the storm swept retchMUMhe
west for tho Union Pacific.
Whilo tho official tM9uitemnt ia
yet to be forthedmtag;"it is kWtf that
tho management 'of-the yetem;iiioW
planning the Installation" jwf wireless
stations in Beveral divide hi.the.WNt-'
era territory where threuflcfcttttfl winter
traffic has been. much; raffMtdby Jthe
winter storms.
This move by tho UhIwi . Paalflc will
constitute the first ,4tn4atiwineflth
wireless to the pwpes.,ef rtJlnMd
operation, in the United SUtoa.
Tho number of Bjtyttow Jias iwtben
determined. They" , are" itrf Ae.pJaeid,
according to the prefttwtapaat a dis
tance of about ,100;(rnIIi aart. De
velopments in tho Omaha-'explerftwUl
station are expected to maketheee
western stations "He readily 'within
reach of headquarters at all times.
Tho purpose, however, for 'the time
being of tho installation will be to in
sure the transmission of train brdera
regardloBsofthe conditions' which afreet
the wire lines. Ultimate developments
are expected to result in an 'extension
of tho use of tho wireless.
Tho practicability of the project-now
determined upon has ben demonstrated
to tho satisfaction of the willrsd engi
neers by the operation of the T1f un-
ken plants by the army mJgiial corps at
Fort Loavenworttvand'Fert Riley.
Tho necessity for tho wireless, was
pointedly brought to thojRotice of the
Union Pacific in the -rest latorms
which cut off all cpmrnuBicaWwui tot the
westward for two days. danar,wbich
the operation of trains was rfidfed
slow and dangerous. Snow, lleet and
wind cannot mar the efficiency of the
other wave on which tho wjreUso
messago travels.
The Call ef tke BltW
for purification, finds voice In. pimples,
boils, sallow complexion, a Jaundiced
look, moth patches and bhrtehe on the
skin, all sIpiB of liver trouble. But
ur. King's New LIt Pills make rich
red blood: give clear skin", rosy cheeks,
fine complexion, health. Try' them. '2Cc
at Stone Drug. Co.
John Dc'oru Implements and. Wcfccr
& Stough'ton wagons at Hcrshoy'a.
Ever stop to think how
large a percentage of your
food stuff consists of capped
goods? Percentage consider
ed, would it not be a good
idea to consider the best.gual
ity for the least niofiey 2 Our
AdvoandJ. M. brands com
bine these 'two qualities.
When you make put .your
next grocery list order Advo
or J. M. canned goodsand
notice their superior! ibudity.
I Wilcox Department Store