WELL KIDNEYS KEEP THE BODY WELL, i When tho kldnoys do their duty, the blood Is filtered clear of urla acid and other waeto. Weak kidneys do not fil ter oft all tho bad matter. This is tho causa of rheumatic pains, backacho and urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills euro weak kidneys. ttov. A b r a m Weaver, Qoorgo town, Tox., former editor Baptist Her ald, saya: "At a Baptist conference at Jackson, Tex., 1 fell from a platform and hurt my back. I was soon over the injury, but tho kid- ncys wore badly dis ordered, passages painful and often bloody. Doan's Kidney PHIa cured this trouble completely." Itcmombor tho namo Doan's. Sold by all dealers. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. CO cents a box. HE KNEW. Dings This 1b a hard, hard, old world. Bangs So you've been thrown out of an automobllo too, ch? NO HEALTHY SKIN LEFT My little son, a boy of five, broko out with an itching rash. Three doc tors prcncrlbed for him, but he kept gottlng worso until we could not dress him any more. Thoy finally advised mo to try a certain medical college, but its treatment did no good. At tho time I was induced to try Cutl cura bo was bo bad that I had to cut his hatr off and put tho Cutlcura Oint ment on him on bandages, as It was Impossible to touch him with tho baro hand. Thero was not ono square Inch of skin on his whole body that was not affected. Ho was ono mass of sores. Tho bandages used to stick to his skin and in removing them It used to tako tho skin oft with them, and tho screams from tho poor child "wero heartbreaking. I began to think that ho would never got well, but after tho second application of Cutlcura Oint ment I began to eco Blgns of Improve ment, and with the third and fourth applications the sores commenced to dry up. Ills skin peoled off twonty tlmos, but It finally yielded to the treatment Now I can say that ho Is entirely cured, and a stronger and healthier boy you never saw than ho is to-day, twelve years or more slnco tho euro was effected. Robert Wattain, 1148 Forty-eighth St., Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1909 Marriage. A game of chnnco in wtlch tho chances nro nbout oven. Tho man loads at first, but after leaving tho altar ho usually follows breathlessly in his wife's trail. Tho rules nro very confusing. If a masked player holds you up somo night at the end of a long gun, it Is called "robbery" and entitles you to telophone tho police; but if your wife holds you up for a much larger amount tho next morn ing at tho end of a long hug. It Is termed '-diplomacy" and counts in her favor. In this, ns in other games of life, wives are usually allowed moro privileges than other outlaws. Judge. Important to Mothers. Examlno carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe and sure romedy for infants nnd children, ami see that It Bears tho Signature In Uso For Over .H Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ROM i States in a War Over a Postmaster WASHINGTON, It's hard enough to jmvo constituents in any event, but it'e much harder to havo 'cm for next door neighbors. Representative Slemp Is tho only Republican member of tho house from Virginia. This, Is of course, n Re publican administration. So when any body In Virginia wants anything ho comes to SIcmp. Just now Slemp is facing a problom in llttlo. Tho town of Bristol is split up between Virginia and Tennessee. Representative Brownlow of Tonnes see, liko Slemp, is tho lono Repub lican from his stnto. VVhlto House In- lluenco Is divided. For 40 years a Tennessocan has been postmaster of Bristol. Brownlow wants a Tennes soean to be postmaster. But tho presi dent has nppolntcd n Virginian to tho piaco. Tlio appointment still lacks senato sanction, so that 'Brownlow has not given up hope. Slemp Is Bmillng, (or tho reason that tho son- ato Is not considering his man's namo. Four yenrs ago tho lata Representa tive Campbell Slemp, fathor and prodo- cessor of tho present representative from tho Ninth Virginia district, and Representative Brownlow, who comes' from tho Tennessee part of Bristol, agreed, so tho Virginians say, that If 1211 Warren, a Tenncsseoan, wero made postmaster n Virginian should' bo named as assistant Tho Slcmps put forward no candldato for tho placo nnd Wnrron got tho appoint ment on Brownlow's Indorsement But the Virginia representative now says that as soon ns this appointment (was confirmed Brownlow put In a Tenncssoo man ns assistant At this Btago tho president enters. As soon ns tho younger Slemp got his congressional Boat ho acquainted Mr. Tnft with tho situation nnd told him that it wns about timo that Virginia was-glvon some recognition In tho patronage in this divided town. Tho president thereupon sent to tho sen ato tho nomination of a man named Goodoll. Tho Tcnncssco sldo of Bris tol then got busy. A bundle, of telo grams was sont to Brownlow. Brown low took an ascension, As soon as ho came down ho proceeded to tho Whlto House. Ills protests against tho Vir ginia appointment were vigorous. Ae n result Goodoll's name has been hold up. Question of Ethics Raised in House rP ) (NIX) $, h MR. SHBRLEY was making nspooch in tho houso several dayB ago when Representative Clayton arose nnd asked: "May I Interrupt tho gen tleman?" Mr. Sherloy Certainly. Mr. Clayton To say that tho gen tleman from Georgia was unavoidably taken away nnd is not present. Mr. Sherloy I thought tho gentle man wnntcd to nsk mo n question. Mr. Clayton I wanted to ask tho gcntloman Mr. Sherley I would rather go on with my remarks but just ask tho question. Mr. Clayton That Is to say, does tho gentleman think that any man who In failing circumstances goes to a man who has money, within four months of his failure, and says to him: "I am about to fall; I am in an embarrassed position; let mo havo a thousand dollars and I will prefer you." Do you think any sane man will let him havo that thousand dol lars? Mr. Sherley I will say, if you will read tho law, you will find tho ex press provision that ho enn get a thousand dollars and glvo security for It, and, thoro 1b not the slightest reason why a man should not lend It If ho wants to. Mr. Clayton That is not an answer to my question. Mr. Sherloy That Is my answer; I am not going to answer it ns tho gontlemnn wants, but I hnvo on swered It according to tho law. Mr. Clayton If tho gentleman will not bo so much In earnest nnd a lit tlo moro dispassionate Mr. Sherloy Permit mo to mako my -speech. After I make It you may mako such criticism of my manner ns you choose. I insist upon con suraing my own timo. Mr. Clayton May I interrupt the gentleman? Mr. Sherloy Tho gentleman can not. Mr. Clayton I am very sorry that tho gentleman's argument Is so vul nerablo that ho cannot submit to an interruption. Question: Was tho expressed re gret Justified or genuine? Senator Burton and the Tobacco Habit An Absolute Necessity. Wifoy You told mo the other day wo must avoid all luxuries and cou fine oursolveB to nbsoluto necessities only. Hubby That's so, my dear. WIfey Well, last night you enmo homo In a cnb. Hubby Ycb, but that was an abso lute neco8slty. ' Distemper In nil its forms, among all nges of home and dogs, cured and others in tho snme utabla prevented from having tho diswiso with Spohn's Distemper Cure, livery hot- ""tie guaranteed. Over 000,000 bottles sold last year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. 'Writo for freo book. Spolm Med. Co., bpec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Identification. "Why do doctors wear Van Dyko beards?" "So they won't bo mistaken for bankers with slde-whlskers." Boston llorald. The rich, as' wo reckon thorn, a d among them tho very rich, in a tmo acnlo would be found very lndlgont nnd nt'ody IJmersoa. . Vanity u dim to a loik In ono's w. do in .'"W THE Bennto cqramlttco on commerce of which Burton of Ohio Is n mem ber, wns just about to begin its after noon session. Senator Fryo of Maine, chairman of tho committee, sat nttho head of tho long table. Burton sat midway townrd tho end, from Fryo. Presently Burton pulled a cigar from his vest pocket. Ho lit It, roso and stalked up tho room toward Frye. Fryo looked at him quizzically. "Well, Burton," said tho Maine sen ator, "I'm glad to seo you havo ono vlco." Burton held his cigar between his thump nnd forefinger liko a boy learn ing to smoke. "Ah, senator," ho said, "I have many vices; I havo many." Fryo only grinned a littlo at that. Burton camo closer to him. "You smoko, do you not, senntor? ho asked. "Oh. yes, I smoko." Spectators thought Burton wns about to produco for tho gontlemnn from Maine, but maybe ho didn't have anothor cigar. Anyway, Fryo got an answer to that old question: "Is this an Interrogation or nn Invitation?" "I Btnoko nbo'tt bIx cigars a day," Fryo said then. "I smoko nbout that many," tho Ohio statesman commented. "I don't smoko at all," chimed in Senator Nelson, who is chairman of tho Balllnger-Plnchot committee. "No." said Fryo, "but you chow enough to mako up for It." "I don't either," ho said. Ho fished a chunk of plug from his pocket. It waB about nB big as your thumb. "A pleco liko that Ml last mo week." , Then ho shifted tho lump In his left cheok to his right. If a "pleco liko that" lasts tho senator n day ho must tako ono chow and keep It the wholo day through. How Congressman's Secretary Got Help 3jy0y SECRETARY HORN of tho Btaff of Representative Gaines, Is n Foxy Qulller. Tho other day ho sent out Invitations to a number Of other sec retaries for a lunch in his office of a certain night "Fine," said the surprised secre taries." "I'll havo a pretty girl for each of you." suid Horn. "Finer," said tho secretaries. He had the lunch and tho girls. He tmd spent nearly six dollars, though ome of tho secretaries said after wards that they had an Idea that tho ijlrls had brought tho lunch. It Is lot of record whothor tho lunch was inton before or after Horn unfolded Us little scheme. In any event, before each socretury and each girl had left, they had ad dressed nbout a thousand onvolopos nploce. You seo, It's seed timo hero: all tho congroBsmon nre sending Sec retary Wilson's seeds to their con stituents. Horn saw a monumental tnsk be- toro nimsolf. Henco tho pretty-girl lompung-iuncn invitation. Now a numbor of protty girla and secretaries nro wondering who got tho best of It. Hio party Idea In this connection has tnkon root, too. Ono secretary has a scliomo to havo a stag affair in his ofllco. Ho will havo cigars and pop. Ono of tho Now York members of tho houso wns In Now York rccontly and mot somo of tho stato politicians, When tho session closed n state son ator owed tho congressman n nlco lit tlo sum which ho did not havo about lilm. However, ho forwarded n clioclf very soon, and Inclosed the following note: "Most unwillingly I Inclose a check. If It wore such n debt as you could suo mo for, I am Inclined to think I would not pay It. As It Is, I fool that I must pay It If I want to consider myself a geutleman." BELONGED TO THE UNION. Editor Yqu can't wrlto vorso. Poet I can: I'vo got n poetic 11- WHAT DF1. MILEN HA8 DONE For Nebraska People, Other doctors gavo MIsb Mary Wortmnn, of West, Point, Nob.i two months to llvo. When Dr. Milcn commenced treating her she could not stand nlono. A letter from her father states that aftor two months' treatment bIio Is practically well. Mrs. W. F. Urban, 3450 South Fif teenth Btreet, Omaha, Buffered untold ngony for yenrs with gall stones. Dr. Mllen's treatment cured her completely. E. O. Stolnsprlng, 3Gth nnd Webster street, Omaha, cured of atone In tho bladder after years of suffering. Miss Amanda Llnd, Mlnden, Nob,, cured of kidney trouble Enrncst Kuglor. Eustla, Neb., re lieved aftor years of suffering with rhoumatlsm nnd stomach trouble These cases and hundreds of others demonstrate Dr. Mllen's ability In tho treatment of Rheumatism, Gall Stoucs, Goitre, Epilepsy, diseases of tho liver, kidneys, stomach, and nil chronic nnd nervous diseases of men nnd women. Dr. Milon mnkes no ckarga to nny ono for consultation nnd examination. Tho Mllen Medical Co., is located at 428 Ramgo Building, Fifteenth nnd Harney streets, just opposlto the urpneum theater. The Right Spirit. Apropos of Valentino day a pus&en- ger on tho Bennudlan said: "Mark Twain onco told us, In n llttlo Valentino day speech cm this boat, of on Irish wooer who had tho right val entine spirit. Acceptance or rejection he could tako with equal grace. '"Will yo bo my valontlno?' ho said on Februnry 14 to tho girl ho lovod. " 'No,' she replied. 'I am another's.' "He heaved n sigh and said: "'Shure, thin, dnrlln', I wish yo was twins, bo that I could havo at laste tho half of ye,' " How's This? TTe eflff Ons Hundred Dollars HeimM tor an ease of Catarrh that cannot bo ourcil by IUira utiarru iurc F. J. CHUNKY 4 CO.. Toledo. O, Wr, tho undfralgned. havo known F. J. Chenejr tor tho last 19 yrnrs, and believe htm perfectly hon orable In all bualnnta tranaactloiui and financially awe to cany out any omirauotis maas ny du nnn. WALDINO, KlNNAN A MARVIN, Wholmale Drugglsta, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, artlnc directly upon the blood and rnucoiu surfaces nt the yatem. Testimonial Bent tree. 1'rlce 75 centa p bottle. Bold by all Drunliu. Take llall'i Family rills tor conttlpaUM. Bringing Up. "They're bringing tho baby up to bo n mollycoddle." "How so?" "They havo the nurso tako It out In n go-cart, instead of giving it nn auto mobile." Takers or the United States Census willuso Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen bocause It Is always ready and suro. Light to Banish Sorrow. Sorrow dwells longest where tho sun 1b shut out. Florida Tlmoa-llnlon. DAVIS' J'AINKir.I.KU hns no rabntlttito. No othor rtmicdy la an rrrectlYo fur rlimmutlKm. lmnhiiKu, Milium nmiralulil or dc Id of any tot 1. l'ut up In SSo, Wo nnd 60a boitloa. ' A man seldom has enough spnro timo to convince a woman that she's mistaken. Mrs. AVIualow's Koollilnc; Sjrnp. Fore hllilri'ii tentliltiif, Mifti'.ns theKiimi, rrilurealn. Uamiuulluu.ullaykpalu.curuaVTludoiJilu. IKioa Uuttlu. When a fool gets angry ho fur niflhcB the proof of his foolishness. Lewis' Sinfjlo Binder Rtmight Co cigar U made to satisfy the smoker. No, Cordelia, It Isn't called "com mon sense" bcroiuio It 1b bo common. cVuJicLf Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound? We can iurnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some form of female illness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial letters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state ments of facts. Cresson, Pa. "Five yonranso I Iimt n ImtTfnll, and hurt; myself inwardly. 1 was umlcr n, doctor's caro for nlno weeks, mid when I stopped I jrrew norso nrrnin. I sent for n bottle of Lydia 13. lMiiltlinin's YcirotnWo Compound, took It as directed, nnd now I nm a stout, hearty woman." Mrs. Klhv 13. Aikcy, Cresson, 1'a. Baird, Wash. "A year n;ro I was slclc with kidney nnd hladder troubles nnd feinnlo weakness. Tho doctors gavo mo up. All they could do was to just lot mo go ns easily as possible I was advised by friends to tako Jjydla B.Finkhnm's Vegetable Compound nnd Blood Purifier. I nm completely cured of my ills, and I nm nearly sixty years 'old." Sirs. Sarah IrcJgliton, Baird, Wash. Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all lands of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are afliicted with similar troubles, after reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged to try this wonderfully helpful, remedy, For 30 years Lydia F. PInklinm's Vcfrctablo Compound has been tlio' standard remedy for fomalo ills. No sick woman docs justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine Made exclusively from roots and herbs, nnd has thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to wrlto her for advice. Sho lias guidod thousands to health frco of charge. Address Mrs Plnkliam. Jjynn, Mass. E7 f D O ii I ET mc mmt of Great W cslcrn Port- W u O Jr m land Cement, paying a dividend of 8 Wo are obliged to enlnrgo our plant, duo to tho incrcaso in business and oiler tho above sioclc to those Kecking investments. For particulars, address GREAT WESTERN PORTLAND CEMENT CO. Be Sure Cltaotd In 2 Mlnutti nnd examtnn tho Hlmmlntr rtoTlciof nny cream wimraloryuu think of tiurlnit. ThcuiMiiiipitro tholr iiiiiny 'Mlca ""wlnKi.'' "Iloata."'! rn"aml ottmr thlmta Impok.lbln to clean, with tbOBlliiplu kluiuilutf UotIcooI tho National Cream Separator which ynn enn rlrnn nprfcctlr In twomln-ut-. ThoNatlarmlctYlcol!imronir you can Bturtil nn it without Injuring It w perfect that wnwlli irnnmnfrxt t to tklra clour tlinn any othor ilovlrn on tho rnnrket. Innlit nml.your flcalnr will liimUh nnd rinninattmto a National at no ci pen to to yon. llluttmtnl caialoifuii of full pnrtlculara trio on roquet. THE NATIONAL DAIRY MACHINE CO, Goshen, Ind, Chicago, III. IIB 1 No Hard Lltlai Llahteit Running Etsleit Cleaned CloSMt Skimmer It la easy fur tlio man who never wore n (Irctm Hiilt In IiIh llfo to blmna nil the dlscrodltnlilo thlngu hu hcaru on jiollto sncluty. DON'T NnOI.F.CT THAT COMIC It certainly ruck a your Bjfti-m and muy run Into Mimi'th nir nhIouh. AU'ii't Imuii liulntm will check U quickly una iicnuaiirnUi . 'or lalout all ilruiuiUla. A brother Is n younu man who flutters "1i!h grown-up ulster. Pass Along The Good Word That Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is to-day and has, for over 40 years, been the standard Ulood-puri-fycr, Stomach Strengthcner and Liver Invigorator sold by druggists. It's not a secret nostrum but a medicine of known composition a medicine so good that the best physicans prescribe it knowing that its ingredients, which arc printed on its outside wrappers and attested under oath, arc the best known to medical science for the diseases for which it is advised. ' The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the rec ognition of the fundamental truth that "Golden Mddical Discov ery" supplies Nature with body-building, tissue-repairing, muscle making materials, in condensed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies' the necessary strength to the stomach to di gest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering ob stinate coughs. The "Discovery" re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in short establishes sound vigorous health. If 70ur dealer offers lomothlnft "Just as good," It is prob ably better FOR HIM it pays better. Hut you arc thinking of the ouro not his Creator profit, bo there's nothing "just as good" for ypu. Bay so. Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain F.nBlhh; or, Medicine Simplified, 1C08 parees, over 700 illustrations, newly revhed up-to-date Ediiion, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, o cover cot of mailing only. Cloth . bound, 31 stamps. Addicss Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bullalo, N. Y. AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Evcrydealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. (Incorporated) WESTERN CANADA What J. J. Hill, tha Great Railroad Magnate, Bays About It Wheat-Producing; Poweri Tho. jtn-ntr.t nt of tilts country iuuumDinic inunoini KtiluclPnt for thorn. Thn nltoil btatct) In anothor unnenv. lion nr mo will bo uia pro. vkuhh or nomoa tnr in pvonlo and producing da) ot our prnmlnnnra na n tihoot ciportln country aro Mono, Can. B'ln la to he tho grout mieatoouiur?. TMirrtntrnllronlmc nutn la tulclna advantage ot tho Itantlcn !T trnntrn rullwny Lullil. Jnir Hid wlioul rielda oi vr intern uauauiu Upwards of 125 Million Bushels of Wheat vrerplinrvratnllii 1000, Average Batkntchnwnn nnd Manitoba will bo R uiiwnniaoi KJ uuaiieia lrr wire. I'reo lionieatfiida ot ISO ncrra, nnd iidjolnlnrr prowiiiptloiii of luunrrmmicu xr nrrni, nrolo bo had In tlio cliolccat tUatrieta. Bclioola cmiTrnlrnU cllinnte OXDilliMit, aoll tho Vl'l-y beat, rnllwiijr. clocn nt bmul, build nc lumber cboup. furl cnr to Bi t mill rriwonulilo In prlrp. ttillrr piullf procured! in I ml furinlnir it aurc'. Write aa to (mat placo for Mttlcment, aettktV Ion railway rnuw, tw rliittvelllua. trntod "iMt Heat Vit"Mint frea on application!, anil cthrr Inform, tlon, to Hup't ot Immigration, Ottuwa, Can., or to Uia .Clanaillan Uovornmimt Atont, W. V. DENNETT Ream 4 Bit Eldt . Oasbs, His. (Co niMreM neamt Ton). (4) Down in the dumps from over-eating, dritiking bad liver and constipation get many a one, but there's n way out Cnscarcts relieve nnd cure quickly. Take one to-night and feel ever so much better in tlio morning. Caacarets lOo box week's treat ment. All drutrslnts. lilsrifeat seller In tho world-million boxes a month. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 14-1910.