Far-Seeing People aro those ho come hero for their Eye Glasses and Spectacles, becauso here they will get the best and most satis factory treatment. Being experts, wo we are skilled In the correct adjustment of lenses to suit the individual sight, and wo guarantee you perfect vision with the glasses that wo supply. We shall appreciate a call, and can demon strate to you why we can givo you the best service. DIXON, The Jeweler, and Optician. DR. 0. II. CRCSSLCR, Graduate Dcnlisl. Office over the McDonald Stato Bank. Wanted A girl at the steam laundry. Dolphin Meyers, of Cox precinct, is transacting business in town today. For Sale Kerson seed oats. Write or phono 0. D. Shaner, Maxwell, Neb. Dr. H. C. Brock's driving horse, valued at $250, died last night from an attack of colic. Mrs. Willis Walker, now of Wayne, Neb., has been visiting friends in town for several days. Let Hinman & Boyer do your paint ing or paper hanging. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Phono 574 or 4G8. Mrs. J. A. Jones was hostess yester day at the regular meeting of the Mon day afternoon bridge club. The Methodist aid society will meet with Mrs. J. E.' Evans, 112 East Third street Thursday afternoon. Girl wantoeffor general house work. Apply at Star Bottling works. Miss Kate Seyferth will entertain the members of the Indian card club at her homo tomorrow afternoon. Charley Liston, the hustlieg real es tate agent of Wallace, transacted busi ness in town last. evening, making the trip in his automobile. For sale cheap Selected rhubarb roots. J. A. Donegan, phone 381. "The Groat Divide" was presented to a small audience at the Keith last even ing. The company is not considered as strong as the one which presented the play last season. Were it not for the fact that notices are posted on the saloon doors reading ''Closed, election day" it would be scarcely known that an election is being held today. The vote cast will prob ably be very light. Colorado Apples 75 cents a box at Wilcox Department Store. One hundred and five pupils in the rural Bchools took the eighth grade ex amination on March 23d and 24th. Each pupil wrote on eight subjects. Co. Supt. Ebright is now grading these ex amination papers. DR. W. F. CROOK, DENTIST, Graduato Northwestern University Oflico over McDonald State Bank The Luthetan aid society will meot with Mrs. E. T. Tramp Thursday after noon. I have two fino saddle ponies which can bo engaged by tho hour by those so wishing. R. A. Gaiiman. The Episcopal guild will havo n Bale of fancy work and aprons and also hold a social at tho guild house Thursday afternoon. Mrs J. H. Morrow and mother re turned last night from Indiana whero they were called by tho death of Mrs. Morrow's brother. Wo havo some choice first mortgage loans to oircr parties having idle money. Bkatt & Goodman. The ladies of the Lutheran aid Bociety will serve a supper at the parish house on Thursday evening, April 21st, to which tho public is cordially invited, A runaway horse on Front street this morning dashed into several teams standing opposite .the Derryberry & Forbes store, but the damage ensuing was slight. 3 II. P. "Stover" Gasoline engine for sale. Inquire Stone Drug Co. North i'latte, web. Weather forecast: Fair tonight and Wednesdpy,- frost tonight, rising tem perature Wednesday. The maximum temperature yesterday was 42; a year ago 62, minimum this morning 26; a year ago 35 While tho personal tax list for lyo9 is pretty well cleaned up, there are still a few delinquents in each precinct and County Treasurer Langford is working his head to devolve plans for making tho delinquents pony up. Each year it is quite a task to get tho stragglers to pay the amount due and sometimes it is necessary to resort to acta that are not pleasant to the treas urer. Picture frames to order. First class work, reasonable prices. Sorenson, 107 E. Fifth street. In no other of his plays has Shake speare introduced so much genuine fun as in "Tho Taming of tho Shrew." Tho poet appears to have abandoned himself to a work of unrestrained hilarity, in recognition of tho maxim, "A little nonsene now and then is relished by the' wisest men." "The Taming of tho Shrew" has long been a favorite play with Charles B. Hanford, whoso eminence as a representative tragedian is so well established that he can condescend to this unreservedly merry'mood without loss of dignity Hanford a3 Petruchio is one of the stalwart figures of the modern drama. Tho play is a classic of fun, nnd he has realized the principal character in a manner which preserves both its humor and its dramatic interest. The character of Katherino is ono of the most dazzling of Shakespeare's feminine creations and in It Miss Marie Drofnah has won a celebrity which makes her appearance in it an event of great theatric interest. Mr. Han ford's production of this play, elaborate and complete in every re spect will be offered at the Keith theatre on Monday, April 11th. Insurance. Fires come, lighting strikes, cyclones and tornadoes mow their swaths, hail storms destroy crops. Aro you pro tected in a company that pays its losses promptly? If not, see Bratt & Goodman and be sufc. m Fifty Years B the Standard Dr.PRICE' CREAM Baking Powder A Guarantee of Light, Sweet, Pure, Wholesome Food Mi Johason Wis Second Place. Miss Elsie Johnson, accompanied by Miss Wilson, went to Hastings last Friday and represented the North PI at to high school in tho debate held by tho schools representing the Central Nebraska Association. In this debate ten schools wore represented, among them Hastings, Kearney, Grand Island and Fremont. Much to the credit of Miss Johnson she won second place in tho debate, an honor in which the local school takes considerable pride. Bratt & Goodman resident agents for the large insurance companies that suffered by the late prairio fire, havo scon that every loss was satisfactorily adjusted. All havo their money and cannot say enough good words for tho agents of these companies, Insure with Brntt & Good man and sleep in safety. Declamatory Contest. The annual declamatory contest of the local high school will bo held at the auditorium next Friday evening. There will be eleven contestants, and each of tho three classes oratorical, dramatic and humorous will bo represented. The wihner in each of these classes will represent tho local school in tho West orn Nebraska contest to bo held at Gothenburg on Friday of next week. To the contest next Friday evening n small admission will be charged. Tho public i3 cordially invited. For Sale. Two houses on west Second strcot, ono house on west Third streot, and homo residenco in tho west end. For terms and prices call at my residence. Mns. W. F. Cody. Annual Parish Meeting. Thea annual mooting of tho Episcopal parish was held at tho church last even ing. Tho reports of the church proper and the several societies connected therewith were very gratifying, and for tho first time in several years tho parish is absolutely without debt. F. E. Bullard and F. W. Rinckor were elected wardens, and Messrs. Mc Namara, Clinton, Puke, Boyd, Cun ningham, Wilcox and Gilman members of the vestry. All these with tho ex ception of Mr. T3oyd held tho samo positions last year. To the Public. I desire to announce that during the season I will handle the Lamplugh spring water ice. Those desiring good, pure ico can phono 161 and orders will bo promptly filled. Joseph Spies. Will Run Excursion. Arrangements aro being made to run an excursion train over North River branch on May 2d, the dato of the Engineers' May Party. It is also planned to have amusements other then tho May Party for the entertain ment of tho visitors on May 3d, these latter to consist of ball games, and a sparring exhibition and wrestling match at tho opera house, A "feeler" has been sent out to towns on tho branch, and the plan is received with favor by the people along the line. It is believed that from 300 to 600 people will visit North Platto on tho above dates. The Commercial Club will assist in making the visit an en joyable one to all who come. Automatic Refrigerators A serial storv about Auto matic Refrigerators, will be continued for eight successive weeks in this same position. Watch for the successive statements. We can prove them all at the store. Chapter 1 Construction. Concert Friday Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Burt P. McKinnie, of St. Sainte Marie, Mich., are in tho city and will givo a musical recital at tho Keith next Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnie have boon making a tour of n number of tho western states and in each town in which thoy appeardd they havo captivated their audiences and received very favorable mention by tho press. They recently appeared in a return engagement at Keurney and the Daily Hub gave them this notice: Mr. and Mrs. Burt P. McKinnie, who have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. Ma Ewin, gave a concert program at tho Presbyterian church on Monday oven ing as a benefit to the Young People's society Qf the church. Mr. McKinnie has a deep, resonant baritone voico of good range, and Mrs. McKinnio is soprano with a voico of sweetness and power and of great operatic possibili ties. In the popular analysis, tho best mu sic is the music that pleases best, and the program was certainly very pleas ing throughout. In a program so well balanced it is difficult to make distinc tions. In "I Am Thine Forever," by Schlesinger, Mrs. McKinnie excelled nnd her Swedish folk songs were cs pecinlly pleasing.. Mr. McKinnio'a "Tho Brigand," by Spence, was a splendid interpretation of the descrip tive ballad, but "The Gypsy Lovo Song," by Herbert, wan very beautl ful and deserving of encore that fol lowed. There were numorous encores Those who were no fortunate aB to bo present have renson to thank the Pres byterian young people and the Mc Kin nies for the evening's musical treat. SiL II Worse Then Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suffer ing to soldiors than the eczema L. W Hurriman, Burlington, Me., got in tho arms, and suffered with, forty yearg -isut uucKien's Arnica saive cured mo when all else failed," ho writes Boils, Burns, Cuts, Corn's, Bruitfc3 No. SIM RKFOHT OF THE CONDITION OF THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK, t North Tlattp. In tho .Stato of Nohrtuka, at tno cioso or tnisinos. March iv, imu. nE-KniiitnRHi Loans and dlsciinnLi... (ll.01S.8t Overdrafts, secured and unsecured zui.tii U. 8. twnds to secure- . circulation 50.000.00 U ifi- bonds to aocuro , U. 8 deposits 1.000.00 Premiums on U.S. bonds 1.000.00 nonds, securities, otc... 07.691.18 Ilonklntr liouso, furnl- turo and flttnrn 21800.00 Other real estate owned 1.850.00 nuo rrom National banks (not rosorvo agents) 2,500.00 Duo from st&tn and private banks and bank ers, trust companies, and aavluirs banks 2.9J1.10 uuo from approved to- , ,. servo scents 140,123.00 Chocks and other cash . items ".oi Notes of other national banks 1.180.00 Fractional paper curren cy, niCKcis anu conls.. wi.m Lawful Money llosorva In Hank, vlni Ppeclo IH.840.8r, ixwtoudcr notes is,ito.w-i.wj.i KiMiemptlon fund with II. N. trnnftiirnp if, iwir cent of circulation).... 8.500.03 Total S70.Vtt3.fll r.IAtm.TTIER. Capital stock paid In.. . tl0O.0O0.00 Hurnlus fund 80.000.00 unniviuod profits, less oxpenscs ana taxes uafd 10.0S4.ia National linnL- nnten otitstandltiir W.000.00 uuo to state and prlvatu ... banks and li&nkpm 50.825.83 Individual deposits sub- . ject to eneck 433.s10.111 Demand ccrtlllcates of , deposit Tltno certificates of de posit .3Sl.St CortlQed checks 75.00 uasuicrs chocks out standing 5,182.9.1 Dnltcd Statcsdoposlts.. I.O0O.OO-4JOI.B8I.13 Total t7O3.303.01 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss: 1. F. L- Moon or. Cashier of tho above- named bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowl edge) and belief, I'. 1-. .moonky. uasmcr. HuhscrllxH nnd sworn to hufora inn this 4th day of April. 1010. wkslby T. Wilcox, Notary Public Correct Attest! AllTUnit nIONAMAHA J E. V. Hkkdeikikh f niroctors, M. Kkith Nkvillh I Derryberry & Forbes, To Cigar Smokers who have not yet tried tho Forest King citrar wo believe they will prove a rev elation. In all our experience we never knew a better live cent cigar than the Forest Klnc. it is tno unest comnina tlon of good tobacco and skilled cigar malting we navo ever Been. Try ono ana you'll want more. J. F. SCHIUALZRlcD, GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOK Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty, Shop 107 East Fifth. ItKPUKKR'H HAT.I7. Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued lit tho district court In and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 2nd day of April, 1U10, In an action of nartltlon wherein Minnie Rich ards Is plaintiff and A Ulo I'ccldiam. Kjnior recKiiam nor nusiianu, unaries u. Bottles, Mary Boulcs bis wife, Mary Johnson, .lohn Johnson hor husband. Zlllah Molcombo. Rob ert Holcombo her husband, ltov Houles a minor, Warron Soules a minor, and Charles u bouios.euardlan ortho persons and estates of said minors, aro defendants. 1 will sell at public auction at tho cast front dnor of tho court liouao In thuclty of North Platto, Lin coln county, Nebraska, on tho 14th day of May, 10)0, at tho hour of ono o'clock, p. m., tho following described real estate, sltuato In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wltt Lots twop, uirco w. rourw), and live(0. In Mic tion thirty (20), township twelve (12) north ranco iwumy-mx tail west. Thil termH if unlil ftuln will luwnu)i In linnri Dated at North llattu, NobruBko, this Hit fluvnt Atrrll. 1(11 I r 'That Suit's a Beauty!" as moU IQIfl Houm ofkuppMilWrncr Qucngii W E hear this every .1 .... t..,.. uuy uuu wu juot want to say that we are showing the handsomest Spring Suits wo've ever shown and that's certainly Saying Something! Tho new Spring 'Clothes are so splendidly cut and tailored, and the new Woolens are so beautiful that theso words of praise aro not out of place. You'll have to see theso splendid Suits in order to appreciate them thoroughly Come early there's a splendid showing now and you'll need time to pick out your suit affinity. Moderate Prices you Know $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00. If you don't care to buy, don't, but look at any rate. j. b. Mcdonald. THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. c 6 V (4 a o 10 z, The Vault without a faultConceded Best in the world. It' is waterproof, reinforced with steel throughout, finished with aluminum, and can be obtained from your undertaker at a roasonablo price. It is a sat isfaction worth moro than tho cost, to know that the remains of your friends and tho casket containing them aro preserved from tho waters of tho oartn as they cannot bo when buried fn any other way, The North Platt6 Vault Co., G. W. Prosser, Agt. ufLl llNfORCtD TRADE MARK Block 168 for Sale. Only Five Blocks from Dewey St. Between E. 2nd and 3rd Sts. IiOTS FROM S300 UP. An excellent opportunity to buy a, lot without a law suit Room 4, Theatre Building. PURE STRAIN Ohio Seed Potatoes, FROM Red River, Minnesota, $1.10 Per Bushel. AT 'S GROCERY, also Tramp a Westenfeid, NORTH SIDE. ana ruc3. zoc at owno uruu u. al-5 O. E, Kldek. Eofsree,