The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1910, Image 7

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Simple But Powerful Prescription for
Rheumatism and Lame Back.
This wan previously published here
and cured hundreds, "dot ono ounce ol
syrup of Saraaparllla compound and
ono ounco TorU Compound. Then got
half a pint of good whiskey and put
tho other two Ingredients into It. Uso
tahlcspqful of this- mixture. beforo
each mcnl nnd nt bed time. Shako tho
bottlq each tlmo." fJood effects nro felt
thp first day. Any druggist hns theso
Ingredients on hand or will quickly get
them from his wholcsnlo house.
Divorced Woman I like that doll
Ve.ryrauch, only:! wish you could ar
range It so thai Instead of saying P
pa and Mamma, It would only say,
Mahima.-LustIgo Wochc.
Los Angolos, Cal., Jan. 2, 1910.
1427 West 28th St.
Uncle Sam'B JJroakfast Food Co.,
Omaha, Nob.
aents: -v
My mothor'hns liscd your food
for over ono year; and it hns done her
so much goodrthat sho feels she can't
gut along without It, and ns no ono has
it out hero, Twant to know what a cobo
of 1 or 2 dozeri packages will . cost
me, P. 0. D. Omaha or L03 Angeles, by
Yours Truly,
Wo. certify thattho -above letter Is'rt,
true copy of tho original nnd was not
Analyzed by Chemists.
Apropos of President Taft nnd his
recent decision about whisky', Itlchnrd
jLc Galllenno 'satd, at a dinner nt the
St. Tte'glsW v'
"While VVno living in Liverpool
there arose n hot whisky discussion.
Was pot otlll whisky tho only whole
some ono, or was patent still whisky
the one non-poisonous drink? Choint
cal Hnalysos were applied to every
whisky going.
"A Liverpudlian entered a public
hous6 near-'ihQ -Albort (looks ono
night and said:
"Is ycr whisky puro?
" 'Well, I should think so,' tho pub
lican answered. 'It's been paralyzed
by three anarchists.' "
Avoid the Cheap and "Big Can" Ba
king Powders.
The cheap baking powders havo but one
recommendation: they certainly oivc tho
purchaser plenty of powder for his mon
ey bat it's not all baking powder; tho bulk
is mado up of cheap materials that havo
no leavening power. These powders nrc o
carelessly mado from Inferior materials
that they will not mako light, wholesome
food. Inrthcr, theao cheap baking pow
ders havo a very small percentage of lcav
rning gas; therefore it takes from two to
three times .as much' of such powder to
rate the cakp or biscuit dh it does of Calu
met Uakinp Powder. Therefore, in the
long rmu'tho actual cost to the consumer
of the cheap powders is moro than Calu
met would be. Cheap baking owdcrn
lonvo tho bread sometimes bleached and
scld, sometimes" yellow nnd alkaline, and
always unpalalnblo. They nrc never of
uniform strength and (iimlity.
Why not buy a perfectly wholesome ba
king powder hko Cnlunict, that is at the
'tame timo modem to in price and one
-which can bo relied upon? Calumet is al
ways the samo. keeps indefinitely and
gives the cook the least trouble.
, Big Bugs.
Dr, Cook was talking to a Washing
ton correspondent.
"Tho man is wrong in his nttneks,"
ho said. "Ho orrs an ludicrously In his
idea of polar conditions as tho Krook
lyn domestic, who snld:
"'It must ho a filthy place, that
north polo, ma'am, I hour it's full ol
lio bugs a3 big as churches.' "Wash
ington Star.
$100 Reward, $100.
Ttwi readers of thli otptr will be plcaswt lo learn
Hut UkM to t tout one drrtdl dtocuc tbit tele no
ku been blo to euro In Ml III auera, ami that U
Cittrrrj. lull Catarrh Cure Li trie only poaiilvo
ure now known to mm rncdtral tralrrnlt. Catarrh
belli a corutlluttonal dlvau, riu'.n;-o. conitllu
ttoul'lrratmeat; 'Hail's Catarrh cure is ukrii In
irrmllr aetlns dlrrrtlr upon thn blood nnd rnurou
urfarai ot the system, (tirrrby dretrorlna- thr
foundation of tho dlsniw. and Rlrlnic Ilia itatlent
trrngtli by. building up tho conatltutkm and anlH
tog nature la dolnn IU work. Ilia proprietor liava
o much faith In 111 curatlvo Jrr that Ihry nfTrr
Ono Ilundml Dollara for any raae thai It talli la
CUie. Krml (or lltt n( Imllmonlnla
.Addmm r, J. CIlliNKV A CO. Toledo, O.
Rild by all DruiKliK 11c.
TU uali'i Vamiiy ruu tor ccnttipaiion.
Tho Enjjllsh Way.
"Do you think baseball will ever get
a foothold In England?"
"They play It some."
I "Ab strenuously ns wo do?"
1 "Well, no. They sorvo tea between
Innings, I understand."
to flimn a coi.u in onk iay
Take I.AXATIVI1 IIUOMO . Onlnlne 'mMl
Itruyiilttiirufund twiner It It f.illi tu euro, at, VI
ullOVU-tUlfnaluralauu each box. c.
Homo men go to their graves with
out dlncoyorlng that they wore not na
important as they thought they were,
1'KllllY DAVIfl' I'AINKII.T.Klt
lanrntlabtMropulallonuf iivvrwinntiritiaiiiaa
llablo rrtnedr for Inrabago, aclatlcit, pUiuil,
lttie,flc,R,iandWK-, At all ilrutfgiita.
A crab-eating monkey In Slam swims
like a flu'i.
LORhrfiv maaaaaaa.
Odd News From Big Cities
Stories of Strango
r otrango t-iapp
Metropolitan Tc
" ' i J, i -
Snores Worth Fifty
NEW YORK. "Theso things you
hoar about tho fortunes tho Pull
man porters mako." snld ono of thorn,
"nro mostly foolish; hut you do once
In a whllo gather in tips enough on a
elnglo trip to buy an overcoat with,
a spring overcoat, nnywny.
"I think tho most profltablo single
customer I over struck was n man
that rodo with mo onco when-1 was
running on a pnrlor car betweon Now
York, and thu first thing he says to
mo was:
'"SluioonV-l lint's what he called
mo, Simeon 'Simeon; ho says to nio,
1 hnven't had any sleep for a wook,
nnd I'm llablo to go to sleep tho rain,
uto I alt down In this car, nnd when I
sleep I always snoro, and when I
snoro I do snore, nnd If I should snoro
hero I'd bo llablo to blow tho roof off
tho car nnd I'd bo suro to disturb all
tho other passongors. What I want.
Slraqon, Is for you to look out for mo
nnd poo that I don't snoro.'
"'Simeon,' ho snys, 'keop nn eyo
on me, and for evory tlmo you keop
mo from snoring I pay you 60 conts.
Yon keop tho ucoro nnd I settlo with
you when wo got to Buffalo. But un-1
der8tand,' ho says, 'for evory time you1
lot mo snoro wo deduct $2 from' tho
"Wo hadn't much moro'n rbllod out
of Now York, before "J saw. his hend
go 'back. I wiiB nlongsldo of him be
fore It went back tho second tlmo, but
from Hint ori ho kopt mo on tho jump.
Drinks and Love Mixed by Frenchman
LOS ANGELES, QAL.-rPotor Slvors,
a French shoop herder, living on
Allso,4streot, acuumulate.jn Jng je
cently and becamo amorous to ouch
an oxtent that his arrest and deten
tion on nn insanity charge wero
deemed JieceBsary.
Slvcra in turn made love to a
horse, a wagon and a. hitching post,
nnd whon locked up in tho city Jail
beotowod tho most distracting ca
resses and salutations of lovo upon tho
cold and unresponslvo bars of his cell.
Tho shcop herdor Is tho living ox
nmplo of tho llttlo mustnehod typo
who so often forms tho chief fun
maker in Fronch film moving picture
Ho is short nnd slight, with a curl
ing mustache nnd nil tho ravings and
elaborato figures of speech uaod by
his countrymen. Early ono nrtornoon
Slvcra began to gather about him
UrangQ-looklng bottles. Ho drank from
each In turn, without fear or favor.
Any other man would hnvo thought
a whllo before taking such chances,
Wanted Pied Piper
BUFFALO, N. Y, If there's a Pled
I'Ipcr anyv;hero In the United
States ho Is wanted In Pouhkcopslo to
catch Gil Monnhan's rat a big rat
rellow that la scampering through cel
lars, garrets and walls with a sleigh,
hull fast to his neck.
Gil Is "tho limit" among practical
JokerB. When three rats wero caught
In a trap In Welch's cafo recently he
J thought It would ho a merry Jost to
I tlo a bell to tho largest one and give
j him his liberty. Tho big rat, with his
bell tinkling merrily, senmpured
; across tho floor nnd disappeared in
Pie Eater Loses When His Face Slips
NEWAIIK, N, J.Amld great cnthiml-nsm-5
young mon, trained to the
minute, In Junior hnll, Illoomllold, on
torcd tho annual plo-entlng contest for
(he chnmpIonHhlp ot Now .lei-Boy, Five
of tho contestants, ns well as tho state
record or 20 pics In hair an hour, roll
during tho bnttln.
Walter W. Tappin, of Hloomflold,
was thu winner of tbo rliiininlonn)iln.
! Ho managed to put himself on tho
outside of 27 plos In tho allotcd time,
whllo at lenst thrco moro, consider
ably mussed' up, clung about bis fea
Happenings in. the
Cents'Each to Him
1 had to stir him "up every flvo or
ten or fifteen-minutes, ami 1 hnd to bo
Qitlck nbout,(IL Qnce ho got away
from mo.
"I'd gone clcanudowii to tho other
end or tho car, nfter we'd been out
about live hours, with n. glass of. water
for a lady, and Just as 1 was handing
It to her 1 heard n tcniblo nolao down
nt tho other end or tho car, and I
know what was tho matter; but tho
olher folks In tho car didn't at first
nnd lmlf of 'em Jumped up. Tho lady
I was handing tho water to did, nnd
pretty near upset tho tray, and every
body was scared nt first, and thero
they wero standing, up or looking
around from their chairs nil over tho
car, tho whole lot of 'cm, nil scowling
nt my passenger.
(,I mado that run from Now York
to Buffalo many and many a. time, but
It hnd novcr seemed so long to mo be
foro. Wo got thero finally, but whon
ho stood up for mo to assist him off
I woB-so"tlred -and weak I could hardly
wngglo tho broom.
Simmy," ho says, 'I think yoU did;
well. What do you mako tho tally?' t
"I told him that ho'd been asleep
71 times.
" 'Well,' ho imys 'Simmy, that would
mako 53G.G0 If it had been a perfect
score, but wo deduct two dollars for
tho. tlmo you lot me snoro; that brings
It down tq (33.50. I supposo wo could
fairly enough knock off another dollar,,
half prlco for that half snoro; but wo,
lildn t mako any special contract,' ho
says, 'about half snores, and bo wo
won't say nnythlug about that. Just,
lot. it go;' ! , - ;
''"Then' ho- handed me over $33.50; j
and I got froi'ii tho other passengers
$2.70, ranking tho grand total rovenuo
fo. tho trip $30.20.
but with Sivors It was do or die, nnd
ho plunged In boldly.
After all tho bottles hnd boon emp
tied and wero lying upon tho floor in
dlticonsolnto attitudes, tho Frenqhmnnj
nroao and went forth in search or ad
ventures. Ho thought ho owned th'o
earth. Ho tossed his hat In tho air In
an abandoned manner, and cried his
delight. Ho npproached n horso at
tached to a bnker's cart on AHno
"Ah, zo gran horso, zo big one, I
lof you, I Jot you," screamed tho en.
raptured Peter, with frantlo nttomptB
to embraco tho nnlmal. Tho horBO,
being ot common parcntago and hav
ing no ambition to speak of, backed
away rrom tho approaches or tho llttlo
man. Toter followod, hat In hand, male
lng tho moat elaborato bows in tho
dlroctlon of the equine, and at tho
Bamo tlmo casting tho most beseech
ing glances toward It.
Tho horso mado a row attempts to
climb a telegraph pole, and Peter
transferred his affairs of lovo to a
plcturo of a fat damsel, painted on tho
side pnnol of tho wagon. Ho was try
ing to enclrclo tho wagon with his
arms In his offort to einbrnco this
wooden nfllnlty, when tho drlvor camo
rorth from a nearby store, pried Pater
off with tho too of his nhoe, and, using
tho samo system of transmission de
livered him Into i he guttaiv
to Catch This Rat
tho ncnroBt hole. Ho was so proud of
his hell that he sallied forth from tho
building to orouBo tho envy or all the
loss rortunato rodents In Pouhkeepalo.
Ho seems to bo a grout trnvolor, ror
his bell has been heard In wldoly sep
arated parts, of tho city.
At uncanny hours lonely men and
women hnvo heard, the strango Bound
of n boll fulntly tlnkly In tho wall of
bedroom or parlor. Rest has been
broken; sleep boa boon driven away.
A young man who had been' at a
stag party heard tho tlnkle-tlnklo at
the hend of . his bedlouder,
fainter; then louder again. Jt wns
there, there, In the celling, up and
down tho wall. Pulling on his clothes,
the young man ran to tho noarest doc
tor, exclaiming, "I've got thom again 1"
When ho described tho strungo sounds
the doctor Bald, "Oh I that's only Gil
Stonahr.n'n rat. Go back to bed."
tures. Oesldcs. tho honors which go
with tho title, ho won tho first prlr.o
or a $fi gold pleco. Mr. Tappin, artcr
tho tilt, declared hlmsoir willing to
sign articles with nny opponent on
threo monthB' notice.
Second honors wont -tcrjohn Win
throp HrewBtcr of Nownrk, tho favor
Ito of tho outsiders. Mr. HrowBtcr re
duced tho monutnln of 200 pies by din
posing of 21!, For n long tlmo nt the
start qr tho raco ho was In tho lend
by throe mouthrula and ho blames his
doreat on the fart that when his faco
slipped on No. 17 he Pranged by mis
take rrom peach to mlncc
Sylvester "3ll!tt, last year's wlnnor,
wns third. I lo declared, whllo being
led from tho arena by frlondB, tha
ho waa satisfied to havo boon ablo
even to enter tho contest and uot let
tho title go by de.'niO'
Wilbur D. Nesbit.
'Ah. lute' U tbo picture talcrn
lly u flashllKlit nt .tho tllnnor
Wlicn It snapped, your ticrvc wen
Yes, they wore, or I'm a ilnneri
tt tta look at tt togotlicr
To discover who In who 1 i
AIo, try to nnd out whether
This Is ho or that la you.
I'ot you nro. rv Jihlfro. ond he la a 6lr
Out ono la a amuilgo nnd ono.Ja-n'blurt ;
And nmybo thnt'a Hcott nnd tndybo that'a
But who Is tho tnnn that Ib nothing but
, shirt?
It la splendid In tho morplnR
To reflect on how you sat
Whoil they navo to you tho wnrnlnrr
That the- lens would bo to bat.
How you llenryclnycd your features,
How you lifted up your face.
Knowing that of alt tho creatures
Nona uxcols tho human raco I '
Well, ono enmo to speak, nnd ono owns
, it bank,
Hut ope Is n streak nnd one Is' n blank, ,
And opo down In front 1ms a face, that
pipat hurt ' i - -.
But who Is the man that la nothing but
Plnco Delahn2xar'8 famous blow-out
It has always been tho snino.
When tho flash would spurt nnd g:o pu
All the diners dreumcd of fame,
But upon tho morrow morning
When tho pictures they would ace,
with n frown their browa adorning
Each would murmur: "Which la mot"
For thero was n Judge and thero was a
Dut now olio's a smudsq and ono la a
Yet tell me, I pray-nnd don't think mo
Who Is tho poor mnn who Is nothing but
Putting Them to Uis.
"Hortcnso," says the fond mammn.
"I certainly do not npprovo or tho way
you girls aro acting toward tho Iter.
Slowhoy. Why, it was scandalous to
sco you laughing nt tho poor man
when ho wont into tho sUrf yester
day." "Mnmmu." giggles Hortonso, "wo
weren't laughing at his appearanco or
nt tho figure ho cuts in tho wotor, but
didn't you notice that ho was wearing
a pair of big bath slippers?"
'II bellcvo I did obsorvo thom."
"Well, thoy oro tho pair tho youno
ladles or tho sowing circle gavo him
last Christmas, nnd ho told ua yeater
day ho would not havo como to th
senshoro U it wore not that ho wanted
nn opportunity to wear thom."
A Proviso;
"Congratulate you, old man," says
Howllngton Twontthlrt to Stridor Tlo
counter. "Olad you got tho ongago.
ment Thought It might bo dimcult
for you to get tho manager to give
you an nudlcnco. Ho Is rather stand
ofllsh." "Well," nn3wcrs Stridor Tlocountor,
"ho said ho'd glvo mo an audlonco. Ho
will paper tho houso for tho Oral
night, but nftor that It has to dopond
on mo nnd tho play."
The Usual Result.
"I," said tho first citizen, "am do
termlned to organlzo a strong protosi
ngaliut tho high cost of living. I am
planning tho Ncbuchndnozznr soci
ety. Its members will eat nothlnu
but grass."
"Sh-h-h!" warns tho second citizen
"There's n congressman near us, It
ho hears you ho will put a tariff ou
"So you wish to marry my daugh
ter?" asks tho conventional athor.
"Do you think you can support her In
tho stylo to which sho has boon ac
customed?" "No, sir," frnnkly replies tho con.
fldeut young man. "But I think I can
accustom her to tho stylo In which I
will be nblo to support her."
First Gtop.
"Hold on. there!" growls tho burg
lar, ns tho star nttompts to uso tho
tolophono. "Don't try to call up tho
police." ,.
"I hadn't thought or tho police,' pro
tests, tho stnr. "I wnB going to notify
my proas ngent."
No Charm for Him.
"Got up, Uliffcrs!" cnll3 tho friend,
pounding upon IJllfferB' bedroom
door. "Got up and soo this boautlful
"That's nil right," anawora mirrors,
Bleeplly. "I buw It ton mlnutos ago
as I came In."
Tho immense success -which has fol
lowed L.'T. Cooper during the past
roar with his. new preparation hsi "ex
ceeded anything ot the kind over' be
toro witnessed In moat of tho leading
cities where tho young man has intro
duced' tho medlclno. Cooper has a
'novel theory. Ho bolloves that tho
.human Btomach is directly responsible
for most dlsca80. To quota his own
words from nn interview upon his ar
rival in an eastern city: "Thoavorago
mnn or woman cannot bo sick 11 tho
stomach is working properly. To bo
suro, thero nro diseases' ot a vlrulont
nature, such ns cancer, tuberculosis,
diabetes, etc., which nro organic, nnd
aro not trnccnblo to tho stomach, but
oven fovors can, in ntno cases out of
ton, bo traced to something taken Into
tho stomach. All of this hnlf-slck,
norvous exhaustion that Is- now so
:ommon, is caused by stomachic con
ditions, and it is becauso my rem
edy will and docs regulato tho atom
tch that I nm mooting with such suc
cess. "To sum tho matter up a sound dl
gestivo apparatus that is doing its
full duty, gottlng evory partlclo or vi
tality out ot tho food by transferring
tt to tho bowels in a perfectly digest
ed stato this above all clao brings
Mr. A. C. Brock, chor or tho Brock
Restaurant, Markot District, Boston,
Mass., who Is a staunch believer in
Mr. Cooper's theory and medicine, lias
this to say: "I had chronic indiges
tion; ror bvor thrco years. I mirrored
terribly, nnd lost about thirty pounds.
I was a physical -wroclq wlfon I Btartcd
this Cooper medicine, a month or so
ago. To-day I am as well as. I ovor
was in ray lire. I nm no longer nerv
bus, my food docs not distress rue
in tho lonat, and I havo a splendid up
potito. I am gaining flesh very rap
idlyIn fact, at tho rato of a pound
a day. I would not bollovo any mddl
clno on earth could havo dono for me
what this has dono. It is a romnrk
ablo preparation, and Mr. Coopor-do-servos
all his' success."
Coopor'o No.w Discovery is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist cannot
supply you, -wo will forward you tho
nnmo ot a druggist in your city who
will. Don't accept "something just as
good." Tho Cooper Mcdicino Co,, Day
ton, Ohio.
When Tempus Didn't Fuglt.
Llttlo Holou, during tho threo years
of her llfo, had never been separated
rrom her older sister night or day lor
moro than a row minutes at a timo,
but at last tho tlmo camo whon tho
slBter wont away ror a wholoday.
Tho child tried overy gnmo nnd occu
pation that Bho-knewjof, and a 'new
ono or two suggested by her motbor,
but thoy all palled.
Finally sho gavo up and stood nnd
looked Badly out ot tho window. Then
sho fiighed deeply and said:
"Its still tho samo old day, Isn't it,
mothor?" Woman's Homo Companion.
Why 8he Needed Moro Nlghtc Off.
Having recently engaged an 18-yoar-old
colored girl to do housowork, a
New York woman was adjusting tho
various questions of prlvlIegoB.
"You will havo Monday and Thurs
day nights off, Eliza," tho mistress of
the house said.
"On'y Monday 'n' Thursday nights!"
tho other exclaimed, rolling hor oyes.
"My Lawd, Mis' Blank, dat -won't tfo
nohow; dat ain't enough. You see,
mn'am, I's a dobbytantc."
A Bright Idea.
Yeast It is said that tho baya bird
of India spends his sparo tlmo catch
ing fireflies, which ho fnstens to tho
Bides ot his nest with moist clay. On
a dark night n baya'o nest glows like
nn electric street lump-
Crlmsonbeak Say, thcro's a blight
Idea ror decorating that koyhole in
my front door!
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Bend 4c stamps for flvo samplfH of our
irery best Oold and 811k FIiiImii lilrtluhty.
l-'lnwer ami Motto 1'ont Cards; beautiful
colors nnd lovollcnt dcHlgna. Art I'oxt
Card Club, 793 Jnckscn st., Topcka, Kan,
Don't kick when your wifo asks It
her hat Is on straight. Rather feel
proud that sho httB tho gractousness
to II icon you to a plumb.
aitn.4I.Wi l.unt JAiftnm, ibn ipuUr famllr rrni
Mr. H enreavr hero other rcmeuius fall. All deal'
irk. 240,100, II WJbolllo.
At tho ago of 18 a girl in nfrnld ot
two things being nn old maid and
not going to heaven.
Lewis' Single Binder, extra quality to.
bacco, costs moro than other Sc cigar.
It Isn't every prodigal son who gets
a whack at thn obese veal.
ulf regardless of digestion and nutrition. Ho might almost as well cat shav
ings for nil tho good ho gets out of his food. The result is that the stomach.
grows "weak" the action of the organs of digestion and nutrition a re impaired
and tho man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness.
To Btrcntithcn tho stomach, restore the activity of the or
iana or tllQeatlon and nutrition and brace up tho ncrves
nse Dr. Pierce' a Goldca Medical Discovery It la aa ua
falllaH remedy, and has the confidence ot physlclaaa ma
well aa the praise ot thousands Mealed by its use. . .
In the strictest senio "Golden Medical Discovery" Is a temperance medi
cine. It contain neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as free free ateohnl
as from opium, cocaine and other dangorous drugs. All Ingredients p Hated oa
its outside wrapper. . . ,
Don't let a dealer dcludo you for his owa profit. There Is aa saedlcJae for
stomach, Uycr end blood "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discovery,"
For sore throat, sharp pain
in lungs, tightness across tli'a
chest, hoarseness or couglt, ,
lave the parts with Sloan's,.
Liniment. You don't need to
xub, just lay it on lightly. Jt.
penetrates instantly to the scat
of the trouble, relieves cbngs
tion and stops the pain.
Here's the Proof.
Mr, A. W. Price, Fredonbt, Kan.,
says : "Wo have used Sloan's Lini
ment for a year, and find U an excel
lent thing for sora threat, chest pahta,'
coldt, and hay fever attacks, A few
drops taken on sugar stop cough
ing and meeting instantly."
Sloan's ;
is easier to use than porous
plasters, acts quicker and dooa
not clog up the pores of tbe skin
It is an excellent an
theptic remedy for
asthma, bronchitis,
and all inflammatory'
discaioa of tho
throat and chest;
will break up tho
deadly membrane' in
an attack of croup,
and will kill any kind
of neuralgia or rheu
matic pains.
All rirurclits keep
Moan's Uahaeat,
Prim 25c, S9&,$ti00.
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Why You'r. TkW-Oirt f
B... U ftl k 121-
uiu inn ,iu nffvmmi
will put you right,
in a lew dayi.
1 hey do
their duty.
' Coattlva
tlaa. Bil.
(mwsu, kUgUos, ua Sltk sWJocks. ,
GENUINE must ber Bgruture j .
Cured Right at Home
to ELBCTOOrODES. N SlMtrlc TrutoMt.
OlvteK tniotippr aad Bine rcti Ml,
ltvo. iBTlrotiti ratm todr. NfTttMwaHr
vim." rwtlT Clrt let RhtsuMlin, NaaalfK.
Sukuhc Klilacr ad Uttr compUioU. rim
Mlfl.OO. Vu money rttrel II KM utUUttott.
Guuutee ttnedwltti ch t4l, jtltctropodrt am
nuiutil. If not at your DranliTt, J u H.
6ata wbttbw tor rata ar Mau,
KB toe AbtIm St., Urn Aam, Cat.
"I used Cascarets and feel like a eif
man. I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour etomnch for the last two
years. I have been taking tnedkiho and
other drugs, but could find s6 relief oaly
for a short time. I will recommeaa
Cascarets to my friends as the oaly thing
for indigestion and sour stomach and to
keep tho bowels lu good conditioa.
They ore very nice to eat."
Harry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
nemnnt. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
DoUood. Never Klcken, YVeaVenorOrloe.
10c, 25c. 50c. Never soM In bulk. The Irea
nine tablet itumpod CUC. Uuaraetecd to
are or your money back. 9M
Turlock Irrigation District
of California
Tlio LAND of MJN8II1N15 and OPPOIt
TUNIT1K8. Hculthful Cllmuto. A-t land;
AIJUNDANT WATKIl at low rate;
Peaches, AprlcntH, KIks, Ollvca. Swoet
Potatoes. Alfalfa nnd Dairying pay hot
ter tliun $100.00 per aero yearly. Writ
tor Illustrated booklet.
Hook and -adrtfe mBTR. Iuk,
u a MraM, TauinUn.
usivw vrt. utn rviarauoe
W. N. U.f OMAHA, NO. 11-1010.
The Tenderfoot Farmer
It was one of theie experimental farmer, who put itten
spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. His theory
vas that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as sho
was fed, Tho questions o( digestion and nourishment had
out entered into his calculations.
It's only a "tenderfoot" farmer that Would try such
cn experiment with a cow. But manv a farmer feeds iw-