THE SEM1:WE(KIY TRIBUNE inA L. BARM l'ubllhr. TBrtMB. H.zS IN APVANOB NOrlTH PLATTR NEBRASKA THE MODERN FARMER. The old order chnngcth nnd the far mer Is coming into uU own. Not iho farmer of tho funny paper, with his patcficd;Jcflni-hold tip. by. ono "gallus," flrlvin'K a Bphvlnod tortm with a broken- flown cart, says rortianu. urcgomnn. This class 6f agriculturists In rapidly following the dodo lliu grpat ntik nnd other raro old birds Inb tho dead nnd forgotten past In lib place has ap peared a progressive, Well-read, pros perous Individual, who seldom gets beyond tho reach ot tho telcphono nnd tho daily paper. Tho old syslom of haphazard farming lias no attraction for this modern agriculturist, and ho hoe reduced his calling to n sclonco. Tho lossons of ndvcrslty hnvo uldcd in bringing about this change, Hut to tho Krcatcst extant It is duo to tho spread of good farming gospel, as taught by tho agricultural collcgoa and demon strated on experimental farms. With tho elevation of his calling tho fanner Is bringing about n fcmarkabla social, cconomlo and moral change Tho chango.that has b'ceiV"wrought 'W 1,10 gospel of botterjar'mlng is strikingly set forth In n Pullman dispatch, printed In .yesterday's Oregonian, announcing 4he.'rfllntlon oflProf. doorga Sever ance ot tW' agricultural doparlmonfof tho Washington state collogo. Prof, Severance was drawing tho very satis factory salary ot ?2,000 per year for Ms duties o Instructor at tho college, .but has resigned to becomo a farmer. Tie Is to tako charge of three farms Just beyond tho boundary line In Cat. ada, and In to. receive a salary of $3,000 er 'car, with all his oxponses paid, and-Ji alio, to have an Interest In the Droits. The, French minister of agriculture has Iseued. an (Appeal to tho farmers ot bis country urging them to uso goads with blunter points In driving their cattle', nut not' bocauno tho sharp atecl-polntod-goadB aro cruel; ho says nothing about cruelty; ho docs not Ruggest that these pricks hurt tho cat tle. No; he bases his appeal on a com plaint from the American Chamber of Commerco In Paris that farmers and leather merchants find so 'many hides spoiled by the tittle hotos mado by tho sharp goads (hat as high as CO per cent ot some consignments havo been rejected. And tlnia maybuslncss ac complish n work ot mercy which socio ties for the prevention of cruelty to anlraaUJiavc failed to bring about. Tho Now York city employe who wanted his salary cut 15 per cent, was not tmch,a freak, attar nil. Ho had a string tied to the offer. What ho asked for was tf 'general revision downward, not to oxciiido the conlrpller'a own pay, expressing n willlaguoss to suffer himself: if tho rest did, and explaining why nil of them ought to. Evidently ho felt Bate in anticipating tho nnswor, whloh was a quick-tiro decision by tho controller that ho had no authority In lav to make any such change ot sal ary Scale, Ah things turned out, tho city employe got ft noat llttlo Indict ment of publlo salary mothods into print and, kept his ov?u wngo intact. Nikola Tesla, who says ha has been at work .oh the task for 20 years, nl legca that a. system of wireless electric light has, .been perfected by which It will be posslblo to "light tho entlro United States." Tcsln and other "wiz ards" have wrought some wonders, and what tho inventor asserts Is no tnoro extraordinary than nomo previous pre dictions. QUI', the average porson will be willing to watt and hco what cornea ot It all. Wo hope Dr. Wu's promise thai ho will return to tho United States 50 years henco does not mean that It will bo B0 ycarB beforo tho country new him again, uuya Chicago Tribune. We need htm at frequent intervals, not only to pat ub on tho back nnd nsBuru.un that wo aro a great people, hut to fuel tho national pulso, exam ino tho nntlona.1 tongue, and tell un what nils us. That policeman who "pretty nearly got mair because a,' person whom ho was arresting shot at him should be warned to control his temper. A tem per ot that sort Is a valuable asset for policemen an well as nrlvato nor sons, and should not bo deteriorated by undue Irritation, New' Kugland huntora seem to have the samo penchant as tho Wisconsin crowd tor Bhooting each other. The business ct matching up broken down foreign princes with American heiresses Is plainly extra hazardous in the matter ot collecting tho commlu slons, Dut observe how Juicy the com inlsclou Is when you" finally do collect one I Having stacked tho practice of binding women's feet, tho Chinoso cov eminent are now taklug Htens to nbni. Itth the practice ot tho men's wourintr queue. ''Ttifit' is Vha might bo calltid a usaatoiooi reronn government, CABINET At Slsss MAN'S lent clinrnctor will nl-dfe-jSU wnya bo moro vlalbla In lila household than any where dlsoi and bin practical wlitdom will lo bettor exhibited liy tho manner In rtlileh ho beam ruts Iliero than even In llln larger ufTntrs of business or publlo life," Household Hints. Ivory carvings that havo become discolored should bo painted with tur pcntlno nnd exposed to tho sunshine. Keep tho piano keys from damp ness. Air nnd sunlight will not In jure It. Sunlight keeps tho koyo from turning yellow. To doublo tho life of matting glvo It a coat of varnish after putting it down. .Linoleum should be trentcd to n coat of varnish onco or twice u year. This improves Its appearance nnd pro servos it. Ono of tho best furniture polishes and ono used by mnny furniture deal ers is equal parts of bcnzlno nnd Hn coed oil. Itc in ember bcnzlno is in flammable, so should bo used with caro. All hard finished walls should be wiped to remove tho dust; thoso of rough surfneo need brushing. Palatable Liver. Liver Is a meat not to bo despised. Try cooking it In tho cassorolo or cov ered baking dish. Fry a few slice of rnt salt pork in a frying pan, remove tho pork and add ono onion thinly sliced nnd when slightly brown add. mo sliced liver nnd scar well on both sides. Turn all Into a casserole, pork, liver nnd onion, ndd a cupful ot stock and half n dozen button onions par boiled; tionson and cook an hour In tho oven. Another nlco wny to sorve a lamb'a or calf'a llvor, wholo, lard it with strips of fat pork and put in a cassor olo. Add stock seasonings of salt, poppor nnd touspoonful of tomato cat sup. Whon cooked lay on a platter and pour around a tbickoned gravy, Garn ish with button onions cooked in tho ensscrolo with tho liver. Almond Biscuit, lllnnch two ounces of rwim ni. monds nnd half an ounco of blttor almonds, pound to n paste Add one cupful of sugar, tho beaten yolks ot flvo eggs and beat for live minutes, mix in four tablespoonfuls of sifted flour nnd cut nnd fold in tho hemtnn whites of flvo eggs. Dako In molds. HINDS "which could novor hav tiimlo a man happy, dc- VCloil 11 nownr In tnnkn him stroiiK. HiroiiKth umt not huppinegs, or rutlicr duly that happiness which oineH by Dtruncth la tho end of liuman llvlnff."-l,illllpa Brooks. Winter Food. Pcoplo living in tho northern coun tries, whoro tho thormomotor is at zero, and below for weeks, must use largo quantities of fatty foods to keep up tho intornnl heat ot tho body. Fats aro foods that produco tho greatest amount ot lieut, and If wo Increase tho amount of fat wo will ho more com fortable Tho clothing does not keep out tho cold, hut holds in the heat al- oady thero. Tho digestibility of fats depends largely upon tho kind. Butter, cream, bacon fat and olive oil aro easily di gested fats. Tho fat ot animals must ho cooked to kill dnngoraus germs, and tho cook ing makes them harder to digest Fats docompoBO at a high tomperaturo and crento fatty acids which causa in testinal disordors. Iiuttor has a low melting point and decomposes at the boiling point ot water, which is tho chief reason for serving It cold. Olivo oil, being vegetable, Is frco from KorniH, is onslly digested and hence a valimblo fatty food. Fatty foods re qulro caro in preservation, ns thoy ab sorb flavors from othor foods. Mutter, cream nnd olivo oil should be kept well covered in a cool, clcau plnco. rho substituted oils or fats, ns cotton seed oil, in not ns easily digested tti olivo oil, but la bettor for frying than animal fata, it ono can overcome the objection to tho slight odor nnd tasto. Fried foods aro ludlgestlhlo at best. but as tho demand seems to keep up for doughnuts nnd croquettes, wo must needs comply, Suutolng is moro objectionable than frying, na tho food conked In n small amount ot fat is moro apt to absorb it in tho cooking Having a small quantity ot fnt, It is frequently too brown, and so decom posed; tho upper part of tho nrtlclo fried is cool nnd ubsorbs tho grcaso, To fry: Immcrso tho food to be fried in deep fat .sufficiently hotjfio sear tho outsido nridTorm n' covering so that tho fat cannot enter, For'cro- quetteB or foods provlo'imlycookod,-' nouer lai is uecoca man for uncooked foods. Test for frying fnt: Whon tho fat bpgtnR to smoke, drop In n cube of broad. It It browns In 40 sucoudH a golden brown, It Is mitllclontly hot for cookod foodH. Sixty uccondfl tho tost tor doughnuts or any uncooked mixture. A Slanlflcant Hint. If thero worn no birds man could not live on the earth, and birds aro de creasing lu this country. Our Dumb Nnluials. ' T LEADS LITTLE BAND LONDON. Wllliaui O'tlrlcn, who Is the leader ot a compact little band ot 11 Independent nationalists pledged u, opposo the budget, Is some thing of a thorn In the flesh of tho ministry. Mr. O'Hrlen has had a stormy political career. A Journalist by profession, ho has been prose cuted no fewer than nlno times for political offenses, and has spent moro than two yosrs In prison. In 1868 ho fouuded a new ngrnrlan movement, tho 'United Irish Leaguo," and started the Irish people newspaper na Its advocate. Ho severed his connection with tuo ofllclnl Irish nationalist party in the house of commons in 1305. FATHER MINUS ARMS Without Use of Hands Massa chusetts Man Rears Family. Still a Bread Winner at Age of 76 About Only Things Cannot Do Aro Mowing with Scythe and Milking a Cow.s Palmer, Mass. A story of nn . .al most unexampled struggle for exist ence, as well as a record ot human Ingenuity which could hardly bo sur passed, Is furnished by a Day state town. With ono arm out off nt tho shoul der nnd the other bolow Uie elbow, Michael Laford, a Pnlmor man, has brought up n family of seven children nnd supported them, although for 42 years ho has been deprived of the use of his hands. Among tho hundreds of stories told. of tho courage nnd pluck of thoso of-. fllctcd by the Iosb of various faculties, who havo struggled gamely on, refus-. jug to glvo In to fato, that of Laford Is unlquo. Even for a man of nerfect health and physique, tho trlaln and difficul ties which Laford has founht against all his Ufa would bo considered stu pendous. Yot, at the ago of 70, and nftcr a llfetlmo struggle, he is still earning his bread chcorfully, and in fact, ho did nearly half a contury ago, after tho accident occurred which mado him a crlpplo for tho rest of bis" unys. From tho moment nf I.nfnr.l'u litrth mlfifortuno seemed to set upon him; lie was born in n little vlllnjio n few miles outsido of Montreal, llcforo ho had reached tho ago ot two yeara his mother had died, leaving him with several other children, to tho caro or neglect of friends nnd neighbors. With tho death of tho mother tho fam ily was broken un. nnd tho children wero given nwny to whoever would taxo them. Michael fell Into tho hands of a farmer, who put him to work almost ns soon an hn eonld wnllf Up to the tlmo ho wns 12 years od, iarora worked as row boys over have Parchment Hess Odd Story Document More Than Century Old Exonerates Man of Wrongdoing Not a Criminal. Canton, O. Itummaglng In a quaint old doBk among a heap ot musty pa pers, ye'inw vttbngo, Miss Elizabeth Heed, "II Shorb fitreot, this city, has found a historic document It almost crumbled as sho read it, That tho loss ot n plcco ot ear, caused by tho blto ot a horse, should be nworn to boforo a Justice puzzled her and alio Investigated. Tho document, dnted In Hamilton county, certified that John Hoed, when a child, had a small plcco taken out ot tho under sldo of his left cur by n horse, nnd concludod , "which hath been lawfully and sufficiently proved by tho oaths ot living wltuosscs, given under tho hand and seal of the un dersigned Justice of tho pcaco, Do comber 31, 1801, Signed, Houton Clarke." Miss Iteed upon Investigation learned that nt tho dnto ot tho docu ment thero was a custom of marking crimlunls by cutting away part of ono ot their ears. John Reed was her great-grandfather, ono of tho Bottlers of Ohio, and to dispel presumptions AGAINST BUDGET to work. At 14 ho was used In tho woods with tho men, whero ho put In his ten and twelve jiotira a day. with, a gang of loggers. Not only was the child driven to work, but ho was beaten, improperly fed. and went al most without clothing even In the freezing air of a Canadian winter. Several times he wbb driven out of tho camp to .attend to honses in tho night nnd compelled to wade through tho snow "in baro feet. For several years this treatment continued, till at last Laford mado up IiIb mind that ho would do better to strike out for hlmsolf. Taking ndvantago of a dork and Btormy night ho ran awny, and after weeks and months of hiding nnd hunger, ho fell in with a chance friend with whom he worked his wny down across tho Canadian border Into New York state. Through his knowledge' of lumber ing ho prospered. He mndo money and in d few years was able to tako small lumbering contracts for himself. After n year or so of success at this ho moved to Stafford, Conn., where he again started operations, it wns here, Cupid's Gold Coldblooded Post Office Inspectors Rudely Dash Fond Hones of Many Lonely Lovers. ' Washington. Tho coldblooded post oluce Inspectors haro got a point whero they Interfere with the search for soulmntcs by lonely women, lan guishing from psychic .hunger. There is tho ense of Alice Potorson of Johns town, Pa., who wan barred from tho use of the malls merely becauso she employed modern business mothods, including advertising In newspapers, to secure a new husband. Alice, according to u statement Bont out by tho post ofllco depnrtment, now has a porfectly legal husband, but Kho advertised for another. Tho statement asserts . that In certain cases when Alice's -correspondents looked good to her she wroto asking on the part ot strangers that he had lost part of an car by bolng- marked au a criminal ho uccured-the document to certify to the contrary. Further rummngo by" MIhb Hood found papers showing tliu discharge of her great-great-grandfather, Isnac Reed, from tho war of tho revolution. Tho papers wero dated July 27, 1770. A soiled promlsory noto of 1S05 showed that John Dcnham wan debtor to Isaac Reed for tho "Just nnd full sum ot 12 gallons ot good merchant- nhlo whisky to be paid tho first day of Mnrch." New Way to Bo Good, Detroit, Mich. "Conflicting color nrrnugemcntn tend to lower tho moral plane," declared A. M. McKouzlo of Hamilton, Out, to-day In a paper road beforonhoiMostur House Painters and Decorators of tho United States and Canada, who aro in convention hero. "Tho Crnft of tho MnBtor Painter ns a Moral Educator or Otherwise" wns tho Hubject of Mr. McKenzlo'H pnper, nnd throughout It carried tho idea that more beautiful coloring would ho n great fnclor in betlorlog mornl life In tho slums of. the cities. however, that tho nccldcat occurred which crippled him for tho rest of his life. Laford was working In a sawmill, running a circular saw. Through the. clumsiness of ono of tho holpcrs In working the carriage ot the big saw. Laford waB thrown against tho frame work surrounding tho whirling saw, lost his hold on the lover of the ma .chlno and fell straight forward on tho buzzing blur of teeth. In an In stant tho Jeft arm wns severed at tho wrist. Then, in trying to regain his balance, ho pitched forward onco more, and thus lost the other" arm. In tho excitement that followed tho mill was shut down nnd Iaford was hurried to tho hospital. In five weeks' time ho wan out, but for more than n year ho remained practically helpless. Not only was It im'pOaslbla for him to do any hlud of work, but tho loss of hls arms Impeded him in a thou sand wnya. It was oven difficult for him to walk about. All his Bcnse of. balance was lost, liiBtcnd of submit ting to his fater however, Laford was continually making plans for his self support. He first got a Job driving a team. In a short time ho could not only drive a team, but could load one. Kven tho henvlcst logs wero none too heavy, nnd In sis months' tlmo La ford was back on his old Job again as u teamster, nnd holding his own against the rent of the crow. Ho was at this time 45 years old. and for 20 yeara ho was a teamster In tho lunv bcrlng camps. Iaford has been n rcsldont of Pnb mer for the last twenty years, and on his testimony there aro only three things which ho cannot do: Ho cannot mow with a scythe. Ho cannot chop wood. Ho cannot milk a cow. Outside of thoso thrco occupations he claims that ho is Just us good a man, even at his 73 years ot ago, as can bo found in many communities. Laford, without hands and minus one arm, dresses himself, feeds hlm solf, lights and smokea his own pipes and cigars, harnesses a horse and docs a thousand things that would puzzlo an outsider. In placo of tho two hands' lost,' Laterd'has' developed the uso of his teeth nnd his toes. HEN OFFICIALLY IS A BIRD Treasury Department So Decides, But Eggs Are Not Admitted Free as Birds' Eggs. Washington. "A hen 1b n bird" li the official declaration ot tho. United States treasury department. Us customs experts mado this rul ing In response to the Inquiries ol one of tho department's correspond ents .who .callcdi-attenlton to tho fact that the Payne tariff law levied a duty of five conts a dozen on "hens' eggs, while at the namo tlmo birds' eggs are admitted duty free. Tho paragraph imposing tho duty on hens' eggs is upeclflc, so that al though a hen is officially declared a bird Its products will havo to pay the tariff rate. Cupid Falls at Last. Staunton, Va. C. C. Pugh ot Nelson county has roturncd to tho Augusta county clerk's ofllco n marrlago li cense Issued to him and Miss Fanny Orass April 28, 1004, saying he does not need It nt present. Ho falls to state what happened to Cupid in these six years. Mine Closed them to send her tho price of getting from Johnstown to their placo of resi dence, and when sho got tho monoy failed to seek tho society of her would-be Eoulmatcs. She Just hung onto the money. In explanation Alice enld sho want ed to try, try again, until sho found exactly 'tho fight man. 'Then, sho de clared, she meant to return all tho money sho had received from tho other men1 and clcavo only to the ul timata eligible Tho Inspectors had a hard time get ting evidence, as tho men who sent her monoy and wero then left wait ing nt the train on which Alice didn't como were reluctant to havo thoir names used In tho case. Dut ono man was found at Mnybury, Pa., who con Edited to help tho Inspectors. He sent Allco J" 50 to pay her faro from Johnstown to Maybury, hut sho nover camo. Another man living way out ut Kugone, Ore., who claimed to have given up $110 to Alice, also gave the post ofllco Inspectors a lift. Appendicitis Family Curse. Appleton, Wls.--Tho original "ap pendicitis" family has been discovered nt Askcaton. In tho family of Robert Powers there havo been during tho last 18 months seven operations for nppondlcltlc, tho father nnd his six sons lmvlng-lieen afflicted during that time. All havo recovered except Wil liam Powers, youngest eottf whoun derwent an operation only a few days ago. Tho. father wns tho ilrst to need un operation, Then one after nn other the sons beenmo 111. Three mouths ago there wero two appendices removed in threo days. Ban on False Hair: Ilrockwayvlllo, Pa, At a meeting of tho liacbolor dlrls' club of this placo a resolution was adopted to put a ban on false hair as an aid to boauty. Hlnco then tho women uro following tho lead ot tho girls by discarding rats nnd other falsa hair effects. A general boycott ot "fake hair" con ccrna scorn certain, There, aro few girls who cling to the mnko-belluvo idea bIuco tho liacb olor nirls' club ropolved to get along wlib natures own adornraeuL Do farmers eat the proper sort of food 7 Tho farmer of today buys a much larger proportion of tho food that goes on tho table than lid did ten years ago. It's a good thing that this Is so because ko has a great variety to select from. Ho should, however, uso great core in selecting for tho best ccsults in health and strength. Tho widespread tendency In tho city to increase tho amount of Quaker Oats eaten is duo very largely to tho recent demonstrations by scientific mon Umt tho Quaker Oat fed man is tho man with grcatcct physical endurance and greatest mental vigor, Farmers should glvo this subject careful thought nnd should Increase tho quantity of Quaker Oats caton by themselves, their children and tho farm hands. C7 DESERT MELODY. ;- "I can elns," nd oni Toucan, "you bet," f'J, too. enn," said op that he mot. So if I can. and you can. , Wo two can, wo Toucans." Bo the two Toucans sang a, duet Traveling Man Got Even. A traveling man called on the man ager of a largo Now York concern tho other day nnd sent hln card in by the boy at tho outsido gato, Tho boy sauntered back lazily nnd told the traveling man that tho manager wouldn't bco him. "Well, you go and ask him for. the card I sent In," said tho caller. In a few minutes tho boy returned from his .second trip. "Say," remarked the boy, "tho boss told mo to toll you Hint ho tore up that card, but ho scut a nlckcKo-ypirto iiay for Ik1 Tito traveling man wan deeply in sulted, hut ho decided to get back a best ho could. Ho opened hla card ence and draw out another card, hand ing it to tho boy. "Give this to your boos," he aaW, "and tell him that I'll keep tho money. My cards aro two for flvo. Much obliged." Tho manager rushed out of tho gate to find tho traveling man, but he was too Into. Tho man had left Betrayed by the Tipping Habit. "Your- friend, tho . count, .my jSar" said tho millionaire to 'hiablOQmlng daughter, "has an odd way-f extend ing his hand. Dd you noticd whea.wo parted to-night that ho held his palm uppermost?" His daughter sighed. "I was in hopes," Bho murmured, "thut If Alphonse was exposed ,ic would bo found that hoiwas at least a restaurant waiter but I'm afraid he wus only a shoo shiner in n .bartwr shop." Not Willing to Commit Himself. Thp teacher had called upon Fred die Drown to give nn illustration ot tho proper manner In which to com pare tho ndjctive "Clean." "Mother is clean," said hq, faltering ly, "father Is cleaner " Hero he paused. "And," prompted 1ho teacher. "Freddie was still silent nnd very thoughtful. ' "Haven't you sorao other. relative?" asked the teacher, smiling. "Oh, yes," replied Frcddlo, "there's auntie but I ain't Buro about her!" Storm. Episode. Two hnnduomo young women, be comingly dressed, slipped and fell to-j gether In tho slushy pool of tho cross ing. Thoy nroso wet and nngTy Wring out, wild belles," commontod an observer, such an addition ot Inj Biilt to injury being condemned by all' who overheard. Philadelphia Ledger.' Thinking of Garden Time. Hacon I think much of tho ' man who can niako two blades of grass'. grow whoro ono grow boforo. ICgbort I've not got, my eyo on hlm.l I ndmiro moro tho man who can muko only ono weed grow whero a dozen grow before. j Tho decollotc-gowncd "wdmnn la sol-., dom deceitful; nt least, shcdocsn't try I to conceal much. ' CHANGE THE VIBRATION It Makes for Health. A man tried leaving off ment, pota toes, coffco, and etc., and adopted nl breakfast or fruit, Orapo-Nuts with' cream, somo crisp toast and. a cup, .of Postum, ' ' His health began to improvo at onco for tho reason that a -moat oator will roach a place onco in a whllo wuoro his system seoms to becomo clogged and tho machinery doesn't work smoothly. A change of this kind puts nslda food ot low nutrltivo vnluo and takes up food and drink of tho highest value, already partly- digested and capable of being quickly changed Into good, rich blood nnd strong tissue A most valuable featuro of Q rope Nuts is tho natural phosphato ot pot ash grown in the gralim from which it la rondo. This is tho eloracnt whloh transforms albumen in tho body Into tho soft grny substance which OIU brain nnd nerve contain. A few days' uso of Orapo-Nuta will glvo ono rt degree of nervous strength well worth tho trial. Look in pkgs for tho llttlo book, "Tho Road toWollrlllo." "Thcro'a n Reason." I'vrr rrml tlic ulntvti Irftrrr A Hrw iiiic itM-nr from dm (o (line. Tltrjr arc "krniilur, (ri)C, nu4 foil ot Itumna Interest.