The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 22, 1910, Image 5

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To toko the handle of a Hull Umbrella and put it in
a Suit Case or on a new top. Let us show you the
finest line of Umbrellas or the market.
S2.50 AND UP
A full monegram engraved on the handle of each
one free of charge.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Graduate Dentist.
Offices over tho McDonald
--. S.tato Bank.
W. J. Kahbe, living northwest of
town, is hauling" out lumber for tho
erection of a new house.
We are making" ji , specialty of hata
for $3.00 and 7.00, Call and see them
before buyirig'. 'Miss Whittaker.
R. Crown went Jto Grand Island Sun
day to visit his father-in-law G. M.
Babbitt, who is 'ill at tho Soldiers'
Farm Loans. Short or Long Time.
See Bratt & Goodman.
J. L. Loudon 'has sold his residence
on Chestnut and C. streets to V. C.
Pease for a consideration of 82,300. i
Possession will be given the latter part
of this Week,
Quality and superiority of workman
ship characterize the Whittaker hats,
whether a $4.00 or a $10.00 hat.
J. L. Loudon has received word an
nouncing tho death Saturday of his
grandfather at Salem Ind. Mr.
Loudon's parents have been at Salem
since December.
Coloado Apples 90 cents
a box at Wilcox Department
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Wednesday, continued moderate
weather. The maximum temperature
yesterday was 80, a year ago 40; mini
mum this morning 40, a year ago 30.
Wo have a big line of heavy 5A horse
blankets which we will sell at less than
cost. P. Fokstedt.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brcfin, us well
as Mr. and Mrs. M. Elias, desire to
publicly express their thanks to the
city firemen and all others who assisted
in the search for their little son who
strayed Saturday night.
Don't overlook the big furniture sale.
Fifteen to fifty per cent discount. Sale
starts Saturday.
Ginn, White & Schatz.
Trainmaster M. F. White was called
to Edelstoin, 111., by tho illness of his
father, whose condition is such as to
preclude much hope of recovery. As
his absence will bo indefinite, Ned
Spangler, who has been trainmaster on
tho Kansas Pacific, has como hero to
fill the position until Mr. White returns.
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
First National Hank
Will Doebka is erecting a now house
on west Eleventh street.
Tho condition of Mrs. F. L. Mooncy
this forenoon is. reported vory critical.
The maximum temperature yester
day was eighty-six. That'B summer
weather in March.
For Sale Fifty gallons of extracted
honey. Inquire of Will Otten.
H. J. Hansen is hauling Out lumber
with which to erect nn additional
house on his ranch northwest of town.
' A. F. Drebert, of tho Drebort Cloth
ing Co., is in town looking after his in
terests. Ho will remain until tomorrow
3 II. P. "Stover." TJasolino engine for
sale. Inquire Stone Drug Co. North
Platte, Neb.
Miss Mary Jensen has resigned her
position with Bratt & Goodman on
account of ill health and hus returned
to her home in Grand Island. Mrs.
Andrew Yost is temporarily filling the
Furnish your house now at half
price. 'Come early Saturday.
Ginn, White & Schatz.
Tho musical program rendered" at the
Lutheran church Sunday showed the
result of tho careful and competent
work of E. C. Ringer as director. Many
compliments have been expressed by
those who had the pleasure of hearing
Sunday's music.
Colorado Apples 90 cents
a box at Wilcox Department
. M. B. Smith, owner of the Lexington
artificial ice plant, was in town yester
day hulking arrangements to supply our
citizens with his product during the
summer. Ho will begin making de
liveries hero about tho middle of April.
Tho basket ball team of the Brady
hiirh school camo up Friday evening and
defeated tho Y. M. C. A. team by a
score of thirty to eighteen. The visit
ors tilaved a very fast came, while tho
work of the local team waB,below tho
avorace. hence tho decisiveness or tno
defeat. Tho Brady team has not met
defeat this season, although it has
played several very strong teams.
Fifty Years
the Standard
Baking Powder
Its 'use a protection and a
guarantee against alum
in i -; rvr
Jeha Leaner Will Resign.
John Lommor, manager and part
owner of tho North Plattt Mill & Grain
Co., has tendered his resignation as
manager and shortly after April 16th
will return to Cedar Falls, Iowa, where
ho will accept tho position of chief
miller for the Cedar Falls Union Mill
Co. This decision of Mr. Lemmer was
made after the Iowa company had tnado
overtures to him and offered a salary
that ho could not afford to turn down.
During his management of tho local
mill, Mr. Lemmer has demonstrated
that he is a first-class miller, and
though when ho took hold conditions
woro very discouraging, he has suc
ceeded in overcoming theso adverse
conditions and has placed tho products
of tho mill along the best mado in this
8 ta to or else where. Ho resigns at a
timo when his hardest work has been
completed that of remodeling the mill
and introducing the products.
Mr. Lemmer has proved a good busi
ness man and an excellent citizen, and
all acquaintances will regret the de
parture of himBclf and family.
Artificial Ice.
The Lexington Artificial Ico Co. will
begin delivering artificial ice in this
city about April 15th, A liberal supply
will bo kept in Btorage and all orders
can and will be promptly filled.
M. B. Smith.
Organ Recital.
The Estoy company is installing one
of its organs in tho Presbyterian church
this week. Tho instrument will not bo
ready for use for some days. Tho open
ing recital has been set for Tuesday
night, March 29th. Prof. Molzer, of
Lincoln, will bo on tho program for
several yiolin numbers. A chorus will
sing. J. W. Gratian, of St. Louis, will
bo at tho organ. Mr. Gratian has
played his chosen Instrument in many
citios in this country, and has studied
both horo and abroad. This is tho only
pipe organ in the city and the recital
will givo our people an opportuoity to
hear a fine ' instrument played , by "'an
Apples 90 cent a Box-
90 cents a box for Colorado apples.
Wo bought a car at ' a loss to tho
shipper. You got tho benefit. Wilcox
Department Store.
Holy Week at Episcopal Church.
Wednesday Lenten service and ad
dress at 7:30 p. m.
Thursday Celebration of holy com
munion at 10 a. m.
Good Friday Morning prayer and
altar service at 10 a. m,, three hours'
service (with Lutheran people) from
12 to 3 p. m.
Saturday Easter even, holy baptism
at 4 p. m. The baptismal service will
start promptly at the time designated.
New Line of Harness-
I wish to announce that I will re
ceive in a few days a big lino of heavy
and light harness which will bo sold at
prices that aro right. Farmers and
others aro invited to call and see them.
P. Fokstedt.
The Elks' Ministrels-
Director Nunn, who 'has charge of
tho Elks' minstrel show, has com
pleted selecting tho cast and the pro
duction will be greater and better than
last year. The casto will have twenty
more people than last year, the end
men will be full of ginger and tho Bhow
from start to finish will bo one con
tinuous laugh. ThiB show will bo pre
sented two evenings Wednesday and
Thursday of next week.
For Sale Cheap.
G horse gasoline engine with 50 gal
lon gasoline tank. Good magnotor and
2 lib cooling tank all in good running
condition. Seo or address VanClcavc.
An Awful Eruption
your interest in skin eruptions will be
as short, if you uso Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, their quickest cure. Even the
worst boils, ulcers, or fover sores are
U 1 .1 t... It Tlnot 1am T)iimu
Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It gives
instant relief. 25c. at stone Drug Jo.
Gmduate Northwestern UnlTcretty.
Office over McDonald State Bunk
Kearney-North Platte high
school debate at central
school auditorium tomorrow
Christian Church,
This school is gaining interest all tho
time, being tho first 1910 Front rank
school in tho state gives it much en
thusiasm. Tho essentials of a front
rank school aro those (G) in number
(1) whole school graded, (2) training
for service class, (3) workers confer
ence, (4) contribute to homo and for
eign missions and benevolence with
missionary secy, (5) supplemental les-
Bons, (G) 50 per cent of school owning
and carrying their bibles. Thcro aro
twelvo of these schools in Nebraska
now leading all other states. 127 were
present at the Christian Sunday school
last Sunday, it has an enrollment of
208. Next Sunday being front rank
day (when hundreds of schools will at
tain to the front rank) an attendance
of at least 150 is expected. Special
honors await tho elass that first has an
attendance of twenty-five, as two or
three are close up there it is expected
they will reach tho goal- noxt Sunday.
Tho attendance now is 50 per cent
greater than a year ago, and 25 per
cent above last quarter. Next Sunday
b tho day for tho school's regular offer
ing for benevolence, an interesting pro
gram will be rendered in tho evening at
eight o'clock to which a liberal offering
is expected. An Easter souvenir will
bo given each one in attendance.
Attend the big furniture
sale commencing' Saturday,
March 19th. Fifteen to fifty
per cent reduction.
Ginn, White & Schatz.
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Oldfather visited
at Arnold's Wednesday.
The ground works up in fino shape
this spring.
F. E. Rosso would do well to put up
a livery stable for the accommodation
of travelers.
Is this nice beautiful weather come
to stav? Mv irucss is vou mav look for
something different ueforo May 1st
comes around.
Mrs. Ericsson took a rido in an auto
Monday. Thoy certainly woro sailing.
L. II. Sommers has oought a new
carriage with capacity enough to take
his whole family.
Frank Dameron has been up Snell
Canyon putting down wells.
Sam Warnock says he is going to put
his wholo place in oats, rent his alfalfa
ground and go on a travel till harvest.
ii. Lf. bowies is plastering ms new
house; getting ready for occupancy in
the near future.
If vou have calls to break colts on
Rosso and Carflcld but be sure to have
no sudden turns or the wagon may turn
turtle and you might tret it in the neck.
IT you want to atiu something more to
ou nursery stock this spring cnll on E.
I. Arnold and he will nlaco your order
with Harrison Nursery Co., York.
L. E. Storey is back in the store
again after an absence of five weeks.
Ho looks rather pale yet.
There are some rather spongy places
on the road between the rivers and as
you approach Maxwell.
Vernon Kuhns is at homo from busi
ness school to stay. Ho is now helping
in the store.
The mumps in our neighborhood at
tack big and little. They aro no re
specter of persons.
Everley and Gregg have ouito a lino
of implements in their new house at
B. F. Lav ton has nut up a now hay
barn in Maxwell and is filling it with
Horse and Cattle Sale.
W. H. Turnio will sell at tho Turpie
ranch four miles southeast of North
Platte on Thursday, March 24th, 100
head of horses ranging in weight from
800 to 1400 pounds, and 25 cows from
a to u years old.
Have Made Many North Platte Resi
dents Enthusiastic.
No wonder scores of North Platte
citizens crow enthusiastic. It is
enoucht to make anyone happy to find
relief after years of suffering. Public
statements like the following are but
truthful representations of da v work
done in North Platto by Doan's Kidney
Mrs. G. Sm th. North P atte. Nobr..
savs: "After recovering from an at-
nt tt.nUnt,! fni.n.. mi. 1UI Unit
sufTered for about a year from pains
through his back, caused by disordered
kidneys. Ho had a constant feeling of
weakness and at times was so languid
that no could nnruly drag himself
around. Tho kidnev secretions were
too frcciuent in nnasairo and there was
a dull, heavy ache through his back
and sides. Although wo consulted
doctors about his caso, the medicine
thoy prescribed did not bring any
permanent relief. A few months ago
we learned of Jjoan's Kidney Pills and
procureda box at McDonelf& Graves'
Drug Store. The prompt relief our
son received from their use was grati
fying and I am glad to say that no 13
now in good health."
For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents
Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New
York, solo agents for tho United
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capita and Surplus $130,000.
E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Preside!,
F. L. M00NEY, Cishler.
I From Red River
. Choice Red River Ohio Seed Potatoes.
Pure strain and nothing nicer. Car to ar
rive in a few days. Leave orders - at
store. Prices very little higher than cook
ing stock.
R, N:
IhQve conducted more successful sales than all other
auctioneers combined in the snme territory. Don't
employ an auctioneer because he is cheap, or because
he is a good fellow, for tho chances aro you wilUbe compelled
to sell at a sacrifice and that means a loss to you. My terms
may seem a little high, but there is no one but will tell you the
prices I get will return the extra charge many times. Seo mo
before claiming your dates. Write or wire at my expense.
Phone E504 T. F. WATTS, North Platte.
The Keith Theatre,
C. II. STAMP, Manager.
w"ey Mar. 23d
. 0 W t W
The Season's Dramatic Event.
First Time Here.
Presents the Notable Play
The Girl of the
Golden West
A story of California in the Days
of '49 by David Belasco. Presented
for Two Consecutive Years at the
Belasco Theatre. New York. A
perfect Belnsco Cast and Production
Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c. 50c.
Seats on sale Monday, March 21st.
Choosing a Cigar
ia largely a matter of luck or faith at
first. If you choose a "Forest King"
your trust will be rewarded. Tho first
whiff you tako will tell you that you
have struck a prize. And you'll find
yourself likinfr tho "Forest Klmr" bet
ter all tho timo. Try one to-day and
you'll want two tomorrow. Every
District, Minn, i
Stubborn Ac Mulct
are liver nnd bowels nomnHm HQ1 Bfwkm
- -.MWIM(VU UWUlll
to balk without cause. Then there's
trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion,
Nervousness, Despondency, Headache.
But bucIi troubles fly before Dr. King's ,
Now Life Pilla, tho world's best Stom- '
ui.ii uuu ijiver remeay. ao easy. Z5c at
Stone Drug Co.
mm -
'I. J- w.
A (rood liorso cnata nnvwhnrn frnm
$150 to $500. Wo will self you a" good '
warm blanket for $1.76 to $5.00. Isn't
it much tho best plan to invest in the
uianKot and save In tho cost of horse
flesh by preventing colds or pnoumonia'
With tllO ri'RllIfnnh vpfarinnrv'a unrl
druggist'B charges? Our line of blan-
kuuj and norso gooos generally is very
complete. Like to sep it?
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East FiftH.- .
trier noa tno same experience.
'. Remember Iho namu Ddan'fl and
take no blh'df.