TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. THE DUTCH PAINTER By KATE LUDY SYNOPSIS. fc . " '-- Til ! 1 1 I II II iJlljLI?JlJ Tlit slnrV nncnv with Mm Introduction hf John Stephens, Adventurer, ti Masan- rlniijctlBiinair mnruoncil by utitliorltlos ut Vnlrtarafoo. Chile JIoIiik Interested In mining operations In Hollvln, lio wns de nounced by Clilla iia nn Insurrectionist hiU as n corrscnuenco wns hiding. At his hotel lils attention wan nttrnctca by nn hiiKlfshmnn and n yotuiK wotniin. Hienhon rescued tho young woman from n drunken ofllcor. Ito wns thnnked by hor. Admiral of llio I'oruvlnn navy con fronted Htrphcns, told lilm that war hail licen declared iMtirorn Chllo and IVru mid offered him the ollli-o of cnplalti. Ho detlrrd that that nleht the l-'smernlilu. n Chilean vessel. should bo ctilturt.d. Stephens , accepted tho cominln!nn. HtrpTicns met a motley crow, to which ho win nsl(inrd, Jlo kavc them llnol In n ruction. They ttonrdod tho vessel. They micrf Kflfully captured the vessel supposed lo ho tho Ksincralrin, through strategy. t'npL Htcphens kvo direction, for the bi nnnura or me crnr. no eniereu me csi. In and , discovered tho Kngllfth -woman hiwI Tier maid. Hi-iiiieis quickly learned I lie wrong vessel had' loon captunul. It was Lord Darlington's prlvnto ynclit, tho-lord's wlfo nml inald- being aboard He. c2pinincd,thc sllitnilnn to her lady ship.' Then tflfst Mntc' Tuttle laid Iwo plot, saying that tho gea Queen had hrrtr taken In order to en lo tho Antarc tic circle. Tu l tin explained tlmt on n former voyago" ho hud learned that the Donna, Isnhol -tvus lost In 1753. lio had round .It frnren In ik Imgo ense- of Ico on uri' Inland and contained mucu gold, Stephens consented o,, Ikj ,tho cnptplh nf tho expedition. " Iia told Lndy Darlington. Bho win greatly- alarmed, hut .expressed confidence In him. Tha Hea".jueen f ncotttiWrrd n vessel In tho foe. stoplifcnH attempted to cpmmunlcate. 1 I. ' i i , r. CHAPTER XM;-4ontlnued. "Lay,, your hands On mo nsntn," I UircatpueiL., "nnd I'll floor yon (o jfogcfr, I'll tnko Unit firln jft yonO,Ta'c3'j)e TfdVn, It yod nttciript nny,Vntfc'rTt'iribc with mo novfr ' lie uadcrstood quickly onouRh what I inbaut; arid ovldvutly lind 0 rt'llalt for Htlacklng; mo nlouo, for with nnb svlf(A soarchJtiB tlnncQ. no tliu tog; ho 6apd, down tho Btcps and ran hnflttly. at- I 'know ho wnfi seeking Uio backing or Ttittlo, dnd nrmcd my olf vvltli a holnyhiR liln, poorlng cat; rly mcanwhllo Tor tho . ,'h'enr-Ty finll, and cursing 'the fellow nt 'tho wheel for not holding hor iwtoiho point directed. Thoy ennio up together, two fetcpa, nt, a time?,, Titftjp. In hla shirt Hlucvca,- -und, nB thoy nltnlnbd tho hrldgo, Dili Anderson bwiiok hlmaolf out of tho hatch, and tnrtou" nftor thorn. I backed away, tho ugly Iron pin Knaped' hi my hand. . :'You'dbotter keep back," 1 warned, Ihrnfonlngly; "lhi r'onily to 'brain tho first man who attempts to touch mc." TuttW stopped, hla Jaw working sav-' a;aly, his oyoa pn mine. ' "Will you Jiromlso to keep cjulot, sir, an' let us got away out o this?" "Damn jrou, nol" stubbornly, nil my" M'tiHea leaving mo at bIkIU qf hla hate ful face "I'll speak (hnt ship p onder If I have to fight tl4 crew of you slngle:handcd." " r i'Thcn flght, you cock'crol.' nn' bo dnrnncd to you!' roared Anderson ; anil ho pressed past tho two of them and sprang at mc. It, ,was hot, swift, work., while It hinted. I 'struck twlco, laying open tho ' big brute's, scalp, nnd dropping him so his head hung daugllng lown over the deck, Jils body huddled against tho rail. 1 aimed to do ua well by Tut tle, but tho descending pin landed on hla, uplifted arm, find, bfori4 could draw back for another blow, tho fol low at tho wheel roloaucd tho spoken nnd Jumpefd at RiybacU. throttllng m' with hls"hnridrf ns tlio weight of hla body crushed mo to tho plnnkB. Grasp ing thortll L hait. toro inyself loose, rising to ono knee, nnd ntruek him twlco madly In tlin tacu; but othors nt tho crclcAmp tthliH'f on'.top of us, pinning Uolpjoasly down. It was alijtho work of ft brouthloas mo. incut, rind, bi I -lay thtno, thq kneo of a negro crunching Into my chest, I snw l)e Nova spring to tho whoel nnd whirl It hard down, whllo Tuttle, his left arm dangling, ids tooth sot from pain, began Jangling tho bulla In the englneroopi. Scarcely had tho echo reached un when n strango voice hulled tharpIy'frb)15't"'fSttel W'Stwmerfthoyt'- What vessel la Tultlo' nasal Voleo nrtswcrud: "Stoam yacht Cormorant, Pannma to Waiter Island, Tor plousnro. Who rn you?" "II.rM. S. Victory, on cruise. Stand by, whllo wo Bend a boat," A d$n o.V-b' sprang. to Tuttle'B Hps, Ida fljlgortt' convultjlVoly gripping (ho rail. iThen ho nphoaiod td rally, tho very jstonslty of hla fear mnllug a now man out of him. lJU Tntsyii wero cortalnly.wpoaitioua fndugB?lu my caso, draggliifc mo bump iugt,dawu 'tha iit(jpliiand Hinging mo In hetVcon'tublo1 and" Trench with a vio lence tMRrhIiudaAdtgrohu. I caught tlHr.gtlmmer'of t "itfccl barrel In Do Nov4'b lm3as heJdrow close tlib ' UwH.MHiJl) to do, Jlons, Sle pheaa,", hq i(a, npt,lli-nuturedly, "but, by jar( oijtijw .farstty; row U was go ing 'to bo ilpnp,. for, ahpot xo pl3tol vcryooi. - ' ' "That's -all rlghtjalJinNew'hrlAt piled; teHklag. tiijTompVetadefeut uml heJdliHL yjBO Mpraonal grttdgo ,uS3tliff,H!HI1-"TI don't' blame you. I've - 1 SfeffiPfir I Mitt; iir i "dThe Descending-Pin Landed on His Unlifted Arm. "The Deacahdlng Pin Landed on Hla Uplifted Arm. I 11 ; ns j t : . mado my play, and have had enough. May" I Bit' up?" "T- Ilci nodded caroleasiy'. flroitplng ; Iho rovojvpr back Into his jnclcot pocket, yet with' hla' black oyea ' I'ntltcned ahrowdly on my face. '. " 'Tla za boa', wav to: tnlli. mmiMlniir JoaiisliiK to lluton -to thn- inlncled 'dounds without., "Saore,, I wonder n iiy iu uovn WUM up UOWJ ' W;0 botli Bat,'''brcathlni hnrtlrrom qur fato fuertljins, llstonlng anxiously, yet. with1 ygstly differing; omotlonB. hop6 animating mo that this was to provo n enpturo, or, nt least, that Bomo chanco dlscpvory by .the ofllcor ylsjt lug Us would result in "tho volenso' of tho women below. Hut Do Kpva was In "nu agony of apprehension, tho full p'orll of hla position clear beforo him. Wo henrd the bare foot of. tho hurry ing sailors patter along tho dock, tho Blrldont voice of Tuttlo1 Issuing u fow final coinmnuds, am the taint sound of oara In tho wator nloncaldo. The ofllcor camo ajowly up the' ladder, and my neart sank- as I heard him laugh cnrcloaaly (o tho mate's grouting. 1 could distinguish tho sound or hla voleo, hut pqt tho words uttered, and In, some way U impressed mo with the thought that tho fellow was young, a mldshlptnnu,- possibly, who would prove mere putty under Tuttlo'a ox port haudtlng. Tho two wont down tho companion-stops togothor In up parently amiable conversation, ami vro could heard tliu low" murmur of voices ns tho crow hung over tho rail Jostlng with tho nen5!-wnr'n men In tlo boaf below. My eyca. met De' M.M.,IM I.. .1- ..I . . . . ui uiv Bt-'iiu-unrKueas, unit no grinned, showing IUb teeth. "NosHlng vor daugoroiis, monsieur," ho nnld, easily. "Zo of fox he fool sat kid." i attempted no rosponae, my mind ul ready mifllctently heuvy from nppre-, honslon. Oh, for Just n word, meroly an opportunity to cry out our story be foro It waa Torevor too late! Do Nova must have felt the struggle within m6, tor uo strctcnod . hla. logs across the narrow panango loading to tho door, nnd I saw his hand thrust Into hlo coat pocket, UntlqrnonUt hla. genial vo- noor ho was one to net upon occasion, ausqiuioiy careless of tho result. Bo I waltod In allouco, my teeth sot hard, my hands clonched, nB tho last vos tlgo of hopo oozed alowly out of me. Thoy wero senrcoly ton minutes bo low, coming up chhttlng' ii raro ood fellowship, tho ofllcor olluglng to tho t:l, his foot on tho ladder, while' ho lopmploted somo story he had been' rotating with much gusto. Then' we heard plainly tho dip of oars, growing gradually fainter In tho distance, foot pnttored on tho dock planks, Tuttlo'a voleo souhdod from tho brldgo. .and tho vessel began throbbing to tho stoady chug of tho scrows. Wo wero aafoly uuder way again, pressing1 our sharp bow luto tho fog-bank. Unable to control my weakness. I burled my faco In my hands. i I do not know how long wo sut there iuollonlosB, Do Nova Blaring iblankly tit the "vapor sweeping prist" tho win- now. and I with head lowered In do piccslon. U was Tuttlo himself, with ono arm in nn improvised sling, who slid open tho door of tho charthonso and looked In upon us. "This Is your watch yet, l)o Nova." he said, shortly, "nnd I need to doctor up my arm n bit. You'ro a dam' hard hitter. Mr. Stephens," no trace of an ger In his voice, "but that's about tho last chance you'll havo to kick up n shindy on this vewrel. You'll go below, Sir, an' stay there, unless we happen to need you." I stepped forth onlo the open deck In obedlenco to his gesture. "Then I am no longer oven In pre tended command, but merely your prisoner." "Call It whatever suits you best." he returned, grimly. "Tho rosult will bo tho samo In any caso. Well, Do Novn, what are you wnltln' for?" "I sink mnybo you Hay w'nt wbb It ze navy man wanted?" Tuttle'8 solemn countenance broke into tho Beinblance of a grin. "Plug tobacco," he announced, suck ing his Hps with sudden onjoymcnt of the joke. "Gnvo mo tho scare of my life, but that's all It amounted to. Uoen out crulsln' for three months, an' tho crow ready to mutiny for Btuokln and chcwln'. Nice, noclnblo llttlo chnp thoy sent over, too." CHAPTER XIII. In Which We Sail Due' South. Aa I sank down Into the rccessos of u cushioned chnlr In tho cabin, my spirits nt lowest obb, glanced up at tho tclltnlo compasswo wore already bended duo south. Thoso days and nights following, whllo serving to boar ub continually dcopcr Into thn immcmso cxpnnso of wator that concealed tho mystery awaiting ub In tho great South sea, contained llttlo of Incident directly re lating to this narrative. Day following day that eamo wldo circle or tho sky enmo down to unite with the circle of Iho waters. It was almost as though wo remained motionless, "a painted ship upon a painted ocean": only tho llguros on tho paper, tho pins on tho chart, tho Bharp stem cleaving tho wnves asunder, and tho oily wako astofn leaving us awaro of stoady progression through this trackless desert of tho Ben. Wo passed Homowhnt to tho west ward of Juan Fernando:, so far out that only with n glass from the forotop could tho distant peaks be dimly deciphered in blue, misty blots against tho sky. Already Tuttlo hnd banked tho tiros, and spread tho Sea Queen'u canvas, reaching to tho west ward to got tho most possible out of the fresh breeze. Tho Sea Queen changed motive power and nppoarnuco aa"lf by magic, tho aquaro yards hid lug the jauntlness of hor keel, and cuucealtng tho rnke of hor mnsts tho whlto sails bellowing out before tho wind, sending her swooping forward through tho water like a great bird, leaning over until at tlmos her Ico rail "was all awash with white foam and her forward decks glistening with spunio. Tuttle drove hor recklessly, holding on in spite of crackling wood and sails threatening to lenr looso from tho bolt-eyes, tnktng shrewd advantage of each slant of wind, and lowering can vas only when danger was deadly. Ho had come into his own, ho was nt home, and tho rcjuvenntod Sea Qucon leaped forward nt his will, as though endowed with fresh life. He Beomcd to understand hor moods, her caprices, as though ho had nailed her in every sun, nnd I watched him test her. loos ening a rope hero, tightening another there, striving to discover her good nnd bad qualities, until my ndmlratlon for his seamanship almost overbnl anced my growing dctvstatldn of him otherwise, Lndy Darlington became positively afraid of htm, dreading his npproach, shrinking from his address, yet not dar ing to withdraw wholly from his pros once. His solo topic of conversation was psychomoncy, and every tlmo Bho endeavored to lend him to somo more pleasant subject ho would return with dogmatic persistence to that ono rath er dismal theme. His blatant solf-con colt saved him from realizing horuttor weariness, and ho never seemed to tiro of his own, unctuous, nasal tones, Heavens, but tho fellow Was an Insuf ferable bore. Celeste would slip away unobserved, but her mistress nnd tny self had no means of cscapo.' I re mained quietly below for throe days, and ovou then was not released by any formal word of mouth. I simply boenmo so tired of tho senseless Im prisonment that I mounted to the .dock, .taktag Lady Darllngtou, uotormined to uo confined to tho cabin ho longer except by physical force. Do Nova wns upon the- brldgo when wo emerged from tho companion, but he merely glanced at ns curiously. Tut tlo, coming ,aft a- llttlo lutor, rotalnod sense onough to remain silent. The throo daya passed below had thrown mo much Into tho society of both mis treas and maid, although tho frank Intimacy of that first conversation with Lady Darlington was never ro- HlllllfVl. TVlAra Rnnmiwl nn tnfrntlrrltiln Miarrler of reserve between us, al though wo tulked freoly enough re garding our situation, the peculiarities of Tuttlo, and tho constantly changing wonders of tho deep. It was as It nclthor of tta qulto dared to probo be neath Iho surface, opening up onco more tho doptha each endeavored to conceal; rather wore wo content to drift aa tho tldo ran. 1 Baw comparatively little of Dc Nova, tho socond officer, during this period, and gained nn Impression that he was endeavoring to avoid meeting mo. Yet 1 ran across him twlco In company with Celeste, onco in the cabin, and again In tho narrow deck Bpaco ovorhunglng tho stern, nnd be gan to hope vnguely that tho girl was winning him over to our interests. With tho others I sought to approach I mado no progress.' McKnlgbt sel dom showed his noso nbovo dock, and then only to smoku In sullou Hllcnco, f.vated gloomily on tho edge of tho main hatch or to the Ico of tho chart house. Olsen was undoubtedly honest onough, yet without Intelligence, hla oyofi thoso of a lalthful dog. Tho Chilean, u oniooth-fnced young follow wonderfully deficient In chin, I learned had been assigned us assistant to tho cook, nnd wns thus kopt too busy in side tho galley oven to bo approached. Indoed, so far I had not ?oen his face on board thq ship. CHAPTER XIV. In Which De Nova Speaka. What now occurred enmo upon us with such suddenness that I And It difficult to relate tho Incidents in de tail. Wo must hnvo been below the flftlolh degree of south Intltudo, and nbout 13f degrees west, with thn wind strong nnd occasionally pulling up Into squalls, bearing flakes or snow which stung exposed flesh nnd left a thin tnnntlo or white along tho decks. If was Tuttlo'a wntch below, nnd as I paused In tho protection or tho com panlonway looking rorwnrd. whllo I got 'my pipe going, I could boo Do Nova on tho brldgo, wrapped up llko a mummy, nnd crouching well down bo hind the tarpaulins. All nbout Was a wild aca sceno, nover to bo looked upon amid nny other stretch of wntors on the globe a dull, dead picture or utter desolation, of madly racing wavotf. of green, Billion aea, of polo bluo sky, tho very frost In the air ap parent: a cold, drear expanse cf mo nolonous distance wljeiover tho oyo lbqked-a desert of water below, a void or air above. Ulg Bill Anderson, hla head still bound up whero I hnd cracked him, slouched In tho doorway of the courthouse, stnrlng aft, nnd a moment later Do Nova enmo lumber lug down the stops from tho bridge and spoko with him for some earnest ly, Tho boatswain finally went for ward, clinging to a lifeline to koep footing on the ellppery deck, .and tho second ofllcor clawed along the woath-cr-rall until ho reached tho companion, (TO M15 CONTINUBDJ In the center of n quiet villago stood n inn, the proprietor of which was nnmca tVlti; rienrTy opposite was the cottnge of the village painter, re Jolclug In tho odd nnrac of Tunder, at whore door might be seen boards rep resenting grotcsquo carlcaturo paint Ings, ns slgiiB of his profession. Or a truth, poor Tunder had a great lovo for his art; but, sorrowful to fo late, bis art hnd no lovo for him! Ho was Vain nnd conceited, as near ly all pretenders to excellence are, yeu ho found a liberal patron and an ar dent ndmircr in old l'rltz, who carried his patronage so far as to promlso him his lovely little daughter Lulu In marriage. Now Lula and her good mother had another young gentleman in tholr minds' eye: It wns Rudolph, the hand Bomo young gardener nnd huntsman who loved Lula most fondly and truly, but who failed to make an Im prcBsion on tho flinty bosom of old Fritz. Tho day was fixed for Lula'B mar riage with Tunder, and mother and daughter went bristling through tholr preparations with tearful eyes and saddened hearts, which 111 befitted a bridal day. To give more cclatto the wedding, Fritz ordered a new sign, and Tun dbr's talents were called in requisl Hon.' Just then, a young artist, who had that day arrived tho city, of fered to paint a sign, representing tho archduke, on very reasonable terms Lula and her mother voted for the artist's sign, and stubborn old Fritz swore thnt Tunder alono should share tho glory with himself. At length, a compromise wns effected: both paint ings should be done, and.n.piaco. ovor the lun door awarded to t,hat one which displayed most .ability.. Tho wedding day had arrived. ,and Tunder wns first in the, Held, .with his sign, but no one could make anything out of It. v "Behold!" cried the villagers. miserable abortion, which represents uelther fish, nor fowl?" "What Is it?" naked one. 1 "It is mutilated Indian from the wilds of the west!" replied his neigh bor. '..'. n "Ignorant wretches I" shouted Tun der, choking with Indignation, "Ye have cys and sco not!" so saying, he seized his brtish nnd painted" under ucath the portrait, "To tho gWt Leo pold." Shouts and groans followed this an nouncement, not for "Leopold," but for Tunder, who had bo shamefullly misrepresented him. Tho city artist's' painting vaa ri&rf displayed, nnd produced a spontaneous burst of enthusiastic applause Never before had tho people behold so lifelike and well executed n 'like ness of their very popular archduke; and tho artist, in order to escape be ing embraced to death, beat a speedy retreat Into tho garden In the rear, and sat musingly on a bench, Iu the midst of triumph his hoart was bowed down beneath tho load of somo secret sorrow that wns devour ing him. Unhnppy Itollo! A fow days elnce had seen him tho favorlto artist of a brilliant court, enjoying tho reputa tion or a Raphael, and on tho high road to-famo and fortune. A noble lady of tho court, and who was a ward of tho archduke, had mado n deep and lasting Impression on his heart, nnd ho noon perceived that his passion wan returned. Ha had not been long sitting in the arden, beforo he learned that there were others equally unhappy. Lulo and her lover 'wero sitting In an arbor, taking a last, loving farewell of each other. ''Why not fly with mc, dcaresl Lula?" murmured Rudolph. "If you will not do so, a few short hours will sco you wedded to thnt hateful Tun der, and lost to mc forever!" Lula sobbed audibly; yet, drying cr tears, slid replied: 'I cannot fly with you, though you know bow much I love you, Rudolph; to fly would grieve my father and break my mother's heart. I am full of hopo that Heaven will yet srnllo on our lovo." "Poor llttlo Lulu!" Highed Rqllo, aa alio nnd her lover left tho garden. Archduko Leopold, with the beau tiful archduchess, accompanied by hex ladles and officers of tho court, were on n hunting excursion nnd dashed through tho village. The archduchess placed n chain of gold round Fritz's neck, demanding to sco tho village ar tist who had painted the sign. After a long search Hollo was found peace ably sleeping in tho garden. Great was their delight and sur prise, at flndlng.,,tlio , "glory of tholr court," an they., termed him. Tho nrchduka folded him in hla rms, nnd told him ho bad never loubtcd his honor. He must Instant ly return to court, no longer in the capacity of a poor artist, but ua Daron do T , which title, with Ua estates, tho archduko was ready to bestow on him. Then ho said ho wns greatly In need of Hollo's sorvlcee as chief physician to his lovely ward. "And now la there aught you wish mo to do for your friends herof asked tho -archduke. Rollo related, in a few words, the jtory or Lula and Rudolph, on hearing which tho duke beckoned to Fritz, and In a tew moments the old man called tho young couple, Lula and Rudolph ind gave bis consent to their snar- fiage. RU WESTERN CANADA What Cromer Deneen, el Illinois. says About Its oreraot Donm. cf Illinois, own n mm "Button of land In R-kwhnn. IBHiS, Oan... Ito hM gild n imnTMwi . VAl AtMrioan I m ilftl I nil ti,l . . H tnaxtabls nrooreta of Wertero OanivU. Our rfwplonroflocklns tu-roiM Mini anil I Knre not ret n lifel mttile mlatakn. ley are all doing welt, irn la aoarcelr a com Weat-rn Stntm that , 125 Mm iHstafs ef wilt in thn mmaia n WiWM M I MS noia crop tot "-"--""'.wv.vv ill roan. I're lloinratmult of 1 00 acre, fTr.0 Hallway ami wuiwmc. riarn wna jor tale i.r.?IK.J.,i VTJocBl.un'r fnmir of tho pirooetNli of lnnl wu Splendid rllnuitn, cood' Uoo'li! pxcpllent railway 7iuiHUIca,Iotr lumber civilly nlitnlnml. , Jfpr.rmplilet."iiw llmt Wi." particular a to mltable location f.n5.J0'. era. rto. apply to Han't or ImnUtrimtW OUawi. Van., or to Ckaadlaa Uort AioaU W. V. BENNETT fcxw. 4 li D!t- BmaHs.ib. ( Uo itdil rog n euro t yon .) (1). aiVB THf2M Martin's Roup Remedy ANIJ.KliBl' voun URNS W U 1. 1, AND MAKE T1IEM GOOD LAYICIta CblckeiuBoup and kindred cUaoanc'a ore prevalent the jtmr round. & n il in many cases the entire flock becomes diseased and worthless. Thla condition cannot exist where MARTIN'S KOUP WSMKUY Is lv en tn tho drinking wntcr, tho rcmody' THAT 13 GUAUANTKHI) TO CUUK OK .MONEY KEKUNDKD. Just tho thing to trlve the young chicks. It Blnio-t Instuntly e.Ures the sick and provents the well ones from disease, and makes It unnecessary to separate the flock. If your druggist cannot supply you. a full sized paoknKo will bu sent to your address, prepaid. tUwm-rcccJpt of 60 cents hnd your druggist's nnmo. E. MARTIN CO.. 518 S.40tLSt.,0mD,Ntb. -FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED Alt RECTAL DISEASES enred without a surilcal OMrallon. and GUARANTEED to Utt a LIFETIME. No Chloroform.. Rthar or olher coneral anaai-J WRITE rOR rttEK BOOK thatlc Died. EXAMINXT10M FREE. DR. E. It. TARRY. 22SBW4s. 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