The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 15, 1910, Image 7

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Three in Crusade Against Com
pressing Their Bodies.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
1. 1 Til IIT A 1 4 i
viuiuKu, J.U. "i wis iroiiDica wim
falling nnd Itiflrtmmntloti, and tho doc-
liors snm icouia hoc
pot well unless X
h.iil (in Inn.
.1 know I could nob
(stand tho strain of
one, bo I wrote to
von nnmnMmn nrrn
.about my lion 1th
nnu you toiu mo
nnac 10 uo. Alter
Itaking Lydla U.
IPlnkham'n VppntiL.
bio Compound and
llllnnil Pnrlflnr T nm
to-day a well woman." Mrs. Will Ail
Ajiukns, 968 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111.
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, mado from natlvo roots aud
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, aud to-day holds tho record
for tho largest number of actual cures
of fomalo diseases of any similar medi
clno iu tho country, and thousands of
roluutary testimonials nro on lUo iu
tho l'lnkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who havo been
curod from almost ovory form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains.backacbo,
Indigestion and nervous prostration,
b very such Buffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia 33. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would Ilko special advlco
about your enso wrlto a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnklmm, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
Mid always liclpfuL
Tho Girl It isn't fair for you to
iopp on your mask after I bavo taken
off mine.
Tho Boy I didn't wear any.
Premature Repentance.
Tho sick man seized bis wife's hand
In his feeble grasp.
"Pleaso toll mo . tho whole, awful
truth at onco," ho begged, gaspingly,
"Oh, William!" cried his wife, "It's
all right, at last. Tho crisis is past
and tho doctor assures us that you
will recover t"
"Iu ho absolutely sure of that, my
"Well, then, darling, pleaso do this
for mo at onco. Run and tolophnno
to my partner that I didn't mean what
I said yesterday about not foreclosing
that mortgage. He'll understand tliut
I must havo been out of my beud."
Marrying for Money.
"Her father doesn't approvo of my
"You ought to show him ouo with a
larger check In it."
A Change of Food Works Wonders.
Tho wrong food and drink causos a
lot of troublo in this world. To
chango tho food Is tho first duty of
every porsou that Is HI, particularly
from Btomach and nervous troubles.
As an Illustration: A lady In Mo. has,
with her husband, been brought around
to health again by leaving off coffee
and sornf articles of food that did
not acrco with them. They began us
ing Postum and Grapo-Nuts food. She
"For a number of years I sufforod
with stomach and bowel troublo
which kont cettinc worso unutll I was
Tery 111 most of tho tlmo. About four
years ago I left off coffeo and began
tnklnir Postum. My stomacb and
knwnln Imnrovcd rltrht nlonir. but I was
so reduced in llech and so nervous that
tho least thing would overcome mo.
"Thou I chanced my food and be
gan using Grape-Nuts in addition to
Pnntiini. I lived on thoso two prin
clpally for about four months. Dny
by day I gained in flesh and strength
until now tho nervous troublo has en
tirely disappeared and I feol that I
owe my llfo and health to Postum and
"Husband Is 73 years old and ho was
troubled for a long uino with occa
elonal' cramps, and slopt badly. Finally
I nrovalled unon hltu to leave on conco
and take Postum. He had stood out
for a lonir time, but after ho tried
Postum for a fow. days he found that
ho could Bloep und that his cramrs
disappeared. Ho was satisfied and ban
never cone back to colleo.
"I havo a brother In California who
has boon using Postum for several
vpfim; his whole fumllr uso it also ue
causo they have had such good resultu
from It."
Look in pkgs. for tho Utile book, "Tho
Road to Wollvllle." "There's a IteaBon."
Kver rend Ihe nl.ovc lettrrf A new
- . ... 1 1 in.. They
nre urnuluc, true, nod full of Jiumau
1,7 li
Helena of Italy, Alexandra of England,
and Elizabeth of Roumanla Take
Action Which May Spread
to America.
New York. A corset strike may on
gaga tho attention uf the women after
they havo finished with tho meat
9trlko, for It Is now considered "queen,
ly" to go without tho exponslvo anil
uncomfortable adornments, according
to Information received here.
Hesldcs, stylish corsets aro getting
so long it Is unpleasant to walk In
them. Any girl will toll you that.
And tho longer they make them tho
nioro they cost. Any married man
qtui tell you that the high cost of
corsets has kept pace with tho high
cost of living.
, Hut tho main thing Just now is that
Queen Elizabeth qf Houmanla has con
cluded n triple alliance against the
corsots. Three queens aro hard to
beat. In addition to Queen Elizabeth,
thoro are Queen Alexandra of En is
land and Queen Helena of Italy. All
aro bona fldo queens who can wear
what they pleaso and afford to pay
for It and havo a vast burden of court
ctlquctto to manage.
Queen Elizabeth told her court all
about It a day or two ago. She re
ceived a letter from Queen Alexandra
saying tho latter had decided that
woman's dress should follow her nat
ural lines. Even If thoso lines art
Inartistic that is no reason why a
Queen Helena of Italy.
woman Bhould endanger hor health
and posterity, says tho queen.
Tho corset, opines Queen Aloxandra,
does not carry out tho Idea of natur
al linos In dress. On the other hand,
It thwarts such an Idea and gives the
body n sort of a nom do plume. It
Is a fraud, often a Bnaro und delusion,
nnd Queen Alexandra was anxious
that her disapproval ho published to
tho world.
It was this attitude of Queen Alex
andra, according to Queen Elizabeth,
that caused tho former to lnvont the
princess Idea of dress, for which many
shapely women nro so thankful.
"Hor majesty of England," wont on
Queen Elizabeth to her courtlors, "de
spises blouses, maintaining that the
subdivision of tho femalo body by the
blouso and skirt Is uubenutlful If not
a downright sacrilege."
So Queen Elizabeth Indorsed Queen
Alexandra and then proclaimed some
views of her own.
"Tho corsot," sho declared, "Ih an
Invention of man, not of woman. Most
men Judge n woman'n beauty accord
ing to tho standard of an expensive
Quoon Elizabeth forthwith wroto u
pamphlet setllng down her reflections
on tho subject and Is having it clrcu
latcd all over Uounmnla.
It was then that the queen of Italy
becamo a part of tho trlplo alllunco
Sho gavo away all hor corsets one
for every gown and wrote to Queen
Elizabeth as follows:
"I am opposed to tho corset on
principle, because I think It un
hygienic und directly Injurious tc
women, particularly to mothers.
Women . who have studied tho func
tlons of tho body will rofuso to weai
corsots. Only thoughtless mo then
will imttato tho habits of women still
moro giddy and allow their bodlei
to bo mjuuezed tightly and their or
gans to bo distorted."
Soul of British Empire.
Tho city of Loudon propor, which
lies In the heart of Greater London,
has a llvhiK population of but UG.OOO
by night, although 300,000 peoplo do
business thoro by dny, while all of the
currents of British llfo pass through
its portnls. Hero lit the soul of the
empire, with lta populauon of 400,-
000,000, and of Its area of 11,400,000
square mllos, or moro than ono-flth
of tho population and aroa of the
globo. Scrlbner's.
Walt for Tourists to Remember.
Cuba is vigorously enforcing collec
tion of duties on tho personal effocts
of passengers landing at any port of
tho lBland. two is a pointer for tour
ists to Cuba.
Wo havo noUced that a man had
rather brag on his kin than to board
them.-Atchbjou (Kan.) Globe.,
' " "
Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor pcaco for the man or
woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed.
It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tic your shoes. Ail day the ache keeps up. Any sudden
movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten. At night the suf
ferer retires to toss and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kid
neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause, inside.
A Curs of Severe Kidnar Dlteaie Verified
By T.t ofTime
Willlnm M. Scars, 9 W. Cherry
Btrcct, Nuvada, Mo., nays: "I was
convinced of tho great valuo of
Xoan's Kidney 1'llls through per
sonal experience. Four or live
months ago I Buffered a great deal
from a pain across tho smull of my
back, extending at times Into my
limbs and shoulders. When I
stooped or did any work that
brought n strain on tho muscles of
my back, my troublo was uggra
vuted. I tried a number of reme
dies but without nuccons. After a
short tlmo I could aoo that they
wcro benefiting me, and tho con
tents of two and one-half boxes
cured me." (Statement given In
May, 1509.) .
On Deo. 3rd, 190S, Sir. Sears Bald;
"I still havo great faith in Doan's
Kidney Pills. I feci Justlllcd in rr
endornlng this remedy as It has
dono so much for me,"
A Pause tn Devotions.
"Mabel!" called her father, outsldo
hor bedroom door. Thero was no an
swer, so ho called again.- Still no re
ply. Ho pushed open tho door, which
was not completely shut, nnd reach
ing for the button, turned on the lights.
Then bo saw Mabel. Sho was kneel
ing at tho sldo of hor bed In her night
gown, In tho attltudo of prayer tho
attitude, that is, as to kneeling. Uut
sho had raised her head at tho Inter
ruption and paused In her devotions
(o blnze at him with a face flushed
with impatience:
"Geo whiz, daddy! Can't a woman
say her praycrB?"
Then sho bowed her bond again,
piously, and daddy, properly rebuked,
slipped noiselessly away.
Opera the Great Leveler.
At ono of tho Wngnor operas a fow
days ago a woman nudged hor frlond
and snid: "Who Is that distinguished
man bowing to you over thero?" Her
frlond looked In tho direction desig
nated and smiled In a return greeting.
"That's my butcher," she said. "1 seo
him hero qulto often. When I go mar
keting In tho morning wo always dis
cuss tho opera. He's u German, you
know, and renlly knowB a lot about
other things besides cutting meat."
Now York Sun.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Oray's Sweet Powders for Children,
sura ITeverisuneBB, Headache, Dad Stomacb,
Teething Dlaordem, Ilegnlnte the UowcIh and
Destroy Worms. They break up colds In U
hoars. Pleasant to take, and harmless as milk,
rhey never fall. At all Dractrlsts, ZSc. Bumpla
mailed FKKE. Address, Allen B. Olmsted,
le Itoy, N. Y.
"Thnt child gets everything It
"And still It never gets what It real
ly ne'eds."
"You surprlso me I"
"It needs a spanking."
If It's Your Eye Use Pettlt'o Eyo Salve,
for inflammation, stys, itching lids, cyo
aches, defects of vision and sensitivity to
strong lights. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Ilullalo, N. Y.
A scientist claims that hogs have
souls, but ho probably doesn't mean
thoso who occupy two double scats In
a crowded railway car.
I'AZO OINTMKNTIiKTinrantftd tn euro anr rtia
ut Itching, llllnd, Illendlna or I'roUTjdlcu 1'flea la
0 to It days or money refunded. 10a.
Many a man's good reputation is
duo to what Isn't found out about
has fK-n nitml tuceulul)r for years f ordf ep-K-ateS
eousuii, colds and broaehltls. Krerrbody tbouU
know oboullt. UlSElmpl, sf and sore.
It Is easy to see the sliver lining of
other peoplo'a clouds.
There are imitations, don't be fooled.
Ask for Lewis' Single Binder cigar for Sc.
Many n man has kicked himself out
of a good lob.
How To Tell When The
Kidneys Are
Backache, sldcache, pains when stooping or lifting, sud
den sharp twinges, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, painful,
scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, dropsy,
Discolored or cloudy urine. Urlno that contains sedi
ment. Urlno that stains tho linen, l'ulntul paBsages.
lllood or shreds In tho urine. Let n bottleful of tho
morning urlno stand for St hours. If It shows a cloudy
or fleecy nettling, or a layer of flno grains, lllto brick
dust, tho kidneys uro dluordcrod.
A TRIAL FREE ney Pilli Yonntlf
Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-Milburn
Co,, Duflalo, N. Y A fico trial packago of
Doan's Kidney Pills will bo mailed you
promptly. w n u.
BoTd'brdcalo?, jPFlcoT5bcents. fVsiEiIaBURN Prtiprlotors.
Color mere noods brighter and tutor colors than am
The Appetites of Kings.
Tho king of Spain makes up for his
dally expenditure of activity by n tro
niondous appetite I havo observed,
for that matter, that tho majority of
sovereigns nro valiant trenchermen.
Every morning of his life Alfonso Xlll.
has a good rump stoalc and potntocs
for his first breakfast, often preceded
by eggs nnd sometimes followed by
Bnlad and fruit. From Recollections
of M. Paoll in McCluro's.
Any womnn can mako nn Impres
sion on a man who bus cither n soft
heart or n soft head.
Answer me quick, what help, what
hand, do you stretch o'er destruction's '
brink? llro,wnlng.
AVcgciablc Preparation forAs
similating ihc Food and Hegula
ling lite Stomachs and Dowels or
Promotes Digcslion,Cliccrful
ness and Resl.Contalns neither
Opiurn.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Nau c otic
Knipt trOMDrSAMUElimSft
Pumpkin Slid '
iMtlltUrti -Anil!
IwtmUl -
form Sitd
A perfect Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
locSimil Signaturt of'
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
fcnntim-rii m
other die. One 10c oacknoo colors all fibers. They d In cold water better than any other dm. You can die
MONROE OflUO CO., Qutnay, Illinois.
Look at tho Lower Bearing !
Hare It taken njmrt when you examine any
M-parulur ou tlilnlt of buying. Then comiiiiru
It with thuHlngla Imll Ion or hearing of tho
Wtttloiml. ImpoHklble to art out of order
ouay to udjust. Tho bowl uf the
National Cream Separator
mul(r from H.OOO to 10,000 revolutions i
minute. Tlilulc liow porfoot this bearing
must lio to stuud suuli it whirl twicoudiiy
forovur l'J yi'iiri, nn ninny National tuivu.
IriHlKt on your dealer ilemoiiHlriitlnK a Nation
al to you beforn buying it Hcpurutor ut any
price. Illustrated Cntaloune of full pnrtlcu-qi-h
free nn reijuoat.
Goshen, Ind. Clilcnco, 111.
Hook nnd AdTlroCTtRK. Dim
r..lik M Lax,...., Wnihlniitiin,
1).C. Utt. 4'J yr. Unit rcfutnuc.
For Infanta and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
THSasNTuaaoMMNr. nsarTaaseirr.
Bears the A, .
Signato M
Or For
Never any return
A CompUu Cur of Kidney Troublo
and Dropir
Mrs. I. I., llabers, 1C15 Terry St.,
Houston, Texas, says: "I hold n
very high opinion of Doan'o Kid
ney nils and with good reason, for
tli re years ago they cured mo of
kidney troublo that had clung to
mo for several years. Thero was
a dropsical swelling of my fcot nnd
limbs In addition to other symp
toms of kidney complaint, and al
though I used various remedies, I
was not helped until I procured
Doan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes
of this prcpaiatlon cured ma and I
havo never had tho slightest return
of my troublo. I havo recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to
many peoplo who havo questioned
mi about them, and I know of rov
cral cases In which they have dono
tho snmo good work."
What J. J. Hltl.tha Croat Railroad Magnate
Says About Its Whant-Produclnit Poworl
"The Breatriit reeil of thin rountry
lUnltiHl Ktatetl In nnntiior ifenorit.
lipu cir two mu ua wu iini-
on CI
vliilnu of liouea (nr iu
pennia anil iirodaciiis
suftlolont fortuom. Tbo
iluyn ot our prouilnonvo
nn n nhent eH)rlliiH
rnnntrv nrn imnM.
aila Is to Ikj tlio greitt
wliant rtnuntrv."
Thla stent rallrocul mag
unto U tnWlnii aiivsntnsu
or trio iiustion or i
rrnlv rntlivnr bulla
IncO UioMlKiat lleliU
oi tvesiern uuiuiia. ,
Upwards of 125 Million
utiBlieis ot Wlieat
wr Itnrvcsleil III 1000, Atornse
8t Ui ttro vrOTlnre of AltxilU.
ukateuensn unit Manltobit will U
npwsrdaot V J uiuliela per acre.
nncj oillol ill ii r ro-mutioua ii
nuuncrroNini.r.1 pnrnerof, nroin
Imi IiikI lit tlio clioleeat Ulitrlats.
Bcliooli rmiTenlout. cJImnto
eipm mi. nii mn viirv iiht
rfltlnrnTa cliMf, at Iinnil. biill.t
In if liiinlu-r cheap, furl cniy to
tratcil 'liirt hrtt Vet,rlint fnw
f t4. llMQXlDtlV
on aDDllca:ionl. anitoinerinrnrniAv
tlnn. in iln'i uf Immlsrutlr.n.
Ou.tiii, Can., or to tho UwadUa
Rmsi 4 Im Bld(. Oraahj, Kis.
(tlie addroa titarrnt toiiX. Ill
Nearly Bvety Ono Gets 1
The bowels show first sign
of things going wrong. A
Cascaret taken every night
as needed keeps the bowels
working naturally without
jrnp, irripe and that unse
sick feeling.
Ten cent bo, week's treatment.
All druu stores. Ulwest seller In
the world million boxes a month.
,tr MAI
oUS a laiurSat crovta.
ua Mwmiut u daxt.
vn Halla to
m fy diMtfu a btlr iiito
ir o Its YonU)
- 'vTxl
set (iiiu rmisonnuio in prit-ii,
wutrr f'nnllr prncurrdi inlxeil
fiirmlnif ii surteu, WrlU i to
licit pluo for leltlcmout. rttjera'
loir ratltvav lft4.ilMoxlDtlvH Hut