The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 15, 1910, Image 3

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Prescription That Breaks Up the Worst
Cold In a Day.
Every wlntor this prescription Is pub
llshcd hero and thousands hnvo been
benefited by it "Got two ounces of
Qlycerlno and half an ounco of Con
centrated Pino compound. Then get
halt a pint of good whiskey and put
the other two ingredients Into it. Tako
a tcaspoonful to a tablespoonful of this
mlxturo aftor each meal and at bed
time. Shako tho bottle woll each time."
But bo suro to get only tho genuine
Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce
bottlo comes In a tin screw-top case.
Any druggist has it on hand or will
quickly get It from tho wholesale
house. Many othor plno extracts aro
impure and causo nausea.
Chaplain Tommy, I waa very sorry
to see you In a otato of Inebriety last
Tommy Sorry, sir. In future 1
won't go out when I'm drunk.
Undo Sam's Hreakfast Food Co.,
Oiuuua, Neb.
After using "Undo Sam's
Dnnltfnat Food" for the past threo
weeks I felt Hko I must wrlto and tell
you what a mistnko you mnko in not
advertising your excellent food.
It ought to bo advertised in every
nowspapor in tho country.
I can not praiso it too highly for tho
great benefit I havo derived from tho
use of It.
Havo had. stomach and bowol trou
bio for years, but feol now this food
is going to euro me.
I recommend it to all my friends
who havo any Btomacb trouble, but
Bomo of them tell mo they aro not nblo
to procure it from their grocers, say
they never heard of it.
"Wishing you all tho success possible,
I am yours respectfully,
Mlddlotown, O.
Wo certify that tho nbovo is a truo
copy of tho original and was not so
U. S. BF. F. CO.
Clubwomen Plan Meet.
NInotoon hundred and ten means
much to club women, for another bi
ennial convention of tho General Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, with
membership of 800,000, will bo held In
Cincinnati, O., in May, bringing to
gether women with n common pur
pose from tho four corners of tho
Natural Supposition.
"I am going to burn coal here
"Hereafter? I thought Old Nick
would attend to tho heat problem for
you then."
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Send 4c stamps for Ave samples of our
very cost uom anu sine j-ininn iiirwmay.
Klowcr and Motto Pont Cards; beautiful
colore and loveliest uesigns. An i-osi
Card Club, 79: JacKson t., Topeka, Kan.
Talkative Woman.
Hewitt Somo men tall; and don't
say anything.
Jowett Yes, my wife Is Just that
kind of a man.
Whatsoever you do not wish your
neighbor to do to you, do not unto
him. This Is tho whole law. The rost
Is a mere exposition of It. Jewish
Mrs. TVInnIow's ftoothlnir flrrno.
mreblldrnn WwttiltiK. anftn t tin ifunin, rouueet In.
tUinmutlon.aUaraualn.cureanlnd colic. sseabotUa.
When a youth begins to sow wild
oats it Is time for father to start tho
thrashing machine.
I hi- Hliinnturii of I;. W. (IIKIVK. VkiX the World
iiTer tuOuru a Culil In Ono Ihij, 2Tk,
Many people want assls.tanco and a
fow really need It.
"iTa.Vt.l Thompion's Ey Water
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
! So pfeannt lUt he lilw It nd contain! no opt
I atei. There U notk'nj like it lor BinochiLi,
Anhraa nrl tU li cubit ot the tlirMl tod lung,
A StoJrd Remedy lor hlf wutury.
lei All Dru8s1, as Conta
By Observing Carefully Directions Fol
lowing Farmers May Reap Whero
They Have Sown.
The best way to test Bccd corn 1b In
a germination box. This Is a slmplo
affair and can bo mndo by anynno in
an hour's time.
Tako u box six Inches deop and
about two by threo feet in slzo. Fill
tho box about hulf full of moist dirt,
sand or sawdust. Press it well down
bo It will havo a smooth, oven sur-
faco. Now tako u whlto cloth about
tho slzo of tho box, rulo it off checker
board fashion, making squares ono
and a half inchos each way. Num
ber tho chucks 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Place this over the sand, dirt or saw
Tako the cars to bo tested and
cither lay thorn out on tho floor and
mark a number in front of oach or
attach a numbered tag. Now tuko oft
about six kernels from each ear (not
all from the samo place, but at sev
eral points on all sides.) Put these
kernels on tho squares corresponding
in number to thoso placed on the cars
of corn. Bo enreful not to get thom
mixed. Keop tho cars numbered to
correspond EXACTLY with tho nutu-
l)ors on tho squares of cloth.
After the kernels havo boon placed
carefully on tho cloth which covers
tho moist sand, dirt or sawdust, .cover
them with another cloth, considerably
larger than tho box; cover this cloth
with about two inches of tho samo
moist sand and keop tho box in a
warm placo. It must not get cold.
Tho kernels will germinate In four
to six days.
Remove the cover carefully to avoid
misplacing tho kernels. Examlno
them carefully. Somo will havo long
sprouts, but almost no roots; others
will not havo grown at all, but tho
kernels from ears which will produco
corn if planted will havo both sprouts
and good root syntoms.
Compare the numbers on tho
squares with thoso on tho cars. Put
back into t)io feeding corn bin tho
cars which correspond in number to
tho numbers on tho squares whoro
tho kernels did not grow or where
they showed only weak roots.
Tho ears numbered corresponding
to thoso on tho cloth which showed
strong signs of life nro the ones to
preserve for seed. Every kernel from
these ears should produce a stalk, ev
ory stalk an car.
Suppose ono dead ear Is planted
The planter falls to get one thousand
stalks of corn almost twclvo bushels
of corn lost.
A number of seed corn testers aro
manufactured for sale. They are all
good any implement dealer or seed
house will know whero to get them.
Word was received nt Gothenburg
of tho death of O. Bergstrom In Ten
nossee. Mr. Borgstrcm was tho
founder of Gothenburg and took un
active interest in us growtn.
tained too much moisture. It bus
been my opinion that corn which ro-
mulned In the Held would bo in the
best condition, but I may bo mistaken
in this and wo uro going to test every
ear of corn before wo plant It."
HIM to Be at Lincoln.
James .T. Hill, empire builder, will
address the Commercial club nt Its
annual banquet this spring. A tele
gram to this effect was received by
Secretary Whltton.
Chancellor Cancels Dates.
A severe attack of throat trouble
f 'is forced Chancellor Samuel Avery
( tho State unlvoslty to cancel a
la number of engagements for ad
drt.xes over the state. Ho waa
booked to deliver fifteen speeches dur
ing tho next two weeks, but will not
be able to deliver any of thcao. Dur
ing the last three months tho chan
cellor has boon on several speaking
tours and tho strain of speaking
every dny has proved too groat a
strain on his i-lnranco. His phyal
clan lias advised him to cancel nil
Boy "Flunkers" Predominate.
A list of falluros hi t'.tn various do
partments of tho Btnto un'vorslty for
tho last semester shows that of tho
total number of "flunker-j" 80 per cent
are boy3 and only 20 per cent girls.
Flvo boys failed to pass In ono or
more studies during tho soniofter for
ovory co-ed that could make a per
cent of CO tho passing In her
clases. In other years tho failures
among the boys have always outnum
bored those of tho co-eds, but tho varl
nnco has nevor been so startling as
that revealed by figures for tho first
semester of the present school year.
Claims of Foreigner!.
From the assistant secrotary of
state Governor Shallenbergor a fow
days ago recelvod a copy of tho
claims filed by tho forolgn citizens
of South Omaha for damages sits
tained by tho riot thoro In 1909. Tho
government ofllclal asked tho gover
nor what ho believed would bo tho at
titude of tho state In the matter. Tho
claims aro as follows: Austria-Hun
gory, $3,134; Turkey, $454; Oreoco
$0,900, personal Injurlos; $11,308.20
personal property and $220,5G2.G4 bus!
ncss property, a total of $248,418,84
KTI3H you havo beon two
weeks In tho house with
ono o' those terrible han
dy men that ask their wives to bo suro
and wlpo .between the tines of tho
forks, and that know Just how to hang
out a wash so each piece will net tho
best sun, It's a real Joy to get back
to tho ordinary kind of man. Yes, 'tis
so. I want a man should have sense
about tho thing's ho'a meant to have
sonso about, but when It comes to
keeping house. I lllco htm real help
less tho way tho Lord plnnncd to havo
him." Youth's Companion.
Dates as Food.
The date, fig and raisin nro valu-
nblo foods and with a fow nuts ono
may mako a wholosomo meal with
ono or alt of theso fruits. A handful
of dntes and a bit ot bread feeds tho
Arab, who is ablo to travel over tho
hot snndB of tho desert. Theso dried
fruits may bo used in combination
with many foods, making highly nu
tritive dishes.
Dato sandwiches are delicious. Chop
the dates, add pecans chopped fine,
and a little salt, thou spread over thin
ly butterod bread.
Dato puffs aro roado llko cream
puffs, using chopped dates and
whipped cream for tho filling.
Dato pie made with dates that havo
been cooked soft and put through a
sieve, then added to n custard, makes
n rich, delicious plo.
A date dessert which is a little un
usual may bo mndo ns follows:
Date Whip.
Cook orio cupful of chopped stoned
dates in one-half a cupful of boiling
wator until smooth. Press through n
Blove. Beat tho whltos of threo eggs
until stiff, add ono-thlrd of a cupful ot
sugar, one-hnlf of a teasponful ot salt
and a tablespoonful ot lomon Julco.
Fold in the dato pulp, pllo lightly in a
buttored baking dish and bako in n
slow oven 30 minutes. Servo with a
thin custard or whipped cronm..
Dates combine niceiy with apples.
Lino n plo plato with a rich crust.
Fill it with a mixture ot chopped ap
ple and dates, sprinkle with cinnamon
and sugar. Covor with a top crust and
bako in n mod era to oven.
Dates filled with cream cheeso well
seasoned mako a nico dessert. Dates
filled with nuts aro another way of
sorving them.
Dates, nuts, apples and celery with
dressing aro a good combination for a
H. WHAT If the snows aro
whlto and cold,
And tho summers
bloom Is ovor?
Oh. what If tho roses bhiBh no more.
And tho frost hus killed tho clover?
Let us turn to tho winter a smiling
And welcome tho pale newcomer;
Isn't love as deop. Isn't life as sweet.
As It was In tho bygono summer?"
M. F. Williams.
The Winter Supper.
In cold weather tho nppetita craves
hot food, especially if tho children
and man of tho houso havo had but u
simple lunch at noon. A nico hot
soup ot some kind llko a cream of po
tato or celery, or an oyster stow, is
both good and nourishing. A bean soup
is another nico soup, and each dish
garnished with n thin sllco of lemon
adds both to tho appearance and
Tho soup may bo followed by a hot
dish like an escallopod dish of corn,
potatoes, fish or meat.
If the dish is prepared of vogo
tablos, cold Kllccd meat or hot frank
furter Buusngu may accompany It.
A chowder may make tho main dish
which will take tho place of soup and
meat. This may be made with vege
tables, ilBh or oysters, nnd is sufll
clently filling to make a good meal
with bread and butter.
Milk or cream toast Is nnothor nico
hot dish. Huroblts, omelets, soullles
and hot croquettes aro always nico,
especially when served with somo
kind of an appropriate sauce. A nice
omelet when eggs are a little cheaper
so that tho expense Is not too great,
la mndo ns any omolet, putting Into
the omelet pan with the butter n hand
ful of blanched almonds, then pouring
In tho omelet nnd cooking as usual.
The almonds will be n boautlful brown
by the time the omelet Is ready to
turn. Sorvo with hot maplo syrup.
Household Hints.
Half a cupful of milk added to n
dishpnn of water will soften tho wa
ter and leave tho hands less likely to
A salt wator bath will be found to
quiet norvousness It taken just before
Suet and lard added togethor In tin)
melted state, oqual parts of each,
mako a good fat to use just as ono
uses lars alono.
Date Buns,
Roll light bread dough out qulto
thin; spread It with soft butter und
then with shopped dates. Roll tho
broad up and cut with n sharp knife
Into pieces tulf an Inch thick; lay
thom In a butterod pan and bako
when light. If nuts nro mixed with
the dates, u little richer bun la the
11 ll&&agaE&3
H I HAVE n belief of my own,
JBk I and It comforts me that
bv deslrlntr what Is per
fectly irooil, even when wo don't qulto
know what It Is, and cannot do what
wo would, wo aro part of a dlvlno pow
er against evil, widening tho skirts of
light, and making tho struggla with
darkness norrowor." Ocorgo Eliot.
Thoro seems to bo a prejudlco In
tho minds of most peoplo that any
thing wnrmcd over or sorvod tho sec
ond timo is objoctlonablo. Thoro nro
raro housekeepers who nro ablo to
mako onds meet and not leave nny
jvnstc, but they nro indeed rnro. Most
ot us And that wo 'havo all kinds ot
odds and ends which tax tho inge
nuity to mako palatable
Tho French people, who stnnd nt
tho head (In reputation nt least), in
tho cullnnry art, aro ablo to mako an
attractive menl from tho food thnt is
ofton thrown away in tho American
Anybody who hns an idea of cook
ery, with largo moans nt her disposal
may proparo n flno menl; but it takes
real Ingenuity to prepare attractlvo
and nourishing food on n small al
lowance In planning tho menu for a
week ono Is nblo to mako dishes for
luncheon from tho leftovers of the
dinner of tho dny before.
Vegetables of nil kinds with enre
ful handling may be transformed into
salads, creamed or cscallopcd dishes.
Meats being our most cxponslvo
food, should always bo bought with
caro. Tho most expensivo cuts do not
contain any mnro nutriment than tho
chenpor ones, though tho process of
cooking a tough, cheap cut miiBt bo
slow and cxponslvo if cooked without
a tireless cooker. If ono has ono of
theso vnluablo cook boxes moat ma.y
bo cooked at llttlo expenso of fuel nt
tho ideal tomporaturc.
Fondant for Icing.
This Is tho regular fondant which is
used in making French cnndlos. When
eggs nro high, it is moro economical
than tho boiled frosting with egg.
Uoil sugar and water without stirring
until it makes a soft waxy ball when
droppod in wator. Cool, then stir un
til creamy. Tho nico thing nbout this
frosting 1b it may bo kept for several
dnya or wcoks if covered with but
tored papor,and kept cool. When
wanted for uso molt over hot water
and dip tho small cakes in it.
HAT 'woman's work Is novcr
Has often been disputed,
But that she's worried Is a fact
And cannot' bo rofutcd.
Tho worry over what to cat
Is greatest of theso questions.
And glad sho'd bo If somo ono also
Would make tho meal suggestions."
Potato Puree.
Havo two quarts of stock in tho
soup pot free from fat, add six sliced
potatoes, ono small sliced turnip, two
finely chopped onions, ono- diced pnr
snip and a piece of celery cut flno.
Cook gently for ono or two hours,
strain nnd rub tho vegetables through
n sieve. Mix ono tnblcspoonful ot
Hour with two of wntcr until smooth,
add to tho puree with ono cup of
cream or milk, ono tnblo spoonful of
llnuly chopped parsley, popper and
salt In taste, stir and boll flvo min
utes nnd serve.
PInIn boiled macaroni, cooked In
boiling Halted water, drained wlion
tendor, seasoned with butter, Halt and
paprika, and sprinkled with cheese,
makes n good hot supper dish.
Household Hints.
Mahogany can bo given a good lus
ter by wiping oft with a cloth, using
cold water and rubbing to a high pol
ish with n dry cloth. It will tako at
least half an hour.
Finger mnrks or stnlnn on wood or
porcelain may bo ciullj removed by
rubbing with a cloth dipped In kero
sene. Paper may be cleaned a few times
by rubbing with crusts of broad. Free
tho room of dust first.
Royal Nuggets.
Cream ono cupful of butter, add one
nnd one-quarter cupfuls of sugar,
threo woll-boaton eggs. Stir In grad
ually threo cupfuls or flour, addlnir
milk to make tho mlxturo of tho con
sistency tr pound cako batter; add a
quarter or a pound each of shredded
ulmonds and chopped citron. Sift two
toasponfuls of baking powder with
tho flour. Drop by teuspoonfulH on n
baking sheet and bako In n moderate
Broiled Oysters.
, If possible use oysters fresh from
tho shell. Wash and carefully pick off
all bits of sholl; dry carefully with
a soft cloth. Heat a shallow baking
pan under tho llamo of a gas burner,
run wun muter und lay In tho oysters
When brown on ono side turn tho oth
or. When well browned pour ovor n
Utile molted butter and sorvo on
slices or buttered toast.
Tho now theory advanced by L. T.
Coopor rolativo to tho human stomach
has attractod such widespread atten
tion that tho public In cities visited by
tho young man has been Joined by
many physicians in a discussion ot his
beliefs nnd medicines.
Mr. Coopor says human health !
dependent almost entirely upon the
stomach. Ho says that no disease can
bo conquered without first alleviating
all stomach disorders. Ho further says
that most men nnd women ot this gen
eration aro half-sick owing to (logon
orato stomachs. And lastly, ho claims
that his Now Discovery medtctno will
rejuvenate tho human stomach In 90
' Coopor has been traveling from ono
city to another, conducting In each
what ho calls a campaign ot educa
tion. For tho past year he has mot
tho public in the larger cities ot tho
country, nnd his success has been
phenomenal. Thousands ot peoplo havo
flocked to hia headquarters wherever
ho has gone, and tho salo of hia mcdi
clno has boon beyond anything ot tho
kind ovor beforo witnessed.
Possibly tho most Interesting fen
turo of tho nttoutlon this young man
has attracted Is what hia army ot
followers, whom ho has converted to
his beliefs through his medicines, have
to Bay on tho subject. Tho following
statements nro from two well-known
residents of Chicago and lloston, re
spectively, and tho enthusiasm of
theso is characteristic ot Coopor's ad
mirers generally.
Mrs. II. I). Mack, of 3201 State
stroot, Chicago, says: "I havo been
suffering for 12 years from n combina
tion of stomach trouble, caturrli and
constipation. I had a gnawing pain
in tho pit of my Btomnch, a sort ot a
dull pain that I could not qulto under
stand. Then thoro wns a dull head
ache, and my mind seomcd to bo wan
dering continually. I could not eat,
nnd what llttlo solid food I did oat I
could not retain on my stomach. I
tried every romody I could think of,
and also tried out n number ot patont
medicines, but without any apparent
result. It was through ono of my
friends that I heard of Cooper's prep
aration, and I immediately decided to
try some of it It is two wcoks slnco
I took my first doso or It, and I fool
llko a now woman. Tho hoadacho
seems to havo disappeared, and tho
pain In my stomach, along with it.
Tho xnedlclno 1b worth Its weight In
gold, ami I want to thank Mr. Cooper
for what ho has dono for mo."
Mr. Edwin F. Morso, ot 20 Oakloy
strcot, Dorchester, a suburb of lloston,
says: "For threo years I had not a
woll day. My stomach was in fright
ful shapo; tho moro thought ot food
would nauscato me, and I roally had a
horror of anything to cnt. All solid
food would causo mo extreme IndlgCB
tlon, bloating and gas on my stomach,
and nothing tasted right. Somo timo
ngo I. got somo ot this Coopor's medi
cine, nbout which thcro is so much
talk. I actually feel as well and strong
as a boy ovor slnco tho first bottle.
Evory sign of stomach troublo has dis
appeared, and I havo a hearty appo
tlto and oat threo Bqiinro moalB; every
thing scorns to. tasto good. Anyono
who knows what chronic indigestion
is can appreciate what this means to
me. I consider this tho mqst remark
ablo mcdlclno I over' hoard of."
Coopor's Now Dlscovory is sold by
all druggists. If your druggist cannot
supply you, wo will forward you tho
namo of a druggist in your city who
will. Don't accopt "something just as
good." Tho Cooper Mcdlclno Co., Day
ton, Ohio.
Many a saint would" havo lest trou
blo wrestling with tho devil if ho
would got out nnd wrestle with a ball
for an hour or two.
Common Sense
Lend the most intelligent peoplo to uso only medi
cines oi known composition.' Therefore it Is flint
I)r, Pierce's medicines, tho makers oi which print
every ingredient entering Into them upon tho bottle--.rappers
und attest its correctness under oath, aro
dally growing in favor. No Suchuts. No Diicuption.
The composition ot Dr. Pierce's medi
cines Is open to everybody, Dr. Plerco
being desirous of having tho search
light ot Investigation turned tally upon
his formula being confident that tho better the composition of
these medicines Is known the moro will their great curative
merits bo recognized.
Iking wholly mauo of the active medicinal principles extracted from nativ
furcst roots, by exact proccsies original with Dr. fierce, and without the use
of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and chemically pure glycerine being used in
stead In extracting and preserving tho curativo virtues residing in the roots
employed, these medicines are entirely froo from the objection of doing harm
by creating an appetite for cither alcoholic beverages or habit-forming drugs.
Examlno tho formula on their bottle-wrappers the same as sworn to by
Dr. I'ierco, and you will Cnd that Ids "Golden Medical Discovery," the great
blood-purifier, stomach tonio and bowel regulator tho medicine which, while
not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced ctages (no medicine will
lo that) yet don cure all those catarrhal conditions of head and throat, weak
stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hang-ou-ooughs,
which, it neglected or badly treated lead up to and finally terminate in coo
sumption. Take the '''Golden Medical Discovery" In tlmi and it is not likely to dis
appoint you if only you give it a thoroufh und fair trial. Don't expect miracles.
It won't do supernatural things. You must cxerciso your patience and per
severe in its use for a reasonable length of time to get its full benefits. The
ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines aro composed hire the unqualified
endorsement of scores of medical leaders better than any amount of lay, or
non-professional, testimonials although the latter are received by thousands.
Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven remedy
oh known composition. Asr vouh NRioiiBoas. They must knowol many cure
made by it during past 40 years, right in your own neighborhood.
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. H.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
To know how cood the
Bitters is in cases of Sick
Headache, Heartburn
Inuitfestlon, Costive
ncss, Golds, Grlppennd
Maluria, it is only ncces
sary to try one bottle. The
results speak for themselves.
is not a "food" -it is a medicine, and the
only medicine In tho world for cpws only,
MaUofortha cow ntul, as Its namo Indicate'
a cow curb. J.larrcnncss, retained after
birth, abortion, scours, enked udder, and all
similar affections positively nnd quickly
cured. No ono who koops cows, whether
many or few.canaffonltobnwithout KOW
KUKE. It is mado especially to keep cow
healthy. Our twolt "Cow Mone" nt TRIE It.
Ask your local drslrr for UOW-1CUKK or send
to tlio manufacturers.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt ReliefPemaBeBt Cart
fail. Purely TttKt-
lie ct iurely H CkWftK
but oendr on MUCI bRJI
Ilia Vrtr.
ettioa haprorv th eomplerio - briajktea
kUerca. SauM PiM, 5mQ Data, SawBTriw
GENUINE muat bear Kgnature t
Cured by Elcctropodes
Ntw Electric Tmtmtat. Mettt IbmIm wet
laild ituM, Dad? bcon m.rnet ntrrri t
coBDKtlga- vim. rotltlo cure lor RhtuBulliot,
HcarttiU, Uickiclw, KliUey ad Uniurn
pUleti. Oolr II.CO vilr. GiMrtnlr ilrJ IU
uch II ElrctropwlM ltd to curt, movtl to
tormad. It not ! roul Drut-tHit't ttc4 us Jl.W.
W U1 Out you u iippUtd.
217 Loa Anjnlaa BL, Loa Aaielaa, Cat.
Turlock Irrigation District
of California
TUN1TIEH. Hcnltliful Climate. A-1 land;
AUUNDANT WATER at low rate:
l'cnchcs, Aprlcota, Mr. Olives. Sweet
Potatocii. Alfalfa nnd Dairying pay bet
ter than $100.00 per acra yearly. Writ
for llliiRtratcd booklet.
Wntim K. Ro!nman,Waa.
InKtun.D.C, lkiokalree. Ulgb.
vat rueronoaa. licit raaulta.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10-1910.
1 A
on ik btndlocl ytrr eillr- Tho tltk re cured, and all othom la
Mine aUUlo, no mat (rr Iiow"oiik)wv! ."kriit from liarluif tbeill
wuw, by ulr,K IU-011NU LIQUlu DlBTKUI'Ell TjuUKTWo on
Ih tougua,qr In fto-L Acta on thu blood and exuela garnit of
nil foima of ulitemixr. Iluit reuiftiy crer known for niaraa In font,
me i bottlo guarantucd to cu ra ona raw. UM an II a bottlei U ana
ciuaoxen oi urujCKifttsand name&a uealeni. oraent ozprMi ild by
manufacturer. Out auowa bow to twultloa throou. Our trm
llookletelvf-aerarvtlilnir. limUimHUwuitMl. IammI maIIImm
v nunHirwuiuOy luexUtenoo twelToveara.
SPOHM MEDIOALCO.,ttULudi)itieri.iiii4t, Ooshen, Ind., U.S. A