The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 11, 1910, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor asd Pabliiher.
innnnnmPTtnN rtATKRi
One Voir, cub. In advance vl'?6
Months, cuh In advance 66 CM I
Kntciod at North Platte. Nebraska, Foatofflce
as secona ciaes matter,
FRIDAY MARCH 11, 1910.
The total revenue for the entire state
received by all tho railroads for 1003
was $48,112,241.66 For 1909 tho total
revenue amounted to $50,640,187.75.
Omaha and South Omaha contributed
almost ono-third of the revenue
About two thousand employes of tho
Baldwin Locomotive Works at Phila
delphia Joined the strikers Wednes
day afternoon. Tho plant is an "open
shop" and employs 12,000 men. The
works will not close.
Last year the tobacco business of
country amounted to $150,000,000. That
is nearly $10 to a family. A Baving of
three cents a day in each household
would remove these appalling statistics.
Terrible, because when thus analyzed
they reveal tho character of many of
tho cigars that offend tho air.
The ninth annual convention of the
State Federation of Labor in session in
Nowcatlo, Pa., Wednesday, unani
mously passed a resolution asking, in
the event of arbitration in the Phila
delphia street car strike failing, that
tho American Federation of Labor call
a nation-wide strike of organized and
unorganized labor.
Tho postal saving bank bill, which
passed tho scnato last Saturday,
reached the houso Tuesday and was re
ferred to tho committee on post-offices
and post roads. "When will the bill be
reported?" was asked of Chairman
Weeks. "Not this week," replied
Weeks, with a smilo. "Wo proposo to
give this bill not only earnest but very
prayerful consideration."
Ninety.two men indicted for capital
crimes are awaiting trial in Chicago.
Seven city, contractors and near-blind
inspectors have also been indicted. An
investigating committee and two grand
juries are forroting out shady doings
around tho city hall. These alone in
sure tho district attorney's office a
year's mn to its full capacity.
Tho Lincoln correspondent of the Beo
sayB: Frank Beman of Kearnoy, candi
date for tho republican nomination for
congrersin tho Sixth district, wasin tho
office of the secretary of stato Tuesday
checking over tho voto cast at tho last
election in that district. It was reported
Mr. Beman was getting u lino on the
weak places of his opponent, Congress
man Kinkald.
Tho report of Secretary Royse of the
state banking board on tho condition of
tho stato banks bIiow tho total reserves
to exceed $95,000,000. Tho deposits have
increased $5,000,000 in tho past year.
Twenty-seven now banks havo sprung
up in that timo. As compared with tho
last report, mndo three months ago,
the deposits havo increased $4,700,000.
Spring business usually brings a slump
in deposits which, however, detracts
nothing from tho significance of tho
gain in tho last three months.
Tho secretary of war is beginning to
work out his plan for the development
of an armed and well drilled forco of
two hundred and fifty thousand men.
This plan does not contcmplato the en
largment of tho regular army, but Itho
development of tho National Guard into
a trained army of approximately two
hundred thousand men. The Guard as
a wholo will compriso six or mora dlvl
sions, with scporato organizations, but
each division acting in harmony with
tho regular army and receiving military
instruction therofrom. Excopt in time
of war tho Guard will remain under tho
jurisdiction of tho states, except that
they will rccolvo instruction yoarly
from regular troops. This plan for the
creation of a trained citizen soldiery
which can bo immediately converted
into a woll trained and perfectly
equipped army is feasible, also practi
cal, and in keoping with the sentiment
of tho country agulnst maintaining a
largo standing army.
Real Estate Transfers.
Union Realty & Trust Co. to C. A.
Carpenter tho west half of section 9-13-31,
$11,200, subject to a mortgago for
Charles Mallatte to Olive Brewer
west half of northwest quarter soction
24-15-30, $1,000. .
P. D, Lewis to John Rohren south
half of northwest quarter and lota 3 and
4, section 38-13-28, $4,500.
R. C. Hunklo to G. E. Slado all of
section 31-12-29, $8,300.
T. L. Carroll to A. L. Rico section
25-14-27, $4,000.
David Earll to C. F. Pcckham north
west quarter soction 22-10-26, $1,500.
Union Realty Co. to Claus Anderson
north half section 21-13-31, $5,000, sub
ject to $1,500 mortgago.
Paul Paggendorf to P. A. Osterberg
south half section 23-12-26, $3,000.
W. F. Smith to Chas. E. Blakeman
northeast quarter section 14-13-34,
Copyright, 1810, by American Frets Amo-
Ono morning about tbo mlddlo of tlio
last century a French fleet, had been
disabled In n storm off Hokotra and
put Into Aden, a British port, for re
pairs. Now, tho British lion has al
ways been used to prowling about look
ing for a bono with plenty ot marrow
In It, and If ho observes another ani
mal going in nu unexplained direction
ho Immediately scents a feast. In oth
er words, Englishmen havo occupied
every dcslrablo vacant point on tho
faco of the earth.
Naturally when tho governor at Aden
saw so formidable a fleet he wondered
what was its object. Ho asked tho
French admiral, and tho admiral aver'
red that the ships wcro making an or
dinary cruise, but tho Britisher knew
very well that vessels in tlioso days
did not ninko ordinary cruises In fleets,
and his curiosity was sharpened by tho
evasive reply. Believing that some
move of importance politically was on
foot, he gnvo orders that the repairs
on the- vessels should bo dragged along
as far as posslblo and In order to avert
any suspicion as to tho causo of tho
delay that might arise in tho minds of
tho French oUlccrs nrranged for a se
ries of functions for their entertain
For a couplo of weeks tho French
and British officers fraternized whllo
the work on the vessels was pursued
with a pretenso of activity, but with
littlo accomplished. During this pe
riod tho Britishers mndo every effort
to learn the Frenchmen's secret. Tho
Fronch are not a secretive people, but
for once tho mouths of tho French of
ficers on the subject of their Intentions
wcro shut like clam shells.
And so long as men alone hud the
matter In hand tho secret might havo
been kept forover. Wheedling infor
mation Is n provlnco especially be
longing to women. The governor, de
spairing of Inducing tho Frenchmen
to speak, asked his wife to help him.
IIo was met by tho slmplo reply, "Why
didn't you auk me before?"
Katlel" she called.
A trim serving maid whoso pink and
white complexion denoted that she
balled from Ireland came into the
"Kiitlc," said her mistress, "what
aro your Intentions with refcrenco to
that young French sailor who Is at
tentive to yon?"
"I'lcnsc, m'm, It's only spurklu'."
"Do you lovo him bettor than your
"Ol don't lovo him at all, m'm.
LoastawayB It's only French lovo bo-
tuuo us, and that's no lovo at all, nt
Ills excellency is anxious, Katie, to
learn to what point the French licet
will sail after leaving Aden. Do you
think you could find out from the
"Ol'll thry, in'ui."
"Well, try, and If you succeed I'll
havo something handsome for you."
In a day or two the Fronch sailor,
who was a petty officer on board ono
of tho French ships, came to seo Kntlo.
During hla visits ho had been used to
taking an occasional kiss. This time
ho was refused.
"D'yo think," said Katie, "thut Ol'll
bo glvln' yo kisses nnd yo goln' away
to Maddygascar or some other haythen
placo and never seo mo again?"
"1 not go bo fur as zat," tho French
muu protested.-
"IIow far yo goln', then?"
"Oh, wo go west."
"To Franco?"
"To Anieriky?"
"Non. I don't know."
"Then yo'll got no kiss."
"Why you wish to know?"
"Ol don't let a fella kiss mo an' thin
go to the other side o tho worruld."
Tho banter was kept up for somo
time, Knty'tt red lips belug very near
those of the Frenchman. At last, nun
gry for tho kiss, ho gave up tho secret.
As soon us no hud uono Katy sought
her mistress. The governor was pres
"IIo towld me, m'm."
"Whero do they go?" asked the gov
crnor eagerly.
"It's a place called Purlin."
"Yls, sor I'arlm."
"You mean Perlm."
"Yls, sor; l'nrlm."
Tho governor oponed his oyes. De
Lossops hud just completed his ar
rangements for building tho Buer. canal,
utid when It was finished Perlm Island
would he of great Importance as com
mumllug tho southoru oiitrauco to the
Bed sen, a part of tho waterway con-'
nectlng two hemispheres, It was, of
course, tho intention of tho French ad
mlrnl to occupy It und hoist ou It the
tricolor of France.
Secretly giving orders for a gunboat
to Immediately sail with a detachment
of British soldiers Under cover of the
night and occupy thu Island, the kov
urnor Invited tho Frpuch officers (who
woro Ubont to sail) to a farewell bun
nuet and bull far tho day hut one fol
lowing. The admiral was loath to do
luy sailing, but could uot well decline,
having placed himself under oullgu
tlons In tho niuttor of repairs for his
fleet. Tho dinner cumo off, and whllo
tho Frouchmeti wcro eating It tho gov
eruor had news that Perlm had, been
occupied by British soldiers.
When tho French admiral reached
his point of destination nnd saw the
British flag flying thoro ho knew that
his secret hud escaped. But ho never
know thnt It had been revealed by
ono of his potty officers to an Irish girl
of no higher dogreo than tho maid of
tho governor's wlfo.
Perlm has to this day remained Brit
ish turrltory.
tOopyrfeht, 1910, by Associated Literary
Major Clcvoland, retired, was lit the
wrong of It. Ho had permitted nnd
tacitly encouraged young Mr. Herbert
to visit the house and listen to his war
stories and fall In love with his daugh
ter Janet, nnd then when he asked for
her hand ho hud drawn himself stiffly
up and replied.
"It cannot be, slrl 1 nm of the army,
sir, nnd, though retired on half pay by
n gratoful country, once of tho unity
always of tho army. My dourest hope
Is for Janet to marry a colonel in nu
tlvo service. I shall speak to her nt
once, sir at once."
"Janet," the mnjor said tho next dny
to his daughter, "there must bo no
more of this nonsenso between you
nnd young Herbert."
Thnt was all. Tho major congratu
lated himself thut his order would be
obeyed, nnd Miss Janet put on n look
and assumed the attltudo of a broken
hearted girl not long for this world.
Tho mother became worried and pro
tested, nnd the major became a little
bit anxious nnd talked about spring
tonics, though ho had no idea of coun
termanding his order. All might have
gone well If tho grocer who supplied
the houso hadn't cnijd his delivery
boy n slouch and a lazybones and if
tho said boy hadn't fired up and quit
his Job. Another took his pluco just as
Miss Janet wanted to send a noto to
her lover real bud. Tho chaugo of
boys perplexed her for a moment, and
who hndn't tlmo to go Into explanations
further thnn to hand him tho missive
nnd 10 cents nnd mention Mr. Herbert
Tho boy grinned and nodded, nnd the
wagon rnttled nway, and ten minutes
later he was perusing tho letter. His
nnmo happened to bo Herbert, nnd ho
happened to bo a vnln boy, nnd ho fur
ther happened to bellovo thut Miss
Janet hnd got struck on him. It was.
n proud moment for him, for ho al
roady had another girl on tho string.
Sho worked in n shirt factory, and
sho wasn't n tony girl, but ho loved
her. no was also jealous of her, and
now was his chance to get even.
Mr. Herbert did not got tho noto in
tended for him: Miss Janet did not get
a reply as expected; tho mother buw
now causo to bellovo that her daughter
was not long for this world, and tho
major sighed and wished that somo
ono would como In and listen to his
war stories. That grocer's boy bad
broucht butter, eggs und potatoes, but
ho had loft n load of carklng caro be
hind him. Next morning brought
something Uko u sudden thunderclap.
Miss Janet received a letter mailed at
tho villago postolllco tho night previ
ous. It was 111 spelled and was not
capitalized or punctuated at all. It
was signed "Black Han," ana it con
tained somo dlro and awful threats.
If sho did not chnngo her courso sho
would bo shot, stabbed, clubbed, boiled
in oil nnd dlo many other ways, it
was to bo a llrst and last warning, nnd
there wero niuuy "bowarcs" in it,
Janet was frightened, her mother was
moro so, and tho major sworo by tho
bloody sword ho had used at Gottys
burg that ho would get at tho hottoni
of tho mystery if ho had to call out
tho cntlro array of tho United states,
Tho villago marshal was consulted,
and ho struck a clow. Thut clow led
to a tin peddler, who fulntcd away
when arrested. Other clews were
struck and followed, nnd before night
of tho first dny flvo persons had been
hnuled to tho lockup. Tho Black Hand
had roaehed Clifton at last, but it was
to bo rooted out forthwith. Ou the
second morning after receiving tho let
tor Janet buw tho grocer's boy nt tho
buck door ngnlu, nnd ns sho took a
bunch of nsparagus from his hnuds she
found a mlsslvo with It and also re
eclved a wink from him. Sho pnssed
tho wink by und ran up to uer room
with tho letter. In a moment sho had
tho Black nand by tho throat. "I
showed her your luv lotter to me,
read tho letter, "aud Bho took on aw
ful. Sho was joins, and I guess she
wroto you lust nlte. Dou't mind her,
I will shako her for you."
Herbert, tho grocer's boy, hud taken
over tho ownership of tho missive for
Herbert, the lover. Ho hud shown it to
tho shlrtmakcr, nnd her Jcnlousy had
boon aroused. Sho It was who hud
written tho "Black Uuu" letter. Major
Glevclund was plunging around nnd
telling tho wholo town what ho was
going to do when his dnughter put him
ou tho right track. He rushed off to
sec the shlrtmaker and frightened her
Into owning up, aud ho had returned
homo to tell what punishment was to
bo Inflicted when Miss James inquired
"Papa, do you want ovorybody to
think I am In lovo with that grocer's
"By heavens, not'' ho shouted
"Or that a shlrtmaker Is joalous of
your daughter?"
"Don't talk that wnyl"
"Tho noto I wroto was to Mr. Her
bort, tho lawyer. Tho grocer's boy has
tbo sumo uatue, aud ho thought it wus
for him. Can't you seo that you hud
best drop tho matter at once?"
"But tho villago marshal has arrest
ed five porsons and is nftor others."
"But ho can let them go."
"But I told you to havo nothing moro
to do with thnt Herbert"
"And Is It right that all you havo
cone through ns a bravo soldier should
bo kept locked In your own bosom?
Cun't you sco how much better
would bo to drop this Bluck Hand bust
.. - -
ncss and Its Kosslp and Invito Mr. Her-
bcrt up to hoar you tell how you took
tho cuomy In flank at South Moun
Tho major thought It over, and Mr.
Herbert was Invited to return, and ns
ono of tho family he has got to ho
Uulto a war talker himself.
Notice to' Patrons of The Farmer Line
of the Tri-County Telephone Co
Jll dlJU ULIVI iUIUVIl IDta AVXVp till
Eartles owning phones on said line will
a held rcsnonsiblo for all messages
sent over these lines by outside parties
from their phones. Unto fa 20 cents
for each messacro. All bills must be
paid in full monthly.
Choosing a Cigar
Is largely u matter of luck or faith at
first. If you choose a "Forest Kintr"
your trust will bo rewarded. The first
whllt you take will tell you that you
have struck a prize. And you'll find
yourself likintr the "Forest Kine" bet
ter all tho time. Try one to-dav and
you'll want two tomorrow. Every
trier has the same experience.
Phone 268
flour, feed, drain or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store at tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invite a share of
the patronage ofj the public.
Prompt delivery.
should bo hitched a stylish looking
carrincrc. At tms renositorv vou can
undeniable. They ranee from the ohae-
ton to the family coach and aro tho
enual of anv in annenrance and build,
They are less than equal in price to
most carriages of their character.
A. M. Lock.
Illram Hardlne and Mrs. Hiram Hardlnir.
wlfo of Illram Mardlnir. defendants, will takn
notico tnaion tbo ziat day of June, 1W7, tbo
plalntllT heroin Hied her petition In tbo dis
trict court of Lincoln County. Nebraska,
airalnst said defendants, lmnleaded with A.
,i. vanAtxia ano nirs. uortruuoK vanAmia.
defendants, tbo object and urayor of which
Is to foroclosoa certain mortgago executed
by .lolin Nation and Macelo J. Nation to
t armors ixan Trust Company of Kansas
....r... ,1... ... ...... ...... 1 .. .. . ....... m I -
township 10, north, rangoia, In Lincoln Coun- I
iy, nourasxa, iu socuru mo payment or a cer-
n promissory noto uaieu January 1, iouv,
the sum of J.VW.00 to tbo Farmer's Loan &
Trust Company, signed by John Nation and
.Maggie. i. nation, duo live years from dato
thereof s that said noto and mortgago has
boon assigned to tlio plaintiff, which said
mortgago Is recorded In book IC of mortgagos
atpago4ln tboCountyOlork'solllcoof Lin-
coln County. Nobraska, and there Is now duo
on said, mortgago tlio sum of, for
which sum with lnterost from this dato nlaln-
tin" prays for a decrco that defendants bo ro-
milron to nav tbn same, nnd that sulci nrnm-
iscs may oo soia to satisry tno amount round
due. and that tho defendants and oach of
them oo uarroo of ail euiiuy of redemption In
said premises and that plalntllT havo tbo
right to redeem from tbo lion cf a tax deed
uuon said promises to tbo dofendr.nt A. J.
You aroroouired to answorsald ttetltlon on
or Doioro tno inin uayoi April, iviv.
Dated .iiarcn , hum.
Claha II. llAiivr.v. l'lalntlir.
Ity Hoaoi.ani) & UoAoi.ANt), Her Atty.s.
Tho State of Nobraska, Lincoln County, s.s,
in mo (joumy iuurc.
In tbo mattor of tho estato nf Annln M.
Ponlston, deceased.
To tho creditors, heirs and others lntnreNtnri
ill tuoL'siaiooi Auna in, reniston.
has filed In tho county court a report
iUHU iiuliu. mm. uarnu n. ninrn
oi nor uoings as administratrix or
said estato ana it is ordered that the
samo stand for hearing tbo X&lh day of
March. A. l), uuu, boforo tbo court
at tho hour ot 'i o'clock, p. m., at which tlmo
any person Interested may appear andexcoot
io ami cuiuust uui samo. Alia notice or tins
lrocoeding is ordered given In tho North
'latto Boml-Weoklr Trlbuno. n leenl news
paper printed in saiu county lor six succes
sive Issues prior to March SStb, 1010.
Witness my nana and tho seal of the coun
ty court at North I'latto this 7th day oJ
aiarcn t u. iviu.
ms-o W C. ELDER. County Judgo.
In tho matter of tho estato ot LafaycttoE1
I'oaso. deceased.
In tbo county court of Lincoln County. No'
braska. March 7tb. 1010.
Notico Is hereby glvon, that tho creditors
of said deceased will meet tho administrator
of said ostato, boforo tho County Judgo of
Lincoln county, Nobraska, at tbo county
court room, In said county, ou tbo lib day of
April, iviu anu on mo uu aay or uctouor.
iviv. at v o ciock a. m, oacu aay. lor tho pur
doso of presenting their calms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to presint their
claims, und ono year for tbo administrator to
settle nam estate from tho 1st dar ofAlarch.
1010. This notico to bo published In tbo
North I'latto Beml-Weeklv Tnhiinn & lp7l
nowspaper, printed In said county for eight
successive issues alter march uu, iviu.
W. O. Ki.dkii, County Judge.
Ily vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from
tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobras
ka, upon a decrco of foreclosure rendered In
said court wherein 8. V. dlllanls plalntllT and
Barouol Huoll, ot al, aro defendants, and to
i naujuui oiiuii, ui ui,
mo directed, i will oi
JJJgj. "'Vi
on tno intii day or Aiiru.
. in. at tno cat trout
houso In Nnrtri Plattn.
Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decrco. Interest and costs,
tbo following described pvoports", to-wltl
L)l. , j, , o. o. I Slid a, uiooic m. ot tno
original uity or north I'latto, Lincoln coun'
fjattU at North IMatto. Nob.. .March 7. 1010,
i. Lh ffiiLTorTDEitocn, suoriu.
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night
Special accommodations
for confinement cases
721-23 North Locust
Telephone No. 642.
Physician and Surgeon,
Ofllco over McDonald Bank.
) Office 130
i Residence 115 j
fr fli r if 1ft If; flrift "fr "rtfrflfr i
f mMM
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stono Drug Co.
Phonos I. Office 273
1 hones y Resklenco 273
John S. Twinem, M. D.,
Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Special attention to Obstetrics and
Children's Disenses.
Office: McDonald State Bank Building,
f :mAii flrn AV Imnrnn SCfra
Phones: Offlco 183. Residence 283,
General Practice of
Medicine, Surgery
Together with hia
Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
Your Glasses Carefully Fitted.
Office and residence 413 East Fifth St.,
on grouna noor, no stairs to climb.
f hone 559.
North Platte, - - Nebraska
Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell,
Notice is hereby (riven that on Jan
uarv 12th. 1010. tho Maxwell Stato
Bank of Maxwell, Nebraska, by a vote
or an ot tne shares ot stock cast at its
annual meeting, increased its paid-up
canital stock from $5,000.00 to tho full
$10,000.00 authorized by its Articles of
By W. H. McDonald. Pres.
Attest: A. C. Plumer, Cashier.
W. A. Howard,
All work guaranteed. Best
of references. Country orders
receive prompt attention.
Rpeirlpnrf fioo vvput Fifth
1 e QenCe 002 wesc -rM"I C.,
MVnrrh Plnl-r. Phnnn Sot
' "-wv-' ..vw"-
PUnrs 1na nL. .XT...
lc"31- UlUCia clLiXW-
i t-nn ; Knnk Srnrp rhnnf ofir
ton b BOOK OlOre, pnone 201.
Notice of Garnishment Suit.
Alex McNear will take notice that on
tho 21st day of February. 1910. W. C
Elder, justice of tho peace of North
Plntte, Lincoln County. Nobraska,
issued an order ot attachment for the
Bum of fifty dollars in an action pend
inir before him wherein Albert Tolle ii
plaintiff and Alex NcNear is defendant,
that property of the defendant in the
hands of tho Union Pacific Railway
uompany, towie monoy duo tho defen
dant as wages has been attached by
I , . .
garnisnmenc unaer
carnisnmenc unaer saiu order, said
cause was continued to the 11th day of
April, laiu, at y o ciock a. m.
ALBERT TOLLE, i'Jalntilt,
In tho mattor ot tho ostato of Isaac
Lamplugh. deceased.
In tbo county court ot Lincoln county, No
brisk a. February 28th. 1010.
Notico Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of tbo said deceased will meet tho Adminis
trator ot said cstato, before tbo County
Judgo of Lincoln county, Nob., at tho county
court room in said county, on tho '.'vth day t
March. ivu. anu on tno ivui uay or ben torn no
1010, at 10 o'clock a, in. each day, for tho pur
noso of presenting tholr claims for examlna
tlon. adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho Administrator
to bct.tio said estato from tho zsth day
ot Kobruary. iviu. Tins notico win ixj pub
lUhed In the North I'latto Soml-Weolclv Trl
buno. a legal nowspaper, printed In said
county, for eight successive Issues on aud
artor Marcii 1st. iviu. ana dv tno suoriu o
Lincoln count', Nebraska, posting a copy of
this notice In four public places In said
county and filing In bis return tboreof In this
court, . . . ,
mi-o w. u. uLiUfeii. uouniy juage,
Serial No. 020tM.
Dmi&rtmont of tho Interior.
U. B, Land Ofllce at North I'latto. Neb,
' Feb. 11th. 1010
Nnllra la linTnhV irlven that Mlrv Hllthnr
Ipkm. wlrinv l John II.Qutherless. deceased
of North I'latto. Neb., who on .luuoiiOtb, 1001
made Homestead Entry No. 20201, Serial No,
U-JOlitl. fnmntitliwettuuartori'orthcastaunrtnr.
northwest nuartor souiucast nuartor. north
Imlf untitliwmit nuartor. south half nnrthwnat
nuartor. and lotus and 4, section 4, township,
li, north, range w, west ui tuo tuxin principal
meridian, has filed notico of Intention to
make Unal Hvo roar proor, to establish claim
to the laud above described, beforo tho
ltoirlulnr anil Itncelvor at north I'latte. No
liranWs.nn the 13th day of April. 1010.
Claimant namos as witnesses! ueorgo ixng,
rtro 1
Joss Long. William
Pltinjan ai
and Julia Ma
onus ,ou or Murui
ttS-0 f
Alts. KVglstfer
Wilis J Rcdflold. M 1) J It McKiraban, M D
Brs. Redfield & McKiralian
Phsicians and Surgeons.
All Cnlls Promptly Answered. Phones
Office at P. nnd S. Hospital.
Serial No, 02250.
United States Land Office.
At North I'latto. Nebraska.. Fob. 6. 1910.
Nntlcn U hnrnhr irlven that ItOuort
Yanken. of Maxwell, NobraskA. who, on Hopt.
27tli, UK) I, mado homestead ntry No. 2050J.
serial No. 02250.. for souuth oast quar
tcr, Section . Township u itango to
W ot tlio 8 th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final flvo roar
proof, to establish Claim to tuo iana aoove
described, boforo tlio register and receiver
at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho Oth day
of April 1010. , ,
Claimant names as witnesses; rmu
Young, Samuel McCalg, John Noglo. William
Wilson, an or luaxwon, non
J. is. It, vans, iiegisior
In thu matter of tlio cstato of John O.
Hupfnr, deceased.
In tbo county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, February 14th, 1010.
Nnilcn 1 hnrnhv clven that thocrcdltors of
said deceased will meet tho administrator of
ot said estate boforo tho County
J ud eo of Lincoln county, Nobraska. at tho
county court room, In said county, on
tbo ism day of .March, mo. anu on
tbo 15th day of Antrim, 1010, at 0
o'clock a. m. dar. for the nurnosoof pre
senting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six montus aro allowed
for creditors to present tbclr claims, and one
year for tbo administrator to scttlo said
estato from tbo 2Hh day ot January 1010.
this notice win no puiiiisucu in tno norm
Platto Trlbuno, a Boml-Weokly newspaper,
iirlntud In said county for four weeks sue
ccs9lvely, on. and aftor February II 1010.
15-R County .Tudiro.
Serial No. 03M
Department of tho Interior.
United States Land Ofllco
North Platte, Nobraska,
February 12, 1010.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed In this ofllco by Olarencn E. Groves.
contestant, against homestead Entry,
No. 'ssm mado Nov. u, liur. for allot
Pec 10. Township 15, N. Hango32 W. of tbo Oth
1'. Meridian, by Elmor E. Drown Contestoo, In
which It Is alleged that said Elmer E. Drown
has novor established his rcstdonco on said
tract: that ho has failed to cultivate or
Improvo said tract from dato of entry to tho
present time, and has wholly abandoned said
tract for moro than six months last past.
Said parties aro horoby notified to appear,
respond and orror ovidenco touching said al
legation at 10 o'clock a. in. on April 0.
1010, boforo tbo Register and Receiver at tho
United States Land olllco In North Platte,
Tho said contestant havlnc. In a nronor am-
davit Hied sot forth facts which show that
after duo dlllgonco personal scrvlco of this
notico cannot oo made, it is horoby ordored
and directed that such notice bo glvon by due
and proper publication.
f 15-8 Register.
In the inattoi of tho estato of Marv
Lampiugh, deceased.
In tlio County Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. February 28th, 1010.
Notico Is horoby given, that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet tbo Administrator
of said estato. boforo tbo County Judgo of
Lincoln county, Nobraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tbo 20th day of
match, miu.ana on tuo-Jtti day of September,
1010, at 10 o'clock a, m. each day, for tho pur
poso of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
are allowed for creditors to present tbolr
claims and ono year for tho administrator
to settlo said estato, from tho 25th day ot Feb
ruary, 101U. This notico to be published In
the North I'latto semi-weekly Trlbuno. a
legal newspaper printed In said county, for
eight succosslvo Issues on and aftor March
ist. luio, and by tno snoriir or Lincoln county.
Neorasua. posting a copy ot tins nocicajn
four public places In said county, and filing
his return thereof In this court.
ml 4 W. O. ELDER. County Judgo,
Efllo W. Reed will take notico that on tho
Bth day of Fobruary. 1010, an action was com
menced In tho county court ot Lincoln
county. Nobraska, in which Louis O. Drost
was piaintnr and utile w. Hold was dorsnd
and in which said plalntllT sued said de
fendant for tho sum of $30 00 and that an
order ot attachment for Bald sum was mado
to accompany summons and tlio McDonald
Stato Hank, of North Platto, Nebraska, gar
nlshecd for tho monoy of tbo defendant in
tholr possession, and that upon Fobruary iu,
1010, that being tbo roturn uay of the sum
mons, said summons was returned not served
and It appearing to the court that said sum
mons bad not been and could not bu served
on tho defendant within said Lincoln county.
NebrasKa. saiu causo was continued to March
31st. 1010. at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a. m., by
order of tho court.
i-onis o. unosT. riamtirr.
ml-3 Ily E. II, Evans, bis Attorney.
State of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss.
In tlio county court February 23rd 1V10.
In tho mattor of tho estato of Ellia-
botb I'. Stebblns, deceased.
On reading and tiling tbo petition of Hen
rietta S. Homier, praying that tbo regular
administration ot said cstato bo dispensed
with as provided by sections o'.02. 5203. and
6201. Ooblioy's Statuto 1WW,
Ordered. That March zist. 1U1U. at u
o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said
potltlon, when an persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be
held In and for said county, and show causo
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not
be granted. This order to bo printed for
six successive ssues in the North I'latto Soml-
Weolcly Tribune, a legal newspaper prior to
Ma. eh 21, 1010.
mi-3 w. o. Kr.PKit. county Judgo.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. 0IU3I.02172
Department of tbo Interior.
U. S, Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob.
Fobruary. 20tb, 1010.
Notico Is horoby irlven that Arthur Conner.
of North Platto. Neb., who on July 20th. 1W,
mado Homestead Entry No. ittiOJ, Serial No.
04031. for tho southwest quarter, and on July
22, 1001, mode Homestead Entry No. 2041H,
Sorial No. 02172, for tho northwest quartor
of section 20, township 12, north.
rango so, west oi tuo uth principal meridian,
has tiled notico ot Intention to mako Unal
live year proof, to establish claim to tbo
land abovo described, boforo the register
and receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on
tbo 27th day of April, 1010.
Claimant names as wltnosscs: William
W. Hunter, Francis Montague James L.
Schuck and Frank Powers, all of Nortli
Platto, Nob.
mt-H -T. E. Evans. Register.
Sorial Nos. 01783-02003.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Offlco at North Platte, Nob.
Jan. loth. 1010.
Notico is hereby given that Sarah Ostorhout.
ot North I'latte, Nobraska, who, on Juno
1st. louil, mado homestoad entry No, IWiO,
Sorial No. 0183, for east halt southwest quar
tor and south half southeast quarter, and on
Juno 20th, 11)01, mado 11 E. No, 20100, Sorial
No. 02003, for north halt, west half southwest
quarter, and nortli half southeast quarter,
section K. Township 15, north, Range 20 west
ot the Sixth Principal Meridian has filed
notico of Intention to make Unal flvo year
proof to establish claim to tho lapd above
described, before the Register and Receiver
at North Platte, Neb., on tbo loth day ot
March 1010.
Claimant names as wltnessesi Gcorro
Moran, ot Myrtle, Nob., Willis Combs.Wllllam
Pittman and Garllold Outherloss, all of
North Platte, Neb.
J12-6 J. E. EVANS. Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at Nortli Plattn Neb ,
January 15th. 1910.
Serial No. UM0.
Notico is hereby given that Mlnnlo M. Rose,
noo Abel ot Maxwell, Nobraska, who on Jan,
3rd 1005, mado 11, E. No 20057, Serial No. 03010,
for all ot soction 14. township II N range 20
West of tho Uth Principal Meridian, has tiled
notico of intention to make final flvo year
proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, before the Reglstorand Ilccclvor,
at North Platto, Nobraska, on the 19th day of
March. 1010.
Claimant names as wltnessesi Isaac M.
Aborcromblo and Gust Roseutreter, of Max
well, Nebr , and Martin Jepsou and Peter
tToTveuson, of Arn, Nob. .
7 iVa j, E. Rttrftrwr.