THE SEMI-WEI KlY TRIBUNE IKA U DArtlS, Publisher. TERMS, (1.25 IN ADVANCES NORTH PLATTE NEDRASKA Lct'a not talk nbout tlio weathor. Itomombor and give tlio horso oyunro donl. I3vcn bnd wonthor cannot lcoop tlio airships down. . In tills ago, tlio wator wagon ou;;bt tc bo an nutouiobilo. Canada Dooms to bo getting a bottor nolglibor all tlio tlmo. An acroplano collision might bo o good sttito fair attraction. Tho next aorlal record to bo broken la that for tho hlghost fall. Dolawaro lias a rocord nnowfctll. No tmo nslclng nftor Uio peach crop. Wouldn't nutomobllo tiros ao ball bonds como undor tho lioad of Inflated securities? Isn't It groat that you can got used to almost auythhiR If you try It long enough? Sea voyagers at thin tlmo of year got their money's worth If thoy like oxcltomont. It Is said Injections of rattlesnake venom will cure hookworm. Also pol ing. It Is n klll-or-curo remedy. Ono of tho most pernicious ovll doors Is tlio man who trios to pull an other down from tho wator wagon. With real butter worth Its wolght In gold tho temptation Is strong for Imi tation butter to got Into tho game European rlvoro have boon hurrying up their high wntor programs so bb to forestall tho Ohio's spectacular per formances. Whenever a enko of floating Ico crashes against tho Eads bridge tho seismograph in St. Loula roglstora an earthquake Tho nine-dollar hog nt Chlcngo may mako tho silver of bacon for break fast more llko a silver than it has over been boforo. Tho only consolation thcro has boon about tho bleak weathor of tho past fow days Is thnt ouch day of wlntor brines spring nearer. Speed maniacs should bo given n contence. when convicted, on tho trcndmlll, which would mako tho pun ishment lit tho crime. ' . Buffalo meat has boon plncod on tho Now York market. And Its prlco, notwithstanding Its rnrlty, wao not much greater than that for ordinary beof. Seldom will oven n -vnln and unro llablo woman give nn untruthful an swer if you nak her about her ago. Sho will say It In nono of your busi ness. A Now York husband complained In court that his wlfo called him u "Khrimp," and In vlow of tho fact that ho went to court with his troublo wo aro Inclined to agroo with hor. With oggn at 70 ronta n dozon In Now York a St. Louis man Is willing to cat flvo dozon nt n tlmo on a wnger. PorhapB the motion plcturo privileges liep out this branch of capitalistic sport," Twenty thousand acres of land ospo clnlly adapted to fruit culturo lmvo Just boon opened for upttlcmont In Oregon. Tho Pnclllo coast Is looming into promlnenco as a rich agricultural region. ' In ono of tho big police procliiota in Now York thoro woro only two ur rests In 21 hours, and tho fact has led to the Inquiry whothur a roform wave has struck that part of tho city. Moro lllcoly it was moroly n cold wavo. Two iiowapaporo, ono In Chicago ium tuu uuiur in jjuiumoro, iinvo talked with each other by "wireless;" though 1,000 mllos apart. Thla Is re ported to bo tho loilKoat dlatniiRn nn laud for successful communication of tins kind, and exports allogo that a thousand miles over tho land is equal to ll.OOO nt sea. Ho this nn It mv tho Incident la of interest ns showing tlio uovolonmont of w roloss toini? raphy. Thoro Is no doubt that tho system 1b constantly enlarging tho BCOpO 01 US UHOlUMeSS. It looks moro and moro na though tho American propositions for n worldB arbitral court, tending to nro- noto international pcaco, and for tho neutralization of tho Munchurlnn railroads, looking to tho removal of a causn of friction and strife, nro like ly to bo ncccptcd by tho loading pow ers. And so tlio yoar will bo mom orablo bocauBo ot ono of tho greatost advances over mado toward gonernl and permanent good understanding, tho chief luipulBo toward which came from tho United States and was gou eratcd by Amorlcan statesmanship. Great thoughts aro noblo guests which do not ontor tho homo of our Intellect unbidden, nor do thoy re main long whoro thoy aro not prop erly entortalned. A university scientist declares char ity to be a disgrace, advocating the policy of lotting tho usoloss starve and tho unlit die, Sclcnco la tho bot tor for tho loss of such sclontluta who thus practically hold it an n defense of a return to tho old barbarous doe trlno of bruto force in tho survival ot tho flttost. un ra Celebrate When Baby Gets First Tooth "S. WP' " I W YORK. Among tho Syrians there 1b no such thing ns giving a party In celebration of tho first anni versary of tho birth of a child: tho colobrntlon is hold whon tho baby cuts Its first tooth. On Buch an occasion friends of tho parents aro not Invited to tho houso to cat cakes and listen to a phonograph, but whatovor swecto may bo prepared for tho occasion nro sent by tho parents to tho homes of tho frlonds whom thoy wish to Inform of tho news. Tho friends lator visit tho parentB and tender their congratula tions. Whatovor tho swootn may bo, ono particular dish Is Indispensable Sana!- nleli is Its nnmo. Tho mother begins to propnro it soon after tho birth of tho child. First and foremost In tho prepara tion of IhlB dish is wheat. Parents with many frlonds uao botween ton and 20 pounds of whent Tho grain Is boiled with sugared water uutll It Is fit to bo eaten; then It Is put Into hallow dishes and allowed to cool. Tho other materials Includo nuts, pooled nlmonds, plno seeds, candles and tho llko. These Ingredients nro spread, over tho grnln and sprinkled with rosu Pretty Chicago Waitresses Lose Jobs AKv'lUlinMCM CHICAGO. "Flro tho bonutlos and omnloy nlaln faced workers." In tho cry of tho "quick lunch" bosses of this city. Thoro nro two counts to tho Indlet. mont against them. First. Tho protty girl Is flattered by too much nttontlon nnd nnnniln her tlmo flirting, adjusting her rnt and switches, nnd shifting hor com plexion rather than In koonlnir "ham and," "cup nnd slnkors," "bowl nnd n sllcu of mlnco," and other cs Bontlnls of a woll-ordorcd lunchroom In rapid circulation. Second. Tho lmnroRslnnnhtn yos, nnd tho bnldhcads who ought to know bottor spend their tlmo In plenaant convorsntlon with fair Kath leen instead or in oatlng. Perclmnco, also, thoy may souandor thn lnnr nickel ot tho lunch monoy on a tip io uio waning mam instead ot on a pleco ot enko or n baked apple Tiioro is another olomont In tho case, brought out by a proprietor whon ho said: Dozen Lonely Widows Want Husbands WANTED ST. PAUL, Minn. Twolvo lonoly women of St. Paul, most nf thnm widows, have annealed tn thn nnllon by mall to help them meet 12 lonely men. Tiioy want to know how to go about it Iloro is their letter: "Sr. Could you toll na If. whom and how wo could best git acquainted witn nlco lonely good men, about 46 to 05 years old? "Wo aro 12 women, 30 to 45 yenrv old, nil bright, nlco, good looking, good charactor, who won't pick our acqunlntanco over counters or stroot cornors, that kind wo don't want; wo aro rctlncd. So nono. "But cannot git acquainted so thcro-. roro wo aro lonesome But, strcot'- corners wo don't want. "What Is tho best way to git ac lualntod In tho hoBt wny, wo aro Wonders if He Was CHICAGO. Will tho weight of a 200-pound man falling on a two dollar dorby damngo It to tho extent ot $1,50? John M. Hubbard, assistant post mnstor, ropllod in tho negative "I paid him ?1.C0 and now I loam ho victimized my frlonds In tho snmo manner and worse yet with tho namo two-dollar hat," said Mr. Hub bard to a group ot friends in tho Federal building. "Ho enmo In and wnltod patlontly to speak to mo. A stranger ho was. but ho had nn honcat face. Onco at leisure I turned nnd shook his hand, it tho snmo tlmo sitting down. Ho foiled: 'Look out, sir; my hat!' But it was too lata. Hnqe$ J. "V. j " I fi r' f ' la? water and then tho dish is ready to bo sent out. Sometimes ono ot tho parontn will carry a dish of this stuff to a partic ularly closo friend. Tho women or tho men ns tho easo may bo embrnco each other and tho neighbor brings Into play all his knowledge of the congratulatory expressions boIUtlng tho occnRBlon, nonio of which run llko this: "O my nolglibor and friend,, may the child llvo long to bring joy to your heart. May It please Allah that you marry him during your lifetime. I cannot doscrlbo to you how elated and enraptured I am to know that your child lias cut a tooth. O son of my undo, I am going to mako nn offering to n church for tho long 1 If o of your child." Then without much loss ot tlmo tho nolglibor Invites his visitor to n drink ot nrac to tho health ot tho baby and very BCldom doos ho let him de part without having had four or flvo. Tho dishes In which tho sannlnleh Is carried to neighbors and friends are not returned immediately. Some times It is n week or oven two beforo thoy aro back in their customary places In tho family cupboard, When thoy nro returned they uro not empty. It Is tho duty of tho recipient of a dish ot sanalnlch to return tho dish full of somo delicacy. Hcnco tho homo of tho baby's parents will resemble nn elaborate- exposition of pastries and sweets when nil tho dishes nro In. "Ot courso, whon you have pretty glrlc sometimes n fellow will glvo ono of thorn n homo. But I'm not run ning a Sunday school." But in order for theso conditions to Influcnco tho rcstnurant man his piaco must bo Borne steps above tho quick lunch clnss. In tho latter success de pends on feeding people promptly nnd cheaply, to which It Is necessary that tho employes bo fow, but work fast and constantly. In tho restaurants tho spirit s?ib expressed by ono man ager yesterday na follows: "Wo try to KJiko our placo bb pleas ant and attractive as possible, and tho most Important fenturo of tho surroundings, or furnlshlngB, In thla regard 1b tho waitress. Wo want them an pretty as wo can got them." But tho pretty blondes nnd tho bril liant brunoltca are doomed In pie plnccs whero tho baked beans and "coffee and" constltuto tho principal Items on tho bill. Tho proprietors nro nfratd ot her. "It's Blmply n matter of business," n hard-hearted man said. "Thoy say n pretty girl attracts customers, but what good docs it do ua if sho at tracts them to tho lunch counter, only to distract their nttontlon frotit tho bill of fnre? They como In to oat, to eat nn much ns they can In as short n time ns possible Anything thnt In terferes with that has to go." moat of us wldow, without children, alone, mid lonesome. "And still wo fftun't give you our nnmca so you call an lonely women or wldowa, help ua or wo will call on tho Mayor or Gov. ET-ierlmrt. Thoy aro good followa. Anwn." Tho women wouUd accept men run ning an high aa 65 years of age Thoro Is no spcclicatlon na to tho men's personal anjjearanco, enrnlisg power, ability to slug or dance. As to who theso 12 lonoly womcii, nil bright, nice, gool looking and ot good character ma bo, tholr lettnr tells nothing. But a Sherlock Holnicn would perhaps doduco that thoy nro not Huffragottea and thnt thoy hava kind dispositions. Porhnpa thoy hnvo formod a Louo ly Women's club nnfl pooled tholr spnro cash on a bot t'ont the flrst ono to got a lonoly man Jfckca all for hoi trouuscau. A moro ninn who Hi married, nnd also lonoly, sayB ho yll pay for tho llcenso and corcmow for tho flrat couplo of these 12 letily womon nnd lonely men who ulgn '.tlcles. Worked far $1.50 "'I am awfully som ' 1 boKnn us I picked up tho crushed lint thing that lay in my eiinir. I trlvd hard to aup press a amllo. but llnny lnughed out right. And ho wns rory. No nils take about that " 'That Is my only hiu,,' ho said humblo enough. I convptod him, say ing, 'It wnB your only ljt.' "'I am a poor man out of wnrir and my wlfo and four cilldren' hero l interrupted him. 'l-pw much?' I asked. 'U'h ruined,' hi- said. 'How will a dollar squaro lu I nskmi 'i can't get n now ono Mr thnt' im complained. Whon I hntu;?d him $1.50 uo grnuueti it greedily nnj! left." Mr. Hubbard reflected for a time then nBked tn a touo barclv "I wonder If that is the bmiio riin, that worked my friends In tho anmo manner nnd with tho Bnmo uat?' Laughter was tho only answer thnt came from his group of frlonds. Othor rrlonda call him on tho tolophono muuy times during tho dny now und nsic mm it uo buys old hats. SERVED ONE FAMILY LONG Woman Who Has Worked 57 Years Tells How to 86lve Servant Problem, Now York. Dertha Stelnbcrgor, 70 years old, In lovo only onco and Btlll In that happy condition, for oho novor married la a servant there for tho third nnd fourth generations of tho ono family, to which sho has been devoted. She has been with Isaac Kurtz and his descendants for 57 .years, passed on from father to daugh ter nnd daughter to daughter, a treas ured heirloom. Never has sho sought ertha Stelnberger. to loavo her omploycra, and never will she, unless Mnrtln Dlcber appears In reality as ho looms up In hor dreams of tho past. This woman wan born In Rholn pfalz, Germany, on February 10, 1S33. Sho was the daughter of a gamokecp er. Martin Dlcber, a young soldier In tho German nrmy, marched through her village ono day and then began n romance that might havo been. Sho was eighteen then. Ho wanted to marry hor. Sho was willing, but Mar tin had thrco moro years to serve IIo suggested nn elopement and again she was willing. Tho pair started for Antworp, whoro lay a ship that would carry then to America. About $200 wns Bent to n friend hero to keep until they arrived. But Martin never did arrive Tho police pulled him from his place of hiding on the vessel nnd sent him back. Bertha sailed alone. When this girl of nineteen reached this shoro sho found that tho "friend" had spent tho monoy. Sho sat on her trunk at Castle Garden and sighed ovor hor wealth thrco cents. Employ ment was soon found for her In tho Kurtz family and It la with a grand child of her first employer alio now lives. Speaking of tho servant prob lem alio sayu: "To keep n servant should bo very ensy. Making a success of tho plan requires only that sho be treated as p. human being, with human Impulses and human weaknesses. My employ ers havo looked upon mo In that way and that la why I haven't mado a chango In 57 years and 7ouldn't want to." STIRS UP NAVAL CIRCLES Outcome of Auld Court-Martial Matter of Great Interest to Sea Fighters. Boaton. Grout Interest is manifested by ofllcers and men of tho United 3tntes navy in tho verdict tho court- aiartlal will render In tho easo of Pay master George P. Auld, who was tried an sovcrnl charges growing out of his illcged attack on Dr. Edward S. Cowles, rolatlvo ot Mrs. Theodoro Roosevelt. Tho easo attracted wide attention becnuse.of tho connection with it of Miss Dorothy Hosier of Evnnaton, Inughtor of n naval ofllcer who died In '.ho Philippines, nnd Miss Swift, inughtor ot Bear Admiral Swift. It ivns reported that Auld's nttack on Cowles followed unpleasant attentions glvon to Miss Hosier by tho physician, Paymaster George P. Auld. who is a married man. Cowles wa3 barred from tho navy yard danco, and when told his prosonco wna not wanted i light followed, Auld testified that he did not strlko Cowlea, but admitted aavlng grappled with him and throw ng htm to tho floor. in navy circles it is Bam tills was not tho truo cause of tho troublo and :hat n tnro scandal Is behind tho whole thing. An Investigation by con iross Is now balne talked of. Fatal Course. A matron who waa visiting her for mer homo city, and was undor full headway with tho Bccmlngly ondlCBS string of questions usual In such a case. "And your slater's daughter Violetr she asked. "Violet Is married," tho friend ro pllod. "Indeed! My" I How tlmo doos ay. Happily married, I trust?" "Oh, djar, nol My sister always hu mored her, you know," wns tho re sponse, "and tho poor child was per mitted to marry the man sho was In lovo with!" Sunday Magazine of tho Cleveland Leader. Not Actually Necessary. Tho lawyer proceeded to examine tho witness. "Pardon tho question, Mrs. Chucks- ley," ho sold, "but your answer consti tutes a part of tho record. How old are you?" "Why, you ought to know, Mr. Shnrpo," Bho answered; "my birthday Is tho samo as yours, only I was born ton yoars later than you were" 'Ab, yes, I remember. Well, It Isn t Important, anyhow. Go ahead, Mrs. Chucksloy, nnd toll tho Jury what you know about this case" If you want to test a mnn'a charac ter watch and eeo what creates In him nn enthusiasm. Angela Dickens. AT.T.KVS T.nWd TIAT.BA11T " a thn ntd rolliLhln ruuuli ronipdr. fr'nnml In Tir Snie ttoronnil In practically erpfy home. For tala tr nil drucuUti, 26c. bOa and f 1.00 bottlui. Landlords nnd tenants can novcr see through tho same spectacles. flu It is non-secret, non-alcoholio and has a record of forty years of cures. Ass Your NniannoRS. They probably know of some of its many cures. If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to euro them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pfcrcc to pay cost of mailing enly, and he will send you a fret copy of his great thousand-page illustrated Common Scnso Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper covers. In hnndiomo cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. The Upper fleck Bearing and Spring is a mighty Important point of the Separator. Always bco how ft worliB. In tho Nntlonal It has only two piirtu tho hearings proper, anil a spring collar, both enslly removable. Other noparators have aa hlKh ns euven parts screws, thread, adjustments, etc., that nobody but a machinist understands. Tho ' National Cream Separator upper bearing gives tno bowl all tno ll-il-tillltrnccdcdlorltstpordol tj.OU) to 1U.W0 revolutions a mlnulo. It never sticks or binds, ltlstlioonly uppfrbearinguiatcan tin irnt. nt. for ft uprfpct ovorlagtlna'ln service. aerflonHrniinKnnnwouiii milium, cxprniu to you. lllustrutea catalog ol lull particu lars Irco on reqecst. TlIEmiOXU,DAluYHlCUOT COaritT Co.Ii.ii, lidlua CklcsfO, Illlact. ,!81kFor m As we cet older the blood becomes sluggish, the mus cles and joints stiffen and aches and pains take hold easier. Sloan's Liniment quickens the blood, limbers u the muscles and joints and stops any pain or ache widi astonishing promptness. , Proof that it is Best for Rheumatism. Mrs. Daniel II. Diehl,ci Mann's Choice, R.F.D., No. i, Pa., writes r " send me a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism and stiff joint. It is the best remedy I ever knew for I can't do without it." Also for Stiff Joints. Mr. Miltox Wheeler, sioo Morris Ave., Birmingham, Ala., mites : "I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment has dona me more good for stiff joints than anything I have ever tried," Sloan's inime is the qickest and best remedy for Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises and Insect Stings. Trlco 25c, COc, and $1.00 at All Donlors. ficiul for Sloan's Vroo Itook on Horses. Address DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. B liOCTO CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, RHEUM- AT ISM, GET A 25c BOX ALL .V DRUGGISTS FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. ' : Wm KE-RII-II 1 ' HpyspepsiII Hay's Hair -Health Never Fill to lie.ttore OrnyHnlr lo Ita Nnturnl Color and Beauty. Stops lit fittllni out. and positively removes Dandruff. Is nol a Dye. Refuse all substitutes, ir.oo sndjoo. llottles by Mail or at Druggists. FREE Send :oc for tarce eimrl Doltle Flillo Hay Spec. Co.. Newark. N. J U. S. A. nooknna Adylee FniCB. Rum, Itawlrk k lwrnr., Washington. D.C UsU U l rs. U wt tat ortucss. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 9-1910. Despair and Despondency No one but a woman can tell tho story of the suffering, th despair, and tho despondency endured by women who carry a dully burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and derangements of the delicate and important organs that are distinctly feminine, Tho tortures so bravely endured com plctcly upset tho nerves if long continued. Dr. I'icrcc's Favorito Prescription is a positive euro for weakness and disease, of the feminine organism. IT MAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain? It tones and builds up tho nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing to urge unon vou as 'iust as stood." NoIIird Lilling Lightest Running Easiest Cleaned clfanliia'nnd Is Insttton your dealer Closest Skimmer heumaiic STOMACH and LIVER COMPLAINT EASY SURE TO ACT 3 issrf"MfrVJBM HI nt BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS . H. LCWIK MIOICINC CO., ST. LOUIS, UO,