ME SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA. I BATtB, Publisher Tenni: f 1.26 In Advance. NOnTH PLATTE NEDF1A8KA A Boiling Down of the More Im portant Events Here and There Foreign Tho unionists gained Another scat In tho Bouthport division of Lnndastor. Othorwlso tho few results boforo an nounced do not chango tho party Htrongth. Tho newly olected nicmbcra of parllnniont now Rtand: Unionists, 221; llbcrnls, 202; laborltos, 34; na tlonallstB, CO. rrosldent Madrlz of Nicaragua Is- sued n proclamation giving tho details, of tho causes which have led to a ro nowal of hostllltlcfl. Ho refers to tho offers of poaco made to tho revolution ists through ltoar Admiral Kimball nnd their refusal to accept anything but comploto recognition of tho pro visional government, and says ques tions must now bo settled by arms. American shoo manufacturers nro making extraordinary shipments on orders from their German ngents, placed In anticipation of tho enforce ment of aormnny'H gonoral tariff against American importations on and after February 7. A natlvo runner who lias arrived from South Africa reports (hat Col. Roosovelt has killed threo good bulls nnd two cows of tho whlto rhinoceros family and consldcrnblo lesser game. Tho naturalists have collected many species of birds nnd mammals. According to n Gorman consular re port tho Kobe-Akashl Eloctrlc nail way company, with n capital of $1, 500,000, has been formed to build an electric railway from Kobo, Japan, to Askashl. Tho first flvo miles of tho road la to bo doublo track. General. Tho postal savings bank bill has been Introduced In tho senate. If Dalllngor Is convicted It will bo a victory for honesty nnd conBorvn tlsm.. If acquitted It. will bo a vindi cation for a much abused man. Baron Komura gavo assurance In tho Japanese diet that relations with tho .United States were oxcellont. The management of tho postofllco department was criticised by tho man agement of tho Butterlck company. A lottcr from Guadalajara asserts that Conductor Cook, who Is In jail In Guadalajara, Is falling rapidly un der his closo confinement. President Tait cabled to Emporor 'William, of Germany a birthday grcot Ing. Foodstuff exports last year fell off heavily as compared with tho provlous year. General Pnulino Godoy has boon appointed InPicctor general of tho IsMcaraguan army. President Tnft has decided to pay a .visit to Albany nnd Rochester, N. Y., norno tlmo in March nnd in both towns will deliver addresses, Ezra Kendall, tho comedian, died ot apoploxy in a sanitarium at Martins ville Ind. Tho supremo court may delay an opinion on tho corporation tax. That Harry Kendall Thaw- is n bankrupt and that his cstnto is sub ject to tho United States bankruptcy laws Is held by Reforoo William B. Blair. Tho sonnto commltteo on territories perfected tho Bovoridgo measure to crcato n logtslatlvo council for Alaska. Congressman Smith ot Iown will bo a candldnto for rouoiulnntlon. National Commlttooman Tnggart ot Indianapolis, Ind., who was accident ally shot by W. H. Morion, while hunting, will loso tho sight ot tho right oyo. , Tho sennto commltteo on irrigation will report a bill providing for a $30, 000,000 bond Issue to comploto irriga tion projects. Armour says beef Is high bocauso of increased prlco ot corn. Americnn affairs nro being promi nently headlined In tho Chlncso natlvo newspapers. Tho spocchos of Presi dent Tatt nnd tho hunting oxplolts of Col. Roosovolt nro followed with in terest. Tho petition of tho Amorlcan Fede ration of Labor nuking for an investi gation of tho operations of tho United States Steel corporation has beon re ferred by President Tnft to tho com mltteo on Judiciary. Tho United States Banking com pany at Mexico City HUBnondcd fol lowing Its .failure to mnko tho clear ing house settlement of tho day's ' business. Joseph A. Graham, n widely known editor, and author, died at his somo in Salisbury, Md, Ho was widely known In tho west Cork oak, which grows to a Wgo extent in Spain, is to ha tried in the national forests horo, All along tho lino tho pcoplo aro cutting out tho moat ration, but tho prlco docs not como down. Tho "beef trust," so-called, is to bo proBocuted by tho national govern wont. Millions In roynltles to tho govern ment from leases of AlaBka coal lands was tho proposition mado by a Heattlo man to a sonato committee. Business needs ot tho nntion aro to bo discussed in annual convention of national boards of trades. NEWSNOTES CONDENSED Tho oxocutlvo commltteo of tho na tional education association am nounced thnt tho forty-eighth annual convention would bo held In Boston July 2 to 8, 1010. - Senator Conger's exposing Now York's stato politics scandal Jsl(llkoly to win Victory or direct primary sys torn. 1 Tho British liberal party must do pend oil' tho Irish to secure a ma Jorlty In tho house of commonB. Tho twentieth century limited on tho Now York Central was wrecked and two trainmen killed. Thoro Is dissatisfaction nmong houso democrats wliln tho leadership of Champ Clark. Chances 'favor the passage of the ship Bubsldy bill this session. Tho now comet is traveling more than 120 miles per second according to Prof, Wlnslov Upton of Brown uni versity. Special cducatlonnl training for rail road men )s advocated and predicted by J. Bhlrloy Eatou. Irregularity In grand Jury room'mny open tho prison doors for Charles W Morso, nnd F. Augustus Heinze ma; also benefit from a court ruling on this matter. In tho memory or nenntora and representatives now In ofllco, Bays i Washington dispatch, thoro never hai boon n tlmo when tho pcoplo won writing so many lotters to mcmbon of congress about public affairs. Meat dealers aro firm with thelt prices all over tho country and the movp now being mado has la no wlsi affected tho packers. Tho Intensely colu weather in th cast has nave'd eastern Pcnnsylvnnlt from disastrous floods. It was stated by n high authority nt Paris that no sottlomcnt has yol boon roached regarding tho Hankow Szo-Chuen railroad loan of $30,000,000 Ezra Kondnl!, tho lamous comedian, died of apoplexy in n anltarlum at Martinsville, Ind. President Tnft Is urging upon Ben ntors to "got busy"wlth tho nation' affairs. Tho prlco ot extra fancy creamery butter dropped to 30 cents a pound on tho Elgin board ot trado. It was a cut of six cents. Llbornl forces In Great Britain have not abandoned hopo of a substantial victory. 9 Warner M.,Van Norden, a rich Now Yorker, was robbed on tho streot ot $28,000, supposedly by two womon. Investigations by tho Immigration commission wero denounced In the houso aB a big Junket.' Mrs. Hotty Groen has Joined the anti-meat cruBado because she saye tho prlco Is too dear. Washington. Sonntor Penroso introduced a bill to amend tho oleomargarine law in accordance with recommendations bj associations of dairyman and grangers. Tho moasuro Imposes on manu facturers o? olcomargarlno a spocln' tax of $000 a yonr. Tho tax to be paid by wholesalo dealers In uncolprod olcomargarlno is fixed at $200 and the tax assessed against retailers in & similar product Is fixed nt $G. Roporta which reached Washington from foreign sources declared thai Whltolaw Hold, ambassador to Great Britain, had boon offered and had no coptcd an extension ot two years ol sorvlco as tho rcprosentatlvo of the United States at the court of St Jamos. Estimates mado by officials ot the postofllco department lndlcnto 300, 000,000 one-cent pieces annually are taken by tho rural lotter carriers from letter boxes for tho payment of post ago on mail matter doposlted. Com plaints against tho practice havo bo- como bo wldoBproad that tho post ofllco department has issued lnstruo tlons to all po8tmastors nt rural do livery ofllco that after February 15 tho practlco will bo discontinued. Detailed statements of exports ot tho United States during tho calendar yonr 1000 have Just been completed by tho bureau ot statistics of tho do partmont ot commerco and labor Thoy show a reduction' in tho value o oxports ot 'nearly all tho Important agricultural products oxcopt cotton. As n result ot tho agitation ngnlnsl tho increased coat of living, Roprcson tntlvo Garner (rep. Pa.) Introduced & bill in ho Iioubo to roponl tho duty on all cuttle lntondcd to bo used ns food This is tho first bill ot the sort Intro duced, but It Is oxpected thnt a Hood ot Blmllar moaauros will follow. Personal. Indlotmonts woro roturned nt Chi cago against men accused of com spiring to defraud tho city. Governor Shnllonborgor of Ne braska declines to cnll an oxtra bcs ston of tho legislature Congratulations poured In on Gomp era on his sixtieth birthday, Frionds of Brigadier General Smith of Fort RubboII bollovo ho will sue ccod to tho command ot tho Dopnrt- mont ot tho Missouri whon Brigadier Gonoral Chnrlea Morton, now In com maud, retires from tho Borvlco In March. Brlgndlor Gonernl Frederick Funston Is In lino for tho command but it Is understood ho docs not care to bo transferred and that Brigadier Gonoral Smith will got tho plnco. Tho prediction was mado that It will take nineteen years to finish tho Balllnger-Plnchot Inquiry. Thoro is still a possibility tho lib erals will havo n majority In com mons, Zolaya, former president ot Nica ragua, la proparlng to go to Bolglum. Llona, 1'cru, arranged a special ro- coptlon for Hon. W. J. Bryan. Thooloctlon ot Glttord Piuchot to Hiiccoed Dr. Charles W. Eliot as pros! dent of tho National ionsorvatlon as soclatton is announced. Iown editors will hold their soml- anuual meeting at Boono March 17, IS LITTLE PROGRESS IN LEGISLA TION DEMANDED BY TAFT. A MATTER OF MUCH CONCERN Two. Months of Session Gone and Ad journment Already Be'ng Talked About. Washington. Little headway has been mado in tho two months con gress has been In session toward the onnctraont of important legislation de manded by President Taft; yet on every sldo nro heard predictions bf an early adjournment. Thoughtful mbmbcra of congress nro asking each other what kind ot rccoptlon thoy will moot if thoy go to tho Whlto houso on April 15 or May 1, with plans to quit work for tho Bummor, If tho ad ministration program is unfulfilled. Tho question Is one which congrcs Blonnl leadera admit Is giving them deep concern. Tho nbsenco of" unani mity of thought on nlmost every ono of tho president's measures Is such as to mako exceedingly difficult tho work mnpped but for thoso who havo tho bills in charge. Bills to crcato a ?ourt of commerco nnd nmend tho rail road rato laws, to establish postal sav ings banks, to vulldato withdrawals of public lands wunted for conservation purposes nnd to legalize national charters for corporations doing Inter stato business, which havo been plnced at tho head of tho "Whlto houso schedule," havo all mot with de termined oppo3lilqu. From a political point ot vlow, re publicans waters seemingly nro be coming muddled by tho several Inves tigations which ard In progress, and thp minority members appear not un willing to lot this procedure continue Indefinitely. Inquiries such ns that bolng made Into tho affairs of tho in terior department and the forest sorv lco naturally aro having some effect upon plans to amend land laws and ennct legislation for Alaska and otou bear to some extent upon tho Arizona and Now Mexico statehood bill. Other investigations, such as those relating to second class mall matter and tho postofllco deficit, nnd the causes of tho Increased cost of living, all tend to minimize tho chances for a comploto redemption ot republican campaign pledges. A conference of republican leaders Is now being considered and probably will bo held soon after Senator Aldrlch returns from Florida, as ho Is oxpected to do this week, wnlther ho went a wcok ago to recuporato from a severe cold.. Whether this wilt bo hold at tho Whlto houso, so as to enable Mr. Taft to participate or at the capltol, has not boon decided. It haa been sqttled that it will includo tho moro proml nont members of both branches of con gross nnd thnt vigorous moans will b,o .advocated to restore to some Boinblnnco of order tho chaotic con ditions now existing. Tho plan most in favor with such republican leaders as aro now ln Washington, Is a rearrangement ot tho Tnft policies, placing them In order of' oxocutlvo preforonco or in such so quonco ns it is thought would most bonofit tho majority party. Jeff Davis Likes Taft. Washington. Sonator Jefferson Davis of Arkansas paid his first visit to tho Whlto Houso. Tho senator said ho had never mot President Taft be fore. "I llko him," ho added; "ho is a nno man." Americans Are All Safe. WttShlnEton. In answer to Inrmlrlna tho State donartmont linn dispatch from Ambnssador Bacon In j'nna stating that all Americans In that city woro Bnfo. WICKHAM STAY8 IN ARMY. Commutes Captain's Sentence to Re- auction of Fifty Files In Rank. Washington. President Tnft im saved Cnptaln Frank D. WIckhnm, iwomii united stntcs infantry, from uismiBsni iroin tno army. Captain Wlckham rocently was convicted by court-martial In tho Phiii drunkonnoss on duty nnd sentenced to dismissal. On tho rccommondntlon ot secretary Dickinson, tho president has commutod tho sontoncn t n II roflllntlnn ot fifty filos In rank. Troops to Greytown. Bluollolds, Nicaragua. General Es trada has loamed that 700 nf th drlz troopa aro outronchlng north ol uroyiown nun as a consoquonco ho together with General Mntutv. in nr ranging to head an expedition to that uistrict. it IB expected that tho two generals with COO mon will loavo uoro xuoBUay morning in tho stoam era Sonator and Blanc. tc trada will dlroct tho troops on tho bonator, wnlch was recently chartorod uy tno provisional government, conflict is soon 'oxpoctcd. Prlco of Bibles Advance. Chicago. Tho prlco of Bible will go up March 1, according to an announce ment made by a largo Blblo publishing houso which has branches In Clncln nntl, Kansas City and San Francisco. Tho causo for advanco Is tho enforce mont of the now tariff on Imported lenthor and pnpor. "Blbloa aro now about 20 por cont higher than thoy havo oven boon boforo," Bald a mow bor of tho firm. "Tho materials for the boat Bibles havo gono up bo high lu prlco on nccount ot tho tariff that wo cannot afford former prices." S SLOW NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. A largo number of mon living In tho Poncn neighborhood, north of Florence, formed a hunting party and mado a raid on coyotes In thnt neigh borhood. Only two wero securod, but the boys had a lot of fun. R. W. Daggett of Salem, whoso wlfo left him a fow months ago and eloped with a telegraph operator, tak ing with her ono of her two sons, has roturned to Saloni with tho boy. Tho boy was found In Colorado. Word was received in Republican City of tho death of William Koll of that place. Ho was In a hospital at Salt Lako City, Utah. Mr. Koll was an onglnecr on tho Oregon Short I lne. About four weeks ago ho was in n wreck, whoro he was badly Bcalded and Injured otherwiso. Secretary C. G. Marshall of tho Ne braska Stato Horticultural socioty has received two immense silver cups which wero taken by his society na prizes at tho national fruit show at Council Bluffs, la. Ono cup la for tho best display of any stato horti cultural socioty at tho national show. Tho other cup is for the best eight varieties of apples intended to fur nlsh tho homo with fruit the year round. In 1909 the Midwest Llfo mado a not gain of 338 policies for $559,000 of insurance. Tho greatest gain was in 20 Pnyment Llfo Policies. Tho In crcaso hero amounted to 136 policies aggregating $222,500 of insurance. Tho next greatest Incrcaso was in Ordi nary Llfo Policies. Tho gain in this form was 101 policies, carrying $184, C00 of insurance. Tho remaining gatn was distributed over a number of dlf-f ferent forms. Fow companies operat ing In this stato mado as good a net gain in insurance in force in Ne braska as did Tho Midwest Life. Write tho company at Lincoln for an agency or a samplo policy. A full company of tho national guard haa been mustered in afBlalr by Adjutant General Hartigan. Fred RoblnBon, tho harbor, charged with murder in tho first degreo, waa arraigned in district court at Boat rice. Ho pleaded not guilty and was bound over without ball. Tho poultry show at Hastings was moro largely attended than any other Bhow in tho history of tho associa tion. Herman Draoger, a farmer living on tho Ernest Fisher farm, ten mllos northeast of Pierce, waa injured sori ously by being trampled by a team of heavy horse's. Ho had four ribs broken and is otherwiso injured, por haps fataUy. Ex-Sonator Mlchener of Polk county died recently at tho ago of 70. Ho was ono of tho best known men In tho county. Scarlet fover has brokon out nt Gib- bon and a number ot cases aro under quarantine FrlondB of Senator Burkett in many localities are holding meetings In his favor as his own successor in tho sen nto for another bIx years. Many Nobraska farmers, having ob tained a competence by tilling tho soil, nro moving to towns to spend tho evening of their days. In tho district court ot Dodgo coun ty Charles Nordvolch pleaded guilty to forging a check for $10.50 and was given fifteen months in tho ponlton tlary. Tho largest stock sale over held In Buffalo county took place last week nt tho farm of E. H. Andrews. Tho total sales amounted to little less than $20,000. Fifty head of hogs av oraged $74.50 each. Tho price for a singlo hog was $210. Thoro has been considerable dlsputo ns to who was tho first whlto child born In Washington county. Grand ma Francis, widow ot tho. lato Sam uel A. Francis, who Is still a resident ot Arlington, claims that her daugh ter, Mattlo Francis, has the honor of bolng born October 2, 1855, at Fon- tanollo. Tho snmo night a daughtor was also born to Mr.nnd Mrs. Wil liam Davis, also of Fontanollo, nnd both wero presented with town lota by tho townslto company of tho thon prosperous city of Fontanollo. W. O. Eldrlge, representing the De partment of Agriculture, stopped In Grand Island botween trains and took somo data from tho secrotary of tho Commercial club, with tho vlow of re porting nn estlmnto on tho cost ot building somo pormnnont road. As soon as sufficient data aro at hand tho purpose of the club 1b, through n committee already appointed, to tnko tho matter up with tho county board. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kelly, plonoora ot Cnmbrldge, celebrated their fifty fifth woddlng nnnlvorsary. This waa ono ot tho most unique events of tho season, at which nil their sons and daughters and grandchildren wero prosent. Preparations are bolng mndo for tho ontortnlnmont of tho Stato ChOBS and Chockor association, which will hold Its nrinual meeting In Hastings Feb ruary 8. From Portland, Oro., comes tho In formation that Mrs. Ebblo Northcutt has brought suit for a divorce from hor husband. Thoy woro former rosl deuta ot Nebraska City. Tho First National bank building at Columbus is to bo romodclcd at a cost ot $10,000. A now court houso for Cuator coun ty will tako tho placo of tho burned Btructuro, Lo Roy Erlsman, who resldos flvo mlloa northwest of Auburn, lost his resldenco nnd nearly all tho contents by flro. Tho stato railway commission will rocommond to tho noxt legislature tho enactment of a law by which it will bo nocessary for railroads to publish In advnnco contemplated changes on their tlmo tables. EXTRA SESSION OFF GOVERNOR VyiLL NOT CALL LEG ISLATORS TOGETHER. MATTER DEFINITALY DECIDED Thinks Situation Does Not Warrant Such Action. Other Matters at the State Capital. Gov. Shallcnbcrgcr has decided not to call an oxtra session of tho Nobras ka legislature. He does nol think the situation at present such as contemp lated by tho constitution as warrant for so doing. Ho says the bank guar anty' bill has beon enjoined by tho federal court, which denies to tho state tho right to determino tho terms under which persons may engage in tho banking business, and tho author ity of tho stato to levy n tax to pro tect tho depositor ns an cxerclso of the pollco power. Until -an opinion Is rendered upon theso points by tho supremo court of tho United States any action by tho legislature to carry out tho peoplo's will for providing safer bank laws must wait upon tho action of tho su preme federal authority. Tho Okla homa banking law is now boforo tho Buprcmo court o tho United States nnd a decision as to its constitution ality will probably bo rendered In a short time A finding upon tho vital points in that case may also settlo tho matter as to tho validity ot tho Nebraska statute, or so clarify tho situation as to'cnablo the legislature to framo a satisfactory guaranty law, founded upon tho opinion of tho high est 'court Should such n situation oc cur and tho conditions permit of the framing of a law in confqrmlty with tho court's decision nnd satisfactory to tho peoplo of Nebraska, tho gover nor would not hesitate to call an ex tra session to pass such a statuto and such other laws as deemed for tho host interests of tho pcoplo of tho stato. Tho governor said ho found a strong sentiment in tno east for n postal sav ings bank law, and that tho prospects woro that this congress would enact such a measure. A postal savings bank law will inevitably drain tho money of tho western states to tho great financial centers of tho east. He was convinced thnt a guaranty ot deposits law that would keep tho money of Nobraska In our own state, provldo equal security to that afford ed by a postal bank law and keop Ne braska money nvailablo for Nebraska business men was a consummation very much to bo desired. Tho indorsement of tho lncomo tax amendmout by Nebraska- and other legislation of importance is not ot such vital interest at this time that It cannot wait for action either by tho noxt regular session or nt an oxtra sosslon to bo convened should future developments, as Indicated above war rant tho assembling of tho leglslaturo In extra session. To Increase Rates. The Douglas County Telophono company operating at Valley, Water loo and Elkhorn, has filed a modified petition, asking tho Stato Railway commission to increase ratgs. Tho prpposed Increasos aro as follows: In dependent party lino, from $1.50 to $1.75 for business, nnd from $1 to $1.25 for residence; farm lino, $1 to $1.25, providing that if tho charges aro not paid six months in advanco an additional charge of 25 cents shall be mado. Hearing on this application has beon Bot for February 15. ley. Wants Free Delivery. Citizens of North I'latto havo In formally requested tho Stato Railway commission to Issuo an order to tho Pacific Express company to install a free delivery for express packages In that city. Burlington Admits Liability. Six thousand threo hundred dollars is the Judgment which tho Burlington road confessed in the Lnncnster dis trict court In tho case of Mrs. Elslo Stafford, administratrix, against tho railway. Mrs. Stafford brought suit against tho Burlington for the death ot her husband, a switchman. Railroad Hearing at Hastings. Tho hearing of the complaint against tho Burlington for not giving adequate train service between Red Cloud and Hastings will bo held at Hastings February 9. Ono of tho commissioners will go to Hastings to tako tlio testimony. New N. N. G. Company. Adjutant General Hartigan went to Blair to inustor in n company of tho National Guard recently organized there Tho company numbers sixty mon and it was recruited by Postmas ter Cook. Mooted Criminal Point. A. legal quostlon shortly to bo tried out In Adams county is ot consldcr nblo Intorcst to Attornoy General Thompson, who recommended tho liti gation. It 1b whether a boy paroled from tho industrial school at Kearney and arrested for a crlmo may bo sent to tho penitentiary under tho now chango or must ho bo roturned to tho industrial school to comploto tho son tenco there Attornoy Gonoral Thomp son is ot tho opinion tho industrial school should bo ablo to tako tho boy back on tho original sentonco. NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS. State News and Notes in Condensed Form. N. Thompson of Odoll purchased the W. H. Patmoro farm of twenty acres east ot Beatrice, consideration $4,100. J. B. Dlnsmorc, for many years en gaged in tho banking business nt Sutton, has gone to Cuba for a stay of one moiHh. Rov. Joseph ReES, rector of tho Cath olic church at Stelnauor, has suffered a nervous collapse and has gono to n sanitarium at Milwaukeo, Wis., for treatment. Flvo children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowen ot Beaver City wero poisoned by ptomalno from a can of sardines. They all recovered, hut woro critically 111 for several hours. Indications havo It that tho peoplo bf Crab Orchard will not bo long' in darkness. Tho old electric lighting company Is dismantling its plant there A new company will bo formed nnd new equipment purchased. While operating a power meat chop per at a meat rnnrkot, Jacob Komsnlc ot St. Paul, an experienced operator, of the machlno had threo largo fingers of his right hand cut off and tho small finger badly bruised. The village of Lowlston has been in corporated. The following woro ap pointed as village trustees by tho county commissioners. Frank L. Brat ton, August Llebrock, William Dillon, Clydo Richardson and Luko Lytic. Henry F. Cady, pioneer Nobraskan, ox-stato senator, and one of tho best known lumber dealers in tho state, died at his homo, 205 South Thirty sixth street in Omaha, at 8 oclock on Monday morning. Mr. Cady has been ill for about six weoks, but his death camo unexpectedly. x David City was visited recently by a couple of solicitors who claimed to rep resent nn insurance company. As in other localities they did not succeed-in securing the desired numbor of appli cations to form a club and left tho town with tho fees already collected. Tho First National bank ot Colum bus has submitted plans for tho remod eling of its building nt a cost of ap proximately $10,000. When tho work Is completed tho building will rank well with nny in tho clty.v Tho wbrk wlll'bo carried on wtlhout dlscomod ing the bank. John F. Oberg, a farmer residing twelve miles east of Fremont and two miles northwest of Valley, committed sulcldo at 4:30 Sunday afternoon, by drinking carbolic acid in tho presence of lils family. It Is said ho was intox icated at tho tlmo. Tho man died bo foro a physician could reach him. Preparations aro bolng mado to holA tho Burt county farmers' institute at Oakland January 30 ahd February 1. Andrew Young, tho secretary of tho county organization, Is arranging to havo the good roads quostlon made ono of tho leading topics of tho meet ing. Levi Hartman ot Vesta precinct, Johnson county, who has farmed tho samo placo for over thirty yours, has obtained n competency nnd will rotlre. Ho is undecided whether to move his fnmlly to Tecumseh, Beatrice or Lin coln. Ho has 'icon looking Lincoln ovor tho past week, but did not buy a residence property thoro. LeRoy Erlsman, who resides flvo miles northwest ot Auburn, lost his residence and nearly all tho contents by flro Sunday. It, is not positively known how tho fire caught, but probab ly from somo clothing that was being dried near tho stove The Iosb la esti mated at $2,500, with insurance of about one-bait that amount. Two young men, Marcus R. Humph rey and Gllmoro C. Nye, both residents of Pawneo City, started on Saturday morning to walk to San Francisco, Cal., via Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles, then up tho const "to San Francisco. Thoy started without a cent nnd no baggage They woro white hats, tan walking shoes and serge coats. The stockholders jf the Odoll Farm ers' Elovator company hold their an nual meeting Saturday afternoon, electing officers and disposing of other business. During tho past year tho company purchased 107,237 bushels ot grain for which It paid out $125,240. A dividend of six per cont was de clared, T. W. Stanoscok was elected prosldont, F. Bures, vice president; A. D, Burkett, secrotary and J., E. Lorn kor, treasurer ot tho company. Tho Bovoro winter and much snow has not had much effect on Polk county real estate At an auction of stock nnd farm imploments hold by A, P. Linder one milo from Stroms burg, ho offorod his 160 aero farm for sale, which was bought by Louis Beck man, living .west of town, for $113 per acre Thero was another half section sold near Polk, without any Improve ments for $32,000. Land Is bolng llstdd at from $125 to $150 per acre Somo of this Bamo land could havo beon bought ten years ago for from $35 to $50 per aero. T. R. Crimes, n resident of Amherst committed sulcldo Frldny morning by hanging himself. Ho had securod a short string of wlro and fastening ono end ot It to tho top of a fenco post ho tied tho othor about his nock. At first ho had tried to usq a pair of suspen ders, but theso broko when ho throw his weight on them. Tho body was afterwards found by somo of his neigh bors. Crimes was forty-flvo years old and Is said to havo brooded over tho galo ot a farm. Frlcnda bollovo ho was temporarily Insnuo at tho time Ho la also 6nld to havo been drinking heavily tho lost fow days. A brother Is in the asylum for the insane.