The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1910, Image 4

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    Are You
Taking advantage of that
China sale at Clinton's this
month? Do you realize
what it means?
One-Fourth Off
on Haviland and Hand
Painted China and off
all other China. You are
missing something Jf you
let thir go by.
mnv iriMkWUW
i Over Vlrst National. Phono 148 y.
D. B. White of Horshoy was a town
visitor yesterday,
Art Yates waa down from Suther
land on business yesterday.
The Hustlers will givo a danco at the
Masonic hall next Tuosday evening.
Tho r00 Club will meet next Tuesday
cvoning at tho W. M. Cunningham
Mrs. Carl Lintz arrived homo Wed
nesday nvenintr from a two months
visit in Denver.
Tad Thompson loft this morning for
a visit with friends in Kearney and
Louis Haazo wont to Chapnell last
night to solicit members for tho Wood
man of tho World fraternal order.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
at Hershev will servo dinner in tho
hall at that place Wednesday, Feb 2d.
Rev. Johnson, of tho Christian church,
will hold serviges at Bignell and in
Plant nrecinct several evenings next
Mrs. Joe Quinn returned yesterday
from Evanston and is making arrange
ments to ship her household goods to
that city.
Mra. Sanford Hartman will entertain
tho members of tho W. C. T. U. next
Tuesday afternoon. AH members aro
urged to bo present.
A proposition to vote bonds to build
a now ono hundred thousand dollar
court house in Lexington will bo voted
on by tho electors of Dawson county
March 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck left yes
terday for Grand Island on business
and from there will journoy to Hart
well to spend a' wcekbr moro with
"Wanted A First class cook at once
nt the Enterprise Bakery.
"Fred Marti this week purchased a
carload of corn-fed cattlo of Scott Rey
nolds, which ho is now killing nnd sell
ing from tho block. They aro a prime
lot steors and those who desire fcood
beof should call at tho Marti markot.
Giles Bennett, for many yoare a res
ident of Vroman precinct and who
moved to Dalles, Oregon, about a year
ago, died at tho latter placo last Sat
urday. He is survived by a wife and a
daughter, tho latter being Mrs. Aggie
Acrombie. of Brady.
Save money by buying your wall pa-
ijer now. Owing to tho severe winter
weather wo have been having, wo havo
left on hand about 6W0 rolls of wall
paper that wo bought for tho fall and
winter trade. This is not old Bhelf
worn goods but new nnd up-to-date
wall paper, but we must disposo of it
in tho next SO days regardless of cost.
in order to make room for tho spring
stock. If ycu have rooms tknt need pa
nerintr this spring, como in now nnd
make your selection.
D07 Dowey St.
Mrs. F. P. Dickerson, of Hcrshcy, is
visiting friends In town today.
Mr. Markee, of tho Payne Invest
ment Co., Is transacting business in
Mrs. P. J. Gilman will entertain tho
Birthday Club Friday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. Alfred Gilman.
Tho Union Pacific has placed an
order at tho Omaha shops for twenty
additional all-steel mail cars.
Alex Drebert, who had been looking
after his business Interests hero for
several days, loft yestorday for his
homo in McCook.
Wanted Carpenters to do Inside fin
ishing. Apply at Dixon's Jewelry
There is a report curront that work
orders havo been given for tho now
round house at this terminal, but no
confirmation can bo obtained.
Sixteen cars of Nevada cattlo wore
fed at tho local stock yards Tuesday.
Sixty-eight cars of western cnttlo
passed east Tuesday and Wednesday.
P. A. Norton will move ono of his
houses on Second strcot to the insido
of tho lot, and build a new house in
the spring which he will oceupy as a
Wanted Position as housekeeper by
middle aged lady for wages. Address
620 No. Elm Btrcot, North Platte, Neb.
Mrs. Chas. Carlisle of Landor is
visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Murrin
enrouto homo from tho hospital in
Albert Dunn and J. W. Welch, of
Buchanan precinct, wero among the
county farmers who transacted busi
ness in town yesterday and mnde this
office a call.
Ladies' cloaks, silk dresses, kimon
as, furs and hair goods at and below
cost. Mrs. G. S. Huffman.
A message received in town this
forenoon announced tho death of Mrs.
E. E. Ericsson in Denver at six o'clock
this morning. Tho remains will bo
brought to this city for burial.
Fxprcss Agont Hcnsolt has been offi
cially notified that the American Express
Co. will succeed tho Pacific Express
Co. on tho Union Pacific April 1st. Ho,
has been requested to send in surplus
supplies before that date.
It is probable that tho Pacific ex
press company will establish free do
livery in North Platte without waiting
lor any order trom tno railway
Mrs. Willis Walker loft Wednesday
for Wayne, Neb.
Miss Alblna Hahlcr is contemplating
a trip to Omaha about Feb. 1st.
E. T. Tramp arrived homo Thursday
from a brief business trip to- Omaha.
Sam Dclntour, of Garden county,
transacted business In town yestorday.
Ray Murray, of Lincoln, was the
guest of his parents a day or two this
Miss Anna Erickson was called to
Denver Wednesday by the lllnes of her
Chas. Stroup, of Chicago, visited his
relatives hero Wednesday enrouto to
Miss Josio O'Hafe returned early in
tho week from an extended visit with
friends in the east.
E. W. Murphy, a.formcr resident of
our city, nrrived Wednesday from
Merengo, In., to buy cattle.
Phil Dcata returned Tuesday night
from Lovoland, Colo., where ho trans
acted business a week or more.
Mrs. W. M. Baskins, who has been
spending the winter in town, loft yes
torday for the ranch in Logan county.
Mrs. II. S. Ridgloy and children, of
Basin. Wyo.. aro tho guests of hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick.
Mrs. Wrenne and Miss Mabol Fore
man, of Grand Island arrived on No. 11
Wednesday and aro guests of Dr. 1 Mc-
Julius Pizer leaves in a few days for
tho east to purchaso spring goods.
Enrotlte he will stop at Colfax Springs,
Iowa, for a few days.
Mrs. Frank Hoy and daughter, of
Garfield, wero in town several days
this week, coming down to attend tho
VonGoetz-Hoy wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. F H Mitchell of For
man. S. D.. left yesterday after n
Last Week of the
pleasant two weeks visit with Mr. and &,
Mrs. Wnltor Hoagland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kistler, of Sei
bert, Col., who had been visiting Max
McG;ow and family for a week while
enrouto homo from a trip to Pennsyl
vania, left last night. Mrs. Kistler and
Mrs. McGrow aro sisters.
All persons knowing them
selves indebted to the firm
of Weincand & McDonald
r ! a i 1 1 r n . I
mission. i reprvsenmuvu oi uio i ll l 1.1.1
company will bo hero in a few days to Will please call and settle tqn
invnartrrnrn tho morfflr. I
.... ....... , r r i . . mi a
or oerore reoruary 1 sr.,
821 W. f11t.fU -tit ;il
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Mrs. u. u. weingana,
Inventory Sale at The Leader
Hundreds of buyers have patronized this sale liberally
and found all goods sold at the prices advertised a re
duction of tventy per cent oil regular prices on all goods.
The sale will close next Saturday evening, so if you
need anything, froth The Leader's immense stock of relia
ble merchandise at the twenty per cent discount offer,
you must get busy this week. s
AH Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Suits and
Furs and Men's Overcoats will be closed out less than
manufacturer's prices. We need the room and these
goods must go and go quickly.
Thousands of dollars worth of Spring goods are now
on display at our store and a discount of twenty per cent
on the dollar is also given on these goods. This discount
applies to cash purchases only.
The Leader, J. Pizer, Prop.
4th street.
Cliauncey Whyman, a former resi- fused.
dent of North Platte, is critically ill
with Bright's discaso. Dr. Ames went
to Brulo last night to see him, and if
conditions wnrrant he will bo brought
to this city for treatment.
or further
j. b. Mcdonald.
Tho Club Novita mot with Mrs Will
Lewis Wednesday afternoon. Tho
following ofllcora woro elected for tho
coming year: Mrs. Bert Naperstek,
l'res: Mrs. im xates vice I'rcs: anu
Mrs. Andy Yost, Sect'y nnd Treasurer.
A (lellglittui luncn was servcu at tne
closo oi tno aiternoon. ltio (Jiub will
meet on Feb. 9th with Mrs, Hansen
on East Fourth street.
Tho much talked of Now York suc
cess, "Tho liouso or a Thousand han
dles'', will bo tho offering at Tho Koith
for a return engagement Thursday
evening, February 3d. The readers of
modern nonuiar lictlon aro well ac
quainted with tho story by Meredith
Nicholson, which lor tne past tour
years has been numbered among tho
alv linaf oftllnro" Tf la i n(H i hnf In
dramatic form "Tho House of Thous
and Candles ' has obtained n stronger
hold upon tho public than It did as a
For Sale.
Five JackB, from two to Bovun
old. and from 144 to 10 hands
Will prico thorn low, quality considered,
Inquire of or uddress, It. L. Douglas,
207 E. 11th St, North Platte, Neb.
Find Men at Fault.
An investigation of tho wreck which
occurred at Odessa Tuesday was hold at
Grand Island Wednesday, and from the
Grand Island Independent wo clip tho
Superintendents Cnhill, Likert, Scher-
merhom nnd Supervisor of Signals,
Grant and J. F. Itourko, councilmon
and president of tho Grand Island canlv
ing factory, wore tho members ofthe
board of innulry in this case, convened
for tho purposo of fixing tho responai'
bility. Their finding is as follows:
Conductor William Burke and Engi
neer A. Lidell, in charge of work ex
tra 1612, violated rule 99 by occupying
the main track on the time of train No.
G4 without protection. Engineer F.
Bowcn in charge of engine 18GG, train
54, violated rulo 301 of the tho General
Block Signal rules. This provides that
In ease of foggy weather, as was tho
enso on tho morning of tho accident,
tho train should bo under control. Con
ductor II. C. Gillesnio of train No. 5-1
did not uso ordinary ,caro or judgment
in not cautioning his engineer relativo
to tho speed tho train was making in
foggy wenthor.
Christian Church.
Sunday, January 30: 10 a. in. Biblo
school; 12 u. m. communion and ser
mon, "Transformed"; 0:45 Y. P. S. C.
E., 7fl0 evening service theme "Ule's
Battle", nn uddress to young people.
All uro cordially invited.
Lee's Stock Tonic
Scene, from, The House of a Thousnd Candles, "
v Keith Theatre, February 3rd.
Keeps your stock healthy nnd
they will increase in weight
with Jess feed,
25-lb Pail $1.G0
Lee's Hog Remedy
13 the best worm expcllant
the best hog medicine on the
market today.
25-lb Pail $2.00
Lee's Poultry Remedies
Wo have n complete stock
Special -Agents
Fir st National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $130,000.
E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President,
N. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President,
F. L. MOONEYt Cashier.
The Story
of the
Cherry Tree
Is generally associated with
Waihington's Birthday. Lit
tle George chopped down
the Cherry Tree. You know
the tett of the tory; We
have another cherry story that
will interest you nnd we want
lo tell it to you. It ia about
Cherry Juice Cough Syrup
It a tait and lady lyrup that doetn't upiet your itomach nor derange your
digestion at moit cough remedie du but it doc cute coughs and colds quickly.
A single dosd will relieve the tightest and most stubborn cough, (our dose
vrQl slop your coughing and a 25c. bottle will break up the worst cold you ever had.
Sold in three popular sizes, 25c, EOc, $1,00.
Sold by McDonell & Graves.
Weather forecast, Fair tonight nnd
Saturday, moderate temperature. Max
imum temperature yesterday 40; one
year ago 67. Minimum temperature
this morning 22; ono year ago 20.
1 i
Notice for Bids.
To all whom it may concern: Bids
will bo received by iho county clerk of,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, for the
grading of 50,000 cubic yards of earth
roads, more or less, work to be done
with elevator grader.
For hauling dirt one mile or less.
Bidder to deposit a certified check of
of $500.00 with their bid, that they
will enter Into contract, if awarded
the contract.
Printed blanks (for bidders) .furnish-
T tha sMin4tr MaL
Bids will be received by the county
clerk until 12 m. on tho 4th day of
March, 1910.
The board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Dated North Plntte, Nebr., Jan 27th,
l'JIO. F. R. Elliott.
County Clerk.
The Board of County Commissioners
mnlrAn 4l .It. ! 1 f i A
ninrwco me luuuwing estimate oi ex
penses for Lincoln County, Nebraska,
for tho year 1910.
General Fund $40,000.00
General Road Fund .20.000.00
General Bridge Fund . 12.000.00
Soldiers Relief Fund 1.000.00
District Bonds.
North Platto Bridge Bond &
Interest 1,360.00
Eureka Bridge Bond & Interest
Hershey Bridge Bond Interest. ...600.00
Bostwick Bridge Bond Interest,. .250.00
School District Bonds.
Dlst No 2, bond and interest. . .150.00
DistNo 1, North Platte, old bond
and interest 3,000.00
Dist No 1, North Platte, new bond
and interest, 2,000.00
DistNo 118, bond and interest, 190.00
Dist No 122, bond and interest.. 15.00
Di3t No 105, bond and interest. 165.00
Dist No 7, bond and interest,.. 520.00
Dist No 36, interest, , . .80.00
Dist No 55, Bond and intoreBt., 125.00
D st No 8G, bond and interest,,. 30.00
D st No 92, bond and interest.. 115.00
Dist No 98, bond and interest,.. 15.00
btate of Nebraska, Lincoln County,
I, F. R. Elliott, county clerk of Lin
?n 0llnJy Nebraska, do hereby cer
tify that tho above and foregoing is a
truo and correct copy of tho estimate of
expenses made by tho County Commis
sioners for Lincoln County, Nebraska,
for tha year 1910, '
itfPri1 WKN'ebr., j th
1910. F, R. ElliMt, County Clerk.