Semi -Weekly Tribune 2sfc2feS3Sfessisfc iL.i.M,airjto. S Maxwell Merchants Adopt Cash Plan. S I80B80RIPTI0N RATKSt One Year, cub In advance. :'?' Months, cash In advance 06 cw Knterod at North Platte, Nebraska, Poatofflce ai second Class matter. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1910. The Hhoe makors of the country have Rcrved notice that all classes of bIiocb will bo advanced ten per cent between now and next Christmas. As the shoo trust is practically supremo you . might as well nrenarc to take your mcdicino without making a wry face. C. 0. Whedon, of Lincoln, has announced himself as a candidate for United States senator in opposition to Senator Durkctt. So far as has been noticed Mr. Whedon's announcement has not caused any furore in political circles, and parenthetically it may be added that outside of his coterie of friends in the capital city, not much will bo doing for Charley. THE fact that Congressman Milch cock and "Little Giant" Thompsoi have announced themselves as demo- fi cratic candidates for United States JJf senator, it is evident mat uoionei ury an has eliminated himself from the contest. 'Tia well; the successor of Senator Burkett will bo Senator Burkett or some other equally good republican We the undersigned business men and merchants of Maxwell, Lincoln county, Nebraska, covenant and agree with each other to adopt the following rule in our various lines of business, viz: On and After, February 15th, 1910, We Will Sell for Casb, Note or Produce Only . . . We request that all persons who are indebted to us shall make arrangements to settle all old ac counts on or before said date. Wo are willing to do this in a satisfactory manner. Wo are making this change for several excellent reasons and only after carefully considering nil sides of the question. We believe it will be a distinct gain for our customers even more than for ourselves. In a cash business nil losses on bad accounts from whatever cause are avoided, book keeping and collection accounts are done away with, there is no possibility of disputes olid Wrangles over accounts, the merchant always has reudy money to buy goods nt the lowest spot cash prices and profit by all discounts for cash. To moke up for these losses and various expenses we have been forced to charge enough for our goods to cover them by the profits. Every store doing n credit business must do this or quit. The people of this community want low prices, they want us to meet outside competition, to which they must pay cash. We can do this on a cash basis, in fact, can guarantee you, at least a good saving on your purchases. This change of policy does not mean a sacrifice of quality or going back on the standard set ourselves. In every single item we shall give you better goods for ir. uiu ou.uu jium, ui uiu suiiiu lunuu iui itoo wuciv liitiu nua uui uuuil mi uuvtiUUt; 111 JtHUU. 11113 at change, too, implies no question of, or reflection on any one's ability to pay what ho honestly owes TS or his willingness. It simply gives us the means to servo our customers better. The generous patronage you have given us we appreciate. We want you to continue it und wo shall make it richly worth your while by, the much closer price and cash business will enable us to quote. We will sell for cash, note or produce only. No credit account will be run with anyone after Feb- the thousands who have been curedby the United Doctora at their various Institutes throughout the United States. These sneciallsts have hun dreds nnd thousands of testimonials from cured rmtients on filo at their offices. Any ono interested in any particular disease's can secure names of rmtients who were cured of that disease by writintr to the United Doctors at eithor Dmaha Institute. These testimonials' aro from respon sible nconlc of Nebraska and were triven voluntarily out of the gratitude of tneir hearts, so vou can believe im- nlicitlv what thev tell vou. it is tins wonaonui system 01 an hbmc treatment that the United Doctors are North Platto on Monday Jan 24 and Tuesday Jan 25th. If you are skeptical, write to the United Doctors for the names nnd ad dresses of patients whom they have cured and voir will bo furnished with as many as you may desire to investigate. Kemcmuer the united Doctors will bo hero but Two davs and whilo here will receive patients at tho Pacific Hotol. If vou are sick and sufferinc and want to be mado well and happy, call on the doctors when ho .comes to North Platto on tho above dates. Not all love Uncle Joe Cannon for the manner in which he handles the congressional reins, but we all must admit that he is not n "quitter" nor a coward. If the insurgents over suc ceed in killing him off politically they will know that they havo been in a fight. He rcfusos to tako the advice of his enemies and get out of politics; and announces that he will bo a ennui date for congress as long as people of his district will elect him. 1 ! ruary 10, 1910. W. H. Merrick & Co., J. W. Barbee, J. W. Fetter, Otto Schwanz, Signed, S. W. Clark & Son, A. B. Davidson, I. C. Clark', Chas. Gregg, M. Kuhns, Ed Marr &. Co., F. E. Knapp, W. II. Howoitcr. 13 22ft Wm, Gregg, C. S. Everley, A. D. Jergensen, On the grounds that as a woman Bhe is not eligible, Mr. Quibble, the county treasurer of Cherry county, refuses to turn over .that office to Miss Gortrudo Gordon, who was elected last fall. Tho case has been taKcn to the supreme court, where the rights of woman in this direction will be fully outlined. To say tho least Mr. Quibble is not gallant nor is ho acquiescing gracefully to the peoplo who elected Miss Gorden and therefore wanted her to All the office. President Vexed at Critics. The Washington correspondent of the Omaha Bee says: It is no lonircr a sccrot that Presi dent Taf t and his advisors havo bocomo somowhat vexed at tho prevailing character of criticism that is sweeping the country, in and out of the' republi can party, criticism that is aimed at the Miss Stella Finney left on No. 11 yesterday for Julcsburg. Honrv Kcatimr. of Omuhn. visited with O. II. Thoeieko yesterday. The Lutheran aid will moot at tho parish houso Wednesday afternoon. J. D. Wallaco is down from Oshkosh for a few days visiting local friends. . Fred McConnel. of Paxton, was umong tho visitors in town yestordny. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Miller of Lamer. Nub., aro spending a few days in town. Chas. Hill, a prominent merchant of Gnndy, is transacting business in town this weeK. E. B. Laughlin, one of Sutherland's most prosperous farmers was a city visitor yesterday. . Mrs. W. II.Turplo is contemplating n trio to Texas in the near futuro wlioro 'she will bo tho guest of her aunt Mrs. liattio wauswortn. Inwell Qualloy. who has been homo from Grand Island durinc vacatisn. re turned yesterday to compieto his course in book-keeping. Allan H. Noiman. assistant secre tary of the Y. M. C. A., has resigned unci will leave for his homo in Stan bury, Mo. early in February. Ladies', misses' and children's coats (nil 1,444 4J , 4414lvin414 WI44V in MIIMUll Ul UIU 1 l I I a a. rtrx A 1 11 . .n ,slniL n,n ., . i.i i ' and Jackots at 30 per cent loss than i iT .. '.Itlin romilnr nrii'n nr. Tlin lliih'fl Hlrr ing to establish between himself and the leaders of tho party in the two houses of congress and which must bo established if, thoro Is to bo any forward step during tho session that is now under way. his friends see it, loses sight of all the fundamentals in tho existing state of nuaira. tho regular Salo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilierton returned to their home in Sterling on No. 11 yesterday after visiting two weeks witn mr. wiiicrton's orotner nore. For Sale. Five JackB.-f rom two to sovenv years old, and from 11 i to 10 hands nigh. mi in . , , . , joiu, anuirom 114 to ju nanus nign, Tho posit on taken by tho presldont will prlco them low, quality considered ,1,Lla nrliflnnM la It- v.n.. I.n 4 .. , .1 I w .4 , , ' 4 . nnrrhia n,1i,!nk4ai la it v.n.. Kn 4 .. , .1 accurately sot forth in tho following re view of tho situation: It isn'.t n question of whether Presi dent Taf t likes Senator. Aldrich and Spoaker Cannon, and their associates in congrcsB. or whether they liko him or approve his politics. Ho might en tertain for all of thorn a profound dis like personally artd officially nnd yet, if tho present session of congress is to do anything to give tho country tho legis lation it 1b demanding, ho must work with these men ,nnd thoy must work with him, Failure to do this would bring tho present Bession of congress to an inglorious enu on tno eve 01 a political campaign, tho party pledges unfulfilled, the president more or less discredited with tno people and pave tho way to election of democrats to the houso In. November. The democrats could ask for nothing ncttertnan mat tno president listen to tho advico of many of his well mean ing but misguided friends all over the country, and bring on a broach between himself and. tho congress leaders. Such a course would result in legislative stagnation during tho remainder of tho Sixty-first congress, continue the same throughout tno sixty-second congress under tho beneficent management of a democratic house and bring tho Tuft administration to n close, March 1, mil), witn a recoru 01 notmng uone. Lecal and Perxosal Mrs. E. B. Chldick, of York, is visit ing town lricnas tor a row days. r ni - Connor amino was a. passenger on No. la bound for Sutherland yestorday. Misa Ellen McCullough, of Maxwell, was me guest ot iocai menus satur tlay. Elmer Hcreldcr of tho Rebhausen Barber Shop left for Paxton on No. 13 yesterday. Ladies' Tailored suits nt ono-thtrcl less tho regular prico nt Tho Hub's Hig .Sale. Miss Lucy Brown came up from Brady Friday and visited her parents over ounuay, Misses Loretta Murphy and Idnbell Waldman, who are teaching In tho Ilersliey schools, madu their weekly visit to tins city oaturaay, Miitt Mane Leonard, of Council Bluffs who has been the guest of her brother James for the past two weeks. will' wive Thursday morning for qhho. MjHuUoy Spurrier who has, been tho guJKif hr grandmother Mrs, Henry i cHtp-iM oiner relatives since unrist' mas mji-yesieruBy ror ner home on th Bixtwjod, Inquire of or address, R. L. Douglas, UU7 lii. llth at., worui Platte, Neb. Bignell News. Fred Bartlott and wife of Kearney nro visiting Mrs. linrtlett s parents. , , . . Petor Burko nnd sons are buline hay for Mr. McGuiro Ed Trembly was down in Gnslin this week lookintr up a farm to leaso .Jnko Rosen- burg and sons put up ico last weeK. Snyder & Houser nro also putting up ico In ordor to Biipply their customers with cool drinks during tho summers. Ed Carflcld has placed his corn shelter in Bert Houser's shop for rona rs. . . . Jack Picknor. better known as "Texas Jack," passed through Bignell Inst week enrouto to Missourir. NATURE TELLS YOU As Many a North Platte Reader Knows Too Well. When tho kidneys nro sick, Nature tells you ull about it. The urine is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action: Any urinary trouble tells of Kldnov ills. Doan's Kidnoy Pills euro all kidnev ins. II. C. Brooks, retired carpenter, North Platto, Nub., says: "Early last fall I had occasion to use Doan's Kid nev Pills while sulturinc from severe. piercing pains nnd stiffness through tho small ot my iuick and iciunoyn and l ru cciveu great benoiit. Tho Kidney secre tions wero too lrcquent and painful in passage nnu uiiiinir tno incut l was obliged to got up muoy times on thm account, i always lelt tired and miserable nnd I was fnlling rapidly when I got Doan's Kidnoy Pills at A. F. Strcltz a drug store. Thev helped mo from tho first nnd in u few days I was becoming my old solf again. I used two boxes of Donn'a Kidnoy ruis nnu inoy ,curo me so completely that I havo alnco felt well nnd Btronir. I am glad to recommend tlio remedy thnt restored my health," Fpr salo by ull denlera. Prico CO cents. Foster-Millnirn Co.. liufl'a b New York, solo agents for tho United Stntes. Remember tho name Donn's-und take no othor. Willi J Rcilflold, M 1) ,1 It MolCtraliau. M ) Drs. Redfield & McKIralian Pksiciass and Surgeons. All Call" Paomptiy Answered, Phones 612-CM4 Ofllca at P, and S, Hospital. THE First National Bank, of North Platte. Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEBEROER, Vicc-Prcsidenl, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. WHO ARE THE UNITEDJI0GT0RS7 Some Information about these Great Specialists who will be in North Platte on Jan uary 24th and 25th. Sinco the announcement has been mndo in these columns that tho Cliiof Consulting Physiclnh of tho United Doctors, who have ono of their per manent institutes located at 232 Ne ville Block, corner of ICth nnd Harney streets, Omaha, Neb., would pay a short visit to tho Pacific hotel, North Platte, on Monday. January 24th. and Tuesday, January 25th, thTj question has bepn many times asked; who nro tho United Doctors und what do they no j xne answer is this: Tho United Doctors as tho name im plies, is an association ot expert med ical specialists who havo united to or ganize u now School of Medicine; a new and more scientific and positive system of curing human ailments. For centuries tho world' has boon full of (lill'orent cults nnd isms of medicine. Wo had tho old root and herb doctor with his bitter potions, tho 'Alldpath with calomel and uuinino in heroic doses; tho Eclectic without his calomel and tho Christian Scientist. Wo wore doctored by heat, by Electricity, by bntlis nt tno Hot Springs and iby a multitude of men and methods. Homo of tho patients woro cured, some died who siiouui havo hcen cured, it was impossible for tho ordinary person to say which' method of treating diseases was the best, and the physicians of tho vnrious schools wero ho biased that they could seo good only in ' their own mothod; nil others wero necessarily bad. Evidently thoro is good in all of them for they cured somo cases, also there is bad in all for thoy all failed at times nnd allowed misery to remain or death to como where a euro should have been affected. A tremendous stride forward was made when the association of United Doctors was formed. Tho founders of this association consisted of eminent specialists from tho various schools of practice. Eclectics, Homeopaths, AI; lupnthu, Regular ami Irregulars, met and agreed to drop their, prejudice and form a how system of treatment which would embrace nil tho good points of tho old system and leave out the biuL Tho results' of the- efforts of these world-famous specialists of tho various schools was tho wonderful system of treatment now being used by the Unit- eu uoctors. ah mis was not accom plished in a day or a wool:, but has taken yours of patient work by these specialists In their great institutes jn tho east; Homeopaths. Eclectics. Alio paths, all working side by side, each throwing away Ills old ideas when 10 was convinced there wns something potter, until at lust out of the old chaos and confusion camo tho now and SOLID COMFORT in our five cent cigar for thoso who wish to enjoy a smoke thnt will givo pleasure and gratification at low cost. Our fine brands of cigars are tho acme of fine flavor and quality. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM V . Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon. Office: McDonald Bank Hulldinjr. Phono 183. A. J. Ames, M. f. Mario Amos. I.D DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Ofilco: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. S&S, iu D 11. L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 and 8, McDonald State Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALMGAN, Attornoys-nt-T,aw. Ofilco over Schat Ciothintr " Store. Phono 8 T. C PATTERSON, a t.torney-at-Law, 4 Office: Cor. Front & Dewiv NEW PRINCELY YEAR'S GIFT, of which your horso will bo iustly proud, and yourself well pleasep, is a now set of harness from Fink's. Tho reputation of our harness for general excellence steadily increases as the years roll on, and the coming of 1910 will show marked improvements in Btyle, finish and workmanship over year past. A. F, FINK'S 1'ROHATE NOTICE. In tho matter of tho cstnto of Mnrv England, Uocoaswl. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. Docnmbcr 18tli, 1U0U. Notico if) liorouy ifiven. mat tuo creditors or said deceased will meet tho Executor I ot said estate, before tho Countr Judtro of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho 17th day of January, 1010, and on tholutli day of July, iviu, at u o Clock a. m. eacn day, ror tho put poso of presenting tholrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed ror creditors to present tuoir claims and ono year for tho Executor to settle said estate, from tho 6th day of Novem ber, 10U. This notlco to bo published In tho Norm l'latto semi-weekly Tribuno ror edit succosslvo Issues prior to January 17th, 1V10. W. O. ELDER, olfl-8 County Judge. DR. ELMS, o. perfect system as it is now used by the umieu uociors. mi. 1 11 , .... .me coat to tneso specialists was great, not only In tho Inbor of forming uiu new system 01 treatment, but also f 1.1 IT L 1 1 ii ' . in inu euort it cost tnem to ignore their prejudices in favor of the various schools in which thoy were originally educated. But their record has been great in health and happiness restored to hundreds and thousands who wero going to their graves in misery, pro nounced incurable by tho old methods, this wonderful new system of modi cine has cured thousands of cases of chronic diseases of tho liver, kidneys, nuivco, Bum, nuart, lungs,. Dowels uioimicn, inciuuing, rneumutism. par alysis, neuralgia, appendicitis, gall stones, piles, goitro, rupture, diseases ol women and diseases of men, which nau occn pronounced incurable by oth una. J.H1111U, or l'apiiuon. JNeu., says iour years ago sue had a nervous breakdown, including rheumatism stomach and bowel trouble. She go so uuu mumoera 01 ner inmiiy had to sit up with fier night after night, each tuna expecting ner to die before morn ing. Blio grew worso under trcntmont from her homo doctor nnd finally a surueon from another citv told hor ff sho would be oporated on sho would bo nolo to do her houso work tho next day. Sho was operated on and tho re sult of thnt operation confined hor to hor bed for eight months. When sho lett ner bed her neighbor took hor to tho United Doctors ofilco at Omaha. In six weoks from that time sho savs: "I feel better than I havo in the past three years. I eat well. lo mv own work, sleep well and have not a particle of pain. I feel liko a now woman." Louis Schultz. a prosperous farmer llvinir on R. R. No. 2 Plnttsmntith Nebr,, says; for twelve years ho had been treating with his home doctors, thoso in Council mum, In., and tho best ones in St. Paul, Minn. Ho even went clear to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and took tho Hot baths at Lincoln, all of which gnvo him no relief. "I went to tho United Doctors. Thoy told mo moro about myself ami disease in ten minutes than all tho others put to gether in all tho years before. Now my stomach gives me no trouble. I eat everything uud digest it per fectly: my kidneys aro bettor and my rheumatism is improving so rapidly in this short timo that I am sure my re covery will bo" cpmplote." N. C, Carlson, of Wnusa, Neb., snys": "I am now as well as 1 ever was in my life. When 1 commenced treatment with you I was barely able to walk, sucli was the pain I had. Now after taking your treatment for Jive months 1 enjoy perfect health." Mrs. Alice Griswold of 1019 Fred erick St.. Omaiia; Nob., say3 she had appendicitis in very sovero form. She did not beliovo sho could be cured without a surgical oporation but took tho United Doctors troatment with little hope. After the first two or three doBes sho began to feel bettor and in less than a month was entirely cured and hna hud no return of. tho trouble since. 'llieso people wcro cured in their own homes without a surgical opora tion and thoy aro only a few out of General Practice of Medicine, Surgery Together with his Speciality, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., In . . ... on ground noor, no stairs to climb. Phone 559. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF flour, feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store at tho corner of Sixth nnd Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of the patronage of tho public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. W. A. Howard, expert' PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER fiorlal No. 0033. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Department ot tho Interior. S. Land Ofilco at North l'latto. Nub. Dcccth, 1W Notice la hornhv trlvon that. William II. Turnlo of North l'latto. Nob., who on July 0th. mado Homestead Entry No. 20311, $crlal No. WS3. for north half southwest quarter, north halt northeant quarter and northwest quarter, section township 12 north, ranco 81 west of the sixth principal meridian, ha&iiied notlco of Intention to mako final flvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Ileiristcr and Receiver at North l'latto. No- braska. on tho 28th day of January. 1810, Claimant-names as witnesses; Carl Ilroedor, Hugh Pongcr. John Scharmann and Curtis lllnman, all ot North l'latto. Neb. d " K. Kvanb. KeirlHMtr. Serial Nos. 01783-020U.1. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, II. 8. Land OIllco at North l'latto. Nob. .Ian. 10th. 1010. Notlco Is hcrobr cl ven that Sarah Ostcrlinut. of North l'latto, Nebraska, who, on Juno 1st, lvui, mado homestead on try No. 1WA,. Serial No. OlHftJ, for vast half southwest quar ter and south half southeast nuartnr. nnd nn .1 uno at h. 11X11, mado II E. No. 20 1W, Sorlal iso. uvwj. ror north liair. west half southwest quarter, and north half southeast quarter, section 14, -Township 1A, north, KatiL'o 2U west of tho Sixth Principal Meridian has filed notlco of intention to mako final flvo year S roof to establish claim to tho land abovo escribed, boforo tho Iteelstor und liccolvcr at North l'latto. Neb., on tho loth day ot March 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: fioorjo Moron, of Myrtlo, Nob., Willis Combs. William l'lttman and Garfield Uuthorlcss, all of North l'latto. Nob. jii-o J. K. KVANB. iteglstcr. CONTEST NOTICE. Sorlal No. 01223 II. G. 21210 Jt Dopartmentof tho Interior' United States Land Ollli-o North l'latto. Nubrask.i, DecemlKT-ll, mow. A NUlllclcut contest aflUlavlt having been filed In this otllco by Jacob L. Harden, contestant, ntralnst homestead Entry, No. S121U mado May 20. W05. for SK'i, Sec 12. Township 12. N. HaiiKoSI W. of tho tlth l'.'Merldlan. by Las Nellson Con test tco. In which It Is aliened that said Las Nellson has uovor established his residence on said tract; that ho has abandoned said tract for moro than six months last past and has failed to cultlvato or lmprovo said tract Said parties aro horoby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock n. in. nn I'lininrv II. lUlo. boforo tho ltotflster and Receiver at tl.e iiuiteo tnai Nebraska. Thusald contostantliavlnir, Inaproperallt davit filed sot forth facts which show that after duo dlllcvncd personal sorvlco of this notlco cannot bo madp, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by duo and proper publication. W. II. 0. WooniiunsT, 1 170 Uecolvor. All work guaranteed. Best of references. Country orders united mates i-ami oiiico in North l'latt!., receive prompt attention. Residence 602 west Fifth St., North Platte, rhone 627. Please leave orders at New ton's Book Store, phone 261. Notice for Publication. - Sorlal No. 0lfi"3. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OIllco at North Platte. Neb. ...... , December, 18th. 1009. Notlco Is herobv clven t hnt. W li-im. knl, of North l'latto. Neb., who on February llth. 11)03. mado llomt'Ktnnd T'liti-v Nn kiwi Serial No. 01H03, for west half southwest quarter, southwest quarter northwest quar ter aim lot i. section 1. township 11, north, range 31. west ot thn flth nrlnclnnl mu.lHInn has filed notlco of intention to make finai fivo year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, Itcforo tho resistor aitd receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on thoixth day of I'eburary, ll'lfi. 0,1 Claimant nntnnM 19 wlinnuu.uit 1, Powers and Q rant Tibbies, both of North Platte, Neb., and Join. Pulls and P. H 1 ,ir- mood both of Bornorsot, Nib. You Needn't Mind the Storm even if you have calla to make or shopping that must bo dono. Call up this livery stable and order a carriage to help you fulll.ll your duty. Then you can call or shop as long as you want to in both comfort and style. You OltDRH OP IIKAHINH ON PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OK ADMINISTRATOR. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court December S7tli, l0. In tho mattor of thn pstm nf T.ii.r. ,1 11... tor. decoasod. On reading and filing the' petit ion of Joseph J. Hupfer and Charles ft. llup- iD4. 410111141 wv uiu nuministraiion or said ostato may bo granted to Henry 0. Hupfer as administrator. Ordered. That January 18th 1010, ot 2 0 clock p. in ., Is assigned for hearing said pe tition, when all persons l!itnti.tpi m e.di " ,,w T "", v V D,VJ,C' ,iuu manor may appoarat a county court to To como back untired and with dry shoes hold in and for said county, and show causS win uKiria. charge for i . v m 1 inn tur.ii I'lniiii Nnmi.wnn .in n. 1VI. L.linHT. I ICIiai UUWSDSDCr nUIHISIlpH 111 nl.l mnl,. V;; :. "'J B"uco " 44 Di wuuiuy, aim snow cause Well worth our moderate ,wJi,,ll?pW,,orof,potlt,Pu should not u tho carriatro isn't ItV cranted. This order to bo published for six iiiacainngo isn t itr buccewlvo Issues prior to January IRth. 1U10 m -w-- 11. J, K.I,UE1I. UOliniV J1K147P1