ONE-HALF PRICE SALE FROM JANUARY 19th to JANUARY 30th, $25.00 $10.00 Ladies' Suits Ladies' Cloaks $12.50 $5.00 $35.00 $5.00 Ladies' Suits Ladies' Cloaks $17.50. $2.50 i i . ! $30.00 $2.50 : Ladies' Cloaks Children's Cloaks I $15.00 1.25 $20.00 3.50 j Ladies' Cloaks Children's Cloaks $10.00 1.75 We will sell all of our CLOAKS AND SUITS -AT- ONE-HALF the regular price. We will also sell all of our LADIES' SKIRTS -AT- One-third off Regular Price We do this to reduce our stock to the lowest possible limit. $.8.00 $8.00 Ladies' Cloaks Skirts i $4.00 $5.34 $12.00 $9.00 ! Ladies' Cloaks Skirts j $6.00 $6.00 j I $5.00 $10.00 Ladies' Skirts - Skirts $3.34 $6.66 $6.00 $13.50 Skirts Skirts $4.00 $9.20 Wilcox Department Store, NORTH PLATTE, NEB, DRS. BROCK & CROOK, l DENTISTS. Over First National. Phone 148 Platto White is expected home from Chicago this evening. J. H. Robinson has been among the sick for several days past. Dr. Drost has been in Ogalalla on professional business since Sunday. Father Feeney, of Sidney, was the guest of Rev. S. F. Carroll yesterday. Mrs. W. C. Elder is ill and will not be at Newton's tomorrow to collect Maccabeo dues. J. E. Markee, of the Payne Invest ment Co., left yesterday on a briof business trip to Lisco. Miss Julia Edmonds, of Omaha, is spending this week in town as the guest or her mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brown and baby of Kearney came up last evening on No. 19 to visit Mrs. Brown's brother, Rev. Porter, Messrs. Walter Clark, Gus Sundcr man and John Robinson of Oshkosh, stopped over yesterday in town on their way home form the Btock show in Den- A party of yodng folks tendered George Weir a surprise party Saturday evening and passed several hours pleas antly with music and games, followed by a nice lunch. Perry Carson left last evening for Kansas City where he will join a party of friends on a trip to Florida whore they will look over the Florida Fruit Lands in which he is interested. BOO men's and boys' suits and over coats at one-fifth less than regular price. Every garment up to date. Come quick before sizes are broken The Huh Ci-otiiinu Dept. Mrs. Alice Peters, enrouto from Portland to the oast, attempted to jump through tho winduwof ustumlurd sleeper on No 8 Saturday while the train was hear Paxton. She broke the glass m the window and was attempting to crawl out, but was caught by the porter. She was laboring under the hallucination that some one on the train sought to kill her. n.m'nrf thn rnnil tnnr nf ''Tho Timo. the Place and tho Girl" it is estimated that fully two million people- have wit- no.rl ffin nnrfnrmntifft nnri It in nnfft to sav that at least three fourths of that, number were perfectly satisfied nnirwill attend the play again when w -. .11 nnnnMim fir If- la nnn t Y,a arirnor mrnrinc n fTrrremi uniiH en tour and will bo Been nere inuay eve ning, January zisi. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Office over tho McDonald Stato Bank. Dr. Marie Ames went to Brule today to care for her patients at' that place. G. J. Hunt, attorney of Morrill Co.. is transacting business in the city. Mrs. Lee Cowan went to Gothcnbunr this morning for a few days visit with friends. Everett Roberson will leave tomor row on No. 12 for a two weeks visit in Omaha and Chicago. Wm. Hite is enjoying a visit from his brother Hubert of Rapid City, S. D., who came last evening. The J. T. Club will be entertained Thursday evening by Mrs. Henry Wal- temath anu Airs. K. A. uarliscn at tne home of tho former. Mrs. Ralnh Smith is entertaininc at a kensington this afternoon in favor of her sister, Miss Julia Edmonds, of Om aha, and will also be hostess at a simi lar function tomorrow afternoon. The H.n. H. Frazeo Company, pre senting "tho Time, the Place and the Girl" to bo seen here Friday evening numbers over sixty people, Tho pro duction scenically will take, up every men oi available spaco on tne stage. Rob Finney re-entered the servico of tho Union Pacific yesterday as a freight conductor. J. II. Burgner. day clerk at tho Pa cific hotel, is nursing a very painful sore hand. Charley Brown, baggage and express agent at Green River, is visiting his pnrents, having arrived Sunday. Charley Frcderici has been in Kan-, sas for ten days, having been called there by the death of his mother. Joe Frcderici, late clerk at tiio Wil cox store, has re-entered the service of tho company as a freight brakeman. J. H. Roberson last week purchased the Votaw residence on West Fourth street and has moved his household goods therein. No. 2001, ono of tho largo four cyl inder engines, was in tho local yards yesterday and pulled out a west bound train that afternoon . The wrecker was called to Gothen burg yesterdny afternoon. The trouble there being caused by an engine runn ing off tho ice tracks. Otto Thoclecko's latest investment is tho pnrchase of tho La Forch ranch in Colorado, composed of 2172 acres and is about fourteen miles oast of Deer-trail. Parties Having Idle Money should coll on Bratt & Goodman They have some gilt edge 8 pQr cent mort gages on good income property, based on 40 per cent values. Will Form Burkett Club. All friends of Senator Burkett are requested to meet at tho court house Thursday evening for the purpose of forming a Burfcctt club. The object of this club will bo to assist in securing tho re-election of Senator Burkett, A Startling Accusation. Tho firm of Weingand & McDonald is daily accused of having, by their dis solution sale, undermined prices and ruined all chances for profit-making by other establishments in tho same lino. We'd much prefer not to touch on this phaso of tho present situation in tho city, but wo snail sweep delicacy aside to set ourselves right before tho public. It's impossible for us to servo our own interests and those of other houses at the sume time. As tho result of an agreement to dissolve partnership, we are face to face with an extraordinary problem, namely: We must cut our immense stock down one-half boforo February 1st to mako a settlement be tween partners. Wo must have tho money. Tho key of this remarkablo condition we decided to bo an unspar ing new sacrifice of our entire now stock of fall and winter suits and ovor coats from tho world's best clothes makers, and also kindred lines. This, we knew, would divert tho entire men and boys clothing business of this vi cinity to Weingand & McDonald's. It lias, and the sale is now at its height. Weingand & McDonald Mac Westfall is visitinr jn Maxwell, having loft for that, placo yesterday morning. .'. " Clean-up Sale on BASE BURNERS. r Wo have a few Base Burners that we will close out at the following Reduced Prices: 2 No. 18 Retort Oak Base Burners; regular price $32.00, cut to $25.00. 1 No. 218 Retort Oak Base Burner; regular price $40.00, cut to $30.00, 1 No. 316 Regal Jewel Base Burner; regular price $55.00, cut to $45.00. 1 No. 61 (3flue) Round Oak Base Burner; regu lar price $65.00, cut to $55.00. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Robert G. Pitkin and the Dancing Girls in "The Time, Place and Girl" at The Keith Friday Evening, January 2ht.